HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-9-22, Page 5mom' 1 THZ QONAL Holiday Time - ARE LARGELY ADVERTISED We aim to have all the well- known brands in stock, includ- ing Garden Court, Mary Garden, Piver's, Pompeian, Colgate's, Armand's, Djer Kiss and others. WE FIND IT A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS StieteNsweeteeiseeerseeeteeeseersareesseeeWeeWs Model Theatre Week of Sept. 26 to Oct. I Monday and Tuesday. Sept. 26.27. % lt'LtN MARTIN lu "SON(. OF THE SOIL" and Johnny 1110e. in orehy Turtle Cupid" W4'ednesday\ and Thumbs), !Sept. 28-29. 1)IOI(41.IS FAIRB.INKS at hi- 1., •.t ti, "TIIE $)LI.i ('OVULE" tel". JIluu.y .\i .r,•y t'.uu• ly "SI'RIN 'TLME" Friday and Saturday, SEE GLADi'S W "ALL DOLLED with a Century (',m "THE DOG DOCTO LOCAL TOPICS. - • eras-- from 8.13 asks* nail palms assured by Templatos's Rhermatic Capsules I! Beep thank la year bola. Take thank ea year vaoatla 1 rHeadacks, 'lysis WYasaa. Et& 111. at your derali VL. Sold by H. C. Dunlop. .h:)II .tNNI'AL tCuutlnued chitin to brlug chtl.t, motile ot Iaring dour wonderful work-. "The Chimes.. girls." sl,' said, "are going into the Kingdom In advance of our glebe They havetaken up the idea Or laert&e were readily than we with all our ('heie- tient tnlnlug bare ever ettah..d to." She emphasised the greet twos' ..f wb.iouariea and said It Inas to the young people of our chinches we mutt look for recruits. The address was fol- lowed by a well rendered chore. by the McGillivray Mingle& iratd which war' much apprec'lated. A feature of the aftsri"ou sessbn was a most comprehensive and hi. forming address on the work of the Wumeu'a Missionary ety lu Re various aspect,. awl +rtweuts by the president of the 'rel council. Mrs. McGillivray, of Torentn. The pastor, Rev. R C. Malt rmid. pteo4del at the evening' meting and In a neat addrees eeneeyee the greet- ings of the Presbytery 'after which Rev. R. t4w1111e. who is principal of a boys' schnol in Rasalleira. India, gave au interesting addreie. Rev. Mr. Smillie and his 'sister, she are est pres- ent on furlough, repraellg the Hensel' congregation and Heat l•r•sl.ytery (u the foreign field and was a reel pleasure fur their nesle friends to wehowe them home Attalla. Mr, Smillie referred to hi, address to the' great spiritual awak••uln+g in Italia thesusauds In ail part- of the (smutty being desirous be learn the Truth anal become baptized. condi- tion* are suet that Lite missionaries are utterly tumble to cope with them on account of being ao sew is anw,M•r. Mr. Eric Wilson, of 0oderieh. pre- - seuted a report of the sannuer .elnasl In St. Thomas which wail well n't,•ely- ed. An addrees by M . I)kkeou. of South China, was ,tu with de'p intertest by the and the tuadr a ,pedal apps -al that a srmps+thetie interest be shown by the Christians of l'an ti& in the Chines. men and women resiling in this; oettwry. Many of them. she wail, had been cvn+tteet- el with the native churches in China , but who are hrolated on aeoelet of net being acquainted Web the Ian- gtage and customs of the eruutry. 1n tb,.iug she gave conte veer' iinpreeelve word pittiturex of Chinese. Ries report a complete failure of the latero CYO!) KII llr hr utter .cetiota+ Ow later variety W reported to lee good. Campion -Farr. St. Peter's church was the :wow of a happy event at :, o'clock uu Weolue' day morning when Miss Margaret Farr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Farr. became the bridle ot Slr. Carl (Simplon. all of Goderlch. Rev. Father (,nam officiates!. Miss Eileen Fello(rt acted ■w bridesmaid and Mr. Frank SIutttnou was best man. The bride wore a fawn travelling snit with hat to crunch with n ee►V[ge 11uuquer of sweetheart ruses and maidenhair fern. 