HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-8-25, Page 3Every 10c
Packet of
Clean to handle. Sold by all
Druggists. Grocers and
General Stores
!Government su
NEwS FROM THE CAPITAL.jh�w)thdt1ehis ma
1 three courses
Ottawa. August 17. -Canadian people Cabi
� s rnturn. 7
had double chance in the welcoming line I followers
last week, when both the new Governor. The m
General and the Prime Minister got back the .allyall
to Ottawa Simultaneously. 1 he Premier another
waited over in Quebec for a few days to be a s
givh t
get the advantage of the reflected glory,
since there was no reception planned for
himself or the other wanderer of the
Cabinet. Hon. C. C. Ballantyne. who i
also back in Ottawa after a strenuous
rummer spent in F.rc!ird.
eta. many of whom
irlatt time in (irtaNAL
decide ahlch Int these
w111 follow, shortly atter
e are tan tamps n the
two camp, among the
MI Government outside.
Of Paris, -as est supporting
meat in the (louse are prat•
n avor of hanging on through
ear the hope that there may
ng in to direction which will
it party little hope where at
nuns exists. sThe Premier is be-
• to lw orie of those who favor hang-
ing n until all possible gory is ended
it r+ expected that his decision will be
i• that direction.
For tine thing it must not be forgotten
that Alr.. eighen himself has to o to
e i no
, ft -
- I about the time the Government is re dy , yanitoba. To go to the country with • 1
to issue the wr.ts for some of the ryes giving to that Province representau.
/ ba ed on new census would be a suicidal
elections which. a1c; or-',ing to ttq' !:iw• I to whatever remaining hopes the Govern-
(/ ment might have, and It is necessary, if
at all possible, to elect the Premier on his
own bailiw ck.
Hui•. Hugh G„thue, lliraialer of Militrs,� the countty +n Mamtuha and they
is continuing to en:0y his holid&Y ay part of then Dominion so insistent
there, and is expected to arrive hone distribution be:ore an ele tion as
' should be held w:thln the neat fe weeks
GENUINE ASPIRIN seal tnbnths.
Canadians of all Asses a d creeds
101• td in ti t' welcome t0 • Byng of
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" 1•imy. who by hes war it d and his
, splendid leadership of L:' anadian sol
are Aspirin -No others! jdies overseas endeared • mart( to the
splendid men of Callad. army. That
1111 the new GcvSrr o• t.e,u al u ill enhance
It yell don't see the "Rayer Frees
on .Abe tablets. reser them -they are
mut Aspirin at all.
Insist on genuine 'Bayer Tablets o{
;Aspirin" plainly -.tamped ah the safety
"Bayer Cross-\sp,rill
prescribed- by
physicians for nineteen years and proved
sae by millions lir ileadache. Tpntla.
*rhe, Earache. libeamatirnl,
Colds, Neuritis, an,I Pain general:ys
Handy tin boxes of '13 tablet --also
larg.•r "Bayer" packages. Made in
Canada. _
Aspirin is the trads't•ark rregiste
1a Canadair of Bayer Msmtfacture
ldonoaeetiraeidester of c ,Gracid.
%While it is well kru s it Asp
means Bayer manufaSst ssto assist
•s.ublie against imihrt ,m.. tb.• Tablets
Bayer Company., 1.• i.. will be s
with their general trade
'Bayer Cross."
his popularity the Ion
Canada is as used f
regarding hien wh•c
Ire family to Cana
to represent the Cr
The new Gov
pressed bis wi
ceretnonh s be
he is Sr awn
elabxe re to
1.1 i,, alt
gutsily 1
d .wn
There is one thing which may con-
tribute to the Government's decision to
go to the coui.try and give the people a
say as to who shall govern them, and it
is the fact that our customs revenue is
falling away almost in half during the last
Rex. 1)r. y' sager Accepts Office of
coat and V ice -Chancellor of
Watkins Park Protinterlan church. of Trinity College, Toronto.
