HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-21, Page 94411 • r3 See Our Select Stock of Ladies' Whitewear in the Latest Effects Ladies' Collars and many other lilies of wo- men's and children's war. -u- t Novelty Goods A very extensive 1iue. It would be worth your while to call and inspect them. Miss S. Noble South Side Square -- Goderi:h McEwen's t t•LLe Specials Flannelettes at rtdu•'e,1 prices. Sheeting at reduced prices. ltockfast Drill at reduced prices. Gingham at reduced price*. .t ince assortment for Window (curtains, from :tae and rip tai -wool Serge. navy blue, double' width. at $1.75 per yard. ( nderw ear. to (slee r. at prices Worth while, A great Dumber of artl''1es 1n Grocerfell.at reduced' prow. Itax / 6 ._ .- oo bil Jnme. l.11►as. 41ur•dou uf' ABLE TO e IoTuekrrr.n.I1. wIlere si2rs 1 k4b) Il•ghtfiin- arse, burt,e1k.th bursas surer •vet 1 IlehM destroyed, WgethSt with els 1 HER WORK After Long Suffering Mrs. Niamey Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Toronto, Ont.-" 1 suffered with art ulcer menstruation, was weak and run down, could not eat and had headaches. The wont symptoms were dragging down pains, so bad l sometimes thought I would go crazy and {. seemed to bi smothering. 1 sat M this condition for two or three years and could not seem to work. I tried all kinds of medicines and had been treated by physicians but received no benefit. Io found one cif your booklets and felt in, lined to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 received the best results from It and now keep Eutawand go out to work and am like a new woman'. I have recommended )(tar Vegetable Compound to my friends and if these facts will help some poor woman use them as you {,lease. '-Mrs. J. F. Paasav, 387 King St., Toronto, Ontario. If you are one of these women do not suffer for four or five years as Mrs. I'easey did, but profit by her experience and be restated to health. I pigs, twelve Toads of hay, wdur,,lwplr• I menta and other urtiele,l. Considerable damage was done by the rainstorms last week in the southern part , of the county. '. Fields et growing brain j were levelled flat, and in some places where wheat and hay were lying cut it was washed away. A washout was caused on the L., H. & Bruce Railway bet"ween Hensall and Exeter and s.everal annuals were killed by hghtning. An old and resp:cted resident of Ash- held passed away on Wednesday..lune 29, in the person of Mr*. Ellen Good And- , rew, widow of the late Edmund Andrew, of Ashfield. The late Mrs. Andrew was ' born in Ireland an 1839 and came to Canada with her parents while an infant. The family settled in West Wawanosh. ' where the deceased resided until her mat- t' e ar-ras• to bar. Andrew in 1859 1 he young eon Atte rein died ti - - 1 daughters survive as follows : Sten, Virden, Man., George,- Mrs. Alex Woods, Mrs. Martha A. Gardner, of Lucknow; 1 John. of Mayerthorpe, Alberta; Robert F.. on the homestead in Ashtield. 4 EXETER, - Car thieves have been operating re- cently in this section. Holiday Time - Freedom from all aches sag Vasa assured by Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules ! Resp them in year borne, ion 1 Take them oft your Par Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Headache, Troia Sickness, zee. 31.00 at your druggist's. Sold by H. C. Dunlop. BIG WORLD E1 ENTB. i " M 1'gntluneyl teem page hi. the\ilisw,lutluit of the Royal (train li- 1 query 1btuWiwdwt..atal au injunction la•rulamadly reeatiai ring it from pro- ,•t.rlitig oily further with wry Itue of ' Itneatlguftuu. The t'alidifik of the Groh, -t,•t'itself Is held by exltertw to I. be int til t'trl to the de•tsion gIr'en by a just h,• or the Jatthulta Supreme Court. 