The Signal, 1921-8-11, Page 51s all left pop- ylea. D this ew- Pds. .00 1 glorified 'non arr- a fternson the (Md- glrts sial with a the great ran. std a tiring tnm•e•asinya *cited to Re•glmrnt a very '•. I'rnr.•- Ir4sesslon w•hMh dep o rted memorial ndzn1Iona rhet the •L PIRIN Cross" 11 • -i HERE THEY ARE marked her tato Aspirin" inns for by mil- ruralgia, Neurilha. to -also he had ,nada, giatered tore of cid. Aspirin aiat this Meta of it ramped it, tam Kodaks and Brownies Load with the dependable Kodak Film in the YELLOW Box. ALL KODAK SUPPLIES CARRIED Developing, Printing, alarging. ONE DAY SERVICE Campbell's Drug Store PHONE 90 GOD 11C11 ' QIGIiAL LOCAL TOPICS. 1• WItte's Ilrug Store Robbed Forcing au entreaty thrungh n rear! window, thieves entered Mayor Wigie's druo .tore fairly Sunday morning midi male off with all the liquor which Mr. WIgle had ou haul. The pk•Ih•e have been working 011 the case and up to date have steuied nearly enough evi- dence for a murk -Hon. Death of Mra. R. S. Clinton. The death is antic unced at Atlantic City, N. J.. of Mrs. R. S. Chilton. widow of the late Robert S. Chilton, a former American con ul at Goderich. Mrs. Chilton was in her eighty-eighth year. During her residence in Goderich she endeared herself to a .large number of (rends who will regret to hear- of her demise. Mr. and Mrs. Chilton lest Gode- rich about 'fourteen years ago, Anderson -Essen. A very prretty wwlditrg t. I place Wednesday. August 3rd, of the home of Mr. and Mr.. ,.forge G. Esaery, ut Exeter. When their daughter, HAW! Madge. Iowan, the 'hrirte of Mr. \5'llfreol .tu.l.•r+4m of G.wlWie•h. T,he ceawmuur .caw performed 1,r Itev. Mr. Sinoll:lir du rlw ptvw•mae of the IWniosliate ret8tk, s. The 1,1-141,. wore a going -away harry -nit with hitt h, n.at iib. After their rens:• from their; h..teyutsn trip the rout couple will 1.e.,lek.° far Gabriel. Again on 0..C. P. Coarsen. Mayor Wigle'leas again leen elected to the ('onndt of the t)ntario -i'0m gr - ul Pharmacy for district No. 12. de - 1 teatime E. I). Donnell of Owen sound. Mr. 'Mile was formerly a ineml.er of the 1:'mut•il for several years and was elected president. after which he ores.: b"."."°"..%.^.".^.•`"""^".94"4.."..‘""N.^.°4040wwwwwwwwwarre'PaNas. ltin.!. but at the s.dl.•Itntion of weq- larrrrnt the druggist fraternity-tn • MA dHRrb't Ile couwentrd to be again. -a I Rl'T WTTLF ou w roomed or the nominal candidate andwill hr their represent.! Tull' alive tl 1' it f IS REQi,•IRSD terra of two )•near+. to have your,tire vuienntze.i here.. e aur equipment 1s complete rust we i e*n handle and repair a the In I Miller -Wootton. A pretty wedding was celebrated Wed-. day noon, August 3rd, at the residence no time. Remember our vuh•anls-i of 1►lr. and Mrs.Thomas Wootton. Huron lug isn't repairing in the °militaryroad. Goderich. when their daughter,. rens,•. It Is making an old tireEthel. was married to Mr. George 81111er, new. sating ID from the scrap heap of Owen Sound. Rev. H. D. Moyer, pastor anti siring tlw expense of a new of North street Methodist church ofticis tiro.. ated. The bride was supported by her i sister, Florence, and Mr. F. W. Gardner,' • of Stratford, acted as groomsman. Mi J. FISHER, Flamlltrtn at.,' Grace WVcotton played the weddin FISHER, G//UEKICH march, The bnde's• dress was of whi THE t t l (1NI71 K crepe de cbene trimmed with pearls. a her bridal veil was caught up with a bou quet of orange blossoms,. Her travellin - GODZSICH, OR'f. •'t~ • sl'Dnf °day, Lutnat 11, • Exhibition at Fall Samples Continued For Another Ten Days AT SELECT LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR CO. Our range of samples int our fall line of Novelty Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts and Waists will remain on exhibition for another ten days to give an opportunity to call to all those who had not tate privilege this week on account of Old Home Week festivities • You are cordially invited to see the smartest, most stylish, and most up -to -the minute range of Fall and Winter Wear Place Your Order Early - B}' placing your order NOW your purchase will not be duplicated in Goderich. All of our samples are exclusive and are the best that money can buy.. or -that bF ' . Should you not be in a position to accept immediate delivery of your purchase, a small deposit will place any garment in our store, and the balance can be arranged to suit your convenience, SELECT LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR CO. GODERICH HEADQUARTERS AND FACTORY: 448 Queen Street West, Toronto • Soptare. the addresses i..•!ng_ dellyee.-1 from a - and erected near the court j house. Mayor Wigle gave the first address. Referring to the motto.•: "amoral 011 the banners. ouch as EnJ,.r ynut,lslf as in ehlhih.x,d .lays." he statist these were oot stere em ity phrase. Ion wore Intended to be taker. In real .•arm, --t. He told of t1e'Tar- lon* shots t.,sen in preparation the 111.1 Hone 14 eel:. dw•laring that in; st every steer t11. •mmitt.-e had had Hie g co-operation a' cordial ewiot•wement' to u( ewery eitiz• In the town. Tis- nd event eelebn,re, the ,seventieth ani,.- - verswry of the ., •rporatlon of God's it rich Awa torten. The first Mayor wa- ne the late ltenjamii. Parsons, who was, H. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF GODERICH AND VICINITY A New Store for Zadies' and Gents' Ready -to -Near, Dry Goods, etc. Will be opened about August 19 NEXT TO Wesley Walker's Furniture Store Watch for announcement of the opening date in store windows Coo -ds to suit every purse -s A. CORNFIELD WAS THIS AD. INTENDED FOR YOU? There is a splendid opportunity at The Signal office for a young man or young woman who is desirous of making a life work of JOURNALISM. The successful applicant for this unique position will he afforded every opportunity to obtain a good working knowledge of the technical side of newspaper work as well as receiving a thorough training in reporting and editing. If you have a Collegiate or High School education and are willing to work the Manager of this paper wants to meet you. Write, telephone or call for an appo is stent. THIS MAYBE YOUR OPPORTUNITY / The levy of pretty young ladles who ,wrist The Signal ensign In the trades Pres'esslon nn Tomalley morning doer hearty applause from the inters este.' sl'•etators along flop linin of ,oar' h, The names of the 'glens were Norma Ohm. Gladys (:Inn, Aileen Mnnnlre Bea..ie Murphy. Alive Nairn, 1+obel Foster. Theresa Ntnnning, Jean »4 d'hwptnni. Madelie 'McKay and Lunn Harney, Ak • rest was a suit of navy blue tricoti 1pwith jade hat. The groom's gilt to t bride was a geld wrist -match. to t bridesmaid a twin pearl. and to t groomsman a gold tiepin.' rhe ian'st r i ceived a pretty cameo ring. After t marriage ceremony the event was mark by the baptizing of Florence Mary youngest daughter of Mr. and Mn. Bert Price. of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Minter I left nn the afternoon train for a sL wedding trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls- They are spending this week in Goderich, after which they go to Owen Sound to make their home. The Gode. rich friends of the happy couple join in eosgratulations. he chosen by a cote the council. Tea he