HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-9-1, Page 5TWO DOLLARS
BUT don't think its inefficient because it's low
priced. It's Eastman made. And it's so
simple to operate that anybody -your boy or girl
-can get good pictures right from the start. No
focus to set. No bellows to draw. No complica-
tions at all. Loads in daylight with Vest Pocket
Kodak film -a roll of 8 for 25 cents.
Our stock of Kodaks and Brownies is complete
]fakes I'i.rtures los x _4, Inches
Campbell's Drug Store
Is Year Name N rittel "There"?
The 1921 copies of the voter.' list
for the town of •:o.ieriell were posted
sip on Monday of this week. All citi-
zens are urged to .see p.-r..o ally that
their win.+. !rare not Leen omitted.
Don't leave this duty for motto -me. else
to perform.
Madel School RIR Open.
Contrary to 1111 u,Nlerstan.IIIIZ. W
Les Ibsen given eorrmld.•rablo Iwim
the Model School at Clinton is Ifo
continued Indefinitely. Applies
are now twang ra-poi for the
Division Court Appointment.
1'w rye to the I,alUhrreut health of
Mr. �ararrw Yatre, ("••rk of rivet pivot -
.ion Paurt. '.1r S. .1'. Wilson ham
res iveol a temporary appotutnwnt as
a•.tsrant clerk. Mr. Wilson Is thor-
oughly familiar with the work as he
was clerk of Fonrth 14I I«Ion Court
for ..,vera) v.vn during Lis reald.-ince
in Ito -Dowel- '
Died In Early Martbod.
Tie home of Mr and Mra. James A.
Str:M1•han. Norfolk- street. Its, 'wren he -
reeved by the death of then' son 'Wit-
which took taw" on Meetly
fees a lingering illness 141,. demise
elrly age Nf twont
r•grert•,Vf f e
the .nr-
r bereavement.
plaee o,1 Friday
MaIt!an1 cemetery.
Holiday Time-
la.d.m Trota all *chile tar
galas a.onred by
Rheumatic Capsules t
Keep thea ht roar home,
Take than" oa year secede* 1
For Ikkestmatimpe nostalgia,
Headache,Teals Sickness, Etta.
01.0at your druggioCa.
IoW by M. C. Dunlop.
Ing to the rave/. being nun orf .,1 feat
the 1ame.1 of the prim -winners could
not 1,e secured. After the Sloe.•, name
supper and everybody form..I a elm•le
while the "Pet,. were paw.0-41 around.
Atter supper came dancing for those
tt enjoyed it and then all disper-.d,
vot it a very enjnyabilt day.
"The pie's" as The Now Hospital.
The • rot step to determine Anally
the haat a of 111e new hospital buiW-
luy for G .•r!.•h was taken last k'ri-
day evenio when repreaent.utives of
the Board •. 'overN,na of ith•xandra
Hu4.pllal met : ,mruitt.e of the whole
crow lI for a di .: orlon of the wubje•t.
While no .Lql 't. tolleln4bn was
maybe(' the sub.' t was very thor-
oughly dlo«•uw,l and ere was plenty
of evhlenr hroueht out to show that
a wide differs -nee of o. fon .existed
as to the nest .uitnl,le sit for a new
Som.' of 111e coo til were
strongly opposed to •'The Mai " be-
ing considered at all. Sufficient apace
In not aratlable this week t., rt
the nwetipg iu as thorough a man r
as It deserves but it will be cove
in next week's issue of The Signal.
Death of Mrs. M. MacDonald.
The .Tenth of 4'I.ristena M.Lay,
wife ..f Mr. Mal.edtn Meerlonaid. oe-
turrwl on F'ridac sweating at her home
on (Melees street. Thee deee.ed was
In her sixty-sixth year and had leen
111 only s few hays. acute indigestion
being the rause sof death. Mrs. Mac-
Donald was isorn In tteotlnn.l and
came to this country al.ont fifty years
ago. She lived at 4t. Manes for a
few years need then moved to (;oderk•h
where wile had reai,ei.erer aim*. Re-
side, her bu.lwnd three ektighters
nisi two wow survive : Mrs. D. Martin
and Mrs. Robt. McKay. loth of town:
Mrs. J..1. McDonald. of Calgary : Cap-
tain Anglia Mel/monk'. of Port Arthur,
nod Walter MacDonald. of town. The
f,.reral took place on Tue«dn
Maitland cemetery. Rev. 11.. C.
erdttet.rl the .ervire...
the pallbearers were : lh.vid Mar
Robe. McKay. Bert Ma i8dluIW
Lorne MacDonald. The worn in
Wet' have the sympootl.y of
motility In th.'ir lows
Capt. Adams to the Resen•.