'She wag given away by .her brother. Mr. Patrick- J. Farr. of 'sterols Iter attendant wore a nary blue stilt with okl rose hat. Her bouquet was a corsage effect of (*bells roses. Atter the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Campion leftona wed- ' trip through they Thousand Is- lands' On their return they, will re- ekle in (:oderreh. hath brhle and gro.im have a barge utsutis•r of frlemis Who Was to Blaine This Time? in Uederich Who joie to wishing them fhe 33rd Regiment band were prepared many '{[appy years of wedded life. to give a sacred concert on Sonday even- With trimer C. C. L Students. me, but owing to the lights on the stand sib,se.'Evelyn (ioldtla,rpe and Beryl betng out of comtnisuon they were unable Johnston anal Mr. J. Frank Washing - to play. ton are attending Normal School at Read 1t Next Week. Lswlu, wheee they are taking a first The town council beld a three-hour ,.lass .-pretexts. erutw' to quality as session last Friday evening. The report assistant In Co thuuation, High School and Public Win Is. bliss Fern Hu ser has gone to To - route to attend N rmal ?ketal. Sills. Charlotte M Kenzie is attend. Ing Normal Sehosl ale Stratford. Miss Margaret A. I' Haran is teach- ing without profession i training In New Ontario. Mr. Tiro''. J. Met'arthy is A,w umption College at Miss Eunice M. Imago to Stratton! Itush,e'ss renege. of the proceedings is in lengthy that we are obligad to hold it over until next week. infant ('hlW Is Taken. The home of Sir. and Mrs. W. (l. Luntby ha. been h.erray.,l by the loss of their Infant son. Howard Alexander. who pureed away. f,diuwhtg a we'ek's llu. ,s .in Thursday of last weeny. The funeral. wht,•It was private. .took place on Friday afternoon to Mait- lan.l cemetery. Rev. R. l'. MeDermid Mdsss+r Em um Wallace am, ufik Intel at the hstuse and graveside. Ma.I.wan and Messrs. Lionel Macklin Bowling Club Notes. and H. M. IJohuu Raker attend -An elimination game.-_4ff_Scutelo Toronto 1'nlversitc wbete It ',pens on September 28th 'Huron Road 1'.,n4raet"r ea e attending n.lt hit. ttetaling Jean doubles was players at the bowliug green on W„tnewlay of last week. ,MMessr'. John 1'amrruu and C. A. Reid were the winners. TIte runners-up mad coustrnt V l .vatract on the were Mo -.-r. Fred Hunt and fieoT Huron mad ill the work Swing taken Simmons off big Lauds by the Government [here was no regular tournament ��'ed- enginswr/oo Tue.'hty of tits week. csagled... v has completed hie Matinees Monday and Wednesday at needay afternoon. as quite a number of i Something of a record was create) by bowlers accepted an invitation from the I ;l3asaly in that be .completed bis 4:I3 p.tn. Saturday at 3:80 p.m. Seaforth bowling deb for a friendly game- tract,o hculverts N Indin,g irettlaeween ere Gtaionlerlcofh A match game, however. was played Pon.orty-tw between the following rinks S. Henry,j ami cllnton, in seventeen weeks. Only F. Weir, C. A. Nairn, T. H. McDermott, 1 two days were lost in that period as 1' BrnpheY' Dr. the reef at of call --mei t6er. home grading contesets which were sublet by Mr. Sandy will fie finished In about a mouth. The steam shovel Is now engaged between Taylor's Corner. and Holmesvllle. It Is understood that the Department of Highways will com- mence gravelling shortly and will spread' four inches of coarse gravel over a width of fifteen feet, using a fifteen-tou roller to roll it. The tal- a►•e of the thirty-fnot roadway 'will tredve a aiml'ler cwt of gravel at a later date. but by the middle of No- vember it is hoped that the road will Ire open for track•. ON YOUR MONEY k!Simmonds. H. Edwards, skip. T. H. Mc - iDermott'e rink was the twinner.est� the Neat wedeesday last half holiday. it is expected a large number of bowlers will be out for the weekly tournament. - Fifteen per cent. dis- count will be allowed off Water Rates for the next, quarter if paid on or before October let, 1921. Three days' grace will be allowed on this payment. Make all cheques, pay- able to J. B. KELLY, Col- lector. Water and Light Commission Hydro Store North side of Square A Study In Tax Rates. 1 An exchange gives some interesting data relative to the prevailing tax rate in other town• and enlaces. in 111 Western Ontario. The figures show that in a list of nineteen munielpa1- Ities, right have a higherrate than 1 G.slrrich. liens are the figures : Chatsworth. :t3 milia ; Arthur. 37 : 1. Georgetown. 39.e ; ()rangeeiile, 40 : Grand Valley. 40; Mt. Forest, 40 : Port Credit. 