'rhe-.dis,uhlt•iln is Ordered 4141 tete ' ;;round that tine .1.h•t-iii-( oullell COW .11tl.tlpg the 1'omatisslau Was invalid. It is not necessary to go Into nay of the lognl question* ralse,1 by the de- --a------ e- .---- - -- melon of the wort. '1 ' strain Co a ladhlay trip U4 extend titer several i41,- loi and its work 11a 'e uufortlnlat mouth(. They „ill veal, rhe \\reit awl ly iwr,nw' involved more or lewd In a way spendnextwinter lit the Paeflk political dislnur-sr rather have been Coast or in California.11111414. a feature In such. It is likely Ill void' • w play a part in pollth n1 Ituth -"rill; dautrhirr of aero ural -contorts. - in the West particularly. To Llys. Juw•ptl \\•..leVi 1. Qiel -luf)' IttU the urlhurry sesta, however. It- would at flu age lit Iw'ruty severs y -tis• Taw' the flint there 'Monad he some way kl Pee made their home on the l'lfh con- i g dud) lived wltb hoer 'wrests in &n gC on with an Intitsi4 into ulheg ion of Ashfield, where Mrs. Andrew Grey toM'ushlp until their reuocal to tines .01 w reflect-upon.the t,, fel ued to reside until last year, when lirusowls. She w a general favorite of thea• W114I liniIIIlie the grant for veil to Lucknow. Her husband) nal her death` iatl) r.•lretrirJ• taruu•r Ll.ad-1'unadiams wonli een ears ago and sons and Tlse welding tea per'' cot TtNwia) fir m know' the truth as UrtIt4' of Inst week of Maw 1.11,.•1 McNubh tees r•gantless of polities or brown. f;••1.. t„o well. Irytlrest4 of any kind. It is people OT Itraesel.. Iter. of stone colKeru to the eo11111 and Jus. Ai known your J. 1'. M.•i 441 t111• I..tn Mr. aro! Mi. ton a trip t to Brussel. Mts. W. K. Pal -more left last week 1 i for the West to visit her daughter at I PALE I Moose Jaw and friends in Alberta. Mrs. i 1 H. Borland, 'of L'sborne. accompanied 1 her will stat and ill t at v "'\ ations points in the I 't COUNTY AND DISTR1CT. 11 Il J. J. McE, Tile t3etttl�e Good Plumbing IS A DELIGHT Poor Plumbing IS AN ABOMINATION Wit••u sure ern the Joh. we give yhh the right kind --the kine that, gives yeti ple:lsnre and ronitar , FRED. '• THE. PLV Ilaa,aton Street Plunthim; EaV0.1.4 nnwi. .t NT 00 Ise Heatingg Metal Wo West. . •On Wednesday, July 13, at "Maple Avenue Farm." near Lucan. the home of Need Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Neil. their daughter, • IFiorenct E., wasunited in marriage to J. 1 gain Hubert Jones. son of Mr. end Mrs. J. G. 1 Jones. of Exeter. The ceremony was performed by Heir. J. E. Holmes. of Stratford. After a trip up the lakes Mr. and Mrs. Jones will reside in Ex, -ter. ('I.INTO\. Word has been rwwtv,il of the death 'Anna Briii, wife o•1 Christiin Either. I died at-her.hrxite at Zurich on June 29th . in her fifty-ninth year. Besides her hiss - ' hand, two daughter and one s -n. int of 1 Zurich, turv.ve Ib•arik, -- I ft - \Watt-, 11 former re-ideut of Clinton. J11+4 lolls of Idstowel has been en- gaged Ly lir (collegiate ln.titmte board as art teacher, swxaedltlg Miss Ed- the'tritiumJr per=or. of Jacob He July 4.1 lined $24111 and rants .y Leah+trate An - •n his eighty-tlret year.. Hr had lived fl 1 aver 11(nt ear- His wife, two I,irews Inst week for having liquor In , An- ; MCKi.lrep ) other than l private dwelling. , ions and five daughter* survive. • A prase wed'liniso* pteee ^A wed_ l art•- Father Thwart. Who has Iwof en nesday.; June 29th. at. Me him of '4'w llnto iost 4114 tititd-111ytlltie f rthe ttl'llari noise h eldest t rmrs rte m 1 Many health. b examir.a schools weak, t color a let mat sympo •l hey a Viten leads outd me schoo that •1 Thome Rumford eetwthton. 