The Signal, 1921-8-11, Page 3'She Ism ale doge work Reed Swhat VMS pardons • • atf prier She Rests while Sunlight Works Why not ? That's what Sunlight's for. How does this happen? Very simple. Sunlight's gentle purity is alone sufficient to cleanse the clothes without wearisome rubbing. Of course, this is easy on the clothes, too. How is it done ? Just read the directions. Insist on letting the Soap you ask for - SUNLIGHT SOAP. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO 54 ice B DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAND fi „ as . 3fISTAGNEMENT STEAMERS 3 • ,oraR� s•-'Y7TY 01 IU11AI.0 714 T.■t■ D HUPPAIA,DiDy.ws lit t.qv 115th-C1.E taw kre...o 1415 P. 114. 1 sasrama • 1 time ctsvmaw .^I:,t woo F. M. �efntre Curnmaam - =11Ao . 114 f kr..•mer lanfal• mad Carraind ar.�.aTat 1l dinar 1oa.�..r.o ,• 1.10 t rL sit Canaan/ taw Older Petal. MI 111.1.11Nrusr_ r� d ma� ' -� s. 4 r [ bora .la C 14 14 W. IM. Tealiitt 14 ' �libe a s.w"'a'.,r4T'..w`�1 ,. war. Ina. fee .an as melee 127 lark .a..aiw A.Q�v a.la.a minae *weal. Ara et rf. I '. &811.WL" ansa am arsAat 2 carr .raw dile w kr .ret -}q. t•�ad s.ntl.t tea 3b4 T111111111111 ca a Q...VL n.mss •ssaawoa g- -rho Iowa wed ewes rAs ___ *aria r -1J� a.swsataao world. earner as pray, tseo prm.yre. , 5 The East n we were only visiting the East ▪ oaegliip....tlrlfa and I -we would prob- ably say nothing. First, because then are certain conventions which - even we Westerners mall, but mon likely because the East would still le 'bowing us that musk of emi!ing :lndulgerlce which it wears for the :benefit of the plainsman - and we ,should never have guessed its real 'forbearance underneath. But having been brought hen, so Ito speak, by royal command of an Master's head ofice, and having been given the inestimable boon of en- during the most interfering traffic police and the most acquiescent criminal police in the world, we are accepted as Easterners! There is no longer any mask. This enables us tar speak, as it were, within the fam- ily circle, with the mask hanging on a peg behind the door. Eastern uni- versities feel just a little dismayed at the irreverence with which the Western student addresses himself to some of the age-old problems of :metaphysics or natural science, and !the breeziness with which be takes 0(1 his eoat, makes his rough er'e- llmfnary measurements, and pro - woods to deal with that problem as • • • . 1 r NEWS FROM THE CAPITAL. If ai.ytl11g were needed to guaran- tee the iut(aca which Is bring taken by ('auudlami in the political altnation of the day, as well 1411 In the policy of al* Liberal party, that as.urauce has been provided during the last few days by the splensltd attllencre which have turned out to gre't•t Hou. W. 1.. Mac- Kenzie King. leader of the Liberal party. on 1.1+ tour of Central Orated° coustllllb les. Mr. King hie been outllnLgt the prew'ut-day situation lu a series of forceful, thoughtful address - (•S anti 4very•wher• lir and his cow- p►ulous have been given splel8lld r'e- ceptlwls. \\'hit.• the l.ilwral header le carrying oat an tiggrtesslre• vamptgn Of exlutwti n, aloe explanation, placing the facts ds -fore the people In a mau- ler that they may urolerstalal Just what the present burdclts of taxation and deft4ts wean to every wan, Wer roan and 011141 14. the INoulnion, the' I l.yphwtutell party of .Ito. Hou. Arthur kl.•ighru is stalled In the dohlrums; 1 tearful of grime the public too nitwit M IuMs formstn and ,v'klug 141 shield Ito own offences by eomentrating Its a4- tarking tompeign on the Drury farmer party in Ontario. Iktr. Meighen. of ,nurse. is ettll orer- mele and the business ..f the country Is at a seandstid until he retunts. 