Detroit papers on ilnenriar of last
week contained the thrillpg account
of the rescue of throw men and threw
women as they struggled in the water
by (beside of a burning ya.'ht on Take
Erie near Bar i'olnt 11¢hthoor•e. Local
Interest 1* added to the incident by
the fact that the reggae W91. partici-
pated in by .the
; -t1. Adams and
the crew of the (teaser Gr.'vlonnd of
the White attar T.Ine. The tarty were
i onatMns Acknowledged taken off the yacht 1.y the li¢htbou*P
Past th Greyhound's coral centra
• S Thursday, September 1. 102 1. -
Try Them All --Then Come To
The5elect Ladies' Ready-to-WearCo.
Most merchants will urge the public to come to their store before going e
elsewhere. Their fear of losing a sale is responsible for their attitude in
this regard. Quite contrary to this position
We. urge you to try them all -
and then come to The Se ct:Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co., because we
want,.you to. become thorough familiar with the values offered by others.
The' more thorough your inves 'gation the more certain are we t secure
your business. This' indicates e. confidence we have in our v lues.
You be the judge and we will gla t abide by your decision. We have
every confidence that you will decide ith us and that our statements are,
right. Just to give an idea to the pen" e of Goderich :id surrounding \\
country as to the surprising values we ar: offering, look carefully over the
following items:
The Alexarslnt h.npilal board ae- keeper net a. a .re• 1 a
kn..wl.rd,r with fhe wl.. .1#r iia w J10at beadle tn-
donotlors, dnrtng the month o1 Angtn+t : wds tid•ae. bnwitrn►ngn.a,Panel. Wen the
her.' !airy. ItAmo worth of milk re
arWue wossl by ('apt.hAdam+
argil corn from a hP 411 Dor ordered the Greyhound
app1 '. Mr 1.11,w.1 about and to the li.hthotlg.•. He ar-
rived tont a moment after the keeper'.
Fog__ SALE
One Iron Bed and
Two Iron Beds and
Springs, each
One solid Quarter-
ed Oak Buffet, $35
worth $60. for . .
One solid Walnut $15
Doherty Organ 1
Two good Clothes $1 75
Wringers, each •
liuesof Household Effects
at Bargain Prices
Harold Blackstone's
Furniture Exchange
Model The
Week of Sept. 5 to Sept. t
Monday and Tuesday, Sipleraber 6-0
Matinee Monday at 4.13 p.m.
An Oliver Curwood Story
9.1e11. It ford ;
41e' and !wars. in*
Gratton Burdett* Joins
tt'•.r'! ha, been 1'1' -Plved that Mr.
Grafton I;urhtte. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Iturdrtte. of Detroit. formerly
ni corn!. Mr..
Pts of boat rturnei and the Lucille surviv-
ors were transferred to the steamer.
The crew' of the Greyhoolnd cleared
the parlor of tine boat and there the
vk•ttms were carried. Among the PO
passengers nn the steamer war a
trained nurse who volunteered
of Goderich. was married on Saturday weal•.. t Soler her dlreetinn
morning of last week. Full lalrtic• with*tir't old smooth.. fnn.Ml.•ed
Wars are net available but It is under- Stet1-ard Roy SIssliu.• Sud Purser1
pmol that the hent. Is a Ia.Fr from 11. W.nthendon emergency tr•-otoY
Texas. Grafton hes a hoot of friends
In Goderich who offer hearty congratu-
it Put Gad.rieh On the Map.
w•as given the .urvlrors n% the 1
hound Mooted full speed toov,,YQ
Detroit river.
Robertson -Ford.
