HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-14, Page 54
Thursday, July 14. 11121.-3
Campbell's Drug Store
Wampole'eGrape Salts 50c
Enos Fruit Salts ...$1.00
Khovah Health Salta .. 20c
Lyman's Health Salts 20c
For Tired Aching Feet
1'.•uaar 'rrea.l•Easy Foot
(Nisier 25e
No Tru ('o. Foot I'owder..2.5c
Blue Jay Foot Powder 33e
Blue Jry Foot Stop 3.w.
flint. Jay Foot Comfort 3.'.c
To make tired feet foal fresh
For Drinks
Thermos Bottles and Kits
Keeps Cool 48 bears
Lime Juice Montserrat 65c
Grape Juice, Welch's 35c
Grape Juice, Welch's 79c
days of
Good Music
WITHOUT costing you a cent, without obligating
you in any way, you can have "Mrer days of good(
mimic—free" right in your own borne. Good music, we
say, because it is played by
Edison's New Diamond
"the roorili'a.pataNat phonograph yahoo"
dente to our store. Sites an Amberola and a dozen
Amberol Records. 'we will deliver them to your home.
e If you decide to keep it, you
can own the Ambernla on prac-
IraAgf your owe) Perms. If you
don't we will cafl for it and
thank you for having given the ,
Amherola a fair trial.
Call, write or phone—bet do
it mom.
Campbell's Drug Store
Goderich Summer . School
July 18th to . 25th
Morning Sessions
devoted to Bible and Mission Study
led by specialists
Afternoon --Recreation
Evening Addresses on -Canada's' Problems
Monday Evening : Rev. J. A. Alearst, B.A.
Tuesday Evening : Ex -Mayor McBride, M.P.P„ Brantford.
Wednesday Evening: Principal Reynolds, of O.A.C.
Thursday Evening: J. H. Gundy, of Wood, Gundy & Co.,
Toron to
Friday Evening: Rev. M. P. Smith, of China
The iced Tea Habit.
At this season of the year. when iced
drinks are most popular, it is interesting
to know, as showing the increased con-
sumption of teas in this country that the
iced tea habit is becoming more and more
a vogue. Now it is4eonsudered More than
a pawing fad for particular housewives to
serve iced Salads tea to their families and
guests. At the soda fountain, too. ked
tea serving is becoming popular. ani the
delightful flavor of Salads has made
thousands of friends among the women,
and discerning men who find in it a
genuine bracer and a lasting cooler during
the hot spells. it is therefore important
that 4Wryane should know how to make
this delicious beverage.
In (Naas of tare.
The water and light commission wishes
water -takers to understand that in case of
fire in ,own each water -taker le to turn
`MT his own service. This precaution is
necessary in order that there may be
eufficient pressure fop4he fire hose.
Receives Promotion .
Mr. Roland S. Barber. formerly as-
st"taut 'superintendent of the Goderich
onto. of the Prudential Iu.urau••r Com-
pany of America. has leen promoted
to the superintendency of 4Iic Strut -
ford IiiStrkt. enesesltag lar. Frauk E.
Bradley, who ha.. been transferred to
the Syracuse. N. Y., district.
Former er Goderich Teacher Married.
The wedding took place at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Doherty, Stratford,
on Saturday, J ly 2nd, of Miss Mabel
Olive Doherty, ter of Mr. L E. Doh-
erti•, to Mr. William Reginald McGifen, i
of Windsor, Rev. J. W. Magwood officiat-
ing. After a motor honeymoon trip, Mr.
and Mrs. McGitten will reside at Windsor. MIs' Marjurlr (Perky) Andrews. form -
The bride was at one time a teacher in
I)onatlom, to Hospital
The following donations to Alexandra
hospital during May and June are grate-
fully acknowledged : Rhubarb. Mr. Hutt
nen Ilse Tana -Bok. There Is
Mikity/ so soothing for Lander,
salting or blistered feet, 1t will
ead the burning draw out the
soreness, premed blistering and
give you perfect foot oomfurt.
