HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-8-25, Page 8C 'rhursLly. August rll> i swum. GO 1 OH, ONT. Are you ready Boys and Girls for SCHOOL -OPENING THURSDAY. SEPT. eat All the new Scribblers and Exercise . Books, Read- ers, Composition and 4Jrate- lnar, Geography, Diction. a ries, in fact everything you will need. Make Porter's store your store this teen. on bat. it BASEBALL TALK. Siturtws r.. All -Stara. An exit bluer hall game has been at - 'mixed lir Satutday, August 27th, ore the -local dsantand betwabst inneoes,•wiwners of the Riverdale Scntor'League. dT Tor- onto, and an all star team picked front Group No. 6 of the N. W. League. Man- ager Bottum, of Simeoes who will be remembered here from last year when Simcoes played the local team. will have all his legulara with him. as he is using this game as a final workout for his team before they meet Osiers. 0. B A. A. champions ul 1919 and T. A B. A.. champions of 1920 in the aero -finals of Toronto. e .7 he Simcoes line-up will consist of "Vic" Valiant. an I "Chuck" Glover, the premier battery of the Riverdale League and ; second to none in Toronto. On first will I be "Red" Melbourne, the flashiest fielding 1 first baseman in amateur ball. Ow second I will be found Mulcahy who has been the 'sensation of the Riverdale League in fielding aril hitting. At shtrtstup will I be found a player who Jumped from Ijunior baseball to the fastest company in amateur ball, and who has more than held his own Sam 1 urofaky, who looks after the "danger corner." is one of the best fielding third basemen In the game a redoubtable slugger. In the out - 1 het 11 be the Reading brothers and Van bine a trio that can hit and field with any outiekf in amateur baseball. • -Gad." Black. the elongated pitcher who was with Simcoes last year, and "••d" Cockburn, a new man to senior ! • ball, are int sTcWY-ee...; ; itches The following are the playa a he hen It's a Question of Electrical Goods call on - - -+ ROBERT TAIT "The Old Reliable" A fall stock of Light Fix- tures. Electrical Household Utensils, etc., always on hand. Estimates given and con- tracts taken for Electric Wiring end Fitting. ROBT. TAIT Next Postoffice Plans: Stere 82, Res 193 Province of ALBERTA Guaranteed Bonds Twenty-year 6 1-2 per cent. PRICE Par and Interest A most attractive investment. E.H. HILL & C deferent places rte (,roup No. 6 of the /rm. ht WY, IL. vino will take part in the above el~ ()oderich-W. Bisset. Cooper, Lindsay, Pridbam. Zurich -Henning. Ohlert, C. Hoffman, Siebert. Crediton-Fahner, Motz ( Stratford -Lavelle, Flannagan. Hats Off to Joe. Joe Lindsay. one of tate most popular players of the Purity Flour team. has gone to Toronto ons visit to his mother. To say that Joe Lindsay has made a host of friends in Godench is only partly ex• pre.-ing the opinion., We doubt if there was ever a stranger came to town who made so many friends in so short a time. Everycudy ',knew Joe and everybody had a good word to say for him. W hen play- ing the game he was always on the job from the first innings to the last. no mat- ter whether his team was ahead or be- hind, and this along with his pleasant smile and,winging ways endeared him to patrons of baseball. Joe informed The Signal scribe the night before he left town that he would most likely be with the Purities again at 'Lucknow on Labor Day. As for next season, he said he was willing to play with Purity Flour again if it was thought he was worthy of a position on team. He said he thought the Purities had made a good record this season, Jumping from last to second position in Group No. 6. No doubt nest year, at the same rate of going. they would easily win the district. Joe says he likes (ilode- rtch. the place where he was employed, and the people. and that he has had one of the molt pleasant seasonsOnharebell in his career. Before leaving