HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-9-1, Page 1--416 The Signa a invites contributions by readers to its personal columns. Let us know khe ew,a is of your visit - other clews vs welcome. ,, • The Signal will be sent to any Unt. address in Canada from now until Jan. 1st, 1922 FOR 50 CENTS - UW(AL PRINTING OD. LIMITED. Pebilaher. AUCTION SALES. RUT: SALE. _Ord within the Mat S. THOMAS MO. rL or to N. A. New Or Menai La. LErt r-ciAsAUCNN p LE IL PIANO AND A�U ILE. FUR• MR. J.g, ALLEN wig ear DubGodvrkktk sacl a, at his rsaldeot r, New- aau SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER lgtll Ova Y horsepower commencing at 1 et doP k sharp : 1 ogre u Hower Mack esedeter automobile. worth upright Hoer pow sett mask Mac b. e76o; 1 lout piece satiate meh parlor carte. 1 Wilton r ug Obi), I pedestal e Boa temp. 's wah,ut tetar. 1 }rdmeet hoary lahk 1 thee- p.q manner .e annt, 1 wick ckt roer: 1 cabinet Vlst0a and wooed., 1 Oriental rug. • adaptor of eogrtvrase amts print.. I oak din - legroom Mite. met. Mundt t.b OW chairs; rad, 1 I writ 1 It Meese) with �Mmattress_ wM unto erre lot -piece enameledsoh. 1 manual mid renege, 1 - 4to eau. with hreeebed. with �titdMe NW apnea. a nv t oe;..1 rtebaar 4 each rt�,�I httslmock. 5 prhs of ant lace madame: gboat �ryards baak.wm emeant usds se►w, I Marva mylures= I table ea/ OtherL�satches hwelea ogars l kit garden other articles' . two. a gwtlty pl dd a. sed aluMmus Tram -t W moil hies: armappaddd lot ofd l mitnt wger reee- omi 3.ti!sr Alan has 0erd ei the property taa+e st apse. J. T. G UNDR Y. a. Ascus , HOUSES - heeds heeds tot sate /f you wast a hese some a1 tea eek. ARTICLES FOR SALE VE FOR SALE. -SOUVENIR thee. hot water Inst sod reservoir - Ing light weed Meter and walnut nearly new (bag elm a• MRS E. Huron Road. 4', It LE -A NUMBER OF CHOICE Earls Enrinb Bertsbue ptr tkxh sages mad t ages. Also a few good Yorkshires. Ad lead chose reentered stork. JOHN C. DURST R. R. No... Chews. N -g5 Apply to Real hose H°II.USE ,. It mites. and ate my I .t. 1 to{Goderub for nc t1 -APPLY TO Street. t/ 25. CON- suh spring h cent et stn eel-; laaP. small hen, cottage, milker . • one mile road. Leven moles t to who'd and Y. R. R.No, 2. 11 L'ARM FOR F CZ b$ON a. Nee sow d choke are log well beg barn. Iga2lt boast; Molar ache �� 'e��t ororckateL from Gadget" ick. ckestitl Ayph h. Plroae FOR SAL L. -STORY -AND-A-HALF frame hetes,. 1051x5 of Park std Albert streets: Wu.dd peeler to ee11 the house for re. more from the lot. or would.au the whole ptop arty. D M OBRIEN, East utreet Mont Market. H -t1 kitR SALE --WT ON NELSON street between Church and North e1mta. walnut sideborad. walnut bedroom net and parvo tChreterlagl. Those 1Jb Godee.ch. Met (ILOVER HONEY FOR SALE.- ' to J. W. SALKELD, R. R. Na b. r Talephote se6 r L 34-41 DIOR SALE. -AN EIGHTEEN -FOOT £ motor laaaeb. Too -cylinder, ma horsepower ee��alre. la -clan condition. Apply at EAST STREET GARAGE. GREAT MEETING AT SEAFORTH. Three Thousand People Hear Smokers at Liberal Rally. There was a greet crowd at Sett forth yesterday. when the Liberal leader. Hou. W. L. McKeuale King, and Hon Dr. Deland, of Quebec. addressed au- olen-air sleeting under the aultpltwe of the Liberal A,vuwiatlous of Huron county. Literals were present from all parte of the tenuity and the audi- ence waw estimated to "tinnier at hale 3.44)0. Masterly addresses were given by Mr. Kiting and Dr. Delated, and the meeting presages a revival- of active Idherallsm in Huron. Several atetomtttdle loads of litsle- rich Literals attended the demonstra- tion. COTTAGE. ON Mad block hoes &otiose, electric geed lawn. In - templates R to the °warm Bedford. &lit N COLBORNE conaming of at) Canada. all self ciente Aloe, always m the township Una 10 permanent sweet clover. 