HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-14, Page 8R- Thursday, July it. 1921. Another .hiputent of ENGLISH CHINA JUST RECEIVED i Three new and beautiful decorations on AyusleyChina. -o-- The ideal set for summer use. **MAY BLOSSOM" Cups and Saucers 35c. Jugs 50c up. Plates $2.75 dozen up. - and a real Man's pup and Saucer fisc ea. • -O. Lunch Sets, Crepe paper Table -cloths. Table -napkins and waxed Drinking Cups. VACATION TIME CALLS for a Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen. Priced from $2.50 up. BASEBALL TALK. A Tie with Stratford. Thegame on the local grounds on Tuesday evening. with ',Stratford as the visiting team, was a toe, 7.7. The locals showed nothing Tike the pep that featured the game with Crediton last Thursday. However. at one stage they had the game won with a good lead and they threw it away with loose play. Lindsay pitched for Goderich, while Riggs twirled for Strat- ford. Stratford went to bat first, but made nothing in this frame. The Purities scored two in their half, Lindsay and Cooper being presented with bases on balls and scoring on a hit by Ramsay and a sacrifice by Murney. The visitors came back Ito the with a bunch of hits which, aided by errors, gave them three tallied I'unty Flour did nothing in their half. The third innings and Stratford's half of the fourth were runless. but the Purities in their half tallied five. Sturgeon and McLeod walked to first. Bob Bonet got there on an error, and Lindray (sought in the first two with a nice two -bagger. A hit by Cooper, a series of base steals and a .cawed ball accounted for three more runs: R. Bisset. Lindsay and Cooper scoring Atter this the visitors steadied down and allowed the Purities` no further routs. Stratford made one tally in the seventh. and three more in the eighth, on a series of infield errors and a few timely tats. At the end of the eighth, with the score a toe. the game was called on account of darkness. J. L. Kerr and R. Tasker. of ',halon. were the tmtpuea • • SUMMARY. Upholstering Shop! FURNITURE REPAIRED and VARNISHED Dont throw away your old Furni- luretill you see • }' CLIFF 'ANDERSON Kingston St. McLean's Block Province of British Columbia Twenty-year 6 per cent. Gold Bonds Due June 15, 1941 Price 95.52 -- Yield 6 40 per cent. E.H. HILL & psrp - ag\ Lindsay. p.. ....... 3 2 W Bisset. c .. 3 0 Cooper. 3b . ... 3 2 Ramsey, 21) Murney, ef. Sturgeon, rL__. Pridham, If McLeod. aa. R. _Binet. Ib....... 2 0 3 0 2 1 4. 0 2 1 4 l 26 7 H. 2 1 1 0 e 7 Lavelle. 3b $ T 0 Moore, lb w 4 0 0 N- Edwards. 4 1 Richards, 2b Flannagan, r(:...... McKenzie, d.. - . _• 4 2 2 Dyer, ss 2 1 0 W. Edwards, cf 3 0 0 Riggs. p . 3 0 0 4 . 1 1 4 _ 0 0 1 0 'l 2 1 OWES HER LIFE TO "FRUIT -A -TIMES Lai after eburch taconite in the ('hall tauqua trot on Monday, July shit, t1 ►1 t4t•votedd t0 dolt / rhe ulrjw•t(vr for a18d of trureit•the (•lhlrt '' ( we not 99 •v{te•t +tt4 a UM, ',lobelias (rim tats meeting, tefe.ls sere -it will not ap- peal to the people of Ooderleh in vain, as -ilio• 1e•or114 -item that (kxlericb h utter behind in any goal work. After Yaw .f Su faalVK arlfb Dye' pepsin, this ?mit M.Iai.. Gave Last r-- ELAi AMTO/MLTT1 tIWUCNCIt 21? Dories at., lleatreal. "Ian writing to tell you that lees way We w 'Frw•o-' for this remedy relieved me when J, had abandoned all hope dower recovering my health. sabred ew.uIfy te.ri ny pgn:a I bed it for years and all the mediators I took did aot do me my good. I read something about 'Prnet•a- ttivea' beteg good for all 131a- - and Disorders of Dignelian _ai1 tried them. After aaibtaig a few boxes, 1 w eariafyr.diawd.f es Dyspepsia sad my general land* was restored. I thank the great trod modielene -'fruit-a-tivas', for Ws wamias al .ratio[," Hilo ANTOIIfat'TE BOO- 0013. a box. 6for $2. 0, trial alas ISA At all dealers or swat poa4ail Vruit-a-tives Limited. Olttaiai. Oa - 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 7 4 1 Score by innings - Purity Flour 2 000- 7 Stratford 0 3,0 0 0 0 13 Strikeouts-By Lindsay 5, byRigors . Stolen bases -Lindsay, Cooper sty' (4). Sturgeon. McKenzie. Two -base hits -Lindsay (2). !sternest. McKenzie. Sacrifice hits -W. Bisset. Murrey. Liners, Cheer up. It might have been worse. A couple of hits in the eighth would have looked good to the "fans." Stratford has now a tie game with both Zurich and Goderich. If these games should affect the district championship they will have to be played off. Otherwise they will hardly be played. Shortstop McLeod hurt his hand in the game on Tuesday and will hardly be able to play at Zurich on Friday. The rule agreed upon by the two teams on Tuesday of allowing bases when the ball went Into the' nets cost the home team three runs, and the result was that the game was tied up. Cut this rule out. it is not baseball. City Meat Market and Grocery Co. SATURDAY SPECIALS Beef 20c 1 _ is .. a s . ...........,�.