HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-10-13, Page 5.4
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Ladies and
Misses CQats
Special this week $28.75
A very soft fine all -wool Velours has been used
for the Ladies' and Misses Coats featured this week.
Some have loose back with double box or inverted
boxpleats. Others with fancy braid trimming.
Ladies' and Misses' sample
in tricotine and serge, beaded, braid trimmed or
embroidered in charming designs, suitable for fall.
Our Price $13.50 to $28.50
A new shipment of Waists, the new Peter Pan
style of Georgette crepe and crepe -de -chine. Also
various other styles on sale $4.50 and $4.95
T icolette waists, our price $2.95
Jdmper Dresses. This most popular style of
frock, made of all -wool Flannel and Serge, all colors.
Regular prices, $10.00 and $8.50,
Our Price . $6.95 and $5.95.
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
Hoodquarters alad Factory: 448 Queen St., West, Toronto
Candidates Getting Bury.
Mr. W. H Fraser. the (Mend 1•andt-I
dab • t -. t It 111t nets!
on Tits ltiy getting 'unlinintt.l with. w-'tt a large number of friends.
some of the townspeople He found`'darly was blr,ught east for Inters
the Liberals of G,sb•rl..h In egad tight- I and the funeral hakes place t
ling trim and r'i.. rt.MI that ,rutditions 1 froth detestetl's old home at Rater
were farorallc in ..th.-r parts of the; ford.
riling that he hal meetly vIAted. 1 __lithe Society. -
Mr. (:serge Spo.tton. th.• ('ouw•r-stive I
a1,rr1111ate, els,. 4'1(14 in terry the •awed The feature of the annual meeting
cloy I of the tleMIPrIPh branch of the finite
--- 1 ikerir4T, which wits In -Id in V•ieti.rla
years it hail Green translated into delft
new lenetuagt•s nett soot fu over
(i(1,()(M1,IAM1 people. .Ir. (Mem follow-
ed these remarks with a very interest-
ing talk on the "Berndt Netlou" and
its pr.ple. For years this eoutury-
was in subjertlou to titian; then
Japan ostensibly gave it its freedom.
This, however. meant simply • change
fof masters, for the Japanese, the
speaker deelarisl, are Ih•usshul in tlwir
methal(. fear. ago the Konunri, fu
order to deceive those approaching
from the wet took all the soil off th.•
hills load Int It 111 the valleys of the
interior. This gave the country a
bleak and barren aplsvuauce, but iu
reality the 'interior is very fertile.
Mr. Gibson showed 11( series of ph -tures
iilustrutiug the app•aranee and habits
of the psrpl•. For institute.' with
theta that- 1x uu object. he will, as
six 1111.11 Lake about five minutes to
lift a shovelful of earth. The wondpr-
ful work of the missionaries in Korea
Wall referred to a1111 hist llr•s weiv,
shown of their churv•hes. His address
wens conehitl.rl with a fervent appeal
for hedge fur Ilse Bible S.s•iety, with-
out whose help in suppdytug Bibles.
rt*l.Nlolla ries would he Helpless. 't'lle
of&rrs of the loc11 14siety were Tee
elr-Icri : President. Mr. A. M. Rob-
ertson; secretary. Mr. Jas. A. ('anlp-
Is•II; treasurer. 'fr. W. F. Naftel.
1 Additional locals on page 7.1
1 _
Zurich Ceases from Rebind and W hw
the first Orr.
11'inghaut, Oct. 10.-tkspite the threat-
ening w1•t needier, als.ut It(M) people
turned out todgy to see Zurich defeat
Wiugltaut 4-3 in the that id home-and-
hwne' guinea in the senior final of the
North Wellington Baw•bsll league.
The gatne developed into a pitcher's
battle between Morden and a'hlert, with
'Norden slightly dudin1 le- rival, strik-
ing out many of Zurich's braxy hitters,
itteladiug Clarence Hoffman, Henning,
Will Braun and "Rabe" Siebert. (thlert
had considerable speed on the ball, and,
improving from thellfth innings on, had
the winghalit nine popping Hies or whil-
ing the air, including the much -touted
Anderton, who had previously doubled
over the short right field fence. Lee
Hoffman, Zurich's captain, starred at
but, hating a perfect average in four
times up. Wingham held a,'leud of 3-1
until the eighth innings, alt it two very
costly errorr enabled Zurich t.. tie the
score. lu the ninth inning•, au.idst great
exeitement, Zurich forced sense the win-
ning run.
wasoend with the
\eryy little fault f
umpiring of two (teen t4,nud men.
