HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-9-22, Page 2• 2--/Thuroday, $ September 22. 1921. e charm o fact will be Toront• Thursday, Septeunieue."2, DR. CLARK sPEAKS OUT. Dr. Michael Clark. M.P. for Red Deer. Alberta. hie made public a stateuieut that he will not be a mall- I - date as a Pnegreseive In the next - tion. lecause he floes not believe in class goveruntent." As Dr. Clerk warts of the Firrineree or Progreuire, is in its unique flavour o! rich delicacy. And It ipeople was looked upon as one of the KW- pa rty In the West. his declaration has never varies. All grocers sell "Salada" in not to 111136 ''At t made a screen len lre• political. eircles. sealed metal packets only. What th young upon. 1 can hear "W splendid tion e'' ing of 30.000 alone. mauut .sue we have again menu( against that t or tte big Interest$. in want it. Protection real, b a not for u$. Goulding. got id y under this alive PJ.ICY of Peotec- mayor William Gouldlinat have we ? Why. •in the city of Toronto not. As far as the concerned the tariff not effect them. but If Government in power nding tendencies, the Ill eventually be up upon the national debt unable to carry on. It esr upon the common are being misled, and e cry of 1911. tie jeople did not realize Hon. 1'. A. Crerar, rhe Pergreastie • le rumble of the mune old story. We were claiming arty of elnes 'reverie THOS WMILLAN CHOSEN. leader. has written to Dr. Clark di* I warm tribute to the Liberal chieftain. ilex! in 1 tot if se voted for protec- ent. lie says : "I do not believe in class i- n. nor do 1 believe in class diming- Cboire in Open Cenci', at ileneell To it. In the jal.f We hove hail too , arra Its iirwr of Liberation in ot both in (amide. Roth are south Huron in Coming Conte,t- ant to any liberty -loving per- eddresse, from Strong Quota of .1 I think you k • me well to know my viewo ou this ealicr, 'he hostile'. ot itorertnu,.nt er that eoncorns all the eau onlY be stleeeesTullY At a representative gatheripg lett- i"'" all erals or Soeth Huron at liensall on MI.. erred or merlin- I T sda Of last week Mr. 1 h G • art wits retries soli. 11 eti..11411 tutittee. 1' 11 U1:11 ia:olole atitI ca rriisl oil five of 1 heir nas tiou. assirlat0 Iti•niselvese toar:ther 1., .aehleve i•0111.1.10 lb -14- Ts -Hie end." McNlillan, of Tucker-mith. wad chosen as --etso--4---Prearner , the champion of the brcad.andpreressrve la evident mat pclicits of Liberalism tannery._ gjoW . Fed ral contest. Other names coneidered Wen ---as in 1 were Mayor elliffiam Goulding, of Sea - v. forth, -„Mr. Owen Geiger. /leant!. an (ovals_ but Shaw, of Clinton. but each nominee from _ao elected to withdraw in favor of Mr. Drury In Ontario. bigger-nwii, e tical movement. In t (kite rio. do ree bold t • excleelve riewoof_AL e *Mold welcome creopera els -.4e... The troithle t sanitation le not In tlw fienr bigger men. lien- in Outer enure coirditioirs present thereselvi here caused ler. Clark. tu Alberta, shrike- to stand as a caudirlate of t Farmers' party. Mackenzie King. ard characterized him i lion that 1 be ing would be all right as the friend of the common people. and there plerty of employment -that has ever been waged agaufst the big soundin ' g- ',lessee -Harm Company -And the biggest fight." he asserted, Now,we lje earning. Is not this interest is being conducted now under his a file exa Canadiani m when this leadership. They can't twist Mackenzie ' corona' Y Well bled.at the commence - King around their fingersment of the , tonne from Germany As he corcluded Mr. McMttlan was its debt of o through the sacrifice warmly applauded. as were his different o: Canarliab , and one when the references to Hon. Mckenzie King and the 'seal policy not mit them they ;Now Is the Time. , threaten to peg cut 01 tne country. ' late Sir Wifrirl. r Everyone. There is mIn comet the peaket was emphatic need today to be a Lib- . oral than at any time in the history of the ' tn has con oat the Liberal party country." Duncan C. Ross. M. l''' de-lCisf.aloilerk°ners I as the classes, and that that includes the mases today. I am froni the claret Ore ha e in Hon. w. L.. ,. • kenre King