HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-14, Page 6II -Thursday, July 14, 1121.
T• his delightful new
confection Is the
result of science.
The very best of materials are used. _.
We invite you to enioY them. It is
made in the model factories of the
Wrigley Co.. Toronto - Immaculately
Peppermint flavoured candy coating
Peppermint flavoured gum center
A long-IastIng delicious
treat: good for teeth. breath.
at:Petite. digestion.
The Flavour Lasts A,o,
"1 Hm
the oth'1•
o11 me."
"And, nn• drat. 1 wee just as i.orry
not Io 114,1 ion in."
n•,rl•y 1 war; mit at Mune
n ftrrn'a1)i when you *Allen
.U1 Explained. '
(title.... 111 1.14.144['• ,if rine rauge-
"1M1'r you klloty may latter (iiau to
point an etio y }gnu oat ult.?"
flaw 11.141.411.--"It•Ilt it inti tt empty.
sir; It's 1/1111.,1." -'!ht. Jlirree.
- htrtltegy.
"1 saw the INttelt little boat this
"Did you hay it ?"
:'Not yet. I've got to pk'k out a
more ecp•mtive one for my husbami
to reins,, to buy, AO 1 4:111 /owpneitiee
11111 41114 one.•'-N('W York Stift.
Try our Want Column for Results.
- OODEBIOH, 0217.
of tralscel.h•nt innswtanee i; the education et the world's lemons 11111-
1N•w.. nlgarding Ir•latpl. For tin• first I vereitles. autI tie deep 1/141 sympathetic
time in e•rnhuie4 h41p1• tat r.ml pellet' 1 understanding of human 11111
.1n6 Hatt
1410111. 4111 tilt. horizon fur that ,.1 441ry. i.endelr1 hint 141 all w'ho 1,1111e 11'11111
11 in i114•uuleiva111e that tite men who: the eir•Ir of hi. al(tu111naNw. TO his
Wove consented 441 confer in London tot wonderful work for the Empin• u1141
the a1tent{* 1.1 rind a Nay to a {1•r- the Attlee In't he world war must 11.'14'
mt11011t S441 11.110.111 111 redell an 1111-I 1.44 •aiblell a stroke fort(1rttalu 1n fields
passe which will f4e:111 it return to the twelve home.
M4411411e1 111111 di '''ler: that pr.•vai14.1 -o-
Iwflll'1• Ili.' aril l..Y hue Well! 1111e .effect i 1'I'e 1' Hit 41 Sta t1.a ('411}4`.14 Ilaw
o4/ Monday. Thr 1.•'•!,411 ..f 11..• last 4tarh,l 'pal a tN�. w•w•kei FLlttlr uct.r
two peeks In Dahlia and ,41101. 11.1411 thr iwnna11rnt ar R bill. :1s dna
• c u ahn41st Iv-trri/gl + , r rr• t1.• Ins+wl
1.111 rls gale 1411, t 1 tu't.ui htr1 trent r1. r u 1
4111111,1 rs1s of jay when it Nus lin- 1.uN•rg.'11cy m.vtsure. 1.1ke rhe latter
el 011 iday 4tat '1114' •o4111f4•r• it will affect (soItalianw/re ttlan any
(Yaws 14t (he Lifts' 11 11,441.4.. D111.111.. 1 other 4.iuutry. The swing to pr4te'-
notinehad n,cuttell 111 All :Irroun(4.ment h'' I ikon in very wurkwl in t1.• 1'nf1w1
twe•11 the l'Iduuists 14111?.41e Sin11 Fele states And 11.4• 1'•rmau4.tlt 1.111 will 1111-
which (roved 11..• ivy fur flue slue dofhtef-v S414411 lit. 4111-4441.
