HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-8-4, Page 3Tal SIGNAL CIODIBICH, ONT. 'I'Ln r -.Inc. .khgu:t 1. I!r_ 1 -3 THE BIG TIME IS ALMOSTHEkI The Old Boys and Girls are already gathering for Goderich's Old Home Week, and the great event, for which preparations have been making for months, is right at hand R .. FIVE DAYS` OF R.E-UNION, SPORT AND FUN Old Home Week In Goderich AUGUST 7, 8, 9, Io, 1Imo--1921 Let everybody come and help in the welcome to the Old Boys and rls and take in the big doings Horse. Race Baseball Tournament Four Events x$2,000 .in guises for the Championship of Huron District Music by Three Bands Carnivals, Parades and Dancing Athletic Meet Caledonian Games, etc. almer's Midway SUNDAY U141 IM.rr' ,.itch,•, in the e'1111n•he., at the 44.11411 hour•. Ma,w,1 commemoration ,11N1 decoration sortie• at Maitland ('enletery. :44 . m. -- MONDAY p u.-1'1%1.• wvleme by Nlayorr-and Town on the Square. p '--411h1n•u', genu, •.a me Siemer , p.ut -•full,. n,11,11ou for ,,:iter. ('otN,•rt he 33rd It.•ginamt itan,l alir•nlag.eu 0111•.r1ai •at INN,11IN. }:xcrlr,d a ou -reamer Cn•yliound ADMISSIO TUESDAY It a to --GRAND ('.%LITHUMPIAN AND IRIDES PROCESSION. 1 S,r• 1.111,• for list of ptiz.•. 1. 10,4 m.-1tast•ball game at Agricultural Pari--tliL-ltoys v.. Goilttkil_.- t old-timers. 1.:40 p.m. -HORSE KACES at Agrhroltura! lank. ..30 and ..1s eau..... s p 111 - e'ow-.•rt by It:r:..1 of 11",11.'rlo, Mn- :11 S•. i.•t'y, on the Sonar.. A DNESDAY HASFH. TOURNAMENT• 10 a.m.-Teili_Eatt•re t. Zurich. 1: p.w.--\PiNOW m c.4 1:0001.•ric9 Whiner,. lift th(w t'Uv. ga111t• to- Italy off for the chittttpio11.'hip. 8 p.m.-+ 4111Prt 1111 the Sonars. I% 4Vnlerhl44 Musial society It:ual THU AY' . 10 n.m.--.ITHLE1'1(' MEET at .Agricultural Perk. HON. E. t'. I)RU'KY.'Prtmhv of ',Mario, wilt give an-*lidTe+urat 12!19 a.lai. 1.:40 1.114.- Athletic M.•t etuiti 1u4r1. „ HORSE K.1( ES -:._•2 Attd 2,13 cIalahl, s p.ni -I .Ir.•.c.11 1::i nil I'.,11.0•rI Band Conceion the Square, Dancing and Carnival every night, commencing Monday TO A t ICULTURAL PARK -Morning 35c, Afternoon 50c Band Concerts and other events on the Square --Free EVERY DY JOLT IN A D HELP. _MAKE THE WEEKA MEMORABLE OCCASION Kodak while you go then get your Developing and Printing done by R. R. SALLOS • • MOST ANY MAN tan make temporary repairs ami "Ax his tar 11p to eomtdet.• the Iron home. but not evPlt every n•pIIr man under- stands the (1ellcnh• pnrl+lun 11 11.1 per- fect adjustment Ih•tt- result Nt lasting sat dsfaetlon. We give Is refill. expert attention to every detail of euro minor repairs. Try m. for AUTOMOBILE REP MIRING. REO. WILLIAMS Phone 243 -t --- Go erieh KE SIM('OE TO LAKE HURON. Pro 1 for a 1'ro%,retial Road Con- nect North and South Koute,t. July .at.-Fopr wore of de- unlelpal r'presencirMa Turout4 tarnil1N'd i gots' gravel road ,would All the hill. A MITES excel!!!"' The prepared aral.l 1)1114 start at Crux- HAkIi .4I3I8'TRONG. ton's 4'orlwrs, 1111 the 'etwtang mad. 11 Provincial highway. the town linty Ia•tw44 _ R'llllamslntr). anti Tt't•un •,•h and E'sa. -Times and Face*. hert• motoring front the Atlantic to 1hrough 4'.sik+town 411 Alli 11.41 K .2.'- Ur. H. Bothwell twwiv44l from 1'ac1Ar. 11'e get all IAds of frnit the nee we'd down I InnI4N1 and F la'tnitiful city uu rte toning. a r.