HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-9-1, Page 6r1
-►I'LurwlaY. SeIrteurlwy 1, 1SIL1.
s$TAAUsxt.D 1072 '
• L
1 f .. 11 I
teem, orika
NOW that the grain ship-
ments have started, there
are a number of transactions to
be taken care of for you. The •
Bank of Hamilton is particular-
ly well equiped to look after all
this detail in a thoroughly effic-
ient manner.
Goc'erich Branch—A. J. MacKay, Manager
Calland see a demonstration of the best Washing
Machine on the market. We are agents.
Lighten the drudgery of housekeeping with one of
theme ea,c-running machines, which save labor and preserve
health and good temper.
are the standard, up-fo-date electric light. We have them.
Also ell kinds of
for house. store. office or workshop.
Estimates made and contracts taken for electric,
wiring and other electrical work.
Old ('•thorn Hotel Corner Phone IR Hamilton St.
Vis. -.ani
W e Want to Meet You
\Viten you are in Goderich at tt Fair sent week be
sure to call attd see us. We are an ous-o acquainted
with all the customers in towns and cduutry of this well-known
grocery believing that our acquaiptauee will, be mutually
For the next week we have a verynteresting special
er - eariu - of
ble for panne
.tri ` 5C t% $1.25
DISHES—Odd piece*, sit' ser plates, platters, bowls and
pitchers, giiiirat COST PRiCE.
ell's Cold Stand
531g World ;vents
Ireland, the Chief Actor on World's Stage—The Passing
of King Peter of Serbia—Will the United States
Give Anything for More Wood Pulp?-- The New
Alberta . Ceatbinet—Leagtfae of Nations Grows in
Ireland is the chief actor on the world's
stage to far as Britain is concerned at
this writing. That country has come
perilously near to the resumption of the
abominable warfare that has spread its
Might over the land for months past, to
be halted only by the negotiaucris over
the proffer of the British Government of a
most generous measure of home rule and
which Premier Lloyd George has declared
will not be enlarged. Eanion de Valera.
President of the Irish Republic, as he is
styled by his followers, has made a speech
before- the Dail Eireann—the Sinn Fein
Parliament—in which he categorically
rejected the offers for himself and his
colkegues of the goverment that sup-
ports him. This following his refusal
reply to Premier Lloyd George produced
a feeling of anxiety throughout Bntain
and Ireland that neither of the countries
baa known since the negotiations were
entered upon. There were incidents about
the mating of the Dail Eireann as dram-
atic u those in a play of thrills and
climaxes. Members took the oath Of
allegiance to the republic. Vast crowds
congregated inside and outside of the
Manion House to Dublin whet the
meetings were held. Those on the outside
prayed and sang during the long hours
they awaited news. Inside. despite in-
junctions that quiet was to be observed,
there were tumultous scenes when de
Valera and his followers reiterated their
determination for an independent republic
or wahine. In fact, viewed from the
standpoint of the variou- enactments,
regulations and proclamations called forth
by the carte of events in Ireland. it wasa
meeting of seditionists preaching sedition.
In some countries it would never have
been a llowed. Britain facilitated the
meeting. her de -ire for peace being
paramount. In spite of the" "no
compromise" spirit of his addresses,
there was in many parts of
le Valera's declarations an indication
that negotiations sere still progressing.
To get the best .outwear fuer the boys, and girls is
very iu..ntial. They_ will require Shoes that,; will give the greatest
atnonntof wear and yet have a gond appearance.
Titlioo 1nR or to a rove al
reasonable prices. Ile mitre and see our stock and get the
lowest prices quoted for good Shoes that it is iossihle to
secure anywhere.
North side of Square GODERICH
Youth k
and ;Age
THERE is no time in wom-
an's life that she cannot
benefit by the use of Dr.
Chaae's Nerve Food in order
to keep up the supply of pure,
rich blood and to ensure a
healthful condition of the
eervous system.
HesAaehw, neuralgia. slwple e-
ness, nervous spell., Irritability.
tired. worn-out feeling,. moon (Hoap-
D.er whop the vigor an" energy of
the nerves aro restored by the toss
or thts great food cur*.
