HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-8-11, Page 1The Signal invites contributions by readers to its personal columns. Let us know the names of your visit- ors. Also other news items always welcome. Our telephone is No. 35. s. The Signal extends its hearty welcome to the Old • Boys and Girls. CALL AND SEE US 8EIENTI-FOURTH YEAR NO. Jt URSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1921 `4 Nam ni(In Briefs The farmer's wits will find a Savings Aol oarnl which includes her own as well amber husband's'•, )same a decided convenience. In case money is unexpectedly required during' her husband's absence, she can readily with.' draw the amount herseU or issue a chegoa against the account. She can pay her monthly accounts by cheque and thus keep an accurate record of bills paid.' Our local Manager will be glad to open such an' account for you at any time. Pt1s far Sale --Joy . rick . t Nouse to Rent -MSL (• GOdrkh....... Notice to the false• -4.r '1 Cant Lan -Mra.taken Building Lot for yapa .W. A. «+ya Wee This Ad. Intaaedl•r Yoe! t_. LOST OE POOND. Ind a good' time. any- : Judging fn Rou- gh (:oderieb I)1. 1111.. Ott. of (it ago co *s 41 prize•. for th•• . old town hall was,' tter..raNvl. 1.111 11.01 , as a peacock about It. irk r. M. 1t. for .South town for Old 'Rome • Sulkh. of IAwilon. Mt+. \Villains, of . of Mr. 911.l Mrs. street. et. kirk asks that those apt+ for the eon.... ▪ Music Store eall M. posihll•. ao that or wi+laid. .f h lchener, who *ter of the acrd Reel- ' a month lath winter, Waterloo Musical So- d vidt t0 Giwlerlch �16S7ERLINr ANK COP CAN • Chicken Dinners Ale Menesetung 'Park' otel Chicken or Duck � . will be aet ved every nday minas_ ing. from 5.30 to •30. Kindly phone y.• reservations early. Phone 351. H. EARL ELLIOTT. Proprietor. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at $3 per single cord. delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Ansley* St.) Phone e/. N GATE WONG'S CAFE OPEN 6 A.M. TILL I A.M. DINNER A LA CARTE SOc Change of meeiii Ma cwvc O I►T ALL saouwa• Chop awe • airaelaRr ew..n14 .a U-koacsa flaw•s mai, by dm het cid. Coons.. Trmaama P..pt Savin WONG'S CAFE mea ITISH £XCHANG& HOT<L M4ONE tel SOUTH •TRCgT R. B. P. No,10e1. • Masts Ort' Tbsr.day at eaci taoasa, la IPMAIL. an' Hall. Visiting Sir Kaiaks .. _ DR. S. WRIGHT BURGESS Chiropractic Specialist. Mute and Chronic Diseases. Office ooNsr 1.661 Theatre. re. Come and tee bat Chiropractic will do for YOU. Consultation kw KEN WHIT UILDING LOT FOR SA ['rock street. Must Ma61d wahw t 1. make tom, to MR! THOse . Vfctorl• trot. Gatwick ,wick or to EY. Cllr ak %se. New Orleans. TO RENT. - FIREPROOF. REPROOF, RS. J. b. (OLBORNE, St. Pat. 'iARAG T Apply dek'. street. HOUSES- ' OUSES. All kind, for sale t very reato.abie Wee& 11 you want a choke orae in ,rid We my list, 1 have some of tr.e beghome, n s.le. ,QGoderkh for Amity to Real Ea ate and I Phone 50. u. t .1 LIOR SALE. -AN E1GH},EN-FOOT a.' motor launch. Two -cylinder. engine. In hrat.class condition. A •of STREET GARAGE. vat �T L1ARM FOR SALE. -IN COL /RNE L. township, i _ concession CJn,isl. • of I of of ' c el air land, in acres of bush'. five acres of orchard. mosfive fruit. Preston steel -truss barn. 71) lest 1, .y A tart with steelc.itle stabs • cement silo_ 10 ft 4 44. ocarr.