HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-9-1, Page 44-- Thursday, September 1. 1!4'2I.
Special Order Department
Getting back to pre-war
quality and prices
We do not believe in selling poor quality at low prices
but good quality and high-class tailoring
at reasonable prices
Our new Fall Samples are the cream of the
beat British and, Canadian Mills and we can
prOBlise,a range to choose froiu uuexeelled any-
\ I _
Try our Special Order Department
PRICES $2O to $50.00
AO. 'C. 9ridk�m
• Men's Clothing and Furnishings.
Phone 57 Goderich
Hay - Fever
ausiriACOLDS, AST1iMA,
ay a holiday.
Positively atoms thew troubles
MsroinR, messing, coagkiag.
wseptad eyes aren't necsssary-
salesa you lige being that way.
01.00 at your druggist's, or write
Tye•opletona, Tomato. for a free trial.
Wold 14) II. C. Dunlop.
w \(, ►NNON.
\C..1u.'sday, Angnst 31.
\l r. Herb. c:t.•?.n'. VII. in ,In 1'040
1.1.11 hospital. i. ab t &Mt M well as
hi- friends would like.
Mr and Mr4. ('al. Willes. Dr. C. R.
Tomlin and 4t Il Iters. $sou find
1wrrotIiy. all of 1,01ei.ol. spent the week -
1' 1I *eLeatat41, (144x. 144,44444,, Its%.
M K, oat., Itolwrt llreutulo and Kora-
w•rh Maclvor.
't F'atMtlr Called :1way -1 I' °
hew was allff over 414ALi cumwntdty 1ast-
W edur,.da7 rvetdug by I n• peelug
44wo> of �pothrr, reader*( iu th. {a'r-
..n of Me. Davhl II.trkett iu hi' atty.
tir.t rear. For ,sal. month' 4144, 414•
erase.) was to faille. health ha4 4Ids
was borne with Marked ch,•.•rtultax+
*u4 lehrlatan fortinnl.•. Th. !' •seri
ws' well kLowu in A**cl,l. 14.IrII1
lived here since childhood mill will be,
gr•p t ly missed by 44 4 tawny f viral•. ,
and *1440 1st the diurtb ax 144 wa• 44
nu luheftlt- ]Elackrtf . )l.rrttodi•r ,lurch
1'weutyaare years *go he nil, utarri.d
„ M i.x ida •Lane 4414., nnr ed :1 u,1 ,',.race
(.04.51 him through his long hats•(.
14i•• I'at•*'e to aopr0 he 1us.. 1.•iAee
hwidow, rah d hildreu 14ar 11*,
1'illc, Caswell, MLIII,rld :,al Miry;
*4.. his agtd m,thcr, G,ur Lr,Ulerm
44nd me rdttpr
i. and Jos. M.. druari•t• •,f IMtrott:
cud at "Ills Drop Iut1.' ,u the old itome^nnd the fuucral
•3I4.s JluwttJ'rrr. of 4.oalon. *he .•on4lueted by Rev. Mr. Irwin. of Luc•k-
had been .penell1t4 u •5atphe of week.
a Alio 4trop Ion" retarne,1 home ou
The public meeting (railed Icy the
\1'onl:ul's Institute oil Moud,t 4 night
was well attended, 1'.,mmitt,ses were
appointed .n arrange for further ,
pr. re... It 4. the intention of the /!. BI.IEXS•
Institute• to arr:wee for .tome no.Ttr ••la!'•August Ml.
pr lection. street lighting. etc. Coming and 6s{,�,-11rs. Shorts. of
Mr. French of tie Sterling Rank I4nooklyn, Yee, It'.d. of G.xlerl•h'
on duty again, 44,4idai•. hiring over �..n,' Mrs, Andrew. of Ln.kuuw, were
1'44e executive of the Golerich Rural 1:.itora with their ,.41-114. Me' win.
