HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-21, Page 44-Thuroday, July 21, 11)21.
Holiday and Warm Weather
To be comfortable this warm weather
one must be dressed in cool clothing. At
this store you can get all your require-
ments at reasonable prices. See our
Palm Beach Suits
Outing Trousers
in palm beach, flannel an dock Also
Negligee Ai
Summer Suspende
Belts, Hosiery
Cooltex Underwear
Straw Hats, etc.
..tvent for
11 i ILO 11(1fil
Hay - Fever
spoil many a holiday.
Positively stops these troubles 1
Sneezing, westing, coughing.
weeping eyes aren't necessary -
unless you like bout that way.
11.00 at your druggist's, or %trite
TaMpletons, Toronto, fur a free trial.
.old lo 11. ( Dunlop.
A- tli-io 11/1 , 1, 4/1 -The Old Home Week
Subject, " ow Call Re bring others -to
(August 7-11 i appronelt. netiviay In- Chriotr by C. M. ltobertson. 11 a.tn.
ere/ .01 at tiw colons at.., lovadqua rters.
!ter. K. J. Benton. of China.
the Boardt 'I' I
o. _ ral_e retotle/. The mimes
Victoria strret-I 1 11.112.-riliell Sun -
:old sololressea committer this oicek is -
'lay *choral anti plibile servitor. Rev.
OODE1.14711. ONT.
1/r. MoKenzie of Itetio• l'io• :room**
igaitirotl 1
8t1,‘:- ;1'
leather piti,*: anal t. 8. dower -girt
signet ring. Auuntg V3111.4141. gift,' I
to the bride wits a .o.tat via terry
1 awl aibiresa Ito. tle'
.•Inso. • •f w hkli she w a* a
I Or. anal 1r.4. itstrohy motored to flrand
..r i•ream jersey cloth 81111 white hat
to mateh. They *ill le at ifinue to
their friugusetutIs In their al..1 rtinents at
--_- IMY Al. .
Haying ho finbilliW.1,..1' 1.11‘11itrillej"11;3.1 1:211:.
lil \t;.\ \ \ i i \ •
Tliurstiuy. July 2I
"mt.. regithir unocting of the lilting in are 11110 the etatiir..: i.f. the Wig.
11111I Women's 1 sooftute. will he held a: Full wheat hoc Web unaltered ho and
the home .of Mrs. Roes on Thursolav i* a flue crop. hut then: wtt,,, not a
I.y Mr-. Allen :.":42.1115 for Hot Illy- , 1,11'..1.," '111:111:111:11
Mrs.. Built. McKenzie is %lofting le, clover gave 8 -u ia 1111.4 ,...etion.
y,...• 1.1.011. __Sweet
JillY 2s. at :i p.Iii. 'reply to he tal,,i.
leave houtorrow to spas! a montit hi' heel' vilialallt her wont. Mrs. Alex:
Mr*. i Dr. o Campbell and -00. David. : oMang7 Tannehill. .krostle. Sa-i... has
11:)11,tertiro: meets. votant nit; i'411.4'1,:..I.t.'111111:1.1; igigeil...,,,.1:ifflit.
sister. Mrs. Pattison. at %Iint alai. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven hot ,, •
taken and
cottage At ltee Beach alai 1111114gs alto bans Wu greatl% 11:liosl
A re :nem ling a ne '11 t h t here.
two Metinoliot %lino:hes.
oervieeis are to be supplied by
vioitors of the Summer School.
North. sirt_io . Men's ('lub.
u% n mber off th.• y;;;Im PeoPle of
a h.". silty., at Du 1,1„.1, 1 1111. at tia, : Loyal attended the Itarnliy-Mael'Ilee
lir. and MN. S. t: sandersen spent -
wedding on glaturd,..
lakeshb. •
Mr. and Mrs. Elli- stiit hers motored i We are Mad to rei..r: that Mrs. Alex,
, . Y...,111a la much Iwo] 1 and is again
1111 Dion Toronto awl are visitity
former* parents. Mr. and Mrs. This/. '''' 10 "loud to h. '1 -"11•1141 dotiew
• liev. Milton Tynd ''. .1.. R. 11.. of
Stother,twa., Saska ft:Iselin& will , ,.11 in Smith's
James Finnigan is ruitniug a
i lveria tel. purchased frow lorng Me- i inn akuriti next t•.: 0 • 81 1 1 Mill.
