HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-9-22, Page 4• THE BIOXA.L OODUICK, 111 4 -Thursday, September 22, 1921. Leatherized The most economical and durable ldlyi clothing ever tailored. Fabrics reinforced with real light- weight leather. soft and pliable, at the wear stats -stat, knees, elbows and all pockets. LEATHER INSIDE STYLE OUTSIDE Because the wear spots are lined with leather, Jack O'Leather suits wear twice as long as ordinary suits. Jack O'Leather Coifs mane they an ordinary suit. it's as good look- ing se any suit- Aga it's guaranteed. stab w I, ..h.t.1. It Walter C. Pridham 1I.1VFIEL1). Monday. Sept. 19. Assit'ed.-Moore than euo 11 signatures have Leen savrtrl la 1e township' to, 1*rant.e the con - .•tion of the hydra elet'trit' power ter Un • to this village. in ItayIe1/1 the r,- taros" has been beyond expectations a upWarls of thirty t.intracte luare 1 •n sigu.il and in addition the will is petttrd to use about thirty horse'/' wer. ST. Allil'STINF. • Tit, toy. Sept. 211. PereelleYi•-Ili,• 1. Mol'liu••Itev, of iflyth, sweat the •week-t•nJ with her sister. Mer.. J. C. Itobiuson Mr l►avid M".tlI .ter Mi- etiolating it grf 11 Sovereign Gra lel i•• Mr in Toronto thio i L• radon . (`has. liuhiil.a,ir was in the wei•k.tndl \lis- y1.1y Itic:nnt- son 1•11u1.11'•1 hok" 10 \\'yomii.g on t'ri day atter ti w.M;11'• 11•.1 111111 friend - here. KINGSIIKI IME. Tuesday, S.,pi 2,/. 'Hrkfs.-Mr. a11.1 Mrs. 1 ,moi• Sul- liven,nadt daugJurr. i.f 1h•iller. •.{till a Urine visit O. reletitoeshi .t.hfleld.. . Mr. IOU 111 IliVal n. of I)eueer. i- vi.ithig his lonother and sisters here.. .Mr. and Mos. Kelly are visiting .it the 1111 1110 or the formers slsiei. Mrs. \V. Hogan. here Mrs. .1. l'.,' lies and datighn•r returned ..to 11, after r'1a'nliug ti fen- wts•ks et I ( loom" of Mrs. l''lilies . hrother. .L1 ,leery heeSeiuor Mr. and. Mr -- Frank' 1)'l'onur dud ehlldreu have r. - tuned -to i►nlittli after a suwmer'- 1'3t7111n11 baste •Mr. Gus M,l'urth' It1r Detroit on the fly- bit relsntldLsl. . .Ikon', forget ,lir "Hand Tim, • ',tall" In Kfniabridire parish hall on wt 11 Rheumatism Stiffness and all Pain ?I ins al's Lim me n has riven .at a daft ion for three generations. It quickly relieves lore theste bronchi ti- neur- alsia. fciafiia and any lmd of pain. An Old Reliable Remedy, \Ir, S. Fawcett Hamilton St.Coihnisoodl n.a ,.,tes.-Minanl's Liniment surely is as , 1.1 i. i,ante remedy. 1 aha>, keep a bottle n the /loupe and have recommended it to qu e.' 1 number al my fiend.. to •hom it gave gra a� r foal. In mkt cases n •as .favi ss a b rnceumausm. Minard'S Kii i Pa►iln Liniment Yat- InoutIt Nova. Scotia. W meeting of held at the on Thu o'clock. Preset vi Cs awkrd. NNON. ' re. -The regular ti's Institute will be I Mrs. Thos, Stothers, ' iber 29th, at 3 t, "Canning and taken by Mrs. Briefs. were vex to*n List Stewart Hawitton. who is o ed a pa afternoon.. of the P first menti evening wit Brussels fair last nue and a The exhl Mere were niers. A t• iutert wee Orchestra ELS. oily• Sept. '21st. Mrs Geo. Bubb and relatives lu , .. H les Fturent•e trleiels at Marsden Swtth yeti'. of age siaffer- ,ke last Monday Endeavor Society y cioireh !Odd its ,,,l,.,11 on Sutdiay 1I 1 "11.1a lege 111111 t1 ttgrk•ultural The weather Was wd was present. rcry good, and rery good horse were Peek A Loudon Ilaw•allau ening._ ivvwri Phone 56 D MILLAR&SON ef "The Scotch Store" STORE HOURS t 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. r SATVRDAYS 10 P.M. SPECIAL •- CAL OFP'Rte Hier gradin',; Ibsl spectacles • tenrts•r sigh. t'omr in your ray:• - - and ryrg4. with Lest eat imw.:unl odd to the fun AS11Fl1ELD. spherical le - only #a.;o0. We Untended for last week), have fable r 1 t lowest privet. AUBURN. \VEDNESDAY, Sep 14' Eyes; examined' t;y Mr Ilughson c We'll" -"day, !It'pt j1, • PLUNKETT-DRENNAN -The home of with twenty -eve leen' pi -meth -al ex - News Nokea.