The Signal, 1921-8-4, Page 8WELCOME
Weide I. Roderic* L
Thr last 1..•is's• game of the season
in thodert.•h wore played on a F ritkV
evening last. and was "IN•' of the treat
whits of thee .r•rlrs .The Zurich alal-
wa1•tw wen• 1lie uliloslug team. and
they tualuhgwl In defeat 1 .wi.•rl.•h once
afore. the score hieing as In their favor.
itamsty ,.t.ertwl in the Iwix for ciale-
rk•h. Zurich talli.•d one run in the;
first frauie.• owe more 'in the wwvHid,
•turd two in the third with one man out.
Cooper was then tact its the box and
retired %oriel, withnnt soy furttwr
...siring. and the visitors se•ni.•et poly
nue more run for the remainder of the
Purity Flour second one in the third,
one in the fifth. 311(1 nue is the eighth.
The game w ts huarkwi by many good
plays. :owl ,hltieuugh thsterieh be -t the
fans admitted that it was tirst4•lasa
Sore by innings-/
Purity Flour.......,... RO 1 0 1 0 0 1 0- 3
Zurich .., 112000001-5
Don't thrdw away your old Fund -
tare till yoti see
1Ciae .tau Tt. Mcl.e.ue', lal.w•k
vine of
Purity Flour vs. Clinton.
On Monday of this week Purity. Flour
journeyed to Clinton to take 'Mart in the
tournament held there. Clinton. Zurich
and Purity Flour were the three tears
entered. In the draw Clinton and Purity
Flour were selected to play in the morn-
ing and Zurich to meet the winners in
the afternoon. The Purity Flour used
their regular line up. with the exception
or Hart.- who was unable to go. C.
Cooper, cf Clinton. was engaged to take
his place fl'he first game resulted in a
win for Purity Flour by the score of 11.2.
Clinton had three imported men on their
line-up and were confident of winning,
but the Purities played real baseball be-
hind the masterly pitching of E. Cooper.
and thus took their opponents into camp
by the above menttealed score.
Godench went to bat fust and annexed
five runs hJe(ore the side was re-
tied. C. Cooper walked. F.arl
Cooper struck out, William Bisset
got on through an error. Ramsay walked.
Who' the baaes. Carrick walked, forcing
Ion C. Coopei. Murney walked. forcing
in W. Motet. Pridham hit for threebases
to left -centre, scoring three runs, but
was out himself in trying to stretch it into
a homerun.
Canton went out in one. two. three order
in their halt. as did Purities in the second.
Clinton was more fortunate in their half
of the second. scoring two runs on two
hits, a sacrifice and an error. This ended
their scoring her the game.
Goderich got three more in the third
Ramsay and Lindsay were out to start
the innings, Murney was hit. Pridham
came through with his second hit, scoring
Murrey from first. McLeod walked
R. bow( hu. )coring Bisset and
McLeod. The Purities did not score
again until the sixth. though they
had a chance in the frith, when Murney,
fust up. was again hit by the pitcher. In
the ninth they g,it one run on E. Cooper's
hit. who scmed on C. Cio.per's hit. In
the seventh they added two mote on a
walk to H.. Bisset and three successive
has by C. Cooper, E. Cooper and W.
1 hr Purities played Dir -tight ball
throughout, lust one error being recorded
Service and Sarisfaction
i*'1t 114 ITT(
Ask sonteOn.• aim haw had our
service, a hwl 1 hey will be glad
to hetTon
Smken leo.e,i\replacv.l quickly
dad aeeuralely.
1yew examined by the most up -
to -da t r
p=to-date Method. aorl
N.sesIght Specialist optometrist
Thursday, August llth
Hon. E. C. Drury
Premier of Ontario
Hon. F. C. Biggs
Minister of Public Works
— AT
U.F. 0. Picnic
Menesetung Park
(One mile north of Goderich.)
Thursday,Aug. lith
This Week
Mees Heavy Grey
Flannel Work
Regular Price $2.25.
To clear at
Pius 01 S1M1N Mil
en's Cottonade
- -__ ants
A Hearty Welcome
is extended to all out -of -to iP visitors for
Old Home Week
particularly, our old-time friends and acquaint-
ances, who will find this store conducted with the
same frdnk courtesy as in days gone by.
