HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-8-4, Page 7See Our Select Stock of
Ladies' Whitewear
in the Latest Effects
Ladies' Collars
and niany other lines of wo-
men's and children's wear.
Novelty Goods
A very extensive line.
would be worth your while to
call and inspect them.
Miss S. Noble
South Side Square- --\rtSocleri.:h
Flannelette.; at reduced prieee.
Sheeting at redheed prices.
Rockfast Drill at reduced prlees.
Gingham at -reduced pricea..
_ • ' 4
A- &lee minuets:tent
• Chetahs*. from 23e sac up.
.1i.4a Serge. bWINut '••
width. it $1.75 per yard.
- -
Underwear, tu clear. at prices
worth While.
A great utimber of artiolee in
.Groceries at reduced prleee
IInew 46
alsN,•isli. a well knoe is res4-
-1.•iir ut 11,4..,,,,i•th deed at
Now is in the Best of
it, age of eeventysnre years,
I 'rim ItInevale brast4.11 4rf the ran- Healthbecause she took
&din Ita ha f h
es been
awes'1'rhi.August 1. 1921 - 1'
4. Lydia E. Pinkham's
ther an abeenee of slaty year+ Mr. Vegetable Compound
Kerr of Leeds county, Oohed In Win-
. 1Itrop locality last week.
ood Plumbing
Poor Plumbing
When ,we dq tho job. we
glee you the rliht kind -the
kind that gives yo plea:411re
and comfort._
14•4h.1•41.01 teen Phone 133
r1111.11.jhz Hon, ing
Eavest.1.,0011tt4( • Met4t1 VV0 irk
The climax of the Season's
Millinery Events
Remarkable values in
Trimmed llats
Half -Price
Williatu .1. Bray. a former 4!.-
V.:Write township. tiled at 1'irileti.
nhabit. on July 21st.
Mr. N. E. Intioals. former prinelpul
..f Zurieti pulite sarool„ lure teem .41-
'.1.1Ulell tweed:m.1
' the enuring yen r.
Mrs. i".'..no' Valleys. u tomer rest-
-wet of T114.ker•iiiitli. died At41,. how.
.7 low son at itieuttle. tin July
lith. She was in her. rbilityllInti,
Aft..r long iiineor trout rawer
Mrs. Thom, t1it91 et ht.r home in
4ient9,11 on July 171h. Aloe hood beell
resident of 111.•tisall for over teems`
Walton 1Vottietes Inet Ir ute wIll hold
picnic in the ere.... of Jas.
Reek on Wednesday,. August 17* 4*. The
'trot -eras Will go 4.i n hand for the 11.131,.
of it rillaie pork
Mr. toiaruet Paesiuore rest with a
ior•ty while runtiltut the binder
mt of Ills Imp,. In some wxy be
turtle ene of the fingers 4,f hi- right
-and here...It the binder and the (loos
•11111.41111; the finger brolly
Kessock, Sask.-" My mother has
„aocirAtuAeTt o"A
2s11.7 ‘ lilt
!be member.' prmseut. Minute', of le-•
1 ineetieg were read and pa•sed. nli
111.41..11 of Robertson 11...1 4 •01.14,..
Lireetors trete the Turnberry Agriets. 1
!ural tsoeirty WPM' 111..*4'l! i,.k*i r..r
a grant .in aid of that Kocletr. On
motion et (*.suited and Robertsoe $i14
Oa,. given a. a donation on eotAiti,e,
all children from the tolVih.111 he
admitted free to the Wlaglatui fall,
tali-. The treacturee9 ri• •t, te.
Sent tn June 30th, showing beta 11
4111- 1111101 :11 tlatik of ar410.1.1. nese% el
Vanni 0141.1.41 to be filed. The eollect r I
L •dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable I pre:wilted Iils bond. 4444' moue .eeng, u
Compound and i eepted ae satisfactory. Moitel by Mr.
upon learning. of I, linilte... seconded by Mr. liiHesple.
my troubles ad- ' that the clerk notify Roy Patterson to
viaed me to try it, I, peeper*. an eethuste in regard to eel.. •
as I seemed all tile repairs needed on the toil irate.
s run down after the iott thut this matter eau be a:tended to t•
flu and has leu- this season. Carried. Itylwx Noo....,
corrhoea•vry bad. :1921. authorizing the liorr.nvinic of
I have taken Lydia ' siittirient money to meet the ordinary .,
m- following aet•ounte were paid -The
the lerioly denim!
