HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-9-1, Page 8*env. Sersiew • IYt 111 -Thursday, Septemtier 1. 11121. 4.61. OoDERICH, OET. I G.C.I.Opeaing Tuesday, Sept. 6 All the new Text hooks required for the term's work, the new Dominion Note Book and fillers, also fillers for the Standard Note Book. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, $2.50 up. Waterman's Heniex Foun- tain Pon. $1.25. EXHIBITION SEPT. (, 7, 8 Thi. i+ a goal time to have shy eye treble attended to while• in town. 14'e here the l:,teit instru- ment, of uptksal science. SATiSFACTION and SERVICE or 11 MOW° ki,;; 1 L. COLE Eyesight Specialist Optometrist WIEST STREET GODLRICH BASEBALL TALK. 11 Was a Win for the Sinner. Despite threatening weather and other adverse cord tions.la fair crowd assembled last Saturday when the Simcoes of Tor- onto battled with an all-star team picked from Group No. ti of the N. W. league. The team trum this district came out on the low end of the score. but they showed themselves to be in a class which es by no means interior to that of the Simcoes. The first innings" was one of disaster b the "home brew. Mukahy walked and advanced to the keystone sack on an error made when Smith hit. Dickson came through with a hit. scams the diminutive second -sacker, Mukahy. Ttssofsky was sale at Fru on an error, Smith sconng on the carne misplay. Van Winkle was given free passage to the initial corner when he wa; tut by a pitched ball. The nest turn up Radicg and McCallum. wee fielded out. but "Red" Melbourne and Cockburn each connected for a two -bagger and thus four more runs were chalked down. The misery ended when Mulcahy, at bat for the second time, grounided out. Similarly the Simcoes had a bad fust innings The ever-rehable Joe Lindsay was the first to face Cockburn, and he connected with the'•pill" for a two -base hit. Cockburn then bad a generons streak and he walked Lavelle, who was forced out by Ohlert. Flannagan then did the "hero" stunt when Ise caught one Cockburn's slants. making a two-bsggrr and bringing Lindsay and Ohlert hoose. Flannagan scored when "Babe" Seibert hit. bot the inning quickly ended when Hart fanned and Cooper grounded out. The rat of the game was played in en intermittent rain which made it uncom• fortable both •-for the players and the spectator. An unfortunate incident oc- curredin the second innings when Dick- ARE IOU IN ARREARS f In oiler to (-tole up our accounts to August 1st, when the change of management took effect. we would ur- gently request that all arrears of gar ecriptksu be !settled at the earnest pss- aiMe date. Remittaacrea if made at once may be at the rate of $1 50 a year. but we rererre' the right to charge the 82 rate for arrears If not nettled promptly. The Signal Printing Co.. limited. 1 it en to se%e a First -Class Custom - Tailored\ Suit or Top Coat for Fall andWjfite ar, made to youo in iv „�asure- yoielV><a, by the producers of "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" To introduce "CLOTHES of QUALITY" FREE PANT. W11,1, BI? GiVEN With every Suit or Top Coat ordered Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, September 5,4, 7, 8. A wide range of Fabrics and Patterns to se- lect from. Special Prices, $25 up An exceptionally wide range of samples to choose from—all of the latest Materials and Patterns. Come to our Store and Mae sale of sharing in this great offer. You not only get the Finest High -Grade Clothing made to measure but also an EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS FREE with every garment ordered. All Clothes sold with a Guarantee of absolute satisfaction or your money back NOTE. -Thi special representative from the 'Clothes of Quality' Company, of Toronto, will be at the store Monday and Tuesday to show samples and to give expert attention to Customers' measurements. 