a Mader who has been ch men • 1 awl, at the most democratic convention el its' tabooing clamp 4nd have not been mite taken in 'the broadness of Liberalism." kind ever held in Canada. Hewes chosen introducing to the convention. in an open and fair way "and every rfrling I A. R. Kenemelho editor of The London s represented. Advertisrais•E e e. M. P. for Weet ail to see how Mackenzie King can bel domxootoo f o a, yoit f :Middlesex. egpined that "there were . only two or we daily yournels in the all keow in his veins flows the blood of that (Manus patriot. William Lyon Mac- Dominic() thot had been consistent in Id kenzie. whoa sacrifices gave us the the Liberal party, and col- their support stitutional flghts we enjoy today. And one of these, eles goei aid London Adver- . tiser, i- represented here today by Mr. Nlackenz.eK g is just asgood .. Kennedy. as anyone who may sit or stand in the 1h • latter !poke briefly. and alter ten• i Milian the or- • ce • of the In addition to the strong quota of loc I s akere there attended Irom the tt/ west riding of Middlesex Duncan C. Ross, '' M. P., son of the late Hon. G. W. Ross to ho in the course of the afternoon launched another of his characteristic firey on- slaughts on the Meighen administration. EDITORIAL NOTES. shadow of Westminster. ( App auge). He i • for. the struggling masses. not of the derifig to the elect.,:. ,.yt South Huron his town alone, but of the counti y as well." I corgratulations tee n their excellent , choice of a candidate he launched into a Replies to Charges. vigorous denounc.rtint of the present 1 ..enseeteatenensetreenenesestrenenrenni earMiesIntereseseetwerten•weeeseW SELLING WOOL BLANKETS Eight -pound all pure wool WHITE BLANKETS with pink and blue border,. Size 72x8. Last year's price was $14.00. Special at per pair $8.50. Cotton Blankets 12-4 extra heavy, largest size, and best quality, with pink or blue borders. Special per pair $3.25. Knitting Yarns All new colors and shades in Mon- arch Knitting Yarns, downs and floss, at per ball 25c. Down 2 -oz. ball 35c. Replying to charges that the Liberal administration at Ot t a wa. lilln, Mayor Goulding. of S oforth, and Party a at A R. Kennedy. editor of The London the speaker asserted that -there is one, he questioned,•lhat the coming c.impaign ' A th x rence and, shall be fought Out thus and so ? I fear He was ably supported by Thomas MC- • h d f led to redeem its pledges "What nght ha% e tney to announce, eff It Is understood the general election prese \ date will he announced eleeoma noon The the vacant Senatorship, are filled. I Thomas ;Capt. Fer Lloyd 'George and ile 'Calera are Goulding. having a %Alai.. Of a time writing "I am he note. to each tother: but they hs0000 behind the L flTist the reel in I 01;1 . frhoma1 C Nies, is this one featur awtertehsce lastelection. 01 elect. . Where are the township weed ta- In" 7 -12-revardetY 411d 6141---4---11"12-1 for me personalty, tit winkle, on the country roads and unable to support our In t Pao ertiser. all of whom bnefly but • ively reviewed the record of the honeey of purpose placed him next to that once noggin a bold attempt is to be t Union Government. the late Sir Wilfrid. and that is the Hon. made to fool am people as in 1911, ny the ther nominees were : Dr. Shaw. W. S. Fielding. When asked as to the , old LiMillar Ost•avinc- Shillinglaugh. Fred McGregor, reduction of tariff the latter arose and ' Is, Owen, Ginter, Harry Smith, specified that the debt had been reducedW..• owing Issues. te Richard S Id. n, illiam , following the advent of the Laurier ad. : The speaker suggesfed that there were Frieder. I ministration to such a degree as to take today other important issues that will as a Liberal, standing the burden of 5100,000,000 frern the endoubtedlyeagage the attention of both ral leader and not one shoulders of Canadian people. the present Government, which *eke re - of our rezord ol 1917,-1 "Of course tnat does not appear much election. and the great mass of the electors for ,sh an •elared. -There ,:to the Present Goverwho clamor a arbze from the con- nment. which has to be noted. There i been used to wild, extravagant expendit- I, tinued reckless experdaure at the capital. s in South HurnAll the speekere 1. the afternoon, in- n who urea. but it was sufficient te enable Sir 1 tile willing to vote Wilfrid to conduct the business of his I eluding those who had been nominated ed themselves 0 I and subsequently withdrew in favor of Lf 3vernment for one year. policies. I have' "But there bave been those of the Con- 1 Thomas felcifilian. were treated to. however, of I ' votive party. and ,the U. F. 0. as well. I spontaneous and hearty applause. The coming to me lab() have said. 