HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-21, Page 6July 21. 1921. e TIM SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. Once you hear the A 4erola vuu will realize it. The dif- ference is in the tar. The Amhervla is clear, mellow, pure -a very pleasing change from shrill "talking machine's" and harsh, metallic phonographs. Come to our store today. Hear EDISON'S NEW DIAMOND AMBEROLA Tee will like it. wen certain. Nothing can stand in the way of your owing 1t. besease youcan have theA a mberola onn practically yowv Bram taros, Or if you give trial you may have "Throe Days of Good Music -FREE"' In your own home, without cast, without obligation. Come today. If you can't call -write or pions. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE 4 FR -E ULM e- 1000 watches absolutely free. Owing to the enormous lino- per of our previous puzzle advertisement, which p'ned for us hundreds of new cheats, who, being so plea.ed wide tbeir free watch, that they are now our t custo- mers. we have deeded to further advert3ae and gain repo- gnitioo in 1000 new homes, by giving away soother 1000 valuable watches. to those who are clever wont to 61 In the mining letters in the following phrase. T -ES. W--CH-S A-E F -L -Y G--R-Nr.ED By mores* Ming In the missing letters. you can obtain abeohitaly free • welch, that will equal for time any solid gold watch made, which is .uf6dentty proven by the large number of testimonials that we haw received. .Scive this puzzle oorreo- tly and comply with our simple oondhbn of wtdoh we will write wheel we inform you if your reply is correct. write dearly, your name and complete address, so that we may without delay Inform you oil your success. self V0111111c1uiutte to. DEt1. 147 111 taattti..a R MEOW Il',ER4. MEN MI'MS: REGISTERED. Oaly 1'tto-e uiih Certificate Ma) Sol- emnise Marriage after October 1st. Toronto, July It. After III.• 1st of (A•lotter or thereabruts. no ilergyutaa w'110 is out ryitsler:vl with the Provin- cial authorities and tate Milder of a t'ertllk•ate of registration will le' per- mitted to eoletuutsi' morel:oil. In On- tario. lie., J. W. S. \II4'ullough. Pro - elude! Officer of Health. state) today that the legislation to this :effect pow.' last ,e'sslou _ wotlhl be 1.t•uught into effort about (k•lotwr 1 by pro- clamation, arclamation, etml that fu the meantime all religious ladles normal/fed by law as qualified under the wordage laws dlimild have its members registered. The registration of clergymen la like- ly to lead to a sharp argument as 10 the status of certain religious, scats or oults. The department. it 1* utklei- stood, will adhere strictly to the wpper- ent meaning of the law on the statute hooks. tend this interpretation will shut out it number of minor religlnus twklitw. Under the old law. whieh dad's lark tit pre -Confederation' days: "Minsters it mi clerg,vnwu of ever)- ehor-h and re - It a denomination duly or.halueI or atm' .tel. H.rurling h( the rights and ..•rem des of the clmn•h,' hail the right tor )1e nrtrrhige. This was interpret mI to me.:u the r.r0gnizeel churches, 'ntholi.•, Anglican. Methodist. 'Hbyterhu1. Italrtlat. ('on- gregatiAualist olid tim Jewish church. Later the act -its auteinie.1 to corer the, Salvation \ y, th.• Disciples. the Farrington In,lel Rents. the Brethren and the Society of` 'lends. It is regarded tis 4 Otte pwsitde that Imititea tom .nit may tight for rerrgn tion. either by pressing for a change 14 the act, or - through the courts. 