1• eI r se,fnswt•In t -barge of a u 1 Annie age to Branch!: being ilaride l!' h.esu• Tark ,berate -and tilt united m coinage to Alex.Fraser. O! ('Ina -on hast week. leder• Ills deport- _ 'shams. -- Irina-on he suss tltrra')a xdek--a ••aa• by At the Evmgeheal parvvoage. Zurich• ter ladles of St. Josrpli s 1 hun•h. His 1 on Wednesday evening. June 29th. Rev. wueeess..r is Itev. Fatlwr Gaffney. wh., F. B. Meyer dertarmed the marriage. conies from eltratford. ' ceremony uniting M•ss Mary. youngest . Slaughter of Lir. and Mrs j't+rph Gascho. liltT•$t(EI.a. • to Peter Rav f see. of Grand- Bend. son of • - )less t'earl M. Taylor., of ltaybeit Mr at sl Mr Jotrp'i Ravelte. The happy Ines 'wen engaged a• trh.:•Ipal of lIri -- coupte-will fends at Ztnaht . s 944•1s41.ntiuuation .4.11..,1 for the a,ltgl 71at i"ii'Ing 11 a rhe these e.orrtn on sat- Foals- Thr -weary Is f1.• utday. 9th tnat., the berms .ia•tier-torus Mr. aud-.Alra- J. Querin. have left on ts The climax of the Season's Millinery Events • - Remarkable values in Trilllmed Hats FOR wort•; Half -Price No two styles alike and represent all the smartest and newest ideas of our Summer Millinery. A wonderful collection of good values tl Miss M.R. MacVicar Kingston street, Goderich rarisossysiesesrafwwwwirtowifft •, �' ,•'�fi�"Tr?t .,.lir .14 ZSTADLISMED 1e72 11 1 (,iia=4. • do or ct tca • INSTEAD of carrying the pro- ceeds from Grain Tickets, Sales of Cattle, Produce, etc., in • your pocket, deposit them in the Bank of Hamilton, where they will be safe. You cant issue cheques to pay acco nts, and your pass Goo cfi well afford you a complete • record of all your transactions BANK OFHAMILTO Goderich Braph-A. J. MacKay, Manag ll U1� sc rich i Pilh sand WII ;u ,p, It It ny sy fff ii Ic r • t; t. LI MI 1TF D iter IFWEet, 4 kJ1► e,1 i .. IME SAV 1? 26 /YOURS fool W/LUTAf 48//OURS PEG/NA 37 HOURS W/NNIPEo 6/ UPS C4LCAPY ANCOUVER tiOpy. 41N The quickest train ,cross the continent Saves • bus,neis deg forpanengerJ to iinnipeg end e//ars to the Pacific Coast Lv. TORONTO 9.00 PM. Apt FT. WIiIIAM u PM. ARVANCOWI Stenddid Sleeping - WINNIPEG 10.15 AM GAPY K0.05AM R 10.00AM. it Passenger. on/0 Ft r�etlod appy to oaf apgR of tas CANADIAN'PACIF'IC RY. h the pre - private mater j' a t la rare tried the matrimonial knot that there should he no n$•W for so. - ,of the Liss•. ,I' Nubh. piet.n as to the quality . of Its, grin . Andersson left afterwards when that is odd for home or, export the Neat and will return trade. 1,r as to 1114' 1unirnrr In which it 1" make Ib4r tone, 1144 h'uwtled by -Loser eulrustid with 111• rp duty- If the allegations that have D NERVOUS- would 1'1•weli.omeil by 1111 1':tiadiaus, , toren nla,M are unfunawled the proof most of whom are baud 141 Ile sus- CHOOL CHILDREN { 0 - MA If ilwtuirhat are a hokel off. While tr,tlll;AWe details of the 1'nkun ch, Red Blood to Re_.vote ore 'lacking- It would seem that ter territory has decides] by n majority ealth and Strength. 