HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-8-25, Page 1• The Signal invites contributions by readers to its personal columns. Let us the ala nets. Ow talsplsas is No. 35. visit - news items welcome. 4���"StiYe • HILTENIY-FOURTH YEAR NO. 34. MONEY ORDERS Wben goading alo..y to friends -to businw 111BHtutlons-anywhere-use a Sterling Batatit Money Order. It is readily cashed for its full value at any Char- tered Bank in Canada (except in the Yukon diatrlct.) M a abauld he lost, a new nos can be obtained without ♦ soyelpe is liven at tbs time of purchase. Thea whole dm mars Order M cashed. It constituted a prmatMaa Na•lyt ter t5. mousy. Staellag laask Money Orden can be obtained at awe/ ear •rancbas. W a few momenta. eft *T16.STERI:INQ$ANK OF CANADA roil ULB attar. • DUILD1I0 1' R Eruct tH. et M� d pK• a. aka th. MRS W H LS 11 iir�is (� HOUSES- HOUSES, I All glade for sale 1 very laaaonabk prises. .11 pest swats choke coma m and w my list. 1 hs snot tae beat mos tnr(Godenach for at11e.i 1 A ad me P J, RYAN. Md gnat* and IlWurence Pkoea a0. t I OR SALE. -AN EIGHTEEN -FOOT r motor launch. Two-eyhader, sit herarposer ,14ma In 6esw t-elcood,&.n. Apply at EAST STREET GARAGE. 1'LARM FOR SALE. -IN COLBORNE tower come:mon 4 wd c3oting lar acres of u . in rood state of cualivatam : five acres of bush. five acres of orchard. mostly winter Trutt. Freston steel -truss bare. 70 feet by 36 leer, _ with steel c.t, le stabling and litter -carrier. New cement silo. all ft by 12 B. Good driveshed, hen- house and pig pens. Two oeverladtng wells. Good nine roma farm house. Thn property ea Eat • ttated',n a spleadtd location. be frp only 64 miles from GudefIch. 24 mikr4to McGaw matte.. and close to church std school. Apply to GEO. F. BEAN. R. R. No. 6. Godench. Rural Phone Jar 1J. Phone t1 Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 13 per snips cord. delivered. THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of ADak S 5 t Phone 61. GOLDEN GATE R. B. P. No, ION. MyI.kst Them* d each month. to Fonest- orr. 141. vtasting Sir Knights welcome. S WNEVIN. R. H. MEW Sagami ras. w P. /louse to Rent Roam Fay Moder* House Celfpletelr Furnished location. Teres 53500 ver month. Immediati-- possession • F. CAREY ATEaled INSURANCE bought and sold WONG'S CAFE OPENS A.M. TILL t A.M. DINNER A LA CARTE SO. Memos .r ..•..0 anal Owl. MEAL. effakry AT Ala- aSOUwa: Chep Marc • s..elanv Pun and all knees sl putty soda be the ares clods Course. Trs.rnrnt Prompt Swaim WONG'S CAFE martTleae £LCHANGar HOTt . rs4ONa aN SOUTH aTmadre Tenders Wanted. Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to Sept_mber 1st for painting the outside woodwork of the Court Have. Specifications may be seen at my office after the 20th inet. All work must be completed during the month o( Septem- ber. GEO. W..HOLMAN. County Clerk. Goderich, August lath, 1921. DR. S. WRIGHT BURGESS Chiropractic Specialist. Acute and Chronic Diseases. Office over Model Theatre. Come and tee what Chiropractic will do for \O1. Consaltation Free. ` - Phone 1042, 2.5, 7.iLamit by appoialmanaree 4166. - O)maiags for First -clan Compositors and Lino- type Operators OUSE FOR SALE. -APPLY TO Li B. C. MUNNtNGS, Nelson Street. 11 WARM FOR SALE -LOT 25. CON- CESSION 3. Goderah township, consisting of 42 acres of choice clay loam, with spring crat6 sad &prong well. Barn 40‘40. with cement stables: hay barn, Plat/. drive -house. lost *mall leer house; comfortable concrete cottage. and two acres of orchard. 