HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-10-13, Page 4I S�fr*;�P
THE R 1•
ALI" Don't put in the ash barrel such articles
* i�` , October 141. 192t
4 -Thursday. 184greasy paper, oilyrags orwillitcwhich
+ Ihas beets used I.) wipe machinery. �,uch
articles may cause fires. Burn then
things immediately after use.
Don't neglect to have the chimney flue
cleaned once a year.
U.In't have lace curtains in vicinity of
pv V gas jeto.
a e Lleu,i't leave holes in the flooring, wall,
or ceiling These enable fires to travel
throughout the building when once started
U 't use celluloid or Similar sub -tatic
fork es
near any flame. gas light or watch. 'Fhey
7- are dangerously inflammable and likely
to cause fatal fires.
Don't have Shoot gas bracket* ol place
them close to woodwork or near curtains.
"A i Every gas jet should be protected by &
f.1 a globe or wire cage. Swinging of
g. brackets are never safe.
Lion t pour gaveling oir raptha down
Q, the drain. Pour it on the ground if you
OCTOBER 9 so Colo must get rid of it. One pint of gasoline,
Zsrla�o . , 1� . _� - �t I
Ili. o' 119' l*4;kbOv� n' not e.111" plumve vapor. One gallon of gasoline
to naptha or benzine novites 201) feet of
I hazards.
Wsubstarelially the power equal tom
,rt SII lee prexhoutt Jim rocordl* in- IbG. of dyllarrute.
w1*11 fit know if a risk, is a dicialthig ex,iiVi"11181 moral or
'Do You Know Wr"'� xjukine, its rat hassirds. A UIAY Ise located in a ow- Don't get kitchen or heating b'()VeS
How Much mi or a least ol (close to woodwork. Put a metal shield
The atuount risk' d',oilareii pays fit the tican whitol hj� tunkly Ian" at the
where rololoish. aidwo. etc.. are Leave a little air topacall
T' hundred real r, behindthe shield. Bright tin is the beg
behind the stove.
About Your Insurance Rates. I losurinix sol"PAIlY. iI one set thrown lit sliti not disposed of rye Lo i
of ill,unsieve for file terve protector if not placed right up against
-T is kalowill apdtile rate.. tefulatioesilly. JIKI away other makoulso. the woodwork.
lie polls - Again :Itere i,� the important alluked- MONO Olon't use small gas stoves oil %%,00dea
I The quilstiou of frattso nI 311111
factors ulkill whl--b tion of tile dAeralace berm", tables. Place metal protects under
following is the first of a, eerie of five. articles ,»'..fit' Of the It's-'. P. loot only toolissait-All of the them. Be careful in using gas st,wes.
fur The Sig,181 I)Y 31es If. Ifill Oally olull'illy rearky olool-rate anti luubt . And WII Of Imter throwing - - - - - -
which have been written Val vi - ill, .1 t if 11 11 require like Luost del"iduou" retselive � valth, - ealknecially in lighting the oven. and. If the
The first three articles will 411 1 4.3,1 fully of highly trained U611111I 111.1, would Injure st--k- If meat or grease take fire, shut oil the Iss
ffeet itf-con- " "' It Ila quite olivitilkI whilloo- -, -' !-Iiing dra"' nal""' Thatill; 'Itk.' thAt ill-Mill'Unsee t'OMPSD'" like the agari or cillaretteli, after using it mike I land throw sait, not water, on the flames.
the question of rates:. as APPlied'to file building., the i,vikuk-al i'lI could they w,,,., ioure buildingI total I- high pretuI recelTed through e%- a to break tilbe match in two. Dona luok f,w a gas leak with a lighted
-if or.key raft . The last �1,,l late illolUrlostas' t-oral"filly I I . Al a general mit- It LXm't Ro into dark 6);ets. hedro
tents as all increase it, litizard. and the tim or general III for :le l.i.a.lefin as to tbe r ct-s4iv, t cellars using matches or candies MII match or candle. You might itodderly
the subject .4of protection service. -wrale lilooll a flail Uv-' differru.•14q,%44-u the rates A)II st.wkv, "n'that III" higher title rule$ your so a y find it- sorrow.
