HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-8-11, Page 4i
1 Hay - Fever
The Price is an important thing, but
the most important is
Without the latter an article is (1,..u-
1t .irany price
We have built our business oq quality,
that is wily we -do the business.
Our Prices Are Low
Considering the Quality
Fall goods are arriving, Let us sho\v
you the new goods, new styles, ne\\'
Phone 57
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
Goderi -
When It's a
Question o
call on
"The Old Reliable"
A full stock of Light FIR -
tures, Electrical Household
ton.ilc, etc., always on hand;
Estimates given and c
tracts taken for Electric
Wifring and Fitting,
West St. Host Postoffice
Phones: Stara 82, Res 193
spoil many a holiday.
i Positively stops these troubles 1
S.essiwas:Ina, cougkiag,
wesple eyes aren't necessary--
salsas you like being that way.
01.00 at your chuffgist's, or write
Ts.'apletoos. Toronto, for a fres tubal.
Sold by H. (. Dunlap.
I1'elut'+d*y, .t = •. ' 1NH`,
Death of Samuel 1'. Tr,l••,7tru.-The
,h'. li u.,mrn•d on Su, of
Samuel 1'. Trotters& a . ,•uowm
Old highly re.p.'te.J reel., tIds
romnnwity. Mr Trelearel. Ise ti
in.As!anrld in 1,03. the ret. .•n of
i Iti'hnr.I it 1111 $.11ah Trrb• .11141
lived in the township mean 1,1.'
life, terse+slug :Stat *ere! of 1 ' Tw•n
years al 4 he retired from :.arta
and removed to the village. II, was
In good health until .Alyn . f this
pate when he !weenie indisposed with
high blood pressure. He k•. r.. ^ ,
wife and family of 'three :
Harvey. and Edith 1 er:. J.- Ari ;, • .
1:914 eonee.aou of .1.htleld1. 1
Leaner.alst•snrvire : W. J., of II
Ary, Sauk.: W. [I'.. of ('awroa.. 1
b ertn : Alex.,lkof Ripley, 711141 A. E..
imitiouurw. The ,funeral! t.».k pl..
on Tnr.,lav to 1111I1) Inial l cemetei
the s. ride... I»•Ing (4)141ucte.l by ire
J. Hunter of Lambeth and Rev. 1.
'%1Il1eu of llungaunat! Th,• tall:
!soarers were A. Pentland. E. .Ander- 1' ' f
-on. Gel. Irwin. .A. Dlsher. tiro. Har-
ris and Jas. Caesar. .t large number
of rehativt". 11141 friend. were present
from Toronto. Hamilton. Rtratford,
(*Moon. Blyth Itinerate, Brussels,
Ripley, Alleutor.t Luekt)ew gild diode-
!Tf11.:1 WERE GLAD TO it It 1..
1('unttailed front talo f
aspirations. hole hope. Mild, ,Jr,,o
%ut.wl despair.
Thy way, not mitre, 91., 1
Monterey dark It be 1,
Awad mr I3' 1'hiae 1
1.4.aui,• uUI IIIN 9,;;;;44",
Fwouth 1e1 11 1w or r'(tsgdi.
11 w 111 Ire still the belt '•
The utu.i.•a1 service* of the d., ..
appraprlate 111141 were finely r, 1
Mr. lt"rt ('oft, of (hilt, pre,ibfe,l :,1
organ for the morning serrho .,,, t I •
F. T. EgeN•r, of alinneapolls, II,
eveiliIIg. At the morning serer.. I,
Thier save a solo. "The lord I,
l.lght" :old 11rv. A. J. MacKay tl, • -
"11 1 •trine Itwlermer." Mrs. 1'r n
Samplers !,wok the solo pe int
anthem. Kilding'N "Reeaslodl1."
the evening Mr. Keri Gutt,raang "Colo,
Ye Rle.sed, and UtNA Rata ,LYr:I
of Brantford. and 3Ir. (lett reinter.
the duet ••Lone i►tttue•:' An an math
the choir sang that twauttfnl and e,
favorite hymn. "Hark, Hark. My 14,11
Mots,Hazel lie•I.!wr and Mr..:411ml,
wine& the solo parts.
it Wa4 a great joy to the eons
tion to hear. so many of the
familiar vu fees ,mee more, awl the
he, of the day will long Int cited
in memory.