years biter the sy '••m of W/rtion 1'r he popular vote was Inaugurated. at 1 e - he ed Mr. W. J. l'nsmore came oyer from Chicago for the rennlon and 1a one of the most w*I*nm, 411 the vlaltor*. The event would not hate been complete without him. lir. and Mr.. E. 11. Paammre and children, of Chicago. are among the rlsitor. F.I. ix a well-known (Lodes rich(lid ploy who has been *weariful In hnminous in fTMago. hilt who 4s4's not forget ifs natlre town. f M Y WADS 0LAD TO BE BACK. t cont lnued from page 4.) cemetery upwards of 1.1x10 people he gathered to Haien to the address to Ree. pr. Diehl,.. of Ktax chum• MontmML- 7n his opening remarks 1)r. Dirkle ; dwelt upon the appropriateness. of hay - I Ins a memorial werrl.e a1- the opening , ceremony for old Hone Week. Then lnnueh1,ig out Into his address, h first brought to mittd the fact that those who had gone before are no resting in the cemetery hat are writ 4:n01 living a new life --a life which 1 ..nis,•iuu+, void and spyritual.• Neverthel.•.s. Iw said. we mind bear In mind that the remeterr-the rest- s ding Weer of the ashes pf oiir fore- fethirs-l• always mitered anal holy. Thr- pioneers of our minty had left ns a prh-elees heritage. When first I they came to Huron It was a tra.•k- leas forest inhabited by Italians and wild .animals but by sheer hard work they lead left i'. a county with good f n►4Rt setett -nue- orehn ala:-"w1tif p t ty villages and fionrt*ping towns. At, rids point Dr. Inekle tarried h1• audience 'leek a eentnry atwl deer•rlbd to It the character of the pioneer of that day. '•%V.'nen" he sod]. "were like men and air Ito well to honor these wumrn pioneers who were gond• honest. strong. pure mother.. of fam- ilies." Their great lesson to n* is that tar greatness. Is ever attainld P1crept by hand work. The early Inhabitants of Huron had a geufus for fmietalll- nP** w-1gk h. by all nirn na. the should emulate. They were always willing to share with everyone, always willing to welcome n stranger and we of to- day should break down oar artificial «,*j,.1 barriers and lice with sash an eonality. These• pMueer. set Its an- other rynmple by their simpllcity- tl'ir hnlgrin*s14 even In the possession .1 few of this world's gaols. This prevalent wretehetiness of our present dny life comes with the pursuit of things matsrial 1411114 hkIPpinoad may Is• obtained by loins ettteut..t, In -s n wtnslon the speaker pointed oat flint faith was another great char. neterd*tic of our forefathers. The faith they had wan In theemsel-P*, In their fellowmen. in their eeptntry and ;thrice all in Shear God. Ity tins faith ebonite. were established In eonjune- tion with which the family altar existed. In all. aithongit the Triode of Being had changed som>,slekerably simier the pioneer rays we must look to the early pioneers of old ITnrnn for loon Atkl women Whore WI' mlwnmld .TPmpllfy 1 rte want to live "rhe life which 1 - governed by the Wisdom and i,nve o' Gori. We conned let their m*apoi-' fade." he co elude.!. Her. R. C. McDermld wan the mli- !ster in charge of the ser,-k'e. Ile tc:i- ns5l+tel by Rev. S. 14. Harty, who read the $ierlptnr• felon's, while the benediction was pronmitield by Arr. H. D. Moyer. The !lard Reglam'ut Bawl sIpplMl the anode during 5110 singing a taw hymns, 'Y), God! one help in ages past: '11 (lad of Bethel." and "NOliti'r lM7 ChM to Thee..' ' Clete w; The elf a ieelernnts tM the ,-lobar* took place Monday aftrrnaon on the the late M. / . e am,.'