rand s ptn. It will :ie forty-nluth
Kenzie. anniversary of the , 'i There will
Mr*. S. M. Wickeno and eltildreni
I* special musk.. 1 . Smith's 11111
are visiting at Mr. and Mr -e. T. 0.1
Alien's. 31r. Wickens is agaln void'', 11"/In 114wesrt*Ilill siluf..veT3a, ;.;:i....iitilleitils,tert;net
the Sterling Rank .autl will be station -
- ' Sell/1111g out the anal imitation. with a „,,___ u,......,a,, will .„ree,„,. $. S.
copy of the preliminary program. to y't.':1":111"11:w`cri,..' L',.‘re'.e"ast;w1.'“iter. W.
each person on the 11.1. This einumit- 8 I ,,,,,,.aa win .riaig. 3 plo._rntuit
tee Into dime splendid work Once the ' '''..
%terrier tor all Sommer School ottulents
campaign started. and great credit ist *mad all 5,, g tsple. Open to the
due to Mrs. W. 1.. Horton. the 1.halr- public. This will be a conseeration
man. /1 1141 her 'Natal of Liirliftili workers.
--o--- -*wile... to toe (01111We.1 by the sit:ra-
m-in of the Lonl.44,.1 Supper. Rev. W.
. The (let:oration material-. hare ar-
8 Niillsou in eha of the eonseera-
Wed from J. J. Turner & Sons. Peter-
tilni servitor,. Rev. H. P. Moyer In
gh. and a 111
buotiwe b
y., n pros-
the defamation committee. 4.1 .1 rpoe of the sit,:ra mental se ry 'ax-t.'ax-t.-0-- 7 p.m.-Moteder 1118481118481•14i1112in
North street eiturelt. Itev. M. I'. Stuith.
A enn 4.nmenr °f at" banners has of West China. will preseh.
been received at headquarter'. Theoe Clong siof the whoa' with a con -
are quite
1‘..."Ind**Ine and are too ex.' secretion xerviee.
pertolve to be given sway:. err the
mint* Is off them for -tale at 50c
1 ait Toronto. lot the -boys" of thti, - churelt.
Ills( 3
Dakota. 'v Bed friends lot the village
IRO week. . he is the danglitor of Dr.
Ales. MaeK . fornierly itt Dun?
Rev. I. A. an Mr* McKelvey,of
Teeswater, called friends here this
Mrs. John flay. of I •it. Sask.. Ti4lt-
e4 frhouts here on W y. She
was formerly at resident h •. but had
not been herr for many p rs. $he
WIC* A....ealup41,44,4444 1444; .411 ere by
Slr. Will NlacKay (of Hensel'. . r. and
Sirs %VIM,: Powell of Exeter. uta Mrs.
Wilfrid Crisp ion& dinglater 34.11 11. Of
too. Parko is having bit horse re-
liedon the farm he reeently
is Aidei4--31*.--Poikt7er. of
1. Is doing rhe irotk.
Tv MaeKay. of liettite.on. N.
On n Sunday. Auxift tablet In
memory of the late I Lii/Y A. Wal-
ter will he Unreal.. :4111it11** 11111
cniirth. The Air% ,nr-rick?"--1484
at a o'clock p.m. IL 1 f ringlets!.
•31.A.. 11.1).. of MI:. o. will be the
tipeaker. anal a Ma 1,• quartette is ex.
ported to stool* Lu tie• mitsleal ttervIce.
An honor roll of the young men of the
‘sonaegation who %'I! erer*en* ill the
Great War also is ty plioasi in the
Mrs. J. A. Young, of the store. is
tttlII eonflned to her esun and is not
improving apt her friction would like.
We are glad to aro Mr Jame* Young.
Jr.. out at the oldr sold assisting
-Itt -the-harvest. othow1aa-titat lit* health -
hits much improved.