North Street Methodist Church
1r North street Methodist char, h ire
• Morning the sermon was by 11•
Armsrrong.•11. A., R. D.. of 1A.,.
n i . u -ho iv an "Old Roy" ,
street congregation. Hi- -
• ..a' "Tree Ohl V".'U," his tee'
it,,; from the 23rd chapter e,
"1111.,•:. w'hk'h rr•ord. David's I.•
for =,''.•trlek of the water of th,
, ..•, a ..hem which 1. by the
1- ••-•• uhf wells of the Bible
'••r friendly gathering SIN!
I s.,
MIN 1111d House 1t
•'• ' said the speaker, w
W. ..f friendship and sympathy
fasoiratiett-- -le had reealled the t1 i
Sall '.4 of many whom he had ki'.
11 d:. r -. zone by anti whoop memo
Tuesday, August fl.
Mr.. C'o'il Gratin 111111 '01 Teddy, of
Detroit. are visiting here.
Mr. J. 1'. anlliran paid a flying risttl
Inoue prier to leaving for the West. II
OLD HOME WEEK Ion Monday night a larte erowd en.
joyel a plea -ant dative in thP'rar..h
Mr. and Mr.. harry Lithium nal
little int jtftty 11x11 motored 1114 from
Mitts Hermlmn t;riftil 1+ _claltiuki
ttomfiuel from page 2.) here it the home of her mother. airs.. l
Harold_W'ood..o? St. Thomas. •
Mr.. Jas. Fowler. ,of ('ars►ivilll,
Ilona Fowler. of ('nrsrovllle, alich.
Rev. and Mrs: Nafte!. of Flora.
1tr,N•k .Andrews, of Walken-ille.
Mgrit»•1 .INlrew•. of I 'nikerville..
I'hoel4• J.•Itle•ttardsro,.of I)streiit,
I)r. and Mrs. H.' M. Strachan. o
C'Ievelfi 1411.
Mia. Nancy Nairn. of 1I' lk
Rett Dinsmore, of Detroit. r
Mildred M.'(oll• of Toronto.
11..1. Phillip, of Flusklug. Mich.
Patrick G. Lynn. jr., of Detroit.
June 1'1111•3 _of' _Detroit -
Wm. Turner,' ,.f Walkerville.-
('atlarine C. Conley, .1 1\'itdlsor.
-Chas. Hawtttner-of--Windsor.
('ins. H..•Dw•yer_ of II'ind.or.
Mr.: J. Jptt -If. Lon.km.
'Mr. .1. Jones, of London.
Helen Whitely. of New York.
'Dorothy Wbitel , of New York.
Olive Robertin 0f Toronto,
Mr.. Aloft, of Andon. •
W. J. Lennon, of Chatham
Kam. Curran, of Howell Mien.
Agneti Curran• of Nowell. Mleir. •
8oEEmily" 14'prraill Johnston, ut ()wen
Geo. C. {'ox. of Oak Park. 111. .
Henry Remo, of Marlborough.
Mrs. Robert Bond. of Detroit. '
Mr. Root. fond, of Detroit. .
tnnr Gl.11)n. of Toronto.
D. M. Johnston. of 4IwPn RIMINI.
Ralph )frown, of Toronto.
Mr. A. E. ('ar. of Ib'trrlt.
Mrs. 14. E. Parr. of Detroit.
Miss C. Campbell. of fit. Marys.
.1. Howe, of Huntingdon. Ind.
1.. Iwm;r. of Huntingdon, Ind.