'While the burden of taxation 111 falling 2110111 !warily on -the wage-earner who Is least able to hear It, Mr. Mefgheu, 1s•ptising as a Mows, leading the Eng- lish and Irish out of their age -long scraps at,e finding a methal whereby i'nele Sam :.las the Jripenese Dan avoid getting Ito, future conflict. There ar.• teye-election dates 4414(1 Sen- ate va('1I•s to I.e.vieeldcel ,upon. as well se the hun(hei! 111(1 our other 1141ugs which .•roo up when the Prime Minister Is w ...tent from the ,ountry for a flew w,.,'' . but all of these must wait until Mr 4141114/1 has time. atter settling the at..in. of tlw Empire, to 101114' !some end • attend to tow prtsying 'ma business of fa. i'mloul,t.'dly there Team MOLL �- GODU1OIL 011T. TWO Ing of canis on the tabic. w itt. a full 1 wO ARE HELPED al•tvwlting for every dollar ,.r the pub - IN SAME FAMILY. lit. mollies spent. Only through lion - .•sty and publicity IWRhI r: a :.1 II i y 1lttwtiotl be se.lvet 144(1 11,•1' rou141 not he the wlthoUt the taller. Chas. Walker Declares Tanlac I The Tyr *beetles. CertainI kit. King ul+u kuot'k(rl the head v Proved Worth to the att,•Inpt, of Hoo. Arthur ki.'igh'n Hunself and Wife. end his -mare to charge that the 1.11"'1,1 tariff plk•7'a'as a thing which cee•r.,1 with the wind and war altered l(• salt 1111• tomWn7 !11 which 11 urs "Yes, air. Tanlac has helped my wife just outlined. \Ir. }Ung made it perfe•tly like t did tor, and now both of us are 1.1,14r 1"111m auditors that there was enjoYiryt trod health," said Chas. F. ne .'1'•1"ge'. The policy ..t Kir Wilfred Walker, 210 Langley avenue, Toronto, latent.. was tlw pdicv o bell W1111'fol. atnachinitl employed by the F. N. Burt lea .•.l today and 111way. 1V.011 111 111' fol - Co Both my wile and myself were badly It 1. 11questloof thrill 1. r•ceuue rundown. She complained of feeling tired ngannsI r tariff 1 Air protection.' dl[. out iron morning till night and had i King de•lared- allowing bio at$lleutes 'that the former woo a tariff for able people, fie the utter wit. framed for ti benefit .1 1Ile spw•ia1 i11teresttt. It was tisk latter tariff that 111e \1.•ighen Government supported and which it ref•c1 urevise tla111 the" j11lert+•1e 111111 , were Behind It were ready to have that rev1.luu 111ke•p114(''. The issue *:as ant proteetlou versus free trade. Mr. King de•Ltrcl. It was clearly l ermeu a tariff for prutel•tlnu 111111 oto• 1..1.• revenue. anti the l.ilenls were in favor 411 the revenue tariff 4j 1t .4444 a people'. tariff. if there could be sack w tllia.g: "Drive Between Cleveland and Buffalo by N'aler." "Paradoxical u+ it w11y sound. 11e water route is the hest one to take when motoring between Cleveland and Buffalo." k the advice of every well- Inf„awed touring bureau. There are thA,• serious detours ou- the route he•- tween ('levelaldi and Buffalo, • o[ sixteen mYrs Twtw-ee,rl Kist SprlM:1114d .cud tararel, Pa.. 411141 rs'twe•14 North- east. Pa.. and the New* Turk SNIP 11414•, 31111 for other In the vicinity of Fre• 4101118, N. Y. Thur -.I august 11, 11).1 WILSON'S beecdrse oto weak she was hardly ab e to do the housrwoek. 1t was the same in HY (?w. and K just seemed that my whole system was out of order. Nothing tasted right to me, and 1 had about reached the point where I f, It 1 was going to give dean out. "Ameighbot of ours recommended Tan - lac, and it penned to help us right from the start. We have taken five bottles now between us, and 1 don't believe either of us ever enjoyed better health. I have been built up all round, eat hearty and sleep gad and sound. My wife is looking fine and can do the housework without any trouble. Tanlac has certainly proved its worth to us." 7-_ will be a Hash to get all the buslaewl through in a hurry when he Chest get here. bort aides- there is u 411.181 change hi the ,.atrial mind there w•111 not likely lie a great rush to till the vareneil•s in the •House of (ominous, sitar Willie thaw vucaIkI4'+ will prob- ably 11411 adding