-' dentin' city. Von can motor for n tl*,iis,uul ruile. on the 1144..1 rood- 111 \Merica. winter and .un11ner 11II the (ioderkh Re+dent Retails OW „owe. Toum••t., fl•11111 all vlyer roDW _iiiornL_ It) Shelburne. 111ri•ue11 t.i1.1-.K„y_ H.trrr 32.ar "WI .11141 vtStitt tit, from the Mount Forest to Harrl.ston. where It rdru every shay. Tlii.rr an• th.•n- Armstr+rtlg. who will Ir• relneml, n•d world tap the 1•mcinctal hl- Iw ny 40 lir' wary niftier! of The lilgnal. tin 111• atNls 11f Jais •.vol te•ne1 11ver vile KIncnrdiue :111.1 Lake Huron.country: they are certainly wizards at' Goderich,to' Cookstown to t.'rewtsr itlg !titter Whha1Nl which w • l he e publish lea handed below1 g fruit a11Nl tlo t r . Jl. x1 cul In ,rnnleti1111'with the same 1.•'ter Mr. Armr.trolar',rite• from 1'asad••utl. •In t of the w•nrk nu the 4.'.14 7 the Mount Forest local 1a)1'('r ha, the California. Mr. Roth:.r1 was in Val- trate: nal lrouN ht ' 1 '. .. 11,1..•+ it ) fulluw•fng : " Ing I.yr '11ot11e4 New Y.rrk. anti,;row•-1 . diatom hinetelf Iasi w ntrr, holt-did Dot . (tit Wesillwdfy attertlfam in•t Wee mil by !vat's :11111 1Nnh,i11 11.4 lire are ren; klroyc Mr. Ilvustrnng was then•. tht.n• w -a, n mooing of m111,10iytl n- Mlle. oat twat the Srw M.ulrt Moua TIN• letter is ns f.11•.ws scenery everywhere pre.entathw11 v. interteil in'lousrw.1 taiu+: Isautilnl g(asi lig t str'to tied, Mseru ee: nfry from Gimlet -fell. through Hariston. Mt. Tores1. RTi•'lh1t'1I• and .Mliston to Cookstown.Cookstown.wn. if was .101,11441 to x.•1111 a depot/Wondepot/Wondepotato Turonfn to interview the • one 04 Government. This i ,tervlrw tore tension pine' on Tumidity. Stant.Stant.seventy (tele- . wail 1 gates tyre'• . pnw•nL _) Frani ...Mould 44(01 k'urest there wen, Mayor Allen. Reeve ('ahtpls•I1. Councillors Nonan. Scottafar# alai""sura-'lwr.ir fi iTbli•y. anT3TP.nrn: ATier: the Impression that 'lore would hit •e ,(. Lewis. (4 -1...Ulrn and A. S. ('larks.. from t•Ilin 1111. Grey. 'true.% !lama. 1Juf.•r111 and 1rone ttilnnt14•' tk'i.eend- el upon Hou. F ('. Mgr. and Hou. W. E. !Latey. at the 'arllanu•nt Itu11d1lig. 1.4411.1y, to 1111....1111.... G. 1111' de.igllati of o' a rr.eountry 1 ovinelaf highway that would give Lake .itul4a• 011141 Eike 'latter- a(hrood on( nttrtth'w ra--al- Oak top the three l'rovi tai- highways now running north and w th into that grim. - it world be. and should the Arlt rvkuls !4141('.1 in any of the l'ruc11x 441 highway systr the sort of encouragement )I r. dear old ratan] Larry.- • estervlay I receive, the programme 411,( !low. LVI•trk__ 111 the_ oaar iter t the 01T...hope 1 :r,t" these word.. "Get usy awl cone. Barry Rothwell."" it 'tit .. +.4•01 str.*:a •• : tally hast Then -win. 1 wits 414m11 iu Lent Alige1e4 and 1 Wal 1011ssi g.41N• mtlglii k•ent new• l'nttittng the W. P Prrtt4r t'a f n t Co. or (1Hit .4 ,•t, the lar -"t eonctrn on .tL/:-1io ught ry Bothwell and Hy. 1'1111'11+ :11'. still -n the Ionil of the liv- ing and with t ' ('anal!! ' P111ut ('(r. I'hrlatYld' that «k. of telepathy., Ha. ha. Anyway. i am Ill.