10 balance cult ivated frame house et bare, tile -embed. Barn feet. MI on Moot h. Dririag Oue Mb from loaf mie nom 354 eight from Mahe to OLD. F. ii1DMINISTRATORS SALE OF FARM PROPERTY, ILIMBER. WIRE 1921 TAXES WONG'S CAFE As tics rein 16i -11121 has heen settled 1 now prepared to at, cept payment Two per cent. allowed of if paid oa or before septeether ?Neb. After Deeenber Ilitt two per cent. will be added. After January lot, 19Z.2. dye per cent. ridded. Tessa le arrows seed be pad at amok WM. CA MTBELL Tag Collector. Ana 25. 1921. tf MINER A LA CARTE SO, Canoes of woe. every Clev 1146.44.111 0112M111:0 *V *La_ stenuese: Flue awl all Mei el mom mob by dm bet dole h4R. CHAR. C. MeNEIL. administrator grid are mil hy public wattlism. the premiss.. pens al Block Louis 1), Cadhares toweedup (bait lode from Memel &mice. si4 odes from Goderedn se THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15i b, 1921. cesmareceng at 2 o'clock 'The fares esemietbas of 210 aerie. of good de, hod, el *essamossed: ache of oecg, two acres of bush, wrists creek. roaming year mond. Oa presery twonest-elmoshiens Mises 60 stiO teat, acid %MO lases birth Intll Mom. leo sum. *mac shed Mall leet), amd mak Neal lest; cement sdo. Cceldanidile brick boom with WO. Armies ace. suppbee home aod Mem WONG'S CAFE Real Estate News It i I DR. S. WRIGHT BURGESS Chiropractic Specialist. , An* eat Chronic Dimas. $600 down. balance in k alit•osairt, _ nt Ihtsp-7-yonn house, • modern in every reepect. large • lot Price mush, bal- ance od rack Thalami MO be *Med into Ned Name aarchapr. Team -sack prod moi i sushot to • reserved tad. chasers shag, et the time o(. 1 /it pout of tea par came a cathe MAW In' L tamed . pay the reminder 44 ill/ oboes a tarty days a phew aad u pcoeditirat iemeoe willbe well easyw the from the ietauat� had Godarieb, Abr4 or TlrmMsSi , G rich• suctooser. L_� amu•. ►ice GUNDRY, ...v.+pw.� Aaalielr. Mit WANTED AT THE UNION linetcr 3501 LiNOS TUNED -APPLY TO C. V. HENRY, 1141111PC St Utha. north side ol tf TIRE GODEBICH MARKETS A L Writ*, SALE OF TOWN PROP - CA [STY - . I ale isageniMed by Mem A. Gioia to wil3 GaMbels. an litiTtinDAY.11111,41110111M vita. .1" vas.dbuilec--antotir is ve enema to ell boons. parts of the town. ems -Strictly cash, at time of sale Foe f teethes pat 16- 21 T GUNDR Y, Auctioneer. PUBLIC NOTICE. arm eam pump to Ceetleti this a mod epportmaity garage Posseadme prinnisee to J. Dot 1 MS AND housekeeping holding. mak trig' vr roan to open a Boney per bosh 50 Le .61 Pork me hook I.60 to I 15 Floor, hurdle. per tot to LH Flom. putout, pet owl. Ltd to 3.50 Braes per ton 1030 to 14110 111 IIII to 111.N tiles to WAN tare to test Dairy lietr;uor Ita .. .30 to .116 ens. fresh. pee dos IL to * routtorstervi OW beds. .. Lou to Lao Cattle. bldoban'aboioa.per cwt. 7 .OU to Lid Cattle. Witaberkesedluem. per owt. 000 tre 7.g. Hog., Iles welmbt, per met. .. 1175 to ltall Hides per lb .08 to .06 otteepakles .26 to 36 Shone Pot MO Key. per tOet etrays. loom. per toei Crewmen I. Pet ib LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. tees J Adams anti (Taranto Mac- work/ ever! sreepeet. wall this. Art quici.iy,, itif-cliantind with 'fig on igidou if i1161 e tip-to:date house and fibs rnitioar) limit& SIAM cligh. balance Hameseelem, take notice. We love many thole* homes In every Isestbse. See us and satisfy reopen before buying. ---7Compssitors ten - type Operators RhAL ESTATE and INSCRANC111 