The Signal, 1921-9-1, Page 2.•. 111-Mbureday. September 1, 11r21. X11 'Thursday. Septeluh?Y 1, 1112L 1 _ THE LITE SIR SAM HUGHES. i Sir Sew Hugheo;* death al't's onl room!renl the obituary of oni•uf l tuna's greatest soldiers rend renowned', (Ott - /Woo His exceptional ability. caul tel with ■ winning IwrtaIlality. weer: 1 seruuleutal, in gtIUIng -the• oontldence of the t. ttntry as it, whole. Fate evi- dently decrtati that he should Ise it lewder awl t.tu`h-gm•utlY when the great wear broke out; with Iltt.wilitary exlerlenee Ile wet practically the only' that urdiu. ma 11 . capable of nu rw.°intiall the 'thot•ollghly nnwrrous ut..taeb•+ Which hail 10 he Artier thio_.• faced. 'Thin he ac•owplf+dual iu a fort• Ain surrey to -e It wake mouldy: with inferior equiptuwlt whet •tl►dities ,.';.ii1st country: t.ntry: wealthier In riches m,•utlil, of ,.nual 1 at11 exlerieuty, faile.1 to do in tw'ke .het I.gain ig 11011un 1111E real 11 1 the time. rlit t 1■• on:Welled. Sir saw WA. a lolls -ark of strength 11.lr.N.•tai, tuexorablc. and pull wooithst.tinUtlg adverse-.crlti:i,w 4.ofun.o. t e.. o11n y it outelofttr. burled front all flanks he l.Nlnlga,.tItI has to la• wet by fresh bo admhti.n•rwl his dillies during the • Thus a tes oboe or toe. perwanrut --;mel+t rritienl flute in the history of dc.h,unt _.m.1s .tet up. with It: Almada. He achieval thoor11mo+t•-laa,.Traes. which soul.* Irooki: w 1 avoided, possible task set Ida and lu a remark• 1 ai)1y tahnrmt• t- t1tier fatuuua "red! Mean gerd,t of w ipateh" division ors A engaging the Huns, Coulllu•ating on the re. ,'management of The Signal at .a THS SIGNAL GODEIIO$ ONT. Everybody Enjoys a fine cup of Tea. 1 IF YOU DRINK JAPANS TRY "SALADA" GREEN TEA Infinitely Superior to the best of Japasa. ry wuul il)I +five•„uutina: I: tuwninil. iu tlilt. aulong t f.tilt to make proper riven:. In flair good .Melee, .re the very fulHla- 1kkw•p ine. And toyer by it. In tate of affairs l iepret•tat dol► f it 1 a ext t r sinking emir. it ow• tuft. pita l and in to Brn,. Is the awl ul i, E Z��A sue is truly delicious at all times. 30 years' re- putation for fine teas. '1 -Santa New belies, '.,,'at 1' Mardi Gras of Thursday sight 11 ++o she worse Amite to so dons'. "Redia dwell yhvtl aell npWrtsulity thlr titan to indulge is our .+I,itiw., t'Idts, the pintoes were too full stetter Wel: next tme." ` I PAL. FAIRS. .\teens ---Silt 110 to ., It:lyfeld-heels` -7 to Myth -Sept. LJ to St ltrunaells-Sept. 15 to 1e:. Dungannon -tot. 6 to 7. t:xetrCll`at Cowrie -Oct. f urrie-(1ct. 1. Ifarrtttitll•-Merl'►' =i to :k1. Kineardlne-'eta' 13 to lit. Kirkton-(k•t. 6 to; 7. IJ,Aowel-Seep' -'T to 2` 10 t.+ Londou (Western Fair) Sept 17. J.itjknow--Sept. "al to :10• _ ('110et5 OF OW HOME o 5 - MEEK. hlL. llcerton-Seta. "•t to 10. Miteheil--(rpt _til 1 - In a letter to Mr. \\ H. Robertson. Palmerston--tk't. i Ripley-nopt. 2; to Lest. of Thr Signal I'riutluh (b.. Mr. \\'. J. r to xi. 1'.aswore of t'hicago users : St. Starve-saleft to 7•S •'Its,•► on the jolt again, atter n most Seaforth--4" t pleasallt ct.+it to the ()id Rothe Town. Tewrcrater-.flet. 4 to 5. to 1 ..or Irl Toronto ((Om Nat.) Aug. 'old Homr Meek' win etipo the meiuory of the Oid Boy, alder oi' of Cools -rich a, Dire of the iu . 1 rhle out tug, it has ever been their lot to parthipate in. t;.rlerlch looked its ►est the hum.•, and lawns are brrlufl- fol I. so mini- twee ,cultetantiul briek zed 'ug down platers or shells hive entirelyI hours to Fort Ntl,um• c 1 disappeared. rIt old Central school has . nipeg, 6l hours In lalgaty. 88 hours to angel its ap,lrarrlx. considerably Vathoouver. A bus.