�18c wing Beef 15c Corned Beef 12c VERY SPECIAL 4 lbs. good Black Tea $1.00 Phone 368 R. GRAF, Proprietor. ' Cor. Kingston & Square Are you going to Blyth next Wednesday for the tournament ? Wiogham, Tees - water, Zurich and Purity Flour are the teams billed to take part in, the day's sport. Who's going to Zurich Friday evening to see the Zurich vs. Purity Flour event ? All old-time ballplayers now living out of town and who intend to be in Goderich for the Old Home Week are asked to call at the Bosrd of Trade rooms on their arrival in town and sign up. It is in- tended, if there are enough players. to make up two teams from the ranks of old- timers- It is hoped to pick these teams out on Monday evening of Old Home Week. the game to be played on Tuesday morning, The game of ragging the umpire was indulged in quite freely by a number of spectators at Tuesday's game. Except as a vent for the feelings of the spectator. abusing the umpire does not do any good; indeed, it is likely to work the other way. If the umpire is unsatisfactory, the play- ers will let him know it soon enough. Any umpire will make errors of judgment occasionally, and the players make allow- ance for this so long as he shows no partiality. -- Cooper will most likely 'go into the pitcher's boa at Zurich tomorrow. Earl has always been a stumbling block to the Zurich team. May he be so again. Crediton and Clinton having both de- faulted in this district. all scheduled games with these teams are counted as wins for the other teams. Purity Flour and Strat- ford are benefitted by this action, as they have lost a game each to Ciediton, and thew are now counted wins. if Purity Flour wins frac[ Zurich on Friday they will be tied with that team for first place. This fact is advertised on the bill for this kiederkh Summer Wheal Every night text week the (loalerlch Sommer School will present an out- standing speaker who ell 1 discuss one of Canada's proldews, These mass meetings will he held Ill North street Methodist choral) at tl the public w111 be welcome. Atdndsst.ot free. tors Jalouday night Mr. J A. Avearst. senior license inspector of .intarlo, will diecuss the problem of liquor -law enfonemcut. lie Is a big luau w(th a big message. Workmen and employers will want to liver ex -Mayor McBride of Brantford. who will tgwak on Tuesday night. He represents his dlty as labor member In the Ontario legislature. He will give you more mental thrills and hat -baud stretcher,', in an hour than any .other man in Canada. He is a live wire. Prof. J. B. Reynolds. principal of the Outario Agricultural College of Guelph. knows all about the rural problems of Canada. He is blazing more trails towanls their • solution 1111111 any wan we know- 'lit -North street ehunh \\'etitte+tlay tfigbt. ('owe overly it you want a ast. Mr. J. H. Gently. of the tlrm of Wood. (Jprxly and ('tnulwny of Toronto. will discuss Canada's financial prob- lems on Tbisrvaiay night. Though still a yyung man he has already won an internatilmal reputation as one of the hfg men of Canadian thinner. He is a most pleasing sneaker and hins_a _tures ieeg.• that fairly thrills every Canadian who hears him. (tit Frlolgy ulght Rev. If. 1'. Smith. B. A., It. I)., of Chump -how. l'hhta. one of the chars -11's na shot -Minden" of tlw (Ment, will deliver an address that will remittal to young and 0111 on the things that art Nearly -worth settle in life.