The Pitcher's Fatal Trip. )representatives Weil ti,+lerich, Tees -
The pdtrher went to the %veil !MMI water, 1'atmeniton. Clinton and Zurich
Itimes, only to he broken on the helped to swell the attendance figures.
thousandth trip. You way 841 your I The return game --if it dope raining
gasoline tank while the motor is run- long enough to allow it-ik to be played
fling many, many times without an Iat Zurich next .vtuniay afternoon, and
explosion; you way start tins with I present indications ivoint to Zurich being
keroselw "a heap o' Mtut•s" and e.cu;r• i chalnl.ioml of North Wallington league
for 11.21. \'
►s•Ing liluw•u to l'lugdu•t c.nue; con � \'y• .
may toss mater cigarette 111111 cigar I Baan illi.
sluts into the waste -basket or through Well genu•, Ouderich it meet yah ill
rhe window on the awning or roof 19Y1.
wit limit musing a 111aae; you mays It wa a hard one toksr,
leave the eurmnt on the iron wtlrtelq-. But they all do it.
nit Now, wingham
passer) away on Thursday of last week.
The deceased's amideu name was Angie
Mayes•'. Gibson. She was mltrried to
iter now bereft partner al ut ' nix
years ago alai on frequent )tea§tuns
since she lead been a weh'nme Tfsitor
t�lierMrivh wl•`•n• she won for her.
W inghans,
you answer rhe telephone or door , tie it up 0n
witMnrt seen rcrrn hilrg the ironing aide in te,derich
and give us
a g
pile closets tt1 and ;can ester tell abet may happen i
oil baseball game.
,based. land knows how anility flutes;
Cott oder r e volar c .r.=1• n .
basement full of trash 111M1 nfl.bish l This game, ar reported by -The Signa
for a long. long time without direful awn reporter, who was at the ringskl
rendre; 3011 may 1w careless with 0113 :shows that No. 8 Fronp, composed of
rags and mops and get by for tuauy
worms without 4141 ap—hut as sore { -
aa fate you w111 pity the price wome-
n • ti .1 on 3our luck
e or ort 1 nine, was . time, 11epa•ui g1.11 y
ut —I The ('hruutclt•.t
Death of Mrs. Walter
The announ.ement of tile desith of of last week. was the address on
Mrs. Walter Saunders 4-1- rem -Iced Korea h3 Iter. J. J.+a.c Gitsrn. Muss
in (:.aserh•h with deep regret .bung :rater{ by lantern wildest. Mr. Gilson
with her husband 4Ir14 Saunders bad Is•gnn his address. by an explanation i
been spending the "loonier at Ed mon-'of tis' work of the (tilde S.s•iety.
tort. .Urn . where -h. i.s.k 111 n!Mrut a t pointing out tint tlrrotrglt its agency
month ago. and despite till that the the ltible is now printed In 7'r, differ-,
beet of marllcml .kill .rnlld do she I ent languages. In the last twenty
1 street churls on Wednesday evening
Hay - Fever
iblilithlt2 COLDS, A$TMMA.
spoil Bally • holiday.
Positively stops these troubles
amassing. tweezing. coughing,
woeplag eyes aren't necessary—
sinless you lits being that way.
01.00 at your druggist's, or writ•
Tame. Toronto. for a free trial.
Sold by H. C. Dunlop.
Zurich. Ooderich, Stratford and Crediton,
is the strongest group a the N. W.
favour. Zurich is to be congratulated
on the gots) fight they h ve made for
rupn'macy both in their own and ithr
groups which they have done butt
against. The Signal. though not siding
in with Zurich at all tines during the
season, heartily Mine in extending con-
"Cascarets" if
Sick, Bilious,
- Constipated
(:et a 10 -cent box
You're bilious! Your liver and bowels
;.sed a thorough cleansing with ('ascareta,
i then the headache, diainess, bad breath,
and stomach misery will end. No
griping—nicest physic on earth.
Ice creams may come and Ice creams
may go but lilackstone's goer o11 for-
ever. See, that your next order is
Blackstone" s. Phone 24(0.
Gas, Indigestion,
Stomach Misery
"1'ap•'s Liapepsin" has proven itself
the surest relief for Indigestion, Gases,
Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fer-
mentation or Stomach Distress caused
by acidity. A few tablets give almost
immediate stomach relief and shortly the
stomach is corrected so you can eat fa-
vorite foods without fear. Large case
costs only few cents at drug store. Mil -
Hous helped annually.
Velvet Hat
That has unusually grace-
ful lines is a good selection
for winter wear.
We are showing a number
of the newest shapes, in the
latest shades, several,of which
will prove becoming to you.
Come in and see our well
chosen stock of
New Millinery
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kingston street, Go.leri.h
cheers your home
An Amberolal—what a world of good the
of good music, it brings to every home! W
have Mr. Edison to thank for it—for its won-
derful music, its Diamond Point Reproducer—
its low price.