Mr. A. R. Davison. of "Fairview A welding was-e;.•mnieel at the
Mw., --Vann.- Maple Creek, Sask., writing to
rr"hlenee of Rev. Mr. and Mw.,
The Signal. wlyv : Ford. Wellington street, (iate,,1eil. on
"it has been a great Venom!'" to me Thursday morning. 1leptem r la.
to read t1w names in the 014 Horne when their youngest daughter:-
augh era Week registration. in The Signal and Marie. wen• married to Mr, .1. Howard
to note the success attending ev.'ry Role'rtsnn• also of (1(derich. The
event of the Old Thome Week. i am eer'mony wale p.rformed'by the-brkle's
Imre the people of _Ooder_ich. and tither, assisted fif Oeb brother -In-law.
Rev,- 4%;,-.1, -Abort. til -haus- --beiag
Home w A(grml ltd till' (ll(1 beautifully' decorated with }lowers for
lWeekdCommittee. trate once the oceaslon. The wedding marsh wit.
well repaid f for theirlea effort. in news. xyel h Misr (hrlmtena M,{'IInton.
nee,. Ltaeln t the lw•nalttful town of The bride looked ehermdyg in a t(hkoro
G.sl:•li 94 on the map." silk !Town touched with ,.eyed 'twirls
Printers Now Claaard as Retallen• and real loco. Oho WAS nnattende.l.
inister of customs end rir1.e. Following, the ((t•re'aony widen_ took
Hon. R. W. Wigmore. ham tented the place at 11 oikoek a wedding break -
following ruling with regard to the, foot wart *erred. The twPwly married
males tax for job printer.. Joh print- couple left o1 the 1.2.5 C.P.R. train for
era or uew•slalper publisher. who aim Torouto. Niagara Fall« and other
do job printing may he clawed so re- points, the bride'. travelling muit be-
fallen* when w'lling exclusively by Ing of nary blue velour. with a email
.r axes Among the guests
P t Mark feather retail good. made to floe
order e
each inlivtdnal customer. Goods were the bride** *inters. Alr.. W. J.
made for *tack or sold to cn*tomer* Scott and Mr". R. W. 1' Davidson:
for resole are held to 1e 'object to the her brother Arthur R. Font. of the
antra tax. Job printer's or newspaper Free Press, London: Mr .read Mn..
publishers will not dee monitor! to John Robertson. lir. and Mrs. C. M.
aecire rales tax licenses nor collect Robertson. of Goderich. MIr. and Mrs.
males tax. E. Robert.., d Tomato.: Rev. Mr.
RIId--Atka and Men. H. D. Moyer nod {or and
Mra. A. T Emmerson. till dr Goderich.
A duvet August houwl welding wag Mr. and Mrs. Robertson lire•• many
motemni*ed on Wednesday afternoon friend. who join In wi*loing them a
of last * k at the residence of Mra. rery happy welded life.
George Rufton. Elizabeth "tryst. to s[ laaeph A jr;ldd
Stratford. *hen her plotter. Ada Helen The .osmoses I lUeidrnity of (taferi((h
Atlee, formerly r of Charier(
was monster' the death of owe .f Its highiv
united in ma fags to Charley AIPx• ("deposed members in the Derwin of
ander Reid. PoliMaglatrate of Otwle` A. KI44. who an•wereaf tete
rich. The (erethJnny was coadncted a neph
by Rev. ['noon V� a T. CinR. The final (un moth on Friday evening of
emote left in the afternoon nn A m°tor 'set week after an Illness of two years'
trip and mein their t.tnrn will take duratiion. Nr K144 war '4 native of
no their residence In Goderich. on the Dublin. 'wing horn there 'early alzty
eorner of Fast and Albert 'trees. years ago. haat fpr the lard forty
God.Heh friend% of Mr. and Mrs. Reid years he had /wen a readdent of (lode -
join to hearty eongratulatiotu. rich. Hip fret hnslowsi ina'I-e..ts here
ff were in the international Salt Woreke.
C. 0. I. Nettie. Later 1e WAS engaged In the lumber
The Canadian Order of Forenterw of bamhwsr and nineteen year* Ago be
Goderiih awl Rewmlller Lodges held took over the dutle. of telegraph and
their mmhttted picnic on Thnrslay ticket agent for the eCanadianfor . P
afternoon of Haat week in Meneaang Railway, adding the agency for the
Part. The weather Dirtied ont vers minion Itspresw romper/
warm and A large attenhanee wan es- Guelph & (Ie4.'rleh R.nway was emu -
peered. hit owing to the picnic notice ;doted. Madden his wk*ow there 1*
being two short after the postponement left to mor0w-Ills death a brolly of
form W0d•modaa, Anguwt 17th. t1e fire *nam and two daughter.. They
memfie% add their goodly
famirinIe.' H ad (arum. i1.,J Tempts( 1 .j John Oswald . of Montreal; Aend
mnfltme M prepare.