floor con4tr I "Ill I f Irt If insurdavo ti
10 y
twa artielfail deal with . t ;i;l risks. a coutaitalliff them. b, ... to kerosene or gasoline in light- I Ision't I.I�"doors of heaters or kitchen
Tion. tialist-rono pras-tits-, IvOtlld thus I alre'l tilt' '41�1'luw 'sa: 44, Ildray waill stoves op -n unless )-on provide a wire
Without illvt.4tiakto 911 14. Iblat"I at a Joremilaull. S,kal use vary on,, vount of the eavIt I' 'i`� '-)On" use k- -It may
Wily 1. All filialsortant , tlugul hiug It" fau4W4W ing fir. or to q uicken a slow fire screen tuXcti live coals which may
Item ill AlI butig,t ? 1,11 Iro,4.4\ II Ag*_tUPU1 W,Uld Joe offered for --FM-- buildilig Atoll its fire ex is r%in cle, t h -
of se.-irvh- 1*11111 lition. safro-t-rilax m �u fao,*ujlI t!, -we being 'reason for a inan w Hwang.* in viols. soline or b-furine to clean! drop out, be sure thilt the lVior and
f of vinitta. Helit-V the uetd� to I on renaeut. high itateallartlet of could 4, u: t use R.
I it IV 4t.-amlI a c- -
Whv Apostle b or 14) O.Ustrai't 0 woo1work are protected by metal plairs.
Ing'en,luiry athl tar e ,,, file laurt, of lan-It' surt- trout itself. eart-fullij-.4". iI Few twolkie greater -lifielI between the rate of soleart of lak,-israntlitel or datM near an open flame, light car fire Don't tamper with or extend elmmc
Din fill any lamp , r shove with xsso-
la,urstoI a stud .,Iil it. hall4ling whom the let- buililli Dzen
study �oair risk afail,takI important lie . rit I i
the ai�rml ?, fast ts-stuiretileut- all* realize- it'*' Without rou- wires; empl,)y an elenrician.
This tilid the foliowlita alI are fall conifirloils A Igdvoal in advanclug • ter is of .1i'-tantiall V0111o'd.n6villon. with I manul ohne or.coal oil ad,lie they are lighted Don't keep gasoline other than in a,r-
If with. 11. -,-tk)u thaill betw0en-loultat 0 %%itla title- Fin. I'lliolorwrillsors Keep the burners of all lamps and (Nont-JIU,olvely the ba-ing otulloll'A 'A FF-1�
UwaIi -to all-wer Alfalfa, I- It g.mml lvkaksllap�4 it) imy bigh strkwlqrd� of 1_�lsstrtisntiou. cle3ta- the best proat tight metal cans painted red.
qiksliolikli, and in dot" too lo ellcyjlt�-sio faiI p -r Illilk-As 1114"Ilt-el. and itt-tiom opserating the main, il,�Ud Qf, stock and another t.i/ tbeir rexulatit.n.- rivarding thoroughly clean. Fill them during the t Don't fall to warn children of the dan-
I-ring homy file "IN . eJI of greater dIs "I'll prenfluti, In t 1. ImUding ,f d:zu%v von- wition with no torruyt ii�,11 III many 1,1141. men day time.
11-01&VA&gM erhfilitation in 1014119 titistouirts of in." hundred dollars of Insurance witholl ifiche , ;,,.y if, modern lviolmliall; and liv-' , v• it All. .I. - It -11 take fill- JuAlit 111114) Don't Put ashes in wooden hoses of gerous barifire.
io;r _ titions. through thip appLicatillI art fSpia"
surallell' Itself III a of t'll '"V I tot n C.011.111I your, III' riug barrels. Keep ashes away from boards
yntrinj or kniviving %%'by that timount .: I
.6aqt!&1" 1.4 requirtiel. A groetit t"I of Prewillul their"Iyeatexin of rating. I Tbrrvf.-rr tell rSI difillit fee
Ordinary Insurer rates am I&tvd 8b,ng in"- that "eignize eit y et+ its the Ino iiiiii.or n1tern- Hot asters All, take tire by themselves. as
tilt' ordillitry rash of the.Fire Vilider. money is liold stiff allnuldly that might To thaI . to unoteroolarkol. sell IrIletrI janshird of onviroutuelliI I ', ..... 11.1 balwce* fit yoor slor*' -w frequently they have small bits of coal
write fatiI hard ;,.- to
red if the quales ,.r, 11 aI ussmu dollar, eaII i mixed in with them. The tire waste in Ontario, not irkckkd:rkg
'11-1.1larts paid out fal"l 0--loolty lose -in -iting of a Me CkY,
The anilli,0114 of r*NN-ivt%l tile Attention and facts *ntler into the r I it preiiiiiiiii- Don't accumulate rubbish in premises: forest hre& for the year
nifultally by tire ill-titrunce vouspestatest Sifecouldl-A -tituttlard of tv'11,4111](1i"ll
re, ,, it de-eiI risk that woffold never enter Into IIII v.-Tition Wowk and collars or workshops, and don't deposit 1918 was $18,510:108, caused by 10:'79
oats to reiriburse Itos-Arli through H Fire insurance 1,4 de-119ned 10 repair reekonluar of the 400411all oblierver. For -the buil4bla Thi- I- Fire Vine
4-ork-l"Are evitleuve of it. 'for fit-, ignit your rate will deakiliaArate im,n- von- i such materials in box" or barrels unless fires.
