The Signal, 1921-9-22, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODERION, ONT. Thursday S. lit emitter 22, 1921 7 Good Plumbing IS A DELIGHT Poor Plumbing 1S AN ABOMINATION When we do the Job, we give you the right klud-the kind that giver you pleasure and comfort. FRED. HUNT "THE PLUMBER" )4..nllidn abut) Phone 135 1'hunu,ing IIa•estmugh ing !trotting Metal Work When It's a Question of Electrical G call on ROBEkkT-TIT 'The Old Itslisbh' A full' stock of Light titres, Electrical Hou cho Utensils, etC., glwsya on hand. Estimates given and con- tracts taken for Electric Wiring end Pitting. ROBT. TAIT Weil Next Postoffice Pi osits Sags _81, Ice 193 Kodak while you go then get year Developing and Printing done b) R. R. SALLOWS Metter. i 1 1' i U taabe' onions Yel WOKEN OF MIDDLE AC I d' :,:eco a1; 1 0., ::.e11111.11 nutlet/ towns 4p , A BRILLIANT silos H I.ouplr, celebrated their gulden ween- !t ►+Hvva•w. ding 01). 1..ilsar Day. A Ilappy fawlly 1 Efun Irak al &nick', Hill -alit spoil nanny a holiday. I of Stanley low n+hip. lir. Irate war I Crowds 1'rMelat Indicate Kern In - treed in F:utiand. but Mrs. Dale wee treed In OM Swett ay - Fever g.a:la•lug was held at tla• home of (•olberne Publle SsMwds Hold mueeea..-', •UMMER COLDS. ASTHMA. 'their daughter. Mr.. John T. Graham.; formerly Mks Ilary M.•Mielwel of May Pus the Critical Period Safe& Mullett f N••t+'lit Mr at d Mrs. Dale .Bd Comfortably by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Regia, Sank. -"I was going through' Change of Life and .suffered for two yearswith headache, nervousness, sleep- less nights and gen- RAZ - MAH u . r, positively stops these trouble■ 1 TN•o yearn ago 111"tlua of w w./l s were m•rrlwl in Ilullett and ItaVe sting. westing, coughing, tole to 1'o11N.rtN tallnshtp excttel but spent u1l tlel• welded life in the vic- inity. Tlwy hull as family of ten children, eine .f whom are liviug. .WINOHAM. The marrlag/\ Ree w,h uidz•+l at St. Parol'+ ehureb. \Vhightani. on Septem- ber lath of Miss Ethel Mary Sykes, of ILanil t.nl. to Arthur W. dhrut/.IM11. of Wlugliam. !trr: H. W. $Welk 11.A.. perforated the cererolory. Messro., J. U. Millar rind Son, pro. little Iutere,•4, •d'l''the promoter.' of the event had Iv ccpe whh many dirt• emitter. doe to tide 111kewariu attitude. A year ago there Wes a Marked lin 'interment In the 'Kermit while the coven a of the aching fair of 1021 stag - gods that the ageteultural e.myruu- Itt* of hullu/rne SGWII.hip Imvt• de- cldel that no betttsr thea ezlsts to create and develop .enthusiasm for days I weakness. Some farm life among the young. days I felt tired and prkli.rs of the retaurxi;t .r Main All wet., Attended (2e fair iu previous unfit w do my work. street. dimmest -4i of their badness this years .calci this t'sar's fair bonen on I gave Lydis E. week to Julul /:ower. of Louden. Mr. Mers.v of dila went, .Is tie• Is,t yet. Pinkham's Ve e- Gowers Ntu-law.-law-. G. S. lurid, also of one of the first ••ruts 11 the after neon program was the w•h:.•,1 parade. Keen interest C'entr'ed around the re- table Compound a the, Foreet Oity. is fu charge as wan- trial and Lound good nicer, results, and I alsofiZURICH. stilt of this (ompedtbm as the shield Spit •very helpful lcro1nes the propaetof the school.y pringtonieanduse. Ramnel Stein mau, of itlVe•rsilr n ful for constipation I►niry. tiro his barn by fire rteeently. which wins It throb erg III elleCeor. from which I suffer much. I have rec- pie briding tool a ente•uts were en- sj4n- The result as aalirinlfe+l I.r tic`, ommended Vegetable Compound to sev- tire•ly tt•stroy..I Inelultug the season's judge. showed that Mi+. I:ra(w eral friends, and am willing you should. er.t1+, a ear of mit.. fifteen cows and a Plunkett And her pupil, of 1'. S. R. No. 1, (Nile.. bud won the shield for tie seemel time. The "wool prize went to S. S. No. 3, jr. C. G. McNey. teeaeber. while S. to No. 2 Marne Grove, Miss Kilpatri.