HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-8-4, Page 61
6 Thursday .1u.11st 4 1'121
The Voice That Commands Supplies !
Long Distance Mobilizes the Necessities of Lift
THAT you may not lack food or other necessities. a constant3y
rowing stream of goods and products flows to market along
country *wads. many of thern ordered by Long Distance.
treveressive dealers rely on Long Distance because it not only enables
them to take advantage of favorable market conditions and order such
supplies quickly, hut because it enables them to secure conftrtnation of
the order at the same time. It eliminates all hazards.
On a quirt morning a hog buyer for a packing house rings up from
thirty to sixty farmers by Long Distance, and at the end of the week
some 5,000 lusty porkers arrive in the city markets, umessoned by
Buying and Belting by Lain Distance is the modern way .of etxtlrtlK -
the maximum number of results in record time, at mmimum cost.
Bankers, Brokers, Manufacturers. Merchants, Builders, Contractors.
Butchers, Bakers, Grocers. Department Stores, Newspapers, all are
ming Long Distance more and more to increase efficiency. "Worth
cony $50.00 a day" -writes aCity Broker.
Could all. your salesmen combined see as
many prospects as tail be reached in one day
on Long Distance t
u a Legg
Ti: Geii sou •-SQArsonEr•--X'CfrY OI ERIE" --QTY of wFPALO•
11UFFAL040Di1J ,$ag342.1 4,xj15th, :CLEVELAND
bR P1rr•sto ,1100 4'. M. 2 aae�
rw .jaas
In Cttare 1041 00 F. ka.
Aimee Lu..,..nn 7.ao A- kg. f_.t asaassaao 1' 7, AMe, surrooe' 140 A. H.
k'.taaeetip,r at CM..�adISIMMINNT.�'Pate-b-aaao,..eToledo.DD.Oottt and tabor points teamed
moats Ise agentlm argent* souses ler mans .4. C • a W.. Ne. Touts laenw. 41ab--
,o 'weo Dowd TM. .eu 1 eau as 4t <... wa a....d. 42"(•`h '6••••••
D...4.tdb ealand ration& as.sle abme at TN Grine Slap '•SQEA)n/1F.k." ant en rmalj{gt
/leo mom -Alen mW for ear tripes pApta4 W 0nosatn s ba.aMt few.
O.rml.wtt ! /allot'
• 7r i�
Cd r r
The Groat sal
•111£A n DSOS"
mike Imre toed mow am*
'roomier SOomoor winger!'
w.b•s.f Ur world. Sl•ep.a
.sparer,. 1300 Pese+f•'••
4't •
or« tor
cl itICam`I3anks
Itai1*tvs loom Targe In the news of
the world at title time. Bir Robert
41oro.'. Chancellor of the itrit)sh F:x•
ehe.plor, has presented ,•111141111111111114y
estimate. (lolling for the ptynlent of
an additional thirty-etle million paouud.
to the British railways. This Is nt•rrs-
s*ry for the liquidation of tin. Gpvoru-
fry c'owpellel the -4lereromellt In
4.114 different titan's. In raphe of Ali
hitt ham happwucd in 'inertia, it Is
holly powaobl4' nett the other nations
will allow the country et he *wept by
amino Without atD•mpt)ng .40404'
m4'nsnrw11 of amelioration. Moan pool -
they the relief niewsur'' will Iw soler -
'fwd by • t'hilted SOPIP.4 lolly with
1l o.ver at the beafj.pdd en allied .vw-
illis,lon or c'enuruilte.)I•'ting with it.
