HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-8-11, Page 7See Our Select Stock of
Ladies' Whitewear
in the Latest Effects
Ladies' Collars
and many other lines of wo-
men's and children's wear.
Novelty Goods
A very extensive line, It
would be worth your while to
call and inspect them.
Miss S. Noble
South Side Square - - Goderich
Flannelettes at reluc.d prices.
Sheeting at reduced prices.
Itoekfast Drill at reduced pries..
Gingham at retucedrprlees.
A nice soeort Meat f
Curtains. from :Se
All -wool :serge, navy heti
width. +t $1.73 per y
Underwear, to (lear, at
worth while.
A great number of articles
Gree ries at reduced pries.
The Square rhMs M
ALss Pearl Irwin, of Lucknow, who for
the past four years was on The Sentinel
staff, has taken a position with one of
the big printing Louses of Toronto.
Eric McKay, of the 10th concession of
Tuckersmith, one of the pioneers. passed
away last week. He was born sIxt, -
three years ago on the farm on which he
The death occuned in Lucknow. of
Mary. aged twelve, daughter of Mr and
and Mrs. James Purvis. An operation
for appendicitis had been performed. but
without success.
Mr. and Mrs. Conley and son and I
daughter of Winnipeg, who have been
visiting friet.ds around Heneall. -have
left for their home. they made the trip
by auto through the States.
�, Word has been received at Crediton I
,from the Hydro -Electric Poor'. Commis-
sion that a representative would be sent
in the near future to explain the instal•
lation of hydro in rurat districts".
John A. Stewart. of Mumvi•i.ef, while
s ewliug a few h„urs at the Inoue of '
Mr and al rs. Mo no. had t1n mis-
fortune to fall off a head pf hay. break-
ing his right arta awl w•ve•ta1 ribs.
• The death of Francis McCune.
of Leadbury. took place at. St.
Joseph's hospital. Load , on July 30th,
Although seventy-nine y s of age bk.
McCulla was quite actio and hearty
Until one week previous tohi th. -
The death oecurrtd a few d.y
of )lr. Erie McKay of T11e •'smith.
Mr. McKay was In its sixty -till y'eaf.
`The warring, aas solea ntyw 1 on
July- 27t11 at Blitevule of Miss f mei
-t mustn't= to 1 'Lester Dunkin. of
t,h•u:inn:ill. 1t.•v. Jr. -'lutein otflela
Since the heavy thunderstorms of •
few weeks ago. the cable of the Hay
Telephone System has not been giving
good service. Ths damage has been re-
paired by two expert linemen from Los -
don. Several new pieces of cable had to
be used.
John Swann and farm y of near lien" ill
had a narrow escape with their Iises
i while returning home in their car from
' the Ford picnic at Grand Bend. While
• of
Land Swing Photo Frames
Mother Tells how Daughter
was Made Well by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
('olxn:rg, Ont. -"Lydia E. Pink.
bam'a \'e etable Compound w'as re•
commended to me
for my daughter.
She had trouble
every month
hich left her in
a weak and ner-
vous condition
with weak back
and pain in her
right side. Sha
had these troubles
for three years
and frequently
was unable to at-
tend school. She has become regular
and feels much better since she began
takingthe Vegetable Compound and
attens school regularly. She is gaining
steadily and 1 have no hteuancy in
-re&umniending Lydia E. Pinkhap's
Vegetable Compound and Lydia E.
Pinkham's Blued Med one. -Mrs.
JoHN Tows, Ball St., Camaro, Ont.
Standing all day, or sating in
'cramped positions, young girls contract
deranged conditions, and develop
headaches. backache. irregularities.
nervousness and hearing -down pains,
all of which are symptoms of woman's
ills. Every mother who has a daughter
suffering from such symptoms who Ad
give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound a fair tsiaL
7'13 11110NAL OOD>r.RICH. O1 T.
a::,1 ,gift.
ith NSALL.
The school board met recently
with further arrangements in con
thetall of�a continuation class.
a mg
Thomas Essery met with what loge,
have been a u roue accidenthone ever the
last week. He was compelled
ditch in order to avoid another cu. The
car turned over and was badly damaged.
11r. tits,. Howson is op•uing alt
dental parlors in lei Ingham.