IS ratio -11f a for situspjkae, err
as.aa.sa, asses a Ce., lase, ?orate.
DrChe se's ¢)
Nerve kod - -,
"Auto -Shoes" Mean Mileage
The mileage riven by the best tire yon
ever used would just about approximate
the average given by Ames Holden
"Auto -Shoes year after year.
Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes" are miles better
than ordinary tires. The name "Auto -Shoes"
is to help you to remember that—to make it
easy for you to get the cheapest mileage yon
can hny.
"Greg `ax"
/sae, St.. Phone No. CI
001)11$WH. ONT.
Cord and Fabric Tires in all
Standard Sizes
For Sale By
"Rd Sox" Tubes
1'. J. MacEWAN,
St. Andrews St, Pleas No. EN
G4)l)ERiCH. ONT.
That Ulster was not being overlooked in
these emsebvious. Eventually all Ireland
must engage in team play 14 the coun-
try'1 sake, one would think. That is a
Matter for the suture. At the moment
the main effort o to keep the negotiations
Proarees and to prevent a reoxCtgeence
of those events which have kept Ireland
before the world as a country of strife
and turmoil. Preliminary precautions by
the British Government have included the
.tapping of leave by men on furlough
from Ireland, and who are members of
tbe Crown foxes The "Black and Tans"
are among those who are reportinto
their barracks to await the outcome of
the latest move. Meanwhile hope bas
not hese abandoned. The country which
bas tbnagkly enjoyed the armistice of
the past few weeks wiil be loath to resort
to ,the sickening =paws of ambush.
murder and arson that is all so futile so
far as altering the status of Ireland is
concerted, but so deadly in its work of
flames of misunderstanding
Humanity no restrictions of
geography, natsonaluy err distance. The
allied nstiotts are. rninuiu their work
with the assistance of the United States
tot the mile( 9( tot famine wtterere in
Russia. On the word of Lloyd George.
hosed on official reports by experts. the
number of minute threatened by death
front starvation u without a parallel in
• —oma.
The Brinell GovernmMt'l bill for the
!afeggding of rad sometimes
known as ''Key • inftis has passed
the Commons bs a vote of 178 to 4 It is
y a Censure empowering tbe Govern
meat to give a degree of protection t0
certain manufacturers. The Lords show
some inclnatior to tight it, but it is likely
to became law le(ore long.
One of the vast berac figures of the
great war paeeed withthe deaof
who was King of Serbia, now mergedth Peter in
the larger country of Jugo-Slavia. He
had been ill at Belgrade for a long time.
and line* 1919 his. sae Alexander had
been bead of the kingdom. Peter as-
cended the throne as -the result of a dad
as cwid blooded a, an in the history of
plots and struggles 1 place and power.
ander That was the assaew palace at B
of King Alez-
tis wn dRt Drage inthe
elgrade The murder -
the pal night and chased
and her Inelbancelkrough its
cont stabbing them torEasth with
t ferocity. Peter. who was is
Gene . the time. diaclaueerall
eiegeo ongaltfaewr.blade
ue nes,t blwirgadalhleedoodo
carted aimoo nf.A'palan
. out, and
da latiaaswitDmtiwere
brol[en scene bulk ifcent
fishwife tries of the
Ind the
undae/ttd heroismyed
thrasghout the war is frets npi the minds
of all who followed. the salaries of the
conflict. Early in the struggle, when
after several victories against the Au.-
triaaa the latter erectly reinforced their
armie} and bale fair to conquer the coun-
try. King Peter, crippled with rheuma-
tism and Voltaic ailments, made a
passionate to flip people to dnve
the head of the SeriatHe im
a forma anhimsd the
Austrians were beaten in a great battle.