'Yes. you have reduced 'meeting dispersed w.th rousing cheers for right about Ithe teriff. but you raised tht valuation of the candidate and. his chieftain, lbw 1 there this•year were •never sur- had the satisfactIon st having these same person 'and intimating that I w • the Meighen Government a apliu duds himself a hero What Liberalism "Was there anything up to 19 rim the in 'Amhara, don't understa to throw uwar eating it. alt. these gouda when._ they came across Mackenzie King. how • mail can bear for that matter, that we, as and pie ',den (t ot is tetraavhes 1110, behashisredas otf a vital living re progressive pn 7 --the border.' I say that the Gov- ertiment has nothing to do with the velu- m -since Tatiana( imports. and the law which gov- Li‘b%7haratllerns the same has been in effect since W it. y the prevailing pei:e in the cauntry ,4-onfederation. Valuation is computed Ties from which the articles c xne in politics- a principle never 1 mg Liturier's Pettey. for power or position. but whose mott is A correepondent at oseow wrIteg service -a principle to um the imp' r- "What did the Liberal Dirty do ? You that it Is possible to tali' a sub- me.ots of tcday -as the basis of tomorroe :cant shove your p elicy down the throats stautiel meal there for 50 roubles. I say. away v. ith the petty little "isms" of the people. That ts Toryism. What As the rouble used to be WO arhout involving those sho can never take a id Laurier do ? You remember the fight. fifty r•ents in our money. t t 'own doorstep 1 hope and trust that P ducts a owenng u y on .ae u that food is scareer than money implement. In 1911 the Laurier IS it is) in Russia 'St the pr t tine. it to to oit broader vision than around their e tried to create free, entry for/Mural and I -d t r c uch 1this sprit is web nigh gone, aid once it tur passes it will never return. If we as true 'Government went to political death in an citizens look upon humanity as a self- effort to give the farmers of Canada the perpetuating race and ourselves as I he biggest market aud the greatest prospenty todians ot posterity, we must endeavor ' they ever had. tter conditions in order that those "I believe that we can get reciprocity. come after may have a more con- It is the main plank of the Farmers' lace in which to thrive. In short party and they should nOchide us for beralism. not giving it to them. I want to say to allProgressives of whatever party they "May belong (and the rank and file of -the Conservative party are deserting it daily); Libe I f Canada who were defending the menaced a T ° Pa frontiers of free trade years before the old pee of harneeer. Era .LOVre others took up the same position on the Pupil sunpiered to be the ring -leader line. (Applause). - -Murit Stand Together. Is it not unwise for those of same ingintweio-be divided into differe tionary. camps? Let us beware in our contentions ace of that we do not destroy One another. nous ' Arthur Meighen should be ruling in ov- Turkey, where his orders -in -council would'. perhaps he more acceptable. Canada is no place for a Premier of his nature. Dr. leighen has only one prescription and t is -protection --and I don't think he masses arid many of the manu- Mt whotild !tear tit -0161m .4 Hitt loy- to' atty. cry in North linnet, at any rate. who When three cheers for the King tire ra at is cora_ for, the Vie°. eau cheer for 1 Good Old Days. - their coodidnte. Mr. J. W. King: the "We have,been going about the Nov. Gate can throw up their beta for ince today sh ting that this is no time for. the old. Meal