•:. timelier. took WSsplag ayes aren't necessary - Salsas you like bsin4 that way. '1,0Q at your druglwt's, or write 'jgtopllRaoa. Toronto, for a tree trial. Sold by H. ('. Dunlop. ford. Eminate l Mitclw•11, {VI1fred Fisher, ('uurtlund Kerr; pollen (from rage supplied Its Dept .1-- En111nut•1 Minitel', Strrliug Fulford, (Ono -Gaud Kerr. Milton' Durst : pair of Barred' Rocks 1c.s•ker.I and pullet)-('ourt- luud Kerr. Milford Thirst, Mterltyl Fulton", F:uuunu•l %111 11e'll ; hair {Chile Leghorn. 4,.s•kere1 a1111 pullet I- \Pl- ea lluuid.•u, (Tiff. Allis, {Vitfnel sler, .1...• Walter, Ana11d Allen, Iwtiva Itulerteon: pair of.. \%idle iliutte+ l.odkeret, WWI pullet) - Mltgford; pen of Barred Risks eta and eek(•rel, trout home aha Tnbb, Edge ('lurk. Cal- , Eight Rutledge, Flur•w,• vey McPhee. VE STOCK publish this." -Mrs. MARTHA W. LIND- bull. tln,w horse.. nod a number 01 SAY, 810 Rubinson St., Regina, Sank. p1:-.. The origin of the tire Is not If you have warning symptoms such kid., n TI,.. loss Is 1Nrrtlnlly eovered as a sense of suffocation, hot flashes, ].y luaurnuee. headaches, backache, dread of impend- \n unfortunate •eelde•ut oe('nrrwl to ine evil, timidity, sounds in the eat, Mrs. \Cum who fs staying with her ninon pb,cr. palpitation of the heart, sparks beton, wen Louis \Vurm, when she, in a mis The eompetitlum In p11bHe speaking the eyes, irregularities, weakness, tinagtuion, rake opened the 'e•Ilar doer, aodl fell is will worthy of slx'•is1 mention. ude,variasod dizble ziness,' get`a bottle of Lyda down the stulrwity. breaking her 111)*Ise Muriel "Canada" and moa first prize. rizl•. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it the thigh. Mrs. {form is in ler t p ail)ey.sirood year. Dile. 1'Y m Musket!. of S. S. No. 2. begin taking the medicine at once. W diectl•.wd .the tablet. .f "Poultry." it will help you Y it did Kra. I SEAFORTH. and took ttwond prize. while Miss I.isdayf. -, 1 The Ikamtntnn Stores ('ompeily iavternr8 ,ll'w ell, of 8. $• N...=2. hod -ewe ' Mimed the, store In the Campbell IiI(N•li ttolid.rte•d Schools;' aN her subj'et. and nt present oretlpied by Mr. Kennedy, ,aeon third prise. and intend ',tarring n grswry store.The spurts created flus for both (.141 11 1 ! Miss llary Iluyr. left Last w-'•e•k to ami young aud`Y the lien of nwarls f1AjjV1 '{/ AND D ' • E. i attend N.rinel school in Londoe. 1 Ii Iintes. there wY keen einuiwtit I 4lJttJJ l tia a •1) ' lles'rs. Faulk Coates and 11.4mile In rill. everts. 1 was (roc►ndel 1 Kerr am nth -tiding school In Toronto The day's prograan a v this term. - . by as int 1130 of baseball 'between ('itrlow After a most euj.yabl.• tail, t. the I Eleven mealier+ of the Goderiett and Smit lie Hill. Carlow -won by the (1:,1 Lund. Itois•rt Coutts nrriv.vl ; Gulf Club played a return came lad wenn, of 6.3. ' swarth.: f / aril N rb a +.• . the See•',Followinglist • +af.•ly boon• ,In \Talton after an ab. week .0 the flue cone. f t 1. a ! S ..yr.'.' ed A couple of months. forth Gulf soil Country Club, Thr. •GRAIN ANU ,CORN \An Kirin... wiLnv .f tai• lane Jamees I vMlrorx although (k fennel enjoyed an Spring wheat. 11antnis - solariaFriewr, of Morrie 1 '.) nishti). likened to • ext. -Bent moue. null were, gristly taken 'Uuddl•n : (tete. O A.(.' Nu. 7Y-1Vtlmor her. reword ^u --.September nth: She bwft11 tlae cone -e. Ilardy: Gera. McBride Itoy.Rntledge; was 1n her plghtc•m•venth rear. • 1 • EXETER. 1 oats. U.A.C. No. 72 Roy" Rutlwli?, John It t:it..ou ha. Pune]. t..l a :.O• t - l:crier high W•h.Nd hu+ the IargPat 1 Wilmer Rarity. Geo. )b nrble: bark*, 1 prntllun•ot in in 11144417. The staff O.A.1'.. No. 21 -Peri, M,.I1ride; bar- ni ce 1.rw ie Howitt: from W. luwisti. 