HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-14, Page 4Jody 14. 10ft. s Holiday and Warm Weather WEAR To be comfortable this warm weather one must be dressed in cool clothing. At this store you can get all your require- ments at reasonable prices. See our Paim Beach Suits Outing Trousers. in palm beach, flannel and duck Also Negligee Shirts Summer Suspenders Belts, Hosiery Cooltex Underwear Straw Hats, etc. -W. V. gridhatrt Phone 57 Goderich F -R -E 1000 watches absolutely free. Owing to the enormous woo - cos oi our previous puzzle advertisement, which (slimed for ua hundreds of new cheats, who, being so pleased with their free watch, that they are now our permanent custo- mers. ve have decided to further advertise and gain reco- gnition in 1000 new homer, by giving away another 1000 valuable) watches. to those who are clever enough to till In the missing letters in the following phrase. T -E8- W. -CH -8 A-E F -L -Y G. -R -NT -ED By correctly filling In the missing letters, you can obtain absolutely fres • watch, that will equal for time any solid gold watch made, which is sufficiently proven by the large number of testimonials that we have received. Solve this puzzle correo. tly and comply with our simple condition of which we will write when we inform you If your reply is correct, write clearly, your name and complete address, so that we may without delay inform you of your success. ROI MANVIACTUNIS co. OUT. 147 Inc O. WNW --"..171111114 1.1111694,4.40444.4.4,4- 4,441111,444:-.4----.4-44.4..............--10441144#4 ME SIGNAL - GODESICH., ONt.- sis nephews of the 41.44..u1e.1 • Jacob Reed, W. P. Reed. 11174.. Rossi. Chris. $anderaim. It. Staudisli a tid 3,,lin Arill• .troollut, Entertainment Extraordinary. - A ' uniiple entertainment Is to be given In roam...don with the Presbyterian &tartlets party, to he hold .ou the IS a 0.e grounds next Wednesday. July :flitit. , Mr. lien ,IJokett. Hawaiian entertainer. of. Toroth... i. to give • of IIIS III- . 4111144111e programs. It wawith ditti- I iilty the sery lees of such a noted art - .4 we,.' 4444111\441. lir. Hoke.' never hav- ingenteriaimst ont.ble of Toronto 11 1141 11144 native isbild of 11447,141411. 14\41414r on '1' ietor reeords. Mr. Illoken gives is 4I' 14(17,1111 III three .,s•tboti.4. of alsout 'init.:1 11-11.11r 1\101. alai 11111.4 he li..ard to it appreciated. It addition ther,• will be readings lu• Miss I'rancis Lowe! ,ef London and Mrs air.. H. It. l'attlp- I oil of Dungetution. and address... by It v. R. J Iths. 4of Auburn. Ker. Chas. !1'11 ailing id St. Helen.. awl Rev. K. il..1 u of lawknow. Slipper served from 6 too 1.. arloick : program at SAO. Aohni •ion We: oidiolren ander twelve yenta • .unr N. ' • Wed!' lay. July 1.1. Geo. Isi lot is ha vii rement wall owl eellar 04 under 44114 welling fhb. wx,4,.... Mrs. Franc . Stalker. sr. antined ' to her ass! th • past week. Ve hope , for her speedy recovery. Mr. Arthur 4 ritusett is All th... a Isom...big boy I ovittit arrived his hOme tin Monday. Cotigratularlon. Mr-, It.. J. Ross rid Sunday isle .1 ehtes en. en 1.11141W a the lake. letivin Tuessia for a two •eeks' oliting • Mrs. • John Phillip. not improving eta her many frien#1,4 w. 11.1 like to see. Quite a number act Inpanied the • Onitite brethren to Ray 4.1 on Tiws- day for the celebration. The heavy rains on . 'inlay 411.1 ' eonsiderolde damage. to th oat ereln• flattening the growing •cr.,ps. Nemesis in Spite et - Presbyterian garden party h.'141 on Mr Jas. flowatt's lawn Oil Friday' night was well attended. ole.pito• the t relit - ening weitther. A game of hs. ball was played in the evening bets Althorn juniors aud the, Rlyth A...out44. resulting in tarot of the Ito $eouts. The henry rain almond .7.34 p.m. spoiled the fun o a great extent. The tahles,w.oro: set a the:lawn awl i n11 had to be tokennto the hole.... I Pinter's'. Were 147., Old-time Baking Days Again! 