E. P in k ha m 's PIlloellilititre. was read /111.1 1141,...L. The
Vegetable Co
pound and Lydia 31iinletpul world. supoi,.. t;11;;•• sem, i
E. Pinkham's Ruddy, assistance un
Blood Medicine - $$•: li. Loekhart, alseisl11:4.•• 4.1. the
an u • t e t ve Wash also Dr. timely drain, $3; Jenkies a Waimea:.
Brown's Capsules and Prescription and pert pey'Llent on the sturdy 41re In. 1
b;totuertoin ueseveryin
ywlaeyt t. er las& nit "gilt:I tigT14::*;•teSittnlitil, tplairrili. 1 217 Ti i'llei•ii.ftri‘.v'snii7.4:1
testimonial as I recommend your neliers erivertisiag. $1: ' Milton Re-
medicities.'' - Mrs. lasues NELSON, 'lumen, grading and gravellleiee (sm..'
Keasock, Sask. 11. $taistio; W. Anderson. eikilix stones.
' It is not always in business that a $_ti: 4:44). conite.A. plinth: *Notes hi !
woman is forced to give up -her work swamp entre. 10 and 11. se; Wm. ie,a,-
on account of ill health. It is quite as inson, tile anti 'putting in -til..-rt. 4rili
oftenthe woman who does her own s. $11: Abner ("owns. M'ingimiu. preut•
work at home. When backaches and 111011en fire hall, Allb01,11 lhdile village.
-headaches drive, out ail ambition, when $4.7414: It. 4-1.„ 41eott. lf.fAl'elliti., ili..ixgL
that bearing -down sensation attacks 19. $56.70: E. G. -elders repeining road
Krtooler. $4 : J. Craig. - gradieg. gest;
41.'.,. .1..lor-ton, drawing ell:sort.
ors,. Johnstial. grarelline 4.1i re.n. 4
gsa.44 : Wm. 4eotherst11. repo -.ring 1.1.1,w.
$1: A1',,,. Leggett, work of grader. er
•-- - ---e-- ----------s-----e-------•- Am.. 4'311110.AL rxk1i. i,.l
kin.o.ores mos. loser all to„olies. le, eliewellher gravel. $S: ter's:nave -1'
taut! town-ittp. His o iilow ilia) n fano 11"i'ereliiix• 57.50: rf„,„. W• 5 -'..rt. -"••11:-.
)Iv .,f tive ...40e: nail eve Alleotaera is:ie.:1J. $tortelimisag
e. L4.00 W•: It II $1.4.11
vIt tt.• 54,97.; Sani afellurtwy. 51 77.: w
. le -X ETE It . 1 FothergIll. $2.371: A. M41401..111, ele,.7,11 •
..7......2......' wft tSTeori.1h1t,o4: s
.. T.. a. ylalottor.tt $$.4. .17$0:4.1:W17en: t .iIst 'iS1tt1az,pm71oItrnlrtnuictridkn...
onstnatlyaehw ElAJohntnm2
-lis-eastement-y aisi p ahem 111-e" •e• •
Thos. TaYlor. shovelling. 32; (•en.
you. when you are nervous and blue.
In t-ff.leattnetier 41.4.) t'rop I onnwti- the one great help for such ailments is
• 1••n 17.3.47 Huron Agrimiltaral So- Lydia -E pinkhaes vegetable Cow -
i.', the following n war+, hay.- pound,
made - 1.1. It. J. Hoover. Gres': 21141.
Teyl..r. -Grey -4r.:.444.---W. It- Mows..
\lord.: VII J. 44Speir. Merrie: 3t1i.
11 44. Ifisivbr, Walton: 'kit It Me,
K11111441. i•rey ; Herman Whitfield.
tuarri.rg..• sidenorizerl at
114.nfryn.- .111..3ely .'flo•
1:112,1194411. youngest tiatvglitttr of Janie,
Mr.':Ttioneeoll. /1•1.1 Jett...*
I4t:1" A. E. 11' Itt•
.1/4111, at Itohe
cster tin.) Toronto
Itoolnoet CooittW
oo. oof elton heft
•..t lesitlay fr4o-to,o pontro: In Aegthyrool,
_A. _end atsidout Intiewo•••t- t.t _little
S1.irj..rie [flirt. daughter oof Mr. 'Wit-
-tehaseslibrg. $ 1.1• t' htf_1•1.•Igeriturs
111011111. !ISM heel* .44441.• active,
33: It 11. Scntt. •towelling.
ike ilea., in Exeter Nurtn non,r,wd again
Mta.a.11WV-,t 2..(b.A:- PORT-
borne townsitip.