'rite farm is near No. I w•hool. anal.,has beenbeendoer..■+wl from three to font ley. aro.\.(•., No. 21-I'.rcc M'itrkle; there 1+ .u-idr1al/1r timber on the te•eeliers w, as to tu(•lude upper ...hoot field peens. .Arthur-\Vurthy Fowler; Y mly(e ('lark ; *wee; .ons. 4:olden Bantam -Fronk Walters; Ivan Beau, Myrtle I'frimmer, Elsie Lawlor, Mnr- fly-,Iletleriugton. __ ROOTS AND VEGETABLES property. .. I work In the cnrrieulum. One hundred The death a.urrTon S.•ph•mtmien sixteen students are in attend- :xh oof Alex. Fraser of Monerle•ff. Ile amw. '.*51 M 1l-• ee•vem44.tII-_s_l.an ear. Iieaidte(•r.v.+int F.xeyry main '4'144111. widow.tie sons and two dough- rote evening recently. Joseph Yellow, ter. .■rime. of lbsb,rne. boil the misfortune t. 1r. ` Mr. M. ('iWl,' c. who Mil been man - necked Pohlt.N•s, elle n Monutaill-Beulah duan by a carr driven by Intl- turd, Grave Iailrrs, Amelia Mclhaain, n er of the Sterling (lank in 11,o' l ton ItusNehl. It ens raining at the F'i+ter. Reg. Allen, Orval Blake, Willie I teat ferred to Ri the t'n+t few lnetuths._has S. M. time and the ear was not not teed by Treble. 4litr"rVan•t-lw. Fri' Mabel Smith; oatmeal cookie•. -Lottie I:■niter: lootat(es. Uarley-i.awrenee Lawlor. Florence Hoyle. Lue•y Mug- 1%jck a+, n fonder tuToroni... .will take' Mr. Yellow. He suffered *wenn Snyder, John Tubb, Frames McLlrty, furl. (:r:,.' Gliders. Amelia M-llwain. w•verP brut a. etel • bomber of Marc Me\Vhinnsy, Ilanrla Breknw. Slate.' Smith: wind fair -Amelia M• charge ..f t11• bank 1,i Heitman for n ahreedone. he (' It k Frank Alain; marigold-. Yellow Inter• Dwain. Muriel RutlelRe, M. Gamble. ' Spring volt. Baixter, Aaron 'Craft-- \Vilft•el ARrl'ultural Fi IrvPy F'ieher ; spring et*, 'hiller, George (Cur- rey; halter broken colt-Aarola F'ieer, Harvey Baxter. Geo o• ('urn•y ; spring lamb. judged for uatttttou purpose.'= Huw-aud Young, Ewart' Young, Wilbur Thom, .,slut Tubb, \r 11uu 1'.rrte, Worthy Fowler; ps.ir Micron hugs -- Wilbur Fisher, Funlyt.• 'lurk. Alex. Young. Jotm 'l`abtr tett--t In nut. ledge, Fordyce ('lark. • FRUIT - RAINCOI4T SPECIAL A Special line of Tweed Raincoats, regular $ 18.00 to $20.00. While they last at $'13.50 McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers THE SQUARE GODERICF Platte of out each''.f six tII ,'rent v'irfe(fe•s, unuted upplss - 4'11rhdIna 1t,IN•rtwau. Helen ('ut:awn, 1,awre ie.• Douglas Fee - gala, I s -Snyder, Clifford Allem, n R gaol, tiraeie Jewell, Elgin Rutledge`, .olleethoe of vegetables from w•1N101 garden or plots --Union S. tj. No. i, Colborne. ESTic s( IEN('E IFOK Apple pie'-I.ney Mugford, Margaret Allen. Aurelia Meltosiu, Eth4•1 Tubh. Florets.. Hoyle. 14lti,' I,awle,r: layer. ,i ke•-Mary Mc1Vhiuuey, olive HSI. Hunlew lung. Elide Laiwlor, Florence It yle, Annie M111er; h,aueumdc calmly --Ilurothy Rderts,ia no ,Ohne, Mary Green. Ihnmthy \Connery, Eolith Fisher: bit of white bread ---Muriel Rut- ledge. Luny Mutton!, Matel Smith. lbazo•1 ltrtelley, Elide lewlor, Ilazs 1 11111; ' bran mumu i..-1'earl latwlur, Laura M,,gford, Hazel (Silder«. Ina•y Magfonl. Hazel ltnIDdiey, 1Mrothy Itolertwm: tea biw'ults--IMe•y Mug - 11 tl 11 rt m 'natty. Tr -1-b•' .N•.s-il ean.__Jas- A. Mair, 'borate >li '.I ,n e . )•I e n . Welsh, Cloward ILen.ilton. Roa :: \\,el- •krtch T genie!' tools - Elgin Rutledge. 11111e. Mr-. with wow,. MeK+n y, of 'iaulb•y, l 1[arry F•tworthy and (ha .m s, t mediate -Aaron Fiahrr,- Eigin !tut- were 110 1', Levy Mugford. HNz.•1-.'rind- were returning from London in the rasnP met vt 1 ; painful ne'.