• .aet0. Mr. John Ialahlra. of town. is et ls.nle"buoni folav fn iay one of the corner -stoner of the new community .!Jail• -Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacLennan and children. of Windsor. were In town on Motility on their wny-toTieit friends in Ashfield. Mrs. Chad Lane and children. of De- troit. are visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. Lane. Dr. Lane came up on Friday, re, turning to Detroit on Monday. COME IN AND SEE how we have prepared ourselves to ensure you foot comfort this; summer. We've stocked up big on WHITE SHOES, which everybody should (most people do) wear at this season of the year, for different reasons. They are lighter and cooler, consequently more comfortable than leather, easily cleaned, and decidedly cheaper. STYLISH -AND -DRESSY -7 Why, yes, of course. We bought them in the new- est destghs in Shoedorn, heautiful`'I'ies, Pumps and Oxfords, in leather or tubber soles, With a variety of heels, for the ladies, various shapes and styles for men, boys and girls, even not forgetting "King Baby." FLEET FOOT Running Shoes for every mender of the f.,mily. for all occasions, proper at any function. BOWLERS, ATTENTION I A special heavy -soled white shoe, which is just the thing for your favorite pastime, has just arrived. Get a pair now and get into the game for a good long season. , 4SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE W Rad. SRARM4v 1 "1 Met. Douglas McKenzie and 'laugh- ter Jean sprat the 14e•k.•it1 with her li ts.atel and son on the so -tinter River- ton and also vi'it..l friends at fort Colla rte. $70,000 REQUIRED. Higher Estimate for Filtration Plait and tia.oIine Pump. The (vet of installing a filtration and chlorination plant will tw more .erlous than wax at first Aupps•tl when the municipal nutlt.ritlea took up the pro- ject on the indruetloos of the Provin- elai Reuel of Health. Then 1t- was estimated that the ',vett wonkl 1w $25.- 015) 2i:(ta) or possibly $10,ttI), Now the esti- mate. as made by Mr. E. H. Marling. M. E.. of Hamilton. tlw engineer en gugel ly the water anti light .'ormmis- si,n, Is $.15,000. and oit top of tbIsv_ta an eethnate of $15.000 for a new glace' (11e pimping equipment. Mr. Darling wiot present at the meet- ing of the water anti light (+wnimisslob last Thin -chic evening. with plans and specification* of the filtering nod chlor- inating plarrt, noel .pelt some time 'lire clewing the nndertaking with rite mom - hers of the commission. A resolution wens passel a.king tin• town cntnteil to provide the required sum of $70.(111(1 and suggesting that the council request the i•n•vine(al iltard of Health to issue ;i final order authorizing the ex- ame got out b Zunch. NN ill the Pundes penslitntr. 111 this tame It will nit Mel a Y necessary to submit a byl'ale to rhe tit it up? This game will be started at 110 000 5.30 p. to The t•ommi.s.lon Clinton defaulted to Stratford an July 9th, in the game which was to have been prayed at Stratford. Zunch. Purity Flour and Stratford are now the only contenders in district No. 6. It will be a close finish. Supporters of Purity Flour were disap- pointed at the way the game turned out on Tuesday. but their feelings are not to be compared with the way every playa on the team feels about it, and harsh criticism should be abandoned. The players are dust as anxious to win games as the spec- tators, With Stratford, Zurich and Purity Flour teams all having a fighting chance to win the district, the interest should not be affected by the withdrawal of Clinton and Crediton. - The tie game with Stratford and one with Zurich on July 29th are the only home League garbles left to play. How They Stand In IJ4strlet No. 6. Won. Lost. Zurich - 8 1 PurityFlour 7 2 Stratford 5 Stratford has a tie game to play off with Zurich and one with Purity Flour. THE COLBORNE STORE Special Values in Hot Weather Garments A large range of Middy Blouses in regulation style at $1.00 each. This is a large range of styles and all the sizes are represented. To clear at $1.00 each. White Skirts, a range at $1.00 p each. Every white Skirt in the store at a reduction of 20 per cent. We are showing a wonderful range of these Skirts in gabardine at 20 per cent off. Voile Blouses at $1.49. This is -a range of Blouses in good styles, prettily embroidered, with a pretty - cuff buttoned with small pearl but- tons, at $1.49 each. Children's Dresses at $1.49. This is a wonderful range of Dresses, from 2 to 1.4 years, in ginghams and prints, at $1.49. They are all prettily trimmed with contrasting colors and `are all washable. If yvltare in need- -of eed-of Dresses for the children be sure to see these values at $1.49. Gingham Dresses at $4.95. A clearing sale of Gingham Dresses. All sizes are represented and the values ranged to $9.00. They are in pretty checks and plaids, all this sea- son's style, and trimmed with but- tons and contrasting collar and cuffs, at $4.95 each. See them early. They will not last long. Silk- Hose at 9Se a pair. They sold as high as $1.75. Cotton Hose in white 'at 