HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-9-1, Page 3THE SIGNAL GODERIOH, ONT. 'noir day. Srpicml» r I. itt.1. a T.* Cita Afford a College Training Poe teem pow man oe young woman who realises the ,Z u,podtance of a a asseatty education and ha the perseuerana to carry U through, t . lees present no difficulty. They an so haw that a college training 1s now within the reach of all. Do not let the fear of hoary expenses turn you ride from your determbratbn for higher •ducatbn. Western University will train you in Arts, Medicine or Public Health at a minimum expense. Moreover, k is located in your community. You can ive at home or very near home. The courses are complete. The facuhy is large (I I I professors, lecturers and instructors) and each member is a specialist. Individual instruction is featured. Western degrees are recognized universally. Entrance is by Junior Matriculation, except for special and nurses courses. A good education is worth more to you than any other investment of time and money. Registration Day October 3rd. For inlorrnel,on .poly so A DR K P. R. NEVLLE aegiw.r, Under, Ona Get yew next solei) ef Letterheads, Saes ds, eta,_psimied at "The Signal" imesiWessessatteseswimiessewallinieneMenie Baseball Tournamenf AT LUCKNOW LABOR DAY, Sept. 5th ,On Labor Day Lucknow is putting nn a Baseball Tour- nament which promisee to draw the fans from far and near. The first game at 10 o'clock in the morning will be Teeswater vs. Lucknow-Lochalsh • In the afternoon there will bs three games, the first at - Judd -past one o'clock i Goderich.v The second game',' teams to decide third: edit t6t1ow, to be cid* feint and second pr z s Wingham nt �pl8yelrtti tiva ,,i,Ud' gee Oaf game teams to de - In the .evetdng a good conoert will be given, followed by a danos. Dome to Lncknow on Labor Day for a feast of fast, cleanbali. All teams are t t .a''k'-. NEWS FROM THE CAPITAL Period of indecision as to Generali Election Must land Boon—The Gov- ernment Still Drifting—Sir Joseph le ave le as a Railway Director. Ottawa. August ."ith.—Thr longest period of Indecision am] Itmetiou moat real mometiese---even though that period IN of Indecision on the part of the Government with regard to the cull1ug of bye -elections wild making up Its wind in the dlreetion of a general election. The Premier bus promised to speak. rind enlighten the country as to what is going on to his tulud. Perhaps there 1.4 a thought of election there, but indications are the other way. The Purl of the aux mantles period within which the writ for West Turk constlowney hind almost been reactor! when 1to Gove•rttlnent plucked up side - tient tsmotge to take the bull by the horns and issue the cull. Now tlw writs are out calling for n►wltiations on September .. with the dulling two wcwkw later, on Ik3otier 0. That In itself tufty Iw taken as an indieatkm that the Government has uo thought of any Immediate general election. nod the p,,filbilitles are that contests will he staged in four or five 11 the yfleant esonstitin ta•trs in order that it tlw Goternnwut Nen pull off or., or two wins it will have an excuse for saying that 4 still has n mandate. MERCHANT TELLS OF A REMARKABLE CASK Writing from Mattes. Ga., A. J. Gillen. proprietor of a laige department store at that place. sass : "I have a customer here who was in bed for three Cears and did not go to a meal at any time. She had five physicians and they gave her yP One bottle 01 Tanlac got her up, on the second bottle ,be commenced keti:011 house and on the third she did all the cooking and house- work for a family of eight.