A goodly tiltrotor *hawed alp. and "Mimeo Mono sod Rehm. all? of tows,
v.ryit(vdy had a good tiling. Theta Ile aha' '4, saiPslrod by' note Jsortller, . alive"t1f1Mt1tlirbe'�wf Ta
* !Ind three Mosta, whovvltdted him.•re- . is br�tllrying with "sr
roam latttsdll had losortikl! Oat 11.ri( immegr 1; 114 . MI Blom ('iW..l war •
Os everybody •nl Mises too, lett 41
"Isobel or trails End"
'Foulke Comedy
wsltnsiy and Thursday. Sept. 74.
MMiaee Wednesday at 4.15 p.m.
"De Luxe Annie"
Gayety Comeil
Friday sad Saturday. Sentsmisr 1-111.
Matinee Saturday at 3.00 p.m.
"Point of View'
0O1NG =ex x I1 . • 1 K
Don't Miss These Bargains While The Aire Ring erect
All Wool Silvertone Coats
trimuned ' -with fancy stitching
and buttons, with fine Opposum
co". -fig $24.50
Silvertone Coats
with latest cape collars and lined
throughout with brocaded satin
lining. Selling
at $22.50
Velour Coats
all w •l, in five different style., among
the ne • arrival. Spec- $22.50
cal for F 1 week at
They arelworth double the price
Twelve New Silk Dresses in latest fall style Yo
will agree that they are real bargains at eacPl ..�
x r
ett Ladies' Readv-to-We@
• rl.. GODERICH - �►
Headquarters and -Factory: 448 -Queen Street Westi Toronto
(Pntly : 1.'a. Hanacsn. of Chicago;
Nino. Phelan, of °rood ielaad. Neb.:
and Niro. Kerwin. bf St. Paul. The
funeral took place on Tuesday morn-
ing to the Catholic cemetery la Col-
borne. Requiem ma* wag sung to
4t. Peter'' chane. ji by a (cumin of th.
departed. Motto -goer Kidd. of St.
Angusttne ftemin,dlry. Toronto, Rev.
Father Moran. (1( 4t. .tngtt*tlne, art -
In, as deacon. and Rev Father Goff -
fey. of Clinton. as sub -deacon. Sol-
emn hl*h maws conducted by
Memo. nor West e -Thomas, and
Rev. Father Gown, 'the tical pariah
priest. The pallbearers were : 1. L.
Killornn. 1. s Doyle. Wm. Laos. It, (i.
Reynolds. Jot,' 0114 and Dr. Caterr.
Among those from out of town who
were here for the funeral were : Mem.
tang -fa - sister of Mrs. skid t.
and"'four nephews of the ekcea*ed-
Phllip G. 1Y1eiy, W. (1 1 hely. M. M.
Klely. and J. A. Moly. all of Toronto;
A. .1. McDougall. of Walkerrille ; W.
R. Howard, Dlotriet Paaaeneer Agent
C.P.R.. H. J. Palmatler. Aswt. Supt.
Co.. W. D. Neil,
Dominion repress4upt. (' P.R. Telegraph (n., J. J. Trig -
nail. Travelling Pawmenger Agset of
Rohr: 'Record Po': int rtes. R. ' via*,
General Passenger -Agent
Pacific Syotem. all of Tomato.
Mi'.. Margaret Wilson 1* 'bolting h
Mr.. V. Dean and family returned
to Buffalo on Monday.
Miss Annie ('.mph*'ll returned to
Toronto this morning -
Mr Charles Shannon. of Ottawa, le
herr on x visit to his mother.
111-s I..tkie Polley, of Toledo. M shift-
ing her plater, Ain. H. Menzdyea.
Miss Rem Johan. of Montreal, la
Mae gne*t of Mrs. S. G. RerynoM..
Mn. F. Ii Kiekley has returned to
ler home at Hamilton after • Hatt
M1*g Howl McDonald, of Memo.
I. vieltin¢ at her home 0• Llssithewse
Mr. 0.wald ('ratgie. of ltitai0. W
clotting his grandmother. Mm. las.