Fciuct•+ 1114.411111 1114. of 1111. 11t1i1atio11 Gr .q.
fhe {orupwri 1.01111011 erl1fer.rore' awlEuropean .'haww...1lorfes have f,ir tie
for 11,' grounding of ares rhronglrotlt moment turtle) their utt.itilon from
!n•laud. Sir N. -rally 11ac1Yn I.y. cum• I the pn+sibllity oL.a' Tllrkt+h N.ufo111r1-
mHlNll'r 0? itN• ('r IN'll (lore's In lr•I*ltd, � i'.t attal•k against 4',r11,n/lit lrl..fllt' t()
wit,'nthmdwl the ,onfrrrn,w ,:.•viral_tile irl/nble t11at Ions a114111 tatween
dnrl'R't11.' day, arrive.' .144 tt►ei rran.r x444 s{'lin 0144.4 the port Of
1.,.t ,N.'aaon fu an iojwn nntomulril'' •lyingler In Jlonsxo. It 4. elmniticrw1
nod practically uue.,ortel. Sinn Felu l pr.11alb1.. that the Turks fury atI.'ulpt
guar,. t(Nuk cluing.. of his auto a'4 he. to swei%p the allh,l tutees out of their
as he tel It and pure• -T the ills"' 1 feet that r1t'Ir artillery strength Is 11..1
11,411'... (':vents fwlluw'elt 111 dal 4114•- ( t•n11sldere1 01111111 19..14t1••h a 7144)4.4'. TINY'
ces41e'u nutiT ht TT-��r.' 114 1.mv1 wvu1141 alwl ir./ve to r•ekou wits[ Ile
Mayor 4!'Neild-a11.,N+.uMrrel-4a►.ilW -await• I tempt/ „melts whteh-i4Tr'-- norm. -ret to
fur 1110,.:441IN1'. the cotupletkro of /fie; treng'111 for any emergel.i s. Tire
from, 111141 lead!.•+ front !wombat eon- 14
nine! the 11rru44en14•nt4 that 11/141 14.411 alliwl lata, fol, :r4 minds( of ltritis.'
made. There may 111' many tedieu* t reneh and Goa, k L' Tangier the
and irritating d.•hlys, Inst ft isles 14,ok trinhle 1s .' * rI .,rntr•.3S.1114-grn11a11
An if the (1!!414'!4'-4 toward aaultltion prior 111 the vs orb! war by Or. nfth
1.f Jtnrte:,4 tete) oars on tim vhk' at vile
was tle}red by five thousand people . am•u,ut and lylnv»IIrttg In not,.
fit _ i _
Of the Irish problem w -ere all to be
surmounted. A contented Indio tel will
inuuensely strengthen the Itrlitsh
pir.'. -11 will teniore al+li d.j.-Pk-WI Jeer
of irritation 1n 111.' ,rotten will[ whom
the I' lnpriepewit. 0( 4(11 4IP4ireil to work
for htlntanity's well -the I'nite?
Settee As between the'••4' two tiler• will
1M doubt always he many ttlfft'renes
of opinion a 111 continued e/mpetitton
in tie markets of the work!: 14411 in
their Well 14 and .4spir411o114 they travel
the same path. There is little doubt
that se gnat .1.stl of tlw misunder-
standing in 4te _4 11i1r.41 States of Jtrit-
eites (species and .hJe•t+,lis been 11110
111 the pr.•jtillces of many of i(4 elft
7A•1114 o i the irbak question.
TO General aan Christ!*' Smut.,
Premier (rf South Afrien. nonst be given
tt eonsi4rrab14. amount of the-ere,llt for
the wove.. of the INytoli*tl«Ns that
have Ud111,i,ti1 .0 far as to promise a
(N'rtmueut .ettletti •ny in !relate). 111'.
(rruf.'renees in Itt•tan't. following Lloyd
(horgl" s el rtn11lti. `a�ppeal to de Valera
to attt'INi a 411Ire1'4'pre In London, were
uhlg p.1nt. Nu
app. rent ly the 111
statesman of the 1•:1 ire belay e4101d
111110 been tetter titte4 for s0 dellente
ling ole Valera
a task an that ..f per"na
and his confrere.. to trust lIritain.