the popular southpaw was presented with a pair of shoes by Manager Hays for - the player having the best batting average for the season, play- ing with Purity Flour. The Signal loins with his many admirers, 04 both sexes. in wishing him the best of health and pros- perity during the winter months. All hope that next season when the umpire calls "Play ball," at Agricultural Park Joe Lip d3ay will be the first man at bat. Limbers, -His many ends will give Joe Lindsay Photograph children / grow up Make an appointment today a hearty welcome when hey,.es his platoon at second base next aturday afternoon WI igham hall ► detested both Loch. alsh and Kiotaldule one game erect) last week, tied ul' with one for first place The rust ul the hone -and -home ames to break the Me was played off at ' eesx'atet' on Mundy. The game went f - ten innings bet le a tun was scored by either side. In this period W,ngham broke the tie by scoring five r ns, while ITeeswater did nothing. This puts Woughan one gams in the lead for the chamoeinship of the Northern group. I Go to the Siattoe-All-Star game at tht A[nastturid Part Saturday afternoon and show youAppreciation of the efforts being made to put Goderich on the map as a supporter of good baseball. The Simcoes have been here 'before and no words of recommendation as to their ability to put up a good class of baseball are needed from us. A good deal of expeuse will have to be met in bringing tile Simeon here. and we hope the promoters will be Tully repaid at the gates. Lucknow will hold a baseball tourna- ment on Labor Day. Monday, September bth. The first game in the morning will be, between Teeswater and Lucknow- Lochalsb. In the afternoon there will be three games. At 1.30 Purity Flour vs. Wirtgham.. The second game will then be played by the two losing teams of these events to decide third and fourth I places. The final game will follow, to be played by the two winning teams leo de- I rade first and second places. Wtogham won the second saw -oft game from Teeswater at the t' r nlace, on 1Nednesday hw •• °1G ore_ one score of 8 to 5. This W.a Teeswater out of the running, as' ingham has won two from them. Henry Aitcheson. formerly of Goderich, was a i big factor in Wintgham's victory. He was lour times at bat, made three hits, one a three -bagger. bringing in two runs and • scoring himself on 1 wild throw, The other time up tee got on by being hit by the Teeswater pitcher. Besides being ac- countable for lour of the six runs scored by Wingham, Aitcheson had a perfect record in the outfield. Teeswater played the best fielding game, but lacked the punch when needed. Wingham had ten errors. Batteries-Wingham, Telfer and Anderson; Teeswater. Booty and Brawley. Vingham now moves on to another group with Walkerton as their opponents. the first game will be played next Satur- day at Walkerton and the second one at %Ingham on Wednesday of next week. 1t is reported that Zurich e'e(eated Milverton an a group play-oti game on Tuesday by the score off 40 to U. How the 1)utchtnen do like to rub it in whet) they get a chance ! `/ Thansort's "Kids." of town, and Cred- iton played an exhibition game at Grind Bend on Wednesday afternoon. We' won't say anything about the score; but the "Kids" didn't win. A FIRST CLASS ('Ol'RSE. Goderirk Collegiate l. Well Equipped Holders of .Sirhool Normal En - SAVED PIM LELON6 MISERY •M. M. J. HORS[ MIS Union 5t., Vancouver. B.O. "I mitered with all the symptoms of Femalo Trouble,. wi chronic Con- stipation orstipation and oonstant Headaches. I Aad maim law darn is atm lads and sides of she lady. I tris¢ various rero..lt.w without •f an then ut ns an a or as ad_Tiled me to have aa opersjih*. I refused. then, I started taking 'Fruit-e- tives' ; and front the outset, I felt better. aad esti medicine lieu completely relieved as of all my misery and suffering. My weight was only 1,43 pounds aad aow it is 168 pounds. I "fres ohmic andbeadaches and the terrible Constipation ; and what saved tfne from misery is tis splendid fruit 'Declieiaee elruita-tits' " MRS. H. J. GORSE. 