HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-10-13, Page 4I S�fr*;�P THE R 1• ALI" Don't put in the ash barrel such articles * i�` , October 141. 192t 4 -Thursday. 184greasy paper, oilyrags orwillitcwhich + Ihas beets used I.) wipe machinery. �,uch articles may cause fires. Burn then things immediately after use. Don't neglect to have the chimney flue Z cleaned once a year. U.In't have lace curtains in vicinity of pv V gas jeto. a e Lleu,i't leave holes in the flooring, wall, or ceiling These enable fires to travel throughout the building when once started U 't use celluloid or Similar sub -tatic fork es near any flame. gas light or watch. 'Fhey 7- are dangerously inflammable and likely to cause fatal fires. Don't have Shoot gas bracket* ol place V them close to woodwork or near curtains. "A i Every gas jet should be protected by & f.1 a globe or wire cage. Swinging of g. brackets are never safe. Ichn f' Lion t pour gaveling oir raptha down Q, the drain. Pour it on the ground if you AS OCTOBER 9 so Colo must get rid of it. One pint of gasoline, Zsrla�o . , ­ 1� . _� - �t I Ili. o' 119' l*4;kbOv� n' not e.111" plumve vapor. One gallon of gasoline to naptha or benzine novites 201) feet of I hazards. Wsubstarelially the power equal tom ,rt SII lee prexhoutt Jim rocordl* in- IbG. of dyllarrute. w1*11 fit know if a risk, is a dicialthig ex,iiVi"11181 moral or 'Do You Know Wr"'� xjukine, its rat hassirds. A UIAY Ise located in a ow- Don't get kitchen or heating b'()VeS How Much mi or a least ol­ (close to woodwork. Put a metal shield The atuount risk' d',oilareii pays fit the tican whitol hj� tunkly Ian" at the where rololoish. aidwo. etc.. are Leave a little air topacall T' hundred real r, behindthe shield. Bright tin is the beg behind the stove. About Your Insurance Rates. I losurinix sol"PAIlY. iI one set thrown lit sliti not disposed of rye Lo i of ill,unsieve for file terve protector if not placed right up against -T is kalowill apdtile rate.. tefulatioesilly. JIKI away other makoulso. the woodwork. lie polls - Again :Itere i,� the important alluked- MONO Olon't use small gas stoves oil %%,00dea I The quilstiou of frattso nI 311111 factors ulkill whl--b tion of tile dAeralace berm", tables. Place metal protects under following is the first of a, eerie of five. articles ,»'..fit' Of the It's-'. P. loot only toolissait-All of the them. Be careful in using gas st,wes. fur The Sig,181 I)Y 31es If. Ifill Oally olull'illy rearky olool-rate anti luubt . And WII Of Imter throwing - - - - - - which have been written Val vi - ill, .1 t if 11 11 require like Luost del"iduou" retselive � valth, - ealknecially in lighting the oven. and. If the The first three articles will 411 1 4.3,1 fully of highly trained U611111I 111.1, would Injure st--k- If meat or grease take fire, shut oil the Iss ffeet itf-con- " "' It Ila quite olivitilkI whilloo- -, -' !-Iiing dra"' nal""' Thatill; 'Itk.' thAt ill-Mill'Unsee t'OMPSD'" like the agari or cillaretteli, after using it mike I land throw sait, not water, on the flames. the question of rates:. as APPlied'to file building., the i,vikuk-al i'lI could they w,,,., ioure buildingI total I- high pretuI recelTed through e%- a to break tilbe match in two. Dona luok f,w a gas leak with a lighted -if or.key raft . The last �1,,l late illolUrlostas' t-oral"filly I I . Al a general mit- It LXm't Ro into dark 6);ets. hedro tents as all increase it, litizard. and the tim or general III for :le l.i.a.lefin as to tbe r ct-s4iv, t cellars using matches or candies MII match or candle. You might itodderly the subject .4of protection service. -wrale lilooll a flail Uv-' differru.