Nashville• Tenn.. My$:
"After seeing what 'I anlac has aecom
p ished in my wife's case, I arq convinced
this 11 is a medicine 01 ;rest power epic
extraordinary merit. 1 du not think I
have seen anything give such prompt
results. Mrs. Sykes has been in delicate
health for ten months. suffering from
stomach trouble and nesvru:s breakdown.
"1 fr.quently sought medical advice,
but Tanlac is the only thing list gave her
any relief. After taker,; the medicine
only s short tlmrshe ass
able to s•t up
and help with the hou,rh•., 1 duties. 1
think it only a shout tints unlit her health
will he fully restored "
Tanlac is sold by Leath.` druggists
every where.
Rev. A. H. Sykes. former pastor of the
I -
Pro -
Ih•thdte auuanw•ean,nt has Ikon
mad« that Bev. Charles Allen &tiger.
M.A.. 11.1).. rector of st. Matthew's
Anglican church, Toronto. baa ) aevel}I
,,el the oaks .uf 1'roto.1 and Vice-
('htnkellrr of Triuitt Coffees. Tolonta. f
1 Tile new I'r,t 11..1 is a' sow of Crown
Atiortey ala) Mr:. $eit10'r. of
rich, and has Many friends h.•rc .. ho
ire delighted In hear of the rt• •slit
honors which have• lwtdr lx•..h,wed .,II
bleu. •
lir. Stenger ba* had a ilistfuguish„1
career, with a wide and varied ex-'.
p•rleuee in different kite's of work
--- I Ile his been n sons:moan' teacher, it
i most dryon.I parish priest th !sits
when any quest1 'i 1- rap -ed which able exlwrleta•e in Toronto and N'.•st• i
is Canada parucu :,r,y.
wick 1 Sax
few months. Canadian people have stop- lowing to
r he remai a in ped buying non -essentials, to some extent resident. u
the inform )ion at least, and the Government is lacing a awl Mr.. Jt
preceded him and bigger deficit than ever on its year's bal- sera. .t. (ionlo
a has indicatecE him ante' that. so that there is a yeas in sister of the to
.vn in the Dominlbn: there fur going to the country and Ietti•,''I day morning:of t
inor-General hal ex- someone rise shoulder the responsibilit drug was so
that the welcoming of bringing th • country out of the rut r. alert Mrs. St
• simple as nebula's., for into which it has fallen. . Neil Gilieoer.
'rowxtaull I taalot
r. win for twen
PIiJtT AI.I1:1:1'
cru Canada. Hr guided the de.tiuirs
of at. \riirk's 11.111, V'a11couver% a part
' i,f the Ais:lie:in Th,sdogha1 r..liege
o1 ltriti-It 4,Iumbhl. aith .ni•Ii'
Tuesits A,,;,,., 1:t. ability awl stood Judgment that he l
as IKaansarl..-'t FaiII• quickly tv.0 11 fore111oa plate for hitt-'
,) Tiwev • . , ",t• rot. 'elf In the ehurclt on the I'acitie i'..:nt.
marrl..; ., :.rmt•r For 111:u1v years hr hat! taken "a Prato.
ItghLter, ••i.. Well,Well,jt.ert in suel:tl service 011.1 SIM.
Uitl. •r. ..1 I',i plusls,r•. , they seh•N.r work. dual In -variant. other
of 1.,,,,,.UL••:I, i• a aetivitle" ..f "the ehnrch. Itdh Fast and
. ".5. i 1-..,,1 Tiles- "eat.
5,:i Is .r ,foist a•r.t. Dr. Selger has been In tlu• ministry
Lisa.•• or of the chinch of England for 'Si years.
.1 ,!,, -•..u. wheni having 1),•11 urthefiw.l Sty- . tlu• late
!..1,.. r.
,riticlpat tr.'111.i+Lop of Turuuto 111 11/4131. By
4 \Is serail far Ile. greater tart ..f this quarter
;.•.}' - Iw+ a+eut.ul;c has biro MN'ut in Tt.r.orto.
iron at the n ' .w.tand and
nest as. restos of lit. 1'cprian'a 1'bure h
mere nni1, , rt.�t .e Irian 1517 to 1:111. and .t.t,tin ux.reetur
I tsy Ure. Ye' p"' r ►+•..- .t of i"t.''Matthew•'e` 1'linr.•h sine• 191:.