•, 4till lu dtr' pleasant time we hart it to be an extension of the system a 411m1• time. ' 14twrner or later it 1s inevitable that this mad shoultPhe built: win! the way Mr. Raney_pit The proplsltlun put before trip (Ttiv- erl11ne11t w•tlg that the ialrerument should hake over n mud about seventy miles long that Is now part of the sev- eral comity syst.me. Some part. of 1t are in fair shape. while others are hn.11y 111 need of repair. Thera Is lots .d g«ar-grcial.Jfthe country and a Mr Clarke was riark'slltalh for Mount Forest. lion. Messrs. Riggs and ita11.;y re - 1 l-el'the deputation and listened tit- le "'rely to the rrpn•w'lltatiolrr. made. T114 itiditriti54 frith] r,llelbnrne Mat' 114to1 Ing m de a Provincial rued. Those from t 4 end would Ia' +4441411441 with a conuty Provincial road. '.1r. Riggs w(id the '1'011110e et 411 it1 not 4)44n1111e any more ands nt present. lint th.• mattas. %la11.be keit' wonder if Ill .1,1 to know you uk *,f the the old town insisted strongly on the road he- i 1)11,1 the nnm.•mns rho hl.' PM. a11(l rte Well. 1- mg". tris. w•1R 'duty rn-well • I(1, wavering. Ma two roue. n fill-mrl j_ a .• war. !,Ally. The e111eT "1PT y smashed at 11111 i,'( 1ttn+ terries shpnel In his INNIy. H.• Ms to Ie' 4vn 111 1. 114 1+ '!Ili 1 111 (':nut.ht with' OW t'hln:ulinn , Natl.aial Kallway.l Hars,r_ our y4.uttgost.. 4.' here.- Hs 04u4. nd won 1.4 :It 1.4•144. hnr rvrov.ae.l. Tilos* wort Ntnatgors day. for all. 1 '•nrr (1at.•. Kith . khhlest regard. to .airs. itothwell awl +elf. Mrs..\..keeps w'i'll and enjoys "1 11 glot•lnu" clf•n:ltt 1 of 4'.1t11.o1'10fa.'' ns 4,1,•Kee Rankin says in ills play "The Silver King" Tours •iD.•or••ly. • Harry .1rnett4otlg. Mileage as it is Mea ured The selling price is the yardstick of ti mileage, very often. The strikin exception being Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes". The mileage put into them is not measured. They are meant to give extra miles and'they do. Running on your car Ames Holden ":Auto -Shoes" will give you the cheapest mileage you can buy -irrespective of cost. ''Grey Sox" Tubes THOS. M. DAVIS, South St., Phone No. 13 GODEEICH, ONT. AMES HOLDEN "AUTO -SHOES" Cord and Fabric Tires in all Standard Sizes For Sale By debate.' pro and eon in Pa • ns' hard- . ware shoo. pw.lttefl :11'•1 •.t w•1w•..and 1 the hot time there was in the'old town 1111 l4 lig ••1(4.11011 time -• Ir ol.l\ triton] ••W'a4:'hy" 1%,11111(1. 1".11:1111g the '1otor- _ irrttrAtigh tariff to pieces. at.ststdd try • jimmy Saunders. alis! (;err. tiwai#on , winding un lir giving poor old John A. 4i.•1hallald tit.. Th.., Were warn, 41.•1•:0••s. 111111 In.ntlr day ,could make a „la - mi. art now'n•(4ine quietly in the pd••n.11d movie picture, 1111' the deny People with thin bloodare much more 1 .••nle4eh'y aloha a'It1: hundreds0. subject to headaches than'fttl!-lalgnd•d perwrns, and the form of anaemia that •.r l,oP, w'4' knew Nor w•1S liur•h Is life. afflicts growing 'girls is a'most always 1 certainly would Iii..• to the present accompanied by headaches. together with.4 th rhe (4141 Hoy., for "1411!1 !ant -4111'.'• 1)114 It wtflt.l 4.• dmpnrslble.' a+ disturbance of the different orgarr. 'he j•Nirtwy Is to. 1.-:z for me to stand and taw' wparh.'r east of the Ilo•kies h, the 111terior is almost mt- IN•III'alll' at pn•st4nt. Iriltellers from the East tell us. uo your blood. .A fir treatment with R' the ther n rnnm" - Dr. sur mli Pink PI1k will ria the over ranges from t l•• 120 a1N,ce 111 effectively, and the rich. red b!nod mad.