HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-28, Page 6TSS SIGNAL OODSRICE, ONT. Into the joy of Sunlight We invite you to come, madam, if you are not already a Sunlight Soap user, into the joy of workless wash days - for Sunlight does the wash without rubbing. Into the joy of fpesh, un - faded, good -as -new clothes, and soft, un- hurt hands, for Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure -it is all soap -it has far more than thecleansing poker of common soaps. Insist .n getting the Soak yea' for- S('N//WIT SOAP. LEVER WWI TORONTO. 32 WORLD TJiE1R SIGN IflCANCE. by cWluiam`Bu,ilu High- ' Patont More Bread and Better Bread Indications of a large crop in the West ;kind than the h:.t wave showed it to be' are accompanied by a cheertul view as to the possibility of disposing of it, the Un- ited States tariff notwithstanding. Dr. Magill. secretary cf the Winnipeg Grain Exchange. an expert who ranks high. is authority for the statement that Brit}sh;waking of a h„ -peal ship. This vessel buyers are already in the market for vast I was really a Ca ielian hospital shim calhd quantities of Canadian grain and that the ;the Llandovery Leslie. and a nt.mber of United States will have to bu • a Canadian officer, and men gave evidence. deal also. This is encouraging in see* of The vessel was torpedoed while some 250 persons were on t' ted and ine direct viol - the industrial depressor through which anion of all ru es war Ttie c••mmander the country is passing. A big Western ;Of the U-boat responsible was one Com - crop disposed of to advantage will be of mender Pattdg, n.,w a fugitive. After the great aid in working out the period of t vessel began, to 4•r down and the crew, ^"•mss a^ •^-- and others had taken to ordered the U boat's guns ern.es It devtao that calculated in actual material train. Fin- was exceedingly nidus that al vestige once, of course, enters largely into the of the vessel be des oyed so that there problem of handling the crop. At the i would be no evident And he almost pprresent time it is said that a syndicate of succeeded in ha btu I design. The kinish and New l o. k hnanciers is work- court, which :,tha engaged in mg on it. They will keep details to Ithe trial of war cnmin'als named by themselves cinch rt is- necessary to take 'the Allies, found that Captain Pa'zig was action. But at to t n� good crop in this count patches leave little r Brit - am, France, Germany. Sw --0- The German caval lieutenants Dittmar and Bo:dt bave been sentenced by the court at Berlin to four years, imprisor.- ment--but not, in a fortress -for, their part in the brutait:ies connected with the readjustment, and an advertisement for ;the lifeboats, h Canada the value of which can hardly be I to be turned on Importance of a 1 responsible. but hat the heute nts should have World den have refused to :ire on the ts. For- oom for doubt. Brit- I tunately the ship was going fora go of en and Hol- , wounded and nest returning. T he',mild- land, as well as Switzerlandand many ; ness of the se; tents has exaspetated stretches of Russia, have suffered severely , Britain, and in France has been receiked from drought. It has been so city in somewiih marked ex;:esetons of bitter disape parts of Britain that the water supply has provat of the wh .e plan of having noton- had to be conserved with the utmost care ous violaters of t- a taws of God and man 11 Britain and Europe generally were, tried by a court . f their own countrymen normal economically, there would be little • M their own country. The French tome difficulty over the question of their food to their own recent example of executing a supply. But there are countries in Europe . Moroccan gunner who was convicted of whose Imanaal condition 'is such that