39c, in all sizes. Pure linen Toweling for roller towels, at 39c a yard. Ladies' Summer Vests, with or without sleeves, at 30c. Baby Ribbon in all colors at 4c a yard. Ginghams at 39c a yard. tr J. H. COLBORNE & CO. THE HOUSE OF 'RELIABILITY° X ',loth tions for coal, and decided to order two err. of -mine run- from the Em- pire ('owl t'o. of Mont twal. The price is $7.90 L o. b. Detroit, payable la ('inudlist' funds. The superintendent wast fu.trtsled to Inspet nIl water eervks" and to f'n- fon•e strictly the regulations at to lire and hours of service. had several quota - lEuik w 11 as p tien get year Dmglapiaig aid hinting dose it R. R. SALLOWS This is the Ice Cream that took Goderich by storm last year. To meet the demand we have doubled our order for this season. FOR SALE 1 Fumed Table, new special $25.00 1 Ice -box, will give good service 7.50 1 Parlor Suite, re- finished and re- covered 30.00 Hall Rack, solid oak 18. 1 Lawn Mower4.00 1 Clothes Wringer 2.50 1 Kitchen Table 2.25 Soup and Dinner Plates, 2 for.25 Every day is bargain -day ar Harold Blackstone's furniture Exchange WEST s1TREET For a ('Mid Welfare Fund. Al it ','Raptor wishes to raise a fend fon• the improvement or the health of the cbildrru of all the schools In (:.slerl'b. separate and pub- lic. to give financial akl toivanls the employnnitt of it nurse in the win**, to glee ',purred*l assistance to t who are unable to pas for lambent at- tendance, to provide 'invert), equipped Meyer -minds ant a tempter in M1ysleal exer•lrses and normal training. Tin' (Yielder ',Nix* rto ereop•rwte with the school berme. fir the betterment of the n,, -n and women of the future. Rust for 1111. twinkling up of a greeter Em- pire I)r. Both -rt. of rho Dep.htment of Chilli Wplfirr.'. states that more (hlkin•n tinder the AO' Of twelve years die animal!, than there weresoldiers killed in any year of the great war, nod ihaf Ike next generation will ire made in) of wenitlingu and InefM'ientt'- unless theme matter,. are hxtkptl after II is 'high rime her tis people to open their 07p5 to the teeth of the Noor, not to * (41g by end let matter. take their e.xlr+e An ,eaminstlon of the clifIdlth2.1 (le the. ai nil . tern ' dMwa 010 t eiglify'per- rent M them moil /twines I Rotondo* Th. eollertton at tlw innrlay evee- icines MOST people first knew Dr. Chase through his Re- ceipt Book. Its reliability and usefulness made him friends everywhere. When he put his Nerve Food, Kidney -Liver Pills and other medicines on the market they received a l earty welcome, and their exceptional merit has kept them high in the public esteem. Take Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pil1s for example. There to no treat- ment to be compared to then Y a means of regulating the liver, kid - soya and sowing and relieving eon - urination. blllnuImmo, kidney disease and Indigi•gt{on. One p111 a dew Se • hex at oft de.l.rw or Itdman.ea. Batas a Co., 1.11 , Teraina. w Dr Lhasa1 s Kirinclj 1 i<<'iz (lilt' BRICKS 24 different flavors to choose from. . YVM.YUM CONES tall early for C` es and Bricks, as the supply • is limited. • Insist upon a Yum -Yum Cone or an Orange Crush Brick. Always something new. Fall Term from September 6th CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT The largest and best Commercial School in Western Ontario. A school where you get thorough courses under experienced instructors in COmmer- cial, Shorthand and Telegraphy de- partments. Graduates assisted to position+. Home study courses can he arranged. Get our free cpalogue. D. A. McLArHT,AN, Trneipal. sfltsflstflrlsri�A dile ! fir tflttfltX+rlittf I Summer Fabrics Get a suit of cool Summer Fabric something that will make you look as clean and cool as you will be. it costs no more than to be less well dressed. F. H. MARTIN, Tailor xxxx s ex xxsXxx Ooc Yong" and Chari.. Si,. To"en... IS uo)M throughout Canada low Mah 'tad" Oath. Writ* lot eataMgw Ilea anent* to enter at Our fall ten* Open.eg.wuau.: 110th. Ove have alt..) pn.itlrnt tettt+lhlr at ilia **nth and 'Downer stat . W. J. ELLIOTT. Pnnripsl. THRLt YOUR TiRE nine layer npon layer of .kllfully svkaaized fabrie. The job of the tire repair man callo Inc an hel- met. knowledge of tire anatomy H be is to dimeet the weak se tieaw from the atreteg, and rebuild a tire body .tiflktently sturdy fee nwlat- Ing pressure, .train and greening road rub. Let no ahem that expert repaint do pay bleep** returns. J. - Hamilton Si., (;ODERI('H