4:0 PURITY FLOUR H i8h Patent DuRrrs, nou 'natty moo° II • , • IfJ!tI More Bread and Better Bread Hay - Fever RUMMER COLDS, ASTHMA. spoil gunny • holiday. RAZ - MAH Positively atone these trouble*' Sasexissig, WeeZilwall, coughing, weeping eyes aren't necessary - salsas you like bein* that way. $1.00 at your druggist's, or writs TeMpletons. Toronto, for a free trial. Sold by 11. C. Dunlop. .4I,. 1441411 employed In the flax and Ali IN' Will,. 111011 11 IA health failed. He was a citizen much aims...led for his ttuassitining manner. a ruml films' and obliging neighbor. At the time of Id* death he was in Ills fifty-third year • He leaves his wife and tire eldhlrett. 4441 of whom have the '-.y-In- arity ,of the emirs community in their lwreavenient. The funeral took place 4114 Sattir.lay 07,0 ug. aervieebelug held at the house be 10 p'#•reen, atter whIeli the remains Were conveyed to Ripley for interment ouitg Ploy Iniured.-A serious *eel - .1.00 ,4,4.11 1 11,1 4411 the farm of Mr. 4101144 1.4.4 Nr 4,111(1444.414411101 3lOrriM, 4.141 1illir.111.r ft...M()0U 1.#14. Mr. Yeo was in the act ..f drawiliR ill hay and while unloading in the lisru our -of the pul- ler.. attache,' to the hayfork gave way, and the rope caught Otte of the tasitus. throwing it to the barn floor, where it struck Clyde. John.tou. Mr. Yeti's grandeon. The boy, who Is *Isn't eight vears of sae. war badly injured about e head and lila thigh bone WAS I ken. At latest report he was tw- iny: ultely. Phone 56 KINGSBRTIKiE. Wednesday, July 13. alissea lridget aud Elizabeth tail- toti, of t go, are visiting at the home of the brother. Miturier Dalton. Nits. Jame. Wallace lost little Rita have. returued one after visiting In Detroit. Mies Flynn. Wawanosh, 41* visiting relatives 1 Ashfleid. tier. Father M. Riven is speuding his holiday% K Her many friends u Ktuitsbridge mr, with regret ut thg death of Milo ne McDonald of Kiiira a visit to r. who 14. nughter, • ST. HELENS. Tuessley. Ju1y'12. . Mrs. J. Grimes and .414111 Stratford. are visitors 'with Mr. J. Smith. The St. Helens" baseball boys JI friendly game with Whitecini Monday ev.Ming. A return gam exese.red Ftday night. Mr. Peekwood. of New Jersey. 14. SIi.--14#111i Cameron. Mrs Geo. Webb and Miss (lady... Webb are holidaying at the beach. Kin- cardine. Mi.. Pearl Webster is spending Iter raeation in the West. . Mrs. Waitaki. and children ant] Nli.s Nlitier Amon. Tne-slay Id the lake. Mi.. 31ay ramer.414 hos returned C.riirtney, Nliehael 1'1 r fr Nlitehell 10 yriiil her holidays at Bowler. 'Jame-, W. Bowl home. • • Bowler and James Walla 3,1r. John Webb. whri has spent a her 1111-14t1 114 11n#1 one son. (stip . -trt-the Wes47 near -est.,- derensed train.% to =Arra nary. retorts -Di Monte 1,11 Morality. .-toother. Mrs. Sennitt. two `brothers. 3141,* lielitt Fitzpatrick. of St. Joseph .latues an.1 E,Imutat. & IA four s, sieters, tr.:tinkle sehol. Chatham. spent a Mr'.. .1. Mra.31. Dwye eouple of weeks at lin. • with her pit- It. !toward and Mrs. E., O'Neil To mtMr. and Mrs. E.t. itzpatriek. these ie extetaled the heartiest rm- Mr-. Forlien. sn. of St. Augustine. parity of all their ads. May r elsoit it few days visiting with her soul rest In peace,: min. Nil% eon. l'orlien. Mrs. W. C. I'Vebb left last W. -dines - her relatives oround the city. • The youtot pople's meeting next3I. Ibon.lay evening is to he 114414.1 on the MI1 114e 114411 14 14,1 Will be In charge of he social committee. Au enjoyable e ts expeetell r. Arthur 'Meet. of HamiltenIs spentlint: hi. holidays at Mr. Geo. Presbyterial Meet ing.