-.ess day saved on there and hates[ of trsncot►tinental pourne' tilt• train cardia u ►ghtly s lint -class sleeping cu passengers only. ,you filer Ire11.ifu1 tree. soil Sewer ,Vancouver I.. spree • leaves Toronto 10 Viet. i+l s. hood L a h t, spntl 1 p m. daily, stops 31 and Parse connects for all the principal pod Passengers for Western Canada welt find this a most 0oavenient train. Equipment consists of first-class coaches, standard and tnu•ist sleepers, dining. compartment observation and colonist cars. For tickets and fall information apply to joaeph Kidd, toe n pu senger agent. Goderich. 33 -If 10. tugbam eel'► ;; 2I Zurich --Sept 21 le Canadian Factlk '•adbl le filly Sen•ke. Teswte-ll iionipr't'` aneenrer. rr,Lleuees ha•e Ieeu erected within' "Trans-CanadaLlmacd" all sleeping car the last ire y.s+es and itny old tumid. -- 'a leaves Toto+t) It a. m, daily -25 3^ tours to W1n- St. Julien. se•Is i'u,t s:I%' : Mr. Mclpta Sir Soul Ilke most great men: wile I yon1138 1. ,.tu of the inti lh, loom Iefon- th:• public eye. wade a Mrs. JI •Vttarrie .,f this locality few uureleutJtg enemies 11111 now theme well and favorale bly ao known a►w.til ►* ' In tVmpmlur with his many admirers Post ilowhore hr spent his apprentit. ship years +dud afterward held frosts think only of the great au.l lasting its,. /rue.. -a + 'Yrs y 'onto postal of this w Sototo •Ipal here ao dust hr might on le .lone in the way of shad grounds. ate the tuelnlwrs of the Iffereut mom tares on their good eellent orrlugewrltt- our-reeeptiun, our rtatnwent. Those I.rt•yI1lHNltttt (881 ite sight of sir gathered the harbor I f rlends veers. imago. he ant a our pet W.• VI 1104 Iw:ultifying 1 eotigrat • Illished for tete defence 'in the West awl Was propnotor of Ilw1 a 6,and fork lw•.aeaom ;Kiper nt Victoria Harbor. Ow., for a, the weer madeat (Nailed* a1Hl (wy less the seine of few years. By these exlwrt.•uee. he even and one .•u the n west 11 mei wu. h h1 uph•old', has find n eery piraetica1 n.gnalntmlxe toroth in on the the dr tr tlon the country. i with- all p1tii of nowstIstr x'r wttla*t ever fo t tier pert °Mar ohould stand lite' in g.sni ahead IL} I;w Ihau: ria, a Ir" - new post in the it8111ty 1ow'll. H.• Can' along the •i tet+ aMl a 111- 1 Y Reach Kincardine Yet. has nisei IH. n interested in cllnrt h. set one. year is 4414.1 Kincardine Reporter. tilt slay ..110(1 and y.'t.t'.A. work and w.t seal i1 (Iodech tax rate the+ will he able to relater vaiwable n+sl+t- r. ('••x "f milts., Pshaw. Kincardine has that beat epee in wany ways. The Post will by 6 i mills. Goderich is too slaw far BL1 c.outinin• to Iw hltrr.•:,r•sl in his pro- [lt0i$ and we exp. -.•t he will slake good uu 'sn+tntn the f:11r raphe of The *113 Dale { l`nal. 11r+. a1,4Jlrlrrir ens a former • * Hamttton slwvintor. l 1(;,wlerk•hite who will no 1101110 1.• glad Tlie idea of "Millar limy" 14 nil exeel- j to le 1.III t to the 01.1 teen. We are Stant 0W from every polio °t view. It 1 *orry that owing to iwar health. Fall - not merely affords the PNlbll" a cltatH.Aerts,n. finds (t. neswo+ttrc to of w•euring goods nt 11a17tniu 1'e I vacate the wlIt.irlal (loth.. w•hi •h he but it given that fillip to business, tut ruled...) attic. If e.....1 wishes will whieb Is on essential to Iwalthy pros-, hlsten his return to 0111 time vigor he rwsr. large 3"."an• (111""of its shonid soon 1e 'a' tit It a fiddle. - his way. anal the menial are *Mewl W. with 'Thr• moot pro-leri1y t1IH1¢r- nabled. 10 oboe anew °niers, which l u.. moomelugenleat Mrs. Robert mob •.tlastlitts to trade- Foi.t44fvrr .tai slot. Tacnus Brown• of a ailvsntagef,Utr+ • iirttss •Is. awl ens, •rtotari•ie. Grey 1ith.