The year. are /Not wane since Jan
Stunts w*s leading It.ter Tones against
Itrei.dl Irsiee. It was his prestige
*red influents that per.uadnl the Ihwrs
to 4teeept pence which 1ley eon 1,I have
4w 11.441 considerable 1 11uo74lee by keep -
hie up gust rllbl warfare_ ilse. ilas .all
the .trimn and grow of-,tt%l old•wnrld
diplon nt. adds,! to by the rultnr• of
Quality maintains economy. You
may pay less "per gallon" for other
lubricating oils but you gzl more
lubrication "per dollar" when you
buy Imperial Polarine Motor Oils.
eps Motors
S'1'1l00 Runni
USERS of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils enjoy a singular
freedom from•enginc trouble, which is at once a source
of profit and plen*ttre to theta.
Every bearing and rubbing "surface is cushioned with an
unbreakable oil film which relieves friction and minimizes
wear. Good compression is also maintained,, eavirig both
fuel and oil and ii.creasing power.
Lessened repair bills, lower upkeep costs, better satisfaction
and !anger service from your car follow the use of Imperial
Polarine Motor Oils.
Consult •our Chart of Recommendations for the grade of
Imperial Polarine best suited to your motor. See Charts
;t your dealers 'or write to 56 Church Street for "Auto-
,, motive Lubrication," a booklet which contains the Chart
and other ' elua'tle information.
Branches in all (11(1.s
The crank case of your motor should t* drained, ckaned and refilled with
fresh Imperial Polarise every 1,000 miles or less. Desletw who display this
sign give expert crank use cleaning service, using Imperial Flushing Oil, a
scientific cleaning agent which removes all dirt, grit and impurities, which are
' so harmful to your engine. R will pay you well to employ Imperial Polarine
Crank -Cass Service today.
c �
Np111 e,114111404 That the*.
+114111141 not have IN,•11 granted and are
aA-449(-1491Reellei*-tta-bei-owe rights -
114.' .'.►herr}, ,Its -a4141,4 Ion Tangier 1.. Y
natural print (d actrs.•t_10.4hr north..
western part of the Spettislt 1144,,• to
Jlonylllk It H also the m arwt point
to .kurape From which the. Fruu•h pro,.
tetorate l4/ Morocco von he awiall,!..
From.- is insistently t,alntalning that• Tor0.10 Oast.
the .,Inc•l,slon: Were (yl„t).riy granted
and t he r epeeel. Slain is die-
pluying equal hrmltess 1114.1 the ex-
,lnln44s are beginning to remit n dan-
gerous !Kate, It 11:4'. 11,•11 4U4g'!,t4141-11)1
N.'v.'rltl keen ol,server' that the matter
411nnld lie turned over . to the 144'1411.'
of Sutton% for decision.'.
R. -markable revelation. tine Heine
mate, in the inljnire !..r the 1l,lmiukin
Government Int.. alleles' sterling ex-
eh*ncr tnttlth'. (i. T ('hark4nn t+ tl trhals f I
1 somml'alorner ural he ts) un r the
1141+ hw(ri anon') R 1
deal of evk1414r. It f+ alleged slat s4,i.tit/R another. Ae•onllnRly an ex -
deal of
of ne (nimbi ln .4rr4( r-hetaken 'onne eh'b a 1
t.'lr+fve miRnm 11a4a114r•n maimed ort
provided for the 1.x.•14:4/,ge t jsit• ,d which will Include workmnll 41)14-
mtmeys nlrtmmlat.•,1 from pay atNikai. 414114.• hit 11 111 II* With n wide pl•1n
IOWA 11,04 reewtveil ill sterling fln,d. ty to i.reven potperi*Altion. pu1'))" works
soldier. while 0vers.•.o'. it is ,•latm' I 0n .a iiro .ale. in, !wiling road and
that ttlnttsand" of p,1)nds of "sterling, 1•rid*e built'ng. a1111 the erection of :1
Currency Lire been exclianzed pt pr number of a enp 11,0+••4 for w'orker'.
which do roost some under tie 4.•rns of The resfehii. ..f lmmtgrn Inn frim,
t 1 t titbit; 11ti'ent has irtot Its
The Health Bath*
For the future welfare of
Canada the children must be
kept healthy now. Protect
them from the germs and
microbes of disease by using
Lifebuoy Soap.