111 11"n' sealer. Victoria St. Methodist Church Oils heading are the Chrla n fit len• tilts, Unita latter Iia, Saints' to 11.1 other.. -I -he "commissary department" of the School GODERICH SUMMER SCHOOL. MIRE AT HEN$A1.1- Men Attending Church Social Ex- tinguish the Flanwa. Hensall, jUly 18 -Tim1y assistance from the men who were attending a strawberry festival in the Methodist church here this evening was largely re• sponsible for preventing a serious fire 'the blaze broke otit about 9 o'cl• ck in Drummond & Sins' stable north of the Petty block and just opposite the Metho- 1st church. The fire bells were heard by tltt guests at the strawberry festival in church and the men at once rushed across the street to help. They manned the hand•engine and succeeded in keeping the fire confined to the building in which it started. The stables were destroyed, but Ihumenond & Son succeeded in saving an automobile. a hose and sleigh and other articles in the stable. Feed. a wag- on, sets of harness. etc., were destroyed hut Drummond & Son's los is covered on by insurance. Mr. Petty. the owner of the stable building, had no insurance. The Petty brick block was not damaged. There was a high wind at the time, and without the timely assistance the fin would have [roved moire serious. WAPTA LAKE CAMP t The foliowit:. • a.•' registered aPt at- tending the 4.-1--'a.h Kumwrr School nyw• Ili p re-- - RPV. E,ll Iti.l, - Listnuel. datura Rtdtt.):'- t.i:tnwrt. Ina Maiwr'Iy. I:••rch•. Eva barter. 1 :axon. Irene McKele••v, T4wmwater. Hazel Brill. "loosweter. Alvin I-eon:aro I'Ihtt.11. Erncet Livenwore. 4'Il11t(n: \'folet Rttehauua0 Auburn. }:Ileen Kelly. •tttfitirn. ' .\¢nen flower. Auburn. Liottle Johusom.,Anburn. Vera i'arrotr. llotiktou. 1).'rothy Hon:. Monktou. Franar•s (:(1t1g!nly, o31kt00. Ellen \Van% Monkton. _ Marie t'amer.n. Tiverton. Lama Agar, 'Tiverton. Me rJory Bea t,.n, Clinton. Rh, -u ,.4cNauuhton. Mtonktoh. Della gad, Stockton. Ileten Yoybg, tOodeyilh. Imola Hero, Gexlerich. Iter. Mr. \\'1111ams, (]rand Bend. MIs,. t:. Wilson. Loudon. Helen t'r'u, )lir hell. 4'01114114114' lhwl, MIteIwll. Ina Hewitt, 'ljitehell. (bustatu,e I►uek. llltchell. Lipile Adams, 4:Iall'rtl•h. Addle Wessel, Kincardine. Mary Kennedy, Kincanline. hiss 1•'rr, Kfuk•ardite. Rev. Mr. Clary. Kincardine. Miss Ferguson, Elora. Jennie Marquis. Nile. Minnie Currie, Nile. Wilda Pollock. Ripley. Edward Harrison. Ripley. Lawrence Harrison, Ripley. Esther Lyoa, Loudestw,r.i . Maud Lyon. 1..enitedwrri Katie Itrrw•11. I.00desls/ro'. Mrs. Porteous. Seuforth. Ruth Thompson. Sea forth. Annie 111, ter. Zion North. Rec. E. .1 Ituulstou, staffs. Mrs. I':. J. Itoul-ton, 'traffic Rev. Mr. Met 'awns. Clinton. 'Mlles Holmes. Ilulmrscille. Itev.'.Ir. Alliu and family. M unkt.' Fowl ttnvaug.% Seatort-h:_.-....-: Rev. E. •W. Edw'arts. S. -.forth. }:thiel Washington. Auburn. Miuriel 4Vashlnt,-ton. Auburn. Rev. \V. L. Mlles. l.ouulnn. Rev. W. E. Wilson. 1. Ion. Miss Wellwaod. ('hilly. Rev, W. A. ('.unvay, Highgate. Iter. .i. F. Reyeraft. G.alerit•h. Rev. H. 11. Moyer, G.elerleh. Rev. Mr. Button. Milton. Beryl. Jnktntton. 7,neknOW Louie Henry. Liteknkrp•. - Miss 11..tllht, G.wlericl,. Miss M. uwr.l•. Ethel. rlein. OTHER TABLETS NOT Olive 'Ititrm•r, Ethel. . (aadys Jackson. T.'esw•ah•r.. I.ena Robinson. Salem. Lawful' • Roge-ran. l ntklo s►wrre'. ASPIRIN AT ALL 1tlulio hr l\'btmticy. Lun.leahuro'. Marjorie Aitken, li.•.l.