1t is situated one mile from designated Provincial county road. seven miles from Goderach, and is co.venknt to school and church. Appnp== to H.H. LINDSAY. R. 1. No. 2. Goderich.PMrte drJ r I tf ARTICLES FOR SALE IN4OR SALE. -A NUMBER OF CHOICE JJ; hese Enel,.h Berbabne pp. Bah seaea end is event saes. Also a hew Good Yorkshires All from choice registered stock. JOHN C DURST, R. R. No. 't, Clinton. mat t L OR SALE. -STORY -AND -A -HALF i J frame house. corner d Park and Albert streets Weald prefer to sell the house Ix rot move: from the lot. or would sell the *hole prop- ' Mr. D. M. OHRIEN. East 4treel Meat Market. iH-tl Y, AUGUST 25, 1921 The Signal ' will be sent to any address in Ca from now until Ian. 1st, 1922 FOR • 1 CENTS THE SIGNAL PRLNTLNO s I r LIMITED, Publishers. IIIIHNIIHHHXXIIIIIUUUIIIIIXIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIX s_a x I THE �� j ODS ICN INDUSTRIAL Hffi1TION- Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday - ARE YOl' IN ARREARe3l' In order to close up our amounts to August 14, when the change of management took effect. we would ur- I gently request that all arrears of tub. o rtptlt•n�Le sgtfted at the earliest boe- abl,• date Remittance.: If made a Truly the Biggest and Best Yet PRIZE LIST INCREASED 50_.per . cent. • More fr Horse Races than any other Three Fairs in the District. - . • SPLENDID CHIBITS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS • Th e Largest Midway Ever in the District X ;} I0 Big S 25 Cars 5 Rides 250 People E .binds and Steam Calliope ./ Special " ibit by Central Experimental 1 X and Farm, Ottawa by Department of Agriculture, Ot- te Methods of Handling Eggs jrR SALE. -LOT ON NELSON 1'�` cawae jai) street. between Church and North sZmts �"'l'' �- wal.ut sideboard, walnut tearoom set and '$ plane IChirJtertnan Pnone I Goderich s.=ri ***a D TESTS LOR SALE. WHITE WYANDOTE 1, CHICKENS. Apply B. E. W W MB LLCO E, ��,�R. 'J Farmers' ► of or Pace. Purse$150 Trendier Street. Goderadt. 14 -it "".. 11 , '' •' 2.21 Tr • or Pace. - °j $250 t F1,LOVER HONEY FORLE.- �oal:h° r Ttl pave. w t I. - R. rink sa «:. >L �c PRIVATE SALE -III OUSILH(H.D FUR- wit NITURE. -�- - >4 �• Coluiatitis of I intn�m oat (x�tr f k t ttti lYi ..wMia, .t_1h .�' MlodeR� t 3r iillmep' Ifeenon ;tow. 1 bib/ high $ chs r, 2 sl a beds, steel and felt mat- resses; woolen bed. steel spring and mat- tress; 1 child's crib. 1 child's coop, several yards of oilcloth (now and partly ustd); 1 washing machine. Targe and small tubs, wringer, copper wash baler, 1 coal range, 1 lawn mower (nearly new), 1 dresser, and other articles too numerous to men- tion. Owner leaving town. G. H- BALL, corner South street and Elgin ave.pue (rear entrance Mrs. I. Stewart's). 34-11 �Steadv emplo niet to competent DR1VATS4LE OF HOUSEHOLD en on' basis o tv98 per week of 1 FURNITURE.- Consisting cl kitchen 48 hours, choirs. tables, cupboard. . stovepipes, Gout oiklotb. trait seakr`.adantngropm table, buffet -and amnia machine. May he. seen at any time. Quick sale. MRS. J. W. GRAHAM, corner of I F.---- .. THE ARMAC PRESS, Limited Anilines and Victoria street., 33-2t e i 64.88 Donde, West, Toronto 1.30 ' 2.12 _ 4250 Saha Gadsrich Industrial owe wap be at the rate of $1.30 year. but we , reserve the. rlgh :\t n spacial 'lording of the town charge the 42 rate for arrears molten 011 Monday eveu(ug of this week the report of the Bunte. coo - The Signal Printing C LlmNed. mitt... recommending a tax rate of forty-four and a -half twills. for the year 1!t21 was adopted. (of this rate thirty - At Three mills is for general purposes: - Jo le rtteu a to not TAX RATE IS 44'x= MILLS. Council Meets M Special Ses- sion and Strikes Rate for 1921 - Hospital Addition to be I1lheuased al Meeting Tomorrow' Evening. .Uled id,'tuptly. /- Thirty Rinks In Hag Local Green on Thirty rinks . f from Clinton. lit ,tel+ and Lla•k1N1 closely cell tested 1)111111+ n th IR•wlay of t was played plan. was mmrtReet a1a1 nota The halal.t carting to W fort tkvr�-f wins 1 which include.' the 1Vest Shore ltall- wt, all. „email, ionto. W*y levy1: right and a-lntlf wills is particilattoil lis a for piddle and separate schools. and -Rad- tournament ment of Scotch thaw mills is for 'Collegiate institute licit) gra.