For the bath- nothing equals
the beating, cleansing free -
lathering •egetable oils in
and the satiseptic agents dis-
infect the bruises, scratches,
etc. that might otherwise be
• seam of danger. A Life-
buoy soap bath sends the
children to bed glowing with
health and happy cleanliness.
Lever Brothers
ager, the myrtle warbler, the chicka-
dee, grouse. gulls. ulul many other
khats. l4/ 114.' State of 14,wn 14 has
been estiwateol that tree s(utrrows
'malty .k•vonr w.melhiig like 1191.5 tom
of wed •Nils : Speaking of the road'.
au Investigator In '1'4,routo found that
a single I.Ir41 kept I' lonfiuem4.ut ate
'Illi iI tw41r1114 1' ' dry. Another
authority states that a Irruol of prairie
Io -furl -larks cons11w4..1 44E cutworms
In olio day. Ttds saute authority.
to rawly, kir. 'Norman 1'rid411e, lsra 11-
-het e'tomuloglst 111 I111 111(4d1a. dw•iar's
(hat six crown are capable yf lonettut-
Iug thr.w hg4htebl of gnsshopp're 111
nue s4.a141m. It 1s Yetinitd that 111 e•r-
tuhl plus• 1' 11an11,411* areas' of grow-
ing grain Iwve lawyq sured trout tit•-
otrnetien by the peadil''t grasshuPIN•r
ott'111g to 0114 Jnvw•111•e of large flocks
of g1411s. In light of th444• facts it is
gratifying (.4 tw informed by the 11-
11hdon eututlwlugl.•t. air. .tI't liar Gib-
son. Hutt tie Iw(lortaI " of prot.rtl'g
our useful birds Is Is'eo'dng nW1•4' 111)41
snore re41guisels especially by farmers
uul frlrit-growers. •
11•44.Irtwe't of Agri.•ult'r•'. I►ttalla.
No Excursion Rates.
l.istnvrel 11,uuler : The plan of the
!„rel Snud.ly -(•11+.ohs to iii.) 11 big
111114/11 excnrslo11 n.` K111"anliu.• hqs
beets 1(14)1!.,! '1,y rhe. (;ra'd Trunk!:
N-1111'11 asks a .•11411 dap si( 111 advance.
of $• 3..3. for the. 1. 4 foal'. *1141 will
allow no reduced fared or nesete-
' Seems they don't lard the. buslno**.
; 1'11. Governuie111 'l4/Ike s rep guy 41.114-1?.
Oat hid Rut 1111r1 -lad 11',1111 mole
than rnt.li. 1t is trite -but 4,4"'ew-
1lailLogi lit iNahut nit a.1.ut.yt the wise'
Lour:.' of -Nailing him at once to t1..'
hospital. .\fter the house s1)rg,.11 had
! evezul 14,1 hint .ctr•f14l7 h�111d to the
"A. snls•ntattotts abrasion Is not
ols.•rvubl', 1 .h!,no't think thr".' is any
nation to apprehend teguise11ta1 rlcio•
terlsati4m of The wonn.l."• Then turn -
tug to the (•aurae tae askei .s(uiaitealiy :
"Whin do you think. Pat ',"
w14t rat. "r.7•tl b wnn.l.'r-
fni t h..ntrnt-reader�Ieli•tor ! }wt, -o 4, the
v.'ry word4'.out of m.• month. Th,l4 "
;lit what I Wall gong 111 4417."
• Rheumatism
and all
h as given
t Mon
for three
'1 clicky rC44I IS4.
throat b oneY�Id
shoo. novice end
t oll d pain.
An Old Rel able Remedyi
Mrs S. Fewer t Hamilton St.. Cullingr mod,
Orel . wetn.-A1,sarti• Liniment surely/` aro
old reliable remedy 1 a1'... r
nded It
quite ...anther 4/t my friendla the innoe and have . to + lw.m ,t gave
swat reh,4 In moat tare a ra. used a. a
aye la rheum......1
I1 .inw
BOX IIT, Godericb, All instructions
liy- =all .or left at @1Osl office will be
promptly -attended to. Residence tel.
the Sieh• (if t men ti.• aggregate loss I
leas sevi'ut7 4 Illion wurklug (lays. wml'
a deers* production of mai of fifty -1
two mill • ' i
-41- -.