«• tae and by 1t It. Good dnve pio fa. Two never -tailing This wells..y.s Good nitre:raom farm house. This props s mike horn (.icsituated. in a splendid location, be np on)s Oder h. McGaw si areae and close to church end school. Apply to1.h.0. P. BEAN, R. R. No. S. Goderich. Rural Phone 16 r 11. HOUSE FOR SALE. -APPLY tlT(' 8. C. MUNNINGS, Nelson Street. ti filARM FOR SALE. -LOT 25. CON a. CESSION 3. Goderk► township consisting of 42 acrd of choice clay loam• with spring creek and aping well. Barn s0a,O, with cement stables; bay barn. 111x27: drive -house- 11427; small hen- house: comfortable concrete cottage. and t acres of orchard- 1t as situated one mite from designated Pror,nciel county road, seven miles from Goderich, and is cr v4.atat to school add March. Apppp's to B.H LINDSAY. R. R. No, 2. Godsrkh. Phone Ong r 1 tf RESIDENCE FOR SALE. -APPLY MRS. C. W. DOTY. Nelson Street. R E N T. -E h el have of tins Hu0a would (►n ••Old usual street Roy. " t. Mrs. Rev. E. a o(t Yt•f Rev. A. .- Ont.. and )i Wltahor, pro rag• ktadb a the IIIAttenee tbi, IIYP. of 11 wit t time irrrlerideatud brow M m look of he F' ehnreh add:roam hT Rev. J„ atleied is tai WWI* Pfeil TI song ori Har. at, Ian n uigflrs of .44142)23' 1111111. NletTi tithe : I,oweromer+ mos The New Editor of The Signal. to doubt the truth eu tine oft ya.lta- atn,'o ,It ills` tYnnbn I yeti to iti. e,•uinK times di,' rut' in •21.• t •errIop .Orth church. (the, tv eh• ser or i be 'Ja II � C t sta.'s rvw1g. n[ c(-i.nrg. t of V2 . Mao. t. or nibrea. Mary R -,r. of Ritz,1n1..e �rs: . nina.I i'•"'`••" -9rr cicin: t 11, v. en It kers r0 re, ailed , les of gid -I a iser• were 1 . o..11f Qui and the t for 'brief I ol►err.on x2111 t -fair)) hymn. ,t of n very Moore of til. 2111721.71(1:;144.1;.a."713:°;04 SlyLmOa.qs,lwa.rpoo 1 10•,. (hoar"I mise at Malt - t1 ' We • Sal claim membership for many ears lunger. One of the fen:1114.s of the stre:•t do.oratkl14 Wats the banner aerie.. North street opposite St. Peter'. church Iirarlug the insl•ripaiotl-:---i.;t.ee- t u.aw Bowan . ! Hrl herrto •. F'r u In 1'11 sal." It *• a.Ix ,w I ' V ill posit uudr•r 1/le direction of Re(*. }other 111111 111, the u,a' poloist] plrlt•a, and as interpreted tt 1, lutrti'ularly .ignt- di'lult ill view of Father (annul's n.'ent arrival iti (:e*1rr1'f. The text is from the Iii2m1 PYalw Hod to Elrglisii reads: "li+•hut(i how good a thing it is for h1e•thr411 to .then in unity." Although a comparative .Irnager In (llxlerich Father GIltlw Inas been 11 11spwring lit his .Wort. to ala ke told Home Week He is cert' mrieli l•ilarino,l with the Mediate,. of (:.*!.rich and le looking forward to a happy sojourn here. The record of tau of M1.• runner. who took part in the old Home 11'oek foot races is -of r,nl iut.r.,ct. J114.14.. Mlluw, of the I:Lul.totie .ltlileti. Char Toronto. 