•Ir 'blM I ,tRawh1!. i1r•esleters IIINI brother 10 e to welenm.• whom tlwy Ila -One mall. a Introduced 111mset. had worklol for in. fifty ye+irs ago: he Gtrferleh •for fifty y mighty glad he, had Wu Hitne Week. y'Un 11C...- 'of pruti t ttie� ell•' ::tiller Advertise in 'The STgai'd_ -tt7aya. a rr ttunieipal Beekiteemtma. • • as ( l lttttwa Journal.) to sine lotluesswan would keep Cs Hwould Coote is al Way that they �... v show either his 10w+e4 or his pta a would want to know the 1. • A monk•ipwilty should le just ; .ir.us of being properly Dfurw.sl ,ail to its °penitta . M' tete it. ample _round for th sill � Trotting and peeing isle.•, will occu- py four days at the l'.N.E. this year. Septemlwr :i, tl. T. N. • Forty -flee hands from Helit.tx "to •a neon ver It:lse applied for lnforma- �+� reiardlu« the_ • 6Hl competitions s f the (3JIadi:tu Nn forty x 1 1 on. ,, we :111.1 cher a little over d not been In s hit wn+ ed for 111d WHEN USING WILSON'S it FLYPADS READ DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY A4" FOLLOW T.•r. ExAC1t' fniti _ t--._ - • SCHOOL FAIRS. s _ , The foUowin are the dates of the seha►I Lairs to I. held In Distort county during the Moira of Septe~ : September 7 -Ethel. ' September s_\\'roxeter. September a-llelgrave. September l:-Whootiot.ea. September l:.-('rwllto. September 14-Crajfd Bend. September 17.-IM4bwood. September 1i-%urkdf-- September 17 -Porter's MIL September Its•-•• it.b Hill. September }a t Corners. September 21-s - lens. September 26-Forlwh•h. September 2r -t i on itnrnl. Seltemtwr 29-e'IibtOP Town. . SON Fire DT** at Blyth. . Birth, ,Assn -t .e. it tt , (Siwe' were greatly alarmed oboe ttwy were ar°us- e+rt out of tlta•ir lues* eD Frid*T at 12 0 cl,•k mWDt$iit by the l of file lire alarm The fire was ygnil to 1a• 1n the ata'•:•• Of ,3i ix olrlh. and Iwfore it wan ,lis.ikerell 1t leal such a tk4Adway that :tlthuurt t11P Ore omen r'e` sp.»Hl d v. .*art the eoold only r 1 t m ,s pp n. The loos sett 12' It - p t Of Fly Killers SOC I tt;114v° WI be insnrtne•• per Packet a ug ' The/Ca•utdisn Ree-keeLers have Grocers and General Stores � r° put ��eYy�lt HANDSOME COATS'of SOFT BOLIVIA and VELOUR with RICH FUR COLLARS -....�, X35.00 -+ Sumptuous looking Coats of splendid fine wool Bolivia at this price are sur- prising. Styles are very new. some have fancy braiding opt bell cuffs and skirt and all round string belts. large fur collars and silk lined. No two coats alike. Coats that ate all exclusive for this district. Prices $25, $30, $35, and $39.60' CHAMBRAY GINGHAMS ' 3'' -33 inch wide, superior quality, in five colors, suitable to the making of every conceivable kind of Dress and Wrapper as well as Bungalow Aprons, Rompers, etc. �� e ad- vise early selection, specially priced. 3�c per yard FLANNELETTES Yard wide, best plain formerly 60c, at per yard FACTORY COTTON Good heavy weight, 35 inch, at per yard 15c SILK HOSE Venus quality, heavy pure silk, jersey elastic tops, double soles and heels, formerly sold at $2.75, all sizes... $1.95 white, nom. GOSSARD CORSETS 2.71. All sizes in every popular style. They lace in front. The Corset that never loses its shaple till worn out. Priced 52.50, ;3.00, SHEETINGS 5a so, 55.00. sa•O0 AND VP. . GOSSARD BRASSIERE, all styles, alt 72 inch, best plain per yard.. 55c sizes, � `7so 51.00AND 5E .as. Sheeting formerly 90c, at yard... JJI. �., .1 k t all Druggists, Successful WomanFarmer in British Columbia A • (t)- Lillooet country,_ showing Mrs. Foster's ranch in foreground. (2! Mrs. Foster, of Lillooet, B.C. At