(1ra lole.
Mr. 11. Mew has returned to Mmp•
hells -Me after an enjoyable holiday la
Mrs. R. 0. Breen NPA lest week aro
r ,wit to her 0U9sr, Mien ('!y. at
in island
G. MacEwen.
Mr. J. T. Goldthorpe has returned to
New Liokeard after a short holiday
in Goderich.
Mr. Gerald Newton in among the
Goderldlk visitors nt Toroirfo Elhibt-
tio■ this week..
Mrs. Lew. of 1Comooton. Alberta. k*
viettIng at the home of her mother,
Mrs. D. Millar.
Mtn. B. 4'. Robinson and children
have returned home after a month at
Sault Ste. Marie.
Mies MaeVicar las returned from
Toronto where *he was attending the
millinery openings'.
MiAA Alia Saunders, who recently
returned from Chicago, is ependirrg a
few day. in Toronto.
t'. elate ha*
(halt after *pending holidays at' elk
parental home here.
Mrs. J. P. Brown and Mts.'W. T.
Younghlod, are spending a few days
In Hermit thin week.
Mrs. Kitson has returned M ('hl-
eago after a pheasant holiday with
relative* at Ooderich.
Mn. A. t'. MrFarhnw•. of -Ottawa.
war the Reset of her,.lster. Mrs. Jas.
Lavery, MeD onakl street.
Mrs. W. 1'. ('lark left on Wednesday
311 114 extended elicit with her daugh-
ter. Miss Beta. at Montreal.
Mho Gwendolln ('ollsons' returned
M Toronto on Monday after a holiday
visit of several weeks ft 114/120.
Mast Grace Pinder 1111• accepted the
',coition an principal of Rayfl.ld pub.
He school for the coming term.
Mrs. E. Elms, of Toronto. who had
Men visiting Mr.. J. 1'. Brows has
one to Kincardine for •I*►t.
Mrs. 3. Right Toni ,40(1 daughter.
Mies Join Tom, of Nes York, are
mending two week* In Mn.knka.
Mr. and Mrs. E. (' ttnssell have
returned to Walkeryllle after a holi-
day visit of two week.' in G.aterleh.
Mr. Murray Young. of e'd"'hrane, ha.
been spending a few dais with vela -
tic's and friend(' 1• town thi* i►urk.
r M.
Misu'. Vera and (111ve McNee. of
Toronto. are spending their vacation
with their pareuotr, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mn. H. H. Palmer 11A• returned
from Englani after .lw'twliug two
yearn there awl f* again a resident of
Mist. Gus. Stott and daughter. Miss
Mahe!. of Windsor. are holiday visit-
or. In town. They are ..r.gl't.'rd at
Hotel Sunset.
?dim Rome Hf111*M. of W*terkoa. nae
arrived 1n town to take ((Large of t
kindergarten room at. Vitoria oeb4ol.
Miem Phy1M 'Chatham. of Wilke*
vtlle, and Mime Greta Steph.nea, of
R r,dsor, are mode' et Hotel Sunset.
Mr D. Maednnakl hole returned from14
en enjoyable 01.to the Qld land.
Mrs. Macdonald la (*mingle( her vl•lt.
Mr. aryl Mrs. W. Beattie, -art Hiles
bona, have bees viaking .4 the .bou
of ilio ledy'e •mo4Mr. Mr. .1, M. ato14
-11ri. Jaw: •Wn th.nwest-sow -
were gut* of Her. JAM. ant Mew
ilamilton d Rnn•e Reach for a few
days taut week.
Mr. awl Fir.. Walter Manor and
little MkkiI
Mips l..thy. of Nona•ieli. visited
Mrs. Wetwtcr, Newgate mer et. over
the week -end.
Mew. (Dr l Gm
. W. Cwt.y and three
children' r.•tnrned to Toronto last
w•r,k after a holiday Thin at the home
of Yr. .l 1' flume.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. M.•('arthy, or Tn-
rnnto, have returned home after a
.hart visit with Mr. nod Mr.. W. A.
('oulteurst, '<t'.+•t street.
Mr. owl Mrs. J. R. Iiendernnn re-
turned to their home In Detroit after
spending a couple of week. with Airs.
Gmrge Morrow. Keay(' *treet.
