The Signal, 1921-7-21, Page 3•
(ADE fLai
t�� rJll^W IHIM i
i , G( tI 1 •'
oalyto kill
all he Flies
This is it -Darken the room as much as possible, dose the
windows, raise one of the blinds where the sun shines in. about
eight inches. place as many Wilson's Fly Pads as possible on
plates (properly wetted with water but not flooded) on the
window ledge where the light is strong, leave the room closed
for two or three hours, then sweep up the flies and burn them.
See illustration below.
Put the plates away out of the reach of children until re-
quired in another room.
The right
o vse
Fly Pads
Thurselay, July 21, I!r_'i.-3
ENTRANCE R flit' Tf►
Following ,are the relate of the
High School eutrutier exumlratlone
to the East Huron Iuspee•turate. The
ieuiwr: were svelr:lderel very fair • a
larger IN•re•e•utage then Usual passed:
the uuwlwr obtalulug honors wax
creditable. .appeal" addresMel to the
buq, e•tur before August '23rd will he
m4dered without payment of a fee.
. Seafortb.
• Robert Willis utetafuel the highest "If I were, riot' busy with my farm r ru1.IR1ItNF.,
marks `eef the Nail pupils and(;ibann work I would g
hau eto house and The evnule it u
White uT the euuutry prgdl+, with 626 tell the people Tahlsc," eaid 4. J. .hip of 4 utleuriN• wet *In Oa.
and (h34 ilea out of 750 respectively. Livingston. a men farmer, living boll July IDth. Members all,.
Mae Abe art. Jean Alexander. ('ail near Ashland City. tat Minutes of haat meet liar, rea
Aimee I11.l. ,Irani Beattie, Madeline "I had slomac and kidney troube a.lnptetl, of motion of Ilra1law
Bell. Willhlm tell 1 H. i, Margueevite' and suffered tor
with my back and
Black (H. I. \\'a Itlaek. Jean Bralle, side. The dost aid do rothi for
Edgar Browl4er, 'era l'amylell (H.►, meso 1 wrote to a nal of mine m she
Joe 'artert, Pearl 'xnNN•Ian, James' vale about Tarlac ter advised me. ce
Co uhomi III. I. Ale 1 lhile. Harriet try it: saying head heard su man
Italton. Earl Ifirksen I .1. Epode Dor. favorable reports about a and sent me a
ranee. Peter Dunlop, •alter Eaton. bottle.
ltuls Flannery, \Vw. F he•rinlrham. "After taking the test bottle 1 telt so
Beth Oevenieek I H. 1. plus, Hamilton :ouch better that I ordered apother
(H.). Evelyn 1iaMeuru.•Will m Hart bottle myaelt ant the resu;t is i am a
(H.1, ('armor Haugh (Ho. 1 arener w II roan. 1 told a friend of mint
IlarIey. Helen Hay. He4.rn He man about it and ordered a bottle
(H.). Leslie Hogg tit I. Elva Jrife on. fur him and he h$d god results
Dorothy Kerslake. bilin Knox. E. I ceat anything 1 want end it don't
ers1111 Kyte 1 H. e. ,lean Lowery. Ma hurt me and can sleep like a log. To tel!
McDonald. Mar. ail -Grath (H.1, alterg\ you the truth, 1 lust •imply fed like a
• McIntn.111 IH.1, Fern McLean. Rosa" new man and have more strength and
Mel.evu I H.1. Th11was Megnahl. Mae energy than 1 have had in vi;rs. It is
Mason, Greta •Mender. AiNlreee Mom -
ac. the grandest meth. ire in tett
ndtsboro'; the be -t fifer was adjudged
\V. Mulch. The best banner was
by V)aiton lodge. and special''
was also made of a beautiful
banner cried by Lundesboru' I•:dge, the
work of s Brigham.
Th- to:al teas and churches furnisher.
meals. and Bayfield people proved
themselves sp did entert •inets. Base -
tall and football amen were played this
tesee Farmer Wants to
Go f1 Ho to House and
Tau Ev y About
New life- •
new freshness -
with LUX
The daintier the garment the
• more delighted you will be with
the refreshing, renewing
qualities of the LUX bath.
For washing the finest pastel -
tinted Georgette. Crepe or Silk
blouse. sheerest silk stockings.
etc. use the foamy. cleansing
free LUX lather.