tne, robbing and killr, a German m rchant. handling of the surp.us cropsfrom this' France is in favor ", abar�oning the trial continent on their behalf rs going to be a ! of the war crimir.a•- v) in and holdln,t matter of some moment. Canada's ex- i them in her own terraory or in Belgium. perience with Roumania. Greece and I -„- others in the matter of credits has not' Germany, is nla-,mg additional ,pay. beerrlirch as 10 encourage more departures runts on reparan-"r.s and in the meantime of that kind. even if she • cou.d afford to is working* do so. It looks as if the burd'n would lost ground in fall on Britain and the Endre States, tial held. though of course the Canadian banks may ations Germany be depended upon to do their p:oper , Empire has been share Whethershe. j II t t mother and main to recover he iustr,al aid com,ner- , share of the repat`- to pay to the British ed at S300.000.000.; Holiday Time- Pro.dos from all sobs. and pain. &soured by Templstoa's Rheumatic Capsules ! Hoop thea 1a your boss, Take theta on your vacation 1 ath Per .waaatlsm, Neuralgia, Headache. Troia Meknes%, Et., 11.00 at your druggist's. Sold by H. C. Dumb*. irig business as they used to be in the days when their country threatened to become the world's financial and industrial leader. -co - A cryptic official statement issued in London says that Premier Lloyd George and Mr. de Valera had another conference lasting about an hour, "The basis of a further conleience," says the statement. "has not yet been found." It adds that de Valera is returning to Ireland to con- sult with his colleagues, after which he will again communicate with the British Premier. While nothing 'has been made public as to what occurred at the various speculation eculation has naturally been busy. It has probably been helped somewhat by hints dropped by those who 1 have been in the confidence of both Pre- mier Lloyd Qui. and de Valera during : the conference. It w believed that Britain has offered to -Southern Ireland all that • she is prepared to oder in the way of home rule with safeguards for Northern Ireland, concessions as to finances. and machinery for the co-ordination of the iIrish Government. The Republican leader. Ion the other hand, is thought to have resisted that there can be no separate vernment for any part of Ireland, while guaranteeir.g every right to Ulster that she (souk! possibly demand It is obvious that the statement was prepared with 1 great care so as to leave no ground fur neither undue optimism cr pessimism as to lfuture events. 11 ving lasted so long t I would seemimprobablethat the negoti- ations could now be abruptly broken off and a return n.i>ede to Inc warfare that has kept Ireland in a turmoil. Britain. Ire- land. and the Em a have the right to hope yet that theco ereoces, so auspici- ousfy begun, wilt be resumed and maintained until a pelonanent basis of 'peace has been reached. wl eve co Ile 1 1S a matter. Sir Robert Horne, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, speaking to It is characteristic of Britain that, in , the Empire Premiers, seemed to think the midst of a plethora of impudent that German will pay up in full, and rnatters affecting her relations with other I that the ( m;,ns will eventually get nations and the dominions in the Empire. their share of t she should start an investigation in the ter of interest t hope of determining the reason for the private indebt great and widespread drought. The Siete- and institutions otological Office is gathering data from all their minds that a parts of the world en this matter Tne habilitation in the - sun -spots theory is not regarded seriously pay what they owe.. by the experts. and many other, sugges- Mr. Thomas Braasha_ Guns are advanced. one being that the