-II.nt nJwutly former'! (ear last nook. when the frau w• t eli *Im1 l W . sir tripped and 1..11 w11ey1+ on one seine of the ear dnll(DP1i Franklin lritehell; Nelson lb'ulden, • r ,vietn Annie Ta bit hey. SEWING •1e,an the e Tri her Arms. with a s••vere baby t•se,ep.t u The dean, .Nr ship, on Se -p IA etairs with the lathy K \11' 1 i 1.... Ruby Kerr. t'Ior4'n+r Storm... • • tl' . Sw.'rt Corn. I;ol,1,11 Haxtonl. •C ni % field, Ihar4'y Baxter. Matrt. Rutledge.: water +.Ilor.-Ilnie•1 H1H. -John Table, la-. Naftrl \era Lidswell, Gunk,* Mock, ILeruld 1.Il:uilbers. . Jean Ilorluu, Jerlu, Finnish, Harvey 1 Root. and Vegetables - I{aaxte'r. Cottle 1swior. COMPETITIONS 1 Potale o., Green Ilemitaht, 13. tubers • Puddle speaking laden to any pupil Ilrlr.n I:ux, Mary Stirling. N. lsilh- lf e H iii- i time.. r •( .lrih r 'n[ m i w91 t F 1 K. nu any subj.r•t 1-Muri'l Rut ledge. U. H.sh:eu. ' 4'epha Mi'kell. Erne' .lewel1 __Ip•heN11 1 1,10.-s, Irish Cubble•r%: it--H1►s'el marching ..1 M . i , Ula Lu e ( • r +•.1 n_ K is (tordont R . •iu 1 a re wait o,. l . t'r. .alio F r 1 (he w . a e II era 1. ► . .j cert.. - '. , 1 N• I' \\ e a r . .nl 11. ' ' s meat . 1 i Lrrl.a .e 1rt 1 Haw!, lu 1 1 ` neat. t ivy, I II t ,'„Doer of display dog identity of ItaMai4.0ld'. iµ Yellow hutermedialle- . *41,0(11 25 ler (mut:-S. S.•10. 1, Nile- • Gonb,n..SehVt:wz, t.aura 1MuIiii4laud. 111101 plunke•it. limehe•r : S. N. No. :4•- ,Elroy mom,. Alex.. menu. „water r s:1 Mlnry (.coon: tnralpl. lectors t Into ■•hole pn'i'''' 1c and the ma--Iit'rtle McCabe. Clifford Alain, Ethel IhtndnR on wa•kioR- Lucy l4bunu e, t.rn•ktty wFx' esr.t1N"i ;,hTie t(p i-to The' dlh4L The ar'" bl. Grace 011ier. Jatk Royle; A1O1'IfA llritwabt, Myrtle (:uwWe. +baking up. whHe the pantie were thrown a e tasklerAldP Qlx•'T (ardyx Treble, Ethel aialk Mubet hurt. IINPtN, I1t'trolt Durk Iteel-13o7 1Ie- tame brit e•eapel serious Injury. The Whll Gladys itiatle. Heim Fut Smith; letmetitelint hawlken•hief- rr.d in Grey town- es ver badly worked 'mid- i tM. of Benjamin N innl' , };reel TAhh, I 101'1ghy Ro1.Prtaan. - foM. [Yarn ialwlur. Gladys TtMde, I • d -s tPml (ar ws 7 7 CLINTO.. mu Lawlor. I4uwI Smith. .ht y Tn• k In his sel•ent, -eighth year. he• Shirley tattet.ne, Padre Long; carrot.+, T'wble, futtd'- ,■.aloe; err. nonoil Ince oe•:Is..l w -ns a re.ideu of Grey for jest Mr. Roy ('how•'n' line returned from Chantenay - Glad'. Taylor, Iesobell noir y{ear 'raving reel fmm ('Ii(- Timmins. Ortarlo, where it*' hoot been Rolwrtson, Lan- Pulford. Hazel -Elsie Lawlor. Je•un Ferrlsh, Plot - wed (nom to 1.t 3I1, 1:ith .'..taw+Kion. Ills enamel.] In nitrate: for the past fire Gliders, Pont* Meanie. Dorothy ,•rsr. lwyl', Grace midges, ;Amelia Mr- 1laaiu. Euuiee lung: (bird' dress, w-idow-, t•a-o ,..'u+ Mull twusdangtlterr worths.. He -was in tie. company of Walters: I•arsnll.;. Hollow Crown h:uld b•MurielKatflalg'. F'lur- .nevi• alsant sixty other young men from the France". Mfe1„rrty. Mark Flxher, bottle o•1nw SeRns•, lte/nna 'Icl'Inn•; kuittel The mnrringe• uta+ wot`muised nn S(11,81 of I'raetkml sae or. ,e+s r . Ftii` Grate Horton, evert -Florence Segued.. Elie Lawlor, Nrtltemlwr it11 • at '•Stdmmrrlan,l -Thr marriagea•ag wdemnlzwl at the lea• (:Gds• IRrue'• Luey MuRfnrd, }klel 'Fuld,, Howard F'aurm," M ,rrl., of ' Heetee\ Lillian. home of the brides panne.. Mr. and Hazel Lawlor. Rosa I frimmer, Loon ; plain hemmed hnrdkeili nerd datighte•r of Henry Johnsto to A. Mr•..1- Percival. of their eldest rlangh- t'hriet11s• Robert+oa. w P West 1 Lawrence tNe + 'PP a1.. .1.. , h. r }, lien. 's Wad:'iro ter of}.xt 11{VE t • e Luno 1. RS •c Ir Iran } TH W AITE Incl It AI ( ..r ' ief- LDraper, I tt'N- A• J. IS Hawkins, f tlrth of i'reer.n Ret' ur. I rn{ .; / e• ail rico t fn Intal (, , • ••.- .'(' to I. in I M r Mon e f a a , u t o ( t I Ik u 1 MThe young e 1. 