There is nothing like LUX. No
ubstitute for it. The mn:chless
p • rity of these satiny wafers of
the • nest essence of soap can
harm othing that pure water
itself may touch.
file toWil
Lw Ilsil111
r. -'went.
Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away
No natter how old. how dirty. how delapt4au.d, res
a cess amens them end . sad a ue to be girds tale
The Famous "VELVETEX" Rugs
Peesrathi.-qts Weer a LLt.ttme--Prto.. r Massa,
We have hundreds of r loommsadaUesa tress motio-
nal emotas.ria A. tee VILVITIX" Pries LIN.
Wo pay moron beta wy. ea tarp orders. One
way es atastt oral erg
IataMlehed Ince Plume air
TLi'Ciw. alis `1111LAND�•-="crre:Or-OR' -'"CITY OF BUPVAIA"
111 r.. s,
SUFIPAI q�Dafl [.= 1st 10.17,q• Usti-CI.EyELJJYD
loom aonui hue P. IL saery Iver. Caa.asvm �-, 1,00 P. 1L
.r.. Clews arer 5 j?.as . a I ars..a_ Ton ; { AnWe ..r,. T.aC A. IL
7N'a ses winamilowi e
l Clecar re� -, 1�1/.l�L..a�trarDa1.Y1i.�tk-
W�.aliahwe wor USW epee ..fee I eewere Mere Ileo 'tor �n eat sealer LA
aimed M. Ill Vere iM O,� tsw _'11lls�i " sect a •mei.t J
.� ALe.r w
•atiA ND■ t•
_,.. lerpe wad see=
IS e.y.e steer es
wheenefer. cell al•Taea
orroly. Ise. per....••
'F� ;15
=' -
Fisher. Treasurer reported the 1.
lowing re•ripts : Railway tax. E2'I l.lei
for _ use of townahip hall us polling
booth for the teullerant. plebiscite.
115; from E. Mitchell, rental for weigh -
ales at MoGow, $:e0. *It sus moved'
• Fisher, se•oIdel by Robertson, that
til e,nll.'il mi/1 ofh.•ial. 711te1111 x1111
tale. ,,ptu•t. on iwhatf of the ('w1shlp.
at th,a re eptlou and banquet 111 IN• h.•l I
111 Iaalkl•ieh null 11el:a-a tuae fork in
tate first week in August Eu honor 11f.
the visit f the Hou. g, 4'. 11Kurv,
1'rewh•r tef lulatrio. Carried. Tin'
weigk-seales t alel::lw• were ngaip
leased to F. a1 ehell for one year at a
rental of $:.Il, oII'juotion of Fisher and
Graham. The follewing,uel•ouut" were
wUr'Q l WOUIU IIKC IO we all til my paid. Councillor itelwrtMuu ,bjeeting to
gomerv. Jennie Morrison. \'lulu Mor- the paymelrt of the e.rlsh.MWgrarel
Haiti (H. h l waP G,rr{M, Frateis 1 {nrndw ard get the who art suffering to p.11+vII 1111 Ilurns slder.a.l. elitiwillg the
Peter -on. Maybelle itntal5. aluera y try It and hope ytup will reach themcounty should pay It. on the.grontals
ftneauge (H. 1. Walter Sett, Cora •-through this tee on 1. which 1 bave that the lrouty had a quantity Of
Sherwood 1 H. ). More. Slllery. .l 11u.•t ,gladly given," ncoarse IYNrriel they wished to get rhe
[smith, Glary Smith. \\'lu. N:Inte•r. tone lanlac, the celebrated medicine, which of PurI Maeh•1. :t days team 81111
INrwart, .{rax Iitrwart..{NI,+.•M Steeeart accomplisned each retrilrkable recaps in two thya Mall. $.411\nt.$iiydrr hurls
' ill.). Lloyd Stewart. Tillie Storey. tMtl�ttan's case, is a wexiderful tonic, ap roiled and cleaning ditch, g12'.7:i; J.
