HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-14, Page 7• tIS- t Ue. bird l to WillsearieeNsetteaseesietiet See Our Select Stock of Ladies' Whitewear in the Latest Effects Ladies' Collars and many other lines of wo- men's and children's wear. Novelty Goods A very extensive line. {<t would be worth yottr while to call and inspect them. Miss S. Noble South Side Square -- Goderich sessowooseitossessesseeesiosiessallosiottoNosolso McEwen's Specials WATER TAKERS Town of Goderich tar- WARNING L%WN SOK% 1( 1. Ill/URS are from 7 L. to 8 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to 111 p.m. —.)_ Any person or persona fouled using water for lawn nervier other than during the above Lour. --or using lawn service without fleet applying and payo lug for matte -will be liable to prosecution and their whole iter servlee Iiirned off without notice-. For our mutual pro- tection it is absdutely necessary that all water services be cut off dur- ing fire alarm. Water and Light Commission Town of Goderich PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION the nlsn,e. Whitechurch, pr, then n:. Saturday June 2141• when Miss MASOn C. mar- t;laur,, of West 1Y:+wTnttsh, and Chas H. nage by'ltev. Mr. ScJbie.uMl den ad Mrs. TANLAC EXPLAINED Cooke are making their home in Luck - OF H. Graham wh • erator in Lucknow. ouui was `hcepopuIas i to be 902. Population Mrs. Jame; Armitage, of London, is World's Leading Authorities show Just What Tan. d"if2y eaven. er with her daughter, lac Really Is and Explain Effect of Each of Ten A recent visitor in Lucknow was Chas Ingredients on the Human System. Power of McHaadie, a former Lucknow boy who Medicine 'Conclusively Proved. has theca s resident fi Byeish Columbia fuss the last twentyfive years. Mr. Me- • Hardie is now Mayor of Nelson, B. C. V A day never passes but what thousands of peaple'aslrthe questions: N„ wiiwtionst IwilH Its remised en1 What la Tanlac,? Why its phenomenal success ? Why do we hear so . TIInrM,fay, "is 14eta, to all the at,uac much about it? and. /why his this p::piratioa so tar outs.rlpp.i all; other medicines of its kind ? The answer to these q.testions is easy and can be explained iu just In the 'towel rouneil mused by tie death of t'•i11or Simon Mitchell, Mal the Vacancy on the puhlk isWu,d one word—m=sit. Tanta: is scientifically compounded and re resents t"turd 51.1 Kl by the removal of W. J. Y Pop liaiues M Kfu.l,rdfue. years of work, study, exp=rimentation and research by some of ',.the A foriw•- r. etdrnr of 1v(trRhaw. ht forepiost chemists and pharmacologists of America, the heroin of Ma•o. M,•„uire, widow of the jt/• Juni. Me- ;ulre. dksl'hst wer.•k Tanlac which, b•csusr of ties influent at Wiuuileg. Mr. .Mtn;uire while a upon the appetite, di;estron, assimilation resident of 1''iaglham was in bileineee and elimination. improve the nutritto 1 for a time and liter aux agent for the and vital a:tivity of all the tissues and Canadian Express ('y. organs of the body and produce that state %Weir Elliott, uuly aim of Mrs. J. J. of general tonicity which is called health. F.Iliotl,_,.ifossoen, was married at Wel. The United States Dispensatory mikes laud Juan• s•Ith to Mis, (;t•rtrud,• Cry!. the following comment regarding another h -r of that town, ln wlrieh they 4s- ingredient : ouplr will coutjatn to lige, "It may be used in all ca_es of purr i'1.1XTON. debility of the digestive organs or where a general tome impression is required:' IL Glazier; ha. Isom. appointed us - There are certain other ingredients .,•sea,' „f Clinton $t.: ' salary of ¢tier. described in the D.spensatory, and in Miss Mary Joyner 'daughter of Mr . other standard medical text-books.as "rid Mr.. Frerlrrkk Jeyuer, i,trNaerlj having a beneficial action upon the organa a "n, ,sus mlrrrfuv7 at ltwo fI file ni, `.Teri.