Wm. Isbister, has tendered hi res g-
nation as inspector of street and :emetery
seesaw Ait,Iie,'ua 15 at his :weer.„11
sinner Kt. He Is nursing a evea..e leg,
the 'evident having harreii.''1 ,,ai1.' he
Wit" playing football.
Miss Maud Fryfogle was united in
marriage to Thomas MacKenz.e Smith,
organist in St. Andrew's Pre hytenan
church on July 21st. Rev. U. Parte
Ernest Reynold* who tut, heen the
1tell Trirphoue manager at Winslow •
has been transferred tq, Tot'outu.
Afire )l. Fr'llek lute been re-engaged
for the it sttjon of collector of taxes.
.1. Il. Galbraith has sold 'is speedy
lsteer "Jiro 1L.I'i_ito_S. Col l'..•s-
ItriemseI, 1s w-ftboet a re.ddent, par.wen this week. as the laced trio are
away holidaying.
1.. la For.ytil. who wroteon the r
ells Entrance Examblatl'n: won : the
highest marks in East• Huron aspeet.
Barrister t'. McFadden. rico i Ste.
Marie, 1)nt.. a farmer old ley of Pow-
orb'has had conferred u1 -,I, hlw *less
honor of King's Counsel.
ssag another car a• a narrow• p'a.' •, Rev. and Mrs. H. Rembe'areth)tiday-
road, the ear ran off the e.'g� uta ing at HamlitOH.
f1°were A. \\ eber, of the , Bronson onehr
culvert into a drop ditch. Th••y
very much shaken up and the new car harvesting and threshing his season's crop.
badly damaged. on July 28th. s
A young man f- ,m U_tro,t wh o ex- Ten pupils wrote on the entrance ex%
pects to enter Qs ininung contests in the aminations here, and were all successful,.
United States. visited Grand Bend and hve passing with honors.
swam aro•tnd the pend nets. This )Ilan Ester, of Forcina. Sask., who
achievement leas loudly acclaimed. hut a meth his wife and family are visaing
Grand Bend yosith said he could do bet- '.,ends here, received word from 'the
need not be spoiled by the tortures
of sunburn if you have a box, of
Zani-Buk on hand. This herbal balm
1s extraordinarily soothing and heal -
Ing. It quickly ends the burning
sensation, draws out the soreness
and prevents blletering.
Zauelluk to equally good for mos-
quito and insert bites, blisters, cuts
and all skin Injuries. An immediate
appllcatlon of this balm sit!! save
you much unnecessary suffering and
Inconvenience. Being antiseptic.
Zan-Buk prevents arty possibility
of teetering or blood -poisoning.
Don't forget, therefore,- when Pack -
Ins for your vacation, to Include a
box or two of Zarn-Duk.
For any kind of sore or Iskln dis-
ease you will find Zane-Buk equally
good All dealers. 60s. box, S., for
the marriage to take place 1Jx attef pan
of August.
Je.h i White. an old, rt-shk•ul of Mor-
s teicn�hip, diel lu,11 $rufnrt1*
(la1411 Kali -
y in hi. eighty-141x,y iY..
\into, A. )leEi'an anal 'bride were
eel *et week with two leoutiful
wickert'cha by tls•ir neighbors.
Miss Edith MON-1.nel. whew• noir-
iciest. take• plat' iu August 'was Rien
a "-•bower" of platew-h3-.-hex many_
{ friends at the Loins of Mrs. J. 1.. Dell.
Murray Kan ace hall a • mavens
_�� wrap• from ditto 'ling • day rtr•t•utly.
Humphrey 't,'niulott, of F:Kmoah•llle.
passed away ,,t o'1liton on August 2141.
In Itis ninetieth year.
John White passed away at the borne
O`. his niece, Mrs. Wm. Cooper, at the age
of eighty -ex years. He came to Sea -
forth three years ago from Blyth. He
leaves five sons and two daughters. most
of whom are in the West.
ter and proved at by sw•lmming over the �� ,t that the promising looking crop on
"ame course m three-quarters of the •a.'m there had been totail destroyed
sI, time. by a hailstorm, Mr. Ester pas expert-
' ' The tea rriao•• t. ole place Ur Edna/0- -meed several crop failures in the last few
`laden. 'laughter of years -
80e ie. and Mrs. , MYTH.
of Ethel. on -
1 The .,r,mouy •as reef urm d alio Vera Crawford has ret rued home
in Holy- Trinity cheerh t.y Rev. Canon from N\ Ingham hospital. where she under-
riroit4s r-. M.A. After at trip to the went an operation on het f.,ot.