- Ties raieing .sf slaw f musewerk of .the
new Was mill wee eornibleterl leer week Summer Complaints
sal !fart of rise 3th emweesion of Abeut 4.ft acre: of dna have buen Noun
4nirKill the Little Ones.
ri "4"4 lot -this
I '..• little girl, %too i. wren y•wr- (.1.1 tle..rge 11.111011. a rreilleirt of Exeter
- state rig tr tat 1st tlw sixth.... an
•• nen etre, loot her 1.91:ties• 'fuel f..il to visitor here.
the grclual. etriking 11..r 11•4141. At I'll.. ittfiliii11.-11441i111 of Ja tires street
Bret *hr. injury seeme.1 very slight. but Mrtlitalist islittreli liae tle..1•14.41 t., pitr-
:•tter lirov.s1 I.. 19.. serhmst. 'tutting .•h..,.,a pfpe organ •1 mini . a
11 t1,•• k the wagon Int/Asset Ing
' •tirmi The (see will- he 41:e15M4. ineharl. •
Nfr. 31.4 rin Itlanshard lat. Mir 'name? IreInstrillation. Nearly all the pure
'• fifty -erre farm 1...terming ti.' motley hae Near sult9er1beti.
• of the lide-Role-rt Hanna. or
t• linos Tee oriee toe; way $2„reet. •
Y•i .11.1 and highly r. -petted resident Iti•v. George Leslie Mackayson a
.in.tlie.tier•nti a Mr. .101111 file' late Dr. 1.. M.144*ktlY• the dis-
t intruielle41 mieeiena ry ..f F..11110,111.
43...1 •11.1.....V.11 The the -en -aid 1"1.0set his nfinTb.i week.
, •,,. 1'11 ..f M4..
1- to, Jul, 27t!*.
The Young Mother
with its qt.
for theit4To
health and
But later,
bring a dif-
ferent result. The carp of a family,
multiplied household duties,_ and
very often the weakness caused -6y
womanly disease, tend to prolong
the suffering and to make conva-
lescence a slow and weary process.
Many women -perhaps your own
neighbors -have ha& beneficial
expenence with Dr. Piercers Fs-
, vorite Prescription, which prepares
the prospective mother. Send 10
eTnts to Doctor Pier,*e's Invalids'
. 'Huta in Buffalo, N. Y., for a
;'.ial package of. tablets.
• IJAMILION, OlifT.-" I wan advised
by a practical nurse to take Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription as a tonic during
, expectancy, and 4 have had every res -
g en to begrateftil for her advice, be -
canoe it kept one in perfect health and
• I had practically no suffering. The
'Prescription'not onlybenefita the
mother, but I am positive the child is
benefited, too. I would not hesitate
to recommend this 'Prescription' 40
every expectant mother." -Mia. 0.
SP•Li, 444 Heise Street. N.
A \IAV .11 .T IN
Stand Swing Photo Frames
No two styles alike and
represent all the smartest
and newest ideas of our
Summer Millinery.
A wonderful collection
of good values
Miss M. R. Mac Vicar
Kingston street, Ooderich
At the first sign of illnese during the
hot weather give the little ones Baby's
Own* Tablets or in a few hours he may be
aid. These TabIcs will prevent
summer complaints if given occaionally
to.the well child and will promptly relieve
teem troubles tf they come on suddenly.
, Baby's Own Tablets shall(' always be '
kept in every home where there are groa-
ing children. There is no other medicine as
good and every mother has the gusrantee
of a government analyst that they are
• absolutely -safe. The - Tablets aro sold by
for Voiles,
Batistes. C
Do not think of
LUX as a cleanser for
only georgettes,
chiffons, ,ricolett es,
crepe-de4thines. The
bubbly LUX lather
means double life to
anything you can wash
-anything that pure
ater will not harm.
Chiffon or linen, it's
all the same - use
11/7.UX free
Care of Dainty
Clothe -9" sent
on request.
Wie w
114114.. Ilihootoopict Wats 14 Fattier
97141 -.Meet 111114.
Tle• finale the mystery '.*'a 4)'..
during the wrolve. When the
moon, MI.s Mary E. McIlirrehie, of
Ripley. null Winfield Is lithetiligrr, of
Pttrt re- pro0oun,991 114111
and wife. Hee. .1. Nelson Gould. of
1W! Stanley. odirinteti. 1411 ring the
prooreeolitnot. the It. C. It. band played
increol 11141741e. inriutilna rhimes, the
wedding mitre!, by Wagner. and Rim -
tiler's. %edit -lug
breakfast was held at the L. 4 P.