• „qh to ,1. i►. M4,. -'14 of hill of secreuexi, abase proper functioning Mitres e. - Tle, yeeuctr tisol isle vls11e41 t'liu- results in a purification of the blood 1 streams passing through them. In this i• ton and t;o.leMcb on their itawy nup,u manner, objectionable and pasonbus in- tis to . gredaents of the blood are removed. and its .th,' t wn veinal, i5 takin pe t,r- the entire e m in • o:ate.i and vital-' o,%. the town trglurll is taking lethal - - - - vital -1 S. •irlAhalc of ltMt 14r we that_"that impart ,�.r tal ton _ e,attd.-,ued. T -46.-0"44441. Tonle and Body-builder: „ The Tanlac formula. is pureiy ethical and complies with all national and state pure food laws. It is purely vegetable and is made from the most beneficial roots. herbs and barks known to Materia Medica. The Tanlac laboratories are among the largest and most modernly equipped :n this country. Ten OIngredlents in Teniae. Altogether, there are ten ingredients in I Tanlac. tach of which a of recognized theradtfitic value. 1 ! In referring to one of the more imp�ttt- • ant ingredients of Tanlac. The Encyclo- pedia Britannica says : i . It has been the source of the most Ivaluable tonic medicines that have ever been discovered." I In referring to other of the general tonic drugs contained in Tantac, the thitfteenth edition of Potter's ; a,Therapeu- tist-standard rnedigltettt-boolt, states NI Its r55 Aran, Ia.t 11- rr t• , 1w rot Oingham at reduced prices. A -Wee asport ment , for window Curtains. from 23e and Hieb All -wool Serge. navy blue. double width. •t $1.i3 per yard. tnd,•rwear, to clear, at prime' worth while. A great number of articles In Groceries at reduced prieea. J. J. McEWEN A full ,teak of Light Fix- tures, Elect cal Household Utensils, etc, always on hand. $t(t'eu_fed eee- tracts. t n for Electric W:rinf a Fitting. Special in Ladies' Silk Holeproof Hose Rib top in hack, brown, c; I l l fel, '.nary, (lark -'and Tight grev Regular price $2.00 for $1.75 McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers 1 HE SQUARE GODERICH - Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away Ne matter hew old. how arty, hew dilapidated, de a rope around them and send to us to be made tato strength to the entire system, in.luding u tiw present water system.. - all organs and tissues."- -- Tanlac was designed primarily for the !, lty • widuloof on Juno :Moth $i tspt This sante well know•► authority in correction of disorders of the stomach. hail Isrn t.ti,l iia' 10 the pax ,.o(b,,.hur describing the physiological actioh of still liver and bowels. At the same time. on the• first La.talment of faze.' for another of the ingredients of Tanlac. however, it is a powerful reconstructive' 1921. The amount of rhe total levy le which is of value in treating whit, is - tonic and body-builder. tar it naturally •53,taa► :ommonly' known as a "rundown•condt. follows that any medicine that brings ' Prin.-heir It.afek le lignin" taking dus o r," es the following expression: about proper assimilation of the food and Orson, .+f -the' �rtmimef in,sl,•I solute! et "It is highly esteemed in loss of appetite the thorough elimination of the waste ; Itrap•brklge. during convalescence from acute dis- products must. •therefore. have a far .john button of it.•Ifatst, Ir.hai,d, a ea=es. ' reaching and most beneficial effect upon Iron rxja•rt; Is ler.- In ionner•tl,,a with Tf%e the entire system. +aN--44' .