1',,:,+t. )h'. 01141 )1r.. ?tach,
their h • in Ethel.
iu I A serious accident befell Ern.
{ tinger, of Crediton, last week. aft
ling up the day's threshing at t;us-
I lesey e. The blower hal b•conke c
and Ernest put in his arm to loosen the
obstruction, when his left hand was t
in an instant. He is in St. Jo.eph
ce. ' hospital, London, receiving treatment-
-A substantial purse has been collected to
' assist him in getting an artificial arrdi • o
sure in paying expenses. of
The marring, took plan, at Cooke's the
ton .111 Julie soh ,.r
the late Pred••ri, 1. IC
Basle. t,. .seen•. Ker
will um"' Mrs Judge) J. A. Jackson and daugh-
ter, of Lethbridge. Alta.. are tisiting at
t G•let- the home of the forrner's father. J. G.
finish- Emizh. •
at a very. resiionible pri r
Bring sill Toile friend. in Home i
Week. We will take a plea
In show Ing them our pretty
"or- A• Sennh. of Vancouver. B. C.. and his met with an unfortunate accident recent-
g� sister, Alrs. McLeod. of F, -rt Fraud+. 4', Mr. Atkinson was taking her in a
were guests of their aunt. Mrs. Mune ; wheel -chair to see the soldiers memorial
McMillan.. during the past seek. in the park when the chair upset in
Mr. Lang, of London. had a miraculous rounding a curb, with the result that Mrs.
pe from death when k,- , ar turned ' Atkinson is suffering from a broken thigh
in the ditch about three riles north bones
lyth one right last week. The glare I
approaching car conker! him, with Miss Stella Gregory has beenengaged
alt that he -turned nit too far. up-
on the teaching etaa n( the Brantfexd
. t mese Collegiate institute at a salary of $11100.
.theincreasing to 52.000.
it. G. R. Bertram, of the Bank cf
Commerce staff, has been transferred to
the Dunnville branch and H. J Winborn
has been transferred to the branch here.
.li,hn Lotto. w110 been re-
newing • t ,egaintatWrs ttenforth.
previewed a curllnag allied with a siker
4'halleuee t IP which Ire 'won In the
early drys. ' Mr. Lyons was iustna-
Mental in orgahlzfng the dell, in 11+77.
Ti,- marriage w,1s solemnised in Set.
John's clutr,•1i, 4Ittaw'a. on June 22M1.
of Amelia M.. youngest slaughter of
Mr. and )1r,. .1. A. )1'inw,r. of Sud-
bury. to )It•-'Itole•rf McElroy, 'gest
roti of Mrs. !Osbert McElroy. of Kea -
fun h.
Mrs. George Atkinson. of Ettmondville.
Good (Plumbing
Poor Plumbing
When we do the Joh, we
give you the right kind -the
l g
kind that gives you pleasure ,
anti eomfnrt.
Smith's Art Store
East St. - -- ._ ..-- Phone 198
PHONE lilt
church. Toronto, out .July '_nd, of -J..
Clara. daughter of W. A. Kutlrrrfn*d,
Wroxeter. to Dr. A. E. Cavanagh. eon
of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cavanagh. !Un-
born. Rev. Dr. Wm. Patterson. pastor
.iMthe adieu •h. performed the twr.•mony.
Before the removal of Mr. 141141 Mrs.
L. Rattan from SVrox,•trr to illiterate.
the choir of the )frthtslist church of
winch Mr. Wotan had had lsn lender.
pn•w•mtel him with a porting addFe.T
N.milton atr..t M10401135
1'1ut11ning Heatingg_
Eavest, i,ghi*igg 4 -Metal Work
The climax of the Season's
Millinery Events
Remarkable values in
Trimmed Hats
Half -Price
No two styles alike and
represent all the smartest
and newest ideas of our
Summer Millinery.
A wonderful collection
of good values
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kingston street, Goderich
ice Cream
the car in the ditch The body u
was .•:rhos a„...„,e,
('anon Mil.. of t..nl
took the
thelest two 'y- fu Kt.
l4uil's chun•h.
ltev. Krnnetll IHest„n, who 1- hone
one furlonglt fr
m.rtilla ..f nu'
hlrin church
Miss 1tell' tt'\ei
-homer Yirue,bi a 1'
Tillie. addre�441 it
congregation- in On-
has sailed u4 the
England. where
'he will take it 1.kati.on the 1..ita w.'