Also there is notbiog .so coed
as Tam -Bok for sanbeen, hat
rashes. blistered hands, aching
muscles. mosquito and insect
bites, cuts. bruises. burns tad
all skin injuries and allmenta.
SOo, all druggists and stores. a
• rho.',•':. l'•.routo ; ..,cuing, !toy. In
11,•, .,....,. ,.t VI.. eland, 11. Augwl 1i
I"' f' it' A wsierson, of Port !lope ;
\u. 11'..1. 1Cewt. "r I.hw.n
rill..''A::1.1.;11-1."':;. ' l4ey. I4aliI ll.,v
well, of Pendo'uke.
Miss Strang is home from Uxbridge for
the vacation, •
Miss Lillian' AfacV icer is home (roru
Welland for the holidays.
1 Miss Marjorie Moore, of Toronto, is the
guest of the Misses Nairn, Kays street.
Mr. A. Scher and Mr. J. Scher. of Tor-
onto. are holidaying al the Sunset hotel.
er. of New Toronto,
is visiting attethe home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. B. Burkholder, Elgin avenue.
Kekua', glee 1'1111. and 4lrehetdra
will h,• 4('IM1•ial 41(tn,eil ill Itaylk•Id
ne\t tint tu•tlay .•,y 111144. Ih(neing I h
rhe l.ig Joao dhoti on the Ink.: bank
Mrs. W. L. Rome and ynuneest daugh-
ter, Manon, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs.
ICsppt,) A. Bogie, who had the misfortune
to fat
— near Shand break her arm at her home
erly of l:4derleh, and 111•44• of the GODERICH
Misses ?)river of town, to lar. Thomas CHAUTAU
.A. Quinn. of Cobalt. The ceremony
took place (4n Saturday. July Llai. at, PROGRAM.
4he home of Mr. and Mrs. Frml Flow-
er., Cobalt, Rev. 4'. V.'M,•Ii•an. pastor
rttannia road): potatoes, Mr. Weston of the 4'obalt 1'nited clmrvh. uttielatint .
(\('est street); cartage of potatoes. Mr. A.,dsttng the bride was Miss Norma A
Thompson: eggs. Mrs. Knight: rhubarb Kteteh of Nurth Itay. while lar. Stan.
Morgan of Midland, an nversen.
frietal of the groom. performed the
of groomsman. Little Marguer-
Ne 141raw-ar of,('III. Igo. iii.re (11 the I Itlllll .44 I 1 !_'std
gio.4 u. tiered u.. r1Wtt.earr•r area Howler- .lftern.on—
Kirl. while the Missies Verna Striek• tlo,•d
and honey. A Friend; eight quarts pre-
served fruit and one bottle of pickles,
Mrs. H. C. Dunlop; vegetables from a
number of friends.
Hospital Meeting.
A spw•lai w..•:in;; of ;he hoard of
guvrrucrr of the Alexandra Marline laud and Evelyn_ Flowers arItst `t
mud General Ih.spltal will be held In girl attendant.. Sirs. W. Tile t .1
the Board of Trade mesas, k'rtdav ret tee WaN or mart h. Tile held
July 22nd, at 3 ..w. The rice -weld- attire hen of white In•nrRe444 Cr*
I i with chenille embroidery. She n
hent of the Ladies -auxiliary and the wore a bridal volt with orange
ferve•t and Nitta). lt.rvw of the sur- mems and carried a macwiti.1•wt I.
nulling 4lle_r_ 2. -.are iiwIted_tu.14r. mn.t of Killarney rots.. .%T
resent. 1t is sameetly leque•.te.l that ;iotr)at was the grooaip gift. n •.tel
reprrarutxNvc will attend. as of Tausea pearl.. The bride. who w
her.• will 4* a rest Im
1(411 in ennuis -non with ofsl olonh for the paw three years,
1,•w• hospital.