Bolide bought and sold Steady employmet to competent men on basis of $36 per week of 441 hours. THE ARMAC PRESS, United 66.48 Dundas West, Toronto CAUGHT ONE PLY -TWO PLY -THREE PLY We over estimated our supply of roofing for the sea' - son and have a large supply on hand that must be moved at once. SELLING IT AT COST If you need any roofing now or will require 14 hiter on, you will save money by buying NOW. THE - COE TO. THE FAIR! Splendid Promo RetalfistealTuesiday, Midway and 04her Spatial Feat- 14141•Nt 111.14,1 as The Signal gore ter to the effect that 1)r. Clark. the vet- eran secretary treasurer, la again ta this year's fair will be "bigger and better than ever." As outlined in the advertising col- umng of this week's Signal definite arrangement's have been completed for good midway attractions. The excellent purses offered Is as- surti Dee that fair visitors will be treat- ed to the beot horse racing la this dim - trio Tlw :Cirst Itatimerit Band will he in in front of the granthdantl will make Visit Hoderich Fair nee t week TRES IS GREAT NEWS. Reeent Enattioesst Says That Coder - late Students Pay No Tuition Fees. The schools Acts' Amendments ot 1021 seem to Indicate t hat etude** residing In lieslerieh or any municipal. Ity in the county ot Horan will have no tuition fees to pay from now oa. Laboratory and typewriter fees wIR still be charged theme who tow them. The nineation Department has Veen written to for coutirmation of the above interpretation but no reply has teen reseived as yet. The nit is only a smell aired grave. tr:et nut of B. and tiny your clothes from Pridhean the tailor. around the eorner. North street. Hay fever and asthma are qukkly re- lieved with Ras-Mah. Time to fight rheumatism in the warm weather. Ras - Dunlop. G UNDH 11 MALE LET'S GO a or remodelling of gowns apply at tbe PAR h House. 116 -if -- EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York aphab • sad Aural Hospetal, assistant et Moor Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat me- ntal, London. Eng. NI Waterloo St. S.. Stratlord. Taleph DRONE HURON ROAD DAIRY FOR A. PURE MILK AND CREAM_ Phone No r. 3. Milk can he hed between deliveries at PEN DERs GROCERY STORE. 54-2m WAN TE D. -PASSENGERS te 0-R London Exhibition September lo Parties or individuals. First class tam. For terma. etc. apply to W. T. KING. smith's Art Store, or 'Phone 196 VOTERS' LIST NOTICE. COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is hereby riven that I have transmitted or delivered to the persona asentioned in section 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act the copies re- quired by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the Init. made pursuant to sod Act. of all persons appearing by the last revised as- sessment roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assem- bly and at municipel elections; end that the mid list was first posted up at my office in the Town Hell. Goderich, nn the 2bh day of August. Iv11. and remains there for Inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take imme- diate proceedings to ham any errors or omissions Merected according to law. Doted at Gockrich this 3Im day of August. BEL • • LIMITED Acquire the Itabit Doubtless you laisw parsons who, notwithstanding soiall salaries, isms mows substantial savings than It is all in getting that saving habit Persistsetly deposit $5 in your savings account every week far ass ON BANK OF CANADA Godlich Branch, F. Woolkornbe, Manager Chit of the 1 own of Doh& NOTICE TO CREDITORS. VDT= TO CREDITORS. 