HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-8-25, Page 2i
2 -Thursday, August 2:S. 2l.
Thunwlay. August _. I921.
THE 11%DR0 It 1.1)1 %I. RFPOK'f.
The report of the ily,L'va•lartttr
Radial ('owwi44ien has bee11 handed
to the (levet-nue-lit. after :111 exhaust-
ive inquiry extending 444er seine
moat be Thi• repot. is iii' le_o,{1:, rt.
the Imajucity report. •igtied 1,3. \i
Justice Sntherl»n,t. , Brigadier t:
.C. 11 Mitchell. W. A. .Amos •4 1 l
Ml•( nllunl, 1'. E.. 81111 a miuori;y re•
ort. presentedll.,v the other eotaulis• ----
*loner. Fred i(aneroft.
r'' 'TOO*
-The aroma of
9L" 30
betokens the perfection of the leaf.
Famous for 30 years, Salada never
varies the excellence of its quality.
et en :r.,cie COMWV-
lutereeta. ithriial. tinder hi*
editor n a bright. newsy
111141 weed e. paper Nutt, while we
didn't alwtye bgr'4• w1(11 it1 editorial
view's. we alwltyw weleomel It to .air
table. We would rather have a paper
with who -4e editorial.
aleay+ agree than
aro editorial view -
*114.11 Mr. Robert-
, I111sky awl weal'
business wore rei.
I ex:elite( than 11.
11ews{41{1Pr (t4. will
; 0141 job, for It h
that a eat► Who
the newspaper I
.4.r, low's hew lo,.
i io matter what o',
his attention late,
44110 takes the •'.l
.flown Itt this 4i 4.
,1.011111 a Ill [Lake _
1 ion.
slew. we eanuot
tel per Wfilt'h ha14
:114 Perhaps
_e414 reeted anal
n mule other
abet and leap
lig a weekly
Hack 141 the
44•I1 -knell fart
:pelt years in
seldom If
tide all( game.
.uterest, ah•arb
\Ir.. M,- QMarrle.
,I •halt•. is well
I 4,• have no
illi 11'.'1\' posi-
• old dear °
N hat you mean.
euraliy agreed. Clinton flW*ILt«d.
Tflrol'-.rity report is' :elvers, to 4
She pr4pesel umbillakiug of 1:15• 1a1114h at 1h t the t.,.trtnil e . l act have
ins •!f hydro -radials slider -1 retiw•4t1 Liberals and l nit•<: F. 4rstre prepared Boys turned preachers. %%hat we to
guarantee. Tin. 4'onintf oar find, 1liar dispute a= to i1 thea parties' been wondering r why some of those
the lhl41) Ili rtrywd of eLstrie rlil• shat have the:�:•' ide the lriang'e Preachers don't stay at home hl .tit do
tome real mttui0nary work that way.
In • this 1•11,,,4,4.4 :und iu the
+ which w:." 1 ;, .I.III . he the 'result of. the
view i ii o doe. y 1 4cun11lt tit,• election. 1• a'.••�4uneement '',as to the Cleaer ('oop[rnitnn Is Needed:
rh'w titin ow ( •p••• I non.. radial G,yernm 'acition, whether there is' .rl•ttmm�l Beacon
would Iw fin iii i••Ih• n •.••^-fnl. N.• . • in• ,,.. _ ., diale tleclrBn M 'not. is ••There •h.d,l,t be no clrat:,s:..
I while "Jadging from Sunday's services.' says
unit • m the nt`' '1 u'K The Ten oto Star. all G,denth
1 to 14• •.
esee trie rade t4 eoyifolin: with the
esp....,n Premier Uellihert within a twewu .town and ...wintry." 1• In re,
abeam , 4i:415.4, m0.1 0 114.1 by the Ito-\ ; Prouder Drury 111 speaking atrine.
fen .::4 • I• Ii rich tibl
11,0'• Itrunlon sou
" .iy. Tlw premier ',tenths! (..I•
eerie a blua .1t 1no r .-..14 riItiou !.t'tWtwn urh:„t Beck's In -urn
L other.- Negotiations for peace in Ireland a ,end rural rretldrntIo The Fa
ix(rlp• a rtttn r """ t seeding , -with indefinite prospects. The There i+ no reason-to14411ere that k
Mr it
au,•y m
Minion u.., ruun•nt ii{won., trtk.• a Thursday. ''1'o rim otrner• 'a .•1..4r
N'eleease :int
Y 1•.