Serbia'a was not coag. A
German army combined with that of tete
Austrian, and bean a march through
Serbia, which country was attacked at
the same time by Bulgaria. Diverse
councils in the allied camp. no less than
the lack of men to spare tour the venture.
resulted in delays in sending aid to Serbia
which were fatal. Kin Peter aecorn-
panted the remnants of his armies and tate
stream of attendant refugees in a remark-
able maedi through the mountains into
Albania. 'T'he sick and wounded were
given treatment in great boitals
founded en the island of Corfu. FIaally
a strong Serbian force, recuperated. ex-
cellently equipped and hill of fight, was
treneferred to the Saloniki front. Here
they played a wonderful part in the
advance that broke the power of the
aulgartien and their allies wbo had over-
run Serbia. That country was (teed and
its Nook returned rejoicing. Pete*, who
was seventy-seven years of age when he
died, had a keen mind. He repeatedly
warned the allies that Bulgaria would
throw in her lot with the enemy side, and
sought permission to attack Bulgaria be-
fore the latter country took that step.
Th is was denied. Too late the allies
realised that Peter and his ad-
visers bad foresight. But at the least
the allies could not be caused of having
provoked war on Bulgaria or tacitly sup-
ported any such measure. They played
the game and Bulgaria backed the wrong
base as subsequent events showed.
President Harling has given his blessing
in the shape of his denature to the Un-
derwood resolution authorizing a com-
mission to negotiate with Canada for the
freer exportation of word pulp for the
making of paper. The brie( despatch
from Washington chronicling this fact
arouses interesting speculation. Boiled
down a stems to offer Canada a chance to
sugeest that a relaxation in the way of
timber dues might be followed or axom-
i ponied by some concessions in the United
States tariff in favor of Canals. The
matter is one that opens many avenues
ffpprr argument, especially for those w
tet in theorizing and discussing in an
way. But if anything practical
ls t . done it will have to be dealt with
from a business standpoint. If the
States wants something from
uld she not be willing to give
return ? The Government
Inas promised immediate
an of the situation in the cattle
• .-. by the ttnitei States tariff.
re!, intimates none relief. 1s it
cf making, a bargain with the
The selection of the Alberta Cabinet N
one mora proof of the fact that Canada
remains a land of opportunity• Premier
Herbert Greenfield for the present as.
sums also tberesporttibilities T
and Secretary. John Edward ow
nlee ls
made Attoney-General; George Hoadis,.
Minister, of Agriculture; R' Davis
Reid. Minister of Municipalitied.
Public Health; Perrin Earl Baker,
ter of Education; Vernon Winfield Smi
of Railways and Tele
y Irene Parlby, Minister without
folio. Not a angle member of the
abinet was born in Alberta, though all
have lived in the Province for a num-
ber of years. Three are Canadians,
The birthdays of Mr. George B.
Ham, of the C. P. R., haws for many
years part been observed by some
function or ether. If it was not a
home -like dinner with a score or so
et close friends, or a public banquet
or a presentation. or an operation
in a hospital, or a trip on a railway
train, it was something else. This
year a radical departure la t Lit rd
made from the ordinary Augvs
proceedings with the Musson Book
Company of Toronto as sponsors for
the innovation. On that day. this
publishing company Is tuning "
miniacences of a Raconteur," the
author of which is Mr. Ham. In
the articles wlsieh ori=iaalI appear
ed in Maclean's magazine. the author
recalls incidents of his bus and by
no means oiootoneaa Ilf. busy
Infantile ageraof threes down
to the
present day. TM/>:llotted three-
score sad ten of man Is teat biter-
eatiegly covered. From his early
boyhood da7$. he rsesw •~urs
which taain& tie Fenian Rana and
tM second Rlel Rj,ellion, of theses
ing and Dein ched by wild in-
dians, of the bustlingasearly *Lys of
Winnipfg and the pest, of the
Goreroan itktrsral M baa met, ret
. the intrepid officers of tb. Reason's
RCompaa of tb.s Menwoes with
whatotw he mt led aeeosnpstil d by
the CanadieaWo hen's Press Cls
of which ho is the .sty (sale mam-
, and . writes ent.eis rib l
req etr and haugwaMa and
foto the mysteries of Oidia
Plasteinse. paid One mamma of
George H. Ham
telepathic communlcatien and *thee
payehological subjects. He has sono
previously unpublished stories of kis
old friend, Mark Twain, and an ex-
cellent article on Brother Andre, the
Miracle Man of Montreal, and his
great work. Under the caption of
Scarlet and Gold" he tells of the
gallant men of the Northwest
Mounted Pollee in its early days. In
"When Toronto was Tenet," he
gives a freebie description of the
Queen City in the past, and his stor-
ies of polities and politicians give
the raider an hitherto oaknown in-
sight into the life of many of the
grand old men of Canada, when Sir
John Maodenald, Ste Wilfrid Laurier
Si, Rickard Cartwright and these
eonfreres held Wray. The "C. P.