1 F. J. PRIDHAM, Agent Around the Corner North Street GODERICH Son. the Stmcue catcher, was hit in the tate by a fowl tip. He was replaced by (:lover. who went to the field. Heading going behind the bat. Coarar's work in the box was excellent, a fact which can be readily seen from the bus score. He allowed the Simcoes only eight hita and put five men out by the strikeout route. fanning Turofsky, the slugging third baseman, twice. Binet also wagon the job behind the bat. to Cooper on the rubber was a tai, slim youth named Cockburn whose elusive alaats bewildered the All -Stan so much that they only garnered in five hits. two of which came when Boyd Lavelle. of Stratford. wielded the willow. "Chuk" Glover, the Simcoes ace pitch- er, twirled the last innings. but owing 10 the lack of the "warms -up" process he was a trine wild. Ile.imeonstrat.ed his terrific speed on two or three occasions, and one dors riot have to look for much more than this to realise that -Chuck" can pitch. Fabner is to be congratulated upoo bis work at Short, which was on the verge of miraculous. and he shares the Belding hon- ors with "Red" Melbourne, whose catch of 'Bin" &net's seemingly sure h::t was a flashy piece of work. From the Snowing the Simcoes made here one is led to think that it will have to be a very classy team. both in fielaing and hitting. which will put than out of the running for the Ontario amateur cbampioaehip. One thing is sure. and that is that wishes tor their success are forth- coming from every '.fan" in Godench. and another assured fact is, tact there is a royal welcome awaiting them whenever they return to "Huron's Golden Gate." SUMMARY. All -Stars. Lindsay. 2b Lavelle, 3b.... .._ Ohiert, ib Flannagan. rf Seibert. cf.... *Hart . Bisset, c ... Fanner, a... •Murrey.... ,,.., A. B. H. R. 6 1 1 -4 2 I- 4 0 1 4 1 0 2,- 0 0 3 - 0 1 4 0 0 II 0 0 2 0 0 33 5 5 Mulcahy, 20..-...... ... 4 Smith. cf........ .........:"._ 4 Dickson. c.. 1 Tui ofsk y. 3b. .,-.-.- Van ,.,.--Van Winkle, rf Reading, cf. and c 4 McCaliuns, ss 4 Melbourne 4 Cockburn, p.........: 4 Glover. cf. and p _.. 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 38 8 10 •Murney batted for Hart. 'Glover batted for Dickson. Hits. -Off Cooper in nine innings 8: oQ Cockburn, 8 in 6; off Glover, 1 in 0. Bases on balls. -By Cooper 2, Cockburn 3, Glover 2. Hit by pitchy-VanWinkle, Sriuth Umpire -B, H. McCreath. • ISR On Saturday, at Walkerton. Wingham defeated the former team by the score of 15 to 3 in a group nem -final game. More den. pitching for Wingham. struck OW twenty men. and Catcher Anderson d the same dub had a homerun and a three -bagger. On Sunday the Simcoes, on invitation of the Bisset Bros., visited Saltfotd Heights ice exam plant. and say they stowed awayi to product of that tory •.: b e of the La crap entertained by point f Menesetung Park botel. We have been asked a good many times ho the promoters were who brought the and All -Stars to Godericb. Now that the game has been played we are at liberty to state that Messrs. T. R Thom son, proprietor of the British 1Ssehange, and Wm. W. Barlow were tine sole promoters of the scheme. Knowing that theSaeopte of Godench would t rapport a pine of ball, they took a chance. ad it not been for the threatening weather on Saturday afternoon there would have been many more at the game. Much to the plea-ure and surprise of the promoters, after figuring up receipt" and expenditures, they found they had the magnificent sum of ten cents to d,vide between them. Ali lovers of baseball will be pleased to know that these gentlemen escaped without any financial low and wt hope that the next big venture these lucky promoters take on they may double their money. On facing idled What lci'iid of 4 team was gang to Lucknow on Labor Day. Manager Hays replied that the team from Godench would be strong enough to make the other fellows play th•ir bolt. Joe Lindsay was warmly welcomed by hie many friends as his arriaal_im on Saturday. - As the Simons have a game at Toronto this week with the Osiers 'or the amateur championship of Canada, Manager Hot - rum was kept busy on