to the strrugth of tie forces opposing Mr kleighen. Ob' servers hole girt Mr. Meighea'e Wpbeuowl party little hop" Iu regard T/nlrlmtS nmc e'w•eliP tow uu draSant- to tllow•'raeau1ies. There may be on• I trees of Snell a rlerlley l;v peering ttwir.. curs aboard C. A T< 1JIw sreumeett - ienvittsY('ket•elaaee a81 Ituffaht dally at '1.11) p.m.. eIljo)• a fright 1.1 refreshing sheep on the great ship "Seeeuliuee' or sister ship. strainer "Pity of nuffel.." en1 arrive at destination lu time to m:t11e nu early start the follow- ingIw poet'4nrl for Ru elrl•t[on thk ytar. 1 morning. However, iu uak•1al (drelre ale..• Is 1 • •t space pal cur-by•shauwr wvh ve for, stated to he little IIkllliood that the l automobile tourists is maiutnitlel by the 4'. & Ila 1.11111. 141411 the. novt•Ity of the idea. exe:•rllt•uee of accornwolations and low rate". chargee for this w•rvke Have been. highly appreciated by motorists. Government snpprxter returlawd, but from the iudk•atione'ar$1 reports reach- iltg here tlwre 1. Out a safe seat for the G"rermueut in the whole Ia,- wlnlga. Hon. 1'..1.. Doherty is reports! to have row down to Quebec and 14.1rnel the Conservatives there that they .utast Prime .Minister will deride on any suet* ae'ti n. especially as an election would not to ane' better for the Government than 4ould our a year Melee. and in the meantime there Is atonh.r four 1lssUI n1 indemnity fur ihu-e' un•nd'rrs 'who ku•.w they will not R'1 a n.rwiva- Killthem all, and the tion aeonkr...a. .►dell llrn .i'e' I11141)' 11a•1- gernls too. lOc a packet among tmn• l and there ; 114 rtrrM- Deaerling the Sinking Ship. at Druggists, Grocers .I.11I ,sun. meats err eomiug trot0 this l and General Stores. one anti that that they will not le ran- didatr- a.,1,1In many 4'8'44'1 111 ul.- in .the West that farmer mentioned by Bill Lan`- even one debenture would mean *one ley, who claimed that 6,000 bushels hill unpaid, some comfort done with. 1111 au' lotlgrr eupMa.rtiug kir. Meighrn of oats on which he paid lac a bushel out? hated root ATe Yrartkty-Irtrerwiisk i.uliviate__=Ltt,1s awl ham twin,. for a fright rate, would not net him mon The peat V Just u seta u thetint 1 Ilong time. a'very great emir..' of dun - Lean lle after paying for tare/shine. East. It sees through Os own Aeon- wells. at the bottom of `aa'r to 1141+e• arias that particular ureal. Well, if bis oats had been, of the law- tows just as gqa�ie�kly and perhaps 1 the next _election is Over l� clerk was iustrncteel_tiy the roan - price ads f'*. egad dead at -apo bpest a tittle mase q''sfrly than the east j s May lb prepare for the .n blt� t;,� d,1f leader of n- auaa11 arrnap 1 to communicate wits the Danish* nave that isbushel withbe must th to last n I w farmer is t rhe• nor( Parliament. Altogether. the Railway Boort arcking 141 have tbtla nays had 11re a bush0 which '.o last man !n the world to tel -cab „ulonk Inc the Melghen Goveruweut matter Investigated. and. If towable. pay therthrasher. Of course Seery rJolshevu!�a. I!, pPe n.lJustell 111 alt le4tliest Ikr,mfhle tint(•. ever rater knows that el t The infer- Ilautp1.chuck as 1 1 1 (►n motion of CdtilictAor+ ('ox and ]I Ihau \Ir Kiag In hl Ontario y11eeh- Snikrlel hyid'rl'". (�.-T4ryyiner the -Ape- ever `ot tic a busael. The infer- to semetmmse extra age ewe in this MOO was that ince more the railways by en r. 4+ crw,nu� th! Rn' p (•rout rates as .kdluw,. received its alae ore wa also getting it. a st shot be that f at attuht hl., -the tut third rending and ens pas al : ('unity Then was alta United ease of a Mr. Q rate. 7 :..w * i14� towosn3Li rate. Brown, of the Farmerra of the obi etnaa8•ial alt 1 tl rrme07i('e :.•tat. now; general m.