.n *-as the fir•• Mayor elected by thi- methal. Fr. the beginning the towi. had given ear„-, 1 cul attention to wluraii.'n, with teach-, ers second to none In I•..th public Anil high ss•Iwools. anti as a result Galerichi a boy and girls had sums -orbs' .sdw1 in ever) a walk- in life. For - thin -reunion thee' 1 -gathered from alrysarte of tilt ) et atlta'nt. from the Atlautic to 51.' Pantie. from Darla«. T• -vac, to .tb 5WtNn.••. of the North Poole. tlttlA looms gilt key was past s stage anal the Mayor 14. Roy. Dr. Meldrum. for the ()II and Girl*, 1n token o5 the hospitrtllti of the town. with the remark. "If Too do n.x have a goad tlmr It wilt 1-1 I not tai my fault nor that of i„tsr! a council" y Dr. lIeldntm nn reeelvinz the big! 0 h' `key asked wlwre the leek .wast and twehrif d for Is'apiinlit� led. 'We i.n•e slerich 1,1 the a t'., nada. 1 �; say this no- with any tlentgltt .4 tlsttery, but because T have sen most t t I of the towns ami T)IIa2we In Ontario y h' at least «net many of corse in the s, 1 United litotes, and 1 wish to say I' .licidtuality strong. relating and grips ing. Now. ,rlr, we promise you that while we are here we slash have dor regard for all the sumptuary law* enacted in our al'•etne, •anal without n1- coeo.ent, mid .hall keep as saner :r pt....Ible under the rin•tlnsitii.•es." The 1/oetor again j'*•ularly expressed Lis desire to know wharf r wan to .pr with the key. "It looks as If it were intended to open omit. (sllne pretty roll atm -lost With wruwthing. 1, wish 1' knew where that cellar 1s." Rut hi aU .. riousmw*s, Mr. Mayor, ame assure you of the great joy it lways 10 to go.t I:ark to the 0141 town. Tl* moat trm.er.-.l memories of lwry- le.dl and t[Irlh.es1 centre here. As we have Woke,' at the 0141 photographs sls•wi In the windows we tars-,. been transported r„ the liautifnl days of 1,•n1 ago, ai..l op se those old e11at1« walking tic streets as of yore, We a..or their ,oi.-,s .gawking 141 us. They were ' i.rlw•a rt melt, men of .•on- t•i.tion, of moral aright. most of them. n.1 these men. amal wumrn, trio. 11111.1, 0 impact upon tis• e.tmmuuity which .+fs t0 tins tIRT $elgt-tiead, they .•t lire, ,IT.i we llainor tlwlr n.e,n.'ry. Som* of u* roan say that wleitever sure of sura•,.,„ ,we have lard in a twen due to the tnntwn..•s of slay* -bronaht 'to ;bear in an4 ebntrh and home Wille air eel In this dear. Iwan,Hful old town Gollerteh. We are sure your wel- t. Is min en• a,tl shu11 show our r„•latlon by Inking /III you otter tJrl.. perhaps 11 little alone." lir. Nell MsF:,•11zd,. one of the limi- tary pr.•aidents of the Old dome Week organization, wa* then intro - and _ t1,• WISI 1.e -our hundred years old next Illeeetuls,r. The old gentle- man wefts Riven three hearty cheers. nal the Land pinye.l "Ronnie pan - dee." Mr. will ,m ('ampls•ht w:l, nevi in- rodmx•erl. 11.- ie' 1,l his eighty-eighth ear and hi- reeolletYlons of the town ao hark sigh:) years. Wheii he came to GrmlerIeh 1 1831) tae town 1111* a mall hamlet, ino.tly along the lake bank, and trayr•iling wax done by stage c*mch. Mr. Campbell retained some of the notable demonstrations ' In the toren--the opening of the Groot) Trunk Railway to 1VLiA. .'hen Lord Elgin lim- ited the town. and later on rislts front Lord Dittterin and the Earl of Alwr- I deep, 'pmt," hP sn Id, "1 ten tell yon that baa demonatratIo•n 1 have errr ,at- te•id,�._bae, ikiarr chaster pl.'a«tlre than meeting inn here today." M.r. Camf*elt also nrim41s 1 *omp interest• Ing elrcuvistanr•Ps in e•Mmletlun with the election of the tint Mayor of the town. The next speaker was Mr. W. M. rots, LLB., of_ furl. Iluron. who nr- PIvr'd part of his e,,rly education Pre. HP bmnght gree/Inca from the rad Roym and I:Iris .,5 Poet; Huron cal the tint.. of \11, hi,an, and he 1R