• This sounds really tncredit ie. but it carnes unsolicited (real a highly creditable source and is copied' verbatim from the letter. Tarlac is sold by lead:n g druggist everywhere. death of Sir Naw Hittites: ihw of the outstanding figures th tlw Borden llov- er11wrnt during the ear13 veers of the war, anti tlw wan w'111, 10411 10 uhtwldrr the blame for a lot of others' sins. Sir Saul was honored and respected for what he aecowplishel. and despite his tunits, Canada is poorer thr041gh his death and his place will not +e»,n 1t' 11114.1. Hr Will Iw missed front Fa r- lleuteut, fur everyou•• there iwspe•ted his sinereity, and prllauiwutariaus of every shade of pulitkwl - stripe are united lu e•xprweklg sorrow at 111P loss of this nue old member. letter he laid one he Premier's t of a few (taro ago.spent the intervening Ouse in hooking Into the possibilities of pulling the Gov- ernment system out of a holo and has found but little Ousts,. of doing so un- less the whole thing is tvsorttauizell and placed on wonwthiug of the same f,oAing as a private co01Iau,r. i1.' holds out no hops( of anything but further deficits nndrr,l1.' present system. and like Yost ofv4le Gov- erumrtt supporters urging oIi the sub- ject of railways. goes buck to VMS to blame the Government of thee• *lays for over -development of railway- The further loans and handouts made 0 4110 Mackenzie and \1111111 t 'ed si 11111 are practically oterle,ked in the Bond*conation of earlier mistakes. The whole troshie appareutle. h0 finds. is that there are more railways than there is business for diem to handle. R1141 the Canadian National, lacking the a111Ipua'nt, roadbed and manage. ment that its Centpetitor has always insisted ul. on. Sten tesetf oa'the short rod of the stick. —0 -- Many wore millions must's• poured Ito the maw before tlwr. 1 any re- turn, and the dangly' Alright (rout Toronto would tesrttantze• the National ,During the laud couple of w'eek's. since the Premier got leek from 1.411 - don. the country has leen treated to an exhn,itlou of drifting Isrfmre the wind similar to that which arousal the ire of eteryolie teforr Mr. McIghen terwme Premier. Flr,.t. there las been a wavering toward the derision to call an eieet!on. and then a similar wnvering back to the hanging on idea. until the G,vernmc.nt, in tlw face of things. io* kerl like a reel swayed by rr.ry passing bovine. ,Newspapers and persons. hitherto -'lP1 rtees of the t:krcrnment, have two* urging Mr.ee,m w1 laying the Gmvrnaarnt ay- and over 04,usldrrable stretches the to the a nl r'. rap the chest and to I y• country t» assuming the aptearanr• to the courHn•. admitting u< they dm opt stack In lidpt�ef its present secure files. and then the whole thing in of a Western ranch. That Is really w► that there ens himself hip• l anything the hands of a A e ugh luau to lull I w1iat large parts M Mleldlesex 11oA hint ddr iva fur mbrsend his parts. The private members of his support, it edit 411 ihr Moir. In order to give It ilumu lace lit'aromr--talta'laes forthe knowing that tin extra se --Ion mend j n start he would write off the initialgrazing of cattle. an extra $41100. hate urger! hint In thee "Yet of c'nuatrue•tlag els• Id,rmionlal, Middlesex and Huron sire nut by 1 naMil opposite dirpa ethwn and epr' ntly won out. The r'reml•r has maIntai 1 en.•o through It all. but finally k need that he would mike a n t ein the Government's pdieiol,t able meeting In I►ntartn earl y since then he has nom would aridness a no"J,Arig :n on September 1. and it is that he will thenar th t as tjoppor- ttunIty of saying w'h* intends do. isatlon pollee}' and Neck! settlerw on the iiiiii000nnn000 vacant lands of the West. -.in tact Ing In the meantime opportunities of eir- c•nrry out a Arial' 'whey to that for am being lost by his ands. an of eery which the l.11/eril administration 14145 cnlatfiuR party pro{ws;enda, and every day or no something is handed nut on the HiII which has nil the earmarks of being Intended to a iwate