Tlw schools in tIti- 'fort of the, town-
ship will all have to get new teaeltero.
Ills; McArthur in No 1. Miss I.ausing
In No. :t And Mims Komptou in NO. 9
II Im'ving resigned_
11-- Gertnide W11. Hp from
To urn for a fstupi,. ,,f weeks_riolghint
liek :1 rents, Mr. mild Mro. W. F.
it tlw 0141 h ono.
The fl mai chum:. -ervi..e...f Morn-
ing Star mtge. A.. & At 31.. Wa.4,
held in Stu 'ft Hill (tn Sunday I
afternoon. erewon :1 large tor lllll tt.'
ineintling Amit Masons from (lode-
rieh. Clinton. vt I a tad Ian -know.
}ter. R. Ile 1.1 of tholerif-ii fos
etapied the pulpit a I gave a tits- all -
drew.. on Masonry. w !linden] ser-
vice WEN e01111012:01.y the brethren of
the lodges. Mr. -oil of fitolerielt
the ores :
Ke , tan Thome*
prireitam. Kirkpatrick
farm on the nth coneetwion and hare
moved over Mere. They n.teln their'
old plaee on tile Sth conceSsion and
will farm both places.
Mr. G. W. lilac \is making a collec-
tion of old pletureS of Goilerldi and
vieinitv and of obl-tinle residertto, with
other artWieo of blot Heal Interest.
and thew% will he on e ltlI,ltlnn during
Old Millie Week 111 Thonia4011',* Music visitors at Toronto last %feels.
Store. , The f0111,W I ilg 111111 are pat- Miss Alice Nairn is on a visit to her
.roowsses of the collection : . . E. N. later, Mrs. Athol McQuarrie. at Toronto
LeW14. Mrs. John Galt. Mr.... 0. '. Stur- -
fir. Mr1. R. G. Reynolols. 311as )1. 0. Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Currell have re-
Itoolertson. Mist K. Watson, let turned to Toronto after two weeks' holt-
Illuett. and the eommittee In charg is'
Mr. O. W. Itiack iehairmaio. Miss M
Craig. M t4,4 M. Ferguson. Arthu
Smith Rini John NicKinn.m. Any per -
eon desiring to fowl:Mute old phittrea
or other articles to the colleetbut lo In-
vited to hated them to any metuter of
the committee. ,
Miss Marjorie Moore
her home at Toronto.
has returned to
Mr. anti Mrs. F. J. Pridliant were
The statIonero are 'selling Old Home
- Week stationery In patio. tlet /1 1)04
and help advertise the reunion.
Mr. N. F. MacLean. of the White
Star Line, Detroit. is in town today
- and /Oat.., Mint pros/etas 'yrs/rood for
big crowd from I tetrolt and trIhntiry
torritory. Many trotn 1 4
tionbtles* take mien titl ge of the 'Grey-
hound tri'• to mak.: an agreeable break
in the Journey to thoderich.
Mr. ('. 1.. Moore is working dip the
- parade for Tutoiday mulling, Anigust
-11M a MI 18)14.4 on the eo-oPernTion ot (thief lEoartiethwalte has ret
business men and others ..to make -UP berep ofor a4 inoi.toy , ton a., King.
a parade that will do credit to the %I
...ono• onto .
and ether pl........ NI
. ,, Postkothwcn
aite. nisi aorooodd
7..-0-- _, on the trip. Isuni
,re i 1
.ii.ng :it Brantford
The Waterloo Musical Society Band for a visit with 'relative. there.
is bringing a mirinihaohone. a peculiar
instrument and believed to be the only
one of its kind in Canaria. Besides the ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Venator. amil- th-...rall1(1111
thirty bandsmen and the dire:tor, Mr. ton, Ont., to Mr. William A. Chapman,
C. F. Thiele. the Thiele Concert Corn- formerly of Goderich. The groom was a onl $" _.
pany. consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Thiele member of the town hand and of the local bri". -,11
and their daughter, will take part in the hockey team a few years ago. J by the poohl
band program s,adding considerable variety st rn Ina , of t • Loliengrin Wedding
Miss Rote Aitken has returned from ^a ma.mh Tourer, ti," 1/4.4 ii.,...k. rilyttby.