-rnm,o y fins udti atMi (Irtriafs re-ldpi;r Lt•re. Hls wife is w•Ub him. her. It. (;nfn;o-, late conte at 141. (Officers elected were as follows: President too'p1 " `lii,ri•li. Slrttford. has to,,, Mise Purvis, Ethel; lstvice-pre.idenf.Mea eppnintwl lNerich prh•st at (•Ilntun, srle- i j, 1 txsylltatc it«r.-}'utir COUNTY AND DISTRICT I R. Thomson. Brussels' znd vice-fxelpdent: 1� I I . hire J Breckenridge Bluevale' secretary si i'ol: H. It. ,' Dal ts•. who Wadi the aisI are certain 'other elements in ' ! treasurer, Mrs- John HYPfer, Wroxeter, hoer ilm•eu, Its1p11fon av r,-:- II �� later wrur to n n<v With Fti• HIP Elizabeth Dodds. widow of the late ''Donald Stewart, died June 29th in Grey township. at the age of eighty-five years. The marriage of Ethel Anne, eldest daughter of Mr: and Mrs. B. D. Hislop. Wroxeter. to George Griffith, of Howick. took place at the Brussels manse, Rev. J. P. McLeod officiating. ; At the dt'N ames street pa Nona Exeter. on Jnat,- .fall, Rev. .M..L W11- -on lerfermerl the marriage eeretnony marble Rolert E. 1',toper. of Tlieker- smith. unit Miss Itemise Elizabeth Kad- ing of Fsburne. Reeve F. J. Mt -Qui -id of McKillop W014;lust w,rutalerwent an operation In at. Jas• ph's--tnropltal, IsuNlon, for the removal of a tumor room hats neck. S7(1411.161Mr. ,•Q,i,,bl was able to return benne a few days later. but it will be a week , or two before he will be- able to get .l round as lienal. ROBT. TAIT West $t. iialrPostoffice 1 Stere 87, Res 193 fit'R- tlnted (tole - Pres., Hays, R, R • , o. No. Mod- e°. 3, rl,, k ; fall/PM molly. ^rich ; WOO : 1 per 1s re.. 'thing ocery. J. H. 'ou r -se ds all N Rfe. IN Good Plumbing IS A DELIGHT Poor Plumbing IS AN ABOMINATION R'hen we do the Joh, • v' give you the right kind -tele kiwi that gives yon ptrgetrre and comfort. FRED. I+UNT "THE PLVMBLR" Hamilton Meisel Pile,. a$$-- Ylmn,r.it wonting . _..- Eareotroughing Metal lVork The climax of the Season's Millinery Events C Remaritable values in Trimmed Hats FOR Half—Price No two styles alike and represent all the smartest and newest ideas of our Summer Millinery. A wonderful collectiN of good values Miss M. R. MacVic ar Kingston street, Goderich VIWeesoieemeeeWOROWOOWS DECORAT ING AND /Decorating Materials Wall Papers, Paints, etc. l-Ve sell you the materials. or take the contract of decorating tour home. store or offi'•e. Estimates cheerfully given - GLASS Window Glass, Plate Glass Mirrors, etc. \t. -e can supp1v your want., in ail\- kind of (',!a,' J. CUTHBERTSON North side West st. Phone 354 1 n Keep cool and save money 5 doz. Arrow shirts, high-grade, made by Ar- row and Forsyth, all sizes, $1.69 or 2 for $3.25 Men's Combinations, athletic, naincheck, sizes 34 to 42, $1.35 Men's coatless braces, *bite lisle. elastic, two or four point, 45c White Duck Trousers, made with four pockets, cal bottoms, double seams, $1-71BB M. ROBINS Open'ossiegs ion Werineolae. oluue 29. Veruu Knox. grenddunghteif of W It. WItsuu, 't'nckersruftlt. was Milted in marriage to Robert Mei 'lure. of McKillop. the .•re•mony being performed IV Rev. 11 Mrlutohh at the home of !bele-100o emir. Arthur Rntiwlgr. Tneker.mith. The young couple stili reside in Me - Knipp. Iiop. The annual district meeting of the East Huron Women's institute was held at Belgrave June 22nd. The reports pre- sented showed a membership of 353. hyper ht l IIRL' 1SEL$. 4'1005. Itis rerr•iverl otnrinl nutkr rrow Miss M, M. G,eddeN of Lucknow, and, Kl'ig ,;invert thnt tis. was ii.,ptlutr,l Miss O. Riatoul, of Rfingham. have been ►.fe•nt.d oto NTToT iter IniwI fairs mf tits• !engaged by the Brussels school board. Thio tor. dnthag frvnu , was sl r 1, ltltti ftiy take the pla0b of Mass Wfnnif[ed - TLe eMeinl lige mi ret sisowsl at tit. IMoine and 11lir a Geddes • Jame.' Palace, Mr. and Mrs: B. S. Scott have removed The t°acini of elle rive J. K: ho •If.r, n fnruirr i 4., .tut of t'linton `who diol Ito London, where Mr. Scott take a pgst• rat• t,N;lph la sr `taruivbly, lark tion on the technical Shoo: stat!. Ir. h.