.11.• wins appointed
member of the
w.sjdlug hr. left,-. - Imrch of F:11 land \!Tar rtercbr CoW
pore left h, trbe 11.45 ossa fnrrFort tn,-siuu, , nd it t,•rced ou I.'.' im-
5»i sallwllr, w ere the}' plans....e'nd•
last ut •wnnmftte.s. of she 1.4,....•..1
fug fra days, t- e r .• 1 lir. ",:.,111,,,Tor.,htu: t. well ti .those of 5111' feat.
to thitr home 111 the til, .d M.1. -1.:111...,..i::..._.. o1111-ia1 $y n. al 1111..511.' 5;.'ennl1 $v 111 wt i
(111 the pnN e1tnR be 1,.f the 11011 11 of F:11glaud in (';uuuhl: !
of idol friends of (hie ' •'.I)r. ltcagrr is an «ntlm.f:lsrir sate'
.io++ pothered' i1t the I• NI,.
a •1 iporter . of the• missionary !cork of the ,
Mrs. sh \V111n,•y a Ir " 1 , hunch. 5111.1 is sue of the repres,lit,.- I
1 axes . of ti,« - Aimee+.• --of rF•m+nt.r. ntt -- -- --
11 e
11e 1"clyd of w• gement of Ilk• \li--
.nary Foeloty of the 1'.lnadl.u•
i ti. 1I1. `airs I,tlilf aIoIjt).'- t.r.:.,.
mark.•,!. stat 114 .b,wu l,itu-
'o Is• :1 t••a.Ier .111H.14 tu.•u. 111.
pa ri.tt 111 •' di.tin11tii,la91 for
•lis lir orgtiuliitrtioi pod e.lw•-
r the etre•Igth •1f•. its work ,
11 aiwl Iwoy., all hou h Indeed
is flourishing in sell ir-
of a trehwuusbip,_ tie
n as a strong. 4,1181 ,
el irchmait pithout fads I
vl we. its it broad.!
open hwtrt•towar,l
rO :welt -try for th•';
much averse to Ind`cauons are i,ot wanti either that
be ve y ng
Sloths when he has anything the Government might try and shelve the
arranging them. and cons`- difficulties df redistribution on to someone
program -at Ottawa was k•pt else. Objections to the census returns
n his wishes. 1 he Govern- are cpm•ng in from various sources
ever, despite the hard time.now. and the sitgiestion is being handed
to spend a lot of money on out that If there are very many com-
a• d urnrr•. ary platforms and plaints the G•vernment may say the
tions, a11101 :.f,e• :+ I a': h u:'• 0 e ' census return- are se muddled up that it
corn c'•.wn again and thrown wt.- the cannot basun honest redisu+bution bill
ard. There has been much adverse upon them.' That suggestion may not
ment against there respx.'ibie for be worth anything hut it ns one way the
ecurattng Parliament Hill Ipt the needless Government can alibi out of a redistr.b i-
txterrs` they have incurred iron bill and still hold what few (rtejjids it
-rr may have in the West, where Bob ikogers sold from the \\ on, t, --I mats
The question of the d v n ,w in political still has his fingers on the pulse of the old-+ hoard est Toronto. • • r brie,
circles 19 whether a not the Government
party's machine. and it occasionaliY appre'latbm of the le: It•uoliol
will decide on a lull session for the pasting rum absolutetle stagnat Moxygennto tt to kap t• 1 els n'.t flit. ehtirek and :o,•- Nillt1•
hu 'an bin nr whether it'wi::
rr Dau
l Leese
('our M
of a ted+stn I
Canada's representation at the League
be dissolved or the third course of hang- pp p the Indians of the Mess,- . i,d.ta,•t•nt
ing on until the last deslik hung and the of ausings meeting ceat Geneva best month t.. t nt.n.