to the evening concert, given 'by this nine months' trip to California. Oregon
sp'endid organization. ir . and Western Canada. ' sloter of the grOOnt. the bride entered
tnent athlete.. of the PmvIneo will be was prettily 'K0%110.1)14 pink silk and
an town.
here for the athletic meet , on Thurs- Miss Dorothy Whitely, of New York, is wore a bridal veil canglit ita with
day. the lith. %tailing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.A oraiute blossoms. She carried a bon-
-o- ' quo of oweetheart rooes Id *WPM'
The horsemen promise a big field peas rind Wore the aroinia'a d . R hil lal-
for the two days* races. The trot* MI tine OrIng of pen rl A. Little Jean
events on Tuesday allot Thursday will Walter. eoitorin of the bride. attired in
he among the most popular events on It pink mall dress with hat to Match
the program. and parrying a basket of sweet peas.
performed the duties of floweralet
' METHODIST SUMMER SCHOOL. Mrp, R. M. Toting. on behalf of the con -
Miss Alice Iteid. of the town clerk's
°Mee. is hulidaying at Kincardine and
r. Erii• Wilson is attending t
iyterian Summer School at St.
mer v151t.
Mr. alai
lint Lupton, a
in town.
Mr. Hector Cu
last week with his
li ott, East street, Mr. 1'. F. Clio/imam
Commeree. is 11,0W:1111k
Ing his 11111 1, '1114 t Mite
l'ongra t Martino --to • the stieeessfn
ent rot owe ea noliota tool and to their
teacher. l'rincitkol Ito*s. The moon -
dares from, the Dungannon oeh.s.I -who
maile the grade are 7.1lithel Brown. Mil-
dred Moore. John McNabb and .11ice
Itogerson,. tie; last named taking
se•onol"ellt,4 loonotra.
A Good Prograas.-The Presbyterian
garden party. held Weillie+41ny .•vening
on the manse ground -4., was a tuarkes1
aiweeso. There was a large attend-
ance. dial an eN.:ellent *upper )l11 .1
oerred hy the ladies and %lira (Weaken
of with relish. The a fter-oumer pro-
gram was espeelally 141. Mt. lien
Hokeit of ,Toronte. Hawaiian enter-
tainer. was a hoot in rite en-
troncing -mos* appelswring .old and
Y Th.- chorus singing the audi-
ence making the chorus) WR a novel
it nol plealint feature. Wells/elected
readings iv- Iliss Frames Lowe, of
London. ini NIrs. Cautplell were
law,olated. and Rev% Mr. OM -
St. Helens gave a very aceept-
dre** nn "Religious Etineation.-
stow. Rev Dr. Canipiell. aeted
otirman. l'roceislo $1S.'1. Mr.
ea has been requested tit return to
nd MN. T .Smith. ('hi.
bit town on their annual sins-
rs., J. M. Roberts. ,of
their relatives
'J. oi Toronto, spent
ere Mrs. L M. EI -
Mr. and Mrs. Friol Munro
ren. Mist Jean nisi Master
Tortinto, are flatting in town.
ming 0
able al
Dongannon at on early date.
BasebalL-A feature of the program
tr the garden party yesterolay was a
baseball motel'. married V. single men.
which was .wou by the baeheloN.
Score 13-12.:
item Crawford %tart : -Do Drop Inn
htitteh play the winnero."
T. IL Allen : "Easier selling insur-
ant. than playing that game."
Jarvis Anderson : "More timber
Alex. Ainsrloray : "They looked iIIw
plum to m.o.-
Mort Treleaven : "if I wa only
W.-MiThk awl Mr. French 1 "Camt•
rly being married."
ton : "Poor old fellows."
3Ir. Vine : was fait Of Illy elat**."
Ernest Segue' and Walter Petturin:
"(blear' w111 Join the Nile tea m."
"The Scotch Store
Special Values for
Chautauqua Week
During Chautauqua Week there will be a great
many visitors to town. 'The Scotch Store
will show a great many special values
that will .make your visit both pleas-
ant and profitable
• Wednesday. July 3o.
lir. Thos. Bland, of Net -paws -Mauls Lx.
tow. is spending R few days renewing
onapialatances here after an atioserce of
nineteen year- in the West.
