HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-9-22, Page 1The Signal invites contributions by readers to its personal columna. Let us know the names of your visit- ors. Also other news items always welcome. �sy 011�S�Ys esioneenamospereeereormoror The Signal will be sent to any address in Canada from now until Jan. 1st, 1922 1 FOR 50CENTS /UVSNTY•FOt'KTH I RAN NO. U. GODERICH, ONTARIO,. AY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1921 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. FARMERS prompt collection at reasonable rates is assured every farmer wholaces his Sale Notes in the hands of the Sterling Rank of Canada. And it additional capital is needed before the SAO Notes fall due, Loans may be arranged with tb . notes as security. Farmers contemplating an auction sale will find our local Manager ready to advise them regard- ing any details. ThE S1IRUN6BANt offemmat LOST OR POUND. THANES. k.1 gaple ue leaveat the CaAD ANaANF C MMERCE. u OST.-INGODERICH, ON THURS- day. September a, .starter chain fora Gray Divi. on a Ford car Finder will be re- warded on returning to BLACKSTONE'S RES TAURANT. M-:1 FOR SALE OR RENT. VOR SALE. -A SMALL FOWL house: also a wheelbarrow. Apply et THE SIGNAL OFFICE. Alt FOR SALE -'-OLID BRICK HOUSE. 1' nine rooms, large verandahs, lawn. and garden. stable su,t.ote for garage and balding.. Alt modern conveniences, aro good well and .041 water; fruit tree.. Centjall located in town o1 Godemcb. Address BOX 27, SIGNAL OFFICE. 66-11 AOR SALE. -A TWO STORY CE - a; AMENT block veneer house. All modern conveniences. Sstuatei on Elgin .venue For ?orbicular' 11794 to ROBERT DOAK. South Street. 37-21 RENT. -PART OF MY DOUBLE 1 I brick hose. corner South and Elgin !armo- ries furnace. bot water heating. Modern conveniences, electric light. etc. Splendid garden included. Gcod home for a couple ea hoot small cihldren. For lurcher particulars apply to MRS. JAS. STEW ART, South St,e,t. - 01.21 FOR SALE. -STORY=AND-A-HALF frame house. corner of Park sad Albert streets: Weld prefer to see chs bier.. Iv re- move: from the lot. or moulder!! the "bole prop - _ --- _ «V. D. M. O'BRIEN. East Menet Meat Market. Intl 11:1 UILI131NG LOT FOR SALE. -ON rewBrock street. Mast be sold within the nest weeks. Make oder to MRS. THOMAS Mc- KENZIE. Victoria Street, Goderich. or to W. A. WHITELEY. 0216 Oak Street, New Orleans, La. 01-11 ARM FOR SALE. -LOT 25. CON - orCESSION 3, Goderich township, constating @ acres o1 choice clay, loam. with spring creek .04 s6rmg well. Barn 40.40, with cement alabtea; hair Karn, bnt27: drive,house, 16a27; small ben- tonite; comfortable concrete cottage, and two forret o1 wcherd- ll w situated one mile from designated Proem/ia county rood. seven miles from Godertch, and .s convenient to school sae church. Apply to B.H LINDSAY. R. R. No. 2; Dederick Pone OM r 1 y DA NCE -- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th - AT The Pavilion :-: Goderich, Ont. :NEAR SUNSET HOTEL) The School of Commerce CLINTON - ONTARIO Being unable at present to open- a Goderich Branch have arranged a Tient TUDLi NT$ FROM OODIENICH may attend ALL CLASSES, coming down in after- • noon and returning on evening train telleNwiewewrow ss Hold 2:50 to OM p.m. farther information, phone 198, or write B. F. WARD, B. A., M. Accts., Principal • LAST CALL ONLY 200 BAGS CEMENT LEFT FROM „.-- ARTICLES FOR SALE PHONE HURON ROAD DAiRY FOR PURE MILK AND CREAM. Phone No 601 r. 3. Milk can be had between deliveries at PENDERS GROCERYFTORE. 