4,1 'td.eiit 1w41 to gibe ht favor *II 411• huprtirtlon of Ilgwir .for private rise -- ast-yettrttr lttknn-surfed-4 irtiI t the wale of liquor Inc "I1•refIite purlswes. hildren start school in excellent' 1r Is low I1 the position of hu'IuK a t after a short time home work. ' 1,•,•it tt•mp'rnnee met sehlie -permitting into hurried meals and crowded importation for privae consumption. ens cause their bitod to.hecome ; loos diftk•ulty Is grid j_1!t' i -barrier In ir nerves over -wrought and their i isitule•ti n with the latter 4i -Hon, opt: its lost. - It ie a mistake toe -namely, that trims-porta/ion to the drift when bo)- anlyula w *..I,'. Is ln-•.r..lt ht the 'minds of 1' deed a of nervousnes tr rte e almost sure to ta.l vicuna of St. ance. or drift inti debility that other troubles. Regular malts.exercise and plenty of sleep are ry to combat the nevous wear of Me. But it is stiU more important arents should pay a•tentign to the child's" d's blood supply. Keep this nd tei by giving Dr. Williams' Pink and the boy or girl will be:sturdy fit fur school. The vitae- of Dr. ma' Pink Pills in cases of this kind the statement of :Sirs. Wet - Fails. N. B.,- oho saw: --"Ire )� rn fYi« SfT'1' d4-- - e-.• ... '°Fel i Y l Special in Jz Ladies' Silk Holeproof Hose arcs. •- __ - Rib top in black, brown, ca navy, (lark �incl !gilt grey r „ Regular price $2.00 for $1.75 .. «. . 141 McLEAN BROS. •8' '• Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers 1 HE SQUARE 4414=4:7=13519.* 'GODERICH ' !sr1 THE BLU.EBIRD WASHER (,'alt and see a demonstration of the best Washing NAchi a on the market. We are agents. Lighten the drudgery of housekeeping with one of thow..nxy-rumiing machines. which save labor and preaers e health and good temper. EDON SDA LUMPS ak brood. �, 1 are the standard, up-to-date electric light. -We have them. n Gra p(d a nation's gre'ntn•ss. ng of 1919 my daughter. Thistle. I -o- eive Years of age. began lushest Hs. ry. N....k.., ...r of -the world's,- (gni orld-+a t(ns, of nervousness uh.ch developed srrmed 10 I use She . ante., St. \'rte_ dthe Hendon aer4sh•oule. England. a ntrol of he- limbs and at time- ,every the reeutt of yrs nr,•idrnr ter his p1a11• rl Suites companies and through ter - tory of that .t41uttry. The law of the 1'uftwl States forhhls the transporta- tion of liquor by Its earrker over I rutted State's territory even though it ix troistgutrl to altother eoumtry. _ o • T'to1IIi1 ily the e•erWne.# saki to have revealed that Corrado now has -a prptllutinn of o'er aloe milllones. There 1' lots 'of mann in 11.1s eonntre for many more millions. latt Making baste slowly trill not • hurt ('annela. Con- e. -slot ewe,. are not the heat elan.. of greatest aviators. iii,. Isru klllel at uscie in her body seemed to he 1 1itching while landing aft. r a long flight. in nd jerking and the trou le seemed to be -11rhnin "Ilnwker'. Intik" was proverb - owing worse We finally decided to give ; Ind. it de -mel him at Ins(. and many r. Williams' Pink Pills,'ard the result was ; iII grieve fur ldm. 1I.• win bewa tt ter even than we had hnnei tor, and n•nlensla•r, 1 for _his attempt with (:sloe• to fly acres the Atlantic infill a -friskier. They were lowed to de- -wend -tri trlirl-rxrenn still were normal by u .n.a11 tee• -4.4•1. The peer of their .atfety reached Canada and Newfound- land -from taw latter of which they ntr-tbretr flight -and t•rrated tense -Interest. 