'Elie penchant of t!s• Ito -mien no look
11114 for picking. i• said 40 to stilt
strong In the ',theist rinks. In any
event. the na4Ioii that ;:o to the res.•ue
are not likely to allow tlw relief work
to he earrfel ou ht• the !Woodall. them-
selves. They will g.r"ier to see that
there la real distribution of supp.11•..
meal's liabilities to the railways ark- .
ing out or the.+rtntnrl exercised -41444-
wartime. The' ,total subsidies to the
railway.. for the present Il+.ml year
will le w•4'eaty-five• million .,,iuds. No
wonder tlw ltriti+ll taxpayer 1. looking
forward to A11441 -t 44. when elevontl.41
heeomes 44111 IV.' ,1111 4lw railway. re-
vert to their owners. The various
e'nmpnnies are 14.4041 the prosla•et with
more aux lety t 4( .1.114 inve town
the east• in n.,rlunl time+, however. 14
18 t1w opinion of s • of the railway
.•xlw•rt* of the obi land that there must
114• a thorough re..r4:lulxatien 1111 n unlu-
la-r of linen wrtlleli will menu the .11mi-
nation of trains that roto 4111t pay. nue
tlw seinselueut in,vonvenleew'0 tit tlw
public to Graf exlwlt. •4111 the other
Hand, It i.. pr.44irnlly '.sgrrd 411at
there will be relucti.;u- 11; 14.441 freight
and lreewager rate+. In days gone by
--4•.,'i as late as 11117-Itrttl.h rail-
ways figured nu a_ b sie of two rents
fnlw pwnuyo per ,mIle for the carrying
of pns1.•ngerm. Rete'. wi•rr ancon wl
by fifty per tent. In that year. and in
19241 iby an 111141t101171 twenty -levo: ler
cent. t'ulems there ehukl.tie..a. par-
alysing dieplate. en the wage question.
it is Iliurt4I that dt'e intro) 4%111 be fol-
lowed by an imlmslhate 41,81-r.',io' .41
twenty-five per cent. and a few month.
Inter by 11 /similar reduction. IMha441
will watch developmot.ts with keen he
ten•.t. T18' Ind •(onmtrr,w taxpayers
f11e• the appalling aggrrglite .v.otrihu-
liens to 4114' national tr•nmery this y,•nr
of nine hnndrel million pn1nd14 as ermi-
pwri,dl with twit hnnlnd and -even
millions in' pre-war dny+. 411 the total
this rover sou ' three Lnndre(1 nilljlou+
are re uirel to 14nar*'v war debt obli-
gation.. ' In the United State. it 1-
estimated that the Govergment will Me:
able to dIst'har•ge Its obligation+ to the
railways, arising out of wartime curati-
tirns, with some five hundred million'
dollars., to Canada the railway gnees-
tion at 4hi. writ lint n• -.elves itself'
rather into a matter of wage rd11.--
Timis. It seemed 11 few 'lays oro n+ if
this would not be n matter that would
lead to any prolonged argument -that 1
if in fact tie meh on the various r.eud,.
w'oulil *4.e14 Iowen.1 wages In the
spirit of doing what they evil.] to met
present conditions. Tito investigation '
of the proposal. hyo their repre1ent-
a trieeT deem not lipped r 171 ltfl 4' (.cite i
rjdwl thew that the rnllwny. thenm-
00)4tgl were 11041(44 their 'fines-. Tho,
ere aevorltngiy inclined to make at
tenet a- wrong fight for a Irt�enl of
srfiftntiem. Some etrf"eTie 'eTerraifr f•
Lest y(enr s operation. of the roads
show that it WAS a 14.4441 lwrtal. 711are
has teen %..m*" improvement .n far as
the reports for the first ,few• months
of the present year *re concerned.
There is plenty Of room for Improve-
mprovem ent. 1t is proliai,le that one method
will be n re111rtkiIl In freight rates Il
well as in wages am iomp,arel with
existent standards. 1t wrath, seem to
Iw evmrnonsentw• that in the r• -adjust -
mews of any creat imin*try or utility
it must be shown that soII the com-
ponent parts are doing-2beILfafr'shaire-:
- -o-
In ltnssia it is already ab'Iidnatty
clear that the neglect of the r.allwly.I
is going to add to the ghastly toll that '
taurine .owl eInle>r and other .4 ..e.