50e. a box 6 for =2.50, trial size 25e, At all deal or seat postpaid by t Fruia-fives Limited Ottaway Oat. Her. A. E. Allin. of. fort Tamhton, will bare charge of the -a -nit -est in Victoria street Methodist church next Ronda y. • Itev Noralra W. TY. Deets 1t.A.. the seting pastor Will preach at both Per- th -ex to the 1QIJri-r ehureh next Sun- day. The sol w*-'- will lie : 11.00 a.m. -"The Believer-- f:-rimate of Christ ;" NEW COLLEI:I tTE COURSE. to Teach Commercial Work The Godefich Collegiate Board is wirous ret- making the commercial coo her give at the Collegiate morede' fully known, to the young people of the community and their Parents. In the first place they announce that they have wv-utwd the serices' of,)Has M 1. Brill. a eoznnterrl4l specialist. x 110 (W 014•. IUO$5 Mighty - toy the authorities of thi• i'leotMury Schools in (Sshawa, Ittta a ani Cal- gary trout which ('awu*n•bal Hlgh lie lwsiN ally comes directly to um.. In the wrv,nd place they expr•aa confidence that the fairly extensive eehwstion that is given In the two- year (oar's iu the (olleginte pr,rkles students with a much letter ourtie than Ls acquired In a sdX to eight F(Wths(4111 I'M. In theordinary bu-i- e.Ls tailegr. Thirdly, they offer three evmr+o„ : mal A general busltw•ss tour..'. in- cluding borokkevping, stenography and typewriting. Ihl The aavvtuntsney course, omit- ting Atruogrttpliy sod typw•wrlthig. (cl The xltorthand and typ.'.nt- tng course, omitting bookkeeping. ,All of coon.. require (he general subjects intetulirl to give greater cath (dewy, .n that they may entuwawl and hold letter positions. !Students of good override ahitity are ed advisto take the general Mod:) am emir*. which will give Neem A /kende eftentr in ol.taining a position. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Frank Maxwell, of Pembroke, will conduct the services in Knox church next Sunday. The Epworth League topic for next T. -FELL Tuesday night in North street Met . church will he ; "The Meaning of Canadiauization. Law and Order in a New Land." The meeting will he in at charge of Mrs. Mair and Mr. A. M. Robertson. Services in North street Methodist church next Sunday will be : 10 a. m., classes and Men's Club. Topic -"Lessons from the Life of Ahab," and will be in- troduced by Mr. M. W. Howetl. Public worship conducted by the preacher, Rev. H. 1). Moyer. at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m The Epworth League of North street Methodist church held its annual picnic et Black's Point on Tuesday evening. A delightful time was spent by the young people and their friends. Miss Whitehead M 'Toronto, Mrs. Beesley, of Maple Creek, Dr. and Mrs. Scott, of Sandusky,. Mich, Rev. Mr. Conway and daughter n( Highgate. Mr. T. Pritchard and Mr. THE style and wear of our shoes will put your feet on the right track. Without increasing your yearly expenditure for shoes you cam wear better and longer shoes if you allow us to fit you. We have the latest designs and will assure you they are worthy of your feet. 7• Orr, were welcnme•gueats. The congregations at Victoria street Methodist church had the pleasure of wei'oaling two week., ng'o Mr. and Ilrs. pick" Porker, of Piro I's iii. New etnlorill. who told been lit tows) for Mil Home W',vk. Mr. nod Met. Parker wen• residents of G.wlerir•h thirty -tire years Ago at which time they why Important contributors to the utu"Mwt- life of the town. As broth were mem- bers of Vk•toel* street ehur•h rhojr, Air. Parker tiring header rind awn leader of the I;nsh•ric•h hand. Ctrs. Parker was formerly Miss Rachel Mertih, slaughter of the late .lames Martin of ,.siorlelt Another mel ome visitor a1 Viktor% street ohnrch o11 the new Smelly wan tors. McKinley. of Toren!. She will I* remeniloer(41 fly Inut fly 0s Miss W11IIAma. the erumgettsf. who did valuable religions work ili flits focality Amann twenty years Ago and who's. ge•Ilernstty was )t great asset to this chore), tlnrtng the early years of Its exlsteme These three allRtf g e •pwrtnipate,l hi the servhrs c htWh(1t r'' de the day one of Demme) 1n• otter HO, ole 1.'onitngatlon. 