•rr on Moudny fr the Kapf�,rf Scott's former position as principal of ; ,•Lury h. and was ler Alasuuk• an - iBrussels public school bas not yet teen pie, The Mayornut( eutiii,it *tat fllled' I'lls,i the w w rets of t io w,wItng club The Queen's otel property has been' atf,mik.l In a body. Th,•Atlte Mr. sold by Joseph Qterin to George of "117siver lea. in the ftirniteie trial 1111 - Chicago. for E.000. The new propri.tor dert akhag i.ilsinees lwry•- for many takes possession immediately.1 years heroin- 'storing • tdl(tuelles. Ile EXETER. w•ns Mayor of the town for some years G.S. Howard, who for the page four and wee t prominent member of the bowling stab. Ids name being well years has been principal of the Dashwood public , eenan- know n throughout otarlo. lie was cipal of theschoolExeterhas bschoolne.gaged as pfife;rsereu yearrs f age. A choral society has been organized here. to be known as the South Huron Choral Society. It is expected there will be a membership of about 200, including members from Centralia. Crediton. Zurich. Hensall and other neighboring places. Prof. Anderton wall be the conductor. Mr. and Mrs. F. H Neil. of Lucan, an- nounce the engagement of their b'9ungest daughter, Florence Evelyn. to James Hubert Jones, only ,on of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Jones, of Exeter the marriage to take place shortly. L1-1'KNe0W. A wedding was solemnized Several/Ile-WIC wear e. n team.--Prloea reasonable. We have hundreds of reoemrn.odauwts from Batts - awl eastoamers Ask lee "VILVITIX'• r t,( We pay express both ways on largo orders.t7ae way ea .mel orderw Istabtlehed 1505 Phone MIs CANADA RUG COMPANY N CARLING *TRUST 1: LONDON, ONT. 3115fAGNIFI ENT'STEAMERS 3 Thu Gwe 36is "SFJ ANDA s t-- crry:oP Ot1L' -"CITY OP BUFFALO" BUFFALO40Dailyf,)Iiflwt. tq 115th ;VBLANI) te.. Brr..w ' 5.00 P. U.4 lairm m • J 1...s- C.a.ea.sso y1 1),0o P res an/.e CLAVE .Awe 7,aDA. to . 4Aw.,.-" Tao 1{ Arrive averat.o ': 7180 A. 1a ICan.rrtio.. .t Cr...a.ed for Cedar Point. Pot -In -Day. Toledo. Detroit *Mother pinta K.1r d bract. reading bet...,, 6ag.b and Cleveland w good for tramport.tion cm our steamer, Asa poor octet twrstor tourist yeoey for rocket* via C 1 6 line Nr.. Twrut Automobile km. - II..OD Round Trig, weth It days return Land. for can ud uaesedto. IYI inch wheelb..e. trial ..1 Ar.d.k.mr 000Q.rra.iB.. dlr. of wu td.... .-t IpSo.p. "DS.twEhtNtDis.4EX mat s r..rµ of Tl. Cle..l.ad & Batfal." Transit Company CM.e1u.a. ()Pio T1. /..tet 581p - a 1 1 A rr D a a a- -aa. t -'g --t ..d Ara 00017 prraym lmbarei ftae worlds Ply .q.rig, isoa powwow.. THE HEALTHY MAN HAS THE BEST CHANCE Is Always Full of Life and Energy—Failures Are Weak and Bloodless. theSoe men seem havequietly at I if here are any gad hi gssgoing these men seem to get them. If they are business men they are successful ; 1f they are workmen they get the foreman's job. They have the power of influencing people. The same is true of women. Some have the charm that makes men seek them out; meet -het ;°-size" the T" luck? It is due to a personal gift -vitality, ' Men and women of this sort are never weak. puny invalids. They may not be big. but they are full of life and energy. t The whole thing is a matter of good blo.d, good nerves and good health. 'Everyone would wish tone tike this and the qualit that make for vitality and energy art I purely a matter of health. By building up the blood and nerves, sleeplessnev, want of energy, weakness of the back, headaches and the ineffectual sort of presence which really comes from weak- ness can he got rid of. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have made many weak, tired men vigorous, and many pale, dejected girls and worhen rosy and attractive, by improving their blood and toning up their nerves. If you are weak, low-spirited or 1 unhealthy, try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and note their beneficial effect. You can get these pills through anae 1 medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 12.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. , •te.5n;„ The Quickest Way to Reach- tbe--tiiyir "Use Use the `Bell' to Sell" LONG DISTANCE is maintained at a high degree of efficiency. Connections with distant points were never more quickly established. "Long Distance enables us to transact business in twenty cities in one day" — says a subscriber — "we use it to get new customers, to make sales, to order goods or countermand them, to speed up shi nts, verify credits, order new parts for machinery, etc. It multiplies our personal contact with our Branches, our salesmen, and the trade. "Many of our Long Distance calk are now Station-toStat,on. A Large sign lunge over our Private Branch exchange, reading 7/ possible, wtake is a Seatsoit-to-Sestina call.' Moreover, we notified our customers that two of our most capable men had been designated to look after Lf�cxtgg Distance business. As soon as Long Distance aIle, our Private Branch exchange operatiw switches the calla to one of these men. which gives our customers the advantage of Station -to -Station rates." "Use the 'Bell' to Sell." The appeal of your voice will bring results when everything else tails. From your desk you can talk by Long Distance with 12.000,000 telephones in Canada and the United States. • Every BBQ AetapAdks Is a Lang Dirkrises SetdMn Unseemly Goings On. • A couple wio, did Dot move In the most exulted s,x•lal c•irckw were war• Mod on the tiny following the funeral `of the first wife of the groom. The neigh/m,ro slta•kerl at this haste, serena,krl the (Niter. The tar - nivel was at IN height when the bride Rptxwnet et the •window. "Ain't you ashatntel." ehe hotly eried. "to tome herr making s dA.turtr u1tee when we haul a funeral only yesterday'} "-Tit luta. •Caleb Jenkins says: " ['his here country 's going plum to smash, can't sell nothin', can't huy nothin', taxes has gobbled up every dollar a teller could get and now by beck they're sending fellers around to take our centeses-" Minister (to one of his members a venerable old gardener) -You have reached a greet age. John. John -Deed ha'e L sir, for gin i keve till the eleventh of r.ext month, 1'11 be an octogeraniumn. Bring Your Films to us for De- veloping, Printing and Enlarging Prompt Service Reasonable Prices Satisfaction (lis ranteed H. C. DUNLOP, Phone No. 1. The Guth rich Studebaker and Gray -Dort m0TOft CARS Let us give you a demonstration with cars before you decide on your spring • purchase. Our new Battery Charging Outfit is working fine and—we' are now in a position to handle any number of Batteries. PREST-O-LITE STORAGE BATTERIES are good Batteries. This is proven by the fact that four-fifths of, the Automobile Companies in Can- ada are using them as standard equipment: -We have them here ready for delivery. Non -Glare Lenses from $2.75-44.00 a pair. USED CARS FOR SALE 1 Gray -Dort Special, good as new, 192Q. 1 Studebaker, 4 -cylinder, 5 -passenger, thor- oughly overhauled and repainted. 1 Ford Touring, in good running order. 1 Ford Delivery Truck, in first-class shape. Case Tractors and Machinery. EASTSTREETGARA6� T F. HOLLAND