.D:'i'. TfTi. .T-Huntfng,lnta. ind
(Torte Meadows. of Iltrntingdon. 111.1.
TIN. Wilt. of Huntingdon, Ii..I.
T. It Graham, of flood,. Iroff.
(len. DaWf,nn. of Auburn.
John Daws.,,t, 41 i►rtrnit.
Mrs. Ernest Young. of Ih•tr..11.
Mrs. W. H. pay. of Royal oak. -
ht lt:ry..af R,iyat n •.
Oen. ('nldbieleSherl of H:aileplmry.
. Mrs. Oen. Cnlidek.- of 11AIIeybnry.
1l'•len ('alIldck. of I1:711.;rhnry.
W. A. Tnw-sr -' Itru
Mrs. W. A. Tow,y, of Brussels.
McCurdy Tow.y, of liru•.ela. .
Wnr. R. fitader. of
(lnn•ge Ii. Mark, 'of Toronto...
F. al. 'l',elrbntt. of Toronto. '
W. O. Allis, of Torout... -
►. lurid, of Tacoma, Wish..
_.T. Edmond., of Tacoma, Wash.
Glary T.k'pfer, of Detroit.
Dorothy .T.epfer..of 1h•trolt.
Mrs. Dole. . of Detroit.
Mr . M. J. lhro11a., of lnrelon.
Sirs. J: T. . ate nwtT,T. of Detroit.
Moos 1.alwl Mn.'D.matd,. of Detroit
Mies It. ('amph•ll. 0f Tb'trolt.
•vernn E. Elliott. of Clinton.
Mrs. A. P. (ltenn, t► Detroit.
II'm..j. Pismire, of Chleogo Heights,
3'. T. Griffin.'
a- Mr. end Mr.. Vhnrt,. t)'("nnn,w ,in4 • t
daughter Marc. of Detroit. are Visit. t
Ing 1,, .1+hArl.1.
Mr, Pen,. t►'Rellley and Mr. W.I
Mcrurthy joinei the Harvest Exeur-, a
slot. to the W'e•st.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip .Austin and i 1,
ehildren, of Lorraine. 111ilo, are ri.lt- t
f in: relative. here. A
' .Mr. Thoma. ')'Reilley, Russell r
a 'ervllle• O'Malley mei M. ahs. ('h,is. Mr
f• Into.h motored ala fro:n Detroit. h
Mr. and Mr,. Y. Collin. and little r
dnnghter of Detroit. are visiting at ,
the nom•• of Mr+. ('.thin. hrothrr Mr.
h ry t1'('nnnny nim
Mr• Mlonnghjn and ehtldren of t.
D1Ptr'ft are visiting at the home... of
• for:tires brothers. E41w'arl anll
law r••.-, :'ed :it 11441 retired impressb•^
of ht, aeyl44»1 and youth n-hlt•h 1: I
been st''•,n. influew..A 1n his lite. Illy
In thus re11,•.vitig the nue Meutimw.r.
yonthfte days we utast not Gal t.
In.piralii•.0 for the task: of the 1,
and as "wril. of friendship" •:1:
sympathy and 11..11, to those aboltLlh_
----The er.•riJa:- service in Nortel St
Phnreh was conducted by the Foto'
with the a.,i.tatfe a of. rioting r' .
The preacher. for the evening.
E. E. t..,ef Toronto. was :
.Jtwed Septa.
T. F.: Ford, wh„
hien elnMely 1)-•...hitt•d- with him •
lie early y rs ..f their ministry.
After a fen v orals rentalarin!
he time spent m G.dIeril•h over fo
Par, ago, the tune when he was Irl
.r rater his life N.trk. Mr. Scott t,..•:;
+ his text the flr.r and seems.' rer.,•.
f Psalm f7: "The iord rrlgneth'
•t the earth rejoice: Art the multi•
noes 0f 1Ms be giel thereof. e17Ont.