the recipient of beautiful gifts,
otos tree the Harbor. 1 hewt of friends, including a silver e
The steamer Valcarti r arrived on•Sat• port frim Silver Chapter. I. 0. It.
rday with a cargo of 23:..000 bushels of site a tdlee I'hnttrrdigh fr"m her In
heat and oats. The steamer Stembrenner years claw at rhe 4 enn•al .pub
rrived on Monday from Milwaukee with w'1»rsi. fon4rrat0latious ansa rift+
5.000 bushels u( men and oats. arrti��1i were resigns' from "uf sit -town freesia
eared light for Fort \Vilham on Wed- nh.i Miatw.1 iia 7:calrrleb. tiorth_ IIaT
ay• These cargoes were both tor the ni il tiliirtaili Te-, iietAri ivTxTTtr. ling-
evator. laud. After the wedding tri11,�1nclud•
The tugs W. L Forest and Wm. Blake ing a visit to (:o llerieh. itnrl -to _the
rived this week with scows from Little- gr•"nm'• former lu.mP at Santt lite.
Current and dredging l will be commenced' Marie, the young eonple wiII take try
shortly in the channel resisier»w at (s,tutlr. Mr. Quinn. who
The barges George- King and Thoma' we's an honor graduate of the thitarin
ayle arrived on Wednesday night with college of Pharma•y last year. tree
t 2,1100 tons of coal for the Western Co -
now the Ino•ltion of manager ..f the
Canada Flour Stills. into R. It. D.viin's drug ,tore at ('o -
The steamer Martian is du ' at the I'nft•
elevator today .Thursday) with a caro of tined far Holding a "Drawing
at and oats.
Pickerel and bas'. fishing is the order of.A an adcenlsement for Co.e J'avill.n,
e day at the river and large strings are t 11 I1 1111,141
44 kit Amn.t•rrg•nt 1'last week
rtes caught each day auli•,agwrrl a ".hawing eotite,t." With
ting ! -• 1. Charge of
as • Superit:l• n 1, rel
sy II .h-I;la.. \lu.ical t.'nrrrl
P1: •
fie 114e irdeler Sy niphonle fiul lettc
1Tu .' Evehinp-
I is
The green en Plebe' street presented Thi.` ^sirtiw•ing .onte't'" Wil adver-
a guy •44,4W on lt•ethiwttlay, whom the /leen by .seer for !several. days leder*.
boxrttns )eters ton t•1...went was -betel Thurslln , when 14 took i4..rt. as an -
Three rink,. wrrr present -frees $ .0 t nonnee 1. A R -,s. mttnty'
forth. two from Hen.itll. and Otte rnoh i high a on.tnt e. Ira. pn•renl and after
from Lucknow. Itlel,;y, Strutfnad,I w-atchh.g the\proerrding. for a couple
'Rrnssebt. Exeter, and /`Muton. Nine of hours. anti making a pnrelut•.e of
local rinks also to..k part. I tl•ket. himself. . 'a pproaehed Mr. W.
Thr arst event wens won by A. J. Ithehniwtn. the Manager. and lnf.wm•
R•I1irr+kles' Hewitt rick. 1). 4'. Russ, w1 Isiw that MHP 4 awIltg was illegal
of Ilrin.:el' toeing the ruuner-ftp. This, and that l,. would 1 yr to appear be-
is the w,1.lkI Glue the Hetrall rink i (err the magistrate. �
has won the Western ('atuula Flour, Friday tu..rniwg Sirs Ytnetuinan went
Mills trophy. A third win would give before Mari•`tret.• it.•i,l.
them prrluauent Iaw+r..k.n. i that he was entirely inn..