last $Ft.000 indemnity gathered in by the is causing some cxtcern in Cabinet circles
i_,t at iuesent. . Sir George Fester.
the granddady of Ministers. has acquired
a hkirlg fur these drips overseas. but so
has the Minister.of Justice. and it"Iran-
saires that ahile in this case, it is 01,t
Thure.lay, August 25. 1921.--E
"After Every Meal"
Get thice-dally benefit from
this low-cost aid to
srpetitend digestion
It keeps teeth white
breath sweet
and throat
Makes your
F: •k. Asa t•. • t„ke•, of
the ...teem of. the liens; Ili-. Iriutbat .
was pr,',•mteol with a 'Ifni sliver; i'iatly`'t
tel *et, the preseptal: • •'-Mot mad.. Ntring al
by her steadfast friend •n illy years. the I,nIlx
sirs. Simon asthma., '1h,.rt • il.l- ;+,•tit ri••+.
necessary, ;o it rs claimed. that more }hare- ei e•r.ren of Iter. B. bppn•t•lat . ail wt•r,• • al -o in weed
ore Ahmster ,should attend they Diet, ei• n 'I gess s Steiger km( I;« 1 (4.H• F�r•r•ie- r ler heater
Baking Essentials:
Common Sense,
o� Good Oven
Purity Flour
l a It in \11
\,1ur Baking
Does a University .Kaci
We all know that a college training is absolutely essential
to engineers, medical men, chemists, clergymen, scientists, etc.,
but statistics show that while only 2% of the people of America
are college educated, no less than 70% of th<I.aders in busMeu,
In se/irks, and b the Charts cont hearse Otto rnitw rsity trained
Shall your boy become one of the Leaders 1
Western University is right at your door and offers
complete courses in Arts, Medicine and Public Health.
Entrance is by Junior Matriculation except for special
and nurses tour r :. The fees are low. The teaching
staff numbers I I I professors, lecturers and instructors.
Individual instructtcn is featured.
Moreover, your boy will get all the best influences
of college and home by attending a university in your
own district. Registration Day, October 3rd.
Western degrees are universally recognized.
For information. apply is
DR K. P. R. NEVILLE. Registrar, London. Ont.
sant to go and they both intend to go if awl' sella 1
thele is any chance It had been reported '1 tad with Bliss Flew linryseila- ••r I.si. ul
ag the heed ".M S '. �eilinry. i
that Sir Gensre Percy would go mate • regard to Mite Uttnl. : - • epilrture..tsa rs'l. wit
u( Foster and then another announce not MO hive the Pxl ••.t 9,- ,.f at' I g.t.aI forest o
was to the effect that Periey and Dol 1 g•NNI of m:nik)1
would bath be there. However. Sir 1 pre•iation and esteem 11 from 'Ir 1 f!'''. t In seer)
• \�' \I.�. iN.A1'fl apd fl' .:1 ell ., •\ �.
f 1 rl '•t t f ') , t ;1,1: • adv 11;ot meat t•f t'1
off his
tenacious, despite HK Seca a..r,' lose rl " ., e I
19 ,1 it .1
"advanced _ it u.trdf:igtt noes ear oar i .ata
rlhts,I.ighin of excels
-,i•it4 f_ hnTw•Ing Nrtn
1 claimed. that he also is going. 1 here is a ' f ,sell F1•" ('ate I`adh.r •itgr.•gatlo11 r
Merry row in the Cabinet for the Premier 1w.•1, .boli.+': th«ting)• gr«at rtru+gellcal
! to settle when he gets down to business, ..T" miss Ihnntrr .c,L- Lelttlf; dl Gteltel slid the fa jtngia
and -It 1' expected to end in Sir George ,
tat. e'oh• Fb,ntl of TMIi 1:.- ,+•' wi-h res t.f rhe t'hnrr•h of I ii[Inne
flatting -his -way. since one-Alutistar u._ lis»See and Inds. se runt till
s a r.+sx nor 1lrnttkfittr. '•s �tlrt--!Pati
penses in Europe mean nothing to the1 r,iolr towards vas err. • 1 roar ear.•.; has .irk I Li+ Itfngra•ss an i
{ 1 11 ••s fowHnla l in work herrn y " with rinlrrh•
ul a scuel•ntbr tie
i'••n•rnt for t)i.•
entity. He is :a
1 ability. j4i-
siAlf nn MI
ells, of th.'
