HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-8-25, Page 5---411,1.P- TWO DOLLARS.. , buys The No. 0 BROWNIE BUT don't think it's inefficient because its low priced. It's Eastman made. And its so simple to operate that anybody -your boy or girl -can get good pictures right from the start. No focus to set. No bellows to draw. No complica- tions at all. Loads in daylight with Vest Pocket Kodak film -a roll of 8 for 25 cents. Our stock of Kodaks and Brownies is complete f .1. ' Campbell's Drug Store PHONE 90 r Goderich 50c- The Signal from r 1 LOCAL TOPICS. Viceation I/aya Beady Over. • The openint to of ,schools, tcco dims t6 the ott4ciat cMeadar is a: I•,i;•, l s ; CoA., tinuation, public and •rnarate school open Thursday. Septembei 1; 1(igh Schools and Co'Iegiate Institutes open Tuesday September„tith. and frovincial Normal School, open September 13th, Magistrate Reid la ('oust. Mf. (!ta�..4. 16.41, 10)11:r magistrate, was al Strsrford yesterday and re- twlred un hhleternitate sentence Iti MO court of matriuu,uy. Full partic- War- are not Lit hand but will ts• Pint. 11,1.1141 next week. 1n the meantime \Jr. Reid halo the eongratulatiuns id a hose of friends in town 81141 1.1,14•W hire. Sixty -est• fears of Wedded Life. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Nwuftiehl had the very unusual but happy experience of celebrating their sixty-fifth anniversary of their wed- ding day. They were marrilrl in lr•'olt at I)lunlas and shortly afterwards moved to I:Islerich where they have Isr•n residents ever Atter. They 4.11110 herr lwfore any railways. when every. thing had to be teamed fruui Lulstou. It Was Appreciated. Itlaeit ha. ret•elrtrl a uum- Iwr of letters complimenting him upon the collection of old-time photographs slIowu under his snp•rtnlelden.( dur- ing 4)1.1 Hume Week. In several in" staut•rs phutugrapbs turned up whim relatives of the persons photographed did not know were in existruce. and Mr. Mack has been asked to secure copies. The collection was 4)1w of the .ut't114M1dng • retinae. of the celebra- tion. Grocery (image. Hands. The grocery busbte's on the west tide of the Square which has been ern- - dnt•ttd by air S. E. Faust has leen purchased by Mr. Samuel Pewter. of Stratford. who will Imre his w111. Mr. 1. It. 1•.nd4-r. a.sa°latel with him. The new proprietor hook pow o e w'o icon on Wednesdayw rola The R Signal wekvemes the Me.sr.. fender to town and hops•. 41en4 they will be at•- e..nlerl by citizen. a g.s.11y share of their patronage. THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. McColl-('lunia. 1 A quiet welding .a. r1.lesuizerl wt Holy Trinity .hunch. 1.7he'd19s. on Thursday. August llth. when Mary 14..amsdl. da lighter of Mrs. 4'lun1M, of I'all Mall street. London. formerly _ - i of Golerlch, and Gordon M/4'oll, also of iwondon. went united 1n marriage by c Itrv. l'. M. Fazne). Thr bride atc11 groom 'were unattended. After o need• ing a quiet imrur at 4110 rectory tlw happy couple left in their star for To- ronto and other points. Mr. taint Mrs. SS McFall w -II) resile in I<,neion. Tlw BASEBALL( ( bride in well known to a large number in (ialerich who krill Join in wishing T- bar much happiness. now to January lst,'22- Simcoes vs. of No, 6 All Stars District Saturday Afternoon August 27 The Lloyd T4.phy. Holiday Time- slaattlndfrom au an►w W Templeton's Rltetlfm&tie Capsules f Reap thea In year beam, Take thea Odi 1r •acatlea 4w Ywaatlsal. if.kas Trisha as. Les, $1 at yaw druggist's. Fold by H. C. Dunlop. play Is resumed the f.'I'*-inc. spring It is to 1e returned to tlae cin. A Narrow Escape. \\'Idle returning to 1',.M11'rieh from Dunlop u few days ago Mr. John 'Auk. later had a narrow e-'11111. from ser. (Liu. InJtuy. .lust as he it... apprath• lug the 1'.1'.16. at Mel„•s,•t a -freight train suddenly loomed up on the over- head bridge. frighteinoJ h;s harm'. tine of the lines of the hatless broke anti Mr. 1-luklater was thrown out Id 141w buggy sustaining 1)b ujii . to his chest. Fnrttuatteh' Ile Iorw• wit caught before It went far .uud Mr, Liuklater was aisle to Mut Lie him journey to l;loletirh. Tiae.da) .144W41 to he an unlucky one for Mr. tjuk• later. however, aa- hitt horse r'he l another +'are front a .pat-`ing I;.T. freight as he was erre-dug the bridge at the tap of-Saltford 1111. hot on this Isr•asiun he was 114, keep the aulmul 'limier, control. Died In Early CYhlOoud. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. I.oa. have the heartfelt sympathy of the community In the loss which they have .44414hied Iy tM• death on T1)wliac sd 1.1.1 week of their only child, )1!Idr •d F:re•Iyn.. after an illness of tail weeks from typlldd fever which au, f aluwwl later by prwumo1lla. The little girl was in her thirteenth year atilt had just lar•n promoted to the fourth Class in Central school. She w -as a member 4d North street Methodist rhur.h: a Moyer'. faithful attendant of air-. M r class in tilt• Sunday 1.11...1. and was generally lwtuvwl by all who knew her 114-1 who regret her early'1,Irmi.e. The meat'. specialist certificate iu 17a$$11r., 111 be In .harps. of . riaarh•r sol I I Islur)•. Mi.. tnive M. Burns, H.A.. of King. 41141. a graduate id l)urwu',k 1'ulvcralty ala( a holder id an Art ayrr•Ialist r- Mic11.. will IiiVt. .barge ofSidi grammar, glrlgraphy and other Idler -nitwit subjects. mi.. M. L. Itrill, of Mooretown, a l'umm.r•ial Mp•cialist, will have .burg. -'of the trnumen.hil departaleut. MrNahb-Ih•rnin. Tastefully deiura(hld with white lilies, guldeur$l and ...Aar.. St. ' George's t1uir•h was the acne at high 1110011. all Wednesday, August lith. of •-the welding of Vera Barbara. daugh- ter of the hate \1r. T. E. I)uruiu atoll .Yrs. Dumb.. and All:ua P. McNabb, imal of Mr. and Mr.. d. McNabb, of loiut Stl tarn. The ren•mony wits vu'l- d41•terl by iter. M. S. hardy. The bride, who mals given away by her brother. Mr. Marvin Mn Durkin. WON' a gown of white georgette with fillet Ilace. Her bridal yell of ('arrick'uue- eru.s lace wits 1.41 light . with ornate ' blos'orn*, and she carried 4)thelia tom... ,old wore the groom's gift. a roto• .d 111 Ta us la pwllrbs. \lis, 1rtitia F.d114 I)urnin. It.A., .aster of the bride. as maid of 1 . wore a gown .! .114-11 pink satin and georgette. with hat to Match and carrier) pink roses. Misses ile•len and JIau Whitely. )dtVNti of the bride. were Win - 11t111. flower girls in dainty frocks .1 hat. of. pink organdy with tots•he•a of blue. \1 r. John Threalgold. 1.f Tor rouro, wm. l.o-t man. while \1r. Rob- ert MoNa ill. brother of the groom. and Mr. Itols•rt Itls4-t, aiin.in of the bride. Retell us ashen. Mr. Buckley pre- sided 111 the organ, and during the signing .r the register. "Minnow- Wit" nicely rendered by Mims Lelia 'Woods Lit' Fergus. cousin of the bride. A re- ception was held after the ceremony at the home of the bride's miler on Shanley 'greet. Daring dI 'r it. tele- gram of congratulations was reoviv,1 from the bride's brother, Mr. R. W. Ihfnnlu. 11..\.. of Emu's. and Mrs. Una nlu, who were unable to be present tit the cere•nI))l y. 'rle groom'. gift to the maid id honor was it platinum bar - pin. to the flower, -Rule, geld pins wet with pearls. to the. wdol%t a sliver boil* Thursday. Augtlat ^.• 192I a Special Values in ALL SUMMER GOODS In connection with our Fall Opening we are clearing a few items in the various lines carried in our store, of which the following are outstanding bargains Voile Dresses, clearing ztc cont from $2.2 op Geo rgette Waists, $3.9 up Check Skirts in summer weights and a few White Skitts, to clear at prices ranging from $2.540 up Serrge Dresses front $7.50 up • 1u this' particular line we have some better valves in ne w tall styles which we are offering at prices ranging from $15.00' to $24.00 Ladies' and Misses' Coats in fall weights, from $9.50 up. Hosiery -Very special iu black and white, at per pair 29c and 39c We have a'rauge of black, brown and navy bine silk Hosiery Very fine values at t;9c pait funeral took place on Tirnr.11:ly after- locket. to the hent than gold .cul links Imam to Maitland cemetery. -ter. 14. and to the uoh.ra collar piles. The D. Moyer 4-e ndu.tei tie 'wryly.. and ,)I4 -of -town gond.' were Me•s.rs. Rohn.. was n.aisted by Rev. .1. I . Ford 1111 Jack and Duncan 31tNahh of Iona Rey. J. H. Osteerhyut, of 1)rlwlen. a Stati.M. Mr. and Mrs. M. \\'111111/1 111111 former pastor of Victoria street Meth- ani..es McQuillan, of 1.11•kllllw : Mrs. rrlli-t ch1r. hs. The pllltoruvrs erre l f ufr. Mrs. Whitely and \Ifo, Devaney, Haro111 footer, 4:eerge il.rdey, How•- of 1rnngnutmon: Mr,. Tarlton of De- troit: Mr. ulal Mrs. John Woods. Miss Lelia Woods and Mrs. Leckie of Fer- gus: Mr. and Mn.. Thrrlgold. of To- ronto: aril Mr.. Mrs. and 5144.48 Snlytl1 of Rt. Helena. The bridal party motored to Clinton where the happy couple took the train for Sarnia., From there they left for a trip up the ladies, the bride travelling In a navy Iloc trieotine stilt with dutrnolre hat and black fox fur. lin their rturn'bnme'inQuebec ( Rev J Pniko Y d M they will live in Toronto. 1. f F t ••t anu Fowler and Iogau Niamey. The Nei" mambo,. of G,(',l, Staff. The trustee board of G.sll•r)rh ('ql- legiate testitute la please to 1M• able to ammmns•e that the meant {11sitions on rile Ittah hare been tilled by -beech• ern who none most highly rw•.lntu'l•ud- ed by those who know of thrir work and worth. NI i.1+ Mabel Treaammn. H. .\:. of St. TI an honor graduate of To - A trophy has been donated to• Mait- rout. University. In Fnlhish. histo i limit Golf nub by Mr. 1t. L. Lloyd FrwM•h Hud German. and a holster t • which 1. to be competed for at an it -p,-i.11i-t certificate in theme 'th- at AGRICULTURAL 'PARK } - annual tournament in which all andel Jeri. from the Edm•ntion iwt,i nt. menderi of tie club resident lit 11.Mle-' will hmv,• charge of Englls 11 rich and all other shareholders of tiro Moderns. During Mi.. Tr man's • ehlh shall ire ellgIlde to take part. Tlw second and thin) years at Toronto at 4 o'clock, m. name of the player whip win. the tour.; FuIve'rohy she held Me.wu 14nd third p nament 1. to iw engraved Liu tie I plate In the ho)1,r net tlw+.• snli- t•opily. together with the year of him J.r•t.. THIS WILL BE A REAL GAME achievement. Daring the months that' Mt.. Janet i•. Po�stoad. M.A.. of play is diaeontioned the person whoop) Glletph. an honor graitetnte- of Toronto Admission, Gentlemen 35c, Ladies 25c, Children i 5c 111811110 was last engraved on the trophy- University in ('1: .les. sinner of may take pos.esstnn of it. provided it 1 s-Indaesfiipw in t' d •parrlaent, and 1. IV/4 removed from liodertch. Wtlt•u (a holder of the R,Im .itloo Depart - Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. GODERICH Headquarters and Factor): 448 Queen Street West T - --- i 1ilDER1('H EXHIBITION NOTES. - Slow h. nsb.'rt, who conies from the Mh•u t ford . bra nt h. e of e• G0(11414l1 Fxldhl- 1)r. and Sirs. (low and droughts nal .4 feature tl Toronto. Wh' .48 )4-'i we f ,N' be MI l f k n n. all u r Itl o e• ler lis 7 and S IK N - ter t m t) etc t an ett1tl,ive exhibit from 111. Ventral Experinteatal harm. maul.. em•eupir- Ing 11 24 -test fnotltage I.'eryone. should ,se It. There will also he a demuustratlon by the Ottawa ihyartieent of Agri. culture of the intst up -to -(late metlols of handling. entailing and can• of egg.. This will Iw given in the main build- lug. PERSONAL MENTION. Rln»,ts at Ur. t'aesar last week. Yrs, 41. 4C. hloor and daughter, \'lrgh$a, r.tnvuwl to. J).trotl last week after trio motltha' vacation with 114r lady's mother. Mr., -p-. Morrow, Keays str,et. t 41r. uud Mrit. ;obit Mayne.. and sons, ,tack and Andrew, Mr. (ilbwou.,amd1 MI., t;lady. Glham, .f Sarnia, motor- ed to town last ww•k must were guests of 31rs. .1. it. 1'r.ligie, \loutre•al street. Atter an absence of eighteen years Mr. C. 1\ Andrews is a we:come visitor is (;(1lench. Mr Andrews will he trme�. . Mr.,Will Johnston. of Toronto, is holi- i tired as the popular manaker of the R.B. dajiinpt in (,odench. Smith store during the latter years of his Mrs. Mooney and daughter.-Mis.'la' or- residence an town. Ile is now located at i ence. are away on a visit to their old i Sault Ste. Marie. • 1t and stn Rhys.. of [)ut- lYr, John Mclrntatl, n ♦met, aa. ton are n 1on.ynog with Mr. aad l;so. i''baston, Rev Mr, Pnika:k war a Week.a, was is town far -csld How• • -1.tmer paster 01 Gorterlch Baptist church Rent, and his many frwnds were glad to have Lem, 1 Ftec. 1 llamiitoo {t 1g1.. a.f the opportunity of meeting him. Mut•kw111r, N.H., is 4-isitlaet M"r •rare . .eta..ug times• who eojoyel the Ohl Mrs. sin -lair.- Britannia nod Pi.•aw Week. though not a 1;.mleri,•11 Mr. n: P flay and daughter. foist ►key. wits- Kew. Collo Yletchcr, Misses Eleanor and Adelaide. an- away .-Ir U. ex-ucwlenitor of the I'r•.hy- on s trip up the lakes. Tad. is Mr t.•rian General A's•utbly, who 11.14.11111i flr1t holiday iu ten years. retired from al•tity work after a Ioug Lt.-W..Q.-.Crowe. -ahu ha. %wen s4•-4 and dbttInguiehed misl4R sst -Tl aaeaa co.ntant of the Hunk of Montreal herrn.' R.ia-71. fir. rt. -ft -her -won Net lraeat- has leen tranrfcrn.I 10 the Stratton] while 1n tooyu of Comity '1'Ierk -Hol- hra11•11 ural 1, surer.**,* l v Mr. i,. man :and Iter. Ur. M.h1111441. - lee creams may 4 • 111111 Ire .reams may Rn but Hlnck.14,1,4 M Roos on for- e•yergee that your tient onler Is BlackstoMe's. Phone 2411. A ipo'elal meeting of the General liroltgh ('hapler, 1.0.I),I .. will be held 1'l the Hoard of Trade rooms un Theft - 11.11}', August NI. at 4 p.m. Seise, JI4Klimini )las Warned - from the city Jitter In.peeting tlw Pall Millinery. Mims t'nnwmn ,will *11- uouu.e her opening later. Grand Opening at the New Ladies' and Gents' Ready -to -Wear Store Next Walker's Furniture Store, West side of the Square ATURDAY, AUGUST 2T. Store opens at 8.30 a.m. at:�,o..«,�a prices. g� R��«;o�. off For opening a Tay andTol w g week•we are markirg our goods interesting prices. Reductions off regular prices for opening week. GOODS BY THE YARD Factory. Cotton, ale and 13c a yard. Butter Cloth, 2 Yards for 15c. White Bleached Cotton from 16c to 20c a Black and White Sheeting. 24c a yard. Heavy Black Denim, 33c a yard. Bite striped Gingham, 411 inches wide, 29c a yard. Dress Goods, checked, black and white, 40 inches wide, 33c a yard. Prints, Unsorted colors, 18e a yard. Ticking, the best at 35c a yard. Flannelette, pink striped, 111, he, w isle, 19c a yard.. Gray Flannelette, 21c a yard. Towelling, fine linen, 23c a yard. Your patronage solicited. Next Walker's Furniture Store LADIES' WEAR Ladies' Coats, in all -wool velour cloth, latest styles, from $18.00 up. Ladies' Tricotine Dressed, all - the latest styles, from $18.00 up. Ladies' Botany Serge Dresses at $15. Ladiers' All -wool Skirts in plaiddesigns. beauties, $8.75. Navy Blue Botany Serge Skirts, all Sizes, $3.49. Raincoats at.a great reduction -for the twit- '. ing week. Ladies' Tricolette Smocks, new styles, in all colors and sizes, at $4,49. Ladies' House Dresses, $1.49. Ladies' Aprons at 89c. Ladies' .All -wool Pullover Sweaters, lair.' styles, $2.75 and $3.98. Ladies' ('otton Vests, 23c, We can save Ladies' $butterfly Silk }lose, black and white. 85c pair. Art Silk Lidi..' Hose, pearl grey and brown, 65c pair. `Black and Brown Silk Hose, 49c pair. All -wool Cashmere Hose in Black, 69c pair. Ladies' Blaek ('otton .Hose, l9c pair. Ladies' Brown (katton (lose, 15c pair. Ladies' Ready-to-wear hats at various prices. MEN'S WEAR Men's Navy Blue Snits, all wool serge, in- digo dye, absolutely guaranteed I$ or. . weight, Men's and Young Men's styles, $32.50. Young Mens Fancy Wornteds, $23.50. Men's 1,V0ol Tweed Suits at $18.50. Men's f'uttrtade Pants, $1.89. you money. Men's Overalls, black, plain bloc. blue Iwd �_ white striped, at $1.00 pair. Also Smocks to match at $1.00 each. Men's Strong Hefty Duck Khaki Shirts at $1.19,,_ Mena B aek gad"hit• Working Shirty at $12t •••••. -..•••••s... . • Men's Blue Ckallabr arts at 95c each. Men 's Crept ?op 8 i t ►'at $1.911 week. Men's Ceepe loll Shirts at $1.75 Tach. Men's Balhrigienn--1'-tnle r w•c' a r, Shirts and Drawers. 59c each. Men's Penman's Merino Underwear, 95c. Men's Fine Lisle' `ticks, 29c pair. Men's }clack 1'otton\$oeks, 23c pair. Men's Working 14°4E6, eott'u and wool, 29c. Men's Sweater Coats, $2.69. Boys' All -wool Jerseys, $1.69. Boys' Pullover Sweaters, $1.49. Bo'.s' Khaki Bloomers, $9c, 14 '. • suits, best (itlality, latest styles, from $6.50 to $9.50. ,71 A square deal to everybody I A. C CIIEMTEIIIEL.31) H � e , at wv�� R•. a West side of the Square 04;4. WUWi34.: of •. s 1.v • • s. /tam �.a........rc ��. �.... , ,. y,,... _•..a.,c.a... • •