I school staff for a year:
1 A. Wilkeu has b,.ttght ta"k the_4lsre
repairing itusinetoi whk•h he sold some
time, ago to , "Jim" Lovett. "
This is the Tee Cream that ,took-Goderich by
storm last year. To meet the demand we have
doubled oar order for this season.
.e 24 different flavors to choose from.
Call early for Cones and Bricks, as the supply
is limited.
Insist upon a Yum -Yum Cone or an Orange Crush
Brick. Always something new.
J. H. LAUDER, Phm. B.
Phone 19w.
('all and see a demonstration of the heist Washing
Machine on the market. We are agents.
Lighten the drudgery of housekeeping iteth one of
these easy -running machines, which save labor and preserve
health and good temper.
are the standard, up-to-date electric light. We have them.
Also all kinds of
for house, store, offiee or workshop.
Estimates made and contracts taken for electric
wiring and other electrical work.
Old Colborne Hotel Cerner Pboee 2:.1 Haolltan fit.
Alden Johns and bride of Saskatoon,
Sask.. are visiting the former's did home.
on their wedding trip. Mr. Johns was
married on July 20th to Mea Margaret
Frizzell, of Oyen, Alta.
Fourteen Boy Scouts of the local troup
are at Bayfield where they will camp for
a week or ten days. Rev. J. G. Stuart,
of London, will have supervision of the
camp. assisted by Patrol Leader Stuart
else. 44,,T,,I,.
Thnrstlay. August 11. 1021.--T
Fifty Yearin the
Old Stand-!
Our stole holds an unique position in the life of
Goderich as it has been serving the c.•nlmunity for
over fifty years.
Old Boys and Girls
We Greet You!
\1'r hope to have the privilege
friends flout far and pear while th
town. The glad hand of welcome
of tweeting all our Bald-
y are visiting, the old
tv'tits, von here.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
,Lovett intrude goin>; to the Niagara Street Commissioner W. J. Bisee and
'dietrice his wife left last . week for Norte, Bay to
Mr. and Mn'.. O. W Putter, of t„a-ii, visit their daughter, Mrs. Rronson. 1 his
ahttotlbee ties ,•naa•la
g•eut of their' i since is thefhei holiday
assumed Chief
s preselaissetts sduties
daughter, Pearl Irene. to Frank Jen. I twenty-eight years ago. In that time he
McKim of Ithrton, Kash'- . file las been on duty practically every day
ear to take plat* this month\ and night.
An auto accident occurred last week
saes n
a Mr.
ahs a C
et oixgnu t Fall+, u forger resident of \Hislop, of London, and a Hudson super-
olti.o vols preTen.
, n s et '-fr,h+e'd tbh treks' in }
Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto
AUG. 27 - Inclusic'e - SEPT. 10
To be opened by
Lord Byng of Vimy,
Canada's new
Color of the
Gaiety of a
Mardi Gras
Complete exposition
of Canada's resources.
'kill of men.
wealth of material.
"0 ER HERE" -Super Pageant of Regal
Mei ttificence dramatizing vividly Canada's
Origin, Growth and Achievements.
Calor -Symbol-- Allegory --Hundreds of
Performers --Music -Fine Arts -World's
Largest Collection of War Photographs --
Thrillers of Many Kinds --Fireworks on a
urger scale than ever before Scores of
Features only to be seen at Toronto.
Canada's Grca!est Lice Stock and Form
Display -Machinery and Equipment of
Endless Desi^nfor increasing the Efficiency
of the Farm and the Comfort of the Home.