-'life of the your lii I -Y fire., Make sure that 11101taliv, : A. Sunk H. ent-It olierAte 0 Third. -Ali a4lillition 11,111, atirliling el.s. file ex- 'it is to be removed at once. while await. 19 17 was $10 365.539. caused by 1J,1051
.t#o"m III the husirI latest pril'att -Y Will do this. grlk-ery store. carry tileftfin-Ittly Ilbillity, '11�vrillilitv. "I -e io your prol 'airp such material in cov-
thati4l -1I the your peirtli-tilar plaits Ill. I ing removal, ke firm
o Intry. four further re naaqlra�
"f=1 I . - As me try faisdl&. ,�f sectuleflI14-Y. trot tot fit, 1918 was'415.673.240. caused by 11,740
It eared metal receptacles,
urrs, of worwy insist Ily the Policy- and also that it is not coosting you file 'Aw gto,.k lith 'hr � In- I Fourth -An addition to I'll flat*%' Of ert v nit sew if you van
I 1111"re than it fired to do a). lonfidinget. with the 4ams. favilitI 418antige left. In, . ki. ;a milly t . lefinit� 'tell it) 1I Fit Don't use candles on Chnstmas trees. fir"
1 hip what ne , I by 9.31A
hololpaI warrant greater care wing Your own ri-k way be A ishle Pach building. but t4ke ratios 411 'these to II the mte (of Likon't keep matches in anything but a 1;19 WAS 510.514.23Z
I flit, plavInfir of -ore lial-ur- y fill. fail r is 11-irev-4ttit," Citnalookabru toy ,Iudv�illsr , fi
exterelsor"I 11 Why Why ? The eso,tiesi ol),oerver says both tvarents, 'in-,itloutall �inx , closed metal receptacle. Ute Safety res.
our neighbor pay w 'IA a not your own II- And if lit"Alitle twits was $111.71, e
alice than i. generally found 1I it,. atiout Y the varietal in I,uUdinNe will, 1 1". 1 "� = by 9296
rule. Wily 110I out a "Jim of aloupy hi..4 carele*suess ? are itleartin-allY thes.431I why Dot 4 y. -or An- hazard matchies'
tess Ase re to? There urty he Several �tanslard ; -MUse there abottki 1.� your rate. or tv--ting . eel L*)n't have storage c' sun under stair- I Ines.
Ur- an Iii-.4ursaim agnin-t III utill-, inestast ive liflal re-nis, Ifttwoolou floor rate f the 1wrtuliI ViI olhl mean a r ways. Fires in thew places cut Off Your The average fire loss for the palest three
-Fg-(qoft4- -ii-effelorling on the all.
you Aanlvollei-t that in.4urtine-P lit the Perhaps flat. IIII vital paint.in fire: lot outside the lwull4lingx aitt*et-her. lovilding A its 'VouienfA In lie t-aysr-Firy lIrt-veirt-lon Casuloolli main Ptit. years exceeds fil.ouo," a m)nth a per
event of loss. The ma -I policy is 'kit intsuralkv L4 the rate vhargel tilsou .11* —
I The street water main% am posesIbly, of ibaUllitv of "pewee t-oustrut. hill than Don't store oils, paints, gwa%e or fats capita 1,mm of II for every man, wornotion
Odu filets- prootertiou unle.*-, IN 41,11,li- poll,ill. vital to the halturlific 4-t-ruptillY t the latiqe stjw. fat-flitlets for JI in loutillilt:. of otsiplard t,oa riultionl. Don'ts for Fire PreventiVIL n the house. Keep I Lam outside it P(W and chill in the Province. The avetalif
-tiltu- anit mintreinenlI hare been coint- as rise stand.ird IlIk-11 1111-1314-11 111 Safety I a At, afkawattive for rb 1) ild. I sible if you must have such things 071 annual fire "s in the principal European
pllerl with.extingui.-hufatIlft are greater fit one arm • FiflIis 33
I sial fintanAit -uI ileppla-I anol I t I lan in the other, the other ocruparits inaI albi •t,. -k for exer Don't allow children to I I iv. with
hand, put them in a metal b -if with lid cou,mies. under normal conditions
I of then titillating or the next -4111100r. art-" of Itir"'liatinctitan. p bled nitches
on it. kentle per capita.