11',-a,Ile luta rho ('hntupiolo was the i1r.t runner to finish in the British Ewptr, at the Olympic THE SIGNAL PRLNTLNG CO., LIMITED, Puhli.hers, They Were Glad To Be Back Old Boys and Girls `Return in TAousands to Enjoy Themseiies as in Childhood `Days One (.1 the most momentous week, in I Blared, whir .v.u1d not be forgotten. the instar)' of (:,derich i, just closing and I 1»4'11uw' in their Tallow: walks of "life as The Signal goes to Press one day they hurl 111/1 11.. Lastinghupressions oft• late (on Fridayafternoon, the final events 'on 1,11 those 011.1 hod Bowe ill ,outset in the•Old Ncne Week program are bting I w,Tit.th r goo. re•.alth•.x and the glory of a staged at Agricultural Park. Only a par_, town ask in the wen who went out tial account of the events of this historic fn'it. Mr. \1'tlwon continued. He week are given in thisdssue. Thi+ is ex- i.lo .w I rulpla•1). 011 they fart that if 4:.w1.rh•h had given aiythlng to the i plaine(i by the fact that several members, world that we. worthy 1t 'was in the i of the staff were given permiuh n on seer I ulauh,.•6I wh_r bud 44........... [elms Ala 1 seal o ccasl..ns donna the week jo Partin ; uddst. 911.• great n k Jlntoaultg. paten file ce'ebratiorr and the puhhca-' ii ot,R.id••r•,1. wasWiin theof ,inti'.':Itluu tion of The Signal on schedule time. tier Ilk "2 +Wi w"nid I1i"Ni. Tie lu.1 , the• ..... ., a" 1110 week consequently was a physical intros- hrireh. all wens factor. in the eulti- •tbiltl). I'ration of trio.. wails...!. Lilt w-tlilit The report which follows covers the `'i` Ilization might surwire the down - I chitf eventt.otthe lest three (lays The 1 G111 of ,the ehun•b atltl_aite shoo lt-- ee . s t. . 1 Of tate hone. K kb. Phone Goderich Rural, 10 7. 1242 Fine Clod' FOR S 5111 palls for .11.06 HMI palls for ... .....12.00 301h palls for .'. 16.16 David Mcflwain ea 20r lb In )our own pail. moan et0ON1'. I)uitgarwion 6r7. Be'aunfller 133 *TEWART BROS. Berman/sr Nuneeries S, R. No 1 Goocw,CH Agent for International Harvester Co, of Canada. Akk inds of Farts Machinery "; In ilk Old Stand --Hatmilton'&reet, Goderich. We were here when you were here before. We Welcome You Back - Still in the same business and doing fine. • Goderich Planing Mills LIMITED JAS. BUCHANAN, Manager • ng $ 1 ,000 Through trifling economies, you can accumulate one tJhousand dollars in a few years. By tently and regularly depositing $2.00 a with us -with interest at 3%, compounded semi -annually -you will have $1,211.43 to your credit in ten years. Copy oi our brochure "The Result of Mak- ill( Weekly Deposits," ken on request UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager WAN TRU A M1DDLEAGED WOMAN WITH 'sit uatrorm'caence in mg for Cariold lna yfor old people wishes References. Addra.SIGNAL OFFICE, HOUSE WANTED. --I WANT TO rent a good dwelling houae'ol seven or eight rooms ie a good locality in Goderich Possession desired September 1st. T. G. CONNON 1- 11.11 pbooe otel. Apply to H. EARL ELLIOTT. ►hone ENERAL KITCHEN WOMAN OR MAN WANTED. -At Men'eetung Park 151. ►TRUCK GOiNG TO TORONTO. - Friday. August 19th, o available to eery bad to city. Telephone 35 for particular. ---fig.. 