HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-28, Page 3WOMEN OF MIDDLE LIFE
A Dangerous Period Through Which Every Woman Must PW
Practical Suggestions Given by the Women Whose
Letters Follow
Aftas, Tetra.-" I wast
other suffering women to
know what Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
has done for me. During the
Chane of Life I was to bed
for eight months and had
two good doctors tresun
me but the did me oo good friend advised me to take
Lydia E. Pinkbamb Verso
e s-
table Compound. w h ieb l did,
and in a short time I felt
better. I had all kinds of bad
spells, but they all left me.
Now when 1 feel weak and
nervous 1 take the Vegetable
Compound and it always does
meood. I wish all women
would try it during the
Change of Life for 1 know it
will do them good. 1f you
think it will in xesomeone
to try the Vegetable Com-
pound you may publish this
letter. ' - Mrs. A. KELLER,
Afton, Tenn.
Mrs. Mary Lister of
Adrian, 11 lcb.,adds her
teiddino y to Hui mina_-
of Lydia Pinkbarn'a
Vegetable oppownd
Is awry woman .afol7 tbl'otagh the Change of We. e says:
"It L --ds pleasure &at 1 write to you than ng you or w t your
woederftlt medicine bas done for me. I was passing through the Change of
Life &Witted a displacement and weakness so that I could not stand on• my
feet anbothar annoying symptoms. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound and the first bottle helped me, so I got more
and I am now doing my housework. Your me.11cine is certainly woman's
friend and you may use this testimonial as you choose." Mrs. Mut!
Llama, 608 Frank Street, Adrian, Mich,
It 1s said that middle age is the moat trytng.perfod in a woman's life, and
awing to modern methods of living not one woman in a thousand passes through
this perfectly natural change without experiencing very annoying symptoms.
Tboeesrnothering spslls,the dreadful bot flashes that send the blood rushing
to the head until it seems although it would bunt, and the faint feeling that
follows, as if the heart were going to stop, those sinking or dirty spells ars all
symptoms of a nervous condition. and indicate the need for a special medicine.
Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound is a root and herb medicine espe-
cially adapted to act upon the feminine system. It acts in such a manner \
as to build up the weakened nervous system and enables a woman to peas
Ws trying pend with the least possible annoying symptoms.
Wesson everywhere should remember that most of the commoner ailments
of mason ars not the surgical ones -they are not caused by serious displace-
ments =growths, although the symptoms may be the same, and that is why
so many apparently serious ailments readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, as it acts as a naairal restorative and often prevents
f arueus trsahlea.
Lydia L. Ptakhan's Private Text - Book upon "Ailments Pecan
Mar to W1amw will be sent to you frill regnest. Writs
to Tim Lydia lis rlaiham Medicine Co.. ]1lYsacIItasetiae
TILL took oontalat valuable information.
@ (�/�f I te `u -
e.atarYl to. h.•1• hu -luted ma0y tiara
TALK OF FRIENDS. ago. The Tinnily t..ft - mourn her
.10001, are, 1'atriek and .hohu, Kim r -
A Gratifying Suere•aa-Several Floe - Idlne Harry aid Mea. .UIN•rt Nesbit
Huron township. and .Joseph. who re=
shk's at home. Sympathy io extruded
to them in their bereavement. The
remains w•rtr laid to rest 10 Lurgau
cemetery on Monde)'. July ISth. Mrs.
(p'uorteurtuer. h
y was a lifelong uwder of the
Augllcau eheer'.. - KInca 441 I Ile It.•-
STALKER. ---Christian Itlddli, relict
4.f the late•. Francis Stalker, passed
leue4.011y away at the residence of Iw•r
014ee-1111-haw. Mr. It. .1. Mcd:ee, lot t1,
4.4111444.'iun 1. E.1 04 1V114(111101411. en Fri-
.hay morning, July lath. following an
illness 4.f but a week's duration. Iia'.
death calor Its n 141141(k 10 her many
friemis!'4Wspate the tet of her eon4ll•
tion and adwa114441 age. Mrs. Shtlkor-
was in her eighty-seventh year. but
had retained all her faculties to sari,
a marked degree that our he u veers• ,
lug with her could w•anely rralitte• I
that she had nwe11441 site'. an age. She
was born in Beverly townships -cowing
with her late husband. Mr. 11.111111'.