tauter and invlgoeant:-' 4t- bunds trp-t*ie-
.tnna Sutbrrland 111.1, win. Sur her. ATFtiu. "TT :elm arit}'a- AR new emperor -
i uu , littil Ile m ••
ptfrtrty p-pUP
"UAiry 1 et t
Your Olc1
More Bread and Better Bread
laud, Sallie Tomlinwln, I;ibslen \Vitae PIN PII .: .. McPhee, e A
(it.1, rye. 11'liliams, Dau \Villlamw. motes digestion a \astmlisoon of the (rushed gravel 4411 11. S. 1t Hays. *314:
ltoel►eer� \t'llll+ (H. 1. FMrrrxe lonng. I food and maks you feel strung, slwdy W. Alton. 1 hours work 1111 rand. $1.20;
Jr. F. i. Graduntinn-1'huetee �\'akr- and well as nature inteniftd q m, (',N,k, :, days work on road with
tram, $:l4: Harry Freeman. ' days:
I M Sl •lel W '11 1 •T to I Sal1 limit 4 1
lama n
,(les. Alexander. M. Armstrong
(H. I, S. i1alh,ntyne±.(11.1. P. Bennett.
)1. Ilray, A. Clark (H ). L.-t'iouse
( H. t. M. took, E. Dane. E. ihtrtetsnn.
F. E1•kmier (H.1. E. E1latolt. F.
Eveleigh., M. Ferermion (H: t. L. For-
,,yth_tH.),_ W. Frain IIi•1,_ )1. Hnl-
!esthetic, W. Keifer. J. Keys (HA. I. S.
Kling (H.). sal. Little (H.1. M. Me -
Amer. V. Mei'nteheon (H.4. D. Mae'.
io maid I H.1. 1.. Mellnnald, F. , M.
ieinelde. N. Melk,well (H.1. I. Me.
Neel. J'. M.Nalai. A. McNair. K. Mr-
Vittie(H. d, 11. Pennington. E. Pollard
( H. 1. .1. Raymond. 1. It RCM* I H. 4.
r. Robertson. \'. Seller+. C. Nmlth, J.
Smith (H.'. V. Smith. R. Srwiran. W.
Spears n. E. Thuell 1 H.). 1.. Underwood
(11.1, 0. Whitfield IH.). •
S. Anderson, M. 'tall, It. ('ole, H.
eas,k, H. l'ri.h, E. Foal, •James
Fraser, Janet Feu err. D. Glazier (11.1.
11. Dien. L Glithlen. at ;Hawkins IH.).
E. 11111. E. Hogg 4 H..l - J. Holyhauer
(H.1. a1. Hovey. K. Hunt. T. Jackson.
4.141. o, r. Latest* D. La eta.
litres, 1 Le Beau. H. i,Irrrtsore.
J. Livermore II. 4, 11. oratatart
111.i, E:. alagtllrr. C. Mair. R. rshaU
(11.4. 'A. Matheam, C. lint Ott, R.
Perkltt. J. 1'hlwste•I JH.L_I1, ads,
L. sn,ii. 11. Stevens.. Si: Thou] , E.
Trk•k 1 H. 1. A. Turueer (11... A. yen -
nen (11.). (l. Wntklue.
Of the nowt' 1•audidatea Ethel Hoag
etood highest with 017 marks. and of
tie rural s.•h.Md eadsndatee+ Annie
Turner with 1110 marks.
Val: t Hylton .e plans :Cul W. ,tee
Harry (taker. Jack Barrett. Bert
Beeleon, M. 'Bell. Edna Itrnwu I 41...
Mary Brown, D. Bryant WA. I. Edna
I) Bryant
t eR" 1
Brown 1 .1 MaryBrown. 1, I
In 1 i
1H.1. E, l'artwright. A. ('rfrn•uden.
A. Ellfott,..N. Fl.ssly. F. frank. J.
Fraser. Ii. Kerkly. K. LvillluR. W.
Lamely. H. Lougmati I H. t. A. Mc-
Elroy, al. M'Elroy I MO. F. Me(k,wan.
1. ale4rowan. H. l'.•tts, P. Pollard. %V.
Pollard, ,1.. head ( H. d, Z. Scott, F.
Slater. B. Toe. M. Wagner. .
Mary Eckert. Eliza GIMbRtei (IL).
Bessie Hillier H. 1, Vera Kistner I H.d,
B. S. M,Kereher - (HA. 1'. NinMtrey.
.t. alesser,elimidt, E. alnrray (H. 1.
lac •' e't.,n, W. 44 1 re e•, :ly r eat. 2 1 ave. : e . , ' o syn.