•❑ on Wed- pa ripostes. 1 ' week. 1'h, Kann. which The committer also gee fmmenalwl on the plus nod tuinna at (1 a.111. •lutrp tlpt a discount of two per trent. he •owpl.imI stout utldu2ht. allowed on all taxes mild on or before st prise, tonslstitog of two Nrptember :JOth, that an addition of sets. were awarded t 'o per cent. hew le to all taxes not Willis and lir. Hprrows. of '.•a• pa on or ta•fot Ihve•utta•r trot, of a►R1 a plus +11 40. title year a1a1 'at (billion of five per e Per•oticl prize. cou1lst1115 of twol,'.itt• on all tax paid on or before int glass islets went to �14*+isnt, laut1ary 1st. 1111_.. It w'as tnrther 1*- .00Iwln anal Itlt,th, of H.nsall. 1t.orc comntelalrcl Ilwt the sum of $4.4 ((.(Ml --4 win% antl a plus of 2s. M• pia ,.l nn the colleetor'u roll against The third prize, two ,Im-trie 1ronls, the 4..1e*'kb 1:levator anti Transit Co. was won by �ra rs. Hnnt soil Swaf-' fur chi- v .ar. The committee found flegd. Of (:rtisBtli ,lit ore -i wins and "that tint• amoullt payable on the \Nest- a plod of 28ern 4'ataa,Lt Flour Mill. elevator. as The (fourth 9111.4* Wito whit by ]tei1tr11- lair bylaw, i, In3ultk'let t tic, 141141 Whiteell't sial Renn(r and condatwl`w'httul rates and we rwommend that of two very fine silver spoeus. th•orel..chool Wates nu the ,tlsse.slueut he ---•1 wins and a plats of 1 h tngtYl." -111 of these recoil' paenelations were 4 nrMpted. -, _ llelow. !s tient to ,•.Halite of- 're: 1Corigione e- 1C.allaued on (..I5C 4.1 1921 TAXES As tax rate for 1921 has been settled 1 am now prepared "to ac- cept payment. Two per cent. allowed off if paid on or twfore September :3tltIt. After Ileie-mis•r 1:411 two per cent. w111 be added. After January 1st, 1922. five per cent. added. Taxes in arrears ttaaat be paid at epee. WM. CAMI'BF.a.1.. Tax Collector. Aug. 2.1. 1921. tf - BORN. LOYN ES. -In Goderich. on Friday. Aught la. to Mr. and Mrs G J S. Loynes, a son, McLEAN --Al Almendro hospital. G,derieO, .a Monday. (Wiest 11. to Mr and Me.. M it. McLean. of Cleveland, Ohio. a son - rhos Andrew. D. JEWELL .>At Londonn..'Sued.,. August 21- Nellieewell. daughter of Mr and Mn Richard Jewell. Colborne township. Ms .aday, Aa - t 1, Alrsander M Gregor, oo m ms titth year. ee Front a1the Will Meet All Industr Ants , in . No a • 11 Mods ts. Yon T or Friendsat the Goderich 1. Education and ntertainment. • = GENERAL ADMISSION =I - AFTERNOONS -Adults 50c. Children under 12 °lysarst.10c. M EVENINGS - '' 25c. i • ,. GRANDSTAND X AFTERNOONS- -Adults 25c. Children 15c. 'e EVENINGS 15c.10c. Rigs sod Auto,, 2.1c, CAU CARD OF THANKS. • 11100 ' LARD OF THANKS. -MR. AND / MRS H. R. LONG wish to thank their assay _- kind friends and neighbors for their kind aye- >•: pithy end florid tributes received in their recent bereavement. With a big Ready Roofing shipment of • ONE PLYTWOPLY--THREE PLY We over estimated our supply of roofing for the sea- son and have a large supply on hand that must be moved at once. SELLING IT AT COST If you need any roofing now or will require any later on, you will save money by buying NOW. Goderich Planing Mills LIMITED Mae 47 P. O. 801 18 • The Way to Save It is the systateatic regularity with which you make small deposits, rather than the occasional banking of • considerable amount, that steadily builds up a substantial financial backing. Get the habit of definitely depositing. Titres dollars saved every week with interest at 3a; compounded serni-annually, in five years will amount to $841.02. IN LOST OR FOUND. W. T. MURNEY, DR. W. F. CLARK, President. Sec'y.