-A sectional meeting of 11.. II.. it la :el l'reehyt orb' 1 W. M. S. will held in the Pn.sby- reeler) ehun.h here 4 54. ' Helens) on Thurstity. July 21.4, at 2.30 p. in. Re - preset itat ves 1 Other' alix 11144.r - i. i4)4' present 111141 take pnrt hi the progratn. A i-on:able4411.1 interestiom g eeting is expected and :111 invitation is exteitoled to every W41111:I 11 "Rtrt• 1.1110-1, fi, -tow ots win be, v. Father Hu. -eel pa A red to attend his mot very ill at the home of her Mrs. 'ou. O'Keefe. Mrs. E. O'Neill, of Jaekson. gun. at Med the' funeral of 11 ter. Mrs. 1,4. t'arney, on Woluest Obit death ocut formerly Ca of her Beat -wide ein•le tiken-111 only funeral t,lOk lolit7 0. Wednesday froui, Joseph's hurch. Klng.hrldge. re ristrilem 141144 11111111,4 was sung by li Father . l'resent in the uary during le serviees were tie!. \Fathers in of Goderich. Sullivan of Sarnia Young of Lon- don. The4,lft1111emr*'t were John 7, James J. r. James M. liesidesi Will: the loos' her shMichIe .-On Sunday. July 10441.red of Mrs. Daniel f'ain hriue Seunitt. The.view cgme 444 11 4411414•1: to her frieinis. it. 'hp was Saturday itIght.---The he D. MILLAR & SON GODERICH wish to announce that MISS I. L. FITZGERALD GRADUATE NURSE General Hospital, Ottawa, Canada, and Graduate Corset Hygienist Nemo HygienicTashion Institute, New York will be in their Corset Department JULY 18 It will be her pleasure to help you select the corset that will do the most for your health and style. Let her advise with you. There will be no charge for her services. 'O) ki • for Guelph where she will visit CARLOW. A RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM The Double Track Route t 11 MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT fuel CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car servrof. Sleeping cars on night trains, and parlor earn on principal day (rales. Full infornration from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Horn- ing. Diatrict Pcnotenger Agent, To- ronto. 0.11. Lauder, Station Agent, phone29 P. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Tcsin Agents Phone 8 Be Photograph.] this year on your Birthday Hello. Central ' Please give me 187. Tomorrrow ree if mamma (dikes 1117' 1 4, %mu studio at one oclock ran I have my pi, . tura taken PHOTOGRAPHS that impress the onlooker with the personality of the sitter. J. T. Fell selk01~W.WW111.41.111.1111.11.1111"11.4111"04 DUNGANNON. Thursday. July It. Mrs. It.e, 44 4.4 Dre foot. uitill In sto T I it! lionie.n IReaeli has been neat of -a filthy- ; by the stork ott Ju Nit. Alex. Mowlo new loarir, liter. A. V. Walden (-sniping st Point 1 'lark. • Miller I tisher has HisPise, •ale Robert Bell. i le 1 In nnoti /to note , en tele- ! bented tin. 'Twelfth at VC kerton. 1.1111te :I notate:1. of people. h wever. tnot•ored. throagli Itere on the 7 to fie yfle1.1. whore asiother Ilirtinge Itra thoo was held. • • lier..1 1. D. thought,. is taking n va. Holt awl is nt Mantic., Mr. S. E. Sanderson Anusol :his lonother.at Walkerton this week. Mrs. T. G. Allen And Nliss are ,tielting at Stratford. lIr Roy Harris and eon Allen. h? Stratfortl.apent Sunday whit- friends in the village. ia•los Meter returned to hb. work at Clinton this week after -lila holiday visit hotile. 311ss Aileen Nillier. of Toronto. is .1 Visiting at the Didier home. Old Aahtield Reelhient liereased.