1H.I. 4'. \'au \ortluul. M. usickle E14: Oro. Ftelf,rl. 5 Macs. $34); W.
M. 1'austolw. A. Walker. E. W Fulford, 3 41111'*. 51x: \V. Stirling, 21ss
+IC.*. K. W dilatory Junk - clays. Else: T. l'hisholm.:r.slase, CIO; J..
For -ale ie =. 4.141P4. 430 Putter, 5 bras..
LUX is Id�at all grocers
departments stores, etc.
A handy Brae rode sok•, "The Cars of
Ua:nly Clolhea.' aladry vent
fro..n r t.
1ORONtO 85
.1. Allen, le. AMhtou. E. a Item 4
(H.), W. Brown. S. Mame. H. Do4
i4.. W. Pra]lek. E* ltf•fpii.
Hooper. G. Hooper. E. aleMiehael
411.1. E. Moffatt. J. A. antro.. A. Mus-
grove. M. Newton. A. [alliin. A.
.ttephl•ns, 1:. L. Town, E. % :snetonr.
It. \'anre•, M. Weir, L. Wright 1H. I.
A. Ih,st. 1.. Reesw-Ithwrlek 1II. 1. V,
leant -it heriek, C. Wye' as IH.(. N.
Di.•kert, J. Foster. E. Gamble ORA.
E. t;nn',I, O. (:ray. IL Hamilton, R.
Harling. N. Horton. al Hnbtwrd,
Huth. F. Huth, E. Irwin. SS'. Mahood.
1.. Webber (H.1. E. \\'.•?.h. E:. N'Itwer,
M. Wood. R. (;Ohu.
Junior Grade, l,iploma-.1. Barr
(H.I. E. Beau. W. (•to e•r, E. 1►em-
merling (fi.), A. D.•ouy. E. Grattan.
E. Har r •1L. alrKew, B. Nont-
ttotaery, . #. Walker.
"1 don't want enc rnhbtdl-no fine
eentlnwotality-if yup pl.•ase," safel
the wklow• w'I1.) aNM n1w.vl whit kllill
of a11 epitaph She h-,.ilwl Lar her late drawing gravel on .4Mhneld 11nnu.hl
httshanL -bet it he short awl simple, *11Nf.I14: Jas. McKulght, grading all
eotneMdng like this : gravelling. 127: Chas. Alen. re'priring
"Wllltam John -ton. aged 71 years. I bridge at Sharp's crei•k and drawing
The gout elle seuui: -late. I tile. #4'.411: Wm. Snyder, for "right of
t way" to 1ur'r•t gravel pit. $t70: r
L� a on, idank and drawing It. $71T •
230: L. Cook. 5 "Nye; Mel; (5. Cook. 1
flay. Eft: A. Morris. 4 days. $24: "F.
„4Htnr:talay" 311.41.. -SUIT l4alatle a.-
1': Ge... .eslitoi. 'try days, $15: J.
240•Ktight. 1 'u days. $7.20; A. Bogle,
s :i dal::, A5iij Ir. Fulford. 5 Iters
shoo fling gravel. E1.'; It: ('oleins. '2
ma( r bridges. $1115.75: J. Thoulp-
shin. 1 }• drawing gravel: /41; R•m.
Mo4'lure, 24 bids. eluent lees,. empty
sacks. $446. : T. McPhee. work 1111 the
saui-1111f a 1 S sono', hill. W. \\'.
ioundary. .'51); .1. Mlams, work on
eemetery. tat; scary Fisher, work 1111
road. ad. $1' • Geo. Bran. do.. 814:
1,loyd' Young. 11o. $lS: J. Paton. do.,
$1A: R. McMlflan, da. $1S; D. Cant-
well, dl.. Elft: Jas. recta do.. $144: T.
Clark. do.. Ela: F. J cktuan, do., $1s+:
J. Fisher. 3 days spree' ling grad'I. $n:
Rosa McPee
McPhee. work on R. W. Boli a
dart'. $15.25; -Item oMe bee. 2 days
*waging gnieel, $12; Jho. Linaeld, 1
tray th.wint- g 'eel. lwova rad. 1St:
1ta1p11 Mel'hee, drawing gra ^I on W.
W. isnndary. *la: .1. 1'. Purse. 7 sheep
killed by dopes. *1113: ,estate of J.
