HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-28, Page 7OIL O ' iiipaday. Jule Ladies' Whitewear in the Latest Effects Ladies' Collars and many other lines of wo- men's and children's wear. Novelty Goods A very extensive line. It would be worth your while to call and inspect them. McEwen's 1\ Specials Flannelettes at reduced prloes. Sheeting at reduced prices. Rocktast Drill at reduced prices.,- Glagtutm at reduced pries. ♦ alese assortment for Window Curtain.. from 23e and up. All -wool Serge. navy blue. double width, et $1.75 per yard.- Inderwear, to bear, et pikes worth' w hlle. A great. number of artleleil to Groceries at reduced peke/.. J. J. McEWEN The 811Pars • • - Phone 46 COUNTY AND DISTRICT. Ili Mrs. Naltiger. of i►mitwood, passed away July 12th, aged owventy years. Tho death a"•urr.l or July 11Th of Mr.. Simon Iiowlet1, of Ethel, In her sixty•tirst year. The .auow of death was pneumonia. Her husband ru,.l one ...u. ItlnI,, of Wiuttham survh'e. the Kuuday, July 1711, death re- moved it I•.•.necks! .Mizen of lleusnll, Its the perw.n of Mrs. Thos. Cook. who was in her fifty-ninth year. The hus- I•aud and two daughter, survive. The following story comes (ram Dash - 'Wood : While ttossing a creek during the recent flood a farmer near town lost a roll of bills valued at $100. The roll fell into the water and thated down stream a considerable distance. Later on the bills were picked up by a neighbor, some hang- ing on shocks of grain. some on slat, of earth and some on the fences. The finder returned the Toney to the:loser. By the dt•nth of Ar. hil•nld ]lel:regur, of Kiletwu, the towtu.hip of Tueker- smith has tort one of its foremost well. Mr. M,•t;regor died July 1:t1 at the Loudon ho.pltnt Ill his »et...uty-seventh year. Hr Wain elle or the early .rattlers of the dlarht. ha vita .pair with ldw parent. from 1..•..tlauel In the year 1m51. The fatally ...tiled on the :;rd .nneee- +lou of Tucker -ankh. where the de - (seised "lent nearly all his life, re- moving with his wife to Klpilen two year, ag•.. IL.+,tes tl.e wlduw, two ...n% and four .laughter, 'cursive. The laying of the cornerstones of the community hall at Londesborc. was a memorable event in the h'efre of the township of Hullett. There was a splendid crowd in attendance and the program throughout was much appreciated by a11.' At precisely 5.30 o'clock the cornerstones! were ready to have the finishing touches applied. Mr. John Lanham, of Golerich, Ind Re-ve-M. Armstrong Had' been! -.aspected to perform the Ceremony. but unfortunately Mr. Lasham was riot able, to be present and ex Reeve John Fingland ppetrrt.raled the ceremony in • his behalf.- Shurt ad resees were made by both Reeve Armstr ,f. and .Ir. Fingland and others. .Atter the c-remnny of laying the corner- stones a splendid supper was served by i the ladies of the community on the Metho.1 dist parsonage grounds and to this ample I justice WA, done. In the evening the! Keoka Hawaiian Glee Club, of Lo•vion, . presented a .delibhtful program. When the community hal is cnmp'eted. the, municipality will have something much , needed as well as something that will re- main for ail time as a monument to the ortegnty and thriftiness of the residents of he community. Rev. lames Abery, in I hi- usual affable manner. acted as,ybau- man during the entire proceedings. EXETER. Word was