•t*..ul rote. •( Manitoba who says that the cost of uhf/ h sh.lol41 I npp11 d these am milt., other herr for la..ut etc. 4 I ihl I his a binder laid down at Pilot Mound, purposes to 111 arr.nlgcd with the wMaaftoba, y now $48 higher than it ng tM railways. tis y fiv' sIo'' hes T 1 1 se•re•tary,tree+itrerm et the ,Nfferent' way rat year, andbl that the rail- f U dcete tell a i w•hew's Tlw following nc•ounts were Ii way rates are to blame for ;22 out lady patront sbo ha Yx i truth ; weds wlti„11 (te,. •el a of the $48. I happen to know from B an implement manufacturer that the entire freight costs of a five-foot binder if shipped in carloads from Hamilton, or Toronto to Pilot Mound in the spring of 1920 was $12.16; in April, 1921 $16.40; an actual dile ferenee of $424. It carried in car- loads to Winnipeg and re -shipped as an individual binder from that point to in 1ilot 920 Mound was $19.25, Uand il n 1cost 921, $25.26, a difference of $6. Mr. Brown's estimate of the increase alone was greater than the entire cost. But could you explain to Eastern railway officials that poor Bill Laag- ley's figures, and poor Mr. Brown's figures must not be mistaken for Western arithmetic! That because Langley was a cabinet minister the Western farmer was not fooled into thinking that two and two make five, simple because Bill sometimes thinks so. Surely the East has seen just such foolish examples of arithmetic in the strain of fightins elections. There is no higher level of native intelligence anywhere in this world than among the people I come from, the kind that had the courage' to march up to a new, country and say: "Here! I am going to tame youl" and stick to it although that cairn - try might still send all its forces of 'now and wind and old-time lone- liness to try to drive them back. As proof of the fact Langley was de- feated in the Saskatchewan elections -rejected along with his arithmetic. But leave the railways out of it. Amon` the small Eastern investors -the hind with whom my business brings me Jr' frequent contact -I find what I might almost call sublime conceit in supposing that limy can see through the charlatan and discover the fraud out West twice as quickly as the West itself. "No," quavers one of these very nice people with perhaps $1,000 to invest, I don't think I care to hold any more western school debentures --'or city bonds,' or whether it is' -until i see. There is a bit too much dema- gogery out there! Too many young lawyers strutting around and flirt- ing with parlor Bolshevism. Not just the.O. B. U. strike in Winnipeg though that was bad enough -but i read of a case, etc.,te the ewe"-InI wonder how many formed easterner, know the\amount of buncombe et that kind is talked among the little lavetters In the East and In England, timid people to whom the loss et the iaterest oe viols reason is that If they know it %amid la• us,•1,4(M-they (-mild trot 44- 1.1117 rb,l1111. Tow few remaining paper- whieli are chine full support to the Velihen Government are urging the Prime lllnistt•r to get hack to a straight Tory Iasis I which only means a change of owner anti 'treatise - ink glut the remaining 1w ken (at the I.hewrai': t'nianist1 wi F Wn4T ilii glare fir the new litre -up. Tile paler+ •Which are MUNICIPAL COI'NCII.S. a GOi►}:RI( •FI TI►R'N x1111'. Township Council. --The c',lerhJl Township r'oun'd wet in Heiouwe lin II. Hnlmtsrflie�nn .\ugust 1st. All mem- bers were Fre-writ. itee•ye N. W. Tru , wartha In the choir. The ndnute•s of last meeting a* read were loufrmtel. A dele•gtitiun from the 14th cone 5sfou. headed b)' Mr. Ileo. Sowerby. preterit• tel 14, petit ion. egoist by about 1:10 rate- pey4'rs regnestittg the eonefl To tale the 1axwssnry pr.u0-tethogs' with the Dominion Railway' ,J[our41 to monied 1 the 11)i,mitdon Goveneweut Hallways to sulietltate fur the.grade :Ci'oseini on the 411 (mtar,shmn ■ subway. currying the railway over the hiehwny. thus to Your youngsters want soine too! See them dance with