Reduced Fares on All Lines of Travel
The Most Perfect
Product of the
World's Best Wheat
--AT tw ren ttMr meeting of the, K�Jit`
leslg••• No. 143. 140.0.F. Mr. I',4Yta,.
present...I with hie vet- utoo.��driven by a Kitchener man, colli-
er: at eter North. The Kitchmmer car
loos struck a hydro post, breaking it off at
Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Lake. of Toronto. ' the bottom. The pole landed on the top
I announce the engagement of their eldest of the Hudson car . badly damaging it.
daughter, Mabel J.. to Harold R. Cante- Mr. and Mrs. John Swan, of Usborne,
{ lone son of Peter Cantelon, of Clinton,'. met with an unfortunate accident while
returning from Grand Bend one evening
• last week. While turning out for another
When a girl in her teens becomes peev-
ish listless. and dull. all rn nothing seems
t11 ir•terest her ar,d dainties do not tempt
her appetite, you may he certain that she
needs more good brood Clan her system is
1 provided with. Before long her pallid
cheeks. frequent heada:hes and breath-
lessness and heart palpitation will confirm
that she is anaemic. Many mothers as
the result of their own girlhood experience
can promptly detect the early signs of
anaemia, and the wee mother does not
wait for the trouble to develop further,
but at once gives h r daughter a course
with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which re-
new the blood supply and banish anae-
mia before it has obtained a hold upon
the *stem.
Out of their experience thousands of
mothers know that anaemia is the Pure
eto worse ills. red blood c od makes in vbe differ-
enceknow the
that good
development of womanly breath that fey
headache, every gasp
lows the slightest exertion by the anaemic
girl, every pain she suffers in her back
and limbs are reproaches if you have not
taken the best steps to give your weak
girl new blood. and the only sure way to
do se is through the use of Dr. Williams'
car on a narrow culvert the front of Mr.
Swan's car dropped over the edge and he
and Mrs. Swan were thrown out into the
water. Their escape from serious injury'
was miraculous. -
Scholarships offered by the Exeter
Board of Education to the pupils in the
Exeter district under the supervision of
the Exeter high School, passing highest
in the recent entrance examination!, were .
won by alis, i.11a Morlork and Miss May
Abbott. bli-s Margaret Wethey won the
scholarship for the Lower School Depart-
mental examination and Miss Wethey
and 11. M. Greb were equal for the
scholarship in the stag examinations The
sclolarshlpwdl be divided
Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Carling and
family, and Miss Irene Essery, while on
their way to Gottlieb on a recent Sun-
day, met with an accident that might
have been attended with serious results.
They were pawing over .some new gravel
and the car becommanageable left
the road and went ing througunh edea wire fence
into a field. in so doing one of the wheels
came off the auto. Fortunately, none of
the occupants were hurt belrond a shak-
ing up.
several you • s in weight. "We hotpe she
will tontinu to improve.
Miss Dolly MacManus, o( Salttord,
spent a der with friends at the Port last
\ i
Mr. weld Mrs., Robert Hoy. Miss
and Robert and Jessie motored to Blues
vale laM Sunday in Mr. Roy Petrie's c fro
and spent the day with relatives of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fritzley entertained
.t.' ane
ails. Het
Is.•," the.
...weft glean
d-ii171.- -- ----..
ladle Ratite fen ti'aeatien Trips,
e Eric baa long leen rimed for
44 of mitgnihe,•1,4 ga*ssengr, r
The most rent ad,litbm t..
is 1h.• rent slid r ••th'iinwl-
� t
'gest and hail ,.slI' I''
.r oil Odom! wilier. of jhe
ter ship. .46111•r -City, of IS,Rule.''
plies tinily hot .'n 4'levohuwl and
Ituffalo. se that yoi may hoard steamer
two carloads of relatives motoring from ni,•itho,. cify any «5
nig al 11 .'el.a•k.
Dashwood, including Mr. and Mrs. F. enjoy a (light .f refr, hing sleep. wed
Gettner, parents of Mrs. Roy Fritzley. arrive ur .4,-tinilti„u f• luwh.g morn -
(Intended lo. last week)
WE.PNE9)Al', Aug. 3.
one day last week.
Mr, and Mrs. James Ti ert, of Hamid- teener -7;14
Irl ndeuti„u t„ she• nlgth
ton. called on relatives in Pat Albert one Kahtrdlly 1Layiight grips ser
day this week. i very ptri•artit'e to many trove
Our teacher, Miss Winnie Cunningham, From l'Ievelauml, o' it It gine
of S. S. No. 1, is to be congratulated on ,,r "elle of Itn(T:al.,.' I.an.- the
the success of her entrance class. also hell of F:. Ihh st r..•t• ei ery Sante. ,y
upon the standing of the entire school, muster the ...mintier
sPi11sn1 at 11 8.111..