40: Shelburne. 41: (Sak- iI011ie, 4'2.7. -Part -_Elgin. 4:r; 1►urham. 144.: Acton. 47: 1(treeMcllle. No: Kin- cardine. 51: Mim.ico. 51: Walkerton. :AI: -Weston, 57; Tara. 40: Owen It.uml. 40. s Doing Their Duty. ren ed rents iu Goderlch who have child - ',school age are to les commend - the manner •In which they are rPMlllirementr of the t School Attendance nelents In the municipality the Entrance ecamluntlon. r all but two are 111 (h►derich Collegiate. a1)11 sempt b'e•ause• of i►1- itas been apixr-intesir Mer for the ('01- rrison and John Adoleac Of the who paesP. la -t miles attemlanee at these two an. di'Ts•rent health, ' Mr. Itulrt. You School Attetxlance legIat.': Messrs. J. ('nit for the peddle Ed. MrLaughen for Fanners Crops Dbapol Itep..rt. from farming co munities adjoining tioderle•h indicate hat the threshing ...eosin will he finishes nearly a munch earner than in pr ytoug years. A day's work of former aro. 1. .Ion*' in about halt tbp ttme tis year. The fall wheat yWld is repo el to he greed but, unfortunately. few farmers had nitwit uch acreage year. The oat crop is a disappoint- ment. as the straw is short and the grain is light. Muth fall plowing is being sone and in Name sections G+11 wheat is toeing worn. which le said to be tl.e petite -4 nu record. ,tome local - ttICH, OIfT. BROMCHIAL ASTHMA Choking and Gauping for Breath Relieved by "FRUIT•A•TIVES" hoots, and Mr., Mae. ►gamaTO►t Naw RocaLAND, P.Q "In 1919, I was taken with Bronchial Asthma and no one knows what I suffered with it during the winter. 1 began hating Choking Spells -gauping for breath and could not speak. 1 would have one of these bad spells in the evening, one during the eight, and one in the morning. The doctor said he could do nothing for me. "In the spring of 1920, I started taking `Fruitestivea" and In a few days, the choking spells stopped, and I have had none since May 7th, 1920. I have so wanted to tell other Sufferers who have the same trouble about "Fruit -a -rives" for 1 know how they must suffer. Some thought the Asthma would come back on me as winter came on but it has not, thanks to "Fruit-a- tives" Mrs. J. M. PENNINGTON. 60a a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size, 25e. At dealers or sentpostpaid by Fruit-a-tives Ltmtter; Ottawa. "Thou SDaL_tlda_iIght thy soul shall be required OTTTiee : then whose shaft had known, who were rutting ti*] those things lw which thou has pro- Chrlstiau race in spite of mush '!P yklssl $u is he that tayeth up position and perseentioa, questioningittreasnre for hlemelf and is not rich if the Christians of this ternary were toward (nod" running k- as well The to u•nrr ofThe sermon wag i, graphic portrayal your consecration to God. she said, is „f rite Ilse and death of a man iu the -noon-tide of lite, in which. was em- phasized the folly of leaving 1:od out of reckoning. That Ste ends with the grave was chameterizecl by the speak - the measure of your aymo. and the 'measure of the power gireu you t., run the race. The Presbyterial prMlleu'. Mrs. James liawiltnn then pave a helil?ul eras art absurdity because God is INA a adds•••. Prayers were olferol by Us,lish htvestor. He expects re- Mr.. cMr.. W. McQut'en, of )srls••tiel'I ,UNI turns for all the investment of energy Mrs. Lundy. of Kipper, and .unabletlott he puts into life. "Don't live your lite without eonskleration of the speaker pleaded, and went OD to *brow' the importape•e of having (sal enter into all our plaits. The man referred to in the text did not provide for eternity but he made ela- borate provision for time. -14e amide the great mistake of "feeding his ;soul on corn." At both services Mr. E. Rek•her as- riatel in the musket service% by Min- ing two appropriate soles. lh, Sheiday sea -eine Rev. Mr. HhNI gave a vert intro sting and instruct - Ire address etmite.I. "The l.egeud, of Oshlma." Oshituo is au island situ- ated off the shores of Japan. Tlds lydaud. s. the legend resem ons form- erly a barren and rocky pld+.' 