116-2n. L`OR SALE OR TO RENT. -GROC- ERY. flour and feed store, doing good busi- ness. on Hamilton street, Goderich. Gasoline pump.' .stalled ,n (root of the bending. making this a good opportunity fora hoe man to open a garage Possemloo pinto et cote. Apply on premiss to J. J. MOsER, Proprietor. a5 -e1 AUTOMOBILE POR SALE. -1921 atadehYlsr, der-paen1pr Spann Sic ren ave tbousaad Miles. extra equipment, good sarw.'Wiubasaid cheap. J. W CKAIGIK. It YI CARD MRs, oelgbbors their recut beautiful -MR. AND wit61 tto�otbs.k their /ultimo ilali .Me ffaihe 16-11 ( *AHD S./ MRS. It ono re t and also to Band tee their coot berm KS. -INR, AND wish to uprises their friends and netahtwr., et the 3*) Regiment sheen them in their re - TED. IEN T1iia u foe dors tribe new coney meth* complete am mg. closet a separately. cement, gra cheque for 10 par required to tender not building can be h.11'a or at W completed by J. W. Beamillr RECEIVED DECEMBER lath. at Beatather. Teri - cad budding; dao for Tender. to be for loll building (plumb hater system), also Board to s .pply pounds. A marked Mount of tender will be The lowest or any pled Plan. kir new Iter. at J. W. pled. Building to ter fully 1222 `tertiary. School Hoard r. Si Unluni - 000D MIXED _ at s3 per THE GODERI CA. (Foot of city of FOR SALE delivered, ACTURING ED. Phone 61. HOUSES - All kinds for MAIM If you want a have some of the sale Apply to Res! amass p Phone 50. The South Farmers P reasonable pricks in and me my list. I m Goderich fee AN. luurance t1 United Association bold a contend in Hensall Hall, on THURSDAY, $MEMBER ?.9th, at 2 p. ret., for the pose n( selectirg a candidate for the Ft6 etal House. Meetings fog the delegates will be division in each evening of T Ali electoral* cipals and the platform of the Iario and the Ca culture, and ii ed-I:armers' invitedto attend. pose of appointing in each polling sub- nicipality on the ember 27th. with the prin- nclated in the signers of On- Cou Of Sop , the iahp SEMI-ANNI Al. CONFERENCE. Huron Prehb)tcrial Society Holds Ia bptratiutatl (lathering in Kass l'hurrh, (:oderirh. The semiannual conference Ott the Huron Presbyterial Society held in Knox cliorcll on Tuesday, Setyte r 13 Was thoroughly Inspirational. 1 e weather ens ideal and there was good attendance of delegated at both the aftern.xn, awl evening so.krne. The afternoon meeting commenced at 2 o'clock 41111 wax opeu,'1 by d1votIOla- a1 exerciw•s by mi-iulere or the Ar- thur Pirtle, the prl•xiderlt, Mee. H. C. Dunlop, otr•upying the chair. The Scripture reading wax taken by ]Ilse (llbbx and tlw prayer by )miss Naini. Mrs. Reddiet, president of the senior auxiliary, extended a t•ol'(lial welcome to the delegates. Includltlg Mrs. Mc- Gillivray. president of the (:etwral ('outsell and the wixxioiatries present. Mrs, J. E. Hogg. 01 19frtton, responded. The minutes of the ftrevl its meeting were read by the wereorry. JI4.O H. 1. Benham. of Neeuforth. and some pratikwl suggestions were peen by the treasurer, ]ire. J. l'. Greig. ort BatfortJL on haw to obtain the objee- tire for tlw present year whkii ix .lout 014,010. Mrs Foote. of Exeter. delighted the audience with a vo(wl solo and wan followed 1.y a young wo- man's (vufer'en a .bide •ted by Mime McLean, of etesiforth, who pref.t ed her remarks with au impressive story it Tolstoi. Mut•ll regret was ee- 1 when 4t twenwe known that Miss Smillie. of India. was unable to Ile present on Al&•Otlllt of illness. Her place. 