- , The demo) ,s•eilmid Satiirdny. Jitly Lgtal. of Henry S. lived, tot old nh.I t respected r...idetit Astifield town - al the 7) 410 serenty-tive years. Mr, iteed Ivo. born in f:squesIng to4411- 4411111, (\flinty of lialteti. ate) when fonr- teen years of age ((Hine 741 .V4hti4.III With potent... Forty-seven years Ago he married Jane Armstrong. and thirty year. Digo he moved from the farm at 1.nit... to the home on the 401 vows*. A4011. where lo' passmi 1114 wife ontrvivoso : also two brothers. AlwAliam. of 4444111 %mind. and of British The funeral took plies. on Nionday. .1,11y 1th. to Innigannon cem- etery. Rev. A. V 1V.14.149. eomnieted the vertices, and the leillbearers were MeKeliZie 1. lab! tip With e rosilit (of stepping on a Mr. end Mrs. Arthur rielitsoied by the ar. -who was ',aright 1111,. 7 building 11 nil faintly are (‚*1 to eery and "74 • Wednesday, jply 13. Welding bells are ringlnar -Mr. Cameron and Mr. and Nits. Stall, of Collingworaj. spent the week -end with Mrs. Stall's euts, Mr. allot Mrs. A. Wilamt. .A number of our loyal (Thong ,pent the 12th at Itaylleld and all port a day well sp,ent. Mr. Alex. Sterling hatt returned t his home at Ingle. Man. Before departure the baseball team Mei in toWitdollo hall and had a aortal eren- ing. In the short while Alex. wax here he 1It4).1.• ninny friends and they ore looking for ilia'retnin to the East -'l4144in shortly. Mr. She:4 lias starte.1 drilling for Mr. Rom. itean. Mr. het H. Treble has n nese wind. mill _sleeted._ Err. anITMis.-Shaw. of Detroit. were To Set Off Your Favorite Frock Wear It Over A Nemo Corset which is scientifically designed to meet , the individual requirements of every type of figure: A Nemo KopService Corset does not "dig in" at the top. It does not constrict the ribs. It does not "ride up." It protects the abdominal organs, controls excessive hip and thigh flesh and coaxal forth flat, fashionable lines. While You An In Our Shop 'let us show you some Nemo Corsets. You will find that the wearing of a Nemo will give additional style to your gowns. 111.VTIL I ri411.447 1n sequaintanees ill and around •=•••••••••••• Thursday. July 14. I r:"1"'.7• Mne While Miss 'Vera Armstrong rs. C. Stewart. of Nile. spent o was: and flay 41,1'. sleek with her Aster. Mr.. J. •rntiking a eor the cratik flow hi struck her arm. breaking it. A family gathering of the Rall co neetions .'os' held Wednesday of ins( wen tit the homes of A. Taylor nmt Nelson Lent. Nently seventy people WPI'. present. Iter. Father Hognn. who Is helm/ trnrisferred from the Clinton and Myth parish. was present,•,1 on Sunday test, on 1 -half of the 111441111#44r. the nreh here.-erfth an addres. and purple.- - Sod eomnitinity' wax shocked on Thursday morning lint when 1) \VW( lenrited that An-MI*1d Rell had that inoorning taken his own life. He Weld into the barn told threw a rope over n beam, aml when found life Wa. eXtinet. Mr. Rein had been in ill health for many months, 4414.1 pr.donged 411.111(t. pri4y,\ 1 111)- 1 his min.] ntal culminated In his sh net. For some 741* r-' he had been (melt in the etiolating mill loisinesa. tut few yenr* under the tiro). iinme Morrltt. A couple ot. year,. 1,11.11104s was sob). find Ile had et the of ego th SONS PADS Kill them all, an germs too. 10c a at Driprgista the ket II. Treble. Mrs. frvitut. of , Flynt ri few (lays 114 wirk wi sister. Jtift. Jas. $4.411t, We.ttielol and Callow had their re- turn game of baseball, Westfield carry- ing of the honors. Cheer up. boys : it w*( too warm to piny. anywny. Mrs. J. Cutler, of Detroit. has been !mending the pate week with Mrs. E. Fisher. Miss M. Robertson, or Niagara Falls, Ont.. is ependire her vacation with her sister. Mrs. E. Fisher. She has just re- turned from an extended motor tripl through the Catted States with Mr. and airs. Lester Robertson, of Niagara Falls. eleteeeie44.4.4.+++.11-1-114414 OR1TL'ARY. W11,144)N.