- It. la 111 ilk 1W41114bt suffering 11-.-
1011 which keeps over half a mil-
li worker* idle a1N1 ar,•tly 1ffeet"
wo wl11Lm other peple. The king-
.kwn ha" rotate Ihrew4ela MAW. .rc44'
.1114.• t1.. e1141GIR o the wear. an.
the (,.'cernturnt +4.704 t0 loo. 1w'u? 11(44,11
A ('due.
Cle rrtllr•114.• 4erm° to mite w," ra111
h., t.411%".•. '•th.,t the thief mor• rub -
i•••!. aell wldket backwior.1s...
"Tree' w.• 1011.1 I...'k out fpr a maul
with ree,sling gums," reularke.I the
wag of tie for:,•.-ltiosb,n Trnns.'ript.
(11.' order. in other 4-04)1+, that 14,rp14 '((ny . .. t . 4i
not entitled t0 the I.•reflts, bene )N,',, a lee4 In bring( ' about fhb, .b'presmoney -
making A great
Holiday Time -
Freedom from all aches and
pains assured by
Rheumatic Capsules !
Keep them in your home.
Take them on your vacation!
For Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Headache, Train Sicketss. Ete.
11.00 at your druggist's.
'deful44 '.1 'H (V PI(oS
deal of they
by 1111 _ HOW YOU CAN TELL
fraud ;densly claiming flirt thIIwere. tl'r�;yrtght4trl by It 41. and l'.:1on
The Inference is that they were Hided \ Pr"'" (u,1.t
1.•r 411si44'r.. acting 41e1114'41►1r1c_-4,4r_
Ignorance wo gross as t0 ire criminall. 1 Our Iuneetly
One while -4 mh1, he figure., in 11 trans-
n.•ttnn whereby a fornt:•r 'ns'mtler of it may' if all ? startlL
the 41t!awn (1011(e. tern„ fna41+'-4 profit ::nut tint .. all the i . '$
fiat oar erv,p,r t.mld lw 4.1
of 1114.1.01 in tide manner. Thie form-
er isrlle man 1•aw stn(14' loft- the'vntntrr.
\440e,.•r '..i.1 lie knew of It own wilt)
kept ,.:..• thousa(Nl pounds of English
m .n'•v eon -tenth• in eir.•lohCi'Kd mak-
lug 1,:'.4! in ex,'tangr•. C:r'rneh has
Wien +h .14.' to prove flint then':
't nthl4141 b1 (Ile filet +.•t forth M•
, but it 1'.
est+ rarag-'
ewes'. alnl' Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross"
all the plant NIA tree di r endi- I
cafad, MI theilerraw"l rl• 'ml' Ile -I
the by theoluttry the're'by , odd 1..
ton;1.•,I into the.I4.1m1n1'ol T 1+,Irv.'
thew Wiatid t,,,1 to be Ile. .111..4 11 'di
taxation. Thi.
'4mmthi.g groslyw•rr'nrt InI1Wthe man- '
. n►.....11 .(1
c.•�1 14.1114!! the Stiatia-11►stapeNl?
1,de ding . with this exelanitt-
. fs a (i.•vernmw,t foe -sh e-
nU IL111way. has **id',
in re..•fey-rive year Ali- ,.
..+G_..:�:.--:. 04'C . •1"�• -14'.1.1 .1..lay.,n'- ,'.
' 'rk 4y11'1:e,1,• Ther wen•'
I. ll l r14•••n In 11 few le nr4 n'd will
... 1 thlefAteeri • rn i'ulli,. I'an.
-taldlitgr and fntur.• are being,
uo.s4. re,Milie for investment
1„'4.I In llritain it has 1,4.0
•1 111 rue at iouteL-,.gad. uu1t.:.ts..t
i..,,,• !r,•,i r Throat*.lNmilnlr fni4it•i
,et at 111,• olid 1.1111 per 1e111. In order
• 1444,1 matdring obllgntion4. It is
.,1,'1 ttt;,t they will he 4441..