'ANTED,- QUALIFIED PROTEST- towrrhlp. i Duties t0 Comrbence Septe.C�iM Apply, stating experience and salary expected (persoml application preferred), to J. B. ORR Secretary- rlaaurer. R. R. No. 2, Goderk Phone h Phe 606 r_21.tf ARTICLES FOR SALE filOR SALE. -A NUMBER OF WELL- 1.- BRED young Yorkchire pigs. Terms reasonable. Apply to JOHN SOW'ER BY, R. R No. 2, Goderich. Telephoce 13 r nos. It PUBNIC NOTICE. EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant at Wet chrld's gye Hospital and Golden Square Tbruat Hue. oitak_London. Eng. 53 Waterloo St. S.. Stratford. Telephone 267. At Bedford Hotel, Goderich. from Wednee- NOTICE TO CREDIToRS NOTICE TO CR ITORS. IN 11111 EassTa 011, JOAN Egger., DIOS 4510. Noetca is hereby insert. poesuant to the Trustee Act. th•t •Il mesons having clailfte against the estate of John Lung. late of Me Toernsbip of Ashfield, in tbe Cnunty .01 Huron, farmer, deceased. are required. or nr before the 1fith August. nal, to rend in the same to art undersigned Solicitors frt Johanna Long. istImin- ustratris of the equate of the 'aid defeated. and that after the said date the said Adnurustranlit will distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claim. of which she shall then have had notice, and that the said Administratris will not he liable for the sod Harts to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been Yolk', or • tor anniaistratris. Goderkh. July (nal. St CrTICE TO CREDITORS. IN TWA EtTsig OP RICHARD Fallgtill, DOM AMID. Nang, is hereby given. pursuant ot the Trustee Act, that all persons hesurig clams against Ilat estate of Righata pr,00•e.likee of the Township of Colborne, yeoman, d,reare d , Ere required. on ix before the i nit day of August, 1921, to send in the same to the undersigned Solicitors for Prer•k Wood, AdMillialeatot of the estate of the said de- cessed.and Holt after t he mid date the said Admin- i*tratew sill denrihute the assets of the said de mom imam ta• peranne entitled thereto, having rataveirmit tort. claim. of which heatiatt then Imre* had. melee, and that the said Adrninialrstow *Moot Rs f..r the Said Marta lo itr.y wino loose stem nonce awn we ha.. been no- Soften/in tee Adreniatrator. Gi.4erieb, Jul y 27. 1921. rain. . "under.. • bt. Gib- bous. U. A. \sir, J 24. $tr 1n. .1. A. Platt. P 11 Joh n, of Owen Sound. and Geo Stevens: of Guelph. II of thele Mp;e-Itnt*atl bretlinat have .•ern Ponnern+l with Hamn L.wlae for nt leant a iti irt'•r of a century cal tie won over fifty nem 'alneex ear.s (lladstone Club Koine• taro yIf the n1 Dellow liars t ottarte) as a runner In 1!11(1 Rt. Marys. tint. Jllmea M.oer.eraft. of the (llxd.tone ('lob, 'of Toronto. i. the sew of thee Chill and they 4/mario balance,, uuld nor long .Iu ci2* tlh• downfall_ wjjHappel: 111 next w RAWia ('huroh •J The mercies in the Itapilet ,Inrt•rtl 1.11 StIt*hly \Sole pl•esidell over 1.)• the Heti . i,a•tor. -item. Normae 1►a) is, 011 Ile the Ilretll'lll•r for the 40147 wasGr.R:1 Moyer, of Tun.nto.' hr. Boy. 0110 111 twenty•e•tghtl years ago. 'o years' resldeuty her.. Itf-W'fertee i1.x.p•r ' left I:..1. I)nring his he Itrld the ' /f I: w Irri,l t' i utnh• Mal an K illis w it • arlrolw uppi/rtu ivy for 1111lly 1.1 greet their .411 ten)' r. The rodelre..e.. at booth io wires we • markt! by an l•tlCil�stuthnl_: that wx. t..n,,k.l lit n malt sh...tee to I.ring I.