delight tonight when you _bring some home. There is benefit and pleasure tor them in Wrigley's Nips. Also t/'(ARM/N1 1:•: _l E. 001181 EMINT Flavour Lasts A106 heerfully as though nobody had ever tried it before and failed! Un- doubtedly this is a little crude, and be bey will probably fail and never •e so mach courage again. But way, this Western way, will ulti- ately solve more problems than wayof the bead shaker and the doubt-oubter who cherish as holy (relics the traditions of other men's ifailures. Among bank people here in the Preset there Is an attitude of restrain - wonder. Well, well; What will • West do next? Three-quarters miring ---and a little bit afraid! And in railway circles F know high pfficen with whom, after a eon- lversation at Saturday lunch, I have invited back to empty offices to be shown colossal sacred books t ,bowed -there was no doubting t --how poor Billy Langley's head or figures bad gone wrong again! How Bill, in public addresses sol- emnlyoro the Railway Commission, swo a that be 1*4 hides t (let me see -1,800 bushels ad only made $2130 because, for - so oth, the railway rates had gob- bled up the rest! Well, the railway tee" hadn't done this gobbling it mod. Then were nd books were and there were the pal columns -and there the figures! Bill's oats had been of the lowest de, and if they had been shipped the longest haul at the highest '"^"""v' rate and sold for the lowest price in the Tear he was talking about- teby Bill must have got at least $622 pet his 1,800 bushels instead of the ilb0 which he told the world about. If Ids oats had been high-priced los would have had nearer $700. he 'mid, Raid the railwaymen. t he got only$260 and that the ys had taen the rest. I could have told these Eastern ay offtelals even worse ex - g-lee( election -time arithmetic this osis. Ikon is far more sedition and subtraction n in the East. But if they Westoth mom -there was as I suppose, the basis o_ •his eastern distrust it bee • nt *ttac ■ es western orators, the - Id remember one o the street ways a young lawyer can __ take for getting into public eye out West, and wtnni a good con- stituency is to quote tare and I aiiiiiiwwwwwwwaaaa s bet- ter for 14 family r to s o the ABC than to to her the that Igo is really suffering from run-down nerves, unwise eating, late hours, too much coffee, worry over her children, and acidosis of t}e temper. She would never recover. So these popular and wise young doctors of state flourish the sword of scriptural quotation and ,bout "have you troubles good people Stop worrying. Your public ail- ments are really very simple. Yoe think you have many, but you really have only one .railway rites! "IS he explained the whole eombinit tt at economic conditions that cause this or that unpleasant symptom he would put the wise men in his audi- ence to sleep, and the rest would be frightened to death. But the West, which is mostly wise, is not fooled even by his promise to bring low the great. It winks and a well the whenre- h- works. It knows very quotes Scripture to liken tke Win- nipeg Board of Trade to Judas Iscariot, that he had to ask a Metho- dist preacher to look 14p the quota- tion, because the leaves of the office Bible, used foe swearing affidavits, are pasted together to keep it from falling• open and embarrassing some client in the middle of a perfectly good deal. These youngsters get uthe and talk about the psychology farmer --as though any self-respect- ing farmer would admit having such a thing, and as though these young orators had ever heard the matutinal rooster or swe'atrd behind a binder. The West knows that when this lad gets to Parti meat and his party is in power, re$ponsibilities will sober him up. If knows that he knows that nobody understands better than the West the importance of having ilea a pros roue enough and am - is t mule o'. S undo of re•sent- lar poUtllrs folly. Thr raliway* and s rill 14!!4 g'nrnl 'nation and e d to iese fu114 dealt With by kir. ng n hat t , o ale Rpprw ri:at.