'r.•lepllone ("o. met the r,•preseutative. \t,tluillln 11•(''''gor, oG'('hi-
of hell' Telephone ('o. in 1,...Icrleh On ' c444o, called on fri••rnls h. -re on . Mon-
DrMnaay of this week.day Mr, amt 1I?, It. J. Woods
Our tonsorial arti.t. J. Anderson. and Mvin stud Vera motored to leer.,
has moved his '.hop down to the Rua on 4aturday t;, 1 +4r their (laugh-
Sn1yUe black. Mrs. McIntyre' has ter. Mrs. Arland Ilsrl• am
vcd-drone-lu the. same bl ek.
Wedding tells are ringlug loudly.
Seised opens Thursday. tc•ptemler
1-t. with Principal F Roan aiid Miss.
Tichhorne in chnr_e.
Mr. and Mr". Itoy Harris *MI ,.on
.111:444, of Stratford. spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. *u,1 Mr*. T. G. Allen.
Mi.' Georgie Al rol went to Sirht-
ford ..n Monday of fhb( week to take
:1 course In bushes. college.
A. number from here are at Seaf"rth
today atrw4)4Iz the I.Ilerat. d.•mon-
strstion. The Dnngantton party in-
eluelw J. R. M.•NaW,. A. Disler. Ralph
T islrr. A. E. Trideaven . and T. G.
Decoration Service. -TI,,, 11 .4 (tenor.
t nor-
atlon eervice ever 41.•'•4 ai Dungannon
took place on $anday afternoon at
IU.w•. on Satur'd.J aftern.,on was lnrge-
ly attended hots *r the h.444e sol
cemetery. The bereaved famI'S 10114e
the sympathy of .4 1..rc (circle of
1: lends.
Canadian Pacific Rockies
Take a deep breath of the exhila-
rating Alpine air and then
Seat Colonel Bogey at Banti
• Itnong •.: '
IflOtl g (, gyp'
pools -phyte lob->rIt
or -fish- Canada's
talks of Atpitle - so
easy to reach over the
-Asn Pacific Railway
Mr. Iand Mrs. Will Itutlurfm•1 wtttfnwl
from their weldltrip oni Frllny.
('.u�gratuatlone f ..ug...M i.vt'. Ian'
bought Mrs. Ruehanid. ;,roperty and
took powtrwsinn 011 Prbliy. We are
{leases to etre them '44,'k to our neigh-
fin. Wallace Mii-
lar and chchildrendr.:. iioild•ytng at
(loilerich Mix. 114y and Mimi
Joh, Cameron are :riving en Wed-
nesday for Torom•' cher spending
their vacation at 14a. Hr. and
Mrs. Gro. McRob.'r•. Mr. twill Mc-
Qulllin and MONS tory and Ileatr ee
McQnlllln left or. Saturday for a
motor trip to Gucci Walley. Toronto
and ()rangevl ie.. Miss Eva Wood.
of Mitchell, was , week -end visitor
with her friend. 1:. May ('atneron.
Wo.nan'* iaatihta-The• Woman's
Dungannon cemetery.. .it _ 0elnrk ti Institut. held it. 14:111.4 meeting at
pantile wa. formed in front of Odd- Mrs. C'lark's on Trlr+lay. Two In.
fellow: Hall and beaded by the 33r,1 tere'sttrg papeew w -r read. A talk
egiment Rand. of G0derk•h. marchtet from Mrs.N. Still- of ('hlc*Ru, on
the ir•m('tery. In the parade were their work was r••. interesting and
rgr uumler frnm tar lkldfrllowa, a solo by Mime CLS-„ Clark wax very
Wert rm.n. 4lringP and Uw1ep•mtent ansa wjoyed. I wah decided to
•r•' beige•• from leingstmnn, here a lunch 4e•nr•-r nt the S,•h,.ol
and other prints. Th' pro- Fair. I't•oceed, t.. '.) the neiehtwr•
("..ion •44,44.51 the cemetery about 2 Ing s•hoods. i.:..1" Al'
o'cl4)ek wh re :1 great many people had -
already n . bled. Ree. H. !torte. of COOERICH TOWNSHIP.
Nile M.•tlod t chum,' deliver -1 the
whir..,-, :114.1 w assisted by Rev Dr. Monday'. Augnd 29.