A Friendly Call
will be appreciated
We have a large stock of new and seasonable
goods which are sure to interest and please those
looking for the newest and best In Somme;
Watch for our Ad. next week.
W. star:. SNHARMAN
- Peabody'sOveralls
black blue stripe
To clear at
"F It
11= H.saa 9r., SL 10.11, N. IL
"It 15 with pleasure flat I write to
toll you of this great benefit I reoeivsd
bout the aaa of your Medicine
"Fiwif slider', wade frees frail
jair.aa, f was a veal safsrer for
many years from Nervosa Headaches
mod C ankosisoea 1 triad evecythiag,
eonaaltead doetors; but aathiag
atiersod toohelp me until I tried
"' ratt-ata .
Altar takyag wawa bases. I was
aoropleWy relieved of thine troubles
sad bare been asaaasby well over
ides-. Yds 1,11111E WARD.
SOs. a Ms, $IterS2i0. Wad rim, Xi&
LI v dodoes or soot postpaid W
ir►rtistls Limits. Moms
them. The features were the
work of the Cooper brothers as a battery. 1
C. Cooter, who was not considered good
enough for Clinton. caught a whirlwind
of a game. bolding his brother up excel- "
lently, and also having one hit in twice 1
at bat. Another 1.ature was Murney'sI
work at bat. He was up (our times and
only swung his bat once. though he got
on four times. The first time he was ,
walked and the ((Slowing three times. or,
as they say in baseball slang. he took
Score by Tonin s -
Punt vFlour 503 00 1 240 -I1.
Clinton 020000.000-2
Zurieb 5 s. Parity' r.
As has been the om in 'the
tournaments so far this r. Zunch and
Goderich enpged :fi the final game for
hest honors. Landsat was selected to do
the mound work ILe the Purities. and
Henning k r Zurich. Lindsay. the dim-
inutive twirkr for the Purities; pitched
masterly ball throughout the nine innings.
restricting the hard-hitting Dutchmen'
to two Ione tuts. Henning also twirled
an excellent game. holding his opponents
to four hits. Purities. as has been their ,
custom this year. were driving the ball:
right at their opponents. Murney's field-
ing in the right garden for the Purities
was the feature cf `Jr: game having five
put outs and one assist to his credit.
Neither team was able to' complete the
circuit until the sixth. when Zurich scored
the only run of ttse game. Worm got on
through E. Cooper's error. Calfas was
walked. Hoffman flied to Murney, who
got Wurm at third on a fine throw from
deep right. Callas- taking second oe
the throw. Siebert drove a scorcher to
Ramsay, who fell while attempting to
field the bail. Calfas scoring.
Purities hada good cbaoa to score in
the ninth, when R. Bennet led off with a
hit. C. Cooper h reed him at second.
E. Cooper walked. Lindsay skied out to
right, and Ramsay grounded to short.
Score by inninp-
Purity Flan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Zurich �000001000-1
Zurich defeated Clediton at the latter
place on Tuesday, July 226th, in a League
game. Score t+-1.
On Saturday last Zurich trimmed
Stratford in a Leaguefixture at the Classic '
City by the scoff of 3 to 0 `
Will the Purity Flour team show the
Old Boys and Girls bow to win ball games
next Wednesday ?
August is the month when
Summer Merchandise is cleared
We have many special values to offer
n Summer Goods
Th= are marked down ,to clear quickly
You Evil find real bargains "in every department
/•The Voile - Dresses are selling
quickly as the bargains are excep-
tional. All Voile Dresses are being
cleared at $7.49. •Some of these
dresses are marked as high as $20.00
and they are all made from the best
materials in light and dark patterns
prettily trimmed with lace and
They are all to be cleared at $7.49.
Special clearing of Voile :Waists
at 11.49.
These Blouses are veryspecial
and it. will be to.your advatage to
see these numbers. They are trim-
med with lace and buttons.
T9 clear quickly at $1.
Very special values in Ready=to=Wear
This is the season for Wh
Skirts. . We have divided our stoc
into two lots and are clearing these
Skirts—at- $2.40 and $2.79.