• a frank dis.atesi(n of the vele lemic of the dor his seen evident.. ud orlrrM drnw❑ un the 1111(.ttghont by the urge ern 'd Ill. 1 hrasnre•r for tlw payment of the l me: i 1'.i Ilow'Mlwaker+1i1whenever(ta meeting. 11.11 linen.. building Young's bridge. tut' awoounccl nn.1 1.7 111*• turn011 + %47:1,60: Thomas Sow•e•rb}', c..inr 1,0.41-. • ..i.lelansr w -111c11 followed the (loefng of 1(1(1(1: until Fatenerm..11. servl:•e+114 ra od Llleral Inaeh r's'mtatarke. ♦ j - .- -_- \I r. King , l.'arly showed the people .,t a'uterb that in every pound of coffee .... tea they buy n4 well am every pier• 11 of clothing or loess anode they ion' ' Ihelping to swell the already well-' 'oared wallets of the Government's frh'fT---$Rne luxury titi.'*tnd incot1.• taxes.were only wet of the lmpos(tii, 4' people also p on eterT purchase l.e•anal• of the Tar} pont, of protection for wealthy Tunnel- faerdrer4 at the exp'nw' of the %thnsw,- • lod(1tir n4nd wage-earner. Keeping the Public in the llaik. - '1.Ilr baneful (omblluttkp1 41f political 1 i .I:'1 ilteluetrial Interests in power at 1 I o: uwra holey were re.ip%'asiltl.• ter the' resent eituatl(rn. air. Klug stated. 11 : '' Tot a question of Canaan rinfler- I 1:41 from the effects of the war. The! S` I.nrnlhlon wens soldering beeline. •line. o1 the 1 .•lose a+seo•intloua lwtwvrel the govern• i mein* and the big interests +illicit crew n bitioua euros •to carry on as lead - Studehakerand�ray-Dorf. MOTOR GARS It is a known fact that the Studebaker is one of the leading cars of today. Come All.€1,get prices on the PRESTO -LITE STORAGE BATTERIES. They have the quality .and the price is right. Buy a Canadian battery and patronize Canadian trade. We handle nothing but GUAR NTEED TIRES of the best makes -Dominion, GG odyear, K. & S. Bring in your K. & S. coupons. CASE FARM TRACTORS.. Columbia Hot Shots and Dry Cells. Our ply is always fresh. Sole dealers for Sunoco Motor Oils. USED CARS FOR SALE. 1919 Gray-Dort'in good condition. 1914 Ford Touring, good tires, worth the price. =-Studebaker Touring_anfj Crow Touring, in good shape. ere in the development of Inc whole country. Of course it is foolish dangerous. - etend ' that denlagogety is not it is. -Fragments of rash speeches. ... traversing wins and cables, have bookfrightenedeoshut who have the everrween "1 books of poop calcic sunrise over the hanest- closer daring the war 141151 wits e021 - tinned Iwennse 4.8,11 of (1wyr. futrt'1'1tn W1e1 111,14' 10 Help file 111 1111.. The ,praedial industrial interest. kept the a:ot•Prllmelt in ower, and the Ivor"rn- I nett in turn handed over million+ of onder Would It Help Me?" lollari worth of lnnsfrlesa to pis frlwl,l+ HIS question has been in r4'lnrn fur t1Plr emppxort. thous- • ) That 1t wens the people's money Got= answered by many o' rat The po'w'ers that 1vt�it'(,1 SD .e[nnrnlrrt'd mode no difference al 11. 418 of women who have r,... n d happiness e n i-lnag.d Such a eomhination of leis', found health and happ 44.•411 *1111 political interest/4 In the •' 111' the use of Dr. Chafes Nerve trot of the National railways and steam+hip lines thnt It waw 1np,e.fbie Food. for l'nrllnnwnt, 8-141011 reapMsenteel the pople, to se•ure any informatlnn r sleeplessness, irritability, nervous - thew e•xpenlitnrre or Applwtlone elf. neon, gloomy toreboding' of the thews nt111tle.. and every attempt to future, depression and discourage- declared. out the truth in the House wits meat -these are some of the aymD• rx ighen el and Servile by Premier tons which toll of ezhauated nerves• \Ielghen and his tk'4•vtle Mnp1)nrters. This. .ort of cond.tnattion. Mr. Kim: 1n order to avoid nervous ,,rnetra- dectaled, wait rr,pon+tole for the Miro" ti II II toIn or some form of paralyala 1t is dny.of e it�w*, a it insele,•.s1 efor ttthe n(nveri - well to get the butldtna up process meet to try and "[sow the Inuit- to the established at once by use of Dr. • lailrler Gorertmwnt end way thnt its, Chases Nerve Food. geV iven. But Westerners are no more rstrsysg.11or merle the present .px 11(1 yo vice than anyone hag nweMexrv. 