•iieh. F. 1k,herty. e:,wlorich. Rev. A. E. 3lAl2yti, Auburn. only Tablets with 't[3ayar troll. F. Wallis. Clinton. " Miry Itolemo-on. ebbe-'' are "^^ '""'+" Vi.rn Y,111olr.-tl.wb•.1. h. KINTAIL AN ESTEEMED RESIDENT GONg.-A highly esteemed and lifelong resident of Kintail passed quietly away in the early morning of July 13th. in the person of Miss Jane McDonald She had been in failing health for the past three years or more. but she always bore her sufferings with becoming Christian meekness and patience. She was never given to com- plain or murmur with her lot. She wa a woman of quiet and yet cheerful disposi- tion. always pleasant ani kirvi to every- one and ever ready and willing to help those in need of help. She was a member of the Ashfield Presbyterian church, and was much esteemed by all who knew her for her sterling qualities. The late Jane McDonald was born in Ashfield sixty -sit years ago, the eldest daughter of the late Donald and /Ors. McDonald, of Kintai'. She is survived by six brothers : Donald. loclrnaster at the American "Soo"; Ken- neth, of Boulder. Colorado Finlay and Alex.. of 11th concession, Ashfield: John D., of Kintail, and Robert D , on the old homestead at Kintail. She is also sur- vived by one sister, Miss Flora McDonald. of Kintail, who nursed her very devotedly during her long illness. Another sister. Mrs. Finlayson, of Boulder. Colorado, died three years ago. All the bereaved ones have the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon. 15th Inst , and was largely attended. Interment was made in the Kintail cemetery. Donde the graves of her father and mother. The funeral ser- vice was conducted by her pastor, Rev. S. Hardie. the pallbearers tieing Duncan McKay, John McLeod, Thomas Harris, Dr. Simpson, George Collinson and Rod- ert.k McKenzie. to • Try our Wast Celumu foilinillts. Emma Gralau . Khien Mine . Alive Kirkpatrick. Klnsartline. !tae Andrew. Au t'nrn. Evelyn Turner. Ethel. Mary Howell. Gtwlerteh. Mand Howell. G.wlerie-h. \'inlet )1111e•r. H.daietvWe. B. 11atet. •t'rsilton. Ma ry Holtzma n. 1'neliton. Leila Kuhn. Crrllton. Lella Sperling. itrn+sola. Starlet Marli1e. ltru .s -Is. Alma Ackert. liolyrowsl. Mlrs. Ackert. Hntyrakl. Ennan .tekert. 1(.4yrssl. • Glndcs I nmpllell. Ilolyr oil. Miss Snyder. G.wlerleh. Rev. Mr. SleTarlsh, i7ate01.' Annie Modem.. Salem. Mels. M. Riehm. LletoweL 1f yon don't gee the 'Bayer Crosse on the tablets, yo•t are not getting Aspirin -only an acid imitation. The "Bayer Cross" is your oily why of knowing that you are getting genuine Aspirin. prescribed by physicians for over nineteen years and proved safe by millions for Headache. Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Nebritis, and for Pain generally. Made in Canada. Bandy tin boxes of 12 tablet -alio larger sized "Bayer" packages ISA be bad at drug stores. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada.. of Bayer Manufacture nf Monoaceticacidester of Salicylieacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company. Ltd., will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." Oemmoseseamoseamoseameneamesemosoem Beads -- JUST IN The very latest strings, in Jet, Pearl, Amber, Blue Garnet, Amethyst, Silver aad Geld Just the.touch you desire with your summer dress i -0- Every-thing in ladies' combs. Fat:cy and plainhait pins. Ciretr#st--eemris - ire obeli and amber Lady Dainty cap shale, real hair net, best net on the market w. Wapta Camp from East End of Lake looking towards Kicking