received in Exeter last week of the death of Mrs James Westcott. which occurred at the home of her daugh- ter. Mrs. Ferguson, Winnipeg. .1rs. Ed. Coates. of Usborne, is another daughter. I , The remains were br„ugbt to Exeter for interment. "My Back Is So Bad" P AINS in the small of the back, lumbago, rheuma- tism, pains in the limbo all tell of defective kidneys. Poisons ars being left in the blood which cause pains and aches. The kidneys, liver and bowels must be aroused to action by suck treatment as Dr. Chase's HIdn¢ Liver Pills. There L no time for delay when the kidneys go wrong, for such de- velopments as hardening of the ar- teries and Bright's. dismiss are the natural result. One pal a does, Z coats a Was an dealers, or admaa.oa. Bata, !-Gee itsL. Toronto. Dr. Chase's Kidnet (.i' Cbz Pills Since the markets of the United States have been practically closed to the cattle- men of Ontario. a number of the shippers of Exeter have taken //msoaace in a brat for over 500 cattle arid/ will ship them to England She first week in 'August. About twenty men will accompany the cattle. It 'is many years since there was much shipping of cattle to England. ;. iNGH-t)l. Wingham's tax rate this year is 34 milts. I Billie Burke has sold his restaurant business to Messrs- Brandon & ?1,tchell, j and has again taken charge of the Queen's cafe. • The new teachers engaged tor. the Wingham public school are Mile Ward, Palmer• ton; ‘1ss Dote, %'Ingham; Miss Davey ,Kincardu.r; Mi Rathwell, Luck - now, end Mile Green, Sc1campton. The vacancy in the town council catio'!! by the death of Councillor Mitchell has been filled by the election of Arthur. Fothergill. and John McCuol has been elected public school trustee in Nast of W. J Haines, removed front town. Both electrons were by acclamation. George Chettleburgh, the eleven•year• old son of Mrs. Henry Howard, weer drowned in the Maitland River Tuesday a'ternoon of last week. In c¢ompany with three other young boys thel\little fellow went in swimming near the C.['.R. brfdg•, and as the water owing to the recent rains was some two feet higher than usual he got beyond pis depth He as not able to swim and went So the bottom and his companions were too,. young to make a rescue. An alarm was given and soon a number of men were'endeavorm,; to find the body. The water was so dirt N• that it was over an hour before the body was located and brought to the shore: SEA FORTH.. The toddlers' memorial w,•antu••rr Ins been Osgood In position lar V;••coria Peek and, will be unveiled at u later date. F. S. Karauge, Jewell' :..,' ceafort h. was elected president .•. : t.• 4)nlarlo .iewellers' A.wxJatinn n11..' .rlveu- tlou recently held at NI:4Car;, Falls. .1 pretty wedding took 1;::e•.' on Wed, ues.lay, July 21Ith, In th- T. iu,.nlvill,' t'r,.byterlan church. tI -- Ell,. .i. riflemen., only (nug1 . .•' )Ir. and Mr'.. Hugh /'Moony el i -:u.upltalle. Ming united In mart, -o. Jtol•ert 1 Mackenzie , youngest - of fir.. Ih.uald Mackenzie of s '..rr1.. The ceremony was perforn.•'1 1.v l ..v, se, WI...1 a in the preemies of I..,ur fifty gtn•srx. The happy of territorial train for :, trip Saguenay. While Alex. Walker. ••e tgwII. wwimlriing in the river l.ra..l,-tl+;. tdrrs at Baraekl a fess 'tars ago, leonine exhausted and so,S 1 i kilo IT* * l.redfea went waw 1.,••1••.1 •.I t y r.. ii - ley Niehel. who Jasls-+•-..tr -the pier and siu.w'elei in keepir.2 Situ up t1tt111 .lune w.'n la.