Gamble. balars•e hdspw•ting in 11 .l on
W. W. Mmndary. 12: Jas. M.Kii ht.
THE TVi'E:LE"1H AT B:11E'If:LD. I \Cn1. Hardy. .Inspiring on W. W.
boundary. $:t: E. Mitl•hell. inspeetnr'a
fees and repairing weigh•w•a1es. 87.50:
Wm. T1Nom, work on r.rdd. $15: I.
Hetherington. 46 blots.
tonlN•il.•;Idjoorn•.p to .town1er .Rh a4
1,311 p.m , an motion of Robertson and
('nrrl•a. .emonut 'peat -+It ._ meeting:
$1724.41. .amount sient to dere in
1021. $(702'.74. I. HE T1 Eli INOT( tN.
iiPf ttlIallil IIIN111211112
IIII1nlsm L
To Speed Up Our Industries
• -Use Long Distance!
IAM reorganizing business methods - speeding up the mechanism
of industry, multiplying the' number of sales. reducing the cost of
selling, and making it possible to accomplish more in the business day.
'II give you the right of way into Everyman's office. In the midst of a
conference, listening to your rival's salesman. reading a telegram or
special delivery letter, he will stop - and listen to Long Distance.
'D am the quickest Messenger nn earth, reliable. never sick or on holiday,
n ver too tired to work all night, always ready to serve you. 13,(100
tra ed telephone employees make it possible for me to render such
• "Froth -the office i direct the operation of branches - buy and sell every-
thing make new customers - stimulate and encourage salesmen -
forestall >rnmpetition - verify credits ---pacify customers - collect
bills. 1 ha re been called 'the greatest business -getter in the world.'
y and warehouse, i speed up and direct incomitlg and
nts - take advantage of a favorable turn in the market
material or supplies -order
ce broken equipment.
Sueretsful Orange (celebration Held la
\ the Lakeside Barg.
n 112.- "Free
Clinton u I Preis es tch .
Spa )
-Balmy, relay Bayfield gave\a right
royal recep ore to the LoyalPprrange
lodges, which to the number of tdtenty,
were assemb'e here today to cele ate
the 231st anniv to of the Battle of e
Reeve Irwin, in }giving the address o
welcome. said 0 vs, twenty-six years
since they had an Orltnge celebration in
Bayfield. largely reca�se the ledges
thought it was not p 'sable to have a suc-
cessful celebration at a poli',( off the are -
wily. but the feat that such an immense
O. Andersen 411. r. If. Armstrong
I H. I, It. Armstrong. F. Hell, 1'. hell.
C. (Boyer. 11.,, Buy:w 1 H. 1.f•;. Carr. R.
t'nrr. M. ('as•morl• I H.). Vera ('ass-
ase', M. Chandler, to role. Ada ('or -
left. Agrees. Corbett t H. 1. 1': on tee'.
C. '''iekson 1 11.4. K. lliusley 111. d. it.
144ltle (H.1. H. Elliott 111.1, N. Fame..1'
'V. -k'. E. (; moll (11.1. 31. Gomes
111.(. E. Hosting.; (Ho. John Haugh.
ltcua Hung)). 1. Hunter I.H.I. R.
,lenkies. C. Lett. C. Lonna, 1.
Maguire. al(•Kaglle (11. I. H. Me-
('orruhit. It. Mt-Kulght (Ho. E. Me.
___�u_ j.aaI H L William Manu
Mawut 114.1. 1'. a1,esMer. A. Mont-
>•nmrry (11.1. 1.. Perdue. E. lteld.
Rnle1•Ptsou, 1', Seandrith, \V; Sellers.
Cleaning Up Adjustments
Adjustments on faulty tires rarely satisfy
-they are annoying too, and take time,
Except in the case of Ames Holden
A tiny four-year-old was spending a
cht awav from home.
t bedtime she knelt at her hostess'
k to .sly he'd rrayers, expecting the
usua nromptinv.
Fin ng Mrs. B. unable to help hrrout..
ons ;
S . ,
rasA, God. 'tcuee' me.
member prayers, prayers, and I'm staying
with a lady tlo don't know an).
were no Linger dependent on chs railways P
for transportation.
it was estimated lait there wer prob-
ably 2,0(0 motor ca:- and more than ,000 �
people present, the haul Central rk
being well filled and Jewitt's Gr e
weather -helped
teeialiy and the lake breezes made the day
very enlbyable.