St alk,•r. *1144 pre4le•.•ase41 Jeer twenty-'
Birt years ago. 111 4'uilo/Me tow11ship.
Where they 441111lue111r41 life tug.t11.•I
.04 their bash farm. Eleven children
were ta•rli to them: two diel III IIIf11IN•y.
nine gr.•wup. Mrs. Stalker was.one:
of the thy}t 4 1.14 1,1t• of Koos
"burr+. Auburn. her linslunid being
otic of the first elders .It -that "here'..'
At the Jubilee services held ha 4144•
'lintel' a year ago 3frs. Stalker was 1
Everting Addrreaea tilsrn.
The Meettaolist Summer Reltad dia-
pers*. Mo114111S morning after a very
profitable week of study and r,erra-
tkut. Thr siwo is which attended the
toehool Is an eue,uragemrlt to further
and wore ululation. effort, and it ham
been derided to hold the school again
next year. waking improvements where
tlk• Heed is indicated, w'1111 a view of
eshalrli4hfug It aw 1111 44144111111 summer
From the public standpoint the out-
standing feature of the week was the
series 111 1011111e• addre•ises in the even-
ings. Several of the speakers who had
been announced to appear failed to
arrive, but their phwes were very sut-
Isfaetorily 1111141 111141 any feeling of
4isnppolatuuent 11•11,4 411sie11er1 by the
exeealenee of the addresses which were
given by the substitutes.
The address 1111 MolsIlIy, the first
eveling. was by Rev. J. A. Ayearst,
chief Provincial license insprtor, 441140
gars 4111 illuminating talk on liquor
law enforcement. He told 4.1 the many
4itticult4es eavuitered au endeavoring
to enforce the law Auld adr.a•atel (4)-
1operat1011 with 4114441*. 11.110 were e0Rnge.1
i11 lite work. A feature of the address
which left a`sIrong impression upon
the alwlie•nr• that 31r. Ayvarst bald n)
delusions-regartling the prevent state
of affairs was his rework that there
was rlanagh lk1uor Mortar -III Toronto
to bat the drinking fraternky almost
two years.... 1t would 1e a year or two
before the beneficial results of pro-
hibition W(41141 be awn.
Mr. ftetree. o nun o
was to give the address on Tuesday W. i.. Mem. orf Highgate
*aur flow- walking a dls-
evening. uud his appearance had been - 141-Reoreatioo, taiwe of live or tulle* It had been,
��wa►-it desire nasi .-lrne ant wish •S+f Mrs.
interest, but he sent word heti had 111.:M -Rev. `'. . ,4444. 0 a ..•r tied a ^e -
missed his train. ! Rev. AV. E. Mlllwro of talks on 'The i1 44titag of Life to Ily ,111 4/1444411 r o4.'.•'mure,, efore �h.•
substituted with in nddre•ss 4011 the 04111 A1i1011... pslss4l away t., the Brett' 1 c 1141, anti
'of waste, and shovel Low' tie people 11 -Mission 111,101):.1.111sse•s. le.I by this wish was' granted to .1. tkne
are t(alsv, lis high taxes 11041 high :iso Wellwood. of t'l.i1.1 ; Miss Bailie, year. ag... when her family of six solo)
priers, dying the. Kits. oof wasteful- of Doelerie•h; Rev. .1 ItuttOo. of \Val- dud three, daughters meet at the Inane
news in the past -waste of bleier. of ton. and Rev. D. William*. of Parkhill. of 1t•r .Liughtol' T-roor.oT41*.s, 1. •nil• -
coal of bye -pito nets, 1/1 1,1101111 lite The afternoon was given tip to re- .lama. with wln.m she meal" her hen
and opportunity. This address had a .rrution. and before the 111114114• address for the pa -t nineteen years, enj,Vili_
very marked effort 4011 the. audience. in the e•reutng a vesper .serwiee. lues" a mal chrisi-w as're-44'iter a s�•l-
Principal Reynolds. of the Ontario land on the TaW111 :Us1 lel bj Rer. J. N. that nr�lt n-o4flow owrfamily �have
14.4 ha- eoi ars. •Sib..