-The Auburn !smeltall ate. and Mrs. James Drennan was the perietxs and rbc elKksi expert team played I►un rail oill boys Inst aeras of a pretty wedding on N'ednesdaY. for Kpcat lei aorr, Toronto. week on their 0011 MI. Tin' game re- •August 31st. when their daughter, Eliza- Tlerse days stilted in a win for I►noganuon... • beth Agnes, was united in marriage to Mr. anti Mrs, W. T. Riddell and Mr. Mr, Vi llred Freeman Plunkett, son of and Mrs. W. • R. I'arter,rw motored 1., Mir. and Mrs.- Wm.' Plunkett. of Auburn. W'alkerrUL► lust irerak to visit friends 1 he ceremony was performed by Rev. on their ,way .they caller, 1111 Mrs Mr. Cummings. To the strains of the Armle Itoblimon of East \Vawaikl-Ii.: bridal chorus. played by Mise Violet Drennan, sister of the bride, the bridal C1111) hod underg• ile au opera ion. We are glad to report the patient is doing well Mrs. John Mill was called to 1,rodnn uti S 1urday. owing to the illness of her sister who pooled away the same evening Otey. M. Theist!. M.-(.. 11.1).. °templed Knox pulpit the last two Sabhnths and left Thursday. Friday and rtatwniay. Sepf.wes-e- 241th. 30th and October 1st. ('sat earls. Saa.tlth's Art Store. Godeglrh 37-2t Rich Fur Trimmed Coats EAST WAw.tNOSIf. MONDAY, Sept. 12. couple took their place under an arch TAYLOR-1SNQ,L•-A pretty wedding surmounted by a wedding bell. The bride was solemnised at the home of Mr. and was prettily dressed in white silk crepe- Mrs. George Snell, "Willowbrook Farm,". de•chene trammed with lace. Her veil of East Wawartoah, els Wedntsday, August silk net was held in place by a spray of 31, when their youngest daughter. Martha orange blossoms She carried a bouquet 1 May. was united in marriage to Mr. John of pink roses and maidenhair fern and Elwin Taylor, yosneea son of Mr. and a gond-isspr-!Atn of- his ab111ty ax a wore an exquisite necklet set with pearls Mrs. B. H. Taylor, At 11 o'clock the and onyx, the gift of th! groom. Shortly 1 bndal party took their places under a rowing roan The threshing ma- after the ceremony the guests repaired to 'natural arch of trumpet vines, to the eleosin elite will be throggh With its the diningroom. where a dainty wedding'• strains of the wedding march. played by Oat for fists -tan torn rifting- dinner was served.._ The groom's gift 10; Miss Minnie Seed. sister of the bride. ud ans. analog are progressing and the pianist was a gold brooch set with Rev. A.K. Mil(sm.tassisted by Rev. W G. ;rest week will me the tIulsh of this pearls.Early in the afternoon the young Taj t r. performed tbe ceremony. and Miss 'work. - • , couple lett on a motor trip to Toronto Loth MCDoweil, mice of the bride, and Niagara. The bride travelled in a acted as flower -girl, The bride was attired suit of navy serge with hat to match. in a silvertone velour suit and carried The young couple on their return will a bouquet .of sweetheart roses. The reside on the groom's (arm near Auburn. i groom's gift to tbe bride was a sunburst; STEWART-MACGREGOR.-A quiet wed- to the flower -girl a gold locket. and to the ding was solemnized at the home of Miss pianist a cameo ring. NM* the register Katherine MacGregor, of Lucknow. on was being signed a bautiful solo en - THE THREE R' S • RIGHT GOODS RIGHT PRICES RIGHT SERVICE On Mouldings. Hanoi Carved Swing anti Wall 1'r,anies and Serving Trays OW Prices the Lowest Qin Quality the Best Give Us a Trial Order Smith's Art Store East M. Phone 198 WHEN iN NEED OF A TAXI PHONE 198 QST. HELENS. Tutwlay. Sept. 211. Alfa -IG y. n'. Cumming and Mrs, Cumming and Mr. J. Swath ettentled the Presbytery meeting in Winghim the Tumidly fy Thos" w le attended August 31st. when her sister, Miss Mae titled '-Oh. Promise Ills,' was very ably the weeltrra Fair the latter part (r[ 1L was united in holy bonds of mats- tendered by Mr. Albert Waith. After the Werk were : Mr. and Mr. irrew7k mony to Mr. George M. Stewart. of St. the ceremony wedding ding party sat down Todd and !senile. Mr. and Mn. D. I Helens. Rev. J. S. Hardie officiated. to a sumptuous rsfl which was presided • ¢ride entered the parlor leaning cn over by six of the e's girl friends In arm of her brother. Dr. G. W. Mar a idition to these fes only the imrac- W'tmels. Mr. itobirrenn it o(sls and ]Ilea egor. of Chicago. to the strains of date relatives of the bride and groom Lohengrin's wedding march. prayed by were present. The happy couple lett on Malin WoHdls Sirs. Morrison. of I Dr. W. C. MacGregor. The bride was the afternoon G. T. R train for Wood- 1)uuganadm, is visirlug wkh Mrs. 8. I dressed in white silk Canton crepe, trim- stock, tVindsor. Detroit and other points. 