Mr. R. D. Munro 1* at Ottawa this
Mrs. W. T. Riddell is spending holt-
daY- at Bruce Mud/.
Mr. and 3Irs. AM. Asquith arrived
home last week after a month's vieit
with their daughter at Arnim -tor. Nova
Mr. Geo. Raitliby tfareshed his fall
%%Await on Totewlay. This is early for
The Metinoliet ffatallay school held a
erelling Mr. 0. E. Ernitt's
lawn on Friday enmities. when all en-
joyed tie gam.- and other amuse-
'41r. and Mr* Chan. Armstrong. of
lthetburne. tire vIzIting retail. erfti
Mi** corn Mcc,00l left our villsge on
Friday for two ,.eeksi holldnyo. after
whieli she will 8,, to the head odlee of
the Sterling 8,111; at Toronto. She
CARLOW. will 1w• misoed ager three years *
htiMPOIVP-011.•A quiet tint very rained assistant In the flank here.
pretty :wedding was solemitirsal in We all vvisli her -mcceao.
Smith's Hill Presloyterion eltureli on A Illespeeted Pioneer Osine.-On Fri -
Saturday. .1nly 101,11. When Minerva 11/1 nioriting 111. ,pirlt Of Mro. Francis
liratheth. only daughter of Mrs Stalker took it- flight to the Oreat
omas NlarPhee. of the Atli coneeo- Beyond.' ", 110.. Stalker had been in
Announcement has been received of the M111 C1111111rne tOWilMIIIP. bee* Me the failing health some t IMe, Wa
marriage ; n June 29th of Mild ed. aug:t. hold of Dr. Alex. Ernest Itornim. of not supposed loo ion seriously 111 until
n Theitureli was twoutifolly few days terror.. ber death. She re -
for the oreaslon with ferns *blest In CoTfoorac township for a num-
briar lit girl friends of the ber of Years and later for eleven years
ceremony W11.1 performed in Ibillett lonforoo moving to Morris.
Rev It. J. Itoss. To the where tier luislomid died about twenty-
six years ago. site leaves two davigh-
ten MIMI tire *en+. : Mrs. R. J. Meciee.
of East itowanosh: fled4les•
of Lontlesboro': Robert, of Althorn;
John anti Jam.* In Sianitobit ; rfiek-
ann. In East Waivanosh, and William.
of Woodatoek. The boners! took Ogee
on Sunday afternoon from the home of
her son -In-law. \fr. R. J. Mislee. a
large number irto•ndIng to pay the final
tribute of rests -rt.
the elltireli lentiing\on the arm of her
--o-- Miss Nora Hurley of Sarnia, is spending brother. me 6,trste„ Mm.phee she
It lo expeeted that aline of the pmm- holidays
Robertson, East street.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson, of St.
David's street. who are spending the sum-
mer at Sarnia, Ont., will return to Gode-
rich on the Greyhound for Old Home
Mrs. D. F. Cornett and baby have re-
turned home after a pleasant visit with
Mr. Cornett 00 the steamer City of
Hamilton.Swanson. Bruce street.
Irr. Ethel Southern and Miss Lilian
Mason, of London. are the guests of Mn.
Great Soften Attending Om Amnions
arm:titan. presented the bride with a
this being the drat wedding- per -
forme] In the church .'inee Ito erection
Beth( Held Thls Week. nen rly fifty years ago. Mrs R. J. Row
The Methodist Suninier Seheal being' wing Pefeet Lorewhile the register
watt nosing signed. The bridal party
passed out of the church to the strains
of Mendelossohn's Well/1111g Mardi. the
flower -girl having tarewn the bride's
patio with sweet pen*. A dainty tun-
eheon was serval at the home of the
brith.'.. mother. At frlikoh about twenty
guesta were present from Colborne and
Aohtle4.1 townships. Osarlerieh. Hamil-
ton and Detroit. The than to the
bride was rooposeit by the pastor. who
referred to her dowerred popubority.
and was responded to by the groom in
fitting terms. Complimentary address -
to were made hy Mr J AIWA Sarah?