1t1 d.trkne., ars r•nn'l about Him.
ighte,ustiess and jndztuent are the
abltntion of His tl,r.,,o." HI. .,.r.
tun w:. an inspirit.: discourse on
he .orerelgnty of God The Lord, h,•
aid. has not gone on a holiday, an?
lett his 4Ifik1 111 the hnn•l. of an pr-
p•trnt. 11t. In sl.i►.• of preen,
rrnto11 n1Nl the ails la ( men bar,,
w'rnnght, (:.wl', hand ,1111 dire, an•I
intro:. the universe e' Alma aiuI
Fall Term from September .ith
The Largest and heat Commercial
School in Western Ontario. A school
where you get thorough courses under
eirperienced instructors in ('omtner-
cial, Shorthand ant Telegraphy de-
. partments. Graduates assisted to
position.. Home study courses can be
, arranged. Get our free catalogue,
D. A. MCLACHLAN, I'rnelpei.
Mil ner
- FOR -
Advance showing
of Feather.and Felt
Hats for early wear
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kingston street, G(siert) 11
.11 mane.
-lir. John fermium*.'Mos Eleanor
Joy, Mr.. .Tnsepli O'Loughlin. Mrs.
McKenzie and MIs. little McNamara.
nil of Detmlr. came up on the (lrey.
the dfstitue, of mete. His p.
was a Mtlrring demerit,
oratorio "The eieaa ,
117 a grist chores. r w
ennftra on. an though me y
people after another : "Alb se IIY!•
amp. harp gone astray." Ti.n came
ie coke of hope .1 they log of a
h'li,orer who... Mine sbn,hl 11e
wiled : -Wonderful. Counselor. the
+sight, ;God.- the ....menu,- Farber,
it 1'rinee of Pe:ne•" and, 4.1. the
owMrful HnuIeinjala Clare. with Its
riling triumph : "And Ile -hall
rnign, forever and ever. Kin: of
1141' 71 1111 Lord of lords." ' '
At the monlir, services the .noir
a1s1+tel hi 14e nplen.Ild n, .ice
C.ARI,OW. t1
Wednesday. August 10th. 1
Memorial Seeviee,-\est timidity at
3 : n : kirk . a ;1.r -girt--Tam held in
Smith'. HU1 church in eonneeton with tl
the unveiling of •t nremorlal tablet .In w
memory .4 the kite LIvmt. - Roy A.
Writer. Rev. ((':ant.) W. Pinglawt.
M.A.. Tt.D., 44 Mimko Presbyterian "'
rhnr.•IL wil1 Iw the speaker for the
occasion. A nnfnterte from C••Merich t.
n -Ill a.sl.t In the imodeal mercies. A11
thy act h,•r. w1111 welt o....s. n_ are R
resput.n•.1 to meet at :'In .eel.wek anti Dna
attend the wrene in a redo. I Mo'
Llsh.tuingzon ?Lat..rdae M-t_luills t w la
renins • ali- Marj"ri,• woo
valnalde t•nw ia'LAtaina M James s P
- Th.. harvest I. nlmn.l neer. (Tats In
1lkI,f, but w'Iteet anti other grain.; 1
rrbe by 111'.- Kata Lrttie. of
rantford, who sang the solo. "The
'Is My Light," and 7411 C
or(', of fir '1' ,oma", wiNo 1)14.1 Man
mr o rcrl acceptably. at --,the
its -Mow L rely Are -1'1.' Dwell -
Ir.." .111 .I; '
he anthem
6 .'.
I m
+ Pao an•I ')eer." th,• .nets
" o, as sets n Jliss .\itk..l, ..,I Hey.
Moyer Mr. (loo 11 h•.;::, of
a former orgnn.-. r \nrth
hal, rnnt44l opt well ('urn 1M dadpe 11 r t k 1
•plehali11y and rot. And' Iwtckwh'at 1f 1) of 1
jt is tet...7"1.
1 h
are ge»NI. Thrr+hlug 111+ rommeneio 1',
rw n .ce the Orion. a.+•..nreanl-
e'nt to'ton hrmte cot lion, • •rrk'eq.