Horse Paas. About eight miles west of Lake the Yoho Valley is ten miles, and to way. Saddle horses and guides will ,Louise Station on the main line of I Emerald Lake is fourteen miles. To- be available for those who wish to this Canadian Pacific Railway just wards the north, one can reach Sher- ride, and telephone connection with before entering the Kicking Horse brooke and Ross Lakes in aberet an Chateau Lake Louise will make it Canyon. the traveller notices • very hour and a half, so that the variety easy to communicate with those what beautiful sheet of water named of excursions offered to those who have en any of the Compaay'l 'Wapta Lake? sheltered from the stay at this Camp 1s remarkable. Swiss Guides. These guides are id Berth by • high and massive moun- Wapta Lake Camp is constructed great demand, and their serviced Main capped by eternal snow. on the same Hnes as the Lake should he requisitioned well in 1. On the shores of this lake, facing Windermere Camp, which proved so vanes. K magnificent Alpine panorama, a popular last summer. It has a Cen- One of the most thrilling trips tel Irustic bungalow Camp has been con- tral Community House for dancing the whole Canadian Pacific Rockiest istioacted, which opened for visi- and recreation purposes 80 feet can be made from Wapta Lag tors on July 1st, and will provide square with a wide gallery round the Camp. This is by way of L•kd a comfortable and convenient centre sides. The kitchen is a large build Louise over the Victoria Glacier to dor those who desire to explore one ing, 20 x 28 ft, while the cottages Abbott Pass under the great preei. !Lea.e most romantic and pictures- are of varying sizes and design- picea o Lefroy. Alter the summit stricts in the Canadian Pacific double cottages being 24 x 14 ft. and of thls Pass m ss ono reacbee lake Ora The Lake itself is at an single cottages 14 x 2 ft. Each cot- from which one gets an exquisite 'elevation of 6,190 feet above sea tage is equipped with a areal' beater view of Lake O'Hara down Worm lineal. end faces peals scaling up to and stove pipe on account of the cool From Lake O'Hara an easy trail 11.900 feet. It is only half a nights natural to this elevation. The down Cataract Creek brings one back walk from Lake O'Hara, which Camp is within the jurisdiction of to Wapta Lake. This, of coarse, is �Y b m selected as the site of the the Dominion Parks Authorities, and • somewhat atnuous trip and re. 1Aaa)aa1 raCamp of the Alpine Club of muhject to the Dominion Parks ergs- quires Swiss Geddes. owe& for 1021. Lake O'Hara, l*time', which are particular in An easter trip on saddle geodes however, 1s more than a centre for guarding against forest fires, pre- through magnificent Alpine scenery Airier eltmbers. It was selected by vent the cutting down of green tim- is through the Yobo Valley to steer• Joim B. Sargent, the famous artist, her in the vicinity of the Camp and aid Lake or over the Burgess Paye to me one of the most beautiful piece' forbid any dealing In liquor on the Fieldw A four -In -band Tally -bo will .-°veld find in the Rockiest sur- premises. The Camp occupies an drive down the Ricking Horse Plus remsd.d as It is with mountains of area of three acres, and t'ae rustle en • road which follows else old . 