It I,- well to remember that fire ritall to fit*- aw�uretl a- tollelll;si hill fit t 1, �tcbes
'Io* -t-,4 are not Isaild by the lusuring �.,-Iirlty fliul, in turn U4 litiI IxI fit .01 still, fill pe ),Don*t throw away If,;
bring nev-stry to reoNoitnize, flat, Merl.
- :w tk%%., r4k+ asel
q othu: diet k''llilaocy
ill if4 plan 6C
arrsEW.11,11I \ I fill
k..y- nlrI t,. car- The New Twentymyear -,Am"
"Ern."MORTI IIsi. cifta,..jo.l tuwo. inust differ
14von.1 — ii'luirsh-, for 1-14 fistiones
From Sasitilanho of construct un whk*b�e�mx�e��.l
Is the everywiterv. Ca pital Return Policy
MIN" Thilglf.-'hargafit for hazartl of oe-
s 'Insurance two for insurft emi�. F,
&Y TAO CWWdd fdf*)
M lou,sci-losillbutity to
'k�T4"A V tent" slittruct
'lama lal fills, water ased salsolLes.
4111rftiording to the voultruction
VlArwitieseas of tbwe V, Ablietat* anaraut*w tbaa recti gral Sit tbw a"
hromy yasan of &H assimad deposits, with acemomb-
1wellie blylld"IllL Closely the same Kan and Wo fighn
alsownist ith-oild -t he todided, A-ven Ger , I Isited profits, after XmIllig you mewance protaticbm
Ism ervi ce title -same stoi-k. t�, two different builail- elf. 111P�
ConliS i I for hVienty ymm-
� I _ I - lag!, silikere ore its an Piet-VioliftIlY
lu.-I buHtUnK Rod%he other an excep-
i. •intll;lte poor orae, them "Mould 1W a FAudy Understood
1*-tw,,m-n the bultd-
State the hazard or the Is lot. Deposits are an&& Year' -Y- This is wfsaff�
it.-, ;, ni .takoclo, neer in the one -I-w than
the other+ soft. and at the end oft rellifs the C&-& U's
Tim . you + fro •
the return of every "lot paid in-
bility which threatens you,
tiltt to arrive o- Any avvurste and Is like if*
fAlix--irt rate. h inimber of thing. 2nd. Your life is insured from the day you make and the policy which will Is- coot4antly k, -pt fit miti deposit.- for $5.000. or whatever amount you decide.
4ito-f it.) iseetbiI mtmt, if any olrgttt
st 3rd. Profits are paid at stated intervals in sadditlost
fully A i art, .13--Csf-m iA to Iw orlytoillssel. IW hap- '11111. tables boo first to busi� offi"
counteract it will be .rd. Nor class #in lit-limi%4' em -1 is examifod by dw disease. OW ameom to the return of all depowto at the end of 20 years.
II prOalwir which would take its as, 0"18 of $3AM. which their Your Yearly deposits. or
explained. 4th. These profits may be used to reduce the amount of
I".", for the 111I year allot utlliw to accumulate at interest
I,...0 311. the termlase allowed
kI would In- v4xiallfileil for flat- cur.
for 20 years.
=01'M1111 in year as II wolli4l he Ii toy f rOm a
3 flUT-11to mouth, fartil if fac"I toy A wr. 5th. The cash value of Policy and Profits revrew"Is
Our principle fit to provide the fiightce4trtoct fqr - J.pl ,,aea would either have to go 111tP 60ad al "estate to P"ll
Valuable asset, useful in business
TI-nitlittion or mise its rate-, out of all
upon your own individual needs. -ars.,i,rtion t., file risk. tett by the ineaullarics,
]it ooderich there are numerous I I 6th. At the end of Twiggy, Gsfm P" � a" ad.