Campbell. and Itev. D. D. Doug1:.- .tf Mi George Sow.-,y'1,1,t w par►
Dungannon. amt Rev. Mr. Hick:. .d chased from Mr. .•..magi It.• the;"
Pat:tee•.--'Th!'! -htw u-wpr'-Inng' i t' forty f.•re. adjoini:Ir ate, own property. •
by the hall after which the different This gid-.•- Mr. S.A. ray 1114) In
lodgem passed through the cemetery one block Mr. l:••ar.•rs ,vl1l 114_,
and deorlttl the graves of their le- in the lou.••mill 444" j�{L
parteel 1•retbr f• Atlee* th1*.•1saA paw was!-�etlt.•- ec,I••�m:' code -
done the lodgeslgatgr awnebblwi h-f0rtn41r
sapp of a
Retherawl the procrnm was eompl pretty-wedstay. August
bey, the sounding of the Tlst Poet by 24th. whenr of elr. anditandmsster I,ivies. The prce..aio• Mrs Tirosaked 4: mat•
was ag:lln fnrmel an.t mnrch..l ?reek fig'' to ( f )yr.
to the, villag. The htter(.t taken in oral Mn., . of R..: •raft.
the 'event Indlentee that in nit prob.The marriage eeriem0ny took pL,0 on
ability the event will be an annual th, laws. The Bride, carry a -len?
occurrence. 'of op 111 111,1, WI. led by r father
". dawn n4tn.wn -path 44) b.'ofl1-
firlly irate(' arch, to the of
1 11414 wedding march. 1 by
Moalar..\ugu*t 2P. tl w ride. erouxltr Mts. Beattie. of
Mr"and Mrs. Chas. Varene were tip (:. ri.•ll rind looked (Rlnty lin 5)44•.
from 1'/lronto for the weeek*nl. Yr.�crepe '' de ch(41e with'trimmin4if of
and Mr.`,Tret!ww:Iy. nod .laughter.' of Om ramose satin. The bridal veil Iva.
Guelph, al hare leen rbdtitig at the 0Y. 4mbrhIlered :Ogle caught with
home of Mr. rel Mrs .1. A. S. Van.... pearl... 1 the peeseuce-of immediate
Miss Shaw, f itin0isle. an Pxp•r relative. it v. Jame* Ha Ilton. R.A .
Pnt441 teacher. • leen engaged l,t' 4nalu,ttl the s.rvke. After the cer.-
the trustees of S `et: No. 1 nonny n .Minty buffet luncheon was
Rev. Mr. M8Rm•. of Toronto. has vr(,4). lire and Yr, Jackson left on
i.een occupying !la- pulp'. of Smith's the nftornaon train for 1.onon, To -
'Hill and .1.uburn (•hur•his in the alb- relit, :I TO ether volute. the bride trav-
s.nee of Ree. It. J. Roos on vacation. 4111114 in x nary bine •trkotine suit
144.4. Milton Tyndal w111 now take --the with smart French bat and yell t0
*,roiese. until Mr. Rosie return *1)1 match. Mr nod Mrs. Iaekeon w111 re-
w•ill thee en to (likimet to take;, *Me at Itxis•roft '
,•111? emirs. there. \ -
Threshing is proceedin_, with do* . [A('ilALSR.
m r . 1lrrti,i: write' - Tu�� Animist • :In.
work. Oats are tureine ottt llgh A very sueec.w(uf"meeting of the
Owing nn' doubt to th,• lint spell 1n North II.1ron 1'11444 ('11111, 1•.F.1V.(l..
July: the average will net he sore w held et the hptne of Mrs. John
than 24 poutkls to the b11.8Pi.., The MAtRae on Weds...dog. Angio*t 17.
two emu. that are d•,inz well this whirl." wax -largely attelaled. (kecpibe
year ere corn and buckwheat.
unfacdribl. weather. Th. meeting
--V regret to report that live, -John sane verabrl in nmol manrwr with the
Toting Is not improving in health. pr•eskl.nt. Mrs. Jamieson. in the eclair.