are already beginning to reap. This
1. 11114 4111 tines or piton. to 41111141' on l
1414• shnrtenmintr. or any (niter phases
of Soviet government. %Slot i'. noW:
frankly idmittted by the•Rawian Gov- 1
01 tet is that /trillium of 1.'.gda
e re
nt-na(v.I by death itt Its nn.-t--terribb•
form -starvation. in.tho Volga region
alone it in stated that in the month of
.lune, to nddition to those 41m, died of
famine. 110 1e•*1 'remit elf i em 41101184 1114
-uelinibel to.chedelm. By whatever
(nealns .41 locomotion they eon rem.
mond. or on fad, the people are bells•
• bag.- the - fu swain.-wi rk.
are p,nuriig kdo pert. of Poland amt
.ome parts of (:e•rtmoso7. wIwn' the 1n•
liahitout. alre.dy have troubles'enough
of their own. Thousands of those
starving refugees are (living on the
net ll., ,11(11 (r/m niellta tor- and ,11w•r1•.ers
1111 pi• esti-Mated that. no nutter how
rhe work of relief is (aerie) on or
neelernteil. at least five million pgople
11re tlaomel to 411. (other. putt the
figure~ at ten millions. in their ex -
teener'', the 1111111ian Government n(l-
peal-1 to Herbert Hoover. the fanning
Ameri.•nn relief worker. and t.. the
Government of the United States.
Each hos responded that the release
t of .\noerilm( priemers twist Art 1415+-ia
shish has 1,4,11 the subject of hitherto
frultl,•s, neglrflnf10114--moot toe n, pore.
liutin:ary to 411awa411W 111.1. W'hlk• this
may lack Ilk.' n bit of sharp defiling.
it 4l'e11118 to he the fa.t that hu..la
ha+ mutt grtllty of 4 'rood diol of that
kind of thine in connection with thy
holding of prisoners _ Very few who
hare e m0 (alt ..1 ton+ -Inn prt.tn-'
have I,4 -'n :thee to .:ty that their /mat -
1114.114 wits anything to talk nlwnit
rept in the nirt bitter 1:ngl111Z 1t
Is likely immix!) that the alow4ew I;ov-
Prnm,-tet . will not hatgtle over thr•
ouster. The lio' tion of the m,u,try
i* bel dasgierate for that. and tlw • le.
ger of revolnllon always Imminent 1
where people in least 'Montes enrin.,t get
eiw111gh to keep life In their lw,4lic.. It ,
. w91m surmised -rite Ohne ago 111:1! 'lc.
spoliation of the tea. -tent-. which went
on until .the peaieantry began to resist'
It by i?filed Str('ntth. Would nitlncotile
bring nl14nt 14 conditnn similar to that
'rehiring .% 14V1440m of robbing
mire n4M(11Ittinst-wrtiouer of the 'Thin -
try !to k•evo Mws work(•-'. In the nrlonn
('rotas'5s fiat 14 1lie4e.1 fn here reached
11 1114111 shote r►f efMl.ney nntfl Innson-
Studebaker and Gray -Dort
It is a known fact that the Studebaker is one
of the leading cars of today. _
Come and -get prices -ten the PREST-o-LITE---
STORAGE BATTERIES. They have the quality
and the price is right. - Buy a Canadian battery
and patronize Canadian trade. -
We handle nothing but GUARANTEED
T I R a t year,
Ii. & S. Bring in your K. & S. coupons;
Columbia Hot Shots and. Dry Cells. Our sup-
---r always fresh.
• Sole dealers for Sunoco Motor Oils.
1919 Gray -Dort in good condition.
1914 Ford Touring. good tires, worth the price.
Studebaker Touring and Crow- -Touring, :.in
good shape. -
Persia. the ancient with Its storied
po.t. and only the 1..en.1 of Its mighty
ptw•OR remaining, oval- to have Lawn
swept Tiy w wave of Ii.d-i evi+w. Lord
('1rz00, Britain's Mini -ter et Foreign
Affairs, 111 a reero stetement )n the.
