HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-14, Page 1• If you are a merchant and have goods to sell, let the people know about it by an advertisement it The Signal (nun d Gorton neuu v;rd w vroo.soWleWresalWassoAeAesesayij SEVENTY-FOURTH 1'EAa NO. tri. 'Moe is no quicker, safer, or mon convenient asthed of remitting money than by a Sterling Sank Money Order. A receipt is given at the time of purchase, and when the mosey order is cashed It constitutes a permanent receipt for the money. Should the Macey Order be lost,ra new one can be Obtained. The Order is payable at per at any Chartered Bank in Canada, ettcept in the Yukon district. Our local Branch will giddily issue Maoy Orders Ise you at aay oris. 1hESTERUNBANJ( ate, Menesetung Hotel Fish and Chicken Dinner will be served every Sunday, 1 5.30 to 6.30. Every precaution has been taken to keep our dinners up to the hire standard set in the past. Kindly phone 351 for reservations. It EARL ELLIOTT, