The Signal, 1921-8-25, Page 44 -Thursday, August 23, 1W21. GODERICH, OIT. Jack. 0 'Leather SUITS for BOYS Leatherized EVERY mother of a growing boy will be interest- ed in Jack O'Leather-the new patented boys' suit which combines beautiful fabrics with soft, pli- able, real leather lining at seat, knees, elbows and all pockets. For Jack O'Leather has definitely solved the problem of keeping a boy well dressed, at moderate cost. These suits are built on proven scientific lines. Tests have shown conclusively that half the ..'ear on boys' clothes come from the inside --so the soft, pliable real leather, light in weight, is placed on the inside of the hard used spots.- This pots.This leather lining doubles the life of the suit, for it takes all the inside wear and at the same time prevents stretching and bagging. Jack Oteather Suits are made of high quality fabrics and splendidly tailored with a snap and style that show real character. We have them in all sizes, -6 to 18 -and in all the latest popular models and u.'e guarantee them to give complete satisfaction. Prices are no higher than for ordinary suits. LEATHER INSIDE STYLE OUTSIDE Walter C. Pridham Men's Clothing and Furnishings Phone 57 GODERICH ■ Hay Fever Ismuts* COLDS. ASTHMA,' M111111 may a holiday. 0 111~~~~1/MN1111NNN11111111INN :LIBERAL RALLY COUNTY OF HURON to be held in ✓ Victoria Park, Seaforth tm • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31st • • at 1 :.1) p tn. when HON. W. L. MACKENZIE KING Leader of the Liberal Opposition HON. DR. BELAND ex -Postmaster General W. -E: - -KEN N E DY, for North Essex 11 and tither speekers'will address the electors of IRtron County N GOO SAVE' THE KING! 111 EXI CATiVE 111 k,)N LIBERAL Ab$OC1ATiON 1 ■N■<A<aaffl111NN■ MN1■■N/1■ supply of Letterkasas, Billheads, etc., printed at "The Signal D1'\GAXNON. RAZ - MAH ttbaitivstg steps that* troubles s Pi wessin , coujkiaa, v eyes areal oeoeneary- . pN hoes bang that way. Ti`�s,nruivoeaa, oei te baht by H. C. Deets,. Shepphrdton Me.ho,Ilst chnreh held their annual Mina,' festival on Wed- nesday eventag. .augurs( 17th. The Isnndjeous alippe provided by tale ladles of the elrucr. ttion, wast w'rcwl in the hall adJoininc the ehurvht. It had Teen plumed ,o1.1 the event on the church lawn owing to the un- favorable weather it had to he held iu.Ide. I3te musical ;beet of the Pro' grew was given iu the ,lnar•h. Tlw pasuo, Re►•. H. Itoyle. preehlisl and the plograw included or,'he+teal selections by the Blackstone-ltuckley on•hestra. .lo. by MM. \lifter. Miss denary • and Mr. Metrarv: duets by Mr. and Nike Meuart, Mi.. Jetta l'hapuan and '1 r. Erie Wilson: twilling. by M r.. C. le -tow and )1rs:' Fowler. AUBURN. Wtrlu,•.day. August 24. Mrs Jae. l.akllae fought a l.'hev- rolet ear this week. -• Mra. Sebum .trna-'roug and her mother -In-law are ,'•-ring the former's mother, Mew Mr. A. E. l'ulll-. Sault Ste. Marie. Medi.. spent a few ,lays hi the village. He eam* by ante ntel-4s booking hale and hearty. Death of Mrs. Snplie.---tour village was again caged to mourn on Tnea- day the loss of a restarted ,•Itizen when Mrs. John 1' Smylie passed away after a wee:,.. Mama In Iter elghtyetecoad year She is survived' by two daughter. 4fr4. Wm. I)Whla. West Wawanosh: Mr-. J. l'. Clark. of the village: and four sons : 14eorge, John. David anal 1Villiam. all of Star City. Soak. The ra., latter suns sr- -rived home on Thur -,lay to tie with their mother In • her laet days. We sytupathize with the family in their Ito -s of a lovingotn.ther. The funeral tike. plate on l!n,r'lny afternoon. interment will be made in Dungannon cemetery. ' NILE.• Wednee•,lay. August 24. 'Mr. Bill Wats,u did a rery Ane ,day'rr threshing at the estate of Goo. Glen. . Mr. Thomas Sheppard is busy eut- 1101( as very heavy meow' crop of ilIlsI ( Mr*. John Snell is taking a well - eeriest rest with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Me('ahe, of Hnlme.vill.. Kr. A. W. Young arrived safely to lie -West. He- it --naw- threshing Ma- bountiful harvest nod will soon be home with a good fat purse. Mr. Robert Glen has purchased a new Forl*on tractor. 11r. (:len is an up-to-date •f•tta,r. Nothing hat the best in stns (god implement. Is good enough for him. Mr. Jame- Chiabolm of ieebnrn. is expo ted here shortly w rh hos tractor mrtit 40 three); for Mr. 11 ,ert ihurex. The neighbor. are quite ,ntereeted for tiwy know wier" they can get good clean No. 1 wed wheat. Uhe of our trading '.irmers. Mr. Jame. linell has Aniele.l harvesting his I.,unttfnl erop. He is wearing nn unn-ally broad smile as Mr. Shay. the well-rdlllsr. has struck It very velnnble nttberal spring and be Imp now :a Identlfnl supply of 41* finest water. (:nest. will Mare no trouble in getting their thirst quenched now. Wedue.day. August 24. Mks Amber McKenzie returned Chi• week from Essex. Mr. J. E..Mallough. of Toronto. chi- lled at Steve Stothers' this week. Robert David -win and faintly motor ell to Bhe rale last week and vlslt* l friends. 11r. ('.lin Pentland. of Chk•ago. is here visiting bis mother. Mrs. Deihl Girvan. Mr. Jas. Mallongb is on the sick Ilst at the home of his sister. Mrs. S. Stot here. Mrs. Jas. Wiesen, of Elora. 1s tare tl *thtg her brothers. Jame,. and Rnh- ert Davidson. Rev. Dr. ('nmplwtl returned home lad Friday and service was 'held as usual on Sunday. Bert Rech hr. rented -wet Mere, 4 1 into the house recently oeculjlstl her IND. ,Its. Mnllnugh. l N,r..Jar, Jtlatb,uxl4--I+aa-1luuaW. property formerly owned by Mr. John Graham Anal will reside there. Mr. 'Freneh. of the Sterling Rank. 14 away on hi. holidays. Mr. Brook. of the Galerleh om . 14 In charge. A bnw'ball game this evening be- tween the married nen and tie triple elors resulted to a win for the heel - hitting m. tn. Store n-0. ('orn Roast. "Du Drop inn." Port Albert. Wil .4 the 44•411*' of n hllge corn „ roust on Monday night of this week. when about turfy nndertsrk to clean off the plentiful supply of cobs which wn. *I- ompllshed most ate eerfnlly. In the turn -eating contest Mrs. Coatle. of Guelph, wore Ar.t prim.: Postmaster Mtother., sound prize,, and Nes. Allen, the •'lsslry" prize. The lawn was beautifully deea.,rated with Chloe,* lanterns and n hog l4,ntir• wa. very much enjoyed. On Labor iiay Luekn w is putting on a Baseball Tour- nament which promises t draw the fans from far and near. The first game rat 10 sloek in the morning will be Teeswater vs. Luknow-Lochalsh In the afternoon there will be three games, the first at half -peat one o'clock Goderich vs Wingham The second game will then he played by the two losing teams to deeide third and fourth prizes. The final game will follow, to be played by the two 'winning teams to de- ,eide first and second prizes 11a the evening a good concert will be given, followed by s dues. Qsoe -lo Lucknow . on Labor Day for a feast of fast, 111111rart Oeami are iret'tib -wilds P4 GRT ALBERT. Tuesday, Auipee 23. Wedding belle are ringing Inudlc. Serrhe will be at 720 p.m. in the English eint Isere On Sunday. r'August 2't1 - s 111•. Viola Hey returned from illus - vale last week after • plearent visit 1tjE`'r ehttoks Mr. Albert lar►vester and children. of Stutford., are stopping In their cot- tage by the lake for a week. Ml -t Winnie Cunningham spent n few days recently the guest of Mise Itow•Ilu Selee. of Clinton. Mr. erten- Met.eerd. of Sault Ste. VI trip, Aiwa' the week end with his rehttdre•. NI and Mrs. John Green. Mr and lir.. John Sehoenhals and 31r. and Mrs. Herb. Sehoxenhnls. of Clinton. c1111.-1 on friend.. In the *B- inge nn .'nn*Iay. Mr iifid Mrs. Harry Hawkins. Mr. and %Ir.. W R. Hawkins nisi Mian Lizs6• Fo-ter motored to Kincardine nn 5/1tnl,*' and spent the day with relative. Nr. and Mrs. Louts Profit and son. in'wl-, NM.' and Mrs. Du*1smore and danghter Irene, all of Stratford, were weeek•,•nd chdtorn at the home of Mr. and Mr... John Ttgert. Mr. and Mrs. Hnnee Cunningham and ehildn•n. of Walkerville. have Leen ei-itis[ with relatfree. While here they seri. camping to his father's resIcl(•nee which hse been vacated. for 4nme time owing to his father being In poor health. ('ARIAfV'. Ta*'slay. A11gnd 23. Miss Ila,. of Brentford. wns the gu..t of Mr. and Mee. Herb. Fisher. Miss M. iobertson, who ha4 spent her riteatinn with S1,-. I. Fisher. Carlow, left on eatnrlay to join friends from M aigara falls on a trip through Northern Ontario. „[„_ August 23. . Coming andY;oing.-111.. Helen lel.ton ha• r'turn,el limn.. After 'lending the holidays with her sister. Mrs. J. ('leery Mi.. Mary O'Connor. err Detroit. 1s the guest of )tor counIn, Mr.. FSI. Foley....,.MI.s May Mc. 1 Kenzie. of Detroit. Is vl.iting at the 1 ' of her nt►-1e. Mr. J. McNamara.. Brothter Francis, of Anrnra. is limiting h1- grandmother. Mr.. .lames a co Dalton.... .\tr John !hiIton. of Dub- lin. 1a4lling a few day. at the Hume of his mother. Mr.. Jas. DaltonMrs. Jas i,rnnm•n Is very III at the hoot! of her daughter, Mr. 1,11,1Little. Every hope for her rr v,rere la extended. 1CING1RHCE. TO ai• +,aa�a� ter,tsy. . netts llama! r.,.. -Thr .' ngrng5tion MT. HELENS. Tuesday. August 23. Per.nnals_Mr. and Mrs. Hay. of Li -towel• -lent the weekend with Mr. J- II 1(ntherford Mess Clan Woad. es a4 Rayneld Mrs. Miller. PP- Is a ri.Itor with her son. Mr. Fattish 11111er, at i•ucknow Mrs. E: A. M'Kerule. Miss Helen- McRen- *Ie. of tl•in•Isnr, 1I n. Agnew and Mr. Clare .tgnew. of I,ucknow. visited with Mr and Mrs. Jas. Durnin last week.. . .11r and -Mow. John Clerk, of Torontoaro spending their holt- dsys at borne with Mr. and Mrs. ('IArk.... .,ger. ,lam.. W11son. Mrs Wilson amt L.. Ruth Wilson, of To- rnnts. visited the manse and other friend. la.4 Thursday... ..Misses JAI* and May ittnrememnt, of Calgary. are ntd.iting• their aunt, Mrs Grant.. ...Mho Margaret Milker Is rlsiting at Witty/ham and illncvnls... abettor Jim end George Mitchell. T rnntn• are holidaving at their thet•t Mr. 1'. Rathw t llMho FAlth R•thwell, • Phone 56 "The Scotch Store" STORE HOURS: 8 A. M. TO b P. M. t SATVROAYS 10 P.M. e4 Phone 56 Specials From All ver the Store Outing Flannels $2.75 per yd. Extremely popular re the yew Outing Flannels for the new Ju r Dresses and Blazer Coats in colors of p dy, rose, tan- gerine, cadet, myrtle, eardin'l, navy and brown, 56 inches wide, spticial, per yard Women's Cashmere Heather hose $I.5 $2.75 This is a speeial Hose, alllure woo!,, in rich heather mixtures which Ore so much in vogue by smart dressers, 81 to 10, speeial per pair $1.50 Monarch Knitting Yarns New stock of Monarch Yarns just re- ceived, in all shades. Monarch Floss, per oz. ball 25c Monarch Down, per. 2 -os ball... • 35c Monareh Butterfly alk and wool per iia. ball 65c Princess Pat Hair Nets 3for 25c Sport Skirtings from $1.48 indeed are the new plaid Skirt- inKs a „Hoy of novel .plaids and strip,, Just t lie thing for early fall wear, ,prciallc i,riee,1 per yard from 1.48 TO $4.50 YD. Kayser Chamoisette Gloves $1.00 pair There are no aieer. Gloves for- fall wear an these well known Kayser Chamoieette lives. They are perfect fitting and wash like new. Colors black, white, grey, mastic. brnwtiand natural, per pair . $1.00 • Serpentine Crepes \ for Kimonas 50c Jut receive a shipnent of these -re. nowned Crepes so 'ell known for their wearing and, washing ualities, in colors of rose, copes, lavender, 32 inches wide. Special, per yard • • est each Black and White P Belts Princess Pat Real Human Hair Neta are the most popular. With or withont elastie, in light, medium and dark bt wn and black t • • 3 FOR 25c Girls' Best QuaHty Circular Combs 25c, 3 We Keil a great many dozens o these popular narrow belts in black ---and patent leather, each, only 5c each, Now Back Combs, New Bide Combs 25c Pr M,11arsScotchStore ' Pr The Store 7 hat Gives The Best Service 1 and Miss Minnie Hess. of Stanley. motorwl up and spent the week -end with their aunt, Mrs. 1t. J. Wood. ..Mrs. D. Toxo. Mrs. Ritchie and Vt. Millin. sr.. of Wingham. slwnt Sun- day with Mrs. 11. K. Miller ` Met. -T. Told. of Wingham. Is a vlsttor with -her won. Mr. Frank Todd Mr. and Mrs. Reid, Mos. Neilly. and Miss ('un- .uhugham. of ('ool.town. were week- end visitors at rhes mans*. They retro by motor Mrs. W. E. Gordon left for Goderich to spend a few we4'ks with her brother. Mr. J. W. 14alkeld.. ....Mr. and Mrs. Levis and family returned nn Monday from their trip to-Fnglnnd. (IODEIti('H TIrWNSHiP. Tuewlay, August 23. Peelers -Johnston.- sten.- On Wwlneelny, .tugnd 1711*. at 5 p.m. the marriage was solemnized at "Maple i.eaf Farm." 4th eon(ee4on of (lohrh•h township, of Roberta. only daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. Robert Johnston, to John Nell Matheson. youngest 'son of Mr. And Mrs. John Porter• of the ad- joining farm. The ceremony wens per- formed by itev. James Hamilton. B.A., in the presence of the immediate rela- tives of the bride and groom. The bride was prettily gowned In navy lane taffeta and wore n cortege bouquet of white carnations, pink 4weet peas and maiden hair fern. After the mnrringe rows were taken and congratnhatiens offered a wedding dinner was served nod n happy time np.nt amend the featly.. hoard. fol- lowing which the Otte were admired. among them tieing a snietantial cheque from the hrlde s father. Mn. Porter I. ooe of the i'nion's sweeted daugh- ter. and all who know her wl.h her aA mueh and more happinew In her new home than sle has rndiate41 ind enjoyed In her father's home The young eouple take rap their read..noe on the Porter homestead. TAX RATE iS 44% MILIA (Contlnnwl from page 1.) .elpta and expenditures for -the a. presented by the committee R})OI;;LPTS ('sale from 1920 M.$ . 000 IMI Tate. 1'nx•ollected 20.51507 Cemetery , 4)000 111 l.le*ne ee (... . 00 00 Fin*. 50 00 i)og Ti* 100 011 local Improvement Aso* - year Kensington Furniture Co.. 1.921 tin (:oderleh Organ Company.. 14.040 (at Goderich Organ ('n. Interest 4,41) (11 (:alerieh Mfg. Co. 2.001 08 Goderich Mercantile Co' 2.0M0 01) R. It. Tax 301 78 Rants . s, :.rr 50 00 Taxes : Public and Separate Sehools at Ste mills $ 21.3(12 10 ('oltegiatw itwtltttte_: - -d_ mIlls 7.545 56 General Taxes at 33 mills 653(110!i Total 4145.350 92 EXPENDITURES Salarlea `lt 5.200 00 t'rinting and Adrtg. (100 on ins ('onto App (11 Fire Jtept. 1.200 Ile Public Works Ta rola 011 Charity Asylum 1'atl*nts Grants . Bank interett .. }:kat ions l'arks Cemetery Pnblk• tk•hoole Sellarste Stilted. Call.gfats Itt.titute Board of Health I n set ra ase Market Ik'henture Arrnnnt. ler Wnter and light and Seh ole 211.120 00 0 W. S. R. 7.500 00 ('ount,y Rate 3.405 IMI County Highways 2.)445 I0 Street 1.ighting 4.437 00 Town Water 2.115) (5) Dlstount on Tates 650 (5) interest on County Rate 300 OD Sinking Fund Arra-etre 201) all !tank Overdraft 34.(101 00 (Iut.t•ndtng Liabilities ,., 200 IMI Miscellaneous ... .. , . 2.4115 tw Total„ 414:5.515 112 At the regular meeting of the town en,in.11 loaf Friday evening. which was attended by all the monomers with the eto•epllon of Councillor. ('not Aral WnIkee. • Setter was received from iter. (). 4'. 11111. secretary of Alexandra Hospflll. relative to the Increments of 11.7(0 00 hospital accommodation. it was re- 1.:Mt( 00 merited that the ee.nnell arrange to 142 00, meet the hewpital hoard to Merits* the 2IM7 91 question and on toot ion of Reece 2111 011, Davis. se.0„011e11 by Deputy Reeve 3,100 00, (lark It s -A* de -id.. to hate a 'epeeist' 5,1111 001 meeting of the eernnell on Friday even - 290 (Nd fog of this w -.4c for this per3asse. 70(1 00 Verbal eomplalnts to the Reece eon - 1400 n0 earning the night policeman were n'- 19,700 (MI fermi to the apn•Ial enmmltten' of the 1,4110 00 motel' to Investigate and hring In a 7.500 00 report, MMI 11) A bylaw to authorize the ennatnte- 201 00 tion of a sewer on the Meal Improve - 00 00 ' Brent bads. on the Hnron mad from Elisabeth street ,.nntheasterly to the town limits, was read three tlmat and anally passed. it also was deckled to conatrnet this sewer by day labor. NOTICE 1 have taken over the Grocery business of S. E. Faust and will conduct it on the cash system, ensuring customers the best possible values. A full line of Groomes will be carried. Your patronage will be appreciated. PENDERS' eIlleetritsMIPPPPPWst NatMaal Shipbuilding Co.. • 1.613 22 mer ..bona w. *. -,.•engem..