1 + Contractor officiated. Fertile tM R flliam F Electrical Minnie } rind ce Long, side on "(lover ).ref Lodge Fa in Morris.. . Liu - know. w. ha 1 E. 1 )son. of 1. n ktm A }, . .til laid up A+ the r•+alt of n wren- sick Electrical Fixtures ing up in all aigum'lile ne.•Ident re. carried in (.'ntly. 1.•r.y !horn - was drtvltlg tint stock, ear a'l.i.•h +w•erre.l from the road. a1N1 ent+sing 1115 dirt+. era -het nn rough }taw tepee. • Mr. Mikes► either jumled'Clinton; \hiss A. Reynolds., Clinton: Murray 1hetYllgha n. Oki Colborne Hotel Corner .r was thrown from the car :aid aux- Is, SI. }Myon. Clinton: Miss T. willed natant Injuries to hl+ hark. Slitter. Ne•af.,rth. end Mr. W, Towns-- PO1 LTR% Pleat - tltelreav-trt-Nt"-ia>rw .k-4:•Nk•rbh 4414.4shtp.. During_th(t :_CackPn l..lfrl,nt eggs supplieri by w l her horn. 1\'m. ;4•hnde. SanIrIP liar. Hear est summer w•cer..l mere improve. Ile•pt.l--l.'alrm,.0 .••vras, Sterling Ful- 1 tnwh+hip. on September 12th. Eliza• tarots have been 111041e at the 'Madel Q tette ie•lu. relit of the late John school. A 'IMV ventilation sysitem wan( w f w A T 17 U D D E N l . •,, d :: 4041 seventy-nine years. ' lite. hydrated. while the ext'rlor of the a sj building and the grounds 'intuit.] bare lural made most attrn.4lve. _ T1w maarinm(' of Miss Glad'''. Sonne . nin1 Mr. France. Doyle, of Toronto. wee wdemufzwl on Septemlwr 1st. at Ontario street Metlssllst church. Rev. Mr. AtNI'rsem officiated. John M,Mnrrny. nn old resident of ('llnt(in. libel at Weybnna. Seek.. oil Angltut 3oth. Mr. McMurray was a resident of Clinton for many years. Wlwn he• first rani•' to Clinton he w at. la larttie rsbip with Thee. Sinnbury, whip owned a grain store at that time. Tater he entered_Into pilrtnershIp with Joke Cttninghasie._'kho then oectipl(rl- a gnNvey stone. For meren yearn tie was with Ilarrisnn WViltw In the eroeery irisins+. 1t 1. -twenty port, ng. .Il, ' Mr. Me'tiirray left Clinton for the, 11','Nt. The executive of End Huron leach- ers' %'.-.i 'iath,n mrd to ('Hnton Madel *1,04)1 l,(t week. Arrangements were mole for tare teneheri eonventlon of this In peetorate. Owing to Thank. - giving lw•ing set e. late In the sensori. 11 was d•r•Id,rl to hold tie convention on the lath and 14th of thtolwr. In- stead of Trait -day and Friday preced. Ing Thanksgldlbt Day a• Inn. twin the enebm. An Intereetln* prngrn ams beat arranged Rev. N. E.-McKrgary %n` resigned hie Po,lttin Ns nr•tor of St. l'am's ehnreh. Clinton. He will %a)1 from Montreal for England o>.t.t)etohhr fir.•t end will enter into re•ttle'n ee in Ox- ford University, where he will {mrsue Agent for Blue Bird \l'ashing Machines, Choice line of iutti• l uwlur, Dorothy itols•rt+on, Mu •t aril. Ethel Lawlor, htN• ti F;lade• I.0 Y Tubb. Maiw1 Smith; embreidertng on. hlltiuh- /:Indys Treble. Amelia Me - The Model School with Mr. Ito»ct Ag. pcin t .1 RI r Pn. lir d nga1n Thorn Melly Green. Amelia M r11 rNvaln• 11w In Lucy Mugford.nl Gla dye e 1 L k e ; baring a large trAlninR class. tact-tengnet of sweet s•nN-Sylvia Segues, button holes in cotton-- HouI Gliders. year there ween•only two M.Nlelite% F:Isar Lawlor: 1•niquet of phlox- Myrtle (:amble, Lm•y Mugfunl, Makel whereas this year there nre ...veil and Evelyn Horton. Marguerite Alain, Smith, Cottle Lawler, Attalla Me - .'till more maty regider. The came. 