St. Peeer'A Church.
At 4t. Peter's vimr•h Inst rimy
TR Jae.,t t . dal
.1M r1wrr 10t04. - m
aur. i)' •n afonre 1w. .n1A rim!
'hn.hel.'of fall wheat !or delivery-atthe Mre(:nW elevator ti: ft1.2. n hn.ryel.; til
Ali•+ 1
: the gne.t of air.. Jarvis M"Rrlde..
el.. 1 •
. n I le., of Ton.Irshren . is
.Tenn ilnw-kIns, of London.
Gertrude Thomas, of London.
('ora M. ('hnrch. of ih'troit.
ai. Eagle, of li,lmflton•
Josephine ,E. Torkwnal, nf-Dletroit.
Jen net fe Mnnkinnnn.'of Detroit.
Mr. and Mr.. 1s. McGuire, of -Bien-
1,. Thomsen. of Reynold.
Mrs. a(nlc.)iat Framer. of Fort Wil-
3Iiss alnry Doran. of Detroit.
Mr. and .MM. John Thurlow, of
Mrs. 1...31. Morel*. of Detroit. - -.
al. .I. i'ridham. of Galt.
Blanche Knox, of Toronto.
1':11❑ O. Knox, of Toronto.
Roland ainrtin, of Detroit.
Mr.. W. II. Milford. of Monfort)).
Theo. i, itnll*rd, of 4eat;rt11.
W. 11. ihnIhird, of 4eaforth.
Mar ('.amrron. of LurklMw.
lo.=e en,neron• fif T.n.'know•.
Marr Argent, of ('tli,tml,
L. B. Jervis. of t'llnton.
d11.s I{', G. Martin, of Teeswnter.
G. Roo, of Terswat,l'.
C. Mingo, of it.troit.
SAO. R1Mhammn, of Detroit.
(Comtfotte(' on ptt(e A.)
r •.en,.+•. were conlltlrtet l..- Rev
Father .;gam, t..istt.1 t'' Ib'n Pinter
( I)LINdu,. n G,tlert(•I) hey w-!,,, wag
Ar.Ialnwl to the-prforTgat
P,,rt!'•nlar referenee to the (011 ITerme
Week fe'etivitiees Wn+ made by Rev
SF.Nat11,LF,R. '
Footer -%'114051•-•_.I. pretty warding fn
took pine,, at the alethndl.t par..nage•
Reumiller. fin AI'olne•dnr, :Ingu.t 3r.I,co
111 .i' 1 ','h 'k. the ruutr.icting 17artl,•. h
in n•.
Reginald I
g 11711.
g 1 .(. r
T w
son u[
Jnl t
Tow9er. Lith riot.•st,fou. 4atllportm, 111141 ""
11L: sL•arth,t E. ;VI7.r,Nl, of 41r.Itforl.
(out The ,wr1.7rt<iny was tw'rfnrrne(1 1.y
It.•hm'ty. The bride+nrrhl '
wt.. II i.. 1,mn Fowler. ,f.te•r of the , '
1 gr.wrnl. 711141 the •gr1nn a':t attemk.l 'Ire
11,y Mr. (Arne "(slats, of • G,wler1,•11
t..tynt.ititt:---`PtM -vredd tag marer was
T I.
Irht. w c at..
Voting. of
Hnmittnu, olio_ I+ a gnest•.at the par. 0P
•onngr," And w'la 1114, .,rig err, rho
.wretlal "11e(•nttw''' ,luring the sigu!li_• me
of the register. The bride Io,4►•,.i wits
chariiii,g In n gown of pearl nhit. ere
A 0
1' ,Y4 F...•' • .. "h►tost- ,fir
n► .m. dilly. ^
1 1 points t nssenspea trrt
th•'r (arm nit) the members ,d his
nzr'zation were lirgel t...1,, al In
.Ir ooirer to ne'mntmstit.' the riak-
:11 »
,d to din n
rnr ,
h n
r the
SI. merge'• (hurrh
t' the morning .el, ar i❑ Rt.
rge'" ehnmh the eonorr'g;Ul.., had
',tonsure of li,tening h, an ad-
.. by Rey. Canon./4 Kruger.