Advertise in The Signal.
A former well kilowir resident a medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a - HURON
tteafnetli passed many at Saskatoon on . box from the Dr. Williams
.litly 1:1111. 111 110. Ir.. Itoobeet CO.. Brockvdle, Ont.
Mr. -Mikity yrsitk91 here for . • -
tinuilele ail-srehrsl---Atid- at one--
onoltietrot a reetiiirroit in tile Fomterl
the post -.1 • Dport Stank",
. „..
t'LINTtiN. Which aroused Po Much interest,
quiet niurrisize was at wire witnessed al 4110 thb. sifternoon
Ihteecrourt i'resbyfer,,,t7 1111111.e. '1-0-• 1 by tinny:amis. On inrererte Heights.
rout., 1.'rblay. "July 2211.1.. when The criisal wi-. * record -breaker.
Nflun Melnwee. ehleet daughter . of even elie trip,. Were filled With ventiare-
W.„.t./ te,awl 1 ...Wile yalltr1.01...._taLtIntef to_iste Ilic. pro-
Strs. Iionglire. betel tile the 'whir itf ! t-9991ines. These rhoice posIthme were
.tirerin .1..lin Nfarthe only ,.on Of all orritpit91. fully an hour hefore the
Jam.Ma rtin glinton. The eero. eerottemy wasnitual to begin.
zr:ytoilig•rie perfernoel 1.y lb's.. James The ear. metaining the bible en(1
groom. minister slid gueete. made ,a
itelwrt Armstrong, a anitive of Stan. ...midge.. tour .if the bright% before
ley townehip tont u reeident oofI'diotoon reaching the altar. which woo. 4 1•411r
f.. r the Iasi? four year-. .44.'.) ..n San. with 151101'1"P' red and whit.'
dey. July este, after 1,.fig 11104.4s. gladioli. The iridal cogeh was gaily
II.. was sisty-one years of lute. _Ile is ' f1••stoitired with Vk It e ribbons. The
survived by lils vrIdow. •Ithdi !wide wore a dr.... '.1 pink' rieorgette
over ehartremee and Yell Pll train. boor.
loon. itgr(115114gie11t05
Monde,- thie week wn- the date tiered o ,e•ei
of tlintmee annual
'.1 r. and 31r,.. It. It. Meoide. are the
Irite. of Mr and Mrs. W. leaterty.
Mr. Menzies ist a former rev, of vitro
ton and for many years Neil( 11 prom -
Men' part In pulite affairs hero..
lio:tv. Mrs. .1. To -lichen and 314...ps
1.11, and clam 1411 of Wheleortinil
firienerly Of ClintOn. have 5.11.' 4.'
teary to reside. •
Charlet. Issekfe, son of the late John
IA4ekiP 0-1W• piaer...is nn* seelstant
treasurer of the Wm. Duvlee l'ompaay.
5111es Iteryl Oaten. of Toronto.
datighter,of Rev. .1. A. Oaten; a former
Metleellet pnetor here, has gone to
l'orkton. Seek.. 1, n.'. -.'pt n tandtion on
the NUM of the eloliegiate Institut.
• Milli David '..WhItIng. .of Dtinduru.
Seek., te here on a vielt to her perente.
Nfr. and Mrs. Wm. Ellis. 1. fifteen
yeere mime her lax! visit.
D. W. Mitchell has 'bought a reetsur-
ant In Wleghtim from Wm. Burke end
le now In preseesstion. ,
Flax 1,. n a0011 crop In thi• locelilY•
and harvesting ote•rritIone tweet be
started. •
Mr. gime. Pope has received word ef
the death by drowning of his yo"n"
n. Georfte Fetwnrd 'Pope. at Notting'.
m, fie wag nineteen Yclir,
of age end was planning to Coale to
remote to make tde home.
The exeentore of the infitee rettere
have dtepoeed of the Amerienn !heel
to Mr. Walter A. Lowry, of town ThP
111 purple:1.w prho was $Thoo The hotel
(lo husineee under the manage-
ment of Edward Lowry, heather of the
arm -raptor. who returns to town from
Mre .1. .1. who lin. been nn
invalid for years. hid stroke of ;wit-
"alyeb. affecting her right arm and
speech one dor hi.? week
Repair. were being made to the mill
dam last week.
.161114.1 PIPPW4s, a former hardware
merchant here, d1e91 9t ('Ity.
Mnnitottn. on .TnIc 1 tali Mr j)rewe
nt • very reasonable prier.