1e t stI �•r trance Certificate- MAIM Inter- ested In 1t. The attention 1.1 the holders of Middle School Normal Entrance certificates and their parents is called to the new course JUST -RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF Men'i .All -wool Sweater oats, vers • Very "latest col- a s yTes. • These 'Sweater Coats were- bought at the 'very lowest market • price and • will be sold -at the very lowest ,market price. Before. buying your Sweater come in and look these over. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY NOW M. ROBIN4 Open Eveaisgs a THE COLBORNE' STORE Special Values in Every Departiniif Voile Blouses We have gathered t" tether all our very best Voile Blouses which ranged in price up to 88.50 and have marked them down to each $4.19 )These Wants are all made from the very finest Voile prettily embroidered and trim- med with pretty collar and cuffs, ea. $4.19 A range of Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses each $4.98. They come in all sizes and a Wonderful range of colors. Be sure and see these values at ... ,$4.98 ' 1 y a4.` • rliricolette Blouses in all colors, trim - sed with colored silk embroidery at $8.00, $6,75 and $7.00. Just arrived a wonderful range of plush Tams for ladies , mitres and children. Make your selection betore-tksy=aee picked over. Crib Blankets Flamielette ('rib Blankets, just the right thing for children at; per pair $125 All wool ('rib Blankets in Imre white, each , . f $2.25 Cottons Sheeting+ in two yard * idth at per yard ..... 75c, 85c and 95c Pillow Cotton, a yard in all widths, of 40c t° 6Sc Yard wide Cotton, in alt qualities, from a card 20c t° 75c Flannelette 85 in. Flannelette in pink and blue stripes at, .a yard •,/ 3k • ad in. "Flannelette in pink and bbs stripes, at, -a 'yard 27 in Flannelette • in' strips* at a yard • 27 in. l tNA Flannelette at, a yard Nir • • J. H. COLBORNE & C. THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY *a•••••••t. for a first -clans certificate which can be acquired in one year additional and not a; heretofore requiring two years. The subjects to be taken are : English ( Literature and Composition). Modern European History. Algebra. Geometry. ; any two of (s) Latin. (bl French,c) Bi- ology (Botany and Zoology), (d) Physics, • Chemistry, with Trigonometry sub substituted for either of these two. Those who acquire this certificate wiU take tbeir teacher -training course at a Normal School (London for this district), and will receive qualifications enabling them to teach either in public schools or Continuation and High echos'!. By this mems they have the opportunity of securing positions commanding consider. able higher salaries I han second-class Normal certificates are able to attain. Can All You Cam -Food prices _aro *1111 high. so, you SIM/11141 provide a gos anptly of canned goods it tall preserves. We Warr rrrrything uee.ded in Audible snch work a allovw,ss : Airier., jar ✓ ings, corks. bottle wax. If yon wish to tusk.' swvwu+ doubly sure we e-als *ripply you with any of the harnllers prnwerratlres.-E. R. Wigle, druggist. Galerieh. Canadian Patine h`osbk Daily Service. Toraoto.WLmnlpeg-Yanroua ev "Trans -Canada Limited" all sleeping car train leaves Toronto 9 p. m, daily -25 hours to Fort William, 37 hours' to Win- nipeg. 