the Iodi- ne along the Idles the Government yrents them to 1e C4111411 /Pd. in this class might Tie plan TTie letter of Hen Drayton to the Farmer FUTURE OF HURON TRACT. ('hanging Conditions (hiring last 'rum() Hie leers %Ilggrst b Writer That Huron May Regain Position a1 Kanner \cited Fann- ing. District. Illy A,11nik du Toronto%lolre.1 home twenty odd years ago pawed more '41wu mice over the talon gravel road extruding north thr ugh parts of Middlesex and Huron. ,r mile after wile tlwre d,1.1 not seem to 1s• an acre of waste hued : everywhere the soil appeared to lw rich and oasilc worked, and crops opts alta buildings gave every olivine of prrsla•rity. Having previously seen truer or less of prac- tically rye comity in °uteric, 1 formed the opinion 11114 that there was no part of the Province in which large an area of hued adapted 4.t that highest develupmet) of 0115041 lard►iug t,u1d 1e (mind as there is lying Iwtween London and \\'Ingham. lu 1a►ssiog over part of that saute road, rdaw1lly 1 14as startled by the Orange In ,Y,INIItk,ns that has taken piece iu n q arter of a ie•nttry. lu sottir art' `it'��htoks as if the 141411 try had actuality been stricken with a blight. Feuees have disappeared. botldligs have fallen into decay or been wholly r•ntoyel. leaving nothing but a few vomits -test xptie trees to mark the site where o1sT they stood. The et e wholefamily,�v�dge MBEROL�A Play it where they all can bear a—where they mak�es ths e it fairly—on year rww ,hear. Our Free Trial plan possible at no expense to you. Simply call at our store and select an Amberda and a dozen Amberol Records. We will deliver them to you at your home where you may enjoy v, ••Throe Daus of Good Music—FREE" Ever mber of the family can judge tt— everyone can 'coapare its clear, beautiful music with any "talking machine or • phonograph" they ever heard. Call, vette or 'phone and ask us about this great Trial Offer. And after the trial, if you decide to buy, you may name essay year .tat! arrow CAMPBEI LL'S DRUG STORE tj ER1l.'H f __ 4- I • and the Tr•aa,ueotttinentnl• alt there were any potato, let tlw Govern - moat continues. t� dory 11M' shut. The ep5145auy aroma by 11w changed methods of dna he suggests, a1111 the Government would get a return ember "-out of the ',rontg—when there were int he any. r• al orlon As a musket ile(ting more business tell for the roads, tri handle. Sir JOsrph would embark on an aggressive colon- c1,ud.'tirnal by : the Tory, opposition prior In 1911. e. \t the pres'nt time 11e National system iapaylug oat in olie•rating hosts 51mAtit $1..le for every dollar's worth of tetain.-'., it hi &tae t• transact. Sisthat it is not hard to e4PP wily Kir jae,poh Nar h IAts ail flat of Sir Jcws„h FlflyPdlP was unable to sae say imm04lia r pros. 10 • t e ,n kis any wooer the probability, about the J11wId1A of next I mouth, there is little proms t of losses �1 l'.-1 gf In any way relnePd 4nrims rhe Grand Trnnk system when that Rtls , bat taken over by the Government Inst lbay. Jmining by the, roluminntis ('anaola has lost a Ane -son lu ttw to Uwar'Sii1'r irgafdtng (4M NatlnnV pet res- Plan iia Uwar'$7d'm• And'a5 rates a1:44411* .. 4e11t4•4"1. It ail --0- Sir Joseph Flavelle wns appo director for the Government any 111111. the largest c•ountles of the Province. but they have larger areas devoted to pasture than any o'hrr counties. Middlswx. aeooting to the' 1'r,vincdnl I►rpartment of Agrlctlittlre. has 1.''311.0111 acres in 'mature. pod Huron nearly 3181.1111). The .next in Ihw ilk 1111./ respect k I:reuvllle. with tlp'..08) acres. Nearly to thiel of \lid. ellesei 1s sa111 in the official returns to be in ',nature. In n good dent of the county the proportion const nut nearer two-thirds. hundreds of acres in blocks twins devoted wholly to this