• NIr Athol M
4.•l'4 alto wax 1•
..t The Cit'torla II
'turned 10 his tit
assume the
signal. Tile
.!110rrie'4 return
ud1411 regret,* to
•'•rts..n. who ha-
1nd .•tyle and a
a writer (Mite cN
Nr. I1,tlwrt11o4,-
••ditorial work le
or 1141111, would ,utrer from. runt, p long g unrarip' tipsier premier is not a'''' • amutwntl'mrnt o!
trouble is now of such standing that
pt•titlou. '1 -Ti` ia'y final lltl tft1i a• tIOII The fierce
the people o[ the two islands do not un- tuarwl by 1t k,'.•fi eteare to serve the f(en• 4.f th, i,ros ill ' iu sane rt:Bn demand each ether and it is a matter of gl'Irru. as well es the rural -+r tions t Iatltta the remit
with the t'hi{.µlaw lower �t•heWe cul extreme difficulty to frame a settlement. l tuber ha+ he lI.I li ec(dencw 1 +e itrn,lia1 from Turn
i+ `.hl+ desire and Inb•uU,ri• to erre i Ing :u► Nwludry by
in .11 her dlle•ti,'OM.-t'v*i,Ier
able (hat' urtlwr heiwy obll
a4snmel a'\the pre4rum
t di
(v)u'rrieebit ttf r.n11a14. -Th
element fs not\ fur.,.tteln.• a
pilieted ole 4li tI it r:elial4 •
stru •t.d iu ori• i+ rt of the
other 14,4311th-4. *In unand tii
.it w (II 14• .111th -tilt •re titer. at
Prot•tnete`mixer 'fret ,It f dra
serious financial llabilf et w
nuc pr.:+t■.t t feNef: F rlhr
t 111'14 Iw-be i if the two peoples. the Irish and the • t0,
'11;."14.:..r British, could get together and to k things 11114
• e 1 over, with no police in sight and no •, 11.
human 1, parade drums within earshot, the delicul: , `il14
it Is ; ties now trying the patience and ingenuity ;.tlla
re 0011- , of statesmen might be easi:y solved.. This. wh
`iOre unf ,rtunately. is not possible, and the. u
ala. on both sides -who of course• 1
the hest of his 'shinty all 4'1:11441.4
I egitino,t.' interests in the Prov-
s•. some there are. Without doubt.
all rties w•l14o arem.tre soli.•itous
.Ile t e weifitr(' of eertaln eln.se•'
W 14 4 th.•
u in eyeing the• iurrre r . t
obi. :u 1 this is a tendency that
Ise • mtba fled by all citizens lvhe
mh'ion. This de
Meek. who neve,
purchasing right
the extent of ore
thousand dollar.
' mrur 1114141 to p:..
of the hank or NI- •
_1141 end olwyet, only
ara• rhe"interests of the 1'r�o•iu,•e at
extremists. lira
it the always make the most noise -are doing
lute their worst to prevent an amicable settle- :lin
'thou/ • meat. Thirty years agd Gladstone was 4'1'
denounced as a madman fur proposing an
expenditure on the , Iwprorkmekt of arrangement which today would receive •)f
eigtlwilcs throughout the I'roviuee. the ready assent of Britain : bat the re it
cempliet nob the growing nee oeleotoe i jection of his policy, and. later, in, 11.4f4, an
nee' the postponement of ilk home rule me; s-
ine which had been arranged by the
Asquith Government 'have hardened °the
is of the Irish pe 1ple and given rise to
nds on their part which go consider -
be and those of the earlier period
nt negotiations fail. what will
rt. 0.___0:_-0;
The urban eeutP cannot prover
ie-• (1i' rural •e •tion+ pee -I. -T. 14 -
t• s -,•r-,. The .• are interel-pendent A pK1,1'l.‘f.
I MOO work i the cln/r•t possible
swat Met ion by
The i•su - of "wt..