Howie of 1.,1d* .s.,:.uite pessimistie
1411.11 speaking of the eelintry to wh1411
IIP huts devoted situ, -t thirty years of
effort designed t.. h' -ore. Ito stability
and prosperity. It j* °bylouw that
agreements with tirita.n 4'r* ifTie i•a*T
nml4I'. and that for a 4'11114' at any Tale
the 'er.4tanw will ,i- their right of
• rel eletcrmivattei." I y linking up
with Mewavw• awl i!- policies. Vast
quota of'Hrttimh awls... have been 1111
Into the country .Ivrmi the last Cell-
tnr4 either in .4,1:,•ave ne4aeures or
In a 4'clmmereial sir sprite rwwutly
it 1'etS4kD gendarme. of *one (Alpe
rifle's has been built up largely 'at the
exPenee of the British treaotry. with
the' idea of maintaining tinier within
the country melt. -Ir will +.14444 go ifs
own way. w•hh•h will pndwal•ly he into
disarmament or di-r"put.. 111.10414 Mos-
cow feels like H1rii,'iig it. w-hl$h may
he done. Itrltain will wort likely re-
tain - concessions granted. her railer
former trestles prior to the erryeit war.
pw,rtlrnitorly those in the oil n'glous.
on whish vain :Ins.net1 hate bonen
-pent , From Per -la Bolshevism will.
or p.rhnpe 1t end.].l.' -nil hasalready.
-ger.-i.I into Afghal,i;tan. the Amir of
1vhb'h has been In friendly rnmmnnica-
41en with Le'ntn. um, TaIM*ky.„, The
T'ruiesili soda and Terk,'*tan are.al-
ready hon.yeemteI with it. There 1*
pr'no)•w of lively times in that 14e•tlen
of the world. Briri.h .yduion 1. 14..4,4'•
what mixed 'at what appear. to to a
T111101 almndonm'•r:r of the hitherto
-1.4.4. elation*hlt. with Tho arieient
kingdom. 111 leee, burolens.m.' times
lhtan.•ially. ami wit1t-eles other- prl.-
leme of the after -war grebe'. there
would Iikeli 11e an in.lilwton to eine
int any break 1n rile ties that have
1.2 WWI.
1 have taken over the Grocery business of
Faust and Wurm and will conduct it on the
cgsh system, ensuring customers the best
possible values.
A full line of Groceries will be carried.
Your patronage will be appreciated.
W-hile there ha- -••u
-t nrtli944
Ton are lel
e t p e rlment-
Ina when
use Or.
Fon Chase's slime•
Ment for Reveals and satin Itrtta-
tlnu.. It reliever at one and gradu-
al)) heals the skin. sumac Mir Ile.
Oh Aa.'e (ci,unent free. ft yen mention this
paver and Send tr. stamp for p0siaQ4. 544. a
t *ll SMtert rr t(timansea, ea ! (b.,
4,salta44, Torah.. -
Witte, USING
Befit of all Fly Killers 10e
per Packet at all Druggists,
Grocers and General Stores
Holiday Time -
Freedom tram all aches sad
Isaias asomeed by
Rheumatic Capsules !
Rasp them 1a your home,
Take thaw on your vacation 1
For 1lltkeumatism, Neuralgia,
Mead/tette, Troia Sickassa, Eta.
111.00 at your trumpet's.
• Sold by 11. ('. Dunlop.
development to warrant great optim-
ism. the Irish 'situation becomes more
hopeful every day 111 view of the 111111.
4111W4 of the truce and the *web's
of hueetitltt+ tlnt the prominent Sinn
F'elners are holding with their leader,
de Valera. We are a long way lrvtnl a
forwal levier agreement apparently.
but every hour in w•h)e), the confer-
ences and discussions .vutliue ashes to
tlw possibility .11 14 happy (uln•htwiun.