•14q,%44-u the rates A)II st.wkv, "n'that III" higher title rule$ your so a y find it- sorrow. floor con4tr I "Ill I f Irt If insurdavo ti 10 y twa artielfail deal with . t ;i;l risks. a coutaitalliff them. b, ... to kerosene or gasoline in light- I Ision't I.I�"doors of heaters or kitchen Tion. tialist-rono pras-tits-, IvOtlld thus I alre'l tilt' '41�1'luw 'sa: 44, Ildray waill stoves op -n unless )-on provide a wire Without illvt.4tiakto 911 14. Iblat"I at a Joremilaull. S,kal use vary on,, vount of the eavIt I' 'i`� '-)On" use k- -It may Wily 1. All filialsortant , tlugul hiug It" fau4W4W ing fir. or to q uicken a slow fire screen tuXcti live coals which may Item ill AlI butig,t ? 1,11 Iro,4.4\ II Ag*_tUPU1 W,Uld Joe offered for --FM-- buildilig Atoll its fire ex is r%in cle, t h - of se.-irvh- 1*11111 lition. safro-t-rilax m �u fao,*ujlI t!, -we being 'reason for a inan w Hwang.* in viols. soline or b-furine to clean! drop out, be sure thilt the lVior and f of vinitta. Helit-V the uetd� to I on renaeut. high itateallartlet of could 4, u: t use R. I it IV 4t.-amlI a c- - Whv Apostle b or 14) O.Ustrai't 0 woo1work are protected by metal plairs. Ing'en,luiry athl tar e ,,, file laurt, of lan-It' surt- trout itself. eart-fullij-.4". iI Few twolkie greater -lifielI between the rate of soleart of lak,-israntlitel or datM near an open flame, light car fire Don't tamper with or extend elmmc Din fill any lamp , r shove with xsso- la,urstoI a stud .,Iil it. hall4ling whom the let- buililli Dzen study �oair risk afail,takI important lie . rit I i '--fug the ai�rml ?, fast ts-stuiretileut- all* realize- it'*' Without rou- wires; empl,)y an elenrician. This tilid the foliowlita alI are fall conifirloils A Igdvoal in advanclug • ter is of .1i'-tantiall V0111o'd.n6villon. with I manul ohne or.coal oil ad,lie they are lighted Don't keep gasoline other than in a,r- If with. 11. -,-tk)u thaill betw0en-loultat 0 %%itla title- Fin. I'lliolorwrillsors Keep the burners of all lamps and (Nont-JIU,olvely the ba-ing otulloll'A 'A FF-1� UwaIi -to all-wer Alfalfa, I- It g.mml lvkaksllap�4 it) imy bigh strkwlqrd� of 1_�lsstrtisntiou. cle3ta- the best proat tight metal cans painted red. qiksliolikli, and in dot" too lo ellcyjlt�-sio faiI p -r Illilk-As 1114"Ilt-el. and itt-tiom opserating the main, il,�Ud Qf, stock and another t.i/ tbeir rexulatit.n.- rivarding thoroughly clean. Fill them during the t Don't fall to warn children of the dan- I-ring homy file "IN . eJI of greater dIs­ "I'll prenfluti, In t 1. ImUding ,f d:zu%v von- wition with no torruyt ii�,11 III many 1,1141. men day time. ­11-01&VA&gM erhfilitation in 1014119 titistouirts of in." hundred dollars of Insurance witholl ifiche , ;,,.y if, modern lviolmliall; and liv-' , v• it All. .I. - It -11 take fill- JuAlit 111114) Don't Put ashes in wooden hoses of gerous barifire. io;r _ titions. through thip appLicatillI art fSpia" surallell' Itself III a of t'll '"V I tot n C.011.111I your, III' riug barrels. Keep ashes away from boards yntrinj or kniviving %%'by that timount .: I .6aqt!&1" 1.4 requirtiel. A groetit t"I of Prewillul their"Iyeatexin of rating. I Tbrrvf.-rr tell rSI difillit fee Ordinary Insurer rates am I&tvd 8b,ng in"- that "eignize eit y et+ its the Ino iiiiii.or n1tern- Hot asters All, take tire by themselves. as tilt' ordillitry rash of the.Fire Vilider. money is liold stiff allnuldly that might To thaI . to unoteroolarkol. sell IrIletrI janshird of onviroutuelliI I ', ..... 11.1 balwce* fit yoor slor*' -w frequently they have small bits of coal write fatiI hard ;,.