1-fl•W fl'tiTw up for dead. -Tater AI,a•k and Brown. two other British aviators. nail.' n ton, ressful 1(- ressful erlsteAthrotIe flight. Aleoek hnII trinee been killed. Tike Hawker 11• contributed mush to the kwnsltrlge of the airplane and its pow ahllit11 . With W11' its Improvements the 'plane t'oukl tw.Pmu to he still in Jt.1 pioneer stage. hitt It has already been shown that Its p.ssibllitkws are- unlimited. She is sow enjoying the best of alth.' You can r;et 1)r. Wilha Pink Pills thrr ugh any dealer in mels aaulaa by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes' fa 12.50 from the Dr- _Williams Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont. IdEAPOBTH• Loss A. M. Knenhtrl. who taught the MUrppaniton sehotl the lost biro years, will trach In the Esuanrult'1tkr raw l after the holldpya. Mr. and Jtrs, deo. D. C. Hare. of aeaforth. anuuutioe the en mgreneut Of Bsolwrt Bremiwr. Ethel, this marriage A. IIreml.er. ofl1y suit of Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Bremer,. Kibbe), the marriage to take phare in .\ugust- G. A. 51)1- & Mous have moved their bsralware atoeklnlo the ne bl,x'k__op pestle tete tow'tf h.Jl on ] In street whk h they pir'ha- el.last spring from the Kidd estate• and wide!' has leen entirety n-tn idellwh. J. C. Greig las moved to tine store ,a.•Atel by Mears. Sills. s • ---'*.e rinarmi.. The Expositor _ s1Ts 1 Mr. Thomas 1li:Mlltan. tho weli-known former yuan snw•kmmn of {billets left ttpaforth nn 3Wtainewliy for ter- sloe Country. tak- taa with hint vigil, N•t'a► fiend of prime export eatth' for British market. The shipment eons, •..'•1 of his ono and stone -la•longiug to. 31 r \r'..1.' Ik•'en'ux, ,o1 Tuekersmith: This Is the first sldp- memt for .'xpiirT tn*n aewforth for -n number of 'sans. brit ever slnee the bottom began to fail out of the Can- adian market Mr. MoMitlan 111w (ween ' 0141 Country Inners and has been waiting Some 1114 nr sltippIng spare from 31onfreal- We hope lie tri11 (rare n sand trip -ane that -he and Mr. 1rereri'uv well strike the top of the mnrk,•t. • W i X4 d11X. -T. iteynokls. w 147 has been loss' mndager for the 1111 Telephone ('o.. is being ttkn4err,l to a position with Ow company at Toronto. Mr. Robin - ..o. Orf- orangevillo will he the new ,.fna11414(er. hots.--_ .. . .1. H. !teenier. t' h,, ,as been agent at taw' Hingham 4'. 1' I: station for toyer thirty year.. has 1.•• n limiters mom trd. and i,, sue„ -,shed by Mr. Drown (if Guelph. Sir. and 'Airs. Teenier have mum to Toronto to r. -side. .1 D. Banes. a form4'r ro.ident of er\\'ingliam. died at 11:4 iwo111e At Galt Jnly 1211i nft.•r a lingering illus -to Mr. lineae was to rho hsoasear• h„,44,. ilea. In wttiglianf for a nu®Iver of years. Knox elioreb Cliff.•nl. was the seen - of a quiet wedding nttrWednerelnp, Jnly Ike, when Elizabeth Alexandra, yonng- eest tlitlghter of Mr. and Mrs. .John Weir. wens united 10 marriage to \t'il- linm Franklin Vast ((tone of 1Windhnm. iter. James Lsetgmn Misstated. Mr awl Mrs. ','nn Stone will reside In Wing - ham. 1)n MAtnrdAY. 9144 inst. Mrs. .tolui Mei'SBnm paawool retAY. ■tier a long UUnwet. at the age of o•tenty-flee year. Mite ilnl her husband Were sarong the early settlers of 1:ant Wawato-h. stereo children •itr'tye :i Mi.s Flora. at home: Mn. \'Invent, of flpringneld. (int.: Mrs. G. ('. iris' r. of Wiaghara : Min 'Afnry. whet lin- Men teaching w•h.s.1 at Kingston: Mrs. Christopher \otllery. of tflgratr: 'anneals of Zoo ',India. Sask., and. John IS., on the limn- toad. • Mr. Erns - t 1'nrter arrfed in town last week alter his trip to 1':ngland. The family had never been in th.