'however. was ably taken by Wim Agnes Dickson, of Routh Chins'. who spoke.on the efforts being made by the Christian young women of (Continued on page S. AUCTION SALES A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. MRS. E. BLACK will ogee for sale by public aacilal. K bar rest - dente, Bruce street, Goderi91s, tbo tau.wiag ouaehdd effects. on . --, ,-- WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMSBR 3tth, commencing at 1 o'clock p m One Goderich organ, carpet., 5 ro kers. pic- tures, 1 round tel,le, dsmngroom table and chairs, 2 couches, linoleum, Singer sewing machine. 2 bedroom suites. wisp and mattresses: child commode chair t beds. 1 easel, Y toilet sets. kitchen dram, 2 bail../ -kat tables, 2 .man side tables. hitches. caalaet, three -burner Perfection Ori nave aid ovens, graniturine wash. tubbed wringer, seamy bei ey clod[. lamps, tiara ors. nosrs,ier atepbaa.iN trrow, *aIer$ Curtain- s. Gower '1N� er, carpenter's tar, crosecutaw. • - , '►and aw, shovels. spode. boea. ... eta (•• sad nu;a-ssy�rous •Awetkaare Bus meets all trains. Calls made for passengers and baggage to any part of the town. Prompt service guaranteed. Tel/plias 51 Day or Nigh -0- . R. TOWE Residence, Cambria Road, opposite the Organ Factory Office �w NNW a VERTIt$MtNT5, Page ',.1e K.v {,'sot-roave at Bank gal Commerce. linos& or Sal.-Bas'b{ Signal Oface. .l Hard B n -Kingsbridgep Parish Hall t Card of ants -Mr. and Mrs. W. J Davies 1 Auto fa . le 1.W. Cra,ss...... 1 Fowl H or Selo -Aptly at The Signal. 1 Coming -M a Leaf Chapter... . .5 Auction Sale --p.M. Sulliwa I executors'S..k R. C Hays t Card of l hank Mr and 44 A. G. Lenaby 1 Starter -chain Leave at pggk�tone's Res- anra n i 1 Unemployme at,F t Rites dM the Railway.6 CAR RECEIVED LAST WEEK 5 A bag ort band is worth ten on order Get yours NOW APPLES and POTATOES WANTED xxxxx B. C. Shingles, Red Cedar xxx xx Highests Grades . Lowest Prices Brick -Lime -Roofing -Lumber of all kinds Phone;: write, or tall Goderich--Planing Mills LIMITED Pima P..0.Bet 18 One Dollar .'Week Dy regularly deducting one dollar a week from Tour esrn�rttAs and depositing it regularly in a Sav- uuI�as Bunk Account, you will soon accumulate' a substantial balance without missing the money deposited. in five years, with interest at 3%, com- pounded semi-annually, you will have $280.26. ten years your balance will be $605.54. UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager We Want - twenty-five cars of Apples and Potatoes, graded. Will buy outright or self on a commission basis. For infor- mation telephone 204. JAMES LLOYD & SON WHOLESALE Agents for Dominion Crystal Sugar. i Pure Cape best for Preserving. - Apples Wanted We are prepared to buy any quantity of apples suitable for canning and will take delivery on and after Sept. 20. Call at office. Bruce street, or phone 127 for particulars HURON CANNING & EVAPORATING G. 8 Yob WHAT OF THE FUTURE? A Flank Discussion of the Merits of Goderieh Industrial Exhibition -1 Some ('onstruetive Criticism Which Is Worth)of Attention The following letter (ieals..yeAtb the question whictl has been (llw•uaavl quite openly strew the recent *initial ir. It 1. conceded by ail who are i sweated 111 the suetwsn of thin yearly er t that if the Gisierk•h Industrt.l F:xh oltlon hi to eontinue to exhit, 111d1 if fit Interest of the agrteulturwl 1111(1 hatdhw rnmmunitles Ix to he retained some n policies must be adopted "Subso•ril •r'd" letter is well worth reading. he Signal will gladly gore spat'. to an others who have sugges- tions to offe on this important sub- ject. To The Editor f Th. Signal : Dear fair, -A Iwr fair