Aohneld. father of the Smut. MI -
Gordon Young, *erre of Colborne and
held In town thio week io proving an Misses Mabel Bailie. Annie Davidson
nalified enema,. Ahont one hun-
dred illandel1t4 had registered no to
soon today and other. pre arriving
trolls day to day (The 11.1 of regio'
trstIona Is puhlholusi ntt ;vote C. of thio
paper.) The soseelona of the school are
held In North street eluireh. soul meal*
ans served for the visiting thdessates
lo Vietoria tartan ohnrell The mitotic
add roissee. even each evening. hive
Mimi heard al* appreciationand the
181111101S5 of the varia departments of
IMO ,oclued nom ang women with
111111=11110Willie illsnoffor8m1entl1 Aro
mad* for the Illonsday servier-ri In the
end Marmne Aitken were the delegates
from Goderich to the county W. C. T. U.
convention at Zurich last week.
Mrs. Clearihue of. Regina, with her two
chtldren, is visiting her mother. Mrs.
H. W. Ball.
Mrs. ChM. Annstrong. of Chicago, was
a visitor in town the past week.
Mrs. D. M. Campbell. of Winn_ipeg, is
visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J.
Miss Isobel Strachan. of New York,
has been visiting friends in town and
New Plaid Gingham 39c yd.
Just received a small shipment
of Plaid Ginghams in most attractive
designs. Splendid wearing quality.
Special 39c yard. •
Duchess Silk $1.95.
This is a rich quality Duchess
Silk. Comes in all leading shades
and is the best value shown for many
a day. 36 inches wide. Special
$1.95 yard.
Special Bungalow Apron 79c each.
This is an extra good value large
size Bungalow Apron, made from
good quality Canadian percale.
Thes aprons we have sold as high as
$1.50. Special 79c each.
Some Smart Voile Waists.
We are showing an extremely
popular line of novelty Voile Waists,
which are so much in demand this
season. The styles are most attract-
ive, in extra fine voiles, daintily
trimmed. Sizes 36 to 44. Priced
from $3.50 up.
Special Values in Voile Dresses.
Just to hand some very smart
Voile Dresses. Newest styles. Mark-
ed at prices for speedy clearance.
-Special Stripedirafffies 95t yd.
Three pieces only extra good
quality Ratine, in white and pink,
white and blue, white and orchid.
Regular value $1.50 for 95c yard.
New All -wool Plaid Skirting $4.50 yd. -
Advance showing of new fall all -
wool Plaid Skirtings; the newest de-
signs; all pure wool. 54 inches wide.
Special $4.50 yard.
11, yards makes a plain skirt.
21/2 yards makes a pleated skirt.
Outing Flannels are Popular.
The new Outing Flannels for
early fall wear for middies and pleat-
ed skirts will be in great demand.
Novelty colors, such as rose, Paddy,
cadet, navy, etc. 56 inches wider -
$2.75 yard.
Hemstitching, Pico Edging, Braid-
ing and Pleating.
We gitil-s-pecial attention and
extra quick service in having cus-
tomers' own materials hemstitched,
pito edged. braided, accordian, knife
or box pleated. Charges moderate.
Millar's Scotch Store
The Leading Mail and Phone Order Store
on Monday.
Mr. James Joynt, who hoe been
teaeltio near Ow -Soo,- la vialting his
-Mater, .Miss Fanny JoyDt
Mrs. John Haggitt end son Maitland.
of Detroit, are visitors WraTilti.-8.
Mr. Earl Cramston returned on Sat-
urday from the West.
Mr. Robert Mtabililin. of the Stet,
ling Bank. (Ioilerieh, is home for a
two weeks' holiday visit with lit a par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. MeQuillin.
Tueroday, July 19...
McDonald & Ttnnln are busy getting
their thissthings.aidt to *hope for the
1554on't work. vs
Mrs. Glenn. or., is visiting her
daughter!, Mr* Sala T)urnln.
Mr. . Joynt. II. p p expeeta
,tart threehing rid/ week on the Van-
"tOne flirt%, where be haft over 100
acr.s. of nue' voi5ot.