MPA uw11le phut'. fur the .]Isurniameut
conference to le held at W'ashingtw'
trintinut• to be 11:1110 with every pro,
peal of a meeting that will result In
tonuathiug eon.rete. Thi -r' will be
some preliminary dlol-u(sions between
the 111441,8114 to tlw nw'm1a•rehip of the
itritimh Empire. and it ie probable that
the Empire will he etgwes'nted at the
eonfer'Iwe a+ a u1141. 11111 all tlw prns-
prW an. for a gathering that will
work 11 roil and a long step rowan!
finishing the race for armament. A
somewhat strained situation between
Frans and BrItaln In respect to the
Sile•eian question ippesnl to be hiring
a solution without any greet harm
TIr)hiin has teen .1plwc*e.l to the send-
ing of more allied tno.ps thele pending
a meeting of the Allied Supreme roan -
ell to lifeless the whole questhm.
t�171(w has i11si4r.t that this mien he
' done in the Lntene,.t-i of the Attlee. -lt
shonhl Iw rempmlwreil that Frame* fa
teedltlnwtlly on the 141,10 of l'44121 101 in
this matter, aid in 44' ,nkIorl.I,' '41'-
- 444.44' her actions are 14t/Hated by her
ile+ire to aid that (vuntry be all ,111011 10
111111 to 1111ve that country's A 1M11441
I.h.• need it. In Asia Minor the 4:reeks
I have OW0rwrl th0 oitll alio ell 11.04' by
their def, -1t s • tit ago tet the
hawk of the Turk ..atiouall'.I* owl
have won a striking vleton•.. They
are given e'r.dit by the Elroptin mili-
tary experte for a well-planned .4x11•
potherb.. It ham lawn .lrgg•'*tel In some
of theft jixpers• tpat their -menthe'
+honed now• matrrh on 1'oli4tantlnook.
Tris i.vitt to have (-ailed 4144 forth fromGENUINE ASPIRIN
n warning
'411:14ttwo nns
n•h po•
Iso allowed. 111 any evefrt the
Greek vletorv, he r0mov,vl the WA-
+HAM,. of 1M' Turk Nntionnli.ts' mak-
ing mmol their threat to march on ('on-
.tantilayde, If the Irl'.h and B)Ieeshan
gllrsrt..na (4,41),1 he amleitt.ly serried it
would' le- a great relief to Br111.h
'tatesnwn. 1114 weIl as 411 orlwr.. The
'a4si,1-T rkl.h eit4lat4ntl will he -a
mitre elltir1414.. ala rter. It. a,•et 1(•1110111
w111 hargely ,.penal on the extent of
the Greek eietorr. The Tnrtcs`are al-
ready rp'.ort.-.l to here seke1 for tilled
fur the pr. -utter -111p. -
(l'opyrlghttel bJ British and Colonial
Press Litultid.4
Hash de Luxe.
Jean, the negro chef at a certain coun-
try club, makes hash that has no equal.
The fame or the dish is great, but the
secret of its excellence eluded everyone
until one day a member of the club com-
plimented Jean on his skill. "flow do
you do it ?" he asked. "I never get hash
like yours anywhere else." Jeans black
face glowed with pleasure at the compli-
ment. "Beef is nothin'," he replied.
"potatoes is nothin', peppah's nothin',
onions 's nothin'; but when 1 (rower my-
self into de hash-dat's what makes it
what it is t"
A Tip to the Minister.
The minister was hirrying to tht
station when the village scapegrace stop
ped him. "ICI) gie me haul a•crown," he
said. in a wheedling tone, "I've some in-
formation that might be verra usetu' tae
ye.'' The minister replied, "I have no
time to listen to your story." "Eh, but,
sir, ye II be verra sorry if ye dinea get this
hint free me," "Oh. well, here's a shil-
ling: now what is it ?" "Nlintster, 1'11
tell ye, hough it's too cheap for a shilling.
11 y'o're ever pit in the town goal. try and
get the second cell on the left han' side.
It's the maist comfortable cell, for I've
Stied them all "'
Tenement Arnenititv.,
Mrs. Clancy was returning from shop-
ping. and, with the crush and the high
prices, she was in no pleasant humor Al
she approached the door she saw Mrs.