VP Ploquent expression to t'btA hope that the (splendid feeling now exist - went on to thank - of the hurn.eoders. which was being este to come here. l.w•anse most Ieeautiful town in lune never ams a tow, .1 such a dis- ths•tive quality of beauty as the old town of Goderkrh. Ir 1- so -entirely tuiiike any other town : it has an Int - L THEATRE BEST PHOTOPLAYS IN COOL COMFORT Program for week of Aug. 15 to Aug. 20 a Momlay and Tuesday, August 15-16 ('ONsT tN('E T.11.MAUGF: In "Up -the Road with Sallie" Also "TOR('Hl'S MIILLIONS^ \Intlnor Monday at 3 p. m. Ing between the neIghlslring .'oentrien would always continue. He waw born 19 Huron ronnty, ..m..1 was proud of it. Huron had never heen behind educa- tionally and on.' of the great. -r tarn who ever lived in Goaleri.•l, was the late Tlr. Strong. to whom many a Yrinng man sod woman tow.'4-ka,a•Pwre In life. 5Ir. 1k.lg gate soar r. naln- iteepnr.'s 05 the days of the Finan raid. when as a prong lad h,' now staying In the town and w;ltne.-.,I the eventing w•I•nee. 01 tho,P *lays Reeve Tmwartha, of (leslerirh blain ship. tnel Retire Gorton Young. 01.1."1 1bor1e, bmnght greeting's from th.•sr to'wn.hlp., sad County Clerk Manton ‘fiVednesda) anti Thursday, Aug. 11 13 tf.io:les• 'Cedneadwr At 3 p.m. EDITH ROBERTS In "The Unknown Wife" and "LEAPING 1,10N54" f a Friday and Saturday. Aug. 19.20 mitten.* Sntnndar ns :i Pm. El .% NO1 1K in pnke in behalf of the county. ('MMren'a rt err in the! (!onrt 1110..-.,.. part foHnwed• 1-.1" htM„lace, 6 Delo'0 8 years--F'rrd! ick Gee, uth••'Loe, N1 -Yard rare: 8 to 10 y.ans-la„ M hay, Vyle. Elllott, heel, 1Mels, I60-ya 1 racy, 10 to (t yesr"'s ,- Walters. Luc M.Kay, Mnri'hloa McKay 100 -yard race, 12 to 11 years --Dart "Z54'aiIPr(IPardlnvn, Morrlsnn McKay, Ned SNIP. '00'7Ard rare, 14 In 141 Yearyears-Clowno. Cuaninat.am, r,, Hunmber and Hicte lir, Hoot race, 1110 yards (tared 'hoe,.), 14 rearm and tinder- 11on McKay, Bud '+t,IMY, Clayton NPvinA, anti under .Lira '45'0(4.58 and 110y W. lers, Hud Sturil>, I1. Muud•y, 5\'. 111„ I and Russ' Math, s.,n. i 75-)ard thre.-lestool riser. 1:. sari malt --4,t 0. 55rnvrn and ch.,.. (155'. -. Idrum that and Keg- \lun- rue. - Girls a0 -yard race,. 11 years ,aha Under-- Dorotto '1.lk.n.dd, Margaret Marshall, Marjory Inter. a0 -yard rae.-. P y.-.ir- ;old "under- Doris Dustin. Lure:h V. -Donald. Mar- garet Marshall. - - 50 )ard rare, ID „ars and under- Kathlr,n Luke', Heatrire rer.i.'n. Star- Irerrt H.►Kesw. 50-verd ra,e' , P: )ears amt under-. Helen :h.hnst. n Dorothy Cunniughai n Irene-111nnmll.1d.• • 100 -yard race. 11 }ears. and tinder - Thelma 51cAHlster, (;race Sterlinir. Ethel Heid. 100 ) ard rare, 16 years 411.1 muter -- Thelma Me.tltlster, (bare Sterling, Ethel Heid. . is -)ard lhree-1.•ggrd rare, 9 years and und,'t-Etlt•! Reid and Ilrare Sb'rt- inK,--if,•A1a Breefier tamF lister- • The procession on Tuesday morning was an mooting one and was view_ immense crowds. A young man in money costume rode on one of the high bicycles of thirty years ago at the head of the parade. next came the 33rd Regiment band, the town council and Old Horne Week executive in autos.accompanied by some old timers (Messrs. W. Swaffleld, T. Kneeshaw, W Campbell and E. Down- ing). the fire department, decorated bicycles, war trophy guns mounted two cars, girl on horseback. comic feat- ures on wheels, decorated automobiles; "World's Big Snow" (wild, animals. stuffed), an extensive exhibit of lumber and logs by the Goderich Mfg. Co., loaded on a dozen long trucks and wag- ons, Geo. Richardson with tractor and implements, Premier oil, Waterloo band. girls representing The