R.," of which Mr. Ham has been
part and parcel ler nearly a third
of a eentury, 'e presented In a way
that it only could be by one intimate
with its workings and the beaisy
men who ina.guested and abs rasa -
aged It from its infaaey anti It be-
rame oprhape tie groateat trans -
pertinent eompany in the wend.
Rosining through the whole beak. Ie
which are several ankles whieh did
not appear In Maclean's, is a vele
of quaint humour and teller patbea
whfeh charms and delights the read-
er. fie on his 74th bltthday, the
"boy" author bestrews,rather than
fitting gift from Ma facile
nen to W 'set army a Maids and
stquatwtaaees whe are W be found
Ice the four faartas ad tib ghee.
Meats Browplee, Baker and Smith.
They are natives respectively of Lambton
county. Ontario, Blenheim. Ontario, and
Prince Edward Island. The Premier, Mr.
Headley and Mrs. Parlby came from
England. The youngest member of the
Cabinet is Mr. Brownlee, who is thirty.
eight years of age. Mr. Reid is a native
of Scotland. and Alex. Raw a Calgary
Labor man. who was not given in the first
Cabinet list,pending his acceptance of
the Public Works portfolio, is also a
Scotriman. Tbenrecognition of the influ-
and public activityby the ops apppolointment
of Mrs. Pariby, is hesecond ca,a of me4
kind in Canada. Mn. Ralph Smith is a
member with portfolio in the British
Columbia Government. This continent
is setting the pace in that direction. re•
ports from Washington indicating teat a
representative woman is to have a place in
moot asaas mmeeniber of the Ueonference nited States
Reference of the Silesian issue to the
League of Nations has given that body -a
greatly increased importance in the eyes
of the gnat powers as well as the smaller
nations of Europe. It comes at a most
significant pend in the history of the
League, the assembly of which is to hold
a season at Geneva in tbe course of a few
weeks. As Germany has perforce become
a temporary member through her accept-
ance of the reference on Silesia, the ques-
tion of her permanent membership in the
body b now a live one. Prominent mem-
bers of the League have been advocating
that course for some time, feeling that
many questions involving Germany could
be better settled there—in other words,
that the League should take the place of
the Supreme Council of the allies in the
efforts to straighten out all tangles arising
out of the peace treaty. It u of interest
to note that when the assembly of the
does meet the presiding officer will
be,Dr Wellington Koo. Chinese ambasss-
dor to Landon. This honor fells upon him
owing to the rotary plan of choosing
presidents for the assembly meetings.
Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer,
Sir Robert Horne, estimates that in spite
of all drawbacks and disappointments
there will be a surplus at the end of the
financial year which will be applied to the
reduction of the national debt. It will
not. however. reach the splendid total of
seventy-eight millions to which they had
looked forward. Ha however. feels some
apprehension regarding the budget for
1922. owing to shnnkage of receipts from
excess profits tax, sales of war material
and income tax. To balance accounts
his estimate was that there must be a
decrease of £138,000.400 in expenditure
In Ms opinion the committee Of business
men—over which Sir Enc Geddes will
prude—and which has been appointed to
that end. win be very useful in advising
as to the wit of Government policies and
departments and the steps to be taken to
keep tete expenditures within bounds.
That the British nation 'everting down to
an earnest -grapple with the question of
readjustment n shown by recently pub -
the effect that while ac:' '
w . received ie*
a;eoo,t 00
the net
gating about ora
thousand pounds per week. '
(Copyrighted Itritlsh & Colonial P
;eagereVil 3
•.. •-. •
• a.