Bring n11 your friends In Home
Week W.• will take 8 pteaeure
In 'Mowing them our pretty
Smith's Art Store
Ease St Poone 1115
wee the fleet manager of the Gurney
Fteindry Company at Winnipeg.
Ament Tiros. had n yield of thirty
lot911019 of *bent 141 the mere nn their
farm nn the 7th lims of Morrie tovi-n-
Rhitmen foothell teem veered Rm..
wee nno evening ln.et week The visit ore won hy the swore of 1-0.
Keeps Baby's
Skin Healthy
Oats Light. Other Grains Fair -Apples
Few and of Poor Quality.
The Farmers' Sun has the following
crop report from Huron county :
As to general crop condition, 1- would
say that wheat. on the whole. compare:,
very tavcrably with 1920. In the south
e!'d of the county a considerable amount
of it has been threshed, while in the north
very little of it is done.
'-Oats are practically att,rut in the south
end of the county and on the average are
• very tight crop, possibly two-thirds of
the average crop, which is much below
last year. In the north of the county Use
oats are better. Very few have been cut
yet. and there is -considerably less rust
than in the south. These oats, with the
season continuing favorably, will make
close to an average crop.
Fearir y has been a fair c'op throughout
the county. With the exception of th4
Fifty Years in the
Old Stand
Our store holds an unique position in the life of
Goderich as it has been serving this community for
over fifty years.
Old Boys and Girls
We Greet You!
'We hope to have the prisilege of meeting all our old
friends froth tar stul near when they visit the old town next
week. The glaa hand of wercome awaits you here.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
- enortis-44 a ptaCLieaIlJtall aZiLts
' ..me fields are already threshed: It Will
come close to an average crop.
• Spring wheat is practically extinct
the county. I only know of one field a
it looks very much better than the w at
1 last'year. Calm is giving promise of . •Ing
a very geod crop. continuing fav able
eeathetil will ec_abo_ve the averee
Alfalfa has been pretty product e this
year and a large percentage of t second
crop is already in the barns. Sw, -t clover
yieldel well and is also much ..reciated
for its hay and for pasture.
Apples are very light, just • few on the'
trees and these are of _very ...r
being both unshapely and bby.-D
Andrew, Assistant Agri.
IF every mother could only
realize the danger which
lurks in the neglect of chafing
and akin irritations she would
not take chance on being
without Dr. Chase's Ointment
to apply after baby's bath.
It arrests the S•easopowst
*enema and makes Uri antis ma.
smooth and velvear.
ID rata a be% all &s1, es anwwwww.
Baum & Lai. Tema&
Dr. Cha ses
. • ,
1Thought you said
that ten -acre fi
first farmer. "No;
thinking about p
second farmer.
turned it over in
you had plowed
d said the
1 only said I was
wing it," said the
.11 see merely
Try s Want Ad. in The SlinaL
I Fumed Table, new
special $25.00
1 Ice -box, will give
good service 7.50
1 Parlor Suite, re-
cfionvisehreded and re-
covered 3000
1 Hall Rack, solid
1 Lawn Mower.. • •
1 Clothes Wringer
1 Kitchen Table • •
Soup and Dinner
Plates. 2 for... •
Every day is bargain
day at
Harold Blackstone'A
Furniture Exchange
LifeaSuoy Outing Shoes
Now that the weather is,warmer you will require Outing Shoes
is popular because it -is Stylish, Combsetable, Serviceable,
and EconOmical..tlie Anti er•ftwearfor old and -Toting -for the
summer days. There is a model for every wiling footwear
purpose. Nowhere will .you get a wider 4esiection or better
values than are being shown in 1.ife-B&,,
Let HI do your Shoe Repairing and have it done tight.
GEO. Mac VIC,4 R
• 241!
9 5
111111111111111 ill I,
A :
. X
More Bread and
Better Bread
Bring Your Films to us for De
veloping, Printing and Enlar
Prompt Service
Reasonable Prices
Satisfaction tivarante d
Phone No. 1.
m• B•
The Rexall Drug Store Goderich
nil' Hu,' see a denim's 14111111 of the best Washing
MachitireA:httrtri thethruifrick;tifterW orikocuamagenetse.ping
with one of
these easy -running , which save labor and preser• e
health andgoorte
Elpismo MAZDA
are the stal1,lar.1, tip 10 date electrie We have them
Also all kinds of
for honee, fore, offiee or workshop
Estimates made rind enntraeta taken far dretrie
wiring and other electrical work
A. J. L-;\111411" WAITE
Old Crribonw Hot(' Carnet Phone 2f.1 Brunilten
• ''