1..1%.• 11Pem 611
.4... 4,110 Immo
• :111.1 eitt or
has re-
in I:'derieh
I -•art of Thr
.roe- 'dr. Me-
:m.11dd. but
W. 1f. Itel
•4 of thought
-- ..f touch as
I we trod
I4y11 froty
, ,1•to1114hfug
i lettii•)rdi141=.
nl last
.,f a Hydro
\ala atjl nl:
s .rherland ('our
e. notified tel
1,•r+14h41 In
thereafter to
i wo Isutdret
, the Govern -
.ie goal will
• Reek In the
:to nllgry ex -
i': im4' NIIMI4ter.
ought (Len
.gltraton. :11111
every Goc,•ruule
plitbal +trip•. t
d ililigeutly to that
- - - 4.•a r ---and truck.. may greatly .r
the amount of traffic available
electric railways. '
The minority report r c. wm(mds
Haat the Goveruwent adopt the prin-IC
ode of l(11)11cly owned null operate) abi
electric nine -Sys qud guartute' bomb; 11
for the em .nidi-... of stash railways. I belhe
Mr. ILIxen•ft, the 'minority rsommi4-,t-
slulc•r. gives111s (m4/• away to some
extent by testing that tidbit railway&
:-esnuat_be 8naetl .tt•,•ee.roliy wit_tiett lOkem flet
out a I'rot•lne(nl guiraiIiw. 1a certain di4tu
I It the R t t the in
's UistfltlelWn
'•1 Packet.
rillia Inas not a K.
r give. the-
Without . uu 1 ler o o
fry and of the reports prew'nted I,
w1 he the :abandonment, fur the wee -
cwt t leave. of the ambition* program
of reef rfc railway t,mstnietion i
•plana, by Sir Adan4 WW1:. Toronto
and o • of-the-other-cltiee tiny rt+tt--:
throe p pagantlnt Mud Sir Adam nod
Ids ',.tells + [nay try to keep life in
their scliii e: Ent general pul'lh'
^opinion ?Nyco ' Lout the I'rorin(t• will
e1.1.r44' the ( art ions , Wiley recital-
meud,.l by ti a l'owmis+(.iu. Jnr.
Drury .11.11 1114 t vernulnit are well
arteNea by the-' ttrttr-of--tier .tint -i
mis.i0ncr 111141 nwy trusted 10 have',
snfn i••ut 414.44414-111 sag. •ity, as well -a+
Lu -uses, judgment. Ii. to he swayeil
by the intl11.01er.'lhnt' w I he brought
to bear tl 1/ them by 1140. • eonneetel
with or luh•nal.sl in the 141. leo radial
at -he.
-_ -
Canadian exports of agricultural
ducts to the United States have b
severely curtailed by the new Ti. S. tariff.
+114.1111 tw rhe aim
no emitter what To the Editor of The
w.W1 faithfully , Now that Old Home Week is only a imitate.
'nil. • pleasant memory, 4.e w: uld Tike to air our Survey la Durham County
' ;'Views on one subiett, namely that of That freed livestock Pays Better.
CIii$ 6_-_' allowing show tent4. on Court House A survey of 242 farms in Durham
•eel. Square. Neither the large neer or the county by the Ise•pnrtmeut of Farm
Mr. W. H. Robert -sin. a to has been! hairless horse added to the dignity of the E4'onomh•x furnishes renew proof
managing editor of the (:,rlerich•occasion, and before the -week was Met that 441841 lirestook iM a [DOM item
signal for a number of y• 4. 14 re -;the ground atmround'ng -the tents on that factor In the sue'.ew' of mixed rm-
1 f h lit ri•tl .-ha tU be' part of the grounds became an offence to flit than are good crops. The follow -
-+-� $35.00 --+-
Sumptuous looking Coats of splendid fine wool Bolivia at this price are sur-
prising. Styles are very new, some have fancy braiding on bell cuffs and skirt and
all round string belts. large fur c„Ilars and silk lined. No two coats alike. Coats that
are all exclusive for this district. Prices $26, $30, $35, and $39.b0•
32-33 inch wide, superior quality, in
five colors, suitalite to the slaking of every
conceivable kind of Dress and Wrapper as well
as Bungalow Aprons, Rompers, etc. We ad.
specially l riced
' u ,
• selection, Pe P
vise early y 30c
r yard
Yard wide, best plain white,
formerly Elk, at per yard ...
72 inch, best plain bleached.
Sheeting formerly 90c, at per yard. .
Good heavy weight, 35 inch,
at per yard ......... ... • ...
Venus quality, heavy pure silk, Jersey
elastic tope, double soles and heels.
formerly' sold at 1'2.75, all sizes...
All sizes in every popular style. They
lace in front. The Corset that never loses 1111
.h..pe till worn out. Priced $2150, $a.00,
$3 50. 55.00. Se.00 AND VP.
GOSSARD BRASSIERS, all styles, ani
sizes, 75o 51.00 AND 51.25.