Mr. Melvin Tyndal took a carload After the naval bushiest; we* attended
of cattle to T.M.wtb 1.1.r week and to a paper was. [tree on ••Hoa we
soli them 1)1 w•ypn yen'. best ran serve our country." by Mary
kir. 4;th, hexa ha. .,441 his fnrm est ea ns, and one rye" hPd by
ora.tw 7th n get*
ton man from Teleth:l Kempton, and read by Miss
()ttawn. Wien ec•tx pnsw ....i,n tit anew. 5faclvor on "In what does proaperttr
Mr. Theon will likely n•n4ovo to the n( the nation (onsY,t ?" Ttwse papers
• Thf, town. were very lntereatiryl god instructive.
Th. ?auoaers of 1141. t.icaltty 14- Th. President read 15pn'* on "Tie
leaked 44 d.rnration s.•rvIee at km- Imagtnntire'tta4e'-clmr1Mar handing.
Rnnnnn on Smndloy. The le.srn in Comedian Clete*. .n-
tttltl, -How Parlament conducts
AfiHIrIlLD. bmstnnes.," • was reed py Mrs, N. I.
McKenzie. Mrs. M. C. MacKe•tk
rend a report of Mr. Drury s *p.ecb at
Men*s.tnng Perk. Solos were ming
by Ml.. Alar grown, of Detroit, and
Mi t M. Mae1.PnMe. 41414 a pano 41014)
was Riven 11y Mrs. D. Atli.
. MacLean.
ThP mw ting was hrosgbt to a .lose
lifter singing the National Anthem.
District Passenger Agent
11XXXXIILIPX■x1■■■■■■■■II XX Xi
a The Pavilion
- _ \Where you are sure of the
NI Additional pieces have been •d to the orchestra
■ and we have an orchestra second to none
in these parts.
X Be sure and have your friends see the new place.
They will enjoy every minute.
Best Floor Best Music
Coolest spot
in this part of the Country
' �Co..
in 4 , was s .tanneh ivwnhytorion In
,each Amusement.t( Ia7rirl sari 41* fnaersl wvlw on
s f.•y 4 1*M1' lite were ronlneted by Rev.
y , • •., ' a: c . r r I.J. W'sileAlte. :'IR tatems*at
• nmj14MA) Riots II cemetery and too p1 Aimee tha*kaglvi l e
Mal>A�aIIIaninial lIS111Inl[ ■xn■ww■ Warm were : William Johnston. T. hold Is At. Marks•Nrea.
Phone 56 `' ' D11111. -"4"11111111"111111111... '
R i SON iIIE'.
i "The Scotch Store" gif
School Opening
The To School re -opens on Tuesday, Sept. 6th, the
Rural Sch Is on Thursday, Sept, 1st. There will be
a lot of needs o be supplied to get all the children ready.
We are well p pared with a large stock of boys' and
girls' wearables lowest prices.
Children's Fine 1-1 Ribbed Lisle Hose,
in black, white and brown, neat fitting,
seamless, sizes 6 to 10, from per pair
60c TO 95c
S••:Inlless, spliced heel and t.re, in blaek,
white and brown, Sizes 4 to 81/. ... .
50c TO 95c
Tndispensible for school wear are these
1 and comfortable Sweaters and Pull-
overs. We have them in all colors and all
sizes in\otton and wool, and all pure wool
95c UP
Next Week will be Fxhibitio.ri Week
..We cordially invite you to visit our store during Exlfibition\Week and we
w• assure you of a hearty; welcome. Every department is compute with all
this newest for the coming fall and winter season. All our goods are manuc-
f.l,'tured in Canada with the exception of several lines which we import direct
nize home indus - : ; ' eucoura' a Can -
from Britain. It is our duty
adian industries.
IOW -?ALL WM 000
1 W 001TS
M iiiaPs'iitc
Th d Store 7 hat Gives The Best Service
Tuestne, ArrrgRnI144 11th.