'Annie Lawlor, Gram Glitters. Helen Ilwuiu. of th)w• registered are ns follows : F•nlford; bouquet from home garden- MANUAL TRAINING It. Auderwon, ('llntoti;• F. I.awtrrnw. Ihnr•an Milllnn. glary Green, brace Rte, .Iplicing--(:en. ('urrey, ('Inytou Glitters. Cameo' Stevens, Doris Hill, Brophe__y Bros '' i was barn I:eannoy tomeold rou - • to t'atoda when a young girl. Her iinsbaprt nriwlorea+,e.i her thirty -It• The Leading pit,. She Is survived by four eIAldren. Funeral Directors Th'' news of the 'tenth of Ohne. Jns. A. Sind wits received best week by her .1.ter. Mr.. S. S. Forsyth. of Itelgrave. and Embalmers itw,.t..,l. whose wniden name sots Alegi.. Itranden. w'n. the eldest daugh• Orden esrefuill attended to ter .if the late Jai.. H. lirtenden, 2nd It all Moths, night or. day. ern'. Morrie. mei was married to her --• now 1N•r'ft husband, .fns. H. Sind. of OODKRICIV EA+t {Vawanosh, in 11812. Sithe 1904 they load lawn lining in the West. rr •ME'ANS ECONOMY and Nstiefaetlon If yon follow the ad - view and (lite -thin of friends who have proved the quality of mer work In AUTOMOBILE REPAIRiNG We do expert work, render prompt not -flee and ank only fele prk.'e. Try our work next time you have trouble with your ear. RHs. WILLIAMS East Mt. Garage rhsoe 243 rt'ath nerarra► In Mensal' on. ge'ptemIN•r, 7111. of Mrs. Marlon Swan fn her ,eveuty-e•IRhtll year. Mrs. Swan was n native of Seotlnnd. and 'migrated with her 1t rents to the. eonntry In 1`4711. She lived in H,'nw►H for twenty-four veers. Her h j 1 Ind Mr. TltoRins Swan. 1 over thirty year... Two danglierrs rind one win are left to mourn ler loss. 'iliton :lithe!. of Ceutrnlle. had the mislRrhlne to hal-' tw-0 IN.N'S of 1.1s right :Inn fra,tttrel. fund tiles right lintel badly lacerated when N team of horses' attached to n Wugalloald of htadwr ran away. 11e wee taking the brattier, Moue from an adjoining farm when t1N' tern twee me frightened. With Into were .hi+ two ovtr, anal brother olio all ,•w•aprl without in - Airy. young life wooed away on Sep- tember temler 4t11 in th' hereon of Winnifrd moom, yo,mge*t daughter of lire. Munro and the late Alex. Munro. of a specie! ...new of etndl•. Ile'xpre('taso p gays:{Vrn'Pter. Misr M11111.0uta. in her'tn finish lits work In oxford In JnTtr. Lottt oir, w ,•-•in at rl1marrlNd warty twenties. and lied been t'a(iatra 1923. life I was very frail andaeHcats. 1 was whorl in Winnipeg When her health foaling exceedingly weak and miserable became ImlMinrl. n ee', iMtinR her m- Why pay more hof a phonograph when afriend advls.+dmebtftkewhattis `when you can get a real "Stewart' of Dr. Tierce's Favorite rre'enlptlon. tarn tom' In Jpn'. A month ago .(tee yiyom the eery start 1.1014 new strength nen! to Grevenhuret hoping to belle final ti15 to tl•15, and a amu- and •Italltl I Am almaya grat'fnl tar fit by the chane' but otMM arltnplka- I titul cabinet machine for 11.52'. what nal tC. 1'a Paha krwmwt ription flog, .M in Pert proved too snitch for Ask for t demonstrlMrm at Rlacktttme's kwl intoe ear mP and al always be her weakened snntgtkxt. ice cream parlors Agent for Gennett tsiaed to reeommond'ax_m , Jung Mr. and Mrs. John Fi. ale, a well- Records BANIY. IA Ann Stns. Sharp Pain which you ex- perience at times can be removed. No woman has the rit to suffer when she can obtain relief safely, certainly and promptly. Suppose you do have head- aches, back- aches, extreme nervousness, low- spiAts and general good -for -noth- tnit feelings at times? Your ease in not hopeless. Try Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion. Sold by drib in liquid or tants, or send 10e. lit Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in 4141aIo N. Y., for Rs. -. what this • Young S. S. teacher, no yard e1 Eight John Mr. C. 4:. MtNey. teat -her; (;r,R, ii -it (;,1x. . :=-liths Vi..le•t Kilpatrick. 'I'urtl,ii's, torten: louden■ 1Valtrt. ernlglinde. Aimed. - - - ianlba):.1►era ilarri-on. Wilke Reuter. SPORTS =-Matn1cr tttrtr. tercet W.-hh i3,,els, Wired bark lie Dorothy, xh, IN,y limbo .10 year*.- Eat.' Marion +• II, Fahel Stirling. on, 1lought- .l.hnst"n' Entity 'I'Iuanpwo, Jack Stunly, Miry ('Iaytun ROW •blot, Sow Walter. Wit- Grow w1t t' Mtre.u!h.\ Ittrs' PI Hummer, ,M.