•f. a 1.1. hearers the weskit.. of Jesus . s the only remedy for 1h,• coria'. r .ul.le ruxl the hrilrtactoes of Today. petiole WNW III.,. ,ii.- 1Ii, 2),Mtur d.r rota at the innndite servile, -kV few 4,1)1r wain a Sit lhaw to deliv,►r thew .nr Ole ;Mower of The senior of prole at the morn!. I'ort•l. ' waw aUgrnelltewl IM a ...to sweetly n•nderel by Miss Ella Rob- ertson awl In the evonIng Mrs. Mini- no-veritably.her. and Miss Hail Poing is duet very l_ ' ,\ very large Ivua.•1ation tilt• 1 Knox ,fine• h fo{ the et ruiog w•rciee. when Itet•. Andrew aleldruw. 1r. It. of 4'I••t'e'talid. ,thio, wit. 411. preach.*. t•• vac tens front the Epistle to the Romans 1:1': .t ' Vli,'uw.rter I take ! no* journey into tg4.in. l will noire; to I;you."- The gnat apostle never took • that Journey to Stain. l.ut went to Ru11i' 1*11e1 1. it prisoner thew wrote . that great->arls.s-get 4.niaalese+v{eielt bow been handed, 1 d . t c . . 21 nn I the X•w • I '. T to t merit. I fins wit 1sl.rful anys of carrying out III. intro...».. said MP speaker. Pail's work ill It01110 1114:11K. more to ,:II stud humanity than any- thing he entail have dune 111 Stella. s. 1114 apostles long -cherished, plan of a j•rlriwy to. Spoilt' was fni+trato,1. )40 tnauy aeau a)xl% kie plane defrosted. • but learn. in time that his 4Hwlpywtint, mem %cis for the 1wst, that 4lew'. plan for• hi. life 011. 11 better one than hist own. The grim thing at :1. that twin 1ho111.1 hand and keel hk aspirations. never let go ids. Weill.. even though hey should not he realised according 1. hi. hopes. i►,vid did not build the ten de. brit 1:011 sail 10 film. "Than Beds 0,11 tILO 1 it was fu thine !wort to fin .1 nR Jtouse .into in wimp Nilo 0 ph • along through the year`, and then tom. to a re.1lixatlon that all hr hail hoped to wake of ails Ilfr ha. mine a1t•wiuglc t(? n+n1ght : int *n long are his de•sir,•, were good and sit*rrr file tran,.•a fn *•1111 gl»t: only ii halt, 1114 wt/y get. Cl.tl 11 for the whole ioriltoey. The terrible Hling 011. that nn Jlngiro !p his 44'nntiuu,ouvl to on aglde 4, ) Kees Chen*. -- fie eongr•lnuion of Knox rhumb Wit. 'try Mi•tt•yltl tet weleome Rev. Jan. n•Ilwoq, it. • of Ini enurt mad I n•ay �rfatj r v, pt "orating Of the 32nd chapter of lode. ve- A I 111.111 .hall bens an 111111111 plan -(nun! the wind. and a '0reri from flu•°tetu•I pie•.t as river„ of water In at dr.1ry pine a. the .11ohm of a great roe•k in a weary 1:1 lid.- 1liwon r.lug ori •'TIR.. G eetanws .n*1 the 171ory and III..\'aloe; ten -mile champion. whleh ra,r he won of \Lnd'owl " the k r a t St_ _____,Pie___ - le •p41l .'r pre ruse: Pi ANO' TINED-APPi,'2 TO C. V. riCNI1Y. Music Studio, mrtth side a Spuarr tf ANNUAL PICNIC Court Goderich, No. 32, Canadian Order of Foresters will hold its annual picnic to MENESETVNG PARK ON Wednesday Aft/nese, ARguat 17 • b -others are requested to meet .t the lodge rooms over Herten Shoe Store at 1.00 p -m. Visiting Broth-. - see welcome. Bring your ant= ily and your basket. Conveyances will be there. 