The lite Alexander 1Mae(iregsr.--
T1* late Alexander Mae(irf'g..r whose
(teeth ocurrtd on Augnet Ilth, was
(me of the oldest *Wien; of the Huron
Trate. 11P was horn in Cape !Ireton
neer eighty -tare years azo *ant at the
age of twenty-one be came to (intarin
and settled on lot 29. Lake Range,
AxhM1d. He tans had been n resident
of this locality for (Arty -two years.
His death followed nn Illte-r from
etonwch trouble extending over two
months but Iw had been confined to
hti bed only two weeks t.•fore death
removed him. Mr. MacGregor is *nr-
vire(' by hi. widow and a family of
*Peen sans. They are : liec•tor, of
L.itglw City, Texas: Colin. of Detroit;
AIen*nder. Murdock end William, all
of 11slkIrk. ARertn : Tian, of tuck.
now: Charles. of K iteh*nor. anti Rod.
and Fre11, at home 11e *4410 Is nue-
rired by two MnN4ere and ane sister:
1►(inald \., of (ir*n,im. Alta . lhrne•en,
of ('*pe Breton And Mrs, .1 Fenger.
Snlney, elle el .\11 of the erro were
present at the fnner*l with the et-
eeption of Murdock .anA William. who
trete n**bk to get hams. '*M e1*
on r, 4eptember 416. a 10.30
a.m. and 7 p.m The choir will urnish
special mn4dc for 'the oecaalon
Forget Free Press : Robt- odd. of
Auburn, Huron county, his i'welter.
Mrs John Symington. and le grand-
daughter. Mies tafew de, with mo or d
here and eve
and Mex. 1). Nelson. r. Medd is
Yrs. Nelson's uncle and . over ninety
yearn of age. They also visited at A.
H. Sheppa rd's. Ahern
Tweet y. August 80.
Miss Gladys Jeff noon. of Wood-
stock. is vlslttng at her home here.
![isles Rebecca nd Lney Thomp-
son visited their usin. Mrs. C. Mar-
tin. at Waforth. • week.
Miss Dorothy nelan of i.ncknaw,
M vhdting her frleo4, Miss Lottie
Dr. W. C. 'McGregor. of Chicago,
called on friends here on Monday.
/CAN May Richardson, of Wyoming.
ix visiting at Mr. Wm. McAlllsters at
Miss Marion Grindley returned
home to Guelph on Saturday atter
*pending the last five weeks with
friends here.
Mrs. Wm. McAllister sat Mhos
Jasepbine McAllister are visiting with
friend* In Guelph at present.
Iter. Jas. Wilton. Yrs. Wilson and
111** Ruth Wilson returned to To-
ronto laid week.
Mr Jas. Wilson M taking In Toronto
Exhibition thlm week.
Mot ose. Aug. 29.
Alnwer every availabie lot suitable for
cottage sites has best bought up. There
are eight or ten cottages tither being built
or contemplated and others are planning
W build next season.
A meeting was bald at Varna last week
to Consider the matter of having the
hydro brought in to Bayfield.
The public echbol will open on em-
ber 8th. Miss (brace Pinder. of Offit11.
*111 be the prialipal. and Miss Nan
oorls, assistant:
]l*y*old he4d Its drat regatta a tele
Siva eon rod 11 area seek • oseee
that It will likely immerse an annual
event. There were 41004* etceileat ex'
hihirlons of .kill• empeca111 is too dlv-
Ing events VM$tors MPS ({oderirh,
Clinton. S4*forth and IOsaaall were
among th0 .psetator..
Moaday. Atlgtest 29th..
Mrs. Wm. Crosier, one day tare week .
.Mien Violet Kilpatrick stent Sun-
day with friends in Stratford... , Mira
Alma Blake lx *pending a few• week*
With friend.' in Stratford.
The service was withdrawn In the
chemh here Sunday on account of
Decoration Serrkw ■t 1*unganoon.
Wodn(rday. Auglt*t 31.
Desa'atisa Serviesr-4'ourt lienmll-
-ler, !Vtf. 9A fie Pr fsd (iraueemen
S0cIAL EVV4IW:.-On Monday a large-
ly attended euchre party and dance was
held at the hall. Cards were played
from 9 o'clock until 11. The winners were:
Lady's first prise. Mn. Jerry WC/mew;
gentleman's, Cyril Austin. Dancing
started and #aa essgoyed by a large crowd
ofyoung folks until 2 o'clock.