- by thew pills will remcve the headache. l More disturbances to the health are r more. 1 would -•,• manr rhouge., caused by their Airsd'than moa perp/.1 iii have any idea of. When your hl •n nits. the cows 'Inst mano4l Abloodblood Imil.verist.ed, the nerves !Mier from iack-l-- ty around this' $.plan and piaster 01 nourishment, and ysti may bett•.ubletl--:• 4iikArglifr:-To'TR•' detriment Of with insomnia, nRuritis, neuralgia or' tw nIAtN Who prernnhnlat441 mmur(1 ecia1t.a. Muscles subject to strain are n took tux fol ''FaIth nrnl undernourished and vol may have mos- • scenery. R. hit. A1.1! .. • ti)P it)ylnP cular rheanlatism or lumbago. If your A+wa 1ftM squibs i wrote 1'p for The pinnd is thin and you begin to show sYmP- 1 Nlgniil stn ed folks thinking, event- • tom. of any of these dirorder•„try build tally matt! the mw utttaap.e in a ing up the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink prlaeo by Itse•1 Pills• and as the blood it/restored to it• 1t 14 nalrly enty-two years since normal conditionevery symptom of the 1 left (:n.lerleh : 4• that time 1 have trouble will disappear. There are more travelled n good ny (1nnsand miles people who owe their t 'tate of and seen a big 411re if the ronntry, 1n good health to Dr. Wiliam ' Pink Pll!s ('!nidi 141N1 the ?ton a•Th1• Is f than to any other medic ine, and m• rt of beautiful country. the band of sunshine them do not hesitate to .ay an. 11 1101 Il4WerN the pear muni. The near- You an get hr. William'' fink Pill. est snow we see 14 away tip on the through any dealer in medicine or by mail peaks of the hit mountain* whk•h nr•e at 30 cents a box or Rif boxes for $2 30 nearby. We nrr one thmaand (eat from the Dr. Williams Medical Co,. abate sea level Pasadena ts the rifix•t Brockville, Ont. FREQUENT HEADACHES • A Sure Sign that the Blood Is Watery and Impure. Whenever you have constant or recer- ring headaches and pallor of the fare. they show that the lined is thin and your efforts should be directed toward Nut't'er( the gnat ' de'e'r' •.mntry through .tr•Itmtn. that's boa nr•n 11 for health. i w -m1141 like to vi -it the old !.late "Red Sox" Tubes P. J. MacEWAN,' St. Andrews St., Phone No. 1$4 OODERiCH, ONT. Pt Ills 1'A t the the to ONTARIO FERTILIZERS Reduce Crop Costs FiRST CHOICE OF ONTARIO FARfERS Ontario Fertilizers Limited West Toronto ,Ont. WRITE FOR . , BOOKLET AND PRICES SIRES TIRES eci . I fomes in Tires for Old If Week Only We have a w new, at 1) (xf at We have a,jul 114.50,. new .T,trck. One'only :;Ix4 Cort ire :.te11:.,,11, guaranteed :,,(100 utiles 3(1x::+} •l'ul.rs$1.tlt. 31x4 TubesEl 7u !3x4--` rites f(i." i. :;1x4 Tubes $'1.(X) ;14x4 Tubes $2 (10. - •-•_ ------- Mileage sante of these hats;atns Tv'iiiTg tl:••y lit _______ ::'rc) and 34x4 Nonskid Tires, good as ft1'l'(W) e'9cf1. ed nu'uhet of :141x:;,} Non-skid Tires at t • 1 ESTABLISHED 1872 • ( ire. I- frbi • I .:. r.it,•x .. sear, orict HAMILTON NOW that the grain ship- ments have started. there are a number of transactions to be taken care of for you. The Bank of Hamilton is par- ticularly well equipped to look after all this detail in a thor- oughly efficient manner. BANK OF HAMILTON Goderich Branch -A. J, MacKay, Manager • • •. r-