- rilrnalw._..IYlantrxay 4iraee talk/hut.Fisher: ani yunl\dash. girls tinder In mail 'Ihtr, Ferris Sturdy. U..rothy year-.- Lury 11,rh•; 31. Millisu. ('••n- Riethwell. Ik,ruthea • Stooling.' Aline' ,Iiatxa .I )G'we.11l,• 11O1Iefv11 i Han1nH4. II. 1.Ah$,uukMt(r", i iP,a"rwneilpl-. . 4' lollow (roan --Hinder E1 ereat1;: :+ yard this ie.re 10 year,. 14.11. ta.,ra Mair. to 12 yea rs-Elt•In It I:.ddllutrp•. Allan" 1,1 Young. Kimbell itrindli ,la -h, girls 141 years to 12 Robertson; who.Nplh dug 1 black fetterwirer-Elgt, Rutledge. Calvin Rut- 1elge, Joe Walters. Dutw•an ilfllfan, Willie Treble, 4'liffoni Allis; hint house -Elgin Itutlelge: dolrbk' free-. ('alin )tatlelge, ('Layton Robert eon; tu+nla,NNl whltx+tnik-4'nlrin Rutledge, Klein Itntlelge, Jo' Walters. Roy Rat - ledge; vlurpenter'. mnlle•tt-- Elgin Rtit- h.IRr, Cahill Rutiedge, 'toy Rutledge, ('loyton Robertson, Murray Kernhghan, Franklin Mitchell, R'Illi' Tabh: patch le•wn ongrain Lag- I'Inyton Robert - Sell, Frank A11iit, ('a Iv in )tlrtldge, Joe Walter, Keith Gardiner, Elgin )ttltlelge; milkh,R stoat -Elgin I(1at• leh nge, Aaron Fisher, Franklin Anita ledge, Gorge (Inions. Yrllmv $Moine 11anu•rs- Mar- ik'Iei. Ewa rt Nolte!. Eleanor Jnhnet.n, Eileen( e: tat yard \larsball. N'iteufl.- I ILuuilt,' . 1511. - Pit r+-('e•n- .ler'. ix.. 51ar 1111 514.1.11.1011. • (•ttu Jewell, 'liunie 'Ifllluit: Dorothy blowers Robertson. Carrie Vaustone, LIIt•y .5st.r+ .)tore, Bodges, Dorothy I:ox, Hardy, Iterad' Met'ata•, - 1oa : ail yard dash, ls,yriover Calvin Rutledge. Hur.1d 11 Keith Gardiner. Elgin Itutheige. Currey, e'haulle Moore; :a1 yard boys. over 12 years-i'alin 1tu11e. Harrold Ttnrkow, Keith Ganlaner. F. gin Rutledge. George Currey. ('ti:arl► teachers' rice Alive Sowe•rhy, Miss Scott, 4'. G. McNey, Miss Kil pa1rii•Ij ; trustees' rue-I'ha1 Ituh' .rtwln, Gordon 1-oung, Iingh 11111; toy.' threedeggel ranee•---Ilew'ard -don nod }Agin .luhlIl Lou. Kenneth and 1 .0ur .Inmt'.I Fnrri.h, (:ewrg" Currey and 1'illviu Rutledge: r.•l.iy rano-- ea '5- Rutledge, I:wrrgc ('11t i')' anti Elgin!' Pullet, Rutlelge: Emmanuel '.1 tchrll. Basel lu•d.ur, „A 11111 null ',utaraa 5Ingfont« Gladys W. Turnal • '-11,ar'Inirrt= itr.nl". toetia iirx, Fne lvreo 3•4%11's Stirinig. Grier'- tirlinR. kow. Phlox --Margaret Stirling. Robt. Ver_ Gert. ria., Ethel swims. Joan Grovels, Grecs / eh,. ila:Irk.. -Ronne hearten Biota t*t--J*u'k Rifl- ing. Stuart slkr, Marie kliekll••ton, James Isi in. Edith Sfielelli•Inn, Wove Lamphrry. i►ahli:,' - Stuart II►o•, ib'KRIC Tebhult, it err Sliding, rgie• '1'hompion, Curl Marsa)et WIllia,ns. - Puidtry fn -I. It. P1"1111.11111r.-''1-Stuart 'a:m n.uI Arlt Elafc Ushald.wlun, a,",4-h'.a F:Iliult. Ply 111H.r4- Katheline - let 111 Fuller, Waller Rieke, . Stnart sloe. Treble, \Vurthy Fowler and I:race ' P:IIr H.nf l Burk Intens. Wallis, 1V. Clhl'r.: stilt r:n,•-Ker11N•11. Alible Tnran41 Ka .Pine Hrd.ur, lValt:r -flock- Calvin Rutledge, I- Igi n Rutledge; lady IGrks, Stuart oke, Facie Snyoi r. ex-Ingrll'i rne--- F:IIA Hulyrts"u, Jean Pen Harrel H N•k Win) home -fhlek- McKay, Myrtle F.'unionnu 1 . F1d lu la lbVLuR 1414044s. 4Hrayt anve: EA- 11illhun ner ttrIiAnna Greve FnrrFsh: boys' ru1 31ed,FInr HTiaTrne attrIII aIy:fa$r'rix?it11n linnrt.Ilumld Walter., re Wesley Moller. I d Reins 4lrace Mo. y GODERICH TOWNSHIP FAIR. Big CYowd attends 4*hool Fair it NATURE STl'i)Y (bRr•tfon of twenty named we411F shmving derekrpm'nt from well to nunrIty-('elven Rutledge. Stanley Fulford; enlkr•tfon of twenty tinniest and mounted harts-iionna M.1'lnre, Rsnlnh Flesher, Ruby Kerr; eotkr•tiod of not 1's• than twelve tree Wed** Murray Kernohan, An eIIA Ml-llwa(n, ('ahln Itutl'lge•; edh.