Agri • etriturvl College. 4:ue•lph. was the (starry of Kine$rliae.
speaker: on _W ribesobty .)tlghtt _('oit- A feature of the $eh.a,l was tke ex- mem 100' Yea \Ira W..1. St 111'd
._-_ _-- t :rn'ay tw'n Nears tai., r ti,
WIN'S rarpl'nmldein. he s11fd, was to e) rat apotts Hes' Iva f11N11r wfl a1.F�im f+'1
maintain, 011 the farms of ('nua41a. a' t ire•thei of Rev art. Conway, of-Jaionorw Isst Principal .heard'. eta -Woo
Iaepulntlon intelligent enough 4, fare Ktutor.•. Sy -Stem ode group 4.. 04' of Inc• vault. wadi suddenly and, m•x- 1.
well and kmu,•n,ns a eh to nave 11441. every wfienaaln-_-..u--_Taeturlu Pail rIr(4'1WI1\' called hone.
The funeral of the Jan. ZTrs.Akar
was 4rmd144.11,1 by net. It. .1. Boss omit! 1
Rev. (..o. Tdtfonl; .,f- Birth'. alt -the
res141iesr of R. J. 1.1114•. 011 SuOday.
July 17t14. and was one 4.f th.e must
1:1rgely attended toneral04 in these parts
for a considerable time. many old
"Change Tanlac Has Made in
Me Is Simply Wonderful,'
Says Toronto Wpman.
"Tanlac has certainly had a good
chance in my case to show what it can do.
for 1 sure had a long, hard struggle and
had just about tried everything." stid
Mrs. Mary Richards, of 231 Ashda e
avenue, Toronto.
"1 have been in a badly rundown con-
dition ever since 1 had pneumonia six
years ago. My stomach was nearly
always out of order My appeti'e was
very poor and 1 had to be very careful
about what 1 ate, as I suffered territly from
indigestion; bronchitis and pains in my
chest. My sleep was never send and 1
had a tired. worn out feeling all the time.
I had dreadful headaches and weak spells
and had fallen off in weight until I was
scarcely more than a shadow of my
f..rmer self. and 1 las abs.dut.ty unit for
week of any kind.
"But Tanlac has dune m,r a world of
trod. My stomach is In fine condition
and i eat all i want and everything
agrees with me perfectly. All my aches
and pains are thir gs of the past and Pm
stronger tl•an I've been in a long time.
Ir. fact Tanlac has made _ a new person of
me. for 1 can do my- Iiousework with ease
and my mends are talking about
wonderful change that has come over me.
I.don't believe anyone who suffered as I i
did can do better than. take Tanlac."
Thursday, .July 24, 10'21.-3
members. She was able to IS. pr*s.•ut
at this aerylce and 'Ia4lal tribute was
Paid lwr t. the punster. inset.
Ross, of the faithful att'.•ndalt'.e wt ser- -
1 have taken over the Grocery business of
Faust and Wurm and will conduct it on the
cash system, ensuring customers the best
possible values.
A full line of Groceries will be carried.
Your patronage will be appreciated.
A Mental Test for General Use.
1. When was the War of 1812 ?•
2. Pran•What provions ei--France was
Joan of Are ?
3. Who is the author otMacaulay's
History of England ? -
l. What two countries were particip-
ants in the Spanish-American war
5. in whatsohis winter ate Valear ley
Forge '
8. 'fell 'about the Swiss navy.
Looking Backward
"How did you get that scar ?"
"I got that jumping through a pa
glass window in London on armistice
"What on earth did you do that for ?"
"Oh, 1 don't know. it seemed a good
idea at the time."
Old Home. Week in Goderich
August 7, S; 9, 10, 11, 1921
Grand Calithumpian, Floral
and Trades Procession
Classes for competition in parade, open to all.