1'hiliile . I med with silk lace and teed pearls with On their return Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will .lnniveriary Sert res and Fowl `Italian veil caught with orange blossoms take up theira on the groom's Supper.-('a'.vin chervil. St. Helosis. l and she carried a bouquet of sweetheart farm, concession e, fast 11 awanosh. will Bold its anniversary services on roses and maidenhair tern. Donna Mac - Sunday. Peptemlwr 23th. The morn- I Gregor. tuece of the bride. made a dainty a ,. Ing and evening eerrhws at 11 a.m. {little flower girt, being dressed in pink A MOT}-tE*ivADVICE. and• 7 p.m. resp.•tiirly. wilt he totes crgandte over blue silk taffeta and tamed ductwa,• l by Rev. Will. Jlkintosti .i a basket of sweet peas. The ceremony Napier. --Fowl supper and eat iia- was perfojmed under an arch of evergreens Once a mothei has used Baby's Owe -meet on Mond .iv t•veniegtember; trimmed with white wedding belts. After £ablate for her 'tie ones she is always 3tatli.-_ r 1r+m-0- A4 .iclock. hearty congratulations. a program con - The Pink quartette- t tension will sitting of solos by Drs. G. ". and W. C. happy to recommend them to others. Her furMac(,regor and Mr. Duncan MacLennan, advice. given after a careful trial, can be skin a flat teem regrow. :►4mis- of Glamis, was rendered. after which the readily foRowe' with assured good re - .1m 50 cent* ata i• (wits. sultt. The Tablets are a mild but there guests were invited to the jeune room, ough laxative which never fail to regulate where a dainty wedding dejeuner was f.EEor last . served. the table being beautifully decor- the bowels and sweeten the stomach. They - a�taendee for last seek.) seed tor the occasion. After the repast always do good -they cannot possibly do 71 1► MONDAY, Sept.12. the young couple motored to Goderich, harm even to the yquagest babe Con - Wedding bells are starting to ring itching a trio to Niagara, Guelph, Toronto cerneig them Mrs. P. LaForest, St. Naz Oliver Cook teas joined Chisholm's silo- and other points, the bride travellmq in a aur, Quebec. writes :_"For three months filling outfit. Oliver will have full charge. j navy blue nicotine suit trimmed with fur my baby was constipt>rsand cried con - This makes three machines Chisholm I and hat to match. On their return they tmually. On the adtice of a friend I Bros. haveinthis-vieintem- 1wn-of tttenri witi reside on the groom's farm near St. gave him Baby's Oeit Tablets and mow are still threshing- _ -_Miss Violet Bogie Helens. The bride was the recipient of at the age of five muffin he is perfectly has been in Toronto attending the Exhi- i many .beautiful gifts and a number of well and weighs twenty pounds. I am de- bition. .Large numbers from here took I cheques. Before leaving Chicago, where lighted to be able to advise other mothers 'n the fair at Goderich. All report the she had been nursing for a number of to use them." The Tablets arewild by best yet.... Although the 1921 tall wheat years. the bride was given a miscellaneous medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a crop was a failure in these parts. Roy shower by her friends there. Victors box from the Dr. Williams Med;ane Co-. Linklater is preparing for a bouncing crop 1 from a distance were: Dr. and Mrs. G.W. Brockville, Ont. and MO* slaughter. Dernier -=--. of Chicago: Dr. W. C. MacGregor and gave It With i)7er-With each neer Florence. of Chicago; Dr. and Mrs. Ray season conn. a chat.ge in styles. Lank Whits. Chicago; Mr. and Airs. A. Mac- through your wardrobe and see flow Duncan, Mr. andMrs. JackMacLennanre whkil/mee by makes. directions 'Moweccons 'bow yon 1 give you sibs, shade' drngthat - Toilet and Stanley. Mr. H. Rutherford, MIs. M. 