Edison's New Diamond Amberola is a revel%
tion. If you have listened to none but shrill
"talking machines" and metallic phonographs
there's a pleasant surprise awaiting you. You
really have no conception of how clear, pure
and mellow music can be until you hear the
The all-around goodness of the Amberola is
due to the inventive genius of Thomas A.
Edison. He has no peer—that is why the
Amberola has no equal.
Come today to our store and let us play your
favorite selections on the Amberola. You can
own rhe Amberola on practically your own
terms iiyou decide to buy. Or if you want to
give it a thorough trial in your own home
you can have
"Three Days of Good Music—FREE"
without cost, without obligation: Write or
phone, if you/can't call.
The Pleasant. Game of Golf
at M. ROBINS, October 19, '21
of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Shoes and
This is our first Dollar Day in Goderich. Therefore the Prices will be Cut. - We.knoitthat_Yov'w
that you bought at M. Robins' Dollar Day Sale.
Below is a Partial List' of Bargains
Ment Suits Blue Serge Suits of fine quality, pure indigo dye, worth $45.00, Dollar Day Sale, $29.5
Men's Suits, of Fine English Worsted and Tweeds, neat plain and stripe patterns, worth $30.00, Dollar Day
Sale, $18.50. /
Police Braces. Dollar Day Sale, 3 pair for $1.00.
Men's Fine Shirts. White and Colored Stripes, made with soft cuffs, Dollar Day Sale, $1.00.
Men's Overal y In Blue Stripes, sizes 32 to 44, Dollar Day 5 ale 95c.
Work Shirts. // Blue Chambray and Khaki or Black, Dollar Day Sale, 95c.
Boys' Overalls. Black and Blue Stripes, Dollar Day Sale, 89c.
Men's Caps. New shapes. all Silk Lined, Dollar Day Sale, $1.25.
Men'$/lastic Pibbcd Underwear.., Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, Dollar Day Sale, 95c per garment.
Penman's Sanitary Fleece Shirts and Drawers, all sizes. Dollar Day Sale, 89c per garment.
Special l'ien's Work Shoes. Dollar Day Sale. $3.95.
Axing to Limited Space We Cannot List Everything, But
be pleased
It Will Pay You,
Remember these Prices are Good for Dollar Day Only
Upper picture shows the Golf Club house at St. Andrew's by the Sea.
Lower picture—On the Golf Links at St.Andrew's by the Sea. There are
ictitlre ue scenes like this.
P sq
Golf is nod irriversally recognized nial source of interest and enthu-
as an ideal game for men who lead
sedentary lives. It encourages walk-
ing, the most health -giving of all eat when the game is played
exercises; it provides a fascinating joym
's b
recrslrtion, it empplCys muscles that at St. Andrewy the Sea, New
would otherwise be barely exercised, Brunswick. The golf links are beau -
and it is played a der conditions tifully situated overlooking the sea,
, and partly enveloped by woods of
III ism.
Gulf is enioyahle anywhere, but
there is an added charm to the en -
that conduce to the highest possible
enjoyment. The extraordinary hold
this old Scottish pastime has taken
on this continent is phennmenal, and
it ham happened within the present
t Only half a century age it
tall pine trees. But from any part
of the links the sea is always in
view. There are two courses, one
of 9 hales and one of 18 holes. Roth
sen ury. n y are fit for th- play of the greatest
was mostly confined to Scotiand, exponents of the game, and they are
n,• -e it had been played for ern- kept in the best possible condition.
The links are adjacent to the mag-
nificent Algonquin Hotel A suf-
ficient recommendation for links and
nctel is to say that hoth are owned
aux conducted by the Canadian Pa-
cific Railway The St. Andrew's
course was selected this year for
the Annual Tournament of the Can-
adian Senior Golf Association. and
turies. Then the unexpected hap-
pened. From being decried as an
amusement to elderly people, it
rapidly jumpef into a commanding
place as its qualities and possibili-
ties became better ■nd more widely
known and appreciated. Today links
are numbered by the thousand And
uta devotees Lind to golf a pectin -
including an international match be-
tween the united States Seniors and
the Canadian Seniors for the Duke
of Devonshire Trophy.
In addition to golf there are ex-
cellent facilities for lathing, fish-
ing, tennis and motoring at St. An-
drew's. There are many beastiful
sumtfier homes also there. Several
of the most noted people in Canada
spend vacations in this spot.
The summer population of St. An-
drew's is happily free from the bois-
terous element so common at sea-
side resorts near large and populous
cities. It is not, however, a purely
aristocratic gathering, thou so-
ciety is well represented. Shining
lights in all professions are there,
though it is not exclusively an In-
tellectual throng. it is a selection
of people who have found in St. An-
drew's the spot where the highest
degree of daily pleasure may be hail
with the least effort.