•tired a loot -slid r.•a•nwl thein. It sea% a pluck .I. --i and is to receive some re o ii1•t.+:, fr i the 1 1'ru.•hte•lal Buy Wool . w,nin ielsd twang .a member of the setfort err. rn;- !ttatton- s •., Tire well -drillers a a:Ivy -lwrlt . olw•ntting at the rear r:.wn ball for 'rotor time strnek ., ....--stew of - water at a depth of 1411 tsxt•--oisuesr. ing has c",ntiuuel 5444•... Wi4,1ont stir lowering of the water 1".o• water Is -of rc.wflrnt quality. i. fr*.'-r.-..m 4n.- ernl taste and is cold soil •isirkling. .trt.ula'r well will be agi:mmr_the prrsrnt one for poor . a. y pwtgtoaes seal as soon a. labor and tmtrerial ."ruts r"ome .Lown .......4the intends ereetit*R a lower Is. -• :,not going uhe•utl • with the new v. .r :....rks ars- tori1 for the town.-••amt',a1.g that Sea forth h... Iw•t'n Mid+: , • 1,..A of for ae111,• years. Sp ia; in A Man is just as Young and Strong a* hilt Blood R'o'man can tight the battles of life and hold his own if his blood is not pure, for rich, red blood is what strength is based upon. When you see a strong, vigorous man, who never knows when he is licked, you may wager that such a man has coursing through his veins rich, red blood. Many people have thin, pale blood. They are weak, tire easily, be- come discouraged quickly, and sometimes feel like giving up the struggle. Such folks need Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery, Which is sold by druggists in liquid or tablet form. Send 10 cents too Doctor Pierce's invalids' Hotel in Buffalo,. N. Y., for a trial package of the tablets. NIAGARA FALLS;ONT.-" I have uerd 'Dr. Pierce's Golder' Medical Discovery at times for the past three years wall wonderful resuls, 'and I take great pleasure in saying a word to boost the cause of ' Freedom from Illness.' 1 am 'a pressd,an by occupation. which is quite fatiguing and hourlong to the system, but since taking the , Discov- ery' business has no drawback for. me. Three cheers for I1.ocGor Pierce'% medicine ! "-WILLise H. DFti'I1gv, Ja., 32 Bridge Street. Good 1Piumbing IS A DELIGHT Poor Plumbing IS AN ABOMINATION When we do the Joh, we give you the right kind- -the kind that gives you pleasure ansi comfort. FRED. HUNT "THE PLUMBER" • Monona. atr..I PAon. 139 1'iunlning Kavtwtr.o,ghing Heating. '. Metal Work The climax of the Ses.a 's Millinery Events Remarkable values in Trimmed Hats FOR Half -Price No two styles alike and represent all the smartest and newest ideas of our Summer Millinery. A wonderful collection of good values Miss M. R. MacVicar Kingston street, Goderich THE BLUEBIRD WASHER - ---a11 and see a demonstration of the best Washing Machine on the market. We are agents. Lighten the drudgery of housekeeping with one of theme easy -running machines, which save labor and preserve health and good temper. =SON „MAZDA LAMPS are the standard, up-to-date electric light. We have them. -1h1(► all kinds of ummer Heat -lard on Baby4 i i No season of the year is .o dant 4ife--of little summer. The excemiv,- heat throw the little stomach out of order so quickl that unless prompt aid is a' hand the baby may be beyond all.hurnan help before the -mother realizes he is iii Summer is the season when diarrhoea. ch opera m(antum. dysentery and colic are most prevalent. Any one of these treub.ee may prove deadly if not properly oyster!. During the summer tete mother's best friend is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels- sweeten 'he t.mach and keep baby healthy. The T,ah'ets are sold by mail at 25 cents a -Williams bled+eise • Myrtle A,. tas.n-Winglatm. `.die M. I)rap•r-(Tinton. Ni lie 444.