Saturday night keeping tab on the Simcoes players and seemg that they got to ther beds early and -that they remained there. He says there were a few escaped down the tire - escape. but most of these passed a very .'Peaceful" night. Lavelle and l"Ianoagan, of Stratford. both played good ball on Saturday. Besides winning Manager Hays' prise (or the best hitter among Purity Flour Mayers for the season. Joe Lindsay wins the prizes offered by Messrs. Reg. Sher. man and C. L. Moore, another pair.. shoes and a silk shirt. der of Pu Ernie Flour team,has entered leftfor tlhe 100 yards dash at the Toronto Exhibition, on Saturday of next week. the last day 01 the fair. Ernie has been in training at the track herr this week, and is reported to be ccmiag along fine. T. R. Thomson, proprietor of the British Exchange, who is an ex -wheel racer and has had much experience in training foot•racera, has taken Ernie in hand. and has great hopes of making a winner of him. Mr. Thomson and Ernie wili Law for Toronto early nest work, and will finish training at the track on which the race is to be run. 'I'be Signal wishes Ernie good luck and hoi*i to see him make good. when Why pay more for a phonograph You can get a real "Stewart" from 115 to kr:;. and a beau- tiful Milne machine for 52 Ask for ■ demonstrationg is pvMra Agent for cream at Gennetttone Recnrda ox t(inghag enul.•rfr lona at 1he can- nel*. National I•:ti dbitton will 'tart faryitember 1 snd continue for at least OPERATION WAS MCI NECESSARY 141114410" Restored IW T Plid 1* Pleas•. Aura, Moa,asai "1P *wee youa, I /IITrd greed Ma la Ike fewer past of my body, wfM erg or bioatiag. 1 craw a orb Said I mast oedema old sa. 1 refesmL r Uwe akvaf " gar' M deal mus f nary sR The digs bas pro gra relief', and I asadli mad the trsataent. Maar my heads Is easeaat-1 as tree of pata—as. I give "h'dL+Peer' say l —scut mks". Km. 1. GL>IiAU. a baa, i 1rP-50. trial sea le. M doom er sees law4id 1♦ )> ewe Limited. Otrsa. IT GLADDENS YOUR HEART So Says Osandller R. H. Cult in a Leans. Demobinit His Trip from Wkaatipeg go Fiaekateoo-\orlhern Ontario A hind of Great Mineral Weal*. Writing from Sask., Councillor R. 11 inti. In a letter t0 his family In ( ,,),'n, h gives a graphic description of 111- trip to the West. A portion of his t.•' r tallows : ' "We all arrived here Friday evening after a long journey through a tenni+- end alien of wilderrwaa. Soon atter leaving Toronto at 10 o'clock we went to our berths, rieuw at 7 text morn- ing. We Naw Roth i g hut rocks ani lakes. ssma11 eprne and poplar, Inter- wperwed here an'! yonder with small hamlets of fishermen and trappers, who moat have felt weary of civiliza- tion saomewbere to settle in soeb a lotely, moaotono-r and barren wilder - nen. "It was night. and w61le we were In oar bertha. the we pawed the Twin Cities at the bead of Lake Superior - Fort William aid Port Arthur -and next morning the scene began to change as we .s'd on toward the great thy of %%willies, the gateway between K,astern watt Wartern Canada. Let US/covet for a rapment the Ione and moe(Ronuw- trail. through the great etywtttnea of cork in where den depths nasty !et be found ore o1 `oh- and -flyer and no in quantities great enough to the Met of orad se np and no - Winnipeg - Winnipeg ward t0' Ra+ "'Cult the V., was ewsugti to ke tied the heart man. We bar.• many ebea�ed the great Wirrestx .�C Wl rderhse'ert, and have appregi{gte'sl to Mme retest the enormous . ltb bei to our Dominion by `e pr orf IllirWerat ut to_ride orlfaim Nair t and Jibes ,n1 far '@ IW Pee tat reach ou Yaher Side is tertahrly a treat ditllraft of, adequate de., rlption. • We JAW all feel. in the nest --pirite. West to 14t. Thomas Ltr.•shyterian titan lf, twice ye-terday pod bears. two A breezy. wcmtern . •iernosr by Rev.'. ,Qw.ffry .loves, a young. bight [rive n "W. sr.