1 t lehln.
Ile 1s a
en of
., .•................ .. .....� •... 1lorrght 111111 J* .Illi
nes *ay last time by announcing atter the' • wt, v n' ell aedagl.4 a th.n+ght. and to
na and one children. S ; a 'the te•a .1 I a of hiss ow•11 .•harsh
� that he hadgoe his tickets Cabinet tt decided tand was nst is ggoi gl will'+feel tlintt ncnnr '~,1 Tr wifhWar ..tit we ha'11 the strendth !hat ....totes from e
anyway•and he is expected to settle thea for you are not 1•.,x11: 11s titleerut ''Iirrma7al .',rt"Incl faith in the Is
arkument that way again f necessary. salol,•. in follow. Th eAI innnew pit fie is ani oily a-1.0111ed s'helv'e .•
• r -r',.• Lr :ors. and hi+' pr,•at•liing laser' ;le'
-u- !tar good ,chlrh a,• h •• l.•ai •.I from • :merit chat ft seld:.m fails to hu•Inde
The Flavor Lasts
The Western Faii
1 ".,
TiGest Sm. MEI A1'aD1112" - •'CirY.OF F>ttE" - "CITY of BUFFALO"
lot to'
BUPPALO=+DG(17. gas 1 t to Pie!: l5tb - CLEVELAND
I.... eo.e.t.eSOWP. le.( aneroid r Lan C.v.lib i! 11.00r Y.
Ani,. Cs-mum.1'4'MOs, ss. ( scawse s lbs' angle a,aesae.o ! la A. IL
IConoeedwie st (a..a..d for radar Pillet. Pat.'', Day. Toledo, Detroit
ti•tew:es it t 1.3,1.5 tteaatel ..Ue. Deaeitenda,e1t3w point.
reedlaabetimes MOW, sod Cleveland aoC31 f �reteTa°nAen e
111117.1411 aJS.rrer.n it, 5a..
elt=isa const r eu suet 1 7� a ahiy SMA 1a�" rot ...says•
.sae At» r1i .. sr.s.e. arrrti
,T ip ea. C ' as
•as A Dau1-
s ihr..,4.
mespy, awe pssaaa.s.
'FARE ' 5
'The_ reef sew anis and weeds should -I- - icrg2K - t.r lb n•r+ "; r'+trl•
see a Me interesting development. 4,rine e'loilc)t r nno.!•rll itlringtgl,-h. ti,.ri and n{•IN•:iL
in Government circle,. [here are leve- I - i ir. `•• aR. r y r ui.rlxn•ri111 mul and
Thoma` sithogoess .nobs Rissio.mous,
election dates and a host_ of other (Nitwit i.itorv, attitude. his hes+hies.
things to be decided upon, aid also the'
matter of Canada's representation at die
*October Olptitlga. " '' '
est conference ins Washington ,nein•. , Intel. fr..nt roast turn -t will
on november Il. Although Canada'sI The most Weariful month !n th,• eort6m
year in the "Higbhitd+ of Ontnrio" i-
dtlrgate well apparently have no states 1'rts''e.t of Trinity l'.,li.•gt• •''1
ft. mi a tl naaral to two
-riblike. l+tr eNlacationnt rt•w'rfenrt•
h 1 104; 1 kir wi do f the Can -
disarmament g
Sept. 10th to 17th
Seven Full Dai s This Year
,000.00 Added to the Prize List
Boys' and Girls' Calf Competition
ed Events-- Dog Show Auto Races
he Wortham Shows on the Midway'
fi ere at all, this being a matter for - •ptP wr. n• "' vain,•• Tourer
Imperial Government to make the de. 1 thaus*nol fret nba. .,rr the mem tinshialfi•.t, Leah to a its•'
A air Cla mh 1'tilrvrsitr ,.f •,ninri . 1181 to
cisiuns. the Premier and some of his
Cabinet have decided that they mist be
tittle, even though they attend acme Iifstrh t - Th,• Lu •-,tt•iays rrgfon -
cleat , the position of glorified thingn embassy .lr'-,,wptin Park. r;,;•.1 nshing. rata.e:t rtttrilt Itosim•a
okras, and that is another rmt. hold fur boating and term tone sport's. Ail feed re -opens f.