Nd of, ear is
tot the ones as is the su
tort.- ve heat throws the Int.
stoma of order so quickly that un-
less prompt aid is at hand the baby may
be beyond all human help before the
mother realize" he is ill. Summer is the
season when diarrhoea. cholera mlantum,
dysentery and colic are most prevalent.
Any one of these troubles may prove
deadly if not properly treated. During
the summer the mother's best friend is
Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the
bowels. sweeten the stomach and keep
baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by
medicine dalery or by mail 'at 25 cents a
box from the Dr: Williams Medicine Co.,
liteekville. Ont.
Commer.•ial art will hare a
for the nr•rt time. at tb• ('anal
National Exhibition this year.
Decorating Materials
Wall Papers, Paints, etc.
We sell you the }materials, or
take the contract of decorating
your home, store or office.
Estimates cheerfully given
Window Glass, Plate Glass
Mirrors, eta.
We can supply tour wants in
any kind of Glas.
Nerth side West st. Phone 3S4
Tie Doable Track Route
Unexcelled dining car service.
Rleeping cars on night trains, and
parlor can on principal day trains.
Full information from any Orand
Trmtk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Horn-
ing. District Passenger Agent, To-
(i.11. fonder, Station Agent, phone29
Town Agents Phone g
and all
M iaad'a
baa given
o atialactioa
for three
k wa.tis.a
rty relieves sari
*Moet, Wombat* row
.'a iitipaaw-
a`ia. tastes sad esy,
loot el tato.
An Old Reliable R
oras raweett.tww.ati..
Oat, wrieto—Minced'. L.a went
aH rebottle remedy. 1 stray. beep a bottle
ea the boor and have reromme.ded It to
else a earbrr el my Meade to elbow it a..
peat wad. le meat cam it ran weed as a
sew for r►rw.at,.".
M1nb1rd 's
Lin nwnt
mouth Noon Boo't!s
THOMAS OUNDRY, '11Ir4'11rwr 1
BOX err, Goderich. - All instructions
by mall or lett at Signal office will he
promptly attended to. Residence tale.
phone 119.
TER, Solicitor, swears puling.
Once Hamilton street, Ooderieb, tiled
door from Square. Trost funds to
loan at lowest rates.
OflkeSterllag Bank Block, Ham-
ilton Street, Ooderlch, Telepbotle 8S.
Real Bstate, Loans and Inwaranee.
Office on the Square. second door
from Hamilton Street. Goderich.
Private funds to loan at lower.
W. Proudfoot, R. C.. J. L. SUloraa,
Dudley E. Holmen.
KHMER, attorney, solicitor,
Goderich. Money loaned at iWs*
. ICITOR, notary'pubtle and cos -
poor. e ►
est House. God
• — o9 -IS.
/l ANCB CO —Farm and isolatedk
town property tasnred.
Ones a—Jas. C0000lly. Por., Gods.
rich P. 0.; Jas. trans, Vice -Pres...
bwood P. 0.; Thomas E. Hays,
.-4teee, Seefor'b P. O.
. Directors—D. F. McGregor, R. R.
No. a, Seafortb ; John G. Orlers, No.
4, Walton; William Ruin, R. R. No. 2,
aeeforth; John Bennewies, Brod.
hagen; Geo McCartney, R. R. No. 8.
I•teatforth ; Robert Ferris, Ilarloek ;
Malcolm McEwen, Clinton; Jame,
Evans, Beechwood ; James Connolly,.
Agents : J. W. Teo, Goderieb
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1. Clinton;
William Chesney. /eaforth; E. Illneb-
ley. Serforth. Policy -holden can pay
all payments and get tbeir cards re-
ceipted at R. J. elorrish's Clothing
Store. Clinton; R. R. Catt's Grocery,
Kingston street, Goderich, or J. Il.
Refd's General Store. Barfield.
Brophey Bros
The Leading
Funeral Directors
i Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all hours, night or day.
Music for Every
Agency for
Call and let us give you
a demonstration of these
splendid instruments.
We have in stock the
Starr -Gannett Records
which can be used on all
these instruments.
Hamilton sod /t. Asisw's SIs.
Chetakh Phos 11I4