• retwivtpt a wholehearted Western welcome ln'Saskatoon a1fsd,are nertainly,enjoying k. Expect to eq to Prince Albert as Wemhiq' any and next Rurrcbay we expect to spend in Kin- dersley . No-'-i[a nl tamer. are not coming: nn, -'t eon time,. going." A awaiting •'+pit••" wit+ irsmtstlged In after the war. emit, rent's. in a4 effort to forget Its unpkw,wnt assartatIone. Plea.area anal lirxurie. come in for R full share of tete money expended -but ne essiltlea were not overlooked. Sober darn are re Resin. however. and enme folk. have M their minis 111 will for certain firms that were openly charged with pmfteertng. This feeling has caused a .lowing np of psrchasee all alone the line. There's ao wneh thing as a buyer's .trtke. It's merely a matter teturn1i m normal tondllkin n. Pile. are 'dined* themselves as fast se bailie lnduatrte; will permit, sit we urge yon to tiny what you nerved now and e,ntrlbete to a continuation of rood times. E R. Wigle, dressiet. Gswlerich. A NEW SCHOOL LAW. ABdeseent Schaal Allendanee Aet Con- tains Some lase rtaa4 Regulation'. The .tdole.reat School Attendasee Act .r,me9 into farce this year and require. all song pe rine between fourteen and Lutesn years of age to Attend rl>nol for the full nebool year nnM.+ (a i Medieelly ser phTwic•s11y unit. (h) F.mpks nil ani the authority of a "home permit" or of an "empM7- ment eon ince te" grunted hy "the whorl attenlatme claimer" to the par- ents on their aa'tl0aetory aflhrmation In writing on a them provided by the (BAvernm,nt mine that the aervkire of the young eer.0D are required. (r ttavine ;eyed the T'ntvetaky Junior Matriculation examination or itThe valent • required +0 ase to Tse rent. are tmey..• It that tbe.s• pagerw granting ars mp- t lsn ap. prose r ed ; otherwise. the? are' Mahle to ir.crrr penalties under 'rhe Ontario Snmmar7 (emeeetienm Act. Information may toe .trained from L. i.. Knox• weretary of the pnhlk asisood board, far thrum not ia•ring pwasecl the hirh srhnol entrance, and from .1 i' flume, secretary of tete Col- legiate Board. for Mone of blgh rehe/11 entrance etaiidtag_ f>rPinyer• of adnlewvwrts of wife fesrtere to rlartPen aro regnlre•d to ea - mere them...... taw .nth parM,wa air N�: of Afore re emplsju Sit t e"t otheeer' air ender tie") of 1nergbill 1 .1Mr' ti . e x THE COLQORNE STORE SpecialYaluirin Every Deaitmenu Voile Blouses .we bay a gathered together alt our very . Wok Voile Blouses which ranged in price up t $8.5O and have marked them down to sash $4.19 These Waists are all made from the very finest Voile prettily embroidered and trim- med with pretty collar and cuffs, ea. $4.19 A range of Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses each $4.98. They come in all sizes and a wonderful range of colors. Be sure and see these values at....5498 Tricolette Blouses in all colors, trim- med with colored silk embroidery at 26.00, $6,75 and $7.00. Just arrived a wonderful range of plush Tama for ladies , misses and children. Make your selection before they are picked over. Crib Blankets Flannelette Crib Blankets, just the right thing for children at, per pair 5125 All wool Crib Blankets each in pure white, $225 Cottons Sheetings in two yard width at QpCer yard ...... .... ....7 85c and 95c Pillow Cotton, a yard in all widths, at 4Oc to 6Sc Yard wide Cotton, is an qualities, from a yard ......., 24)c VO 75c Flannelette 35 in. Flannelette in Agit. and blue stripe* at, a yard - 30c 38 in. Flanjssletta iR piiik awn -blue stripes, at, a yai+d 39c 27 in. Flannelette in stripes at a yard 25c 27 in. White Flannelette at, a yard 20c J. H. COLBORNE & CO. THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY ■ Fair -Sept. 10 te 11. k. London. is a very busy place days m preparation for the big to take place in Septem- ber. live etock buildings have been changed catesidarably apace last year and more roost has bean made on the old grounds for outside exhibits of all kinds. Tire old entrance on Danlos street has been torn down and a new. up-to-date entrance built. Tickets will be used this year at all entrance, --both Pts and grandstand -and it s hoped that the congestion of last year will be overcome. The rnarmgement are pianriresg for the best eahibitilla ever held in Landon,. All in - lb. secretary. A.M. Hunt, ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. 