commissioner of -Pigott comet leaf something to do with the hot. ' the chief official's Ora b dry spell of an abnormal nature that most cern, returned from Berl countrres have suffered from of late. The 11.500.000 in payment of accounts con- 1 - average man will be content to allow the , tracted before the"war. It is also the fact e payriients. it is a mat - note that in regard to ess German individuals to have made up long step toward re siner world is to As an illustration. formerly finance and now one of industrial con - recently with It is declared that 70,0CM Canadian railway efhployees have accepted wage cuts of about twelve per cent.`,, Further negotiations are to be entered tern to 1 sen le matters connected with the sse�cction of the men. Conferences of the budging • trades and employers in Trrontojl.' ing toward a reduction of wages ha not made noticeable progress The was question has passed byound the local (- stage and has become a national one in ; Canada as in other countries. There is : no doubt that it will sharc in the general downwartWend. 1 tircie'rIghtt•it l:riot+h & ('ulublal Prete „I.imittd.l perts to continue their investigations. i that Gestate travelless have\ found ping meantime that nature will be more , way to Canada ami are as energetic in seek- thsic-rLOA`ER S('HOOL EX M1IItIATIANB. The candidates. named below have, peaaed the lower +(lww.l examined for e•i trunee into the Normal St'Inarls, In addition to the above they require to ieree the ruiiklle school examltuatton Iwfure they can be admitted to the pours'' for a second-class certificate, and the upper school examination before: they lI11 be admitted to the (aura. for I, a first -,:lass certificate at the Normal S.Mmrl-. Those who More already 1 passed either of the foregoing exam - ,Nous nre reminded that the Normal 'hods olw'n ons Wednesday. September I 14 i, at '1 ln.ut.. and that application the • for must be made to the Ileptity 3lhn ter of Education not later than j Sato ay. .lugted -27th. Applied/ion ehonld he made at an early (late Tlw a . swer l.tpers of each (-ntdidatr", sr'ttowe rt. wnnld appear to ju+tic) CL -FARING S • LE OF Men's and Boys' Clo Boots and Shoes and Gents' Fu shings at M. ROBINS Sale CommencinjSiATURDAY, JULY ' i ,1921 FOR TWO WE E KS 15 MEN'S SUiTS Sizes.36 to 4n. 18 MEN'S SUITS To clear at $9:95 Made of dark brown and grey tweed, to clear- $14.45 BLUE SERGE SUITS Guaranteed English all -wool materials, deep shades' navy blue, all sizes, to clear at $33.50 IOi ICE BRACES . To clear at 35c, or 3 pairs for $1.00 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS To clear at '89c, or 2 for .$1.75 BOYS' KHAKi PANTS Sizes 24 to 27. ' To clear at 95c MEN'S BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS Sizes 34 to 42. To clear $1.19 Now is the time to buy if you wish to save. MEN'S BLUE OVERALLS - To clear at ...... KHAKI DRILL PANTS Made with five pockets and cuff bottoms, to clear at $1.79 25 PAIRS MEN'S SHOES Beaver Brown Cushion insole, sizes 5 to 71/4. $495 To clear at MEN'S HEAVY_ WORK SHOES With rubber heels. To clear at . , , ,,$3.95 KHAKI DRiLL SHIRTS AND BLUE CHAMBRAY To clear at ... , n = ....... 95c MEN'S ALL -WOOL PANTS Fast color blue serge, clear at sizes 34 to 40. To $6.95 See the bargains displayed in our windows. M. ROBIN OPEN EVENINGS 1 an appeal rave Ieev'n already re -read by the appal ;e•siuniuer+. Where snr-h a cn,wlldbte Baer still failed. the state- ment of markwill 1w' ,(tamps) as curs. read amt Is, \ fitrthe'r apis'iI will he allowed. ins al other cases of falluro appals will no he refused it mgde -before . irnit by the fes' of *2. If made after Sep- tember 1st, the fee s in addition to the emcees fist i-ninn.. date* whose names 'pear herewith, other rvwljdates are a Itletl to statwl- ing on certain subject.. These may have errtllt ter all but on piper tinder the old reglihations, %Odell Mowed nue a snpple- ny have under agow 'f, tin Iogup, 11. L Lllnl,iuy, 31. Linklater, M. 1.10a /time. I. 31. Luttun, A. C. Me- (low•an, A. 1,. Mills, A. Menielaeau, J. T. 3leVettle, J, 3llller, W. McCool, A. 1'. Merarlane, 31. 