W. Acheson & Son
A Bouquet From
('lintel' New. 1t
ttling from the e o •
slare.del• by ,Jnr. -tthnl JI. uarrle.I
who he. 1,.•n pt one time and another'.
tonne -rel. with the jailer. :Alt nigh
Ire will still is- ,t'nue•tel with the
...mita fly. Mr Robert --•.n. whose heti th
+nf,• -.sl nn.ler hr strain nus1 t•lo' '
eippll'•:ltio11 rgiil I 10 fill the itow
tion of (direr and hirin0•4 mnnagerl
titers -of_ a weekly newepliper. *ill take a
Mat before devotTiig Tilfif.'If to other1
both the eye and the nostrils of thepeopk. rug is a ,.uwtuary of the t'ont•Iuelone
Godench, indeed, cave her old boys In the recent report 0f the survey. it
and girls a right royal Netcom,. but it was show+ the returns which the farmers
enough to make the did people of long 4•ont1•rnell received for their year'*
ago turn in their grrvesi lo have their -work which varied ae•0rlitq[ to the
quiet classic old town turned into such a cruse, they en1 ..1. plus the quality of
burlesque. In ow opines it cheapened the 11vtstoek they kept :
the whole reception. >i On Fame with peer tris :
-Libor i W0In8 from-
. 'soldench, August I'. - 1'.'..r Iierst.M•k $ 27.00
•1 ' .Average livestock !04.00
The Globe of August 23. 1x71. reported
that bush fires were raging in Perth at d !
Halton counties and the village of George-
town was threatened with destruction
Nowadays one would hardly find en4,u4h
bush in these counties to make a hr•
worth talking about.
in discussing the cost of the Hydr I
radial investigation, it must be remem•
hered that by far the larger part of the
cost was incurred by the Hydro people,
whose estimate9 and other information in
connection with their projects were in such
a state of unpreparedness that the come
miss•oners commented upon it.
The Globe is not satisfied with the
report of the Hydro -radial C mmtsston.
It was not expected that it wuu,d be.
The Globe wants radials built on the
Government's credit to serve that part of
the Province that is most directly trib-
utary to Toronto. The Government in
refusing credit to such undertakings will
have the support of the greater part of
the Province. If the municipalities down
that way want more electric railways,
why do they not build them on their own
credit, as some municipalities up this way
did some years ago -to their sorrow
-To be or not to he -a Federal general
election this year. This is the question
that is agitating Ottawa dist now. Some
of the Meter men in the Government
forces are credited wi,h the adv(,cacy of
an immediate dissolution and election,
while the common or garden variety of
hi. P. would Tike to get another 54,000
f11_tt_ la/MiNty before closing his
B1Mlosistn miter. It seems to 1x
Ontario's revenue -pro
tion of forest fires.
tion is absolutely essenti
ario-The only salvation for
ucing forests is the preven-
r support and co -opera -
G.,wl 11144Mt.s•k 1.1876At1
On Farts with average eves :
l.at,rr tie • from -
Poor livestock 5 11.32,01
Average live*toek .lieet ill
Good livestock 1,72!1.11►
On Firms with good etro/e :
Labor income from-
livestock 1< 744.(141
.Average livestm•k 1.416.11►
(:.owl lireitock l'.-04.14
"Increase. of $45.5, 1582 and 1{717
can he credited." the report addl.. "t0
the growing of hotter crops. and $04$65.
ti1227 and 111:144 ran he credited to
the keeping and breeding of better
Ilve-t.wk--all about twice the tncreawe't
due to growing better crops."
"I,Iveetock 1w the market through
which the mixed farmer sells the greet-
er portion of his crop.. if then. the
quality of 111s stock ranks low in qual-
ity. the price.' he twelves for his grain,
hay. silage and roots will he cortrs-
pnn,ungly low. showing the futility of
growing Targe crop.* to market through
poor 1tock."
'Phos it ran hP eafely Nested that
-"-< -the greatest •lngla• factor makba for
wmeeeefnl livestock farming. either
,[reef or dairy or. mixed. Is a higher
quality of Itveata•k."
Forest fires are rapidl diminishing our re-
sources of timber and pulpwo Over 90 per cent.
of Ontario's forest fires are : used by human
If everybody was careful to present the start
of fire, Ontario's Forest' would be safe.