Toronto, son of Crown nut„rt."t' and
. meager, of Gmlerleh. lar s".ape
k n"
Pill s
rer tans ',tve-
g urn untie, whnr.•rrPt
nit. are honest. w•la:its.wev.•r 1,7ingw
w•hnt"oespr thing• are DOI".
tnnever things are lovely. ,raran-
r things are of goes) report : think
these thlrtg'. in 111+ fi1N'niny Pe»
rk. the •11e71ker referred !„ theme
dly soirlf which hid prompt.l
noon and the brotherly fcofing
wen In enfntng from far and near
such n hippy ..(rad(n: • 1're•tTt•
ill genrrat!os• to the life of t„wtee.
had el,me togcthe'r to renew old
ndshlp1 and revisit old 44•••,1044.
he Mill, wets .Irerlttg In the life
tim-'r•0lnmmnitlea 1n .which they
tel and ser' oinking their eontri-
ion. to the life of eland.' and M
nhrr of the c,4nntrc'o lralnt it
not the alien nor the Immigrant•
Mager declared. who would Rinke
ntiou of ('nna41, : It WII am. but
own Sons and daughters. It w„nId'
11,1.3' who wopld ,,,-,. 'tpM
tray of (lanthia and would Ie this
I.I.mI of th0 ..Mire of tl,,' Inrnl.
gnallficrttkrtsl► referrnl to h, 1)P
WPI. tete very HIIDRs 11e,1',I to.
he continued, to remote ti,e on-
IInMs whMh 1Nnglc,l n. p11.on in
fan. OiWMrto'. son. r ,yY
Ism aaor. ata more the,dniee.
aR t'baracM, tri the nnti,n,
iYt:(y of dein '.rrr inti! cep 4
.44111) with ge!rzetto ..refs'., "mlrtnf,t. r.•I
++11ud 1a•nde41• The i'pty,r ('nrrpli• 1'' ,1
.n honeymoon trip to 4tr,, if,,,, ,1
other points .N1.1 They Int:.,, 1 1R
their hon11' Iu the SIh (44n,,. of
Canadian 1:aeltie IMuMe daily see%iee.
Toronto.WInttipeg 'anrmnrr.
"Trtns.,',nndn t.iniTlti,'?.;,L' ,.ping
ear train t.•,,ve. Toronto no) i. dully
-' , hours to Fort 1%'Illian, . bourn
to 1Viunl d c
, r
Moms to 1•
I Ianrs .l;r. SS
to 3'anconlrr. '.1T , s, .ray
47, red on tl')hwonfIII''t:., journey.
Th►s train enrrfe. firs; ,.. ,,, sleepoltg
rnr passengers .tnly.
An ul, r 7: ,. ,
111.( r stop, n ,In,l (e01111Peta
for A11 orinei al . Men
for WPstt rt. 4.71 117111/1 n 71 find this a The
rla"t , rnnr,•nlrnt ,train Fainlpment f text
conel!tn of flr.ts•h.., ...relies, ltnndnrd day.
and tot,rist sleeiter.. dining, comlmrt. lore
hent oh.erratlon and eolonlit enr4 I tots' if0ttrrA
For 'tickets an full information s'.1 hems
ply to Jos. kI.I.I. t'Ity P,.srltgfar Agent.) mid
Godertch. t' ,11.
-The Scotch Store" ,
8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. t SATURDAYS 10 P.M.