Skirt is this season's make and art
all made from a very fine white
gaberdine. To clear at $2.40 and -
e -I
Assistant Customs Officer Hays has
been ordered by the Department at
Ottawa to relieve Customs Officer Nee-
lins. of Seaforth. who is on his vacation.
Hector says he wouldn t mind putting
in two or three weeks at Seeforth at any
other time. But. being manager of the
Purity Fiour ha•eball team, and as there
are two League- games and a tournament . 1n
to be played s> . in the next few days. he j
is worrying over not being able to stay in i
• pillow Cases 42 in. in a very
spetie cloth ' at 45c each.
L ' -.
s' Khaki Shirts
To clear at
White Overalls
for Painters
To clear at
Men's Ali -Wool
Sweater Coats
To clear at
Everything in this
store reduced.
�a L talags
Hanowels in a heavy weight
at 50c e>h.
Another Special at 35c each.
Ladies' White and Black Stock-
ings in silk at 98c.
Ladies' White Lisle Hose at 35c
a pair.
Ladies' Combinations at 75c each.
Plain Voiles in white, pink, blue
and brown, at 65c a yard.
Check Organdy, 45 in. wide.
Reg—OTar $2.50, for $1.50 a yard.
A wonderful range of Tricolette
Blouses in all sizes, prettily trimmed
with a very new lace and made -in
Russian style.
These Blouses come in tomato,
honeY dew, light blue, medium blue_
NT . and 'grey, at $6.00, $6.50 and
$ .00 each, Be sure and see these
s for they are_he-very newest
If you do not wish to buy the
BI r se ready-made we hive -the cloth
by t - yard in tomato, honey dew,
white, lack, light and medium blue
and navy blue.
This is the newest cloth on the
town and ser that the also batted well. In the ninth, with tw) we hope when the Id town holds another
regular practice and that they are in theirthe only team to win a ague game
beds early every night. Don't worry, men on bases, he hit a line drive to theone was won on Zurich's o sandlot.
Old Home Week in the distant future he from the champions this sea and this
outfxld which it was thought impossible will be as young as ever. "Never say die,"
"Heck." 'Bill Barlow will have his bat-
tinkrve on the reseals.,
Aa Zurich and Purity Flow have each'
sign a tournament against each other this
season -Purities winning at Blyth and 1
Zurich at Croton-theOld Boys and Girls,
and those who are tato 1 attending the i
tournament in Goderictr�next Wednesday
may expect to .ea some classy hair games
between tt Ingham, Teeswater. Zurich
and Purity Fr yr If Zurich and Goderich
come together in the finals it will be a
real game nt baseball.
Irk Linda . one of the most popular
players on the Purity Flour team, received '
a telegram on Phiday announcing the
death of an uncle at Toronto. Joe left on
Saturday hr the Queen City to attend
the funeral He met his teammates at
Clinton on Monday at noon. The Signal
joins with Joe'+ numerous friends in ex-
tending sympathy in hie bereavement.
in the game at Clinton on Monceay
Zurich had their usual luck with them.
the score being 1.0 in favor of Zunch.
The winning run was made by a batter
being passed to first on balls and two
error.. one at second, the other at third.
The Zurich team have carried this kind of
luck with 'them all season. winning several
Kama fromditierimt teams by some nar-
row atM accidental margins.
Next Monday, the Purity Flour team
go to Zurich to'plsr off the protested
game with that teem This gaine can
make aodifferenee in the standing of the
district, but as it is s fifty-fifty gate the
Purities are going to play it oft. They
also say they will do their best to win this
game. Besides this fixture they will
probably meet Zurich here in the Old
Nome 14'Pek tnurnstnent next Wednesday
and again at September
Stn on Labor Day.
Monday, September 5th.
On account of Will Bisset's finger not
heing in shape to go behind the bat. and
Hart not Acing able to be at Clinton.
Catcher Cooper of Clinton kindly
offered to help Purities out esu Monday
Ne caught a good game and also
was there with the willow. Toe
gentleman is a brother of Earl Cooper of
the Purity Flour team. "Bill"' Bisset
held down fret haw in good style.