In 11h.•',rdread event .r G. eamerons1 intention of Loon( Mc the 1..\
Meal rink *ou first: Morrl.b 1'liuton Attorney S••atrer eont••ndled th.,
rank !mond; 1'. IV. I�rul.man'• loyal, rotary of a br,•neh of the law'
rink third. Tlw 1'11mer.na rink was L lotteries., f..r which a severe
•1.wp4r•xl of 1'. A. Nein". Feel Weir. F. 1.. provided. and Mr. Itneharm
H. Stettin. J. f:. Cameron (akipl. The' fined f2fiel slid .e...t.. in all !):1.'t. l
Isin.pman rink wee : J. Swam ..kl, Ili. There las ls,'n a great deal of 4,
itei.1. C. (,arrow, C. W. ('11apmau sots -don (4f the matter al.nit town. a
(-.kip). 41,.' general opinion ...ems to be that
It wag 3 n.'1.. -k Tax tiny morniryr Mr. itnehaman w -a. harshly dealt with.
wlsm the last caws war tlni.he.l. i The 'Holding of lotteries Is not defenil-
The 1*11,-s of the Ite1M•kati Lodge had. oil: 1.ut it is ii,4lwet)-�aMf Hutt if the
charge of the refenehhment tent. giein,I enthnrttlee h de -aired to prereut n
riolntinn of the low all that was re -
'mired w•a to warn )Ir BIk•hana1 anti
the otnye lug would ha re leen ean-
inwood- Wt. efoittion .,f .tree
:Mewed to yo en. • Mt 14 the
it io,b• r„newt—to..p.um^,►til still
The l'edeler Symphowle• Quinlrtte
I1.rtant .I sem.- prowhwut la wa•tal and other circles Ilnmor••u, f.',tnr,--"Fanril
the projected Y' Nem-
wa. . d..•." i
front' a I
�. Herbert- Lem' .(Nope •
E . "The runniest Man Sine? Hill Nye”
Ile se I1 NDA(. JULY •Lard
+---hitt•• Lt in-MP/1T ;,4 F4n1g444, Series.
�tnrt.Hi.,iaa.. St!fi�Tl)t)tt
Llllfr %lite Louis, starode " -
t.rx•torr---s-. nae Life Wiwi*"
Witham H. Streit
President Infernal ions! Lyeeum
- and I:haulaqua :{tsars,
Et rniri"p—
it looks like ofd times to see Mr Wm. ".'17 )mn4lase of (laws. tickets. Ext.
1w purchaser reeeivtd ., nnru!'Prrl
rmingham around the harbor again. He t
ntrhere tin connection with the dredging reeorwIv.'it aNI ttpl*'c.' ,f ,.i1I'.,r: ;,r. yNlrwt
Bowling Tournament,pieces or spvbeing eing giv.•(4 away in
• this mariner' (luring the es ening.
ud prot..terl
.ent of ,inv
w. Crown
r he *As
n service which was much appreciated
by the low -lays.
The cubit it Nugget of .,Tnly 4 .give. 'r'Ikrl
aeolahente• ris,seiut of the welding of� Inw
Entertainment, by fie Wonder
t.)ul.l Entertainer
Liltk Slice r„ds _
?l"'rtnrtaar In.I"nr 1:!relt9
Panealla.lka's Petr '
Play of \\•"ndcrfnl Skit!
st•ND11: ILLS' 21th " -
%ft• r ,•1,urrh ..n Sund.ty, July 2441o,
.111111,1/1'111g tt $.30, there %si11 be
• f,•v' rv,ofif,rs by little` Afire
4ilro..ir.. .\rid ,:n address by
\\ .114,410 N. Stout, subject to he
_.. aWloumeat aster.
•The etrllectiutf will bel_taken ,.n
lir the proceeds. will go to the
.Atitheek chapter ut the Daughters
of the Empire to be used for the
child'? v.Pltare movement in the
ghoul. of Go,k'rich. see article
els.vvh.•rr in this issue of The
stent for an explanation of what
th. _ movement means.
MDNDAl", Jt"Ll' 2.311.