- to red if the quales ,.r, 11 aI ussmu dollar, eaII i mixed in with them. The tire waste in Ontario, not irkckkd:rkg '11-1.1larts paid out fal"l 0--loolty lose -in -iting of a Me CkY, The anilli,0114 of r*NN-ivt%l tile Attention and facts *ntler into the r I it preiiiiiiiii- Don't accumulate rubbish in premises: forest hre& for the year nifultally by tire ill-titrunce vouspestatest Sifecouldl-A -tituttlard of tv'11,4111](1i"ll re, ,, it de-eiI risk that woffold never enter Into IIII v.-Tition Wowk and collars or workshops, and don't deposit 1918 was $18,510:108, caused by 10:'79 oats to reiriburse Itos-Arli through H Fire insurance 1,4 de-119ned 10 repair reekonluar of the 400411all oblierver. For -the buil4bla Thi- I- Fire Vine 4-ork-l"Are evitleuve of it. 'for fit-, ignit your rate will deakiliaArate im,n- von- i such materials in box" or barrels unless fires. -'life of the your li­­i I -Y fire., Make sure that 11101taliv, : A. Sunk H. ent-It olierAte 0 Third. -Ali a4lillition 11,111, atirliling el.s. file ex- 'it is to be removed at once. while await. 19 17 was $10 365.539. caused by 1J,1051 .t#o"m III the husirI latest pril'att -Y Will do this. grlk-ery store. carry tileftfin-Ittly Ilbillity, '11�vrillilitv. "I -e io your prol 'airp such material in cov- thati4l -1I the your peirtli-tilar plaits Ill. I ing removal, ke firm o Intry. four further re naaqlra� "f=1 I . - As me try faisdl&. ,�f sectuleflI14-Y. trot tot fit, 1918 was'415.673.240. caused by 11,740 It eared metal receptacles, urrs, of worwy insist Ily the Policy- and also that it is not coosting you file 'Aw gto,.k lith 'hr � In- I Fourth -An addition to I'll flat*%' Of ert v nit sew if you van I 1111"re than it fired to do a). lonfidinget. with the 4ams. favilitI 418antige left. In, . ki. ;a milly t . lefinit� 'tell it) 1I Fit Don't use candles on Chnstmas trees. fir" 1 hip what ne , I by 9.31A hololpaI warrant greater care wing Your own ri-k way be A ishle Pach building. but t4ke ratios 411 'these to II the mte (of Likon't keep matches in anything but a 1;19 WAS 510.514.23Z I flit, plavInfir of -ore lial-ur- y fill. fail r is 11-irev-4ttit," Citnalookabru toy ,Iudv�illsr , fi exterelsor"I 11 Why Why ? The eso,tiesi ol),oerver says both tvarents, 'in-,itloutall �inx , closed metal receptacle. Ute Safety res. our neighbor pay ­w 'IA a not your own II- And if lit"Alitle twits was $111.71, e alice than i. generally found 1I it,. atiout Y the varietal in I,uUdinNe will, 1 1". 1 "� = by 9296 rule. Wily 110I out a "Jim of aloupy hi..4 carele*suess ? are itleartin-allY thes.431I why Dot 4 y. -or An- hazard matchies' tess Ase re to? There urty he Several �tanslard ; -MUse there abottki 1.� your rate. or tv--ting . eel L*)n't have storage c' sun under stair- I Ines. Ur- an Iii-.4ursaim agnin-t III utill-, inestast ive liflal re-nis, Ifttwoolou floor rate f the 1wrtuliI ViI ­olhl mean a r ways. Fires in thew places cut Off Your The average fire loss for the palest three -Fg-(qoft4- -ii-effelorling on the all. you Aanlvollei-t that in.4urtine-P lit the Perhaps flat. IIII vital paint.in fire: lot outside the lwull4lingx aitt*et-her. lovilding A its 'VouienfA In lie t-aysr-Firy lIrt-veirt-lon Casuloolli main Ptit. years exceeds fil.ouo," a m)nth a per event of loss. The ma -I policy is 'kit intsuralkv L4 the rate vhargel tilsou .11* — I The street water main% am posesIbly, of ibaUllitv of "pewee t-oustrut. hill than Don't store oils, paints, gwa%e or fats capita 1,mm of II for every man, wornotion Odu filets- prootertiou unle.*-, IN 41,11,li- poll,ill. vital to the halturlific 4-t-ruptillY t the latiqe stjw. fat-flitlets for JI in loutillilt:. of otsiplard t,oa riultionl. Don'ts for Fire PreventiVIL n the house. Keep I Lam outside it P(W and chill in the Province. The avetalif -tiltu- anit mintreinenlI hare been coint- as rise stand.ird IlIk-11 1111-1314-11 111 Safety I a At, afkawattive for rb 1) ild. I sible if you must have such things 071 annual fire "s in the principal European pllerl with.extingui.