Tilts:hhow du(fiet No. 6 sande at the
finish Zurich. Purity Flour, Stratford.
foe Lindsay oltdMd a Ane prme at
Clanton against Stich on Monclay. He
to get, hut Zurich had their luck with I Std I Abe Higginson of town.
them and the ball was nipped by a fielder. a to play a good game of baseball. a!so will
It shnutd not require muchfiguring to -act as"one of the unwires. Archie
find nut who is entitled to wear the silk Dickson, 11 he is lin town that
down his
day, will hol
shirt donated by 1�larager Hays for the ed •old-time position
best utility player on the Purity Flour I of water boy. "Willi!" Pas more, of
team when the season closes I Chicago -who used to know how to do
from the• the job -wall count the hits. runs and
If permission can be obtainer(
Old Home Week committee, the ball errors made in the game, if he can get a
sheet of cardboard large enough. Shower e
bertl and others of town will arrange a i e
baths. hot and cold. will be given the
burlesque baseball game for Thursday players before and after the game.
morning of Old Home Week. This game I Zurich Rim Championship.would be of the comic variety and those
who would assist in getting this at- i By defeating Stratford and Purity
traction up have seen similar ones put' Flour last week th' Zurich team have
on :n other places. won the championship of No. 6 district.
Purity Flour has a League game co and will now play the winners of some
play o6 at Crediton this (Thursdayi even- other
of tne
Wellington eLeagueloThe excite -
at Zurich on Monday next. These two ment has never lagged in this district all
events will wind up the League season so season. Clinton and Crediton were never
far as the Goderich team is concerned. dangerous contenders, but the neck -and -
Going by the rumors around town there neck pace of Zurich and Goderich to ims
are a number of good ballplayers through -•1 andssi the at da geioteam kept iohus e olloof the
out the counties of Huron and Bruce who ;the game in fever heat all season. The
would be willing to wear the Purity Flour Zurich team are to be congratulated on
winning the district. but they cannot say ;
they have had an easy task to do it. The
Purity Flour team has the honor of b-ing
uniform in 1922.
iOld-timers' Game on Tuesday Hornig.
Don't fail to see the Old-timers' game of
Ibaseball at Agricultural Park next Tues
day morning. This game will be made up
of two nines of "has beers," and a heap
of fun is anticipated. Purity Flour team
has kindly offered the Ord -timers the use
' of two sets of suits and will fit them out
with bats. gloves, chest -protectors. masks
1 ---everything except base hits and runs -
in connection with a hall game. Doctors
and nurses have also been arranged for.
It is the intention, if possible, of those
' who have this game in charge to try to
' have the Old•timers, dressed in baseball
style and .join in the procession on Tues-
• •n,r of old-time ball -
y morong.
tossers will be held in the Board of Trade
rooms next Monday night, when thetwo
teams will be made up.
T R. Thomson, proprietor of the Bntisb
Exchange hotel, has kindly offered the
use of a room for the Old-timers to
change clothes in. and the suits will be
given out at that hotel on Tuesday morn- X
, ing.
It is hoped to have "Sid" Malconson,
now of New Westmin-ter, B. C., but who
in days gone by fought many baseball
battles at Agriculture Park, officiate
one of the umoires
present time is n it in playing teem. but
They also took a tournament g away
from them at Blyth. Purity r has
had many ups and downs during the
season. but they have made a showing
that is no discredit to them. One thi g
the team has lacked all season is baton
ability. It this defect could be remedieedd
nest season there is rio doubt the team •
will make a better showing. it takes rube •
to win a baseball game and batters to-
make runs. There have been several
games lost by Purity Flour this season
when a safe hit would have won thertq.
The Signal congratulates the team on t
good showing they have made, and wishes
them the best of luck in the tournament
here Old Home Week aril at Lucknow on -
Labor Day. also in the two remaining
League fixtures.
Scientific Palmist Here for One Week.
"Have your hand read by .scientific*
iweludst lady. Has read the hands of
hundred, of di.ttngubsheil people, in-
cluding NI wont, It, rnittpPIC and
Laurier. Here for one week, Bedford
Hotel, Room 'Al f second floor b. Hours
1n to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to O. Terms $1.00.
VHOTOGRAPHS taken "Old Home
Week" will help you to live through
the gnod times again anfi stimulate
memories that most of us woold.
like to keep forever.
Every one will want some of our
souvenir views. Send your friends
a few and keep a set for yourself.
LJ. T. FELL xi
Xx i°K°Xt er