has pasoed and before tlw nights desert our 'minds it might lw 'ell to take '.to. -k and consider the ere Its and demerits of Otis annual event\al)11 einleavor. after mome manner, 4f psiesible. to im- prove, as whire there fs tRM ronwtant growth rtagllatlon 1, folltlwwl by de- cay. It waw at (common reirrk that "fine weather and 11 t•row(1 swim - the fair had to reo(emmetel „ Title lava pitiful affawe ir to e time good *how. one that today display this Industrial posslbll the agricultural rew,unws, and in fine arts, of iMypojxllutlon, retr graded to a race track. resfreolimen Ixxiths, game* of more chance than skill. It might to well to .'opy opine of our letter grade of show. where punk side xh0w8 moil doll lutby (ln• IDIOM y Is not a feature. Each have their (1010tees. often in many re- .pet•ts persona of calibre forget them - mei Vets for the hod nt and 110 as others do. But can't we hare a fair that stnutlx for and apte0le to the whitest and lest as well ax the lighter veins ! To take It up by department or die- fslona-first of all, we need protec- tion of • persons property : exhibit morals. Theis may 4e all fm upon. Oh yes. they could be worse ' It's not the worst, ft's the lest we should he out for. $ceendIly, we want play, 'fun, pleasure. A second rate ventriloquist. cupie (lolls and such like ane 11(11 (considered highly elevating vet here they flourislael. There was m goewl track but we do not all enjoy a borne -race. The .writer feria -ate in en rag do. But 1.. 1x•' W 8 the (ale tatwt ; 17rill lP end IiMeinweiseSeioertsWerwessWoleMeareveSesor FARMS FOR SALE The Willoughby Farm Agency. the largest farm agency in Canada, offers for sale a number o[ farms in this vicinity , from fifty to ane hundrel acres, with good buildings and water, close to school and church. A number of these farms are dome to town. NIR C. C. A1cNEIL, their Agent. will be pleased to show prospective purchasers over these farms at any time. one - old Ito.. s 111 .reef yapatl The _ r �E at next a f, l#S rf la rri flu: it'ifJ-' LTiVRE' ERVF.D AUCTION SALE OF ' °nom'.. But two props are not HOUSE FURNISHINGS. ETC., gtihcfetlt to llaltre sucrwss. Mny we' nt least 1. e a trial by adding the DR. S. WRIGHT BURGESS Chiropractic Specialist. Acute and Chronic Diseases. Office over Model Theatre. Come and vee what Chiropractic will 'do for YOU. Consultation Free. Phone 359. Hours -10-12. 2-5. 7 8. and by appointment. 8 m. 1921 TAXES As t x rate for 1(121 has been settled am now prepare., to ac- cept jay a nt. Two per Pot. allowlrl off 1f paid on or lefo ne{temle'r 34lth. After the her 15tH two per cent. will to a ed. After January AA. Ute:. Are twnL added. Taxes la arrears eat be paid at 0 WM. CAN 'HELL. Ta Collector. Aug. 25, 1921. tf MR. JOHN A.CL'NLIFFE. taken man's uswllum of exchange lend! teal to re Cd,1('fItkill 3 We should not 1 wo n leavmt at once a lex E,land, will sell by give nothing worth while In r.t�Irn. public auction, at ha residence-. Wells Street Goderich,00 Hew much of the program was w117•I SATURDAY:SEPTEMBER 24th, ' TINY .ih.piny of the. i)ep.irt- 1 comenencmg'6t 1...1oci«k 1 anent of Agrtculture, Ottawa. had 'WOW (Inc three.p, ce mahogany bedroom euite. ted admirable femtpresl tet these were not l sad springs. l three-piece mahogany parlay suite: , enough. f'111re1y tl {Vom11n's InaSi quaitercul til buffet, 1 dlranette. 