-The death of Mr. Thomas Wilson 'oecurred nt Alexandra hospital on Sunday morning. July 10th. He wa. in his sixty-third year. The fon- ertil took oboe from Me late Veddenee: SleDonntd street. on Wednewloy after- noon to Port Albert cemetery. /ter- rier .xn. Xndireteil ot the bonne by Rev. R. C. MeDermid. and nt the grere- side the orange order tool clinrge of serviee. The rnembers of the Oriinge lodge find of the Canadian Order of Foreseers. of which the de- eemied 44.44 a member. attended. ne- "Mr,. the widow. six daughter,. NMI one surrire : Mr. lines MeGuire 4*1444 Mrs Geo. Steep, of town: Mrs. Wm. Gilbert. of Coninnii. Mn. Albert t'ook. of Imeknow. nn.1 Norman. Violet and nt home. They Wen` 4111 pr'.' for the foloiern1 fill LENA-On Thuraday Inst. at 1444. toting -Ill.- the death °emitted of Annie Sclowntiz widow of the late William rocers Older of Colborne town.hip, In -her aped Mrs. Older wa. orn and ytenerai Stores. , in Germany in November, 14440, atal nme 40 Canaan with her parent!. when thirteen years of sge. The family - - • lived at South Cayuga for mime time PERSONAL MENTION. before coming to Colborne township. d sed continued to • where the west after her marriage to the lat.WilIlanI) Obler. The lin.eband died in 1910, and surviving are one son. Michael. of the I Maitland concession. ColhoFfl44. ars two daughters. Mrs. John Engelami. of 1 Hay and Mr*. M. Kuehn, of Retiring. elite. The last few year.. NMI. Older had Ilved with her daughter at Se- bringeille She was one of the (Arty 'settlers. of (ening eliane.ter and stout heart. who dkl so tUncli for the up - blinding of this county in the gsirlier years of settlement. rthe was In good health up to the last two years, and had since been gradually falling. The remains were brought to the horn.. of iter son 1te4.',..siborne, whence the fun- eral took plate on finturdny hist to the t'olborgt. cemetery. Tho frownsl eervbes were eondnoted by Rev. Mr. Ztramermen. 01 SehrInevIlle. and the palthearere were Meese.. Wm. !tore. F. Kursehlink Peter Fisher. Peal Maedel. John Engehind and M. Flick. Both .initgliters were here for the flin- end. ntel II number of friends from sehringrille also were among *hone pre.ent. Mies Helen Carey is home from Boston on a holiday visit. Mrs Nisbet and Master Carey have returned from a visit to Chicago. Mrs F.. V. Campion. of Weyhtirn. Sank., In vlsitlog her relative. In town. • • A. Mr. S. E. Hick leaves for Brampton on friday to till a two weeks' business en- gagement. Mrs. McGuire# 4) Toronto, was in town this Week and is no .visiting friends at St. Augustine. Miss Mary Webb, who has been staying with her sister at Guelph, is visiting at the parental home here. Miss Clara Augustine, of Port Arthur, visited in Men this week en route to Toronto. where she will take a rummer course in art. Miss Augustine is on the teaching rail of the Port Arthur schno's. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook. of Nee York. were in town this week, having cone on a trip by motor from New York. The party visited at the home of Mr. and MnaAllan Mc- Donald. St. David's street. the Messrs. Cook being uncles of Mrs. McDonald. Mrs. L. B. Augustine. of Edmnnton, after visiting for several weeks with friends in town and vicinity, leaves on Saturday by steamer Noronic from Sarnia, on the return trip to her home. Mr. Augustine came East with her as a representative to the Presbyterian General Assembly. re- turning shortly after that body had con- cluded its sessions. Both Mr. and Mrs. Augustine are former residents of Gode• rich. the latter being remembered here as formerly Mint Spence, of a well-known Goderich family. ENGLISH CHINA Royal B.L. Aynaley, Minton, Olde WiNiw Wm. Adams' enamelled bird. This in a IMO 'leggin. Wedgwood and OWe Abbey Our Chins is choice and select. Just the thing for a dainty gift. SMITH'S ART STORE East Street Phone 198 When in need of a taxi phone 198 Advertise In The Sigma -. -44111.11641,1liii2014 a a • a d t, tl A Al