HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-21, Page 5TEl SIGNAL _. GODE2IO'H, ONT. Tlutr, 18y. July 21, 102l. --d WHISKERS ON AMAN ARE UNSIGHTLY And indicate that shaving lather costs too much money or is a dreaded operation with the old-fashioned razor. With an Auto -Strop a shave every morning is a pleasure and gets you away from those unsightly whiskers. We want to show you these shaving Outfits, they are the best kind. Giv Him a Safety Razor For His Birthday Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 T WH ITE STAR LINE SPECIAL MIDSUMMER EXCURSION. GODERICH to DETROIT and return • ►UREl1IERML-Ns,sisesws aatta. RN1KEP1E-Stas blssd s ssa. $SITNRIS-Esdswand siaanta ,sts. PURE - lest tar baby's nines SEMS alt sues. 50c fu -All dwlan. Friday of this week ami will (outlaw until Tldlr..lay of next week. IteportN from other pta'ss where the same pro- gram fin- Ixeu given are .very favor- :ahh•, w) iii e Is•Ing to the effect that it is the beet program She Chautauqua hoe, yet put ou ill Camilla, In Sunday evenhag, at 1;.30 p.m., an aper pria1e program will he given by %tans of the 4'Imuhn14108 talent. Includ- ing Miss Si r.xle. the Miran stingers. and all address by Mr. William 1I. NtquL lf\ silver a ulhetlou will he taken at te, door, the prig-•ssiv to go to the Ahlnw•k Chapter. 1.6.11.E., for the .•1111.1 welfare fund. The Chautauqua will Iw' with Miss of Mr. It. It. Brawnier w Methyl/. Jordan in charge of the Junior Chautauqua. ifta d ('nap c.o.petul... 3Ir. Robert Berry. of at. Marys, wrx �tp the district this week judging the is tiding fields of Banner wits entered In the competltlotyin connection with the (:.slerlch Agricultural\ Moi'lety. j •There were rweuty-two entried\\ml the winners are as follows : • 11.•11 Itro-., t:.xlerk•h- township. Isaac Hetherington. Colborne, It. J. (:len. 'Colborne. act, Thos. M. Snowden. Stanley. ST14.' Jahn Kerldghall. Colborne. ST. • sews/sus, (1.rlerieh township. latter:. gobs. Amlrew's. Goderich township. k2,. Some otherwise very good fields. were ,avn•w1 oat on beet/mat of wewex. 'Mr. Hem stated that the Bettis exampled ei;ntpurstl favorably with those in any Viso!tart of the Province he had •isiteld. . NaSahle i Panay within Its ho day (Thursday) a noteworthy party. It being the annual reunion arvisoesti rna-w t r .."`""t . STR. GREYHOUTI LEAVES GODERICH, MONDAY, AUGVST 8th, II.I5p.m. arriving Detroit Tuesday, 7.15 sm. RETURNING, leave -Detroit Thursday, Aug- \ ust z zth, 2.30 p.m., on Str. Owana $3.00 Round Trip - 300 One Way Last trip to Detroit Friday, Aug.12th, at 7 a.m. on Str. Owana Don't miss this lnid'utnnter opportunity to visit beautiful Detroit. A delightful ride across Lake Huron and down the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers Greyhound Moonlight out of Goderich Monday evening, August 8th, 8.15 p.m. Nz t,•S ]llrAtMtOUS DETROIT ORCHESTRA for dancing in the Greyhoned Bali Room ' 50c Children under 12, 25c ReOCAL TOPICS._m Ow Tauter firuar .if Walkertom HERE'S where youdo get the best bargains in this town tank. Milverton. llowuie township. and other pieces. Tlw party number,. about 1:,0. twist of whom arrived by automobile the morning to nieral the day by the takt+•1.1r. The tu.ril1011 1n Harjdvr Park is ►enilquarter4 andatlre visitors appear to be enjoying them- selves. The t�,qt-phlcwl the Park kitchen at the .iisposal of the party. and Mayor \Vilna• .idled upon the vis- itors and lode them wekvme The patriarch of the gutlerfng -Is Mr. Richard Taner. of Walkerton. We understand. however, that the original Mame of the family in Canada is ht Perth dsoluty. tear Stratford. where WOW. of the Tanners ,till lire. We tart the visit of the "clan- to Gode- rich for their reunion will In an annual event hereafter. Making Was a Golfer. Tile Maitland , Golf ('lab grounds sus tlw scene of a pleasant function on Frlds7 eveuhig last. when a number of Rev. R. C. MciMrmld's friends. the majority of whom were already mem- bers or shareholders of the club. hull a Weide supgwr. after which they pre- sented him with a share of stock in the club. a iatg sial set of golf 4:11111s. and Mrs. MrlMrathl ttith_-s__ • 1$08i membership. as a token of taw esteem in which they are held. The present- ation remarks were very appropriately nada by Mr. J. G. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. McDermid were taken completely by surprise. but Mr. McDermid made w very sui:able reply. Mr. 1t. R. Sal - lows then took snapshots of the party and of Mr. and Mrs. M,Dermlrh after which a ,.semi tutee was spent in drive, ing conitetltlons. eto. Among those present were : Mr. and 3fr•. Dunlop, J. G. e'amerou, Jas. Donaldson. R. 11. ('ntt..1. W. Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McLean. A. J. MacKay. H. J. A. Mac- Ewan. .1. G. i.ovnes. J. J. McEwen. A. Maunder.. 1►r. and Mrs. Taylor until Dr. A. I1. Taylor. • among the Collegiate institute teachers. Four of the Clinton Collegiate staff of six ten.iicrs bare rc•pgt1Pe1. atsdfbe Sesforth Ism r.t is facing a similar 'situation. rleh \'oeslist. Milk Samples Twdetl Miss Rayta 1.omp le. reports the result of a text o T.IrtM. Imw of Brantford. will he sampes of milk and cream from ,leased to burn of her continued stx- elalrle. supsher5 (:idltttct'i. as cefont. 1 Milk - Fisher 3.3(► per e'en(. fat talon her( has vocal suiscssfully centBeattie :t per cent.. per cent, x 3.11(1 per es►ng cent . oke Bros. 8.10 per cent.,. Wilson l for the A. T. C. M. degree. ps Oke 4 per vent. Cream -Fisher 21.101 with honors. Her examiner was 'Mo - ler .cent.. Beattie 10.110 per rent.. Me- feasor Slater. of the Toronto Conser- lfanns 10 per dant., Oke Bros. I4.`0. Intends totory of -Morrie. rv.ntinue her *Mlles+in Little mush. with Mr. Taylor (also former v of Guderichl. and to teaeh vocal. Is a paid sok0lst In the Ak•xardler Pres- byterian church. Brantford. Miss 1.Itrle tntonds to visit (ioderleh daring Mime Week and 14 looking_ forward to meethrg her friends Isere, A Fanner (,elk Tlw In-'ttttltt' of Public Health a�) Friends in G.aderich of Mix per cent., Wilson Oita 24 per cent. The regnlred standard is 3.50 per vent. for milk and tet per cent. for cream. Miss Clifford Learing. Mins Clifford ha! sent in her re- signation a_ languages at the Collegiate Institute, In order to take it pnitlott on th., record Ccrtllteate Grsnt('a: Woodstock C. I. staff. Tlire(e of last 91.,e .4, 'sol of ('Ommaya. Clinton. year's G. C. I. staff had already rr tt.. Iran been pgrantedrwr►rl..r.tl• atlrned, so Mitt of the staff of seven Iro tleate No. 1 by the United Typewriting teachers only three will be nnr'ttang.d.. ('o, Mss Isabelle ,meserin Raring on enidentiul tests Issued during the past year. This Is 1t most creditable 1 standing In view td the fact that these tests are open to all schools in the 1►.•rhitilon. students of commercial high schools having three years to prepare the -work. whereas eight tar nine months ' rovers the average ronrse In the school BEST PHOTOPLAVS of ('ommeree. Mho Nit -Nevin 1- n Goderich gr alio attended the ('Briton IN COOL, COMFORT I schxll. Fred Davis Not a Candidate. M-edlwsday's Loudon Free Press Week of July 25 to July 301 stated that -among the Liberal mem- hers displaced" in the Atlerta i'rovin- L5-26. vial ela•tohx was Mr. Fred Davis. Mdsttday and Tuesday. July formerly of Goderich. ,rho was a mem- Stock Reducing Sale Commencin SATURDAY, JULY and lasting for seven days The S(aect Ladies' Ready-to-VVear'Co. will put on sale their/entire stuck of LADIES' READY=TO-WEAR . at such remarkable bargains that every garment in the stuce is re(luced abSohitt_'ly below manufacturers' cost during this seven days sale This lnay}' seem like a mighty strong statement to ake-and you may feel like "Oh'. they all claim that, But we will you why -the. story is short saying, and simple. FIRST -The season has been a li e backward and our stock is too heat/ . SECOND -Prices in our store have' ways