11711111, lied by +t few owes fisheerwen. and us'l as an asylum for Mustier. and en7 viet•. But one day the place was visi»el by a violent re rt Minake that 1raled °r ue•d the rocky surface of the land, making it into a most fertile and fruitful garden. A vein of gold uncovered on a fisherman's estate made rias owner ter of Phillipbaa : "That ye may ins fNthtrtonYly `..we'althy. The earthquake - - ..�.. onion he the e"w•nIw' .!f A Few Correeliom. Even editor. make :Mistakes some time,. as is evidenced by a few error and (=lesion's(=lesion'swhich occurred in the lsoderich fall Lair prize list which was published in The Signal last week. In the single horse. mare or gelding. roadster class. John Henderson wag correctly given as the winner of the first prize. but J. Heffron and Dr. Whitely *limed hare been creditert- as e winning second and third. The sel fowl Ja-lade-drirer. which were omitted. were J. L. Aitken and .inn. Henderson. in the agrh•el- tte fifteenth verse of true selection- seem given bribe o i. • _ Tee. vi as served In Ike schoiroon1 by the Lentils,' Aid Soellet y The next meeting of the Seeiet7 0111 total clams J. Bradley's. name was omitted ea, winning *rental prize for tenni. In the heavy draft team to F. Edwards won second prize. In general -purpose jesetetted team Jas. Ms -Manua won seesnisl slid NV. Black titled. Their DREW. were omitted, and In single carriage horse Allan Battlee Baptist Chair& Observes The Dresden The fourteenth anniversary of the opening of Goderich Baptise ceurch wall'. fittingly observed on Sunday and Monday. September llth and 12t1i, The sspeeiai preneher for the occasion Guelph. and otr both servitor; on Sun- day be wee heard hy lar.te and appro. Monday everting on 'Tim. Legend of oehime" was veer me; enjoyed. At the moruing serve* on rotunda). Mr. Hind took for his eubjeet "The Sons of God." teeing -Ids reniarke im second c.s,. the separate ""'" eeeolel. W. T. Murney won first and coronet in, sheeniest]] cow class. and Geo. F. Clark 'wend as well as firet in year- old heifer dams. The 1111 Me of Geo. An- drews was wrongly given for that of Chas. Whitely as winner of first in the grade cow Owes, first in 2 -year- old grade. halter. riessmil fn grade calf WHIST one year. first in grade steer 8 041 seemul in year old heifer. Mrs. J. Stewart was the whiner four varieties. of beetle's not Ilre. wrie it4 given in last week's home. \LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Music for Everybody Agency for Starr Cecilian Harmonic Plionographs Call and let us give you a demonstration of these splendid instruments. We have in stock the Starr-Geoneit Records which can be used on all these instruments. Mese 104 Women! Dye It New for 15c Skirls Waists Coats Dresslos Kimonos Curtains tweeters Cevaelaos Draperies Olnahania eteakinsa averythina Ever/ "Dimmed Dyes" package bile haw to dye or tint any worn, faded gar. newel or drapery a new rich rotor Wit will sot streak, spot, fade or rue. Per- igee home dyeing is guaranteed with Eteowl Dyee *yea if you kave Meat breom Just WI your drualst to sroot or silk or wisetiter it 11 Ilene, writes. or Nixed reds. Thursday, September 22, 1021.-1 XIIIIIIIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIIiIIXXIIIIIIIIMIXIIIIIIIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIIIIIX Five Extra Specials For This Week IMO ac X X X tf�ta X N Ommammox X God. Without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom ye ghlne as lights la the worki." The preacher pointed out at the out - sees that if /1 1111111 were led by the bleen-3.1ta-ialin. must one of the sons of Wel. and the finger of scorn could not he pointed at him. .1*.plored the insincerity of ;many old Japamee legend, Mr. Hind a PPI "41 hypocrisy •usi inconal.tenetes people of spirits play a very important part were being kept out of the churehee, in life. Individual awl collective. Stwh A tree eon of God. he reed, rigeenta nee hairpieces_ is the 'secret of physiessl. a life that its nbove rebuke. mental anifintreitritealth. and one of The diecorirse WAR then developed I the secrets of material prosperity. uniii.r three headinge : The privilege"' Man is Ow only creature eINIOW4N1 of the eons of God. theit obligations, with