1 ia� /sit, f3. Raise Heaurei w lCsavim Waked far esderML Priot\to their n•moral from Strat- ford to `.Onderkfi Mr. and Mrs. S. Penner were the recipient, of • pre- s.entatlon ft14m rhe memtwrs of Trin- ity 11,d• church. when they re - .eft a mailing lamp at a gathering at of Mrs. Neison Cooeh, street. The admires. which arrnm>jated the prewntatlon wee read hy J, W (loukl, and was as fol - Mr. sed Mrw. Ram Tender : Dear Friend+. -Your intended de- parture from the city of Stratford. bae been learned with regret by your frleedm in Trinity church. Both of you have held pooltbns in our church work whkh yo hays (Hantsrged fnItli- tany and honorably riving unstinting- ly of your time and ern'rts. You have at all times proven 1.. he examples of true ('hrlstian k Yonr depw.rtnrm worpilerl . rests a raPan- ey hard to ell, and you will long he re- membered by your friends In Trinity. TWaae.• rm the ere of yimr ilepartnre. we feel it would be impn.witile to k -t you go without showing in some. tangible way onr feeling. Mettle ac- cept this +light token of OUT 'crises. May It he of mmrvfre to you In rinse - new borne. May the t.lewine of (loc1 hese with you alw-Hy, and may your effort. tie crowned with success are •the wishes of ymir Trinity friends. Signed -J. W. Gonkl. Mee. E. Ryenuon. Rtratford. Augrl+t 17. 1921 PERSONd.L MENTION. NI+. Helen Whitely. of Rmoklyn. N.Y.. returned home on Tuesday after /pending a happy month with loderieb friends. Mrs. Meek and twn daughtenw" M MneTier. Ont., /perk a week In town vl+sting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Cromle have returned to their home Io Detroit after spend- ing is o(rnth at Mr. lsavkt Meitwaln's, Newgate onset. Mrs. H T. Barker's many friends will be wry to learn that she has not been enjoying good health. An early improve- ment is hoped for. Mt. and Mrs. H. B. Boyd, of Ottawa. returned to Ottawa on Wednesday after a rlvk of two weekw with Mr. awl Mr. J W. Framer. MP. Minnie Campbell iwav,n 011 Monday for Niagara Fano where she will rsewnme her position on the teach- ing /tall of the Collett/ate. Mrs. F. (1. Ewalt anti thew ohildret learo today for Hamilton after an Pit. joyahle hoiklay with Mira F,agl.'s father, Mr. William OampbeM. MIA. Fre MVP Fersemen who had lime Tiakiryt her contain. Mbit T.tb Miltwain, Newest. screen, rltnened,to, her home in Wlarton on Monday. ]R. Ernest Prklham returned as Saturday from an enjoyable bends/ of two weeks In Chicano. ---- Mr. and Met R. H. Cutt and daub. ter. Sim Ione. and Mies Belle 1kl*wen are away od a trip to Vancouver and will be for six weeks. Mr. aillt and ]k. Yea family, of were• m old c•e4esl,ration. They tend owing to the Mr. Hogan. .. el . - - [ suceCorp Henry Aunfalry is home after a year in Tease •e a trooper In the 1'. a. army. He was atatleeed with the 4th Cavalry at Fort Rmwn, right on the Mexican frontier, and bas many fntereetlag relate of the soldier', The e,unt yid be h folds. prefer b a1 nee.. ugh of . and in - some otber serylee. nada. Id Photographs of the children never grow up Make an appointment today T. T. •FELL Upholstering Se! FURNITURE REPAIRED and VAIIIILSHED n't throw away your .IS Furni- ture till you nes CLIFF ANDERSON Kingston St. McLean's Block ALBERTA Guaranteed Bends Twenty -year -6 1-2 per cent. PRICE Par and Interest most attractive ialneittment. 1 ((RI c d We Are Ready For School Opening! Are You ? It is very essential that you include in your school equipment good Boots and Shoes. We are prepared to meet your demands for good solid, substantial Footwear at the very lowest present day prices. Also, we have a full stock of FLEZT-FOOT Shoes for gymnasium games and sports. these for the Fall term You will need a pair of Sharinan's Shoe Store The Home of Good Values W. REG. SHARMAN