'bailee -ford. Mr. W. 1. Miller. httewitimitehr y 3Ir. let a CEN ATRATPOftD. ONT.. The leading commercial school of Western Ontario, a school where you get thorough courses under com tent instructors in Com- mercial-,- eland -mink Departments. Students get individual instruction and may register at any time. Graduates are assisted to pos- itions. Get our tree catalogue. D. A, McI.ACHLAN, Principal FOR PICKLING SEASON The best xxx Vinegar and six Cider Vinegar. Fresh stock of Spices, whole and ground, also red and Green Peppers. Gem Jars, Zinc Rings, Rub- ber Rings, etc. FOR PRESERVING Peaches, Pears, Crabapples and all seasonable fruits, SPECIALS A new lot of Tapioca to hand, nicest we ever had in stock. Try a pound. If you have trouble keeping milk io warm weather try a can of our F; condensed or veporate.l Milk. Special prices on Factory and Bleached Cton, Men's Balbriggan and Merino Underwear to clear at prices worth while. All -wool Navy Blue Serge. 49 inches wide, $1.75 per yard. Navy nimminnin J. J. McEWEN Swam Plasm 44 1 coming year. He has just completed sowing seventy acres of fall wheat We are all glad to see Dick Carney around again after his recent attaek of appendi- citis Great preparations are being Gregor NeikirkAlberta Margaret made at our school ter the school fair M many garment you M next Monday at Smith's Hall Mr. and Miss Lizzie Campbell. of (,lamas, and iw cu f• into sty Oliver-Coek,_who-had'^gaol acute -Chalk -MacGregor. of Kitchener. using iwme "°°.--af Use *tee" indigestion. is doing very nicely. ..Mr. -- j tof else• : I)ilinooiul Bnweet. Hilliary Horton, of Exeter, spent a few i They are easy to tale as t ('AALOW'. •are cert/ aim o days at his old home here Mr. Philip TUESDAY, Sept. 20. t Ie. Lee Bogie was confined to the house for a few P • � •their color card. *bleb days with a sprained knee, Mr. Fred Robt. Bean has just completed a 250.11. an Idea of the ,sol Gliddon visited his home and friends artesian well. A drilling contractor from may 1* otrtainwl while his boat, the Valcartiee. was in Bayfield did the work. George Snell, of gist, Dederick deck at Goderich. the 9th concession, also has finished drill- ing a well and is now erecting a windmill. • CfiCRClt141>tID1'� Silo filling is keeping most of the farm ers busy. The Potter outfit is doing the work. Harvesting buckwheat also is the Rev. W. A. i)unton, of Toronto, wilt order of the day. \Vtih few exceptions prent•h at berth st•rtdisew in We Baptist working with Mr. Roy Linklater for the I both are wonderful crops church next sunchtys past two months, has left to assist his The Colborne Farmers' Club shipped a 1 The odor of thst °lotmt'et" WEI be father with the fall work. I carload of cattle to Toronto last Wednes- the arbjeet of Rios, R. C. lgeDermld's Mrs. Oke, Mrs. D. McKenzie and Miss day, under the direction of Mr. Thomas sermon In Knox church next Sunday Jean McKenzie, of Gerlerich, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook. A large number of the prizes were cap- tured by Dunlop scholars at the school fair at Carlow. Mr. John Linklater, of Goderich. is visiting friends around l.eeburn for a few days Mies Elizabeth Sowerby spent the week -end at her home in Godench town- ship. Mrs. Hume Clutton took ka tbt school (air at Milverton. Miss Tabitha Kempton spent the ',sh- erd at her home near Kintail. MONDAY, Sept. 19. Mr. and Mrs. James Chisholm and Hugh and Josephine motored to London Exhibition. Mr. Loynbee Lamb. who has been Canadian Patine "% sneouver Express" W Innlpeg-Calgary-%'anleeuver Passengers for Western Canada will find the "Vancouver Express," leaving Toronto 10 p. m. daily, a most convenient train, stopping at and connecting for all principal points, - Equipment consists of first-class coaches. up-to-date Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Comportment Observation, dining and colonist cars. The most beautiful scenery in Canada is along -the line of the Canadian Pacific. For tickets, reservations and full in- formation apply any Canadian Pacific agent, or Canadian Pacific town cf lce, corner West street and Smear0 Unclench. 