1'. McIntoab, A. F. McIntyre, M. F. Mt•TMggart, A. I. Mustard. M. A. McIntosh, W. J. Me - tutored', 11'. McNaughton, R. Mt'(lregor, -It. MacKay. 31. SlaeLean, L. Marriott, It. J. Moore, G. K. Maenonsld, N. Muir, 31. 31. Nolan, L. 1. Nestiger, H. t )'ltrle'u, Al. E. !'otter. K. Rorke, J. M. Reycratt, K. H. "Lakin, 1'. Robt'rtuuu, W. Itae, 0. E. tit4tuenliale, (:. It. Sny- der, M. R. Stewart, F. J. Sterling. A. .1. Stafford, 1t. !iidlhau, E. Slwpteou, 3f. S. Tle ray, J. Turnbull thm ouol, 5'. W. Tet.Tltt, 1t. G. Thompson, N. F. Treleaven (honors). 31. 1. Tough (hon- ors), 3I. E. Toward. 11. Wightwan, .1. 3l. Woods, 31. 1. 11'etliey, W. D. Woo11- eowhe, 11. 11. Wetrtter, A. E. William - eon, J. Wylie, J. H. Young. C. C. 1. Pupal. (if the above the following were +truer,., of rite Go.derlch Collegiate ills stlttte : T. D. Andcr+em, J. H. Iteevers, 11. 31. 4'. 11.41. E. F. Dolle 5 honors r, E. 3l. l) oigherty. 0. .1 Ftunlotn, R. Mel. ,;runt. Leola Item. J. W. Jelfersat, 31. A. Mchitosh, J. 31. Reyentfr, A. .1. Stafford, R. D. We'll-, tvrotis.. J. H. 1'ourag. R. Sulllven, of tlw' Kingsbrtelge school, also Wllm atittearful. 4'; Every IOt' Packet of W I LSON S FLY PADS :l MORE FRIES THAN $8 - WORTH OF ANY STICKY FAV CATCHER Clean to handle. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores RAND TRUNIt SY's EM The Double Track Route ht t we, n MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO excelled dintpg car service. Sleeping cars on night trains, and parlor care on principal day trains. Full information from any Grind Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn - Ing. District Pesaenger Agent. To- ronto. 0.1I. Lauder, Station Agent. phone 211 P. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone -1 paper- to too' eon mel ever to ns,'rrtal ex:inilnatI,n, nr they credit for one or more pniw .. the_ new regulatiou., whish .-relit for each patter mem. w•h Iwr ('0751. is (ibtnlnel. Sinew thenew re'gnlationr add considerably tor\{t{hae niimher of ewndktates res.'icing pt 1 e•reslit, It Is not prar•tio'able this year _. publish way except those completing the whole examination. The partial standing awarded on all nlibjes•t. will 15e eleynrly irwllcsted on the official cer- tificates or statenwnt< of marks which are tieing mailed to the principals, to whom all/candidatea nre referred for tnformntfon. The total number of sue.wssfnl can - d tee nt the lower w-hool examina- t10 this year in 3.541.1, eomissrel with 3,371 n ln.'u, and 2,51(4 In 1919: an in- crelise t 134, over 11120 and Sep over 1919. This y' (13.7 per trent. of thrw• who wrote were neceeednl, as against 67.01 per cent. in 'a1 and 51((.06 p'r (vat. In 1919. The follow -1,,g noel are fnr Hwrnn (•onrrty F'. R. .1r,reirt..1. Alkonh('ad, Alkcnhoad. T. Tr. A erson, .(T. Aber - hart, 3l. R. Alexander, . R. G. Amenf, J. 5' .1rehlletld /honer . 3t. Ashton, Marjorie Ashton, T. M. mewl. J..7. Re*olen, ('. F. Renton they n1, .T. It. Rmrpra. H.. M. r. Roll, F. NRI, R. 1i. Conan. 7'. ('anteinn (1mnArs1, A. J. (4rmbe, J. A. Chrintfe. J. N. t'(ft V. A. ('roeler, . Nrrte, E. M. Dark, C. Detiii s. C. H. D. Towel.. E. F. Tlobte (honor.), E. N. 1')oegherty. 1' Fraeet. E. Fear, H. Farnham (honor.), E. M. Fraser, .T. M. Farquhar. 0 J. Fergu- son, 0..1. F'Innigan. (1 F: lealcon'r. 1r. S. Fells. J. W. S. Fel-meson. T.. M. Framer. ff. F,y+te'r. R' 1) Grant. 