off a tall e Ston, since the Premier c: noon
be there and in Ottawa too.
these dist rb t• • • r.r ..f aexws* by the Tor+slay. Nepfe
\1r. Meighen's supporters are wander. l%rand Tenni; Railway Free ulna-' is one of the
ing why he is not given a place at the trat,•Il dc.criptfve 111. 11111111' and nil !imbedded
soured table since his press agent over. information 011 ap1•lt.'Itfon to F. F. ectal si•ha
seas tried to grab all the glory away from i•eeseeta'e :-end $•i"-• 1'111 PaaaetlEer Amore'
President Harding, and credit Mr. and Ticker Awns- .y Station Agen•t. in t
\leighen with beteg responsible for thetialerirh. t
-calling of the conference on disarmament. •
but at present it appears that if Can- The Boy �t`•nut• ••f ihltarb n1a1 t ,The f:nnous Fluntst'llli• ltaed will
ada's Premier is there at' all he will attend itoys Xm nI 111:1:4•"I'; t, ill hate undi•I afaw':,r for the week. Aognsf 'Si 1"
in the capacity of a British attache and t'urupx at Ilia 5.'1""11"" 'tation�ti Ex. Sept'nti•, r 3 at the 5 ittt••inn X:allnn:,'
will probanly be consuTfed UOwliiiftiWhitlow /- Exh9dfiso
ire pure and tmie.rttting. ti.wwl 1w4 1--tTly w%nTi+ 'fintrTi-iif'inulii
i enumwtNl !tion ..; 1.taannhlea rl4t..ee t hl11tA(1,1.
ran ere anritr'd-4n-tie \istsloskts T.ak«
'ollege of Strnt-
the {:111 term on
list etlh. Thi+ Behoof
dost. I. the l*t'ge.r. noel
ou,• o1 the h.' -i r•omtn,•r-
+ in 1%'••.fi•rn (intarfii. Ti,•
el: lin _b.:sietn*x-t••,.Tl.4t45--Work
egrsph bp•raiting should tt oil,.
college for it* fall e:Naloglle.
iteading front left M right -taken on Ward 5. p -Emmen. of Frame." T.adv Ilyng. Nis F'se, sIl. m t Lord
Ittag. 51. r'. 11, 1: 1'. M. lis Commander F: 5'Mk. R. N. It. °septette The Ilenoerahle ". 1i. 11 .1 .1,rT.. .\ 1
lis Mr. Neil Mclean, Labor M. P. for (ilaegow. The llos0111111110Se Captain F. W. Ersklue, A. ta. 1'
PIe ty of Music Fireworks Every Night
Admission, 10th, 1216, 16th & 17th 25cts. 13th, 14th & 15th-50cts.
Grand Stand usual prices
1.1. -Col. W. M. Gari ore. President A. M. Hunt. Secretary
Get your neat osp* of 1liatl
, Billheads, etc., printed at ' The Signal"
Studebaker and Gray -pork
- It is a known fact that the St
of the leading,cara of today.
Come andet prices on Phe PR .
and the price is right. Buy a Canadian
and patronize Canadian trade.
We handle nothing but` GUARANT Db
TIRES of the best makes -Dominion, Goody` r,
K.`& S. Bring in your K. & S. coupons.
.I.�I.o4nr is one
debaker is one
e quality
Columbia Hot Shots and Dry Cells. Our ' sup -
'is always fresh
pSole dealers for Sunoco Motor Oils.
1919 Gray -Dort in good condition.
1914 Ford Touring, good tires, worth the price.
Studebaker Touring and Crow Touring, in
good shape.