61 hours to Calgary, 88 hours to Vancouver. A business day saved on 1rancontinental journey. This train carries hrst-class sleeping car passengers only. "Vancouver Express" leaves Toronto 10 p. m. daily, stops at and connects for all the principal points. Passengers for Western Canada will find this a most convenient train. Equipment consists of first-class coat hes, standard and tourist sleepers, dining, compartment observation colonist cars. or tickets and full information appy Joseph Kidd, town passenger agent, Goderich. 33-5! Why pay more for a •phonograph l isetasessa, 1 when you can get a real "Stewart" ' (rpm 815 to 835, and a beau- tiful bit machine for 852 Ask for a demonstration at Blacketone's ice, ram parlors. Agent for Gennett I Records. Stop sneezing and snuffling ' Hay fever. summer colds, asthma positively str.pped by Raz-Mah. And Rheumatic Capsules are lust as sure for rheumatism. neuritis, etc. Sold locally by H. C. Dunlop. s-- AUCTION SALTS. AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. MR GEJRGE PROCTOR wilt sell by public auction. s.3 hat 2A Cut line Goderich township, 1 Sk mOlms west of Holmesv•Ile ea THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1st, at 1 p m, Toa FAPN.-Eighty acres, comprising lot .w codcewoo 9. Godench tnwn.hip, All seeded with nacepnen of ten sores Farm will be offered 1 kr ilk at 't o'clock. Beaus,. -Team d work horses 1290(' lbs t, team i ght horses, Wehh pony CAT?Li. - Four Iyearold tows, to freshen nest month. 4 4.year-old cows supposed to freshen in January, '4 r-yearold cows, supposed to freshen in Jaroary; a cows, supposed to be in call. nue in spring, 4 cows (nearly eat). 6 yearling stars, 6 ; leading heelers, 1 spring calves. 2 -year-old steer PO LTRY.-• Seeenty.nve hes. 23 geese 6 ducks Iwnaaasys. -Marry -Herne Moder. mos, •even .-foot cut; twelve -toe drill, 4 bean harvester, set iron harrows Ibleck,mith ' made), 12_,n. cutting -box (nearly neer): gang plow ! a)i horsepower' gasoline engine (nearly newt) Car ' cuter saw frame, with 1 -inch blade, agriculture ' cooker (25 -gal. capacity); 2 heavy wagons. one I nearly new), wagon bos.gravei Dos.I set Manitoba bobsleighs, 1 set light sleighs- 1 set logbunks. 2 light wagons. buggy. buggy pole. whiffle0ees and ; neckyoke.. dray platform for Hetes. woodrack; I stockrack. 1 set , err Stewart hor.eclippers, 1 set heavy bras.mounted , harness ulmos ne wl, 1 set ' 1 heavy team harness. 1 set light double herbs.. 11 sets single harness, 2 sets plow harness. 1 parrs ' opembndles, 6 horse collars, 2slangs bells. 2 wool I buggy rugs, 2 wool horse blankets. 2 sets h ht collars and Mmes. 1 set platform scales 00400 Ibe capacity; hand grindstone. power `rmd.tnne lel. 2 crosscut saws, Sul apps h sr d srnks. IP foot ladder pole.ch,cken leeder,'4 wheelbarrows, 2 hand mufflers, 41 -inch rubber telt, 2 4.inch canvas belts 'nearly new). 1 set of can tea lar 6 -ft. binder 2 stoneboets. logbost. 2 sets whinktre-s. plass box, buggy box. 6 stable ush with glass 2 mento. frames. lo() feet 2 -inch ceder plank 7u' feet :inch elm plank, several piles of •recd, quantity of hardwood lumber (1,1 SS and 1 inches' pile hem• lock scantling 0.3. lw deet long), some one inch used hemlock lumber, new well cribs, quantity of old barn timber, suitable for lupi, quantity of MUSIC t1ANOS TUNED‹ -APPLY TO C. V. HENRY, Music tads,, north Nile d tare. tt 4 rpenter's tools 2 crowbars. canthouk, v Iuu{ggine+ } 1611 feet hayfork chane, fork and puwtey. NOTICE TO CREDITD$S, Upholstering Shop! FURNITURE REPAIRED and VARNISHED Don't throw away vour old Furni- ture till you see CLIFF ANDERSON Kingston St. McLain'. Block t Model . Theatre Week of Aug. 29 to Sept. 3 Monday and Tuesday. August 211-39: •I:relit Author's Pisa' uctbin 1n "Riders of the Dawn" and Gayety Comedy. I Wed. and Thum., Aug..31, Sept. 1_ U,M.1 TAYLOR in "Sheba" HANK MANN In "LEAP YEAR" • ' Friday and Saturday. September 2-t.- HARRY -XHARRY CAREY mak barrel. 