Lillooet, about thirty m:les duce to an hotel; besides these there west of Ashcroft and north of Lyt- are a couple of work -horses, pigs ton, right in the middle of the dry and chickens. Every scrap of feed t In British Columbia where irri- used for the stock is produced on belt is the magic wand that turns the ranch itself. the desert into a fertile garden,' Mrs. Foster has worked down to there is a little 32 -acre farm owned a fine point just exactly how touch jlnd soleiy managed by a woman. snare It is necessary to devote to It catches tate eye by its appear- alfalfa, grain and hay in order to anee of orderly prosperity, its shady do this and nothing is bought in the orchard, well -hoed gardens, the way of feed except perhaps clam- leekness of the milk -cows grazing shell for the chickens. The crop and �r1 the higher paddocks and the vivid the animals balance each other and gz'een of its alfalfa fields stands out no overweight is allowed on either In strong relief against the vast side. barren slopes of the surround. This farmer is also a first class eouutry, sun -baked, covered with gardener, both In theory arid in prac- ge brush and little else. tice, and has sweet cprn earlier and Weary as she is with a life -time's over • longer period than anyone stork of fifty-three yearg•behind her, else in British Columbia. She de- ptre. Foster still carries on - as votes about a quarter of an acre of faithfully and as thor.ugbly as she well adapted land to her early spring did twenty years ago. With the garden with a�P� kelp of an Indian who comes is to 1 ds the ploughing -and give a hand with the haying and harvesting, she and a niece, who sometimes stays with her, manage the whole work of the farm alone. Mrs. Foster gets more out of her fermis* than any other farmer In Every inch of ground b termed account on • methodical p die aystass; the vegetable tlfggal emetic are made to re - so mei other's mutual benefit bots to eta ped of their owner P11vreon 1Rsu ail Ste: data D a �da1a n and another piece colder aspect to her ate scanned mer Planting; so by a carefully p system of sowing in succession she has a plentiful supply of fresh vege- tables to sell to the hotels and also to ship to other points. Lil:ooet is never troubled by late frosts so her tomatoes ars savly and these she sells by the bueketfnl and last year shipped 100 boxes to tie coast. The oreherd containsevery sort of tree -fruit, including talian intones, hes and aprieota of which latter Mrs. Foster has two bile Ned (now In bearing) gtt►wn sown a sine. she came to tbo place Last year ahs ship - nine yearn ago. away 700 boxes of fail And win- ter apples. There are some healthy looking hedges of grape vines which boar pro uaediy and plenty of raspberries and other small fruits. but her speciality is melons for which she is famous. There are rows and rows of these, canteloupes, musk and water melons for all of which she finds a ready market. pier four bee- hives are partly the reason why her fruit is so snceesaful. Andsso we take off oar hats to this woman who is "carrying on" so wiselyand so well to our country's benefit. -H. G. -W. e, tenlate it a l amid iaa National. lithibltion I year. CZEMA 10a are Da expanalogis- ing whoa )7oe use 1x. Cr'yaa'niot- ment for Eei & one Atka Irrita- tions. It renews at once and ratio - ally heals' tie skin. $asePetition •ti x tills t)Iuuneat tree 0 yopostage. NO,. a paper and send f .stamp for Bate. a to.,box ; all dealers or Edmansoa, - Umlt.