-1.ueknmv. \'e Heist -R. ti. No. 1. Keafortb. Ida Iowa/ton-It. 1t. -No. 3, Lul•k- Ia1N•, N. Mor 4 Hangl--R. R. 4k -lip -Wing - him. Luck - 11"11. 15• Luella Join ton --lit. It. •\o. 3, Au- burn. (' -. VIob•t Kltklwlt ilk --'Ir' ng:in:ion. heti'. Kramer R 3... 3. itnrssels. K,.t tart h. ,1�•uui.J_h.na I.ltekuow, • \I:.ry E. MG-Xill) -I4 .sol.. Shawl T. M,•(ltinld-I t.gann on. F:dlrlt--A- Mogrldgr-A rn. Edna 1.. Relit -Walton. I1.ruthv 4'. Roth -It- R. -N. 1, Wing - iia m.. F -dun P. st-otehmh'r IAuyfe ('hsyrlotte 1. K.iteelry-('lintua 11jy4' M, L. $l ep nrd-Hoderieh. la Sowerhy-it. R. No. 2. Gower zzi.' Kowerhy-it. 14. No. '2. Hoek r i -r tail -tett W. fatn-v10*-Walcot►: - -=-- Itnby I. Toyler-i4. It. No- i. Varna. Nei mit Thompson-Lit(kn t*. Simi.- E,- T'huell-It. R. No. 4. Rnrs- Ladies' Silk Holeproof Hose Rib top in black, bro'.v n, camel, navy, dark and light grey Regular price $2.00 for $1.75 MaiL.•4 Living -tun McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers 1 HE SQUARE GODERICH 1 TUJIIF YOUR TIRE nue. layerupon layer of skilfully tuirl.nized fabric. The job of the tire repair span rail. for an inti- mate knots ledge of tire anatomy if he i. to di.•w l the weak section [tom the strums atld rebuild a tire body .uffici. sal) .turd, for re.i.t- 41144 prr..ure .train. ;and gruelling road rub- lei 11. •how that evpert repair. do pay higge.l return.. H. J. FISHER, 14.01 F tK; H 4 AggimENIMMIlt Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away ELEQ ICAL GOODS for house, store, office or \workshop. Estimates made and contracts taken for electric wiring and other electrical work. A. J. LAITHWAITE Old Colborne Hotel Corner Phone Hamilton St. medicinedealers or b box from the Dr. Co., Brockville. The { We1ne• of 4in• nosh. M la•renik y. r NMe• rseAlV I 1 wtlr and v -. .-, ntlrt- lir In the town.h 4L1'TH. W..IuewWy. July .7. Lyth ,.f Mrs.:John Routley. on ay of last week, romove.l our d n ;stye. of tenet Wawa - lir nosy was .in her eighty- -after their marriage nisi lid. the Tare John twassty4)g'D }shot .f 1',,ts,m n'. naming i' to the tarsi .•niN•Px• rash. Mr. It••t•tler ago. shw,• which made her both*. torus that t..wl1- apo of I ,,,.1 \)': d 1 se•veure•u y.• tiro Ur.. !tent4.- .;a tlth her tam. .,,,.role„ and d:urgl)t.r. ss 1Int riotto,. -toot r daughter. Tulse - -L. sod a i rtes hem ' .1onethan- •tri r.•-i•b•nts ofsjtlrth. , In the field crop eompetit m in'enn- uisaeel with the Blyth \u oultur,l wn•irty-, the prize: have ieen Warded It. the following onler : Duncan !whi- tlow. rod: J. .Ir 1'. iwldlaw, til: John Darr. :t21a ; I.iwal 1f. Laidlaw. 7110-1: M01111 iirers, 7x: I: Richmond, 72% : it. 41: Sllortreei. 71. After a long Ill!. -w Mrs. William .1. Feuwk'k. of Illyts plowed away (1(1 Satnrdey night. itrtles age of 14•veury- two yelrs. .The &•.rind awl h.'r loss Instal farmed its 1:151 Wnwnno.h for fifteen tear. Iwdr r•• •.omit g to itivth in 1'4!)7. lir. Rows i.•1.; died ten years Mte'r. 41ne danglll' , Mre..f..1. Me.nn, of Itivth, survives her mother. Rev. A. (`. Tiffin who Ira. recently r"tor 40 ltlyth n• I -safer of the M.