Save Ontario's Forests
They're yours
Ontario - Lend us a
hand. The various busi-
ness associations -
of bankers, boards of
trade, manufacturers,
merchants, lumbermen,
engineers, educationalists, tourists, and sports-
men, and all other bodies of weight and influ-
ence, can do a great work for this province and
for their own interests as well'by actively pro-
moting educational propaganda to reduce forest
RAILWAY OFFICIAi,S can help. Railways
cause 407e of Ontario's Forest fires. -.The
Forestry Branch is being well supported lit.
improved co-operation nn the part of railway
officials and by the Dominion Railway Board.
Let us reduce the number of railway fires one-
half this summer. (The train passenger in
Northern Ontario who nonchalantly throws his
cigarette or cigar out of the window during the
forest fire season is deserving of a jail sen-
CAMPERS, tourists, fishermen, picknickers,
berry pickers, prospectors and hunters should
Ontario Forestry Branch •
feel their responsibility evert though out of
sight of the policeman.
SETTLERS can co-operate by exercising
more care in Betting out fire on their own pro-
LUMBER FIRMS ran help by impressing on
all foremen the need for carefulness. River -
drivers in dry seasons should he specially
warned. Gangs of men going in and out to
the ramps need specie! attention, because of
the danger along the slash -lined trails from
the inevitable igarette.
THE ESS could do more public-spirited
etive work to reduce• forest Ares than
any other single agency. This is a non-poli-
tical campaign in which the whole press could
community should he the first to extend a
helping hand. Tell the chief Ranger or write
the Head Office any time you have information
or suggestions to impart, or` questions to ask.
Parliament Buildings, Toronto
Yonne and Charles St. - Triennia.
Is noted throughout Canad• for Mah:trade
work. Write tor catalogue and arranee to
enter at our 1a11 term opening. Aiming tial..
We have filled pos.tmew recently at {160 •
month and Won pet year.
W. 1. ELLIOTT. Principal.
Iowa of Goderich
are from 7 a.m. to 11 a -m. and
from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Any penton or persona found
tieing water for I*WI %melee
other Munn during the above
hears -or mane lawn ..'rvice
without find applying And ply-
ing for sreme-'will be linhle to
prnseeutlnn and their whole
Wntttr 1erylee turned off without
For our mutual pro-
tection it is absolutely
necessary that all water
services be turned off
during fire alarm.
Water and Light C'asnsitiw
Town of Godericii
-School of Commerce-
clintoo and Goderich, Ont.
Owing to change im G. T. R. tiuie-table, it will
be necessary for us to re -open our GODERICH
BRANCH. Students preferring to attend there
may make arrangements to do N0.
�1e =rive yot-i THOROUGH -add- PRACTICAL -
Commercial StenograOk
Secretarial Civil Service
or Teachers' Course
and will arrange for students wishing
This 14 the only school In this dlstrke in which )•VERT
'Bomber of the t4TAFF is • NORMAL -TRAINED TEACH.
F:It as welt as a COMMERCIAL GRAi)I'ATE.
4:411.r) MEI) -Al. has twits' been awirrletl by the NEW
YORK OFFICE of the Remingttm Typewriter ('o.
F(iu'R SI'Fi4'IA1, 4'EItT4FlCATF:R have been awarded
by the EDI'CATI(1NA1. DEPARTMENT of the Under-
wood Typewriter Co.
There la a well paid place waiting In the to,Ineaw world
for you if you will tit Yourself for it. Think it over.
Fall term opener: Sept. 6, 1921
For farther informaton Phone. ISM, Clinton, or write
B. F. WARD, M. A. $TONE,
B. A- M. Arena., Casa Specialist,
Principal eke-Prirw Ipal
New Automobile Paint Shop
1 ' 1 • I ' 1
am prepared
E• \
I have opened an Automobile Paint Shop an
to handle all classes of Cars for painting and re
•_-Have yoti got your Anti -Glare lens
automobiles ? 1 han,ile the
wh'ch act, been approved
Let us show you its good
regnind�fo all
the GovernAIent
is over other stakes
Dccorntor West . reet opposite Masonic Hall
P. O. Box 509
Phone 354
aves for 30 Days
Came in tabu and we will jive you
a Valet Auto Strop Safety Rase/.
Shave yoareelf ecerr day for a
month. if yon are Dot eaHldlel
bring It -Mark. You are nutlet no
obligation. 1f it la me goal ■x WP
my, keep ft. •if you don't like 1t
tiring It hack. Don't delay. A
demonstration will lr►temist Snit -
a trial w111 emvltnee you.
Riser, *rep and 12 bloke in assort -
neat of cases, $5.00 the set. Other
seta up to $16.50
H. C. Dunlop, The Square Goderich