Mire L. E. ihornin ha. 1).441 engaged
Ag leacher in the 111911110111/1 191111 de.
portal/sot of Uxbridge high Reboot
and assumes her nm' .1,1)14+ next week.
Mra. 'reeky. of (trillia, who had been
'venal'', the last len slay% in (lode.
rich, left for h last week. She
will obit at (;nrll4h end Toronto e,
Dr awl Mr, D A. Mel'artrn and
sing, Robert and Alan, have returned
to Winnipeg after x viglt or wvrral
...took.' with Mr. and Mrs. R" G. Mac.
Mrs Albert Johnston left !apt week
on a visit with her brother, Mr R. W.
ern lode sad Mn ('raigie at. Brock-
ville. She made the trip from To-
ronto by boat.
H. WomenMC J. Women has arrived home
from Tortoni°. where Is underwent a
serious operation Hit many mends will
Mae glad to hear that there is a marked
mprovemnent in his condition.
Mr. ars/ Mr.. F. R. iholmee end
cMkkrn. Laura and Kenneth. arrived
In (;.wl.'rleh on Wednesday evening for
a short shit. While In town they are
the Fiesta of Mr. and Mew M. W.
' Moo N4/n, Misr waw away dw a
*Unit lb ('hirago She made the trip
to the "WIMdr ('it!" w4i4 b*l 1 pef
whoharry. who w•*. returning to his prod -
tion then' after %p'oding his titivation
at his old horse in G.slerich.
Mr. nod Mr.. Cherie. Roo..'wero
Imo called to i. know mnd4o
,nly n Friday
last. Mr. Brno mother having taken
overlong', 111. She has .Ince ralliedsomewhat and Mr. Russ was nide to
return to town.
Mr. Hugh Anderson.uLj)Ibiwa. M
visiting friend. In t;.r__e:rrich 7tle
visitor is a son of the late Rel. Jan.
A. Anleiwon and this is his tit., t i.tt
sae the family rnoved to inlawn
4•T1 I Nit s ago. •
Mrs. rlIr a Char. Lane awl children
returned to Detroit
their home at
yorderchly after spending the .111111110rat fhe 1.10r114.141110.1 Mr. W111 IA1,. Dr.
Lane OHM' 44p trent Detroit fuel took
hie family hack In his ntotor ear.
ThreeThe.1. rs-Mrs. Peroral""Etts
of Minnelola (l
a, Alan., Meet. Rum -
Zoll, of Flint. M1•h.. and Mb . Rudd,
of Clinton called one day last' week
upon Mrs 1044'11 a 1141 Moo. Rowell °1
town. The latter air main* of ther
Met. Marsh and daughter. Ulm
Eolith. of '1`1111r91111. have Men the glossa
M Dr. W. F. and Mrs. /'lark. Ti.'v
left on WIln•whIy for 41orontn and
from there will go to Muskoka for a
short holiday, before returning to
Allm(' Margaret Strang las returned
from her trip to the OM load and d*
Roosting a few day. at the old Ammo
in Cottrri,h before w turwing to To-
ronto. One of the features of lice
holidny was a trip to Francs. by nem -
plane, which was very mash enjoyed.
Mr.. W. E. Whitehead ant Miss
GrrtrncM n•
Whitehead retnrd to their
home at Toronto on Sahrrclay after a
viral et the home of tile m(
e Mi%A Rob-
ertson. Victoria (Onset. Mrs. J. A.
Morton of Wlnrtlulm *pent two or
three day. here with Mrs. Whitehead.
the two having been girlhood friends.
Mr. and Mr. Harold Nowell and
children. of Onondaga, motored to
town nn Saturday and event a couple.
of days vd.lting Mr. Howell'e mother
end him brother, Mr. M W. )Meeh.
Mrs. Stowell, err and Miro' lean!
Howell returned with them for a v kit
at their Tomo at Onondaga.
Among t1N4*1''lilting at the home of
Mrs. Stewart, Rrnmillcr Nnrwerleo.
were Mr ('ha.. Ptewnrt awl •lasgbter
Helen, of Toronto. Mr and Mr.. f.
G. Stewart, of Rrnatfnrd; ��1M,•r. and r
Men. J. 44ndrawr [
t)qL, 4'pu be
Ptawavt. yet' rMe.Aa rod 'Oa&• not
Mr* Jam Stewart mad wows. Martine
and, Leonard. of Nassau City.