been the-lowest,-so-figui-ing guy: war greatest ba_ sins you will get this summer season -. suitable for immediate ' wear: THIRD The. firm says we must have more business and the firm is willing to pa or it -that's why. We believe you will qui ly decide with us that theand the b greatest values. It is now to y ou ladies of Goderich sur- --rounding country to take dvantage of this wonderful sale. You are '-rem to come - our foods - in order to appreciate the values ere are few of the many items to be allthrough the store Coats ge, nicely trimmed with braid All wool cheviots, serges, cover cloths, checks re�lplar X28.00, for $19.50 rapolonginclothgfs,rom prices $7.95 tip to $26.00 'feeing at There even•To be a R,meral ttat",4 written Trielt1Rfr('f'T•ee^f *IIat.uekwt. MODEL THEATRE Matinee Moodily at 3 p. m. her of the last T.egishitnre. Mr. Doris Pauline Frederi was not a candidate In the recent elec- tions. having decided that his large hnsinesel' Interests demanded his entire to tion. The Free Prv:« also has In her greatest triumph attention. lir. Darla misplaced Fr a! to his political 11 ' tt (toads of Destiny" tons. Frail used to Ie a rt ue bine 1,1,14' ('on s•n-a11re•. and we fancy he Also a TWO -Mel Comedy, has tut altered mneh In this respect 4111*' he went 10 the West. Musical Examination StreePasea- At the recent musical examination. held in Goderich In POnnectton with the Toronto fonaervatory of Myatt, all the candktntnlsf te1Nor h *trw. DMe h- odlstr►n. orgy odist church. were suave ffmarks. TEs. tattled a high p nsttagP WPwton Inns toPPn PnterinR ar'holwra at the various rrtn+d4'441 examinations/ for over tlftPen year. and during the whole of that time has never had a purdl fail 1 The ane(•Pxxf111 candidates 111144 year Sr. ss follows : Primary Reade` -1t' grade Howell (tumors). intmthwtory Rrn -.Marian C. WPwton (Iirut4•in's hon- ors) : Leila Curry (honors). CHURCH NOTES. Rev. P. J. Gnam, late of Aylmer, has taken charge of St. Peter's pariah and conducted mass last Sunday. Rev. Father McRae will make his home at Mount St. Joseph. London, but. win be present at the St. Peter's church ga vert party next Tuesday. At Knox church next Sabbath divine worship will be conducted by the minis- ter. Subjectsof sermons : 11 a. m., "The Hills and the Deep.'. 7 p. m., "The Guest of the Greeks." Sabbath school at 10 o'clock. The sacrament of baptism at the morning service • Miss Hazel McDonald, Lighth street, Goderich. now a student at the Moody Bible institute of Chicago, hats been appointed leader of a group of students who conduct evangelistic services in one of the large Chicago jails. This is part of the Insti- tute's campaign of citywide evangelism which is conducted by the students throughout the year. Miss McDonald is a member of the Presbyterian church of Goderich. "HIS SUNDAY COURTSHIP Weduedity tirtl Thursday, July 27.111, 11 weather remains cool. an exception- alty meritorious program will he offeree. Friday and Saturday. July tl-30. Matinee at 3 p. m. IC/WRNS O'BRiEN 1n a powerful story of politics! and lore. "The Figurehead" Algid a Twp•r t4 Select Komedy The CsawitSisi • Chautauqua Tisk week. T TIM Goderh4 Chautauqua opens os The services at the Goderich sst Bapti church are at presentcharge v. Norman Davis. a returned missionary from Central Africa who is remaining in Canada for a period on account of Mrs. Davis' ill health. Mr. Davis is astrongg preacher and the Baptist peopleconsider themselves fortunate in having his minis- trations. His sermon subjects for next Sunday will be : 11 a. m . "The Promise of the Father." 