•.1. Toronto. ELLIOTT Yonge and Charles Su. Toronto this when Is a 'school w th a spar i re mrd super,olat of train, g iere (Meer ranks •maws the hest on 'he con- tinent. Write today for catalogue. Enter at any hme. W.1 ELLIOTT. Pnnetpel Kodak while ySS go then get year Developing sad Printing done Irk R. R. SALLOWS W. Acheson & Son Fall Term from September 6th CENTRAL T?Ono. ONT.. zest and best Commercial Western Ontario. A school u get thorough courses under ced instructors in Commer- cia , Sh ltd and Telegraphy de- partmeut3, raduates assisted to position,. 1 study courses can be arranged. ' our free catalogue. 11 .\ HCLACHLAN. PrecIpeL� Welcome e. 'Goderich Exhibition JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF - Men's All -wool Sweater oats, pullovers and V44ecks GENUINE ASPIRIN HAS "BAYER CROSS"- .. Tablets without "Bayer C�tll� are not Aspirin at all cot genuine "Payer Tablets of ♦spirts" to a "Rayer" package, plainly barked with the safety Bayer Cress." Th. "Payer Cron is your only way of ksowing that you are gettingenuine. nfor Aspirin. preeeribed byphysicians nineteen years and proved safes by ma - Ida, lion. for Headaehe. Nerundfl and for Rheumatism, Lumbago. Saari is, Pain generally. Made h Canada. Handy tin boles of It tablets -also lar!or sired "Sayer" packages- Aspirin acks es -Aspirin is the trade ma (e re of in Canada), et Bayer ibacti k(oaoaeetioaddmster of Ela1 Wthat Aspirin Willie it is well Immo public Bayer manufacture, t th t As the t Tableof Bayier C Nedra,. aisat i L W. will be stampei with their immoral bade mark, the aR7er cresik Very latest, col- ors and all styles. These Sweater Coats were bought at the very lowest market price 'and will be sold at the very lowest market price. Before buying your Sweater come in and look these over. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY NOW M. ROBIN S Open Evenings -School of CommerceClinton ad Goderich, Oot. - Owing to change in G. T. It. toopobk. t will be necessary for us to re -open H BRANCH. ,Students preferring to attend there' p5 range do so. - - - sn u 4 and PRACTICAL Stenographic Civil Service ers' Course asthma posttivetr Aad Rheumatic or Teac •land will arrange for students wishing SPECIAL COURSES this dlvtrict in which F. AL -TRAIN= CtAL ORADM_ BLISS of ACT- This OR This is the school lesmber et d b�► se KKP P1NO e BUSINESS. - o.Ivy the NEW GOLD MEDAL bait + ibp n *weeded we d d ( O YORK OFFICE of the a FOt'R SPECiAL CER Irlf ATF.'( have been ewer,l•d by the EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT of the Under- wood T7. ,wrbter (b. There Is a well paid place waiting In the loudness world .t for you if you will fit yourself for it. Think it over. Fall term opens Sept. 6, 1921 For further informaton Phone 1144, Clinton. or write B. R. WARD,M. A. STONE.1st, B. A.. M_Principal Coin. Sp,ePrincipal xxx)cicxxxmoclasc New Automobile Paint Shop Opened I have opened an Automobile Paint Shop and am prepared to handle all Cclasses� Cars USfor paORnPHONE and thing AL Have you got your Anti -Glare lens as required for all automobiles ? I handle the MCKEE LENS which has been approved by the Government IMt us show yea its good points over other makes JOHN CUTHBERTSON Decorator West Street opposite Masonic Hall Phone 354 P' O. Box 549 Free 'Shaves for 30 Days Come in today and we will give you a Valet Auto Strop Safety Rater. Shave yonrwelf every day for a month. if you are not matiilal bring It Lark. You are under 11 PP If it. 1. as good say. keep it. if you don't like it bring it hack. Don't delay. A tiem°nttretIOn will intermit you- r trial will convince yea. Rum, strop and !Iliad's is assert - meat of eases, SSA tfls sat- Other sets up to $16.50 •