4 and ruggedgrandiose which at bungalow character of th. Cabins C. P. R. grade. Othee naso a compose halo vac- gives it a very attractive appearance. The rates for Wept* Caws} throe et unfailing, beauty. About 50 visitors can bo aeeorarno- eros very moderate, being 4.16 pall oesA i,ais L .etuall in British dated at one time. Two bath houses, day fee these who can make envy e. west oau� t UtvHe, ,n for teen and one for ladies, tante* short stay, and 45.00 31st this. obs erhlrth wllriti� 1w a faysrlt. ntpplled with hot aad cold waneaa ata a ww.k er msec ttreit� from 1416 Tse misetttt.. water and toilet facilities. The C T. R. vasomotor Isaias ws]i be las west of tai Camp the Hector is tb. Station for Wpbta step at Newby white ti. Carne hi ianf Hors U alk. de or dv� Eke Camp and for the co will ewer operation, with M. eseptlou o� �� i ears walk. ride °r �( visitors a motor lastnch�t in will eve- WON Norm II. 7 and a. e�wa M 11e ism � wteyta .1 .the meet Cama landing Transfer charge frees a1s .t . 1 '.tad lLaa. Odle i m 0 i� /'alt f s stats to Camp. is 28 aceta sed ot'th Street Methodist Church Where the sessions of the School are held R. C. T. F. CONVENTION. Meeting Held at Zurteh-A '(+utreesful Gatbering. Tlue too\ wens held, in Zurich. 0n Tb 14111 and l:eh. Thr reports of\fhe snperintendonts of depnrtain•nts w for the most part ('IH oaragin:, ahnwli* that there were "Tiro• win•. In the onnnty and that mnch.w•nrk had been (voter duNngtthe year. 1rnring • tee- im'.. sessions Mrs. Png.ley. f':.,ritt�41 r1(r•pm-414iPut, enfP dao -t.' 1 n -. Io4u9tef metlksls w Itch whit an ,Yi:H':tti. a In Itself. Mr-. I':g.ly'e addre.a tet the Prim- ing avid, n, •'Fotloa-lag the Gleam." in- '.pfr,vl ler hearer to IOP falthtl and trot• to tit. privileges edifch.nre their. We who an. Canadian. hare had the privilege', the liberty and the light sit 011r great n:4$Mn. and it la ntlr 10 11Plp thaw• ooh. •„ase to our land seeking n lstme. A mn'i,;nl pretetrnm, mnelsfing of n nolo br Wen Adeline Niven.. slicer rwe'dalist in singing• n reading by Mitt. Margaret Rivers, nllrer medalist to ekw•ntlnn. INA), of Oodprleli. tate nelelt- , tlnna by the e'Mdr and the .Dion by MIs. Martnrle Aitken. of Ckwlerieh. and Mita Elio.wi h Rennie, of 7,nrleh. •s4ded to rho enjoyment of the evening ae..Mn. Th. Phrt1ea of uAere moulted as fnlinws :jrwldPnt. Mr. Mtl:nlre. Rrn.m.t.• t4t'wcprpwld.at. Mfr. A. T Cooper. Clinton : osrrr.pnnding •Pere• tary, Mr. Fitton, 1Rxetet; reeording ayfourth annum etmfen- neon county W. C. T. V. he Evangelleal church. lay anti Frklay. Jnty ! • Rheumatism Stiffness and all Pain Minard'r Liniment bas given satisfaction for three nerativaa It Quickly reliever sore throat. bronch.ti.. sour. ansa. KNI;ra and any kid .4 ,osis. gob /-es. An Old Reliable Remedy Mrs. S. Fawcett. Hamilton St.. Coiling000d. Oat. antes,-Mmard's tammrnl surely .. an end reliable reme.fy. 1 ala a) s keep a bunk is the hosier and have recommended it to quite a nomtmr.oil my trod.. to whom it gave great relief. 1. most tams .t wa used a Clore for ,tistanatwn. Min ard's o Kt>nt c Actin iram+ent mouths Nova/30o21a. THOMAS GUNDRT, AUCTIONEER. ' •1 BOX 87, Goderlch. All Instructloaa' by mall or left at Signal office will be prompt]# -attended to. Residence tel► pbooe 119. LEGAL 1 a ▪ G. CAMERON. K. C., BARRI& Sas TER. Solicitor, notary publle. OMee Hamilton slrret, Goderleh, third door from Square. Trust funds to loan at lowest rates, D C. HATS, IZ• BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. -3'14- TART PUBLIC, ETC. _ Office -Sterling Bank, Block. Balis- Ilton Street, Goderlch. Telephone _ Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. P D FOOT, KILLORAN & H ILMES. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NO- TARIES PUBLIC, ETC. °flare on the Square. (econd door from Hemllton Street, Ooderlch. Private funds to loan at lowest* rate. W. I'rondfoot. K. C., J. L. Ellloran. Dudley E. Holmen. Cik itlbES GARROW, LL. B.. BAR- {' iSTER. attorney, solleltor, ete., Goderich. Money loaned at lowest ea tem. /t MEAGEit, BARRISTER, mot,. %.0* ICiTOR. notary politic and coo- reyancer. Once -Court Hu,�lrr , f odo- ricb. INSURANCE. LOA."]$. E'tl,C• McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO. -Farm and isolated town property tortured. Officers -las. Connolly, Phis.. Gode- Neh .1'. 0.: -Jas, Evans. Vice -Pres.. Beechwood 3': O ; 'Thomas E.--BaTrh- Sec.-Treas.. $e'afor h P. O. Directors -D. F. McGregor, R. R. No. 3, Seafortb : John G. ()flora. New 4. Walton: \Vflllaw Man, R. R. No. 2. Men forth: John Bennewles. Brod- bagel): Geo McCartney, R. R. No. 3. Se north : Robert Feria, Harlti k Malcolm McEwen„ Clinton: James Evans, Beybwood; James Connolly. Goderieh. Agents : J. W. Teo, Ooderiel.; Alex. Letteh, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; William Chesney, Se•aforth: E.-111ncb- ley, Senforth. Polley -holders can pay all payment's and get their cards re- mained at R. J. Morrl.h's C'lothlnig Store. Clinton: R. H. Cntt'e Grocery. Ktngstnn street. fioderleh, or J. H. Reid''. General Store. Bayfield. Smith's Art Store Fast St. Phone 19S WIZEN IN NEED OF A TAXI PHONE 198 ueerstnry, Mies M. Aitken, Gowh'rlch: treasurer. Mia S. Bentley. Gigiorlebt L. T. L. aid T. secretary, Mt.. !L' Bailie. (kklerleh. WIt1, the appointing of sup•rintend- enta of departments a very sueressful , convention ons brought to a eln.e. The flatting delegates thoroughly • enjoyed and eppreinted the hospitality of the ladle. of Zurich. Just before the battle of St. Mihiel the Germans blew up an ammunition dump I near a company of larks. it was re- ported that there was a large quantity of gas shells in the dump. and as soon as the explosions began the Americans immedi- ately vacated the neighborhood. When the danger had passed all except one man returned. He did not appear until the next day. -Well. where have you been ?" de- manded the first sergeant, eyeing him coldly. Sergeant," replied the other earnestly, "L dont know where i've been, but i give you my word i've been all day gettin' back. Adyeethe In The Menai. CZEMA Yoe are nes et pa Hawn - lag was■ pmt ,Is. ler. (Taw's °int- i meet for germs bad Skin !rens- dorm. it relieve* at entre and grader all heals she Min. Prowl* bot Pr.(Ta Mime's Ointment tree It yon mention Ela paper and send fr. stamp tar pastwte. arc. a oos all drabs or admarwoa. Roue a On., Lisslted, Tnroet4 EAST S :GARAOE is Your Car Ready For That HOLIDAY TRIP You're Planning This Summer? • ft÷tot "Get Out and Get Under' doesn't go very well in vacation time, so let us put it in good shape now before the GODERICH OLD BOYS get here. Their cars will need a good deal of attention. REG. WILLIAMS Phone 243 -- Galeria' mad -- Brophey Bros. The Leading -- Funeral Directors and Embalmers nrrl••r. (-Irefully attended to It all hour'', night or day. NTT r; ( tfEATCA Music for Everybody Agency for Starr Cecilian Harmonic Phonographs Call and let us give you a demonstration of these splendid instruments. We have in stock the Starr-Gennett Records which can be used on all these instruments. GEO. RICHARDSON iiemNfnn and St. Arwhrw'e Sta. Ged.rieh Phone 164