PE*stmAts -Mn. and Miss O' Dowd, of
Kansas, are visiting at the home of Mr.
Jobe Courtney Sister ie. Seb stian's
many friends are dekhted to welcome
her beck again ...Mrs. Stock, of Young.
Sask.. is outing her Bother, Mrs. Hulsey.
Miss Ida Flynn has retprned to her
hoax on Sault Ste. Mark. alter spending
her vacation among Ashfield rotatives.
will 110141 a decoration Berrie In Col.
borne cemetery ou Wtnlay. September
4th. at 2.30 pm. Brethren of neigh- ice creams may come and Ice creates
boring lodges are In,14. 1 to take pert. may go hut Rlackutone'* Roes on 'for.
ever. Wee that your nest order Is
Itlacketon' s. Phone 910.
1'erfect health is the most pre•luus
thing to possess. The end of slimmer
often deals some folks in a debilitated
condition. If you. vitality seem* at
a low ebb you should take • good
tonic now. Wigle's Iron I'Ill* are a
good preparation for this pummel.. It
w111 nourish the nerve centres. enrich
the blood and tone up the digeetive
organs. Take it now sal store top
vitality for the fall se•nson. Eepetally
valuable for women ■mei young girls.
`17rly1T art
ve trots for a bottle of o
b land.
Monday, Aegnst 20th.
Pess•als---111.. Ida MclJttold a
spending a few day. wire friends et
fall Mns Altwvt IleQuol4 smart
I few days lain week with feleMs et
Deggamso• Mr. Ogeleb il, of
w.mMpM, vla1ted et ho. •dar).ter'e,
Rev. Waiter F. Treleaven. of Lu.k-
now. will preach nt both ...nice. in
Vietorla "freer Methotl•t Minora next
Sunday. Sunday school w141 be field
at 8 o'clock.
T1w Baptist congregation 1x making
arrangements for Its *nnlvessary err -
vices of which fuller particular* *111
he announced next week- .....
Rev. Norman W. D. Davht. R,A., the
acting pastor of (iod.ri(h Raptiat
cbureh. will soma at both services on
Sunday. September 4M1. Morning aub-
J*e't "The Fuln.ss of the Holy Spirit."
Evening subject, "Around the Wicket
Services in the North .tree[ Meth-
odist church resat Sunday will 1,e as
follows : 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.. pnhlk•
worship. Thi. being Labor Day Sun-
day the pastor's morning m***sge will
he specially for worker* and their em-
ployer., under the theme-"Chrtert'x
Teaching and the present Labor War."
At 10 o'cloek elaa*es and Men'w Sun-
day ('pub; topic-"Wbrretm do our Re-
creatk.n* Fall ?" introduced by Mr.
itny Stonehouse. Sunday ,school will
tneet et R o'clock.
September (liege.
The moat be*ngtul month in the
year in the "Highlands, of Ontario" is
September - One thewaand to two
thousand feet above the sew. the sir
is pure and Invigorating. (food hotel
a(rommoctatlon at rewsosehle eaten
can he towered In the Muskoka Takes
District - The-L.ak*of-Days reglon-
Algoomgnln Park. Good ',Mag. canoe-
ing. heating and outdoor sports. All
these, dl*tricte easy of *crews by the
Grano Trak Railway. Free l4h,s-
tested desnipttve Hterstnre and all
:Astor:nat on as applkstk►n to F. R.
ingrtsc' acid lona. Qfy P*..PagOr
11113.1.l'ieh t . Agnate. er.statim .Afgeat,
The 3:ir1 Reggimeent band took pact
In the dmnratlo* swrvleen at Minima -
nom on Sunday.
Actually Saves Yee Money
The hest Creamery ogee
money oney caa bay T"'
A full line of the Ment and
trestle*t Oroterk. of all kinds)
Fresh Bread every day. lOc
Per loaf
McFadye': Grvederia
Gr. Nati wrest ao1 Stlsre