Murphy, who occupied the street floor,
sitting at her window.
"1 say, Mrs. Murphy. she called out in
deep sarcsam, "why don't ye take your
ugly mug out of the windy an' put your
pet monkey in its place ? That'd give
the neighbors a change they'd like.-
. Mrr. Murphy was ready (or her.
"Well. now, Mrs. Clancy." she retorted.
"it was only this mornin' that 1 did that
very thing, an the polic man came along
an' whin he saw the monkey he bowed
and rhm,led• an' said. 'Why. Mrs. Clancy.
whin del ye move downstaarees 1" -Boston
.tmeng the 111rly arrival* for Ohl
Howe W'.e'k b. Mr. E. 1Nrwtdng, of
Leawin4.et.u. air. lbw•nlug Is 410 of
the oI(le•'t dol -Rues* men of Goderk•h
els, ret ir..t a few year* ago. He 1e
t"•alp w,irwly gn•,•tel toy 444 Meads.
Iierbert Greenfield of W estio •k. Al-
berta. Ina. liven deleteil i.v the ferniers-
elver -to the Leg$,dSt re as tire Premier
of that Province•. He I. viceepfreddent
of the United Farmer. .4 Alberta. and
has been slowly associated with the
po111tca1 work of the organisation. H0
is nn Eug)tshluan. fifty-two year. of
age. atoll ,a me to Mit country in Pere2.
For .(•ver,l year+ 110 engage.) In
forming near W'atf.nl. Ont., and then
howo.t.•:r.le'tl at W.••rtla•k. where he
hat r�+il�.l• eltivel He has a iva-f in
the I.o4l-latttn. Mr. Greenfield 1•
mein of strong p'r-.naality, and mho..-
w•two know him say that he will make
e linin Premier. When the r emtulbig
oli,wr..,f the gtithering n'Ii -h s.•b" te1 ,
shim at ('nlg11ry hod allowed him to
speak h. said mimply. 'I will do my
i,., for the farnwr ami all ,11..e. of
the 1'rovilws• of ,\liort:i." Mr. if. W.
W' rel. preeahlent ./f the 1'1 tNel--Farme'r•.
tllm•rlar: tle•ttwrt to be nominated)
Tablets without "Bayer Cross"
Ment Aspirin at all -
1' ileo . "Bayer Tablets of Asphis" �
to a Bayer" package, plainly marked
with the safety "Bayer Cross.'
The "Bayer Cross' is your only way
of knowing that you are getting genuine
Aspirin, prescribed by phy..cians for
nineteen years and proved safe by mil-
lions for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds,
Rheumatism, Lumbago. Neuritis, and for
Pain generally. Made in Canada.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets -also
larger sized "Bayer" package..
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada'. of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaceticaeidester of Salicylicac'd.
While it is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer manufacture. to assist the
public against imitations. the Tablets of
Bayer Company. Ltd., wall be stamped
with their general ,rade mark, the
"Rayer Cross."
It is astonishing how
mmuynlie't d 405-
1n. aid lameness -
Give Great
ton A. it C.k..,. t.
P..k Am. c emt.
•ear'•4, IW
wolf M4ar•Ilomat
te. me
gam."mw Fman ol
ions um* .t 'w ruin...•
ism and i sa
it•w gnat4 . red... J
c Wee
- -
❑ ❑
lien t .4 Huston. M. 714, Therdd. One -
' 1 wiNred .pry touch with onus*. to my Ire W1
•tor... droll to try Miwd • Lnunrrl. and
.d tion.Yly silo Int •ponto.,on
1Y prmeod ,n may 4 ma it hr rntnly root.
Th.. rooter I coo to we without tying up o. lap
..d ,..• the nW,e .o Naar • Lowrm. Hit•
,,1d r• roar pr,pl• Awl 51...44 a. sad Wins r•
King of Pain
Yarmouth No.. Scotts
BOX 67, Goderlch. All instructlot/a
by mail or left at Signal office will ba
promptly attended to. Residence tel.
phone 119.