•tlon of forte. Iran* mounted -Eiger Slake, Calvin' Itutiwlgr• Roy Rutledge, Murray Ker -1 nighnu, 'Donna Mo4'lure; collection of 1111111(.1 cleave wool"--4'Iayton Bohert- non. Elgin itutle ige. Roy Rutledge, Gurdon Jewell, Flier! ing Fulton!. DRAWING, ART AND WRITING Map of Huron. 'had '-1nges-1.1)11 1.011g..lack Royle. 514., I.' limply. K,•n. F1lrri,h, .lames Parrish, Mary Greem; nap of Colmda, :Inl claws Alibi 1.In- flel.]. TotIle iswlor. Myrtle (:amble, \mein Mellwein. Hazel (:(link. 14.,'- "1 Iirletn'y : map of North Amerlea. Ith flags-- Rental. Fieher, Edna Young. Tlelnta i.awior, monies. Ito -i.•, Itahy Kerr. (MR in Rut leder; eyeitlg, "Morning l'rayer," 4.111.44 \nab• LInH:•Id, Ilert.IP Green. Ilene; I'. onell ; a NNng, "transom Iutnnwr." 2nd ohne- Marie (:,,nide Merle FI".Ir -r. Kenneth Fnrrieh, A111144• Talo,. 'illn{e Iit/os1, 'Ivry I:rayl: writing. -•4'rosslug the liar," 3rd rinse •'Motel Smith. Aruil' Miller, lottle toe tor, 'lyra*' 1lnnlhle, !toy Rutledge. Allen LMth•Id; a -tilling. "1)n 11Is 1.11mI s'. ' 4th fin+s .tn F'i.rl.l, Theme !mo- tor, Jean ibrton, (01110 ((tri le duo , Porter's 1111 on Saturday. Nut Ri11N-TP Ilaark.•. Stuart N(r. Special.' White Leith rnit--K{•n. Tre-- aartha, 1miiy Thumps. , C. Williams, R. Coalman•. Lite. *ark In .trite of threateoing me.ither the 1 spring L.woh, '.peelal-Ke meth Tre- 1T1.11a11 Fane at. t'orter'. Hill list Sat•.warllla. Jimmie Cox. Edward Grigg. urds), was attendel by 'an exception -1 Judging competition 4n bee teille- •lly large crowd, practically every 'tonal Bogen' Alvan M•AIIidPr\- Fraser *hoot section hi the township 11 ng 1414 ri 4 n14. Jhu.Sus-, Russet 4 oke,\mi11ie w•e11 represented. 4'ump•lition in the Ix .% (:hart'- William*. different exhibits 1tsllrntol. that mthis Beef calves Carl Cox, Elvin Pick- ard event continues to grew in ant. In- _Spring_ {;rill. Agrlrullural IIsi W tenni:--- lwnup:IL_Elliott Harris, Ray Cox.F'ollow-iltR is file II•t of prize win - •i • Doalestie *leen r, rN : Grain and Earn Loaf H,utrv,%nIe Bread, 5Vhite- spring 1Vhr:.l, \larqui•, sh:'Af--414y- $M•M••y hem.to t, 'henry %ll•Pliail, Annie ton .Laithasit.•. • 'Booklets'', R('.sie 11aba1,h'+l.n, Marion fiat•. Ir. A. $ . No. 12. 'purl -Fraser Middleton, - Sterling, Corl Cox, N,.hl.` Grove. I MMfllne--Mar1arel Williams, 1;lore IM1', sl. A. 13. No. ;LI ,.Biot--Robt. ■lair. ill td Perham, Deli esor. Jean 5flt•ab', Fraser Std'Ning. Sonne., Pieta 10 1.111. Harley; Ir. A. C: Ni.. YL quart--Khnrr' \1air OP 051t'a\tl trti., fa`HtPI,-tilaaa ra Woods, &•ri MifI4b•lon. Barley, u A. (:., 1o. 21, Ah•mf led- z-1 1'rrkard, 1-11•••11` 11.balde.ton. Dark 1...k' Marjory Burke. Brno. 0:MBott. Whit 4:Wx.- ttv.i Lou, Martina Lm•t-a y, 11.•ra Hana+nn. ApiI'• lie Gu(ee Sterling, Grace Ilaack.. Heroine ruing, Mary McPhail, (4',, 611111 i ole large S.1 want - _J:rilSB,_.. Elmer Amon Jilin I irov Pel, Hort JI Iddirton. - Vield Peas,- Arthur. quart --Jack Sterility, Arnold Porter, Clay1m Ed. wan).. Field Corn, Compton'. Karl. ';1n • .0.4iLY BE (WEIN i BIFFALO & GLt.VELABD t 3'7►1IAGIVI STEAMERS 3 Cow, Mails "atZAPMBEr•• •PCrrY.O/ OIIL' = "QTY OF BUFFALO" aro 1)L'I'PAI.O llDin . tAonrrsq.. jta711it:84:4004, I l5ti-C ,00rN.ID 51•1••.o •sq..i.1 amnia 'Ow•Caaeae In CsTuN■ Te7,A L ) 1f.■■..aj. 11155 501•41 54.110,454.110,41.0 • 1:IDt. ►- tL ..,r,xetlw•.R 01.4.161ed tut Cods Polk, r■Fle-Pty, Td••b Milch ■richt er palet. ■ince.' o gels roadie. bet w•.. Pardo and CI•,•Yd an good for truspyrt.(inn an ear Newest* Ask ) u limen ..a..•,,p,t s pfol .e■r•.ry rec tl•I•b rl. C • x ri.. T7.. Taor..t 0,1818141114.4.--- 4i•1 is Noo.4Tr.o..81 t dy. otic. basil. f•.• e.,. toe ..e.•dl.r a.,nt)lnee .e..nsr.. *1.•erste. 14 _ 0. i.d,.r t M.■ ••erlart•w. "'amt sweet .i c+• e.,K Al.A.yi re, •w M 1• The rM1C1a. tll..d ! Ms41 w r La AA N -iM' mrd wed= pe••.• J..a>wr r ISO, r.•rd...•,IL 5Mgly •yerty. 1500