the gift of laughter. It wee in - and their unfailing resource*. tended for hie welfare ; tte absence Panes great ambition snip that he would know Chrigt and what better embitter°, the "meeker asked, yould ever dominate a life At the pare Supper the apostle John tam what it Christ, hia today. It wecageotaa out than the one preeent on Oil occasion. Unitarians clahned that Obi Deity of Christ mite him far away bare if jwine Christ ler gone "be wax able by reason life tinder the sway of the gospel, ilf111 of betng gone to have an Intimate and a reel traniforming power, quite as cies. touch with hls psome today. wonderfnl as the fabled repaints of the earthquake of (Wilma. • The greatest joy of a trivir asan of God wa. in being alone with God. Two solos 'sweetly and imprerosively One of the obligations. d true man render"' MI" /Islet Rek-her help - of God was to keep emirate teem 411.• fel to make the evening both enjoyable world. The preacher deplored •nd profitable. Ito the %AMP place as the sickly You will be well advised to check that world." The moving piellOW ono the first cold weather twinge of rheumatism mielern donee were e411111111Weed ae before it develops. 1Jee the standard Amusements which were illingoog the remedy, T. R. C.'s Raa-Mate the _posi- tive asthma remedy, sho sold by H. C. large quuntities of nitrogen 11111110t 1. I (timeline/ WM) Ender the exhilira- tion mused by the gas the militia of the lunatics were reetored; the *rim'. mils were reformeel, and the harsh Illittor•raf ic governor of the island was • tie irinciples. After sketching 'the Some tremendous sacrifices on a beautiful line of Coats just complete from our workrooms and made by our expert designers. Special No. 1 ri1111. l'011iir8. /telling price.. Special No. tootle cloth and oppore elm toollar Selling price - Coats. regular $34.50„ i'e- price $31.50. A 114.W range of Gimp Smocks, with extra wide fringe 011 bottom aud sleeves. Regular $8.95. eleariug at... Plain Trleolette um(xlia. all different *bastes, cher rine at . just arrhlal. Made Moly trinitufai with 'bra id, !ileums mei beite. Special for title week %4 line of Ilattrolsioute They HO' Ulltili• of 111W-1 navy tricorlue. richly beaded told some with the nentost braid trimming; mom, with dying not elty braid trimmed pawls over black satin with head or A imetial line of Ladies' Silk 01111 Li• -11. 1,114 High Grade Sample Suite. Sample Spite elegantly tail- ored. front velour end trim - keynote of each. tea pra,.. Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. GODERICH Nai MmoM amma mama Headquarters and Factory. 448 Queen Street West, Toronto was played at Zurich en Viedtweday after noon.'ZileiCh won tiv- the tiftaff OTT Co 0. Batteries -Zurich, Ohlert and Hen- ning; Woodsteck, Kelly and ilardy. Kelly is the colored pitcher referred to in another article in this issue of The Signal. The runs secured by Zurich %%ere mostly made on errors, only four Intl being made off Kelly. Woodstock made one hit off Ohlert in the first innings, and got nn more in the other eight periods The next game between these teams will be played at Woodstock next Satirday afternoon. If Zurich wins again they will go into the finals with the winners of the Palmerston-Wingham game for the championship of the North Wellington yesterday Wingham defeated Palm- erston in t he first semi-final game by the score of 10 to 1. These teams will meet again next Saturday at Pemerttow to dec'de which one en 'take the count." GRANO TRUNK Pallas AY SYSTEM The Double Track Route MONTREAL TORONTO DETROI and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains, and parlor ears on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Ageat, To - 0.13. Lauder, Station Agent, phone 29 r. r. LAWRENCE a SONS I Town Agent. 19113111-11 MUSIC plANOS TUNED. -APPLY TO C. V. -a- 111E2i"ItT.