914 rlairfilt O• 9400111t. DICIAMED. ON edne;day, Thursday ER 6, 7, and. 8 Biggest and Best Yet OMNI MOM 1 NOTICI is hereby gives, pursuant to the Trustee Act, that ell persons hiving claims against the estate ef William Moore. late of the Town of Goderich in the county of Huron. retired eneechanel deceased, ere required, on oe before the ohh of September, IMA, to send In the sense to the undersigned fiedicitor for Frank Moore and Isabel Agnes Moore, executors of the meat* of the said deceased. and that after the said date the raid execute, a oill distribute he assets of the raid deceesed among the peewee entitled thereto, having retard only to the clement whch thee ellen then hate bed notice, end that the mid 'seculars will not be liable for the mid assets to asy moon of whose clads notice *hall not have been received. Goderich August 11. Hal. 64-111 Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at B3 per tangle med. delivered. THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING (Foot of Medea St.) Phase Al. GOLDEN GATE 1 THE FARM LAND AGENCY. A fine lot farms sale,. any nee Oven scribed, ng information. newly any . livery fort4bi me all weld located. well omi lama, mod of glearet low yeti's, ion, Also some good Goderich property for sale. improved aod modern. Foe fun' p t.__ the 'Woe et the buildiam ow thorn at ol themeless* coo hil=t1 het how them le emelleell tor gold, pertICIIIITS Set 05 Wilt, Hoe 69, Goderleh. re. Mii ery JKRVIS -On tbe Bees lime. Gedencle on day. August 4, to hoe. mid bArs. %wee a daughter -Willa Fara. FOTFHouwERlineNGh.H.A.Minf.-lat Mast EN -At Stratford, on Wederiiii.A 5..1 the resit:knee 04 the hri SMA L -SCPOTGe6rT le 1):1(00711.11"'defiennb. yNARI'lt;I:h.en.:on1 '7.11/‘ - son. Mos Mari Scott. lor warty of Art St Andrew ch rch. Hespler. Oh.. to, pastor of Auburn and Smith's Hill Pr trete. congereations and Stith Presbyterian church Openings PRIZE LISTVICREASED 50 per cent. More Money forflorse Races than any other Three . rairs in the District. MacDonald, aged06 years. KIDD -In Goderich, on Friday. Augurt 26 Joseph A. Ks td, in his runt year an. Witham Sheehan. son of Mr m d Mrs sPLENDID EXHIBITS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS a One of the Beit'llirs-to Coclericl Including a goodly number of shows, several rides and other attractions Wednesday September 7th and johowing months. 17. Christina McLeod. formerly of ;oder ch. Mc WIIININEY. In Ashfield, on Wednesday_ August 44. Jobe Mc Whinney, aged 73 years end months NEW ADVERTISE.MENTS. House to Rent -Charlotte Willey • it Farm for Sale -Geo F Clark Voters' List Notice- L. L. Koos a Dressmaking -Apply in the Park WWII Special Exhibit by Central Experimental farm, Ottawa and Demonstration by Department of Agriculture, Ot- ' taiga, in Up-to-date Methods of Handling Eggs e:SPEED TESTS tir Don't Miu the Races at the Goderich Industrial 331-(1 Regimental Band in Attendance. Special Features in Front of the Grandstand. No Dull Moments Von Will Meet All Your Friends at the Goderich Industrial. Education and GENUAL ADMISSION iffi AFTERNOONS -Adults 50e, EVENINGS - GRANDSTAND AFTERNOONS -Adults 25c. Children 15c. RIP *ad Autos 2fic. Miss Cameroh HAMILTON STREET APPLES and POTATOtS WANTED We want twenty-five cars of Apples and Potatoes, graded. Will buy outright or sell on a commission basis. For infor- mation telephone 204. Children under 12 year,' 10c. • MMES LLOYD & SON W. T. MURNEY, DR. W. F. CLARK. President :Sec'y.-Treasurer. • Thilesioe or saes math is Forest. Hadl. 10919991.1 110X•400 lidewine WHOLESALE Agents for Dominion Crystal Sager. Pure Cane best, for Preserving. vroallINIPP all 00,1. • • • •