•th- ,wllst ,initrh. Is 'oely settle.1 in the Iwirainxge ami i- stetting scans fours 11e 1s tw•f11g spleu.lsily receive) by tis' people of hl. owl, ,•hurrh, aro evidetnvd hy- ins Large eon':smelting. and is els., t*'ing wet.".mel '4 the citizens genre. nllr. Itev. W. It ria,'sine. wife aid fam- ily have boon tisiting relettv.w at Dutton. Ii. A. Thomas 1:1s been tennsfernsi in Gn4ph ns f .P if station agent there Hr has ..heady I.•ft to take his tx•w• posiiion. and Mrs Thome,' and family will follow whortb. awagesageasseemsemaegerweremesoN Brings Brings the Farm to Town NOW that he ran order it at once by LnngDistance from his favorite dealer in village, town, or city nothing is too good for the farmer. "You advertised a special sale on phonographs in to -day's paper - Ship me one" -he telephones. Within the same convenient radj�yys of your store are scores of thrifty bousewives who would be pleasedto have a merchant solicit their trade by Long Distance. Even if a sale does not result, you have advertised your burliness in very effective way. They will probably call when they crime to towR, or order from your advertising. It's htirnan nature. We know a tire dealer who called up 29 strangers by Long Distance and sold tires to 8 of them. A follow-up letter or personal call later brought nearly all the others to his store. Don't let your tellphone idle. Lona Distance can bring suburban pros- pects within sound of your voice Turn it into a salesman, and keep it bogy. Every other means of communication *substitute for the voice -tate voice is YOU. �^ y Tksak of oar MannIf er as the Maaagrr of aro. Tekphoss Serres Fiery Fell Telepf or is a Lowg Pit rasa S(eoiea Src('11RIMFUL NORMAL STUDENTS. }'•rltn. ing oro t o oiliness of the stu- dents from this r.;nnty who have been nttelwlliNs-th. Xurmal notion! at 4trat. enrol and who ha'• horn wue•esesful in the examination. isrferira seel'arsl"elsea ('atitlrates. Rel.,.-% .1 roc,, "Ag-Wineha m- EIlrwls'th .1 1 .kr-R. R. No. 3. I t rns.el s. Annie ih,vter It R. No. 5. Goiter's!). •M )f iieunetr IVinghats, Marie !Sennett Wingham- Iva 1. Parr I• ngannrtn. ite•rtt,a ('iarks.,n--4.rleketnw. Mary 4'. t't"wh--deeforth. r.- teltp ll•drOTI. ago.•. Walker -4 'Illus... (;la.lys 4, \\','bb -1t. R NO. 1. Lai*. now. Arnold 1i. Glazier -('Linton. -Lauri.•,' jr Trv'h-K1,ois'n. 4'. Graham WNW( Limited Third Standing. Mary- Jefferson--'Anhurn. • Roll and Gun. for Anglia*. Losers of the olrt-of-doors will be pleased to know that a *jovially .inter - number of Rod and Gum nada is Jnxrout:----The August is w (sesta l;is a partiellhtrly atltw ing article .entitled, • "Mlexixswngn 'an- ada's Brat 4'8 11414. Trip," by 1 tight. Hain.. This i. a story that a ercone will enjoy- The stories by P. Y. tvil- liam.. R,.nny',•la.tle ihile nail lorry M. Moore. w•r;l-known .-untrihtit r., will he received with undoubted Aror. The 4hrlllint exp.'riene•s oar uel in the sevea,l urtiel,a.fallowI will he -of great u,i.•lea 1814 v,,hl.' o the amateur sp•rt.tna++----- sawn* 44epart-- ments. fishiee. Incus. • eivereatkln and kennel contain man important prints tfuot rho tvpiosil -. rtsmnn will pppre- .