The procession wa- formed in the fair
grounds and marched around the p-in-
cipal streets in the village. headed by the
Clintot Kilty band. J. B. Armitage. of
Lucan, as county master. and G.C. Petty.
of Hensall, director of Ceremonies, rode
the white horses and had charge of
eeedines, Silent addresses wcrc
given from the platform, which had been
erected under the trees in Central Park.
and County Master Irwin, Rev. H. K
Hedy:-ef-iiet+miker, L illi. Haioweth
Clinton; S. F. Glass, M P., of Lon
don, and Reve. R. E.. Pitts, A. Macfar-
lane, S. Quinn and 1:1'. Hinds, all of Bay-
fieti, spoke on the principles of the Order.
It 1{I quite evident," said Rev. Mr.
Hallowe D, "that the Roman Catholics are
aimirg at getting controlof our educationalff
system," and he strongly urged cutting o
all separate schools and grants to any but
union tchoots. There'Were rnany things
the Orangemen were demanding today.
among them the overthrow of the liquor
traffic, one language for a11. and one
Bible. The Roman Catholics owed the
freedom they have today to the Orange-
men, who stand for freedom and justice
to ail, and if the principles of the range
Association were better understood every
Protestant would with to become a mem-
A brief speech visa made by David
Beacom, of Clinton. who was given the
prize Inc being the os* Orangeman in
the procession. being 'ninety-four years of
Lie and seventy-four years an Qrangeman.
Thomas Stephenson. of Seaforth, who
occupied a seat oil the platform, was
another veteran, being eighty-one years
old and forty•two yeas an Orangeman.
The prize for the bre ladies' lodge was
won by Clinton, 'his the first place
in the county to have a ladies' lodge. The
ladies marched in the Procession at the
head of the Clinton lodge. which also won
a prize. that for having the largest num_
her of members in line The lodge coming
longest mgest distance was Lucan and they
were given a prize. Rath lode won that
Inc the beet dressed lodge. Clinton fife
and drum hand won first prize in that
drummerclass. 71.e hest drummer came (rope
Try a Want Ad. in Tht Storni.
"For the
outgoing shi
, to secure cove
new parts to re
"I am the wo • . rvant of the age -
vour cheapest and faithful employee,
The Long Distance T. cphone."
Every Bet'
is a Long
"Cr.v Sox" Tubes
Routh Vit.. Phone Ns. Rt
Should the necessity for an adjustment arise
on any Ames Holden "Auto -Shoe", an
obviously honest effort will be made to meet
you -frankly and fairly, without quibble or red
J '
Cord and Fabric Tires in all
Standard Sizes
For Sale By _ "Red Sox" Thb
P.. J. MacEWAN,
se. Andrews St.. Phone No.
"Here Comes
The Bride!"
Eve boll wishesher
well! ffsppv and
radiant she starts out
_otten-I on life's adventure.
B t1ti s utg- have
heplth to 1>rgin with.
Good looks in woman
(lo not depend upon
age, but upon health.
You never see a good-
looking woman who
is weak, run-down,
irritable, out of sorts,•fidgeety and
nervous. H:eadaches, backaches.
and troubles of that sort are all
destroyers of beauty. Men do nit
admire sickness. It is within th.?
reach of every woman to be well,
healthy and strong if sine will tike
Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescri:ltioa.
TORONTO, 'O.rf:-0Lets than a pear
S RO 1 wag in a very poor ctrl* of
health; my back a;'.' d drec.If:lly and
I could scarcely dr ;g entae I f aronli.l
to do myhonsewark. l staffed to
take Dr. 'ierce's Favorite Pceerript;on
and I cannot praise it t Ne `ighhy for .
the great benefit i received. Ty
ache and pains disappeared entirely
and I soon was restored ton_perfect
health. I know that Doctor Piercer
Favorite Prescription is the best
woman's medicine, for I have t:ic.l
others that were recommended, ar.J
nothing has ever helped me an mneh
as the Favorite Pr. Pcription."--MRs.
K ATIILegte \VRILLAN:+, 13 BrookfieldSt.
Send 10 cents to Doctor Pierce's
invalids' Hotel in Buffalo. N. Y..
for a trial package of Favorite
Prescription Tablets.
I have taken over the Grocery business of
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