August Specials
This is the month we clear all our Summer Goods and all
broken lint'. Business has been exceptionally good with
us this season. We had the right goods that our
customers wanted; nevertheless we have many
odd lines that must be cleared to -maks
room for new goods.
l te 20 nal.., white Wash '
- patr-Ui 'te-'ft in pil(ue, rein)-`
and- poplin, all this season's
styles heir, cleared at
A clearance of women's
Tr-$kirjfa in serge, pop-
lin and silk. Just a collec-
tion of our best selling styles
at almost .. HALF PRICE
We have only 5 left
of our women's silk and pop-
lin Coats, newest styles.
Out they go at
Owing to the exceptionally warm Cum iner we tied we have too many Sweater
1 ata in our racks. ,They, have all got their marching orders, and have all been
u.arked at such low prices as should make a speedy clearance.
If you are travelling you AIIf urely
amid a new kimono. They have all been
Sreatly reduced. The styles are the newest
i i se,arce-the_f¢weet ;From $2.75 up.
We have . too many raincoats for this
Wile of the year. They come in all the new-
est stylga in Paramettas, Poplins algd'Tweeda.
Rivulet. values 87.50 to it:t3 (x). (Tearing
$4.95 to $25.00
New Blouses, New Neckwear, New Lace Designs, New Belts
Don't forget our Mail Order Department. Our Phone is 56
PsIcine Mi1Jar's Scotch StorePre
The Lemnos Mall and Phone Order Store
among l'andau's frontier settlers..
"What of ';o• pre+ent generation and
what of ••,ir..•Iv.s ?•" Dr. Seager
aiked In eou,9n4lon -Are we the rel
corpuscles of our generation or other-
wise ?"
In the el. -Ding at 4t. George's
ehnrcb the c+,ngr.Ratlan Ward delight-
ed 10 welcome another old boy. Rev.
John Carrie, of Sandusky. who
community where we live and there
Is just one master we can +'rve.
Zeal awl serrlce sent' out the timid
apostle, to 1o• .,o ennrwge'enl. and en-
dure aa martyrs.` ,(;r.' WP careli'ss of
the thing. of (Sal '.' IM WY know
what the perils are ? Tlw fnttla-
oCntals Of Christ coos 1»• earrle.l out.
Chrltt 111 the bops of the world.
O ('rose that lifteat up Any heaul,
preaeflerl r, very the s errant. his 41. ! art' not sok to fly from thee:
prery bel cb;et. D lay In dust life'. glory dead
0ja mod Ion•eful. 11e4 tr -j - 1 tberr
spoke of MA PL•:t.nre And privilege s
In toying here 111 end Home Week,
the first In the hi.tory of Ooderich.
In the old parish which had sent so
many out In the world Into the path*
of +netw or. Thin old mother church
he said, which had sheltered as In
her firma ha.l many missing fncr'.
t1..,4' who had Rowe 1 . join the grent
Church Triumphant. Thr speaker
took for itis text I1. Simnel 23 : 16 :
"Aral thrid longed an.l snld : (►h.
1 e r e
hat on world Ore drink IM
nk of the
R1 h
water of the well of Bethlehem which
is by the gate." Thee s.,•r.• tie lend,
word. of Dared. Many had .gone out
like David, had careen, calamities and
trtah only to return tack to the old
hone to drink of the well of Bethle-
hem. Of all the things we get !n
thin life, the "pecker declared. the
frlerwlslilp, made in childhood are the
thins* tint! .mans. On this happy
occasion the filet that we had gather-
ed here was in Itself an Inspiration.
Continning. hr pointed out that we are
pain 11 711 never reach our glorified
A eery Impressive dceornti(wr OPT -
rive mnrkel the 4nn,1y afternoon
program wl n member. of the 1Md-
feilow•., (Iyer . Snack Knights nidi
Forr.ters Int .-together with a
dra c
t .if a
-term). /rf the great
war. representing navy. army And
air forts-. and headed by a firing
')all, -forme) 111 11 pr(xessinn
on the Sgnar.' and marched 7.)