'Afternoon- -
Concert Pr iresait by High -Clean'
The Gtlian Light Opera Singers
Lecture :.aa Povv4vr and \\ural
Major trlhur E. Nunnrll.
ur y"n.trc;,I
Full Evening (:"ne,'t•t. Gillovv,I to
the Presentation id SP• , ,•.1
(;oaundna of Part of tier 1;r. at
ealh rt and R.Ttlivan I e.uuc
4Ipera, "Musidygore"
The :than Light Open Ringrn'
Uo 001 Pulit suis
another da) with
Tlw Mildew will doubtless Ise a
Ito b I n Bleed- warning to other person, whet might
ins, nr Prosrud- imineentiy wester theme:lees liable to
Ing P 11c,. No a penalty hr twining n drawing. er
surglcal oper-
ation required, rifle. or anything of that nature.
Dr. Mace's Ointment x111 relieve you at one, The law makes no exception to favor
sed afford lasting benefit. aa:. a box all,ot ,Ole•h affair. when conducted itt he.
dealers, or Sn
dmavm, pate' R Co. , Limited,
Toronto. Sample Bot tree it you mention Isla half or n chnnl h or' ehnrttablr in:tltu-
paper and enclose To. stamp to pay portage• tion --e prodi+km that to many
— - — —�--- — _-- seems pm'nlia r.
iced tea is easy to make And to make
it properly the particular housewife
should follow these simple directions :
Scald out a crockery teapot and while it
is warm put in a level teaspoonful of tea
for every cup or glass. Pour on freshly
boiling water (but be sure that it is boil-
ing) ■ur1 allow it to steep from five to
eight minutes. Then pour it off the
leaves into a large pitcher or crock and
sweeten 'o taste• allow it to remain until
cool. then serve in glasses with chipped
ice. A thin slice of lemon with each glees
may be added if desired. quit it is rally
unnecessary providing y ou are using the
genuine Salads. which has such an ex-
quisite flavor of its own.
Week of July 18 to July 23
Monday and Tuesday, July 18-19.
Matinee Monday :It 3 t, m
lion' Itot.•rts Rinehart"s greet story,
``It's a Great Life"
Starring Pullen LA 'Ai.
Also a Two -reel t'ometly,
with Lloyd Ilamllton.
Wednesday and Tharsday
Friday and Saturday, July 22.23.
aimless at 3 p m.
In n thrilling story of love nod hate,
"Two Kinds of Lore"
coupled with ,.
A Mp'dhitl Two -reel 00MedJ
Two full shwa Ms*drulay sight start-
ing at 7.20 p.m.
The Coolest Spat iM TOMB
Rev. It. A. Lrrndy. of Klpjwn and
1tlnke, ....opted the pulpit of Knox
rhnn'h on Suuday. while RPI'. it. C.
Me1t,•nmld conducted anniversary seer -
eke. it !Slake.
At Koos church next Sabbath divine
worship will be conducte.l by the minis-
ter. Subjects of sermons ': 11 a. m , "The
Sickle and the Harvest." 7 p. m., "The
Divine Speech." Sabbath school and
ycung ladies' Bible class at 9.50 a. m.
Mrs. Thomas Tabb. Wolfe street, was
the hostess of the July meeting of the
Ladies Aid Society of Victoria street
church. The intense heat made it neces-
sary to adjourn to the lawn. and the
meeting was made as short as possible by
only attending to the most important part
of the business and spending the remain-
der of the time in a 'octal way. The next
meeting will be held in the church parlor.
North street Methodist church services
next Sunday will be: Ten o'clock, Men's
Club and classes. 1 he topic for the Clnb
will be : ''What is it that hinders generous
giving to church purposes ?" Mr. Walter
Hern will introduce the topic. Public
worship at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. The
pastor's evening theme will be "The
Menace of the Gambling Vice." Visitors
to town specially welcome.
The following arm nr.rrtent, have
toren mate far pulpit supply at Knox
rhntv1I during the Mister's location •
July 3l -Rev-. 1). T. McKermll, of
Victoria Preebyterlen clued,. Tomnto;
August 7 (es arranged by the OM
Home Week osnmm4tte•r) —morning neer.