• 411..•11 f. .r Itt- home. itrit:lllt h*4 to
'•• soon 1t*ne hnndr si 1,41!!14,11 dal.
of 01.11 Inn,. inst.-,4 of the woe
''I4'lred • inffitin, e+tint ah,l. - The
•liner'.' •frit': hal tw.-n larttety rt' -pan
.111 extraordinary story rota(•+ from
I Visiena 441 the effe t trout meth's! circ
--._r1.'. t,..ra,_ are oesed11Nrif4 s0441441sly
• I ernfentlon that eyesight can lw re-
1 ,'tort,l by the trnesplanting of a noe-
mai eye In the pl:i.•.' of n blind (ole.
Esp•rim••n's tried on 410811 nnimale
•,1l 9+11 bare, it le (11110141. been at -
1 t•'r0441 with r'elrrtrk:Ode .tree•... (11
the en -0 0t nab ft N'as (1111111 that th01 i
I r,nver,T their (me thin of F9t4(11,
wh!e'1 they lose when blind. The an.
4"'IImentx hate nit yet been extended
tto the point 1(15')•.• 111,14111 14* 114114.1100111d1
net14nadwl 10 Vert 4111h.innMI 1.71•, for
the benefit .rt. permit. nlrea4y taint.
11t I, mentioned here les.14.44• 1t le
Among the bits events In the would of
selene•. Nhieh of late Tent.. I;n4 been
eroa'del with -greet .lieevrerie•, nye,
their 14{gii.mthln to human life In
forms of usefulness /Not hitht•rto
el e- ,
11riN.I. en4lne•r' to the minder of
one million and 11-1.*If ha v.- NC 11. 0(1
almo.t two 40 one Agri IMO the 111.4111414441
4.111 of wag•a to go lento rtrret It, Octo-
ber. This 14•4)11141 11• ott'the i111414 of a
r'.hw•tIon of three shillings, n week on
fhetl wages, and anether 'three" shoe
Ines whet. the en.t of living nips (w -
low 1L abllr.' pre-war price,. it Is
,4.'w 119. It 14 wltm proposed to rtlt
down piece Pilo' by 'PTAll amt a-hnif
per e•nt . and to wbd111 them try the
owl of Nepr(srttler. There in a t•e1WM1.
8ble am,stnt,wf time between now and
'Ie• pi/inn-rood 4ellnrtlon• 141 try to come
to In agreement. itritain bets sorely
had .•nongh of Irnliwi rlal (11sputes. 4tn
Ow miner.' strike alone the Rrltidi
Government loft (they'll 0114' hnndr„1
million donne... thin 'helm? the wmonni
expended In emiet444IN•y UN•aattrew. On
.4- -4'
spent of Astii. nitttr•. that-n-rerneeFrn
1141. rdintato of the A i.1 Lr'4 WA' in"
44 4'u:-
rl.t to fi1•I.1. orchard and 44.' r,lrn el a.-
•hN• 141 d.''trn.rive inw•ts ;+ 4pw'ord.
are Aspirin -No others!
44 44 tlll,(URtrltes. ,\a n,TT'nrrtl•rrttr�y"
i. •
'•T.. this hog'• '.eva.t:I11..n: n,n.t 4.-1 wit
added tie eFN.rIIN4n+ 14111114aI 4.+!4,14 H -=u lets
re is only on" Aspirin, that marked
t4.' ''Bayer ('rule." -all other tab•
e only acid imitations.
e "Beyer ehlsts 4t
pro -own -bed • by p 179141ans for
ear, and preyed safe by mil -
'am. Headache. Neuralgia,
at,sm, Lumbago. Neurits.
se' of 1: tablet. -also
package., can be had
Made In Canada.
Ade mark (registered
in Canada., of B er Manufacture of
Monoaceticaeidester t Salicylicalad,
When While it is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer manufacture, to assist the
Grandmother puhlic against imitations, the Tablets of
Was a Girl Barer Company, Ltd., will be stamped
with their general trade mark, the
tjOOP skirts were "Bayer Cress."