37.11 a Wilson. +I morning. In the freeing bis theme Rev. Milton Tyndall had charge of the will to The Potencies of Magnetism." services in Smith's Hill church the last two Sundays, and was heard by appre- At elle Rally I►a7 senfcwe in Kooz dative congregations. He leaves on I ehureh next 1(uaday aftrrr►(ton a Friday to take a postgraduate course in shield he to be iinrefled on which ere theology at Chicago University. In all inherlbetl the names of all former probability he will return to his former charge at Regina next spring. Quite a number from this lccality at- tended the Western fair at London last week. •' We are glad to be able to state that Mr. David Cantwell's father, who had been ill in Goderich hospital, has im- proved so much that he has been able to return Prpr.hoax. nevidson, of Toronto Univertsity, will occupy the pulpit of Smith's Hill church for the next two Sundays. Rally Day will be obverted in the Sun- day school here nett Sunday. A good turnout is hoped for. Or 14la, Se1Wsa. g..sba�y Latest reports as to the potato crop The Maeda Is are more reassuring. While the earlier strive, easily takes lust variety is a failure. the later crop prom- isd be ood. Mrto, Yougng, of Owen Sound motored here on a visit to his aunt, Sirs. James Glenn s hinted that werldidg bells will ring shortly for a well-known resident depend on others. or by and by4,W( won't be able to depend on yourself- Ma% as L Ni l't.'t.�.", t�iksaycoe nee. 1 b PCS, 1� - Women's Extra Smart Fur Trimmed Coats are the Vogue for the Coming Season One of the season's newest Models in all 1 Velour, rich oppossum fur shawl col - the new loose back, lined satin, price throughout,/t, $45.00 Other Smart Coats All wool embroidered Velour and Beaver- ene, extra smart is this dressy coat of all wool Velour. Has new back, richly braided with large convertible beaverene collar. Lined throughout, \vitli figured satin,G price . . . ... ... ....... . ......` .;39.50 / priced to suit all pockets, from $19.59 to :6.00 The Newest W We are showing some smart new styles i I Wo Serge Dresses in e• :rely priced from a Dresses .exceptionally 's One-piece new designs, ;14.50 Outing Flannels in Great Demand A new stock of Outing Flannels just to hand, including shades of rose, paddy, sand, navy, tangerine fwd black, 56 inches 'wide, per yard The New U e e rte You will at least want one of hese attrac- tive Underskirts. They come in all-Iklk Jersey in the new Tall shades. From \ $5.95 t°;7.50 New Chamoisette Gloves $1 a pair These well known Kayser chamoisette Gloves are ideal for fall and winter wear, in white, mastic, grey and black. All sizes in stock, per pair ;1.90 $2.75 New Fall Kimonas The new fall Kimonas are the nicest we have ever shown and the prices are much lower than last season. 1f you intend to buy a Kimona you should see our choice range, from ;2.95 ' Special Values in Navy Serges Navy Serges at moat attractive prices to clear. These serges are priced from *1.50 to $3.50, which is just exactly half their for- mer prices. "BUSINESS IS GOOD W11 H US" M lila"' s Scotch tore The Store 7 hat Gives The Best Servl members of the retool who lost their Tires in the great tear. The Arthur ('lists of Kuru church held Its first meet's. of the fall term In the lecture room Mr the clutch 00 Meabl). eaPning ofr week. After the regular prncr.,mitmetal hour was spent and refnwli*nyti were sowed. About fifty mambos were present, Rheumatism Y Tent's iihellsftfatq�tt, rime emits., sway BM. i PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Jas. McClinton is home from Toronto for a holiday. Miss iva Elliott is visiting friends at Niagara Falls, Oakville and Toronto. Mr. Harry Wiggin', of Chicago, .is ho t 4_VISation of two weeks. Miss Wean has been quite ill ibid recovering now. we are glad to