Mnittnu.l ,Y•no•tery. The ',rawA.lon
was 1•x11441 by the a.Ynl Regiment
Itond And 1,1'14 foll(rw'el by a very
large nnnr4N'r nt autom oblle•. I'rne.
ticnlly etery man In the procesalon
,-nrried bouquets of flower. whkeh
were plats., on the graves of departed
brethren nt the close of the memorial
Ity the time teat the orennizntioms
in the lite of march had reached the
I•ife that Anil erdllean be.
Victoria Street Oiethedikt Chureh.
At I'ietoria street Methodi.t church
the morning service wa$,(owinelel by
it former pastor, Rev. - J. N. Allfn, of
Xoronto. In his open/lig remark. Mr.
Allan MR id that he (nn+klerel It A
grent b.mor to have the opportunity
of occupying this pulpit hnee more,
RIM espe•tally on such an auspicious
o.e,Mlon. He remark..', tomo. on the
wisdom of the committee in deciding
upon Sandal AM the claming day for
the groat re-unlou of the 1114 itoys
Awl (Nyle of ,the town. 11.•Ug111 wens
expressed by the speaker In that he
W11.4 able to ray.gulze in the enngrega-
thin Annoy of the old familiar fogys
of memtoet'. 14-110 were nnlong his
staunch supporters daring the tern, ed
his tlBMtorate. The 'sermon widen fol-
lowed w:l. a Mtrllght (impel me•ssige
(fellrerrel with n11 the rnrnestne•ss and
«Ineerlty which runrkol the frultful
living In a different age Hire, and
of Ida pastorate in that emigre -
"hall never see again tin. eonditlore. Ratlop,
which e'ximted before the war. 1A 'P At the wer111yt w•ryie Hee. ft. i,.
ire living In a new world and most Hutton, of London, another former
bare 11 new rlsbn. it was A (Vent pasties was In charge. lits reytarks
Hon, he said, If the world could ever' w'e're en/)tt flttinR rnr the .drAaou atwl
Plank meet siren n war. Aoedety hurl ills whole dlsdraurs' wits thoroughly
become Mid nt(•grited. C'ivltlaaton rnjoyel
could only be put forwart by nttng "It Is 30 year.. the, tell me, dense 1
our oppwortunitien for .erviee. It we. was
pistol. of this church." he Bald.
deplorable that so many living In ' I kwm Its history fine( know well the
these deign eared nothing far the m>an win rnntrart.T' int it. hnlldirlR.
fntdtarnwntils of the chnr'h and of the
W. 0. Col bama,re. .11 rail pal
+ph•Itunlly 1 nm hl. child. A Pon of
we he embwn•w.Mrs of ('britt 7, 1* hI. 11co.. nese me In Lotdlon. No mon
asked. ".Yost In tore not service."
or woman In till. church need be
fish lined of It. erection. hfatory or
7.tnialing 111 'society.. If there are thane
present who hnee spent their childhood
In til. town they have emote for glael-
Master Himself. in what way ran
was the answer. Home corning h a
wn,c to fraternise to meet 1n that bond
of frle)wlship and lore. The ehnrch
need. help In foreign field". A mb-
alonary hi'hnp told the story 21 a M'"" i hart been all firer the town.
,young girl who sokl herself a. a 0111111, of Ontario and I Ince y0nr town. it
Is ane 44f the Invent..! In the Prorin(e.
My ehlldren were educated here: my
daughter tnl)ght .rhool In this) town.
1 think of many Iodide men And Women
in ennnection with thin eh
t' help send the gospel to those who
hnd )Serer heard of .'hri't. The
Omni) of the IlvIng (:,wl most "erre.
it 14-111 Iro.w' out if it doe. not tend
help to those far -away Held.. Fnr-
ther. the pr. -ocher emphe.IAed that map never stand in tila pnlplt aaAln•.
"We must love the lord with all oar i don't exp,.' 1 will. hitt i will meet
heart" and our neis1fwot ea onrselrp.." yon 1n that land whore no tear ever
Love and e41've the Heater In t trkeklas down ter chart and aImre
(Continued on page 54
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