- habit of raying grate brit when the- minister took tea with them they thrtnthht it proper to bend their "heads over their plates devoutly, Ali wAuId have gone well if the young honefut had not piped 0441 : "It ain't polite to -smell yore meat !" - a 011.05. Also -alt kinds of - ELECTRICAL GOODS ia,` - _i for house, store,' office or workshop. Estimates made and contraete taken fur electric wiring and other electrical work. I • fid:,,* s^.",'tgtraft"J A. J. ILAITTHWAITE Old Colborne Hotel Corner Phone 251 11atalkaa tit. (bNTARIO FER'T'ILIZERS Reduce . Coop Casts FIRST CHOICE OFONTARIOFARMERS OntariFertilizers Lifnired ' WestlToronto,Ont. ' WRITE FOR L BOOKLET AND PRICES ass Edra Tye has returned home from Toronto Mrand air. Fred Munro anti i nlld' ren. Miss Jean ural Master .fuck. of Toronto, are visiting 1D town. ,ELLIOTT Yonne and Charlie* Ste., Toren,e• Is noted throughout Canada for hath -grade cork. Write for dialogue and arrange 10 enter at our 1a11 term opening. Augus: [nth We have tiled pompe ra • recently at!WI a month and 127441 per year. - W. 1. ELLIOTT. Pnncipat. I t Will Morning Never Come DOES this illustration pic- ture your experience? What is more distressing than being unable to sleep? Sleeplessness is one of the first and most certain symp- toms of exhausted nerves. This to the warning that you need the aaslstance of Th. Chase's Nene Food to restore vigor to the nerve cells and thereby avoid the develop- mett of serious nervous trouble. lry Improving the quality of the blood and building up the n system this well-known rest ensiles brings new energy and strength is the whets body. rats • box. d for $11 WI, alt dealers, ee 1Naaseea, Bates & Ce., Ltd-, 'rarest.. Dr Chas is Nt'ry•r food - Fall Term from September 6th CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT..% The largest and hest Commercial School- in Western Ontario. Aset:oal . where koti get tborougbeoursee under experie ed instructora in ('ommer- tial, Sh hand and Telegraphy de- partments.' s Graduates assisted 4. positions. Horne courses can he arraogel," (let our free catalogue. 11. A M,d,At'hILAN, i'nt•ipal. 41. et 1 The Western Fair Sept. 10th to 17th' Seven Full Days This'Year THE POPULAR EXHIBITION OF WESTERN ONTARIO $6,000.00, Added to the Prize List Vis- } Gifts' Cajf Cotnprfition Spred Eienls-Dog Show -Auto Races teas t4. The Wortham Shows on the Midway WONDERFUL PROGRAMME BEFORE GRAND STAND TWICE DAiLY Plenty of Music- Fireworks Every Night Admission, 10th, 12th, 16th & 17th 2Scts. 13th, 14th & ISth-Sleets. Grand Stand usual prices eggi Lt. -Col. W. ,r .a r.. 1,1V14,10l\'thee 1.101'rtlt; til(cki.rARV 'Gartshore, President A. M. Hunt, Secretary it 4 tt - THRIi 1.OI'i1 TIRE nlns layer upon layer of .14iltuhly vuleanired fabrics The job of the tire repair man rails for an inti- mate knowledge of tire anatomy If he Is to lis -get the weak seetimin from the strong, and rebuild a tire hod) sutlkiently sturdy Inc re-ist- tng pressure strains and 5rtrelling road rub. Let us show that expert repairs do pa) biggest returns. H. J. FISHER, 0 nF Rei `t7 �fl .'�tlttlltl. - tl .00 fl • it 1' 'J •3