1 couch, 1 pare carpet• 5!3ts yard.. Clown Hurnn cook uric. 14(81 lire. la)". Huard ,elf ytove. water front; three burner Perls-tnon oil, Agrlenitn re. and Ot nriga niza thenal stove- with oven; Coal oil heater; Art treasure cel heater, washing machineand thjnger. wash- are not nrglnIzerl merely fur the sake! 1 rubs and baler, copper bottom; washstand. toilet . of 'Mtn !drat tion. There i+ no end to Set. caret.wee�r, commode. lawn molgr,,ear-I now Allll interesting el 1 ly. new; coal m can- satenng can, stephd ter, R R Im•n tarsal fent-1 kitchen tablet American rocker. gent.' rock.r,l Ilt{nR thiey tvalld torldsh. imethlt►g, easy Chan. s small chain; a unmoor of dirties, { draatk• shnt1111 le dntw -t0 riga Pnal! l pans, oilcloth and glassware; a quantity 01d, f r.1a{ f- W-ttlti-1{11Is' 11 mala uildnth and linoleum, garden (nobs air prt'a gr. netting, etc.; also / lain.. hens.? pullets and 4 The exhibits were of sho intent month.' old rooster; 2 .mall parlor Lorca leather h4It how -'few• ' .,Set exn .one be ex pillows• blankets• etc: also a quantity of trove- "t •• morn 110 pictures. and other articles tat mum- Ml jtlnee t7lflln hl. property all el nous 10 mention. toW - w•lthollt ndirhuate proter't1011 All the above are in good order and condition. �' ' Taeri -Cash. (VIII. leas the lndutArial wrilon shy 7, There will be no reserve on anything, as it (611r IWO.., he•nds, goal bt1+11)1•18$ men. 1 must all be disposed nl`adtertisln T GUNDRY, Auctioneer. g`. freely elsew^here why tart hem which stt0nl(1 to. their Mt.o-n: LCFION SALE OF FARM STOCK''surely 111 re'• 1 minion Huron -arse' rs-ANDlMPLEMENT... a TKir in. r 0 0 11117111 -nut no little of It toleen here' in' 'aprtt•ultnree of Wm littered or tm+I' islrt than formerly 1 `Just tto to any school fair and lenen. Might not one or more of these young .ripen w t -a -rt'_ nlnklne these rural school fa I A stttweem give some counsel it their (s.iu special Tiles. We tuts comity fair may grow 61111 toilet it has good right to or fall) ,halt for goal. R'hnt do our spay '! - St l' 614 WONG'S CA OPEN 6 A.M. TILL 1 A. DINNER A LA CARTE 3 Oban.e omen.. ohm Dm MALS *8:180,00 •At ALL .(01)000 Chop Row a 'poem Pei i Pin Ind .II k,ad. of p..tre n.s& by the 50'044. 1 000t.uu, 1 ...anent Primo' &ewe. WONG'S CA E 1a01T1*H 0%CHAMGE INC sus OTRICET Tti THE HARD TIME BALL AT -- r�'dp-Parish Nie - Orr - MR. P. M.SULLIVAN will sell bvpublic auct ion. at east half lots. cot - (moon 7. Western Division Ashfleld. an MONDAY. OCTOBER Ad, 1021, cominemcing at 1 o'clock p. m.: One :bleeder. 1 ialtw, -t laylo.d.f alt McCo mitt make; Deering mow. 2 Itly. naseev-Harr,, disc., 2 ares double harrows, 1 errs rection harrow, 2 plows, 2 wagons. culler, pair bobsleighs. post - hole digger, rosd.scrspnat , 21011 -lbs. weigh males, 1 Massey -Marra seed drill, 2 3.year.old steers; 1 ld bull. 5 yeerso; I bull, 1 ,ear old; 1 brood mare, a years old; 5 orae!. 1 yeast old: 1 horse, 5 years old: 1 mare. 3 years old:1 Ally, 1 year old; 45 ewe., 1 Leicester ram. 1 Oxforddown tam, Is cows, sup- posed to be in calf; 5 2-yesold heifers, supposed to be in cath 6 2 -year-old steers; 6 Otters.1 year old; 1 heifer, 1 year old. lee (rennla may (ome a nR� 0110 n as .. friendthst RIDER. d lee creams i acus. -Ali sums of 610 and under. caM� I may go hut illn('ketone'A encs on for - over that amount, 12 months' credit en appmoy er. 14"that your. next order la joint notes will be allowed, or a discorso at the rate of (per centper annum allowed for cash on 1 II (*stone's. Phone 2240. credit soma. P. M.SULLIVAN. JOHN PURI/M.