Sane., iter James Wilson, of f)overeourt
'61/041, +ICILY �Aih
lfltmmer- ental Cense; b
oron n Lon
-'•rtalory of !1 isle: Ferdinand Y.Iliull,
Violinist: Fern lultrc 1"i11iun, Sopra-
no: H,.rvey Holli, Pianist. Lirturrtte
'china .Ancient d Slislernt' -
\ Dr. Feeder Poole
Cori, total 'rr;Iv.4tn'a.-liacontsur
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
More New Dresses for the lades -
in the popular summer shades.
Dozens of pretty models in the latest of or-
gandies and voiles that are at- once cool, practical
and very smart, loosely cut, with elbow sleeves,
dainty -vestees, collars and sashes,' all -the latest
shades and colorings, only $8.95.
A new range of the latest style skirts have(
just arrived and they will be sold at manu-
facturers' prices. Come early.
Still a few pairs of the special -priced hose left.
A nice range of beautiful waists just received
and will be sold at reduced prices to clear stock.
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
Headquarters and Factory : 456 Queen St. W., Toronto
I have taken over the Grocery business of
Faust and Wurm and will conduct it on the
cash system, ensuring customers the best
possible values.
A full line of Groceries will be carried.
Your patronage will be appreciated.
Vt ,
Call and see n demonstration of the best Washing
Machine on the arket. Ile are agents.
Lighten t e drudgery of housekeeping with one of
these easy -rape 'ng machines which' \
sa a labor analre.
ge r\'t
health and from! temper. P
are the standard, tip -to -date electric light. \\"e have them.
Also all inds ..f
for 6 tae, store. office or workshop.
Estimates made and contracts taken for ,.eleetri,
WI ng and other electrienl work.
Old (olloorne Hold Iorn.'r 1'h„r 1 Itamillon Ft.
E( enro44-14.lital Genesee
Ferdinand Pillion and
Great Illustrated Lecture, showing
Many Motion l'ie.lores, "With Hanby
in Palestine and Lawrence in able"
Dr. Frederic. Poole
T1 root from 10 nlnaths' Thor in En 1St
Then oun-
7.111. it Nest .Afternoon. (:et ready
fe r {ftw beat- (flay that kik breve
prndue.•t at Chautauqua. One
hundn•.1 laughs guaranteed.
Evening— •
Percival Vivian llimself, at- the
(lead Not His Company of
Mrnadwpjr Players, ' in the
fireatest Laugh -Producing
i;..medy of the Centnry—
"it Paye to Advertise"
TRt'RnillA,,TCLY 28(4,
I'niqur Coneeet with Unique Ca•-
Miss Ruby Gall and Her Old Sonet
Lerturette—"\lo,lern Canadian
11r. Robert Norwood
Et eninp—
Some 'tongs of Long Aar,
Mian Ruby O*H and Mer Old Moog -
Leetnre—'Thr ih.neininn and 11,
De. Robert Norwood
One of Canada's Greatest Orators
U '//. Ill/l7&/7ll,Z, A%!./i7//I!/�!/•71//U/a
L/.Ui.I&r�Illldllllll-. ",7,,,, ,„,.,A
GODERICH to DETROIT and return
>}•!,NJ, :4P
lie's • - a �,
:Mile:).—�!Jii•�• :into ••
MONDAY, AUGUST 8th, II,15 p.m.
arriving Detroit Tuesday, 7.15 a.m.
RE RNING, leave Detroit Thursday, Aug .
ust 11th, 2.30 p.m., on Str. Owana
$3.00 ; n 1 I 'rip $2.00 One Way -
Last trip to betroit Friday, Aug. I2th, at 7 a,tn.
• \ on Str. Owana
I}aT''t mfeirtliht midtittnlnttr op1s'Tuitity 'to visit beautiful
Detroit. A delightful ride across Lake Huron and
down the St, Clair and Detroit Rivers
Greyhound Moonlight out of Goderich
Monday evening, Aug** 8th, 8.15 p.m.
I„r •lan,-tng 111 the GreOiound Ball Room
50c Children under 12, 25c