Mr Fula Me- David Todd. Stanley.
Vera ml Neel T left op Thursday on
a Mater trip te Ajghistan end will visit
Mrs. TO(111's friettils, the Mtetw Ner47.
Re?. Wm. MoctIntosh. Mrs. Mackin -
blob and boy., DomitMta and Donald.
of Napier, are thettIng Mew Mackin-
tosh't parents. mr. list Mts. P. (lark.
Mrs. D. Mebnio041, of tornado, is
holidaying with her oristera. kileadamess
Stuart, Morro/ and fameron.
Mr 1 8 notherford and Era R.
Rutherford ott;sidod the Rowel of the
tate Mr*. Conroe", lir.. at Amber*,
watet raceot un Saturday.
Mrs. Rota. Ritchie is spending the
mummer at Port Albert summer resort.
Tuesday. July 19.
Mr. awl IIrs. Pete Martin and ehild-
reit. of Pittsburg, are visiting. relatives
in .kshtieloi.
Nliss Kate Stllea is visiting at the
home of her mioter here.
Mr. John Long Is home from Detroit.
Miss Ida Flynn, of Sault Ste. Marie.
Is visiting Mrs. Maurice thilton.
111Iss Kathleen Foley has returned
home atter visiting at Detroit and
Mr. Frank Harmon ia visiting at the
home of his Miele. Mr. Stephen MR rt
Mr. alai Mrs. .1. CM* are viaiting
here with the former'a aunt. Mrs. Pete
On Monday evening on enjoyoble
dance wan hald In the parish hall
owing to It.' heavy rain the attend-
anee was not large, hat those who
participated enjoyed the night thor-
A garden party anti bazaar. under
the auspices of lite auxiliary
of the Goderich Hospital Ladies' Alt.
will he hold at the home of Mrs. W. H.
Maize. 4th 143ne5.4510n of Ashfield. On
Friday evening. July 211th. Supper
will he "served from 11 to A p.m., fol-
lowed by a sipledoliti program e1111•44 -
Ing of orchestral selectionsbagpipe
selections, addresses. p1". Admiattion
Vic anti 2.so. The proceeds go to the
hospital memorial fund. _
'Monday. July IS.
MIAs Mary Downey, of :it. Joaeph's
hosipital. London, la visiting at John
Mrti. John Fondue. of St AngustIne.
spent a week -end at Phial.) Mogan.,
Mr. and Mre. Win. Forehan. of St.
Helena. visited on Sunday at Philip
John Famish is Snorting e new Ford
Souse of tbe sputa took Is the Tem.
at Clinton on August Ist. Clinton, Purity
Flour and Zurich being the teams billed
for the event.
Four rinks of Goderich lawn bowlen
were at Seaforth on Wednesday and
Thursday at the Scotch doubles tourna•
ment in that town. The rinks from here
were: Fred Hunt and Albert Taylor;
H. T. Edwards and C. A. Nairn; C.
Chapman and Dr. MacDonell; J. L. Kil-
loran and T. McDermot. Mem.. Hurt
and Taylor went to the finals, taking
tecond place in the event.
Mrs. Harmon and son Frank. of Cleve-
land, and Mr. Peter Martin and family, of
Pittsburg. visited Mr. and Mn. 3. Hussey.
this week.
Baffeball Talk.
Tasker, the old veteran orthe
Clinton team, hal been disqualified by
the Ontario Amateur Basetall Association
from playing in amateur company.
Talker some years ago played professional
ball at Hamilton.
Zurich and Stratford play off (bit game
postponed on account of the Blyth tourna-
rnent at Stratford next Saturday, at 2
o'cloek in the afternoon.
There was quite a bunch of "fans"
from Goderich at the Zurich game on
Frkloy and the natives knew they were
A three -tarn tournament will be held
Kodak while you go tken get your
Developing mid Print*
Garden Party
Harbor Park
Tuesday, July 26
Home-made Candy, Ice Cream
Fancy Work, Fish Pond
Music and Old -Time and
Modern Dancing
And other amusements for
those who do not dance
TLA 30c Childrea ander t,.2Sc