7111 imnrier poolly a (14411mat k fats' & Ce., Ltd.. Tom'tq 'riven tQ this a British befttagteand conn. a hoz. a for OAS, an . Tore, Free speech %es ora o needed derelopnlPnt n1111 It is up to the Intelligent Easterner 4101 01111 useless extmv14genee. or old countryman to make enquiries The only solation of the rellwny • �• dIMenIty lay''" swans O8' purple op- portnmlty of wiping out the combine- ', vote. When that vote r(sn1tM in the elect km of • reprementative Parlla- Mot, then then must he a frank plac- or to suspend judgment before oidia` that the West intends to wreck the C. P. R. in order to get rails to build fences. (Slgasd). A WESTERNER (Froom dm Montreal Gazette.) _ 1,1 p" EASTSTREETGARAGE T. F. HOLLAND J superintendent. *MOW .las. \1x31111 11.11:111S111,1i14men)1141 gonemer 1114ri b the ne ad. sluarpa'UIUg grader Miele. 1tl•(a , tin motion of Cutltrell(n'.i \'ntnlerletrv4t tonne!! ndJoornel to meet first \1(.101.4)' in Septl•mber .t 1.:411 1,.111.--Adaln l'11 111 Totcustttp flock. Big Ship to Be Built. Cleveland, Au:. i -The manager of a Cana,iian 11• -et is hewing on plating an order for a 13,000 -ton freighter. and if the steamer is built according t0 plans work:d out she will h- the largest shier on the Great Likes. '1 he vessel will be 600 feet long, el fret beam, and will have four 'Scotch miters and q+adruole-expansign engines. The Cat adtan steamer W. GranT Morden s naw the longest freighter on the lakes. but she is only 39 feet beam. M re figuring es Ming done for boats for 19'22 delivery, but prices art still high. Shear, Few Half a CentUrt. it,terw+llna a va•nl 11 canon 11011 with murine life on the lake+ this year i Is that two well-known nau•iner+ 4111) complete fifty years of se•rvle•e. They tore I 'apt, T. 1.. \'e nin..•1i. who com- mon.' the (Meer Hemet. and ('apt IChanney IMrjean, In command of II the schooner. May 1'. 1)srje'1tu. tooth of 14'obonrg. These two pooplllar captains Mrt.'I smiling on the same slay tet the I schooner Seabird. anti they 04111111 tell e interesting Movie!' of their ex• 30.100 Farm Labor'er& it is ,s.tltuuteil that to hartae't this year's crops 111 Manitoba. Sankat- ,l,etr,ali and Alberta. it will require nirproxlmnte►y :Selma men. 'rile Canadian I'ac(tic 1)1111 nrran1rd :tad 1s 11111e1.t1.1ng 0.411x1 !•1)4441x4 tare 111 *1:.1111 to WI1III 17111 111111 4.111 run specie' train+ from Toronto Augnwt 11th. loth.lith anti _2nd. kprli,) ae'- at ion for wrornrn end rhe dre1. See auh (I*iwtd1x11 t'arltic agent for fiii1T ilefiilim. I p•rience" upon the lakes on the old 1,,:1111 before new anti more .modern craft were lautt•111e1 anti idlprorwt4eut+ Picnics. • Minneapolis ;num al Picnics are a good thing. They are to the sutflmer time what Thank ;Iv1ng I )ay is to the fall. They bring us into the open spaces of nature and free us frog the cares, worries and polite cnnventional- •- ides of an 'artificial world. Picnics be- -.. speak a primitive stirring of the blood. which sends us forth. as it did our ances- tors when the land was young. along the (road that gyprlees follow. Picnics have become such an institution in Amen:1411 lite that even business organizations find time to lock their doors once a year a•ed cater to ouch sprees. It is a steed thing mean funTt. are Theygrand ffairs. br g esu hs. PiciniThey drive away sadness. They heeymark arCdays man (roto 11111 1'rl ners and respectahilltN. y. 0 - 14 1 1