parties. Do you _ their leader, lion. W. L. Mackenzie believe that: Is iberalism responsible Mug :and the l'ottwervAtives of entree for the conditions a we find them today ? will think of nobody hut his Majesty Go back to the good id days atter '96,. when Sir Wilfrid Lauri came in. Buil- K int _George. nese in 1896 was prod v demoralized. Our own people were actui • leaving the 41 • gloa.alireepolila elet.tion es t not to target that it was the ra s o The Right. of Teachers. (Rent Mercury T. J. Coatel:,. h.,- Just rettelred a ropy of the ju,l,t•II • itt handed flown IfY Judge Seer. ef Perth. In whech Mr. ctosteltot4;sared for the defend. ant. In w or the lame crest de- chk•I. TISe 'leering Is one which iss of inter...ft to ,•cery palette school teat:h- er or mei in the Provinee of Ontario. K NI Cleary arse a teacher in the eschool at Flower Statton. Tour of her pupil,' neglected their work Mal were kept in after four Hoek to make iip for Ion time Mien Cleary left the roem for a few minute!s to poet a letter. end the taking advantage of her alemenere heat a lieu,' retreat. going home with. their work rinsione. Next morning, there were exciting times at 44rat sehool when the lour pupae eetarred to were setabjeseel to corporal punklintent. The instrument of ehaerterement was Chambray Ginghams 33 inches wide, splendid quality, plain chambrays in pink. mauve, blue, green and linen. On sale at per yard, special 30c. Cotton Sheets Good weight white sheets, well ma le. Size 72x90. Reduced to per pair $2.9$. Gossard Corsets and Brassiers Newest models and in superior quality. The Corset that never loses its shape. They lace in front. Price per pair $3, $3.50, $4, $5 and up. Sateens and Chintz Yard -wide, new Fast colors. Sateens for comforters, draperies"&nd coverings. A large choice of splendid colorings and designs and fast. Recently sold at 50c and 60c. At per yard 35c. New Coats Coats in finest broadcloths, etc. Ra gi $20 to Us. - Fur -trimmed, silk lined, new W. Acheson & Son e...,.....„peneergergeneee.Wsereneas -411111FWe - "MILL FRIEL Itt yfield-Sepi. 27 to Durigannon--Oct. 6 to 7. Gorrie--Oet. 1. Ilarrieston-Rept. 29 to 30. Kirkton-Ort. 6 to 7. Lbstowel-14ept. 37 to V. Lucknow-Sept. 29 to 30. Milrerton-Sepe. 21) to 30. Palmerston -74)0. 4 to 5. , Ripley -Sept. 27 to 28. lerafortb-Oct. to 23. Teeserater-Oct. 4 to 5. 'gingham -Sept. 27 to M. St. Marys -Sept. 22 to 23. Jilyth-nept 22 to M. SCHOOL The following are the dates of the s-hool (sire to be held in Huron county during the month of September : eiepteniber 26-Fordwich. Septerriber ,4--4'1Inton Rural. September 29 -Clinton Town. iDELItATE GIRLS country In thousands. Ira was -at -a mat.. "fro, standstill and receipts were I At the same time the domestic Which Elves; the Liberals 96 seine in the Dominion was threatened by a the next „House, the Fanner -Labor spirit of coercion against a sister conerination 74. end the C'enservattres ince. , NEED NEW BLOOD. Rich, Red Blood Means Health and Strength. The anaemia of young girls may be in- herited, °eon may be caused by bad sir, unsuitable food. hasty and irregular eat- ing. insufficient out-of-door exercise and not enough rest and sleep. It comes on gradually. beenning with languor. irdispoltion to mental or bodity exertion. irritability and a feeling oC fatigue. Later comes the palpitation of the heart. headaches. dizziness following a of the arra ir of the evening be ore. stooping posttion. frequent backache' and Allege. flee .rhe received ten elope on breathlew.ness. In a majority of caries egeh hand. Her parents had the constipation is present. There may be tear -her eininioned to court. !tied It no great irAn of flesh, but osually the t"--fetlier• ea ortrienee-tket--wo-- sr= cowl:de:ion takes on .4_grOltnilbertilow Confidence Henored. fil. estimate giver the Liberate " hat ha nett when we• • et' the, only ten Peat* .th Ontario. AM-- PY reins ol (Ince ? Confidence was restored mill hardly do wore than that„Othe at once, and in Sir Wilfrid's Cabinet we 1 tha Liberal bessimilmtere found then some of the ablest men of st Ottawa eel. Canada. Under this regime we experel - d matem that Mr. 