every pupil with the exception of three s •, my..
at Buffalo 7 evening of ',Min.',Min.passing and some taking honors. The I .
entrancePupits were lilies Ashton, Fred ' From linfelo. the great" -'Mos 'Sem
Dickson and Harvey Crawford. This was 'In, lenses ishan " at sood.
the first time for the boys to 'ante and I 11hiaigau 11 visions bridge. ,•very motile_
theyare to be' congratulated upon their ley ,hn'inR rhe. .nualurr sea sun ❑t 9
success, especially Harvey; be being not of .1.x11,. a, 'motet
g et 4'lerelatnl 7 evening
school a great deal owing to sickn,ss, and i .rf 'nose ,Inn.
M eleven years of age many consider him All }.,i•t,,gl standard time.
very clever. May good health and every {
succete be his in life.
trips. tin•
proving -.
P1014 Pi115. Summer resorting is the order of the
New, rich. red blood is infused into the day. Numerous crowds throng the beach
system by every dose of (hese pills. From i at Pert Albert the past few weeks. some
this new, rich blood springs good health, ' in their cottages and many in their tents,
an increased appetite, new energy. high
snits and perfect women.
(sive your daughter. Dr.anly R illiamsdevelopm' Pintk
Pil{s, and take them youttelf and note
how Drnnlptly 1hehr inBuence is felt in
better health.
you can get these pilaf through any
making it widely known that Port Albert
is an ideal camping spot.
Rev. R. A. Lundy and wife, of Kippen,
and the Misses Maud, Jean and Annie
Ferguson, of Walton, are among the list
of campers at the shore
Mr. lane and his sister, Mrs. Gardener.
dealer in medicine or by mailx»tpaiel i and niece. Mrs. Rd./hie, all of Lades.
at !Sol cents a box or eh horse ire $2 WI are camping in not a Mr. T, Dickson's
from the D r. t5,ll ares Medicine Co .
Brockvilk, Ont.
houses. Mr. Ritchie has been in poor
health, but we are glad to say has gained
Cholera Infantum is one of the falai
ailments of chiklhlel. It is a troubles
that comes on suddenly, especially during
the summer months. and unless prompt
action is taken the little one may soon he
beyond aid.- Baby's Own Tablets are
an otis
trouble! Ttwytrtregulatne ine thearda bgowel, and!
Sweeten the stomach and thus prevent all j
the dreaded summer complaints. Con I
Cloning them Mrs. Fred Rote. of South f
Bey. (hat., says " I feel Baby's Own
Tablets saved the life of our baby when
she had cholera Infantum and 1 would not
be without them." The Tablets are snkt by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from the Dr. Wilhams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Yr. and Mrs. )1. t' Moon.,
'nw*nins, and ir.a. Irwin. t of Most. E.
14 anti daughter, Margaret.
of Stratton'. an• holiday ihetton, is
/t,leMri. h a Ith their plrents, 11r. nisi
Mrs. Fal. Spl•irau.
-Support Your Home Tow,',
The Farmers' Stmt.
"It a(11111 14• a lhons'p.l times belle.
If w,• had tlfty cltjcs of lose 1 mash in
the Prot ince than ane clot of :dN1,l1Wl.
It would Is, I3.1ter for the worktuaa to
be Ili *1 Iif41r froWll w'her.• he %Will hash
the opportunity of has Mg 0 home 0'
11 IS own 11041 a little plot of gr.'s.
Where he 4.1111141 grow trait and v.•g
tableslir lois nlw, the ,ds0*,f,, g•• .11
iette•r seineile, chutrhe% 14141 mote
wind. • 01141 sa'ifary emi1lti.tns ter
the upbringing of bis family. At they
slung time n pn p4.ro'1A towel make•* it
goof, bone market for the fanner. 1t
is Infinitely ls•tter to hate na
the.' tow ns,e'AtIvrea In Sariett• CC!, 41
of the Province than to have one hag.
router where the cost of foo
d stuffs Ws
materially Iw .t reas,throwsd the lot*
freight haul.
I . C1tild:MU'H aloe-sltlr.
T,,•s,lny• August fl
A joint me•tiag of the Country Wo-
men's Chili and the Allaillary of 1110
tioomitsi Wylie.' All will he
Thir•wtay. August lath, at
the hole of Mr'. 11. 1.. Salkehl.