�i worn by those who_
first asked the druggist (/ems
for, and insisted on
having, the -genuine
Golden Medical Discovery put
up by Dr. Pierce over 50 years
ago. •Dress has changed very
much since thenl But Dr.
Pierce's medicines contain the
same dependable ingredients.
They are standard today just u
they were fifty years ago and
never contained alcohol.
i Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
1 Discovery for the stomach and
F blood cannot burpansed by any
tonic and alterative today.
When you feel "all out of sorts"
-your vitality at a low ebb -the
bah od becomes surcharged with
poisons! The beat tonic is called
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
covery. Dr. Pierce manufactured
this "Discovery" from -roots and
barks without alcohol -a cor-
rective remedy, the ingredients of
which nature put in the fields and
forests for keeping IIq healthy.
It puts vim, vigor, vitality into
the blood. Try it! All druggists.
Send 10c. to Dr. Pieroe's Bridge -
burg, Ont. Laboratory for trial pkg.
4 - `w- - i14*,. •oe.,d L__ - Gen
du , t I'4.•et4. err." I pw'n '1,14 'tate-, hate he
meld 1(11- entotmolgist foom'. a w.41-. nineteen -
*nstalt.el nrgttmeat-Lt_.SlVQr of the 1 Ions for
ploteetlon 411 !nooseirohrtl4 Iir'IM. snrh tol•1•. Rheu
34 the {rralrle horned -lark. the roles I Handy tin
the .oneoelet .)4.41 sed crow. the 4„1- larger Ilay..r
tinea tell Ttladtta*e the "erste tn tan- it a y Z
Aspirin is the
UR. TER. Solicitor. notary pobllt
ntlkw Hampton street. Godericb. third
dour from Square. Trust funds to
lion at lowest rate's.
p C. RAYS.
Office -Merlins Rank Block, Ham -
Ilton Street, Goderlch. Telephone 118.
Real Estate Loans and lnsnranee.
01'I'I DOT,' KJ1.LORAN k
_ 11441.1)Es.
Office un the Square, 1eeond door
from Hamilton Street, Goderlch.
Private tumid to loan at lowest
W. Premit...4, K. C., J. L. Halloran.
Diener E. Holmes
RISTER. attorney, solicitor, ete..
Godericb. Motley loaned at lowest
• ICITOR• notary public and rots-,
reyaiieet. (Ace -Court House. •G.:5004. --
rich. U104leal
AN('E CO. -Farm and isolated
town property Insured.
Ofileera-Jae. Connolly, Free, Gode-
rich P. 0.; Jas. Eran,,, Vleefres,
Beechwood P. G. ; Thomas E. Rayne
Se.'. -Tress„ ldeafur'h 1'. G.
Diret'tors-D. F. McGregor, R, 111..
No. 3, 8enfortb; John G. G4ieee, No.
1, Mitten.; William ltinn, R. R. No 2,
Neafurtb: John ltennewlee. Itrod-
hagen; Geo McCartney. it. 11. No. 3.
Sea forth; Robert Ferris. Matlock;
Malcolm M4•Ewen, Clinton; James
Evans, Ree^hwood; James Connolly',
Agents : J. W. Teo, Goderlch;
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. I. Clinton:
William Chesney. ileatorth; E. Hindle
ley, Henfurtb. Polley -holders can pay
all payments and get their card. re-
relpted at R. J. liforrieh's Clothing
Store. Clinton; R. IL Cutt's Grocery.
Kingstnn *treat, ioderieh, or J. IL
Ire i d's" General Store. Bayfield.
n dru 'Ate
Brophey Bros.
Tk L a
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders earetsar attended to
st all boars, Wald or r day.
Is Your Car Ready For That
You're Planning This Summer?
'!Get Out andlet Under
doesn't go very well in
vacation time, so let us
put it in good shape
now before the
get here. Their cars
will need a good deal
of attention.
Phone 243 Goderich
Music for Everybody
Agencv f"r
Call and tet us give you
a demonstrat}'on of these
S splendid instrutnents.
We have in stock the
Starr-Gennett Records
which can be used on all
these instruments.
YI �
Ilamltton and Rt. Andrew's Sta.
(;sderieh Phone 1114