'King will Nave a fol- enced such progress that Canada %as' Lowing in the new House giving a 1 eventually known PS oi e of the coming nations. and the brightest page in the seiner majority over Farmers MO C011-. a/wrath-es comidned. '1 history of Liberalism was when in 1911, t r- Wilfrid - went- down_ o -defeat atiainet-a the Laurier administration, undo Sir MARVE Good Wishes From Former Employee. policy of protection and without a breath Mr. M. E. Power. manager of the Depo rtureeit of Business Adminietrio tern al.. Esti University- (Iileago. In writing lir. Iletniarrle with reference to his now ilutlee, an agreement which is still on the books of managing editor of The :tenure says • ' the United States. And furthermore 1 SII4 ofscandal ever 'being alt ached to his name. Today the Liberal party is in Na any Easallak\folleve• t -b• readiness to start where it Wed! in 1911, borsht' and Irritation iktczeina;* and quite wilting with the peopXs man- writes 1111911 A- Oen= ef Aft date to bring into being the reciprocity Nicholas, P.E.I. "For a ,gsat I suffered with this disease, and trtut all kinds or remedies, but nothing believe that we can, helped me until I used ZamBtok. The continued use of this herbal balm hu completely cured me. " Although it to now two years since this. cure was effected, there has been no return of the disease.- Zarn-Buto Is equally good for ringworm, scalp sores. pimples, bolls, teething rash, "barbers rash," ulcers, old sores, abscesses, had legs, blood-polsoning, cuts, burns, scalds and bruise,. All dealers or Zsen-Buk Co., Toronto. 60c hoz, I for $1.21. count of the rsererity of the Punish- Paticw' Cases of this kind, if neglected, become Meat. Wool pirstanning had met In -ars! -he girl had been III a serously r Pills 5 result. The RUIrreis illdEnlent eft more !serious. but if taken in time there is that t no need to worry. Dr. Williams' Pink , which are fax from any harmful or erect ten typewritten pagee of fool- habit-forrning drug, are just the tonic scan. Mr Oponnell,„f Perth. who needed to remedy this wretched state of Appeared for the parents. contended health. Though it ieettot noticeable. 'm- erlon re, profile aehool teailter 111114 a provernent begin, wit the first doe_. As rtgltt as tere seating) diatinctly states ttwit ok„at tt,:pilaitenipillt airialafter hour+ yn school shall fa"irsIgitsalialYll a Itle9 (11°I.feimhTskseilin not later than 1 o'clock in the afternoon. tiring ;in Eilitteh case of the same 01*0 /1. ill* one nefore rhe court. and j winch a eontention. Anillar to the one urged by himself. hall teem .11,taine41 by the Judge. Mr. reoereTke Sretuid that chats Fouglierh de - lime no binding force in On- tario. Detention attest Moira for 41e. 114inganetrismei::: nn the part of the pupil,. been provelr°1Pritbet theilmtpltnneroth;nrnirletohfflag teacher to 'keep in' Is no longer esstiamesl. With this argument 01 Costello -4 the Judge agreed. The also held that ft had not been that the .hlood potuning from of the. w he deemed lilgeeritt ts7riloprandr ego: was the resnalt fotrhet hewer t nftTI:e.11 31,45.'ppesr ay their ow veer. ruled that while fnerenreco.lft'inntatni ttraah%IirPennecr'17111114-4 thy eirsdansg sjimititAP‘. nig!otlilewr t ha n the one recortimended In the reanlatIons nee which Is made of rah - Iver. Had atom (leery tient this MAR, her course erea)d hare lett no room for ehjeferion, and mete in - the eases would Imre ban *Rowed to Your emptoyir may determine Your salary. hut yoll. yourself determine your 'meth. To get sore, make yourself worth m re. There is noted* Os @iodic es the human mind. Like iswienned steam. the it is pressed them , it rises to mirth: presort. r It may be tomo Owl the willing horse while he she -alto neggrate tbsinedenet. Buoatmonce in a 'One aerrimintn ire with you while you were taking some of the major eourses of the University, and later as a Interne -Regietrar. Make. ti's not only Intereated in your ['Mire. loiroon. indent of your swerves Iti the news- paper field. "The haekgronnd of experience whIeli you bring to the sweeter of 'The. Signal's nrientele should make your present eonneetion ow