-Treasurer. MEM XWIHIIUIIIIUIIIIIIIIXUHINpUIIUIXXUMNIIIIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX OST. -A HOLD-DOWN CLAMP for Cadillac car. Finder will be rewarded on wing it at '1 HE SIGNAL OFFICE, or with BERMINGHAM. Goderich. 3l -It F. J. R. FORSTER. E , EAR. NOSE, THROAT. Late if a Surgeon New York Ophthalmic end Aural capital. assistant at Moorefield•• Eye Hospitakand Golden Square Throat Hen- WUI London. *ng. 33 Waterloo S S.. Stratford. Telephone 7117. At Bedford H, el. Goderich. from Wednes- dee, July 20th, at .30 p. m.. to Thursday. the 21st, al 1 p. in. UNION BANK OF CANADA G h Br41*ch, F.Woolcombe, Manager r_ - WA WANTED WORK Ito-tsework, washing For *Cress. .palest SIGNA • BY WOMAN. -- r coking. by da OFFICE. day OFFICE. HOUSE WANTED. •-1 WANT TO rent a Road dwelling house , seven or eight roams in a good locality in Gnderic . Pnne.tlon desired 6eptember 1st. T. G. CO. ON. Tele- phone 123. 311f PUBLIC NOTICE. pt O1NG TO LONDON FAIR ? you have been planning to visit the F City during Fair Week( you tan arrange tunsportation there and return by tekphonin let 31.21 OHONE HURON ROAD DAIRY FOR PUR MILK AND CREAM', Phone No. 1 r. a. sic --2m TENDERS. Separate tenders for refreshment booth privileges on the east side of track at Goderich Fall Fair on September 6, 7 and 8: also for supply of straw for stalls and pens. delivered in them to the satisfaction of the Board, will be received by the undersigned up to o'clock p.m. on SATURDAY, AU9UST 27. Any tender not necessarily accepted. No sole privileges. For further particulars apply to F. CLARK. • eec'y *derich Industrial Exhibition, fg ' f;OOeR1•H, (Weis*' School .of Commerce, Clinton will meet any persons inter sted in a - Commercial Ed AT TILE Bedford Hotel, Goderich SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1921 from 12 to 5 p m. .11ss M. 3ltddleton has returned I. Miss Resole I:4441 Sus returned to from Muskoka and 'Toronto where sheJletaott- after a vacation of two weeks had leen on ladid.ays. I at her home., amanou ■■■maxamm ■■la=ill U*** ■ -. 1 ■ e =The Pavjlioni ■ NEAR SUNSET HOT ,L • ■ r ■ ■ 11[ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • TAKE YOUR FRIENDS 1: Where you are sure of the Best Floor Best Music Coolest spot in this part of the Country i1 DANCING ■ Additional pieces have been added to the orchestra $ and we have an orchestra second to none in these parts. ■ Be sure and have your friends see the' new $ They will enjoy every minute. �I Goderiels i Amusement Co.,, Ltd. ■ z ■ ■M■/r■$**1 $$latimme$*■■/■ • lir errtrnn'10'rlrrtirria ',, lli .,010t1711111ee Crop Reports From information collected through its network of Branches across Canada, the Bank of Montreal compiles periodical reports covering crop conditions in every part of the Dominion. These re- ports are transmitted over private tele- graph Tines to central cities, from which they are mailed free to persons desiring the information they contain. If you wish your name to be placed on the mailing list, notify the n branch, orthe Head Office in Montreal. BANK OF MONTREAL • ESTABLISHED MORE THAN 100 YEARS OODERICH BRANCH E V. LE88L1i - Amager'