1f. 71. Groh. R. MeV,. Grant. N F. (IewIRM. V. Rah*. M. E. Mover, R. Tionvt►(', Rale (honors(, .T. TtlggI,w. 11. !livens (honont, 11. 0. Hunter (mann )..L. R. Horn. F'. H. Jtrhnsnn (tmiwrrwtt, y, W. .te'ffersnn, F. W. C. Jackman, T. R. Jnfimtcm (lyeswyrw), N. M. Johnston, i), K. Kerslake, 0. M. &.sebtol, 1.. 1. Beads -- JUST IN The eery latest strings, in Jet, Pearl, Amber, Blue Garnet, Amethyst, Silver and Gehl Just the touch you desire w•i summer dress -o Everything in ladies' combs. Fancy and plain bait pins. __: Circular combs in shell and amber •_- Lady Dainty cap shape, real h"air net, best net on the market Smith's__ ore - East St. - !'bone 198 ( WHEN IN NEED OF A TAXI PRONE 1,8 e. Rheumatism Stiffness and all Pain hl snarl's Liniment sae given walr,larl ion for three perealiona 11 awcky Mimeo wee throat, bronrk, tin. meet akin. sciatica and any kind .5 pain. An Old Reliable Remedy! Mn. S. Fawcett. Hamator Si,.Cogina.00d 1 one. anter,-Minard', Linemen( merely is ae old reltabk remedy I shwa,* keep a bottle in the Imam and have recommended ,t to guru • numlerr ul ny keds. to whom ,t gave gnarl rebel. In moot case ,t nae sed . • curt l.,r rhrum.u.m. Mintlyd'S Kigs� O� 1?ail� Liniment Yarmouth Nova Sc otter. THOMAS GUNIENST ALCT(O1ttIMR, BOX 87, Gnderlch. All Instructions b mall or left at Signal office wUl be p l ptlyattended to. Residence tele. LEGAL t G. CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS- TER, Relit itor, ,notary puble. (Jftkw Hamilton street. Gmlerich, third door from Square.. Trust funds to loan at lowest tares. D CHATS. BARRISTER. 'SOLICITOR, NO- TARY PURLiC, ETC. Odea --Sterling Rank Block, Ilata- Ilhin -Street Goderieh. Telephone H8. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. DROUDFOO►T, KILLORAN C 1101.4F:5. ' R.1RRISTERs, SOLiCITORS, NO: TARIES PUBLIC, ETC. - olnee on the Square, second door from Hamilton Street. Godefich. I'rlvate funds to loan at lowest retell. W. Proudfoot. K. C., J. L swami. Dudterr• K Holmes. . CHAiti.Es GARIOW, LI. R.: lua- RISTER, attorney, solicitor, etc., t;,.lerfeb. Money loaned at lowest ra tea. t' Ji1:.QE1L RAR I STER.___- -- v y ICITOR, notary public and cos- reyancer. Office -Court pause. Gods - rich. 017-12m i iSURANCE. LOANS. BTC. licKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- OOaa AN('E CO. -Farm and Isolated, town property Insured. Officers -Jas. Connolly, Pres.. Golfe - rich P. 0.; Jas. Evan,, Vice -Pres.. Reechwoo9 P. 0.: Thomas, Z. Mays,. Sec.-Treas., Seafor'b P 0 - I)Irectors-D. F. McGregor, R. R. No. 3. Seaforth; John G. Orleva, Nu.. 4, Walton,; William Rine, R. R. No. 2, See forth: John Rennewfes, Itr(wl- begen: Geo Mc('artney, R. R. No. 3, Sea forth; Robert Ferris, Iiaflock ; Malcolm %l -Ea -en, Clinton : Jamie* Evan.. Reec•hwood; James Connolly, od,•rieh. Agents : 1. W. Teo, Goderleb ; "Al Leitch, R. R. No. 1. Clinton: •'!Intim Chesney, Senforth : I' Htnch- ley, Seatorth. Policy -holders can pay all payments and get their cardo re- t'etpted at R. J. Morrlah's Clothing Store, Clinton; R. H. Cutt's Grocery. Kingeton meet, Goderteh, or J. 11. Reld's Genett1 Store. I1ayfeld. Brophe Bros. __The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to It all hours, night or day. OODERiCH EAST ST. GARAGE 1a Your Car Ready For That HOLIDAY TRIP You're Planning This Summer? "Get Out and Get Under" doesn't go very well in vacation time, so let 119 put it in good shape now before the GODERiCH OLD BOYS get here. Their cars will need a good deal of attention. s• REG. WILLIAMS Phone 243 - Goderici Music for Everybody Agencfor Starr Cecilian _-Harmonic Phonographs Cail and let us give you a demonstration of these splendid instruments. We have in stock the Starr-Gennett Records which can be used on all these instruments. GEO. RICHARDSON Hanlon and At, Andrew's AM. (itlderith Plow 164