1 Here Few More Days. - Have your hand read y scientific 1st logy, Has read I - bands of nt-dittintunted t. t. ircl-u41- I Me Marconi, Bernhardt and aurier. I Hire for few more dagia. Bedfor otel, { Rnom 26 (second noon, Hours 10 12: tu'..1 hew( fttfy itatt ' t't'r'.rr.war . silt,. an .•vprl•ssion of pleas- e has nun twelve straight role. this I ntw oil l4lt4g pririle•gel to lair hark sr and 1. the 1»•.t 31arntl pen.• nuiotrg his old 4;.x1211,21 mends, lit 1•annllaf ,*lay. Hl. 11x1` "hag There was elso n sadness, he .,,al,). sea w•III he to defend the /II•iwrnl' :,1s.elt 111e• rkvnslnn 14911 Ilse sit many Onn1 trophy tot Toronto Exhibition I free. were not nnloue the liowt•- Roptrn *•r )Int. TLi. information Wes comer.-f,r,ei of ilii...' who had fnrni.h The .ttignal by Mr: Art I ila..ed mi before. Ti,. mimes of some 8(•hde., I :moon ( t.rn a artist. who] of the ont•t:uldhil 121x. took . ,et to the races herr On 1x'11 reel K gKnn•f who Will 1tt•.day. SehuJ,l, lakes .relit { d Uti Omni) pulpit weer sew for putting 3 we•riift ludo the run- I :,.l,' parti1•r,'. T. SAS. being 11NNtK 0amy. 1 xra_k.'. 11444 n foie m14 - to, Ito. 1'rA. Rev. rso tlTrUu,i, nest �T. Ta s. A. Aniii•rialt. Tribute other rower. to .ring on the 2rrtek.t xJj„t uas. pw11d to the. worth and both'. very shortly. .,n:•e of such men as .Ins.' Mill.r..las. i R('IF.NTiFi(' \LNI`ile itch:man laid I1. 1. Strang. It ens +11,11 0,11 a. thea*•, Mr. \Vilsoa d,• 111 The Pavilion NEAR SUNSET HOTEL TAKE YOUR FRIENDS : Where you are sure of the 11 111 • BestAiyor Best Music Coolest spot iris part of the Country DANCING • Open every afternoon and ecening. • X Acitliatindnalwe have an orchestra second to none X Pieces have been added to the orchestra X in these parts. - Be Stire and have your friends see the 111 They win enjoy every minute. new 1)18( Goderich Amusement Co. Ltd. • )+ BORN. ROBIN1t1N -Al• St. Anguitine. Augusto. to Mr. and Mn. Chas - -ion- MARRIED. MII.LF.R - WOOTT )N. -At the residence the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs Thai Woo, Huron road, Goderich. by Rev. H D Mos on Wednesday. Auerst 3rd. Mos 1the Wnott m, to Mr. George Mil et. 01 Owen Sound. - __t <under, binion- a DIED. HEAT-F.Y.- In Goderich.nn Monday, August s Joseph Healey, in kit 75411 year TRELEAVEN - Al 1)ungaonun, on Saturday. Aucu.t d. Samuel k. Treleaven. aged 5e year.. . 3 month. and 10 days. CML ION. Ar Ana2tit- City. d4Theidie. Au. gust .1 Slaty Virginia, widow of the late Robert S 4. hdn,n formerly of Godni h. in her lath year. ANDERs( )N. -At St L4 un,conMonday , lute1.14I Arthur Anderson, formerly of God etch. aged ,2 y1 ase► • A Complete Ba g Service Small traders greit industrial corpo• rations -workmen 'di modest savings accounts and fanners with their banking business -rind in the Bank of Montreal the banking service they require extended to them with courteous attention. The fadlities of this Bank are equally at . the service of every class in the community. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLLSHED MORE THAN 100 YEARS OODERICH BRANCH E. V LEsetrE Manager TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OP 000,000,000 It try he Ave zsts find roti inz nan-