•late. ii+.1 an. tit in 4'nnnda Ise pILii-lost a nil c nt W,w>,ht,a•k, On- tnrio, Lc W ayMp Limited. A meal" n -WS; 'osrt etrMng in his closed carr; •e. when suddenly the horse shied, and gan tearing along the road. The o er did not interfere with his driver, • . t sat calmly waiting for the best. Buthen an accident seemed inevitable he ac ,. P •ping his head nut of the window. he sr' •ted to the coachman : "Run into s• ething cheap." Episcopal Fallibility. The followine story about an absent- minded bishop is being whispered around in ecclesiastical circles : "At the end of a very tiring day he was conducting a confirmation service, at which there was a large number o( candi- dates. The last candidate to came up was an old man with a perfectly bald head. The bishop placed his hands upon his head in the usual manner, but in the most unusual manner was heard to ex- claim as he Bid so : '•1 declare this stone to be well and truly laid." The tool Way -The (•Iran Way -The Sawing Way. Those who know the charms of the Great Lakes have already made plans Inc their annual pilgrimage to America's Wnndetland. lake Erie. with its incom- parable fleet of magnificent passenger vessels. is especially attractive to travel- lers, and plying its waters you will find some of the largest atwl most palatial ft earners. Of these the great ship "Seeandbee," operating daily between Cleveland and Buffalo, is undoubtedly the most popular. The "Seeandbee••n, the largest and moot costly steamer on inland waters of the world, and her immense proportions and luxurioato appointments prompt passen- gers to call her "The Floating Hotel." The traveller finds rest and comfort via this lake route. By boarding the steamer at Cleveland or Buffalo at 9 p. m. IF'au- ern standoff! time) he may break It e monotony of the all rail iourney,enjoy Tourney,-enjoya night of refreshing sleep and reach des- tination estination et 7.30 the following morning. Ne matter how old. how darty. bow dtlapldated, tie a reps around them and o end to ue to be made Into The Famous "VELVETEX" Rugs Reversible -Wilt wear a utatim.Prloaa r. -"..- W. bays hundreds of rsoemmwendsuona from oasts- god aybystovs%e"du • W Day r customers. was *sor.er& Ono way ea small orders. astaestaned 1909 Phone aces CANADA RUG COMPANY 55 CARLING $TRKST 1. LONDON, OKI% ome Week in Goderich tint 7, 8, 9, Io, II---!921II - RAN ' ATHLETIC MEET Thur - a ay, August 11 th at Agricultural Park 10 atn. 1 -mile race. opt'n 100 yard rare. open 21•ysM nee. open One -quarter -wile rave.. open ['rite valued -rpt $27111 /.. •• " " 111151 5 111 1:,.111 11).1111 1:1111 4."',,- 100 -yard hurdle _race, _Open One half -mile, relay track rare, 4 men from Bruise. Perth sand Ililrt.n ('o11041.h 4 mile rave, own 114-er-11'ar. 4.4we'n Huron and Itrta•e Coutiries, 1', Men n •1911. c 4.45- out ranee fes for each 'gvetrr 4 to enter, S to sleet. 44 00 04 40 • Broad Jump . Ilop� (Cp and Jun11, I'uttiug 14::1; '-I •t 1.30 p.m. Half mile foot ra... lwoys fro Still under 50yanl fat mnn'. hoe (200 and over) \• 50-yanl Old 1k.ys' foot Shawn Trews . Piping ...... ...7.. `(' (-over 45 year.) - •a -0000 • Prise valued at $ 5.0n is . go 11 • \ « « -----1-11-1-551••-• • •'. • •5;\ « w .. -a- et w w 811 14 06 011 2. 5'1 anti 2.111 5.111 3.111 2.410 5.159 8.00 2.00 3.00 a :.lot 3 Ice} 2.11► 000 3 (11 2 00 F:ntran,e fro 25e. Entries will 1* received on the grounds at 9,30 a.tn and 1 p.m. Dancing and Piping will take place simultaneously with the afternoon Athletic Events and iforme Races 5 •