-hufatIlft are greater fit one arm • FiflIis 33 I sial fintanAit -uI ileppla-I anol I t I lan in the other, the other ocruparits inaI albi •t,. -k for exer Don't allow children to I I iv. with hand, put them in a metal b -if with lid cou,mies. under normal conditions I of then titillating or the next -4111100r. art-" of Itir"'liatinctitan. p bled nitches on it. kentle per capita. It I,- well to remember that fire ritall to fit*- aw�uretl a- tollelll;si hill fit t 1, �tcbes 'Io* -t-,4 are not Isaild by the lusuring �.,-Iirlty fliul, in turn U4 litiI IxI fit .01 still, fill pe ),Don*t throw away If,; thl's bring nev-stry to reoNoitnize, flat, Merl. - :w tk%%., r4k+ asel I q othu: diet k''llilaocy ill if4 plan 6C arrsEW.11,11I \ I fill k..y- nlrI t,. car- The New Twentymyear -,Am" "Ern."MORTI IIsi. cifta,..jo.l tuwo. inust differ 14von.1 — ii'luirsh-, for 1-14 fistiones From Sasitilanho of construct un whk*b�e�mx�e��.l Is the everywiterv. Ca pital Return Policy MIN" Thilglf.-'hargafit for hazartl of oe- fuw-aff. s 'Insurance two for insurft emi�. F, "'T &Y TAO CWWdd fdf*) M lou,sci-losillbutity to 'k�T4"A V tent" slittruct 'lama lal fills, water ased salsolLes. it ft • 4111rftiording to the voultruction VlArwitieseas of tbwe V, Ablietat* anaraut*w tbaa recti gral Sit tbw a" hromy yasan of &H assimad deposits, with acemomb- 1wellie blylld"IllL Closely the same Kan and Wo fighn alsownist ith-oild -t he todided, A-ven Ger , I Isited profits, after XmIllig you mewance protaticbm Ism ervi ce title -same stoi-k. t�, two different builail- elf. 111P� ConliS i I for hVienty ymm- � I _­ I - lag!, silikere ore its an Piet-VioliftIlY lu.-I buHtUnK Rod%he other an excep- i. •intll;lte poor orae, them "Mould 1W a FAudy Understood 1*-tw,,m-n the bultd- CI State the hazard or the Is lot. Deposits are an&& Year' -Y- This is wfsaff� it.-, ;, ni .takoclo, neer in the one ­-I-w than the other+ soft. and at the end oft rellifs the C&-& U's Tim . you + fro • the return of every "lot paid in- bility which threatens you, tiltt to arrive o- Any avvurste and Is like if* fAlix--irt rate. h inimber of thing. 2nd. Your life is insured from the day you make and the policy which will Is- coot4antly k, -pt fit miti deposit.- for $5.000. or whatever amount you decide. 4ito-f it.) iseetbiI mtmt, if any olrgttt st 3rd. Profits are paid at stated intervals in sadditlost fully A i art, .13--Csf-m iA to Iw orlytoillssel. IW hap- '11111. tables boo first to busi� offi" counteract it will be .rd. Nor class #in lit-limi%4' em -1 is examifod by dw disease. OW ameom to the return of all depowto at the end of 20 years. II prOalwir which would take its as, 0"18 of $3AM. which their Your Yearly deposits. or explained. 4th. These profits may be used to reduce the amount of I".", for the 111I year allot utlliw to accumulate at interest I I,...0 311. the termlase allowed kI would In- v4xiallfileil for flat- cur. for 20 years. =01'M1111 in year as II wolli4l he Ii toy f rOm a 3 flUT-11to mouth, fartil if fac"I toy A wr. 5th. The cash value of Policy and Profits revrew"Is Our principle fit to provide the fiightce4trtoct fqr - J.pl ,,aea would either have to go 111tP 60ad al "estate to P"ll Valuable asset, useful in business TI-nitlittion or mise its rate-, out of all upon your own individual needs. -ars.,i,rtion t., file risk. tett by the ineaullarics, ]it ooderich there are numerous I I 6th. At the end of Twiggy, Gsfm P" � a" ad. '1 41 0 . b dw opow- AM i-litirgeA for expeorourell all (Ild the 0 Insurance for every risk can be secured at this agency,71, owiI of tre,incrintile risks fit this &11 you have Paid In. a,"@ which will assist to get the lowest rate consistent with IN . own ep a detail of their rating. they ppolelite-, - " POSUMA" al'ortatil. find 0 sound protection to give you advicewhikh-experience has harit-4 va"I'llar from two ftaaa, W taw "on an impwftm Is in you can draw a made real and sound. film, 11�t liq fifinsume then first an -,,rage --News of an 'essalso," Accumulated Prefits, making a oubsetantital sum. and Islavir lbg 4.106,ilm charge would be five cents. In $5.000 policy fully paid for and continuing to earn Dividets" Wlint, (joes thIA wan if) the J" this. that thaleir insia-fare as loas as p Fate holds few hazards in store for you which may not be lake'rilets, fifty cents per thickim 7n, I '�Wtl' I lon more than they would Ja met by one of the insurance policies supplied by this agency. Inr,4 Visterom 71.Ld in-additiost -alled upon to poly otherwil.le on ac- .Path age 60 you should become bolaIs �rea"i fire tin suppoaaamae day before you i roulit of tow Ital Zo all r totally and pentrue—fly disabled through accident Of dinesil if the arerflig" sparsount caroed Ililimmou on the mercantile rinkA.,the Immediately. all Your future payments Would cease and soca, orrifer k annually PRYIIIX 11171.0" more nwnth as long Y oto Owe 1*1 to W.Wwmm e after you would receive a chalet" for $50 each for big insurance than 11 otW;ine Would be paid ta full at your as : but it Is not no reanelly'a quer- as ys" lived sad thier $5.000 II if $5.00 per 11, - It 4W the' qllf�- "bas "Ed to leave end iovem in soft& death without say dedisclien oil account of the "Vonthly W .Isle at to ilia =*"a% of a small lI .f inema..apat tire haskattel. R� (811411 Conte p4kI;d YOU- (This valva6le feature 1# added I k" pilir many affilionsot of dolUrs are paid not returned sions with the g� Yourself fo Invest.gate I Vw", its payeirsent yearly. Which is out I.v. ifusuralriom comysI for fire 14--_ Willett am r"MIY lier"c"IRIAP regular deposit), the service that this agency can render. Anil tilearefore a XeRemi rPn]Orfti Of I - 14 60,� 1 t, � is til) t .ere thew dangPrnus px4lainturpt; would Sinn Do Not p— hillre Ilk effe" on Ifle key tate of G(KIP- li.,�,,�i,�,-.,�,"A"-�l�_,*�,t�r.i,4"�z�# WWPIRIP", Why not investigate to -day W, 9,12mip-MU'l MV 1I %hich wool produep a greater %A'Ing in Ineaullknolo PrOlInlivarI ��«r�n, ;.04, ilklikturially ask—What fl th~ Canada Life 0 TiI It rest 4npl..t of ? The moot star - and be safe from loss s- 119 al"I Wadval are drialf to nn- It.1111." nifeas. Rubbish, W. T. MAIZE ciolleet in conam Im 16 an& big wit "not ossa,_ohl Had nobsoolete wooden•teases .41eitt Goderiell, Diatriet or line AT", Yet follow- gg I'llij�inok am" for your rink. offerinX Untaflo Ji " f 40, to Whind betaliolle is aMlitional fit* wfUI Gooerkh arul llln(q%~Lhlp .psrPs In or r"r your ro, holl4tilg. fiefulity workmarleAtIft in olor- trie wiring.aro ontily & few of the most 07 q �f "nin pXpoll larps. _0 lop hullatillm man 50 Edo Ho HILL & CO ­ wfll do well Tl,,, ne. liteL to �Xe rural" aninto Mnhein British Exchange Hotel SHMM=g- a eah n y' ria 1 if* insuring Ir IL g"i so•ll*,;,tirps and if thally I:rp fralmlyn 117 1 �,Il 1 41f®r mpqj with their tavark, as they ,lateen in many nsela it will re -04111Y he I hOW many "I to AWmd�pn� be 1. to Millan Now at as ow hags neired tbrollith pollifilall I)rPniinma dun 1iP �4 poommmm---Ei chmirea And Wimple suit effirle"t Ali— uuS6,AA of opentaing. Make no a"*- -M=dWMMMO"g All Ai 0 0, � .t*"�l JR, r "., , I 1 0 r �! 3 1 Al 4* to�, mev w" � v � V 4 4.11 4 '1 �W ; 4 5: 77. b", 9 0 "I 0 a m