'1 41 0 . b dw opow-
i-litirgeA for expeorourell all (Ild the 0
Insurance for every risk can be secured at this agency,71, owiI of tre,incrintile risks fit this &11 you have Paid In. a,"@
which will assist to get the lowest rate consistent with IN . own ep a detail of their rating. they
ppolelite-, - " POSUMA" al'ortatil.
find 0
sound protection to give you advicewhikh-experience has harit-4 va"I'llar from two ftaaa, W taw "on an impwftm Is in you can draw a
made real and sound. film, 11�t liq fifinsume then first an -,,rage --News of an 'essalso," Accumulated Prefits, making a oubsetantital sum. and Islavir lbg
4.106,ilm charge would be five cents. In $5.000 policy fully paid for and continuing to earn Dividets"
Wlint, (joes thIA wan if) the
J" this. that thaleir insia-fare as loas as
Fate holds few hazards in store for you which may not be lake'rilets, fifty cents per thickim 7n, I '�Wtl'
I lon more than they would Ja
met by one of the insurance policies supplied by this agency. Inr,4 Visterom 71.Ld in-additiost
-alled upon to poly otherwil.le on ac- .Path age 60 you should become
�rea"i fire tin suppoaaamae day before you
i roulit of tow Ital Zo all
r totally and pentrue—fly disabled through accident Of dinesil
if the arerflig" sparsount caroed
Ililimmou on the mercantile rinkA.,the Immediately. all Your future payments Would cease and soca,
orrifer k annually PRYIIIX 11171.0" more nwnth as long
oto Owe 1*1 to W.Wwmm e after you would receive a chalet" for $50 each
for big insurance than 11 otW;ine Would be paid ta full at your
: but it Is not no reanelly'a quer- as ys" lived sad thier $5.000
II if $5.00 per 11, - It 4W the' qllf�- "bas "Ed to leave end iovem in soft& death without say dedisclien oil account of the "Vonthly W
.Isle at to ilia =*"a% of a small
lI .f inema..apat tire haskattel. R� (811411 Conte p4kI;d YOU- (This valva6le feature 1# added I
k" pilir many affilionsot of dolUrs are paid not returned sions with the
g� Yourself fo Invest.gate I Vw", its payeirsent yearly. Which is
out I.v. ifusuralriom comysI for fire
14--_ Willett am r"MIY lier"c"IRIAP regular deposit),
the service that this agency can render. Anil tilearefore a XeRemi rPn]Orfti Of I - 14
60,� 1 t, � is til) t
.ere thew dangPrnus px4lainturpt; would Sinn Do Not p—
hillre Ilk effe" on Ifle key tate of G(KIP-
li.,�,,�i,�,-.,�,"A"-�l�_,*�,t�r.i,4"�z�# WWPIRIP",
Why not investigate to -day W, 9,12mip-MU'l MV 1I %hich wool produep a greater
%A'Ing in Ineaullknolo PrOlInlivarI ��«r�n, ;.04,
ilklikturially ask—What fl
th~ Canada Life 0
TiI It rest 4npl..t of ? The moot star -
and be safe from loss s- 119 al"I Wadval are drialf to nn-
It.1111." nifeas. Rubbish,
ciolleet in conam Im
16 an& big wit
"not ossa,_ohl Had nobsoolete wooden•teases .41eitt Goderiell, Diatriet
or line AT", Yet follow-
gg I'llij�inok am" for your rink. offerinX Untaflo
Ji " f 40,
to Whind betaliolle is
aMlitional fit* wfUI Gooerkh
arul llln(q%~Lhlp .psrPs In or r"r your
holl4tilg. fiefulity workmarleAtIft in olor-
trie wiring.aro ontily & few of the most
07 q
"nin pXpoll larps.
lop hullatillm man 50
Edo Ho HILL & CO wfll do well
Tl,,, ne.
liteL to �Xe rural"
aninto Mnhein
British Exchange Hotel SHMM=g- a eah n
y' ria
1 if* insuring
Ir IL g"i
so•ll*,;,tirps and if thally I:rp fralmlyn 117 1 �,Il 1 41f®r
mpqj with their tavark, as they ,lateen
in many nsela it will re -04111Y he I
hOW many "I to AWmd�pn� be 1. to
Millan Now at as ow hags
neired tbrollith pollifilall
I)rPniinma dun 1iP
�4 poommmm---Ei chmirea And Wimple suit effirle"t
Ali— uuS6,AA of opentaing. Make no a"*- -M=dWMMMO"g
0 0, � .t*"�l
JR, r "., , I 1 0 r �!
3 1 Al 4* to�, mev w" � v �
4 4.11
4 '1
; 4
0 a