-I Proprietor. Auctioneer. XECUTRiX' SALE OF RESIDENCi PROPERTY. HOUSEHOLDFURNITURE A EFFECTS. T. Gundry auctioneer, has been instructed by the exnutrez of the r state of the late lane Hay to sell by public auction, at the premises cn Light• house street. Goderich, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER nth, commencing 51 1.50 o'clock sharp . The property composed of lot running number 117 and the northe, 1 part of Int 164 B. Godeetch. on which there is erected • comfortable frame cottage. 1 here are a number of good fruit tree% ■ nil the property is in • god location, Also the household fornit0,0 and effects, con- sisting of : One solid walnut eentretable and cover. 1 platform rocker, 2 walnut stools, .5 pairs curtains, 12 yarde moot carpe/, MII carppeel. I , 86. board. 1 heavy N[Jeg fall -leaf table. 5 I.r era, !.atria table,, couch, 6 cane -seated choler 1 for NpK1':Y SALE K 1RTER. wooden chain 1 eight-day clock, 15 piCtur,S and litanies. a number of hooks, 25 yards Union carpet, • 2 Pitres of bedroom carpet. 1 leather bed, 2 mattresses, pillows and bedding. 1 Sarc...,, S&Pt. 2*.-UM nrewrylds\p( a.a very old and unique walnut bed; rover,' odd bed. I 'hold furmsMnes, etc , ornperty of John Leo roan sea. 1 large mirror, wain t frame; toilet bile, at Ms residence. Welk street• b, at seta, abs". china, crockery, glamour,: aeverel '. 7.50 p m \ pieces n1 very old silverware, hitcher' stove and' WEDNESDAY. Sept. A. -Auction sale of hoJar- Pipes: Coal Mating stove and piers: ( tables, 1 ! hold effects. property 01 Mrs. E. Black at hie .rte t'asacuphnce-1,2 smaller cupboards sewing flNdtnce. Bruce street, at I o'clock P. m. machine, kitchen chair• 1 bureau (very Isrgei. 2 `- N ande, lawn mower. garden tools, wood, and num- 'roue other articles Tagus. - On household furniture. cash. on prop. set 10 per cent. of perched. price. cash; b.larre in btdars.MnROAv, Ott. 6. -Auction ode of farm sleek Per further Parti -elan aptly to and Implements. poverty n1 P. M. Sellhan, at R C. HAYS. east hall IM 5, xenceee.rin 7, Lire. !AMM, Criss. So1111toe for Eteutr,s. mewing 51,5 ialayy,. • JgAlt�:- a._ T. GUNDYY, Awetsosee. peneer . THOMP:ON. --At St. Augustine. on Thursday September ls, to r. and Mn. John Thomp AKRIED. CA PION -FA R. -At St Peter's church, 00 nesday oening• September 21. by Rev. Fa. er (:a M.ss Margaret Carr. daughter of .. • Mr.. lame. t..rr, 10 Mr. Carl Cam• r 111 of Goderirh. EL1. t0 Sat L DiED. .-A Aberdeen. South Dakota, on rdsy, Se.. ember 17, Mary Ann Ander- , nder , widow o the late lioh.rt Elliott, of errch towns •. aged toe years.$ :month. nd it days MBY. - in G.derich�on Thursday September 15, Howard Aleut, de infant .on of Mr. and (51r.. W. G Lumby, aged a month and 26 days. AUCTION -SALE REGISTER. ...,.•.-..s.ia�r .....ate Pe. for the best costumes ask by the Redmond Orchestra Dbticing commences at 8.30 sharp ADMISSION Gaits $1.00. -- Ladies Free. Be a Sport Join in the Fun COME IN COSTUME CRAI E'S INSURANCE and R . 'ESTATE FOR SALE Two story white brick. fully modern eight roomed house, hot water heating, situated on the south side of Lighthouse street. Price $3,500. Story and a half. (rams, ei.M ream- ed house, electric light, water and sew er connection. newly decorated through out. Situated on the west lick of Cam .von street. Price $1,500. Story and a half frame sit roomed house, fully modern, cornerebec and Esse. streets. Price $2 500. I1 -nils bought and sold. J. W. CRAiGIE - THE NEW ONTARIO BOND ISSUE is now on the market. This is your oppottunity for a profitable investment YIELDING B.IS per ear. SF,F. 0. F. CAREY Rtf.ALEKTATRand INSI'RANCE Bi,terls Nought and en1.1 . Phew 164 •.0