share. Mr. G. R. Elliott attended the Miners' Engineering Convention at Wdkesbarre, Penn. Miss Francis Wiggin has returned to Detroit after a Lust say.of two weeks at her home In Goderich. Mrs. Fox has returned from a visit at Torcnto with her son and daughter, M is. Gertrude and Mr. Russell Fox. Waikerville News: Dr. and Mrs. ar - don Little, St. Mary's Gate, have re- turni ed home from Goderch. THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with ''Bayer Cross" are Aspttin--No others! ft - Mr. and Mrs G. H. Ball and family l have left town for Los Angeles, where they intend to make their home. Dr. Henry Crassweller, who has been appointed associate coroner for Windsor. is a nephew of Hon. Senator Proudfoot, K. C. Miss Long has returned to her home at Detroit after apendirtt the summer in town, tbe guest of Mn. Sinclair, Britannia road. Mies Marlon I:ee left this week for Toronto where she will will register as a ettxleot In attendance at Glen Mawr. If yew doa't see the `Amer Cross' ea the tablets, refuse them -they are sot Sepals et all. haft0ow geenise "Bayer Tablets of 'Aspirial Mainly stamped with the safety 'Bayer rasa-Aspiri■ preseribed by phystciala for sisMeea ears sad proved ode by Millie., for Headache, Tooth- ache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds. Neuritis, *ad Pais generally. Heady tie boxes of 12 tablets -also larger "Bayer" packages. Made la Canada. /aphia is the trade mark (registered la Cs.sla), of Bayer Maanfaetw» of W.seaestieseidester et 8alieylleseid. Wblle N is well 'mown that Aapkie mesa* Bayer masefeet re, to assist the ie last jraftatieaa. lie Tablets of ro•:romatai::i4tbsiet: t:Can. • Mead or you won't get ahead. Those who have no taste for discipline. 'senior* or service had better remain single. s Dr. and Mt'k-reT Egan" and children motored to Stratford, Kitchener and Brantford and visited Dr. Egeners parents at Waterloo. Mrs. Walter Sahel left on Wednes- day for Perth. She wan arcvmpenied by her cousin, Mica YlncWir, w'ho had been visiting her here, Dr. Alfred Holmes, Mrs. Holmes and son. and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolphe Kletska and son, of Detroit came up by motor this week to visit Dr. Holmes' relatives here. Mr. Geoffrey Holt, who spent the sum- mer at the University of Zurich, Switzer- land, visited his home here for a week or so before returning to his duties at Toronto. Dr. F.T. Egener will give organ recitals at St. James church, Stratford, Grace church. Brantford, Presbyterian church, Dalt. and at the Lutheran churches at Kitchener and Elmira during September. Mr. George M. Savage, of the George M. Savage Advertising Atertty Detroit,. spent a short holiday in (G;odwich. Mr Savage is a former resident. hiving left here in 1885, and always thoroughly en- joys a visit to the old town. He was ac- companied here by Prof. Dutfee, of the Law Department of Ann Arbor University. and Mrs. Durfee and three children. Mrs. Durfee is a daughter of Mr. Savage. Presbytery Ai>preciates Sauey... Wincham, Sept. 20, -At a regular meeting of the Presbytery of Maitland held here today the following reaoin- tMn was introduced by Rev. D. Perri,, feeeonded by Rev. Mr. Gilmour, and unanimously earned amidlet applause: "The Presbytery of MAltisod, Ivrow- nising tbe able efforts et Attorney General Raney to anpprerts all viola - Rona of the law against rinse',' lat- ter1M, gambling and all gamtoll A.• 'Seem, 6eafrO to expense its newest sp. preval no t7 Igradadea of the 1a 440101114 v. �s Pains About the Heart A NY derangement of the heart's action is alarmint- Frequently pains about the heart are caused by the forma- tion of gas arising from indi- gestion. Relief from this condition is obtained by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pilb. Chronic indigestion results from sluggish liver action. con- stipation of the bowels and inactive kidneys. Bsaaaas Dr. Chess's Kfl.ey-llvet Pills arouse those organs to aettvite they afford lastiai relief tar Isllg0- tiee sacs evereeme fisc away aneey- Me ay,WDt.tas.