7 m., "The inception of a Great Faith." Bible school at 10 a.m. B. Y. P. U. meeting at S.p m. LOCAL TOPICS iN BRIEF. According to bylaw, Goderich's civic holiday will be on WeQsdaY• August 3 Remember the Rt. Peter's church gar- den party in Harbor Park next Tuesday All the einvaiwers who here been daPlling mpmher'ablp tickets for the Alexandra hawpttal are reinvented to hand in their returns this week. /5 skirt is our store dy reduced • ly or t is 'seven-alys prices rp pinging from ERE'S TWO REAL BARGAINS Girls' Dresses -at $2.59 In swiss, spot muslin, trimmed with sky, maize, cogen, nile, pink organdie trimmings, $.5(i sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, sacrificing ✓✓ glnnot duplicate at double this price Porch Dresses 79c In five different patterns, trimmed with 79C collars, cuffs and belts, clearing at This price does not cover even labor $2.50 up Dresses ' A large variety of silk dresses in different shades of silk, taffeta, crepe, charmeuse, georgette andmany other qualities, prices Si50 up to ZA_5O ranging from The smartest of Voiles, Organdies and Ginghams Endowed with a refreshing charm and distinction, surprisingly moderate_if pace Organdies from $6.95 up Voiles " $2.50 " fiinghams ": $2.25 " Silk Waists $1.75 - Silk waists, blackonly, trimmed , with tucks and .75 buttons, sacri- $1 - firing at Waists 250 waists in tricolette, georgette, crepe, satin, silk, voile and many other popular materials. They are all going to be cleared out at rock -bottom prices. Come early and get first choice. #-lose, Hose, -Hose - Lot No. 1 black only, sizes 8 1-2, 9 1-2, 10,"'2. 7C selling at Lot_Io• 2 navy. }Mack, brown. grey and sand, all selling -at. 55c pr. or 2 pr. for $t.00 Lot No. 3 black only, pure silk hose, sizes 9ik 9, 9 1-2, 10, going at • '� earCo. es eSelect GODERICH Healquartars and Factory : 448 Queen St. West/toronto The fire alarm was sounded about 2 o'clock Tuesday morning for a blaze at oxer Martin's, Maitland street, east of loser Salt Co.'s works. The barn had taken fire, presumably from lightning. and burned to the ground. The contents, chiefly household furniture,ede- stroyed. There was some insurance. in the report of the Nnrntal School ex- aminations. which appeared in the Tor- onto papers on the t4:h. the name of Miss Elizabeth Sowerhy 1Y mistake was omitted from the list of successful stu- dents. She has obtained a second-class certificate. Her sister Ella also received a similar certificate. Congratulations are *tended to iheMtttses Sovettby. •••11m Mies Marne' Stile, of Toronto, is spend. pug her vacation with Mrs. D. F. Cornett. _. OBITUARY. Mtr(1RF:--.After an illness of several mouths IVII1iam Thomas MOMS. Dowsed away "11 Wednesday of (111! Week hh ht is home', St. David's "greet, in tiro -fifth year. Mr. Moore with his Aamil} came to Goderich +seat three here he months In rhe hardware Myth. lbuRl ad nesat for beenten year. Formerly ,he iived at .\rthur, At. .Marys awl kirkton. Besides his wife, he 1eaves two daughters ao hoof Toronto son ; Yrs. Roy Frahk anti Alva, at home. HP la vived vtlrosur- our sister..f thn.y fof Kir'kton; Robert, of t'arkhcad ; Samuel. of Dauphin, Man.; jaw... of Elllitbi(it'e': flask.; Mew ter,l n, of Lolnlpn. tent., and Mrs. Conk, of Calgary. Mr! Moore was a Matson and a will be (.011111114411 funeral un1nr•t40 at tlwhor e sonbYt- dav afternoon by HP. .1 F Reyeraft, wvey til tolirh Illyth1/remains Pon- fointerment 1�►}t1) -There panted away on Ttles- •)iy. July 18111, Rev. \V .1. Ford, LL.B., ryt the 1454' of seventy •1T !Part. Ile `:.ad been living here with hl! brother, Rev .1 F. Ford of town, for timely two years. Ht was born at Peter - koro, (int., but spent the whole of hit ministerial carver of fifty years inf Western Ontario, holding many im- portant charges. He was president o0 the London Conference is 1907. Hie pastorates included Fws►tl, Pavklt141. w Glencoe, Wyoming, ('lintou and Vete. tomtit' ehureh, London. Ile was for many years rhsirlann of district and dk 'upIPd other pneitiono in the gift Or his brethren. IIP was a nen of *she Information** good expository pr's, b- er, and a fnithf111 pastor. The burtat takes place today IThursdny) wt Cavil - OM where his stetter who peed retw.•t1 him four years, is interred A taperai Ieery lee will be held is the (ileggsti Metholil4 church. •