of rent beneflt to that eommunity." Higher Letter Rates. An advance of one rent per Mime fe announced le the letter postage rate between Camila end other ports of the Empire. The former rate was two rents per ounce, with an andel 81141e rent. as War tax. The new nen. *111 he three center an mime, with (cue rent war tax ntirliternal. The pretties. rate, to foreign conntrles hero tarn in - creamed from flee cents for the first mince and three. rents for ever ewe- rs...sling melee, to ten ersnts for the first mince and flee reenter for each additional (runew or fraction thereof. The postale. saner within Canada end to the United States and Mettle° n - main at three cents for the first ottnr..• and two cents for each additional Could Have It. "I believe that if we had an adminis- tration at Ottawa that was anxious to have recio:ocity we could have it. It would be a boom to agriculture. upon which rests the succor of all other under- takings. As agriculture so flourishes, so it will set in motion the other great in- dustries that depend upon it. "We have a policy that we may well be proud of, againtt which we have the autocrats in power tied up as they are with the big interests. Our policy is legislation and administratton in the public interest and not for the favored few; efficiency mid retrenchment in public service and we insist upon barring from the lobbies of the House that diabolical system of 'lobbying.' A Broad Policy. "We have a policy that will place raw materials upon the free list or at the lowest possible jwice, and we have a policy that tends to create that spirit of unity, harmony and communitive interest throughout the land upon which all de- pends. There should be no determine between us. There should he no hostility 114 between town and errantry. This 1 have always preached and will continue to do f0." In conclusion the candidate paid a a7mvsmattmitimiew._ =Su nn 11•1111M., Yong, and Charle• Su. Tarot', 11 11 school w th a gplendil recocrl When auperowily of traoll a If ennattered flat tolleit. rants among tho hew on ;11. cog, tint.nt. Writ* today for catalog**. Eater er Inc owe. W J ELLIOTT. Pruw,n11 the blvd is made rich the pallor leaves the face, strength and activity gradually return and the danger of relapse is very slight. If any symptom of anaemia appears. prudence suggests that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be given at once. and the soonee they are taken th* more speed- ily will their action improve the blood. You can get these pita through any dealer in medicine. or by mail at 50 cents a box or six bozei for 12.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - - FANCY LINEN for useful and ornamental rear - posses. Is an Important depart- ment in our establishment. The purest Linenskillfully and r:taolrent.mment ily woven and atenaped is a coates feature of she To see them Is to want them and to Weer the law pdeee turtle you Into a quk'k purchaser of the goods. MISS S. NOBLE Seek Side Square Gederiak SCHOOL SHOES ARE MUCH IN DEMAND NOW To get the best.-Xootirear-forthe_bays sad girls ill very essential. They will require Shoes that will give the greatest amount of wear and fit UV* a good appearance. Of course parents will be looking for the above at able prices. Be sure and see our stock and get the lowest prices quoted tor pod- Shoes that it is possible to secure anywhere. REPAIRING GEO. MacVICAR North side of Square GODERICH IstesseneareWss040"Www AS A TIRE SIURGFAlN bulisl lowsseet ruIleage into tire. that a ppea r worthless by generally soneorthening threw whirl" err 'weak "all over." or placing a DPW section In those which a had blowout has toull4. Illoo-r•kvable. If you want more mileage. at lees nest. we can help you hold tine ne. keep dower. The beet of Standard Thee and Tubes in pewt. Hamilton et. H. J. FMB, GODERICH rig VICLCANTZER. MR. FARMER Do your Fall Plowing the new and efficient way. Now is the' time to buy a Case Farm Tractor RECENT REDUCTIONS MAKE THE SELLING PRICE OF A 10-18 TRACTOR ' $975.00 Berns Kerosene and is guy on Fuel eureasufearawse~so Get further particulars from East Street Garage T. F. HOLLAND 1