("Ticket'• here, w here not otherwime spPeiflel. means a tleket
good for Ndmi don to all the events of 0141 Home Week.I
lit prize --2 tickets
2nd prize --1 ticket
1st prise -2 tickets
21441 prize --1 ticket
prize -one -day ticket
lot prtxc-1 ticket
2nd prizc-llnvwlmy ticket
Plied prize --30e tiekPt
lit prise -1 ticket
2nd pl•ixe---otl"riny tleket
3441 prize -:A' ticket
lit prize --1 ticket Pot prise -3 tickets
2nd prise -one -Jany ticket 2nd prlCP--2 tickets
Rol prise ---title• ticket 3M prize -1 ticket.
competitor.' wit, please hand In their name and elasafle• inn
not later than Vntnrlay evening. Angllwt (lib, either to C. L. Moore.
chairman. or W. S. Bowden, Secretary.
1st prize -4 tickets
2nd prise- 3 tickets
3n1 prize -2 tlekets
1st prize -5 tk•kPta
2n1 prize --,4 ticket,
3rd prize ---3 tlekete
4th prize --2 tlr•k*te
The gum with t h e
lasting • flavor -wrap-
ped in the hygienic
sealed package.
A goody that's good
for you. Aids appe-
tite and digestion.
Keeps teeth clean -
and breath sweet.
- -A boon- to a
with its toolLA-it.--
mouth and throat.
and to he good citizens. There are• tennis at North street anti Victoria
two tyles of farmer : the peasant street e -'.heelers, with: over•flaw•itg
toner. and the Into Canadian farmer. enthusiasm, co rtrihiitedln it lar:ee way
-e former Is in41epwlalent : he pro- to a most successful Summer' School.
ells • everything he wants, even to the The .•leetoral .'14,14,' appointed by
g and mnnufaeture of clothing the school to elect- the .itti.'4rs for next
nothing. anal sells nothing. for tear met on Friday evening at Victoria ("Ming along distnnre to lily
only what he needs. This is street church and elegel the officers frii•rt i
dm does Iw)t 11•.110. T,he as folIowa : Pr••oadeut---itev. A. E' heir last restores to on who endeared
notthe-Inclemiul• MIn.•uu- Aubnrrl • vilr•4o•,-sidrnt+-R(•4 ; herself to all who knew her.
Intenleyel1IPnt farwner.' Mr. .),Ilen. 31014.1 11: Itev. U. ale. There- rental'''. t0 mourn tlh(' toss of -
or arra) dwellers eau 'ravish. Salem: .Iw•c. 1).. Williams.'a loriug and devoted mutber. fly so11-
n4tell. the prosperity errand ilPtt(i: s•s•r.•tary---fire. ,t. F.anti two 41111(4 ro nlmely : am.
upon that of the Rcvo•raft. (loderk•h; u'wsur.•r-Rev. H.. 1;.. of Vanrnnrnr: John.- of WaJknol
operation and of D. Ulrrrr.lr rt title-L4o
SLtn.: Rohn. R., of Auburn: IOxon. of
tiling bitedeno lolorenee Mooneyofley. I:.abeeich. ` Illythr-Wm: }l.. of Woodstock: Neil
Id. the farmer (In Saturday an iinl.romptu (-.ane•*. It. J. Mese". of .lnhitr11: Ue. 1). ,
Irmo belal at. 1iarbaloraek and mus ll.yldes, logl41e.1r.r4.: ale0 11.0r sisters
splendid success and throe brothers.
41wnLy'e •.•s were well attend. Tile pati -Issuers were her three
ed and were tie and inspiring. A anus, Hobert. 1►tteln and William. two
very large uunder aatten l.rl the cone a+oads-*,'r -h•. R. J. 3leGee. D. 1 11;s(•s.
si•et»tlon wryils It Vk t"rim street I and her -mother. 'Wm. Riddle, of (hilt.
ehhreh to the. afternoon tinder, the The re•11I1111114 of ale Irate Urs. Stalker
dlreetlon of Ito. 11'. I;. MiI1-' ( and' vete In ad to rest in •hall's cemet;•ry.
Rev. H. D. al• n -r., Holy_ (00:unnioli there ier NwNit the 4..•anrrertto0 :mow.
was obeervel. Jaen'. .Stau41arl.
The (-losing service. held ill North
'tr,14 Mefl ,441 l church in the evening.
was a U111,11 seeder of the two Meth•
,slist chili..•he•s :and the Slimmer School
1'+rrr 11.14' at hinge eongl•.•gntt.oi. Rev.
.t. I:. M1114n1: pre..klWitt of the Summer,
School, was in charge. anti ltev. M. I'. ,
Smith preaelwoi the sermon.