crop. The change from mixed farming to grantor has seen going on for se•v- oral yeacrs hast. Why has so conch of, tie h, st large arca of good agrl- erkural tail been devoted to ranch- In*? Would 1t hP going beyond the I i.aets to spy, that elle change 1s s'' l awe 41* land la too good ? From lies limp it was "The Queens dual.' SSI tlw ,tme.rot the second genera - of this year's' operutins. t 1 We extend to the Public of Godericji and vicine our hearty thanks and appreciation for the prompt res rase to our Grand Opening which was a grand success As an appreciation of the manner in which you welcomed our opening and for the bene- fit of those who could not attend the opening sale we have decided to continue this sale for another week so that you may again come and take advantage of the wonderful values that we are offering. New goods are arriving daily and we extend to aft or you an invitation to ---come- inspect these goods and compare their values Below are just a few items picked at random to give you an idea Goods by the yard 1•'actory Cotton —AI& Z. White Bleached Cotto- n 1&10- s — _ facie Black and white Shirting• 24c YD. Bine stripe -Gingham, 40-inAhelrwitle; 29c PER YD. Prints, assorted , • • • 18c PER YD. Ticking, the hest • 35c PER YD. Flannelette, striped, 35 inches wide, 19c PER YD. Towelling, linen 23c PER YD. Ladies' Wear 'Ladies' Coats in an assortment of the very latent styles and in all fine materials, priced Very low during this sale. You must see these preciate the values. Ladies' models, coats to ape Tricotine Dresses in all latest from ,.$18 UP asaortment of plaids, $6.75 of -the ralue1 that we are offering young men's models. C,11:I-v up to $60.00,,specilally priced, yr,::r che,iee $32.50 Fancy wonted Rtiits,.�#joung men's models. your choice $23.50 Cottonnde Pants, `special 51.89 bten's Overeotftft-te sB-�tyIes� 1 ' teriala being received d1 y.- • Tb•y-are benlg marked very low attd 041 flk ite your inspection. Skirts , in an va u s to =12, your choice Tri'olette Smocks, a new shipment just received in all styles and in all -- the latesf - shades, values to $7 (Nl. Special $4.49 Pullover Sweaters, all wool, latest styles, special $2.75 AND $3.98 Cotton Vests, cumfy cut, special 23c Ladies' black cotton Hose, special 19c The same in brown a Men's Wear 15c Men navy bine serge. Suits, all wool. guaranteed 18 -oz. weight, in men's and Khaki Shirts, very heavy deck, special ' $1.19 Blue and white striped Shirts, very $1.28 heavy, special Blue ehambray Shirts, good special quality, 95c ?tingle Pants Anel Boys' Clothing atao reduced. Next Walker's Furniture Store . CORNFIELD West side of the Square men prersprred in the ctlet Flaron Tract. The hack -breaking toil in i pt -king intone. which was ne''5snry In 1 other counties I wfore fields tonld •prrslww to their maximum. w11. 1111- ns-.ssarc here. There ens no neces- sity for the 11e14yy expenditures in draining that were rolled for in such counties as Kent. for example. NO. 1 where Was there a larger clear gain from nTiCed farming 1110 tees W1.10.11 co111t14e5, new ex -Ideate of tho Rain being 1n the character of the home. .resod by the pioneers. With prosperity came something else --ii desire for ease, a lessening o,1 ;, the burden ..4 toll inseparable frim life on a farm where mixed harming IN foltow'*'d, where there were no song 1.. whom a farm 1001,1 In tunnel 1 over the owner was fnes'el by a ditfi- eult p:,ddem. Farm Lauds were low In nrleo at the end of the, last and be- ginning of the present e•utury and sales were not easily made:. renting wait lnsatlstactory. and. besides. men desiring to retire found it wnlehl 111144 a lot of moneystobuy a house In town that was errant to the one they a'.'ll- pled on the farm.. , _-firer -4 r two- disectvere.