Signal, comic feat- ures on foot. Purity Flour, Dominion Road Machinery Co. exhibit of six pieces, National Shipbuilding Co.; (flax -pulling machine) Goderich Organ Co., Fred Hunt, Misner Mfg. Co.. the jazz hand, more comic features on wheels, Inter- national Harvester Co.. The Star. Tlw prizes were awru•rl'ed as follows: Features on Wheels -Harry McCreath 4,enegerie;, Fred Barker,A. Lalth- w'al5e. abate1-f - ]lfFlolfinblTeft - mt. Kart nedy, Mrs. Harry Aunt, L. Wallis Lion- (idl), ilceorated Bicycles -Gertrude Lunihy, Bert Gibson, Mary Parson,, Lorene Dunlop (special). F'raturem on Foot (comic, -delight Hutch, Silver Blatahtord: Ruth -War sell. Features on Foot (fancy) -Henry Kemp, Carl Worstll, Gen. Bates. Merchants' Section -Fred Hunt. NI an u t acturera' teetion--f3wlrrirtr \lanufaeturing Co., Dominion Road Ma- chinery Co. and Purity: Flour, Uod••rieli Organ Co., Miner Mandfarturing Co. I,ailthumplans-H. Earl Elliott, "Thr ilog House." Special Prizes In the Manilfactorers' !hehon-Tine Jahn Herr Plow Co, Premier I:yst,lin' co., National Wtltaittitdirrg Co., Inds- national n's -national Ilarventer. - F'oi• Decorated Auto* Misr .118 :111. n, Mr. 1lendersun, 1:. Healey .hisn:ill3 , W. J. Duker, The (inderirh Star. Features on Font=The-Snood A special prise wai omen ars.. (.r 't:., Jean Coote*, who represented a .55 •,.- tern Girl mounted. Mtge ,roved enjoyed theeiorse rams on Tuesday afternoon. n. There we're light entries in the 2.1s 4'1 -- and h'•.and Ids In the 2.311' Hits". 81141 111 1-o sults were as shown lelow : 2.114 Mama--- faatty. .'stay^ f- ff. w' 1'11Yttiek, Teerrwaf►•ri . . - Jas k Power., (Jar(. 11191.. rmeph 1 1 3 1 Fa a May Pa teh.•n (55'. 1',nol„ ry, i'arkhill1 4 2 I;ne'-1l.• Prlth 1J. Jhilllu, .511.1 a 'rn 1R i 7 0 3 2 Wils,s, Tod.! !John Nra,te•, 'Marmot -• 3 4 i 4 Kliv 15Pwe7 ID.' -51.- • iaehla11. ('Iwitluamt. `...., S 7 11 11 Ranker 111. R.. Weaols. ttnnit `Its. Mat4lr 5 tae W. Ilii. WhiteI', ' ( III (1 Time '3.1111,. 1.111114, 2.111tf,, 2,10%. 2.30 ,bass - l'llot Knell t11. R. Wombs. Paull y5... Mnrle 1 1 1 ad. F' ni a,i stale w, Cannvwlet 4 2 2 nifty Norris (G, Society Secrets thinning bread Jurnp, 13 year. and ,,oder--Dnngl1« Nairn, Rod Cossets, coupled w If a („1Jur. 1'nme.ly '.IaMnrP 1ltlnaing hAni. Banning high inrnp. 15 year,. "el "P1 PI'1 1.415 E" ander-E, Chapman, Doty. (Nairn, \5' titer Hlekr. mining hop, M.p and lump, 15 Cool and Walla! Entertainment at 'M an'i uaw4Pr-Iknemtner i' ion. Clare. 'e GMnin,tism plat•"I,1 \Inrray. I'opular I'rirea ,:'-card three-Ieyrg*4 carr, 12 y.earm \tit.11 II1 .1 11 .b K George 1J. Millan. 111.1 ('rail 3 3 4 Lome riga-, 11 t. 4'nmting• ham,. t'larwlelooy,.t n 5 8 ionise 1da1 tin.: Whitely, .G.alerlchl .. a. ., t i 4 R 51r. Walter itnrtt*hle. of Kincar- dine. was -11e stutter.aial did Li, work in capable style. - Use Blackstone's homemade ice cream for all occasions. It makes a dellihttul, • ' delicious dessert. I'h,.ne 240 Thr Skinu s Ileq fret+ (on Cant !'are. Summer'. sun trying n. •kin., blit there .areis many safeguardson'iti,e in the form of dainty toilet preparatior..., lotions. creams, powders, talcums. massage preparations. - Ilur stair .if such goods is very 1umplets and ars we 5.';I5ur.• trade- marked. adt.rtl•ed line„ you may al- ways he sure of tinting yoj5 favorite 1;avd-Ht+w by Ewtnfag-iit,Miy- - 1 E. R. Wide. deur/Oat, • to onr .51105.. G.xlerieb. SAVE you are going West and if you need - anything in out- lines, urlines of .MEN'S SUITS OVERALLS WORK SHIRT UNDERWEAR BOOTS SHOES and SUIT -CASES Come and see for yeturscl, before you Our prices are right REMEMBER THE -Pl, M. ROBINS Open Evenings