HP Ira
he railo
a type t
-type for= 4
ent, Mut th
Neither urban
afford W he wet
of the one d
other. a ml lack or
sympsthetk• under:
Moth. At pre•oent, 11e
watt grtting privies only fifteen per cent-
entin advance of pre-war prices, while in
Mier Biwa the a(IvanPe ws* so great
So 114 neer cent. This sort of thing
"add r,ot Conti it would not eon-
tinne. but understanding and e)ope•rn-
tlon would settle diffleultl*.s au the
right way.
The whitess 011 Thursday evening by
'Rev. Kenneth J. Beaton. n•tnruel mis-
sionary from /'Ilona. was a remarkable
le. He told a story of the Chinese
ar' y. which, If he had runt witnessed
the ta•iflent himself, might almost he
condi red an Imaginary fairy tale: n
whole ttallun 4.1 4'hon'se soldier: -
9M In n -frons Colonel to privates.
all being ttianel into the f'hristhul
f•Iith at on It is safe to way nothing
more remarks h has been told to neon- ICiN118BRIDGF
i.r•tIon with sdiontry work. -.WEDNESDAY, July 27.
Friday evenin s address was by
Rer: :N. I'. Smith.\ also a missionary Mrs. Wm. O'Loughlin, of Chicago. is
from ('hien, and w'ws very Inapiring. visiting relatives in Ashfield
With Mr. newton 111 Mr. Smith. In' Mr. and Mr. Laurence and family are
addition to Quos Welles I. who was In visiting in A•hf'ld.
ehartte of the mission ret ly class. the Miss Olive() Reilly, of Chicago, is vis -
missionary work Irmo a ma -et] fe ntose iting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Michael
of the Summer 41•hnd. ss Well. 0 Reilly
wood. who has served sixteen gears to Mies Mabel Austin is spending the
China as head of the WALL.
104 nms on furl,ngh.
rang (wrriek-ont slally- ma
as follows :
• 7.3(1-Rr*ak fa ant.
/4.40 -Worship and song. led by Rev.
H. D. Moyer.
!Un -Bible study. in charge of Rev.
dial, I holidays with her mother, Mrs, Patrick
Kingcbridgr Separate KiIOQ was for-
tunate in having only one failure out of 70°
\the sxteen,puoils who tried examinations on the tablets, refuse them -they arc
M midsummer. Congratulations. boys Sot Aspirin at all.
Insist on genuine "Bayer Tablet. of Getyour next supply of Letterheads, ptainly *tamped with the safetc DPY
"Bayer Cross' Aspirin prescribed by
physicians for nineteen years and proved
sate by matth:mtr. -Mr-- , l'
ache, Earache, Rheumatism: Lumbago.
Colds, Neuritis. and Pain generally.
Ilandy tin boxes of 12 tablets -also
larger Bayer" packages. Made in
11. 0f )lass ilow 4nl's Canada,
pnyril04. Both pis, and teacher are Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
ng worthy 11C b.+:art7 co ratnlation*havein Canada:, of Bayer Msnllfaeturey of
JL. .4..0 sNdth s daughter have Mon%V144.oacetiteaeid+t..weePterll of Rnowan
Ihe•n that A+diem
past week. means Bayer manufacture. to assist the
public against imitations. the Tablets of
Luck 111•W Sentinel • Mr. Temple Bayer Company. Ltd., will be stamped
('lark nnI •• t I)ongtlis, 0f R Pr(eh. with their general trade mark, the
To every woman belongs the right to am ct.fling at her former 110 ,• in Baler !'rose.'
enjoy a healthy. active life; yet nine out 1 tow n.
of ten suffer from some form of bloodless
nets. That is why one sees on every sift
pale. thin cheeks, dull eyes and drooping
figures -sure signs of headache*. weak
backs, aching limbs and uncertain health.
All weak women should win the right to
be well by refreshing their weary bodies
with the new,rich, red blood that promptly
transforms them into healthy. attractive
women. This new. red blood is suppled
by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which reaches
every organ and every nerve in the body.
Through the use of these pills thousands
of women have found benefit when suffer-
ing from anaemia, indigestion, general
weakness and those ailnwnts from which
women alone suffer. Attx ng the many
women who tell of the good Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills hayed ne them is Mrs. L. Hicks.