-wgi-LtU. They found that they could. hi' mat- ting their farms 1n grass, buy n Minch of cattle In 411. spring. posture them all smuttier and sell in 111,' It at • margin sufficient to more than pay rent for the forms. There was little labor In summer 'With n11 jig& 111 still less in whiter. • Farms were bee ins mfllntalned in fertility. and the owner wens able to live in the home to which he had ipee,tnP nttaelied. The movement spread from form t" fnrm. in time drovers and dealers eniight on to the idea and these added farm to farm, as opportunity• OM -1441. to go Into ranching in n hlg way. Th.- ; result is today that t onsandg-Of of 5051*' of (lie Inst lands In 'Western (antorlo are devoted wholly to grating. \Vtt1i the petering years and lack of cultivation. weals IwVP steadily ln- crwteed, until some of what were otNw 1 among the cleanest forme of. the Pmr- Nee are among -thee werrll'at. An nn. nsnnlly luxuriant growth of wes'rls has been notal In 0111:1 410 generally this Fent'. but. even in this w'essly Year 8 number of the grnss forms of West- ern nrkarto have all unenviable prom - bootee. There Is, however. evidene of tie ls•einning of a return to fernier farm Inactive. The heenvy dPe1lt• In Klieg of beef cattle and nn'Prtntntr flu the future In this line Is the main cense. A 'somewhat easier ,ltunth,n In the matter of farm latus is ink.. haying tin Influence So toilnv one may ear a nnmtwr of fields long In sod being broken ne III prislretlon for fall wheat or other col !hotted crops itut a vastly Reenter n,orPmrnt in Uhl. res►a'et - will ha ye to take p1 o c before the old (ninon Tract recoil.. Its position its the banner mixed farm. iog di.trIet of Ontario. .\4( present. , within a few miler, of l.00rbpn. arc thosanls of aeree which are prndt►ec -, Int hint a fra,Mon of the . frsshetINs they might penciller.. while in the elty Itself men walk the "treeru In Idlers...I and face the pro.pe -t of aetnal want 1 In the eining %Anteh. What N the matter with Ontario. anyway' The MOOD* of prsrllx'tng plenty 1s on the one hand. while neerhy is the vpertre of grim want. Trade %;0' Long 1 _ • puts B • sinews a • nal sand t ef e moretProfitab ...Baster ERY kind of yo two notify me by • Distance of this sale of gowns.\I expect to bi sn t • morrow, and will call and ask for you, personally.' Out-of-town women show a strong tendency to tradewheret eeltbey are known. tet one of them to visit your store. --and sooayo , 'a will become one of " her " stores. No letter or advertisement will convey to them the kind of welcome you can extend by Long Distante. itecause you are talking. the invitation becomes more unconventional, It suggests the friendly relation you would like to see established. Distance does indeed seen& to "lend enchantment" to opportu"ities offered in such a personal way. The method of presentation is three-quarters of any sale—what you say, and how you,say it. The customers are right at your elbow. Don't call on them—call them up. it will not be the telephone's fault it you don't sell them. Front Ben Teleph.S is a Long Distance Statefs• - --tow udebakerant Gray -Dor MOTOR GARS It is a known faet that the Studebaker__is one of the leading cars of today. -- Come and get prices on the PREST-O-LITE STORAGE BATTERIES. They have the quality and the price is right. Buy a Canadian battery and patronize Canadian trade. We handle nothing but GUARANTEED TIRES of the best makes—Dominion, Goodyear, K. & S. Bring in your K. & S. coupons. CASE FARM 'TRACTORS. Columbia Hot Shots and Dry Cells. Our sup- ply is always fresh. Sole dealers for Sunoco Motor Oils. USED CARS FOR SALE. 1919 Gray -Dort in good condition. 1914 Ford Touring, good tires, worth the price. Studebaker Touring and Crow Touring, in good shape. - s EASTSTREETGARAGE T. F. HOLLAS,D:, - a 444 fF tl