25 -gallon milk can. 0 car stallm and ' mange 1 (used), 2 roll. of woven -wire fence pile 1 - hardwood rads, 4 oak horse stall post 1. planed and Ma 1l neac �fpnrfay, Wednelslay atilt NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THIS EsTAra O► WILLIAM Moouug. DAC SA SAD. In "lf Only Jim" and Century ('omedy. "HER CIRCUS MAN" Nonce is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee 1 Act. that all rine having claims against the estate of William Moore. late of the Town of ,Goderich. in the levant y of Huron. retired merchant. deceased, are required. on or before the loth of September. Ifs,, to .end in the same to the undersigned Solicitor for Frar.k Moore and Isabel Agnes Moore, executors o( the estate of the said deceased. and that after the said date the said executors will distribute the assets of the aid deceased amort the persons entitled thereto, having reg.rd on y to the claims of ...Pitch they shall then have had ot nice, and that the said executors will not be Amble for the sail assets to ar.y per„on of whose claim notice shall not hay. been received. M. (.. CAMERON. Solicitors la the Executors. G.. derich, August 2A. tell. N 3t - ■ Pageil groove•1tn. d; buggy-jack.2 kegs in. ',Saturday at 3.00 p.m 4 lade hydrated lime. 1 sets never -slip shoes. barn door track (24 deet long'. 4 hangers en feet 14 -inch pipe, i belt pulleys i l4 16 and 20 inches); quantity of `aleanised sleet rooting. used and new; plc of cedar rail.. HousateoLo Emit( es -Two wonting desks. bed- stead, large iron not. ,sap -kettle. It kegs, Daisy churn. TERMS.- Stock and implements All sums of 512 and under, cosh. over that amount. 12 months' credit on approved Pont notes. or +discount of 6 per cent per annum will be allowed for cash on reedit amounts. Flan. Ten per cent on day of sale; balance in 30 days GEORGE PROCTOR, G. H. ELLIOTT. Propnetse. Auctioneer. A DMINiSTRATOR'S SALE OF FARM PROPERTY. LUMBER. WIRE AND HOUSEHOLD FUR coI PURE. Private Sale G. H. Ball .. . Goderich Industrie) Exhibition (;oing to London Fair ?--Tekpbone 110- r,g. foe Sate -John C. Dont. Work Wanted - A Siiggnnal Office House lot Salm-- I) M. Ogren September Outings -Grand Trunk "wawa, System. .. .. s Phone Itureb Rood Dairy .. ... a Notre. to Creditors - M G. Cameron t MAdministrator's £ale -Che. C. McNeil Coeteiat Education-M,as R. P. wards" lnin Lot, etc , for Sa'e Phone 125 Bald -down Clamp loot �M er Begaes- . Auction Sale George Praetor., .... Not ice -Passkey' ce Card of 'IMAM,. Mr. and Mrs H R. ).offs t Bawball Simeon vs. All -Stan , C Ba.ehall Tnurnanweet ear Lust *kens fi rSal! =B.E.en wt }.—III j e .. e MR CHAS. C. McNEIL dminlstrator. will sell well by public suction, ai he preen's*. cann csion 5. Colborne town.hip hall.afle from Meows) Station, 2)S'maes from Goderich) on THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15th, 1921,u comms ng at 2 o'clock The farm, rnnsisfiing of 200 acres of good clay land, all underdratnnd tti acres of orchard, two acres of bush; spring creel running year ro out. On the property aa lite Iwoarit-claburns Isms N) xti6 feet, and MI )feet, both with stoat. round (ions, driving shed (21x70 feet) and milk-hourie 0124 feet; ,cement silo. Comforts/is ten.room ick house with bath. Artesian well, vel ich pekes Arrow and lerr. The farm will be divided into IMacre lots or in block to suit purchaser Tues, -Form protwrty will Iw sold al In err ntime t. o1 purchase price at e of Nle. balance In linty dame HAS. C.McNeil. THOS C.UNfRV, Adfkinirtratoe. Auctwmrer. 24 31 flay for Sate J N *alk td . . ., • 4' FOR SALE One Iron Bed and $10 Two iron Beds and, Springs, each . - . �� One solid Quarter- ed Oak Buffet. ��35 worth $60, for One solid Walnut t 1J Doherty Organ . Two good Clothest 1 Wringers, each I. W All lines of Household Effects at Bargain Price. Harold Blackstone's Furniture Exchange M[CfT MTRrrT I •