Round Hill. N. S.. who says : "I became•1
very much rundown in healthmy ; my bloodownerseemed weak and watery. ownerfailed. and 1 was so easily tired that my
work was a burden. i had rften teed
about Ur . Williams' Pink Pills and de-
cided to try them, and 1 can Wily any
that after using three boxes 1 found my-
self gaining, and under a further use of
the pills all my old-time energy and vital-
ity was re•t,,reel. Out of my awn exper i-
ence 1 can strongly recommend this
You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills
through any dealer in medicine of by mail o
et 50 cents a box r six hoses for 12.50
from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co..
Brockville, Ont.
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross"
are Aspirin -No others!
Life=Bu4 Outing Shoes
Now that the weather is warmer you will require Outing Sheet
is popular because it is St',liih, Comfortable, Serviceable
nd Economical, the ideal footwear for old and young for the
4unitner days. There is a model for every outing footwear
purpose. Nowhere will you get a wider selection or better
values than are being shown in Life -Buoys.'
Let us do your Shoe Repairing and have it done right.
aitd girls :
A WOMAN'S RIGHT Mid. a�lpsl
IEmgla0dt t e
1 Miss Johnet? II -14
Most Troubles Afflicting
Women Are Due to Poor
Tuesday, JtiTj --
.lohnstotl' has teen 00111.-
I -wing with honors her
initiation in the Innadon
rvatory of Must..
At the Ir.11t pianoforte exnmina-I,
Dow held in 1•neknow ander the dir-
eetlmI of Nr. Frank R. Weisman o(.
41re t111anitn..-A('ademy of Mnstc rand
Toronto coil, -ire of Music, Mk. .Vmn
Blake. of 1,ai'I* Iinon, WAS s111•.re..fnl
111 pissing.
('(1rRTNF'1.-The death of ylr.
,Tnmes ('onrn1)7, aged ninety-seven
years. 411'4 rr-1 at the family resalelwl•,
2nd t4tae, n. Huron township, nn
Saturday. .1 c 1414'.. Ur+. ('onrtney
was rine 40f '1.e pioneer of the town -1
ship. 'haring •'0me from Ireland some
sixty-five years st1n. Slnec then she
had rnsk1441 ui Huron. Her long nal -
virtu* 1lmohg the people of this
section en,teirel her to them. because
ail" w•ad a woman of great sympathy',
n1111 lore. awl 'sorrow 1104 slekn.rw 'AU
wee* formol her presence helpful and
en.ournging 1.. those who were suffer-
ing 1t was these spMtulid qualifies,
as w-P1I as so uprightness of Christian
ellsraeter, that won for her the lore'
and ewk4'm widish were hers In her
oo.,,dng the township has kat one of
those wit tern who ikons, her part
truly and well in Itrrnkating principles
of loran? te King Ind mantra In her
offspring. Her toe hien ns me was
I Fumed fable, new
special $25.00
1 Ice -box, will give
good service 7.50
1 Parlor Sure, re-- '
finished an -Tea-
30 00
Te' 30.00
1 Hall Rack, soli(
1 Lawn Mower .. - •
1 Clothes Wringer
1 Kitchen Table .
Soup and Dinner
Plates, 2 for . . . ,
&IIINsds, ate., primed at "Tke Sirylir'
Studebaker =and Gray -Dort
It is a known fact that the Studebaker is one
of the leading cars of today.
Come and get prices on the PREST-O-LITE
STORAGE BATTERIES. They have the quality
and the price is right. Buy a Canadian battery
and patronize•Canadian trade.
We handle nothing but GUARANTEED
TiRES of the best makes -Dominion, Goodyear,
K. & S.✓ Bring in your K. &'S. coupons.
Columbia Hot Shots and Dry'Cells. Our sup-
ply is always fresh.
Sole dealers for Sunoco Motor Oils.
1919 Gray -Dort in good condition.
1914 Ford Touring, good tires, worth the price.
Studebaker Touring and Crow Touring, in
.25 ; good shape.
Every day is h*rgain day al
Harold Blackstone's
Furniture Exchange
�., � _ .ut ... asst►