- Maude Studio, ninth side of Square. tf While returning home teen Brussels lair on Friday evening. Mr. Wesley Mc- Lean had the misfortune to break one of the axles of his car. He had a full load of paseengere but no One was hurt. The Pavillon fer the remainder of the siearson will be open en Wednesday and !Saturday ev ugs only. The Pavilion Orcheritra Mx piece.. has charch away frond God. denotes an unnatural condition. wre is a lietitious laughter •nd the real spontaneous kind that wpringa from dersp-seated joy. Joy ean only COMP into the life that has been adjuated to the claims of God. And mich a state attainoble only through the -gospel of Jeans Christ. The t'brietisin life he ever sit -Meted in the Bible as +su- blissful esgwrience "springing from a been organized from tine -eters talent, and pfttrons express themeelves much pleeeed with the neirde. We are pleased to he able to state that Mr. Robert McLean's racer, Royal Dundee. has fully recovered from his lamenees. Royal Dundee has missed scene good race meets Shia summer ii. which t e was entered and in which it was thought he would have made a gond showing. on account of lameness At the Brussel% fair races last Friday, Dr. J. ii. Whitley's mare, Daisy Hal, won first place in the 2.30 trot, and bit other mare. Marine W., took first in the 2.20 clam. On Tuesday et riveter. Deity Hal tank' recanli honey We the .210 chin! liebithee 'and Mt. Theirdas events. Congratulations, Doctor l Mr. Hind's addrerer wIlkilemelnded by e reference to the SP. sinners.. of God's ',Midi's found in the power of the Hot/ . At the evening 'orrice 'Subject 11 as "The Fool', Plan COI** Ibisi text being the twentieth and beillity-firet verwo. of the twelfth chapter at Luke: nee In. neat tot imam sad sliseh per and send, Is. umi sit arta. _ That Vacation Tan.- lt you thee , onghly elljOyea your outing you dill not ereeape the effect's of the pun in the form of annburn, tan. Pte. lir, Brown's Peroxide Cream will clear up which the *kin may have suffered dur- ing exposure to old Knee nye Ise it freely. large jar for thirty -are melte. !feel by E. R. Wigle, dniggle. BASEBALL. TAL1t. EC -I AL Saturday and Moaday AT M. ROI INS Mea's Waterproof Coats Made from paratnatta cloth and dark gray rubberized tweed in trenchr 1. le' with all around belt. ro .ear at Men's Overalls and Smocks Made from heavy black ane blue denitn. Ovetalls in reg- ulation bib mock! Smocks have three patch pockets. St/es 36 to 42. To clear at Ilen's Sweater Coots To Clear At $2.65 Made of mit ,n and wool yarn, jumbo stitch, large shawl collar, dark brown. All sizes. To clear at $2.66 AUCTIONEER T BOMA UN DRY, AUCTIONEER. BOX 67, Goderich. AU inetructione 6-y mail or left at Signal Olive bra promptly attended to. Residence tele. phone 119. Seeeereeetliesr M. ROBINS Go1,DEN GATE Meets first Thursday of esio'h month. -Forrsorref Hall. %leftism Sir Knights' welcome. Itt•gistra r. W.F. PUBLIC NOTICE. EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House SurgeOn He. York Ophthalmic end Aural Hospital, assistant at Moorefield'. Eye Hospital and Goeclen Square Throat Boo - vital, London. Eng.. 53 Waterton St. S.. St rat lord. Telephone 21ST. Al Hotel Bedford. Golit rich. hom Wrdriesday, September 2Ist, at It p. tn. to Thursday Sep- tember rand. at p.m. LEGAL us• TER. Solicitor, notary public. Office Hamilton street, Gotieri.•h. third door from Square. Trust funds to lean at loweet rates. C. HAYS, TARY PUBLIC, ETC. • 'Offlee--fiterling Bank Block, Bala. Ilton street. Goderich. Telephone fib Real Estate, Loam. and Iteierenee, TARIES PUBLIC, ETC. Offiee on the Square, PeOnttil door from Hamilton Street. Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest \ rates. . Dudley E. Moline. Goderich. Money loaned at lowest niters . 'C. ICITOIC, notary public and ma - INSURANCE. LOANS, ETC. ANCE CO. -Yana and 'violated town property Insured. otheeni--Jan. Connolly, Pres., Godes rkh O.: Jas. Evans, Vice -Preis. Beechwood P. 0. • Thomas E. Hays. Directore-D. l". McGregor, R. IlL hagen; Gee McCartney, R. W No. 1. Sea fort h ; Robert eery ; Ma Wolin illeEwen. Clinton ; James Weans, Reechwood; James Coasolly. all payments and get_tgetr miner ree etiptel at R. .1 Worthless Clothing tttnip.tos street, Goderich, or J. R. totween Zurich and Weeditotb, which '"i"•1"6 Reid's General Were. Hatfield. In the first game of the serni-freek qf