• Ft
-_ 3'111. _ Bonin • notary - pnblli..
Ogee Hamilton et Oedeikb, tbI,
door from Square. Trust fonds t•
loan at lowest rate.
(lice --Sterling Bank Block, Ham-
ilton Street. Ooderlcli. Telephone O.
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.
▪ HOi MEIt.
Ofilee on the Square, second door
from Hamilton Street, Goderlch.
Private funds to lora- at lowest
W. Proudfoot, K. C., J. 'L Kllloral.'
Dudley le 110111.4.
RISTER. attorney. solicitor, ete,
Goderich. Honey blamed. 'at lowest
rates. 4 i
C• SF:A4;EIt. BA ItIISTER--,Wier 1l'1T4)R, notary public and tents-
Peyancer. office--Cuurt House, Goths-
robrich. (/0.122.4
-11MLIkeettil LOAM, Er
ANCE Col. -Farm and Whited
town property Inured.
Ofileerr-Ju. Coonolly, Pre*, dodo.
rich P. O.: Jas. Evans. Vice -Pres..
Beechwood P. O.; Thomas E. Hays,
Sec -Trees, S.afor'h P. (1.
Directors -D. F. McGregor. it R.
No. 3. Seatortb; John -G. Grieve, No.
4, Waitoc; William Flinn, R. R. No
Seatorth; John Bennewiee, Brod-
batten; Geo Met'artney, R. R. No. 3,
Seelor(h ; Rede yt- Fe-rrfa, llarloek
Malcolm McE"en, Clinton: James
Evens. Beeetwood; ,James Connolly.
Agents : J. W. Teo, Ooderleh ;
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1. Clinton:
William Chesney. S.aforth: E. Hineb.
ley. Seefortb. Polley -holders can pay
all payments and get their cart's re-
relpt.d at it. J. Morrish'. Clothing
Store. Clinton: R. H. ('uttb Grocery.
Kingetotti .treet, Goderich. or J. 11._,
r11e141's GIenoral Store. Bayfield. •-
114"' i•. /� , ',' 1 n
aw`.� t l
iii"*' •wpet.. !� ILhPa. 1t i '1. 1 MI.
arm LaboirsWante
Brophey Bros.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Order* carefully atteatled 1b
at all boars. night or day,
"Fare Going"-$15toWINNiPEG. "Fare Returning'' -$20 fromWINNIPEG
pi cent per mile Winnipeg to destination. 1z cent per mile starting point to Winnipeg
AUOt1gT t, i Frn Stmtion• in Ontario, Smith's Vslas to and 4 4 dins Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Liter
anti Havelock Petertoro Line,
Md . Front Stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive.
From Stations on Toronto -Sudbury direct Ree, between Taranto and Parry Sound. inclusive.
! Prom Station. Deanne! to Port Mcrrirdt and nur4e,on, to Bobo yee'.n, inclu.ve.
A UO(IIT 1 O. I Pro"' Station. South and Witt of Toronto to and lnehd,ns Hamilton and Windsor, Ont.
Frain Owen Sound Walkerton, Orant ev,lie. Tenwater, 1Jo,t, Listowel,d
Oodeeh, i;t, Mot', ..
and PoBurwell,
Port and St Thomas Br.nrhes
From Stations Toronto and North to Bolton. inrhmve.
F,rat train leaves 10.00 a.m. followed by others as required. List train about 10.00 p re.
4'.14 Parris -140M from c...aisa Pacific Ticket Amem W. B. HOWARD, District Paa+ruaer Af-e•l Ton.mtto
iHamilton ami St. Sndrpw'. feta,
tf (ioderieh Phone 104
Music for Everybody
Ageui' f• r
Call and let us give you
a demonstration of these
splendid instruments.
We have in stock the
Starr-Geonett Records
whit h ran hr used on all
these inetriltnents.