HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-8-25, Page 6GRAND TRUNKYI'L Ell
b 'n ur,.lxy. Auguxt 23, 1911.
Keep your Amtw•rol Record
cabinet up to date with some
of tJre ie new sele: tions.
do Centts Bosch
4306 J. Womack, - rna Trot
Ilarrf Kaderman's Jars
43119 Ain't e Ooh Inn. Luse.
tares. s'l.,. Blur Ns,.,
4310 I round a Rnr In the Des 11.•
(amts -- Vowtrot Harry
Itad.•naan'• has ireltrvtra
sill Kir. Mid—Medley Watt.rh,.
leads-t.a "M..rleebt ler Mad
green arm. \•tarty Ban.f
4312 , roe' Premier Quartet
43:3 w „K Hew..
liernestead TnJ
4314 Slew cues –wan/
• Time Bras Novelty a.nd
431S So..bo.l 's Mother. Mak
y',xcro. (resecut 1'rt
4316 Hint, S, hoot c ens M, Bad
4317 camp,' Row. Tenor, atIlb
Jone. and Alam Chorus..
4318 yore. Jean and the Soulier. m
Rent: Start Cal Ste\ sr•
4319 Mnnrhe.00 Yoa Trot
tater, Mrs. Hoeeltr Be
43:0 ',eve/Che Up, Mixed \•a.
Metropolitan Quartet
4321 vebod,'0 Kase, Tennr
IF B.,Ikra mud 1,e.nie Chn.
4322 Cern,ty Kerry Mary iron,
\V dLam na,.eer
4321 (.11 Keep .s. IJ"U,a You
medley Poe I rot I, trodavine
' C.w%l Sea'') Mat Yells' Della
Robber tercherrtra
4324 t waw Wrrn In M,.heron V.Ir
vovea Prentor Qr,.rt. t
43 5 laddie Roc of Mine. fence
Alien McQueae
4336 American l'ep March
Impede' Msnmh. Bsr,d
r. Meb.dr's >• r
—Mises Stanley
French Record
i%gat` Ak,tea-a-• idylls flame.enrw.,
utrarr !lectorPetrenr
German Record@
2621e "tier. has as Bade'.
Kbemlaod, r
tMerharerirne Reirrnkarril.
•,Lwehen Rhemlaraler
IfitS oberbs7er.ac.e lemerekapetie
Cemp'1-i's Drag S:ore
(s* leviett s
C UInm`Balnkx
1 _ -
In the atmosphere of the chamber
wherein the Supreme Allied Council holds
its meetings in Paul, the Silesian question
lost much of its bitterness and danger.
I The peril was to the good relations be
tween France aud,Britain. the king pins
of the Entente. A break between these
two al the present time would be a disas-
ter. It has been averted ptincipally by
the lirmress ; t I'remier Lloyd tieorge and
the British Cabinet in refusing too aerate to
the French r pram of sending more troops
• into Silesia. Stinging criticism of a section
of the Frencl; prey cannot blind the
*sold or the impufarce of the decision,
which was ac:epted hyo Premier Briand of
France at the Supreme Council. alter
! Britain and l.aly had voted against it.
The preset, - at the meetings 01 the
Cooler: r: of i. 'i. George Harvey. United
state. Ani1Mssador to Britain, though he
dols n; t appear to be an active particip-
ist, has un,ofubtedly been an influence
un Ihe'side of a compromise which would
avoid the_ use of force or the increasing
iwsplay of force unless that is absolutely
nc,r..try. The nations of Europe know
that the. feeling on the part of the United
States is for peaceful solutions wherever
These can be obtained even at the risk of
what may sometimes appear t0 be a toes
of prestige. It Lcmains now for the es-
; perts of the Council to draw the exact
line which will be in conformity with the
votes cast in the recent p:ebiscites of the
I disputed areas. It is considered as not
Improbable that Germany may even ap-
pear to- obtain advatntages as against
I'uland in the final settlement. This
woOld be in accord with the votes and
the. population by nationalities. It
is probable that few conferences lot its
k.nd in the world's history has heard
-uch a frank 'speech as that made by
L oy'd George in defining the issue as he
saw it. and in bluntly reminding the
French delegates that Silesia had been
Germanic fro 700 years. It speaks well
, for the French representatives who knew,
that a wide section of their press would
resent the British Premier's tone, and
at the question could he transformed
in J a very ugly_ situation, that they were
mo "anzlous to tlnd a way of ,settlement
' than . press their nen Otani!. Ah the
litewpr have root beck removed.. from
the" Sit' ; n cont,overey. belt many of
them have be.'n placed in safety vaults
The danger : a tlareoup has been largely
removed, anritain and France should
' he firmer ft ;en than ever, especially if
the suggested vo ,,;e of Prerrners Lloyd
Geotge and [Irianto the Washington
disarmament confer' ce, could be made
together. Away fro the atmosphere
f. _-the _militaristic factions these
two pight make pl s for corn-
• bincd 'Action that shoo:. carry the
country 'of each . a lCng w. •`. toward a
mre canpiete understanding than they
have ester ,.kpnwn 1hr/siglt the yimmix(
',tress that have forced them t• stand
tr•get her.
t. Try our -Waist (storm fur IA•,ult.
torr --
Perfume -Tour henrinirs need reh:,h•
.Iliteting. No mutter wham 11.-•frout.Ie•
m'11 be Riad to know also, Hos mit-
i..fa,-tery work we sloe in
Give Its :I trill Ire• 1-xt time von
owe,: pr, anile Bork ,lnh,• .iit J-tgir enr.
--0 —
Wade Ilii Sttdtema_ x',nn.u-it ham
beof er matters of importance to deal wit
sines the Silesian question, it is not in--
prubable that the histo- ions of 'the future
w ill record as its greatest achievement
the steps taken to save Russia—or a great
part of that huge cotintry—from famine
and its attendant plagues. Lord Curzon
and HuberrIt-over, tach famous in
varied spheres of public activity are likely
10 be the chief representatives of the
alliestoco-operate with the Soviet Gov-
ernment in the saving of many millions
of ire ple. Without such co-operation
the world could do nothing. Questions as
to the recognition of the Soviet which
affection, and in Irank democratic inter-
views with Ute newspapermen said he
know he. would make mistake, a• he did
when in Fence. lint the l ana.11ans al-
ways pulled hI s out of a hole and he
would truer ti Ibem to d . it now. Lord
Byng wi.l be paptilat so Canada.
Canada has igldom witnessed so unique
a gatherfog IS that which as,emb:ed
in the Legialause Atwembly Cham -
bels in the Provincial Parliament
buildings. Toronto. under the aus-
Picea o1 the Juvenal Teachers' Asso-
ciation. Every part of \he Empire was
represented there lot men and women
such action would involve m properlyprominent in the education of the youth
may of their countries. the chair eetng occu-
be shelved in the interim. The relief pied by M. J. Handed, Headmaster of the
work will he carried out on the most (*mous school at 11;nche,ter. England. -
The interchange o: cachets between the
different countties ,•i the Empire and the
teaching of hilltotr and geography of the
in which Russia will have to do her share. Empire within the l..np,re woe two of the
There ought to be a caII to this continent in �notnwbj•cts ..lsculerd at the opera-
tor its surplus to aid in helping to relieve Dominions taking part. This convention
g seasiapeakeu ;rum ;ruail the British
the situation. 11 Cartadab,aucplus fx a was to have bean held in Canada in 1910.
considerable part of u. cannot so into the , but was postponed , n account of the war.
United States because of the tariff, there As tar as Poeslble tr speakers ani sub -
which in onima:, clrsumstances would
be flowing into roc. torts of this continent.
it is not possible to the hagmentary
and obviously closely censored ports to
come to • conclusion ut the I that
Spanish forces have sustained as he re-
sult of recent terrific hinting against the
tribesmen in Morocco. 1t would seek)
that one column of nearly Ji».) men Mss,
been wiped out, and that risevihere the
Spaniards ere sucking close to their
tocttfied bar .awaiting -• aping etYifuccrtncuts
that will enable the return of oper-
ations on a large scale. Their hope of
immediate relief lies in the intereine strife
among the tribesmen, which never slum.
bers long, and their tendency to either
fight over booty or go back to their homes
with u. The trouble has resulted to a
political crisis in the home land, bort
Spain is not easily worried on that ,wire.
While the abnormal weather must be
credited with a large share of responsibil-
ity to the devastating forest fires in\New
Brunswick and Nova Scotia. they give
rix to the question as to what is to be
done to arouse Canadians to a real appre
elation of the fire menace. Alike to our
natural resources and to our created
property it is a menace that never tires
It can only be fought by. o-ganized and
systematic preparatory tffort. The secur-
ing of tire appliances after a town has
been partially destroled because its
equipment was out of date, is a poor
remedy. A more comprehensive plan of
meeting forest fires is also in order in
most wooded areas.
As was forecasted by the press some
days ago the G)vernnent commission
which investigated the HydreeEiectnc
Commission's proposed radio) railway
system for Ontario. has handed in
a majority report declaring the proposal
to be "unwiseand economically unsouni."
Mr. Freci Bancroft. the labor man on the
commission, has made a ratnonty report
in favor of the proposals. Both Premier
Esu: y and Sr. Adam Beck promise state-
ments on the question when they have
had more time to fully consider the re -
pats. It will be borne in mind that the
real point at issue was the wisdom of a
Government guarantee of bonds for the
project. Whether the municipalities in
the Hydro -Electric system will undertake
the scheme regardtea of a Government
scheme is for them to decide.
(('opyrlghted British • Colonial Preen
gigantic scale the world has known. It w,IU
employ a great army of workers and use
up supplies by the thoustnds.c.f tons. Its
financing will be a matter of arrangement
should be a market with the Russian sects then decided
relief commission for a large shore. It is i tiered to, with
only a common sense view of it. No one,moos n
would want to snake capital out of the s(andpoint to d
Bufferin s of others The world is too l cunt
closely knit in these day; to admit of
other countries sitting or standing callously 1
by while famine carries off millions of las
' upon have been ad-
ut • urse, any modifi-
. ' Frum an educ:uonal
tot:•.ol the Empire the
moortance. It would
could not learn
11 confreres from
be a pour delegate wtwl
something fro% hr cr he
her lands.
fellow creatures. Business and service
ungrudgingly given, will have to go hand
in hand to avert unparalleled disas'er in Belgium is the standinrtggsexample ice'•
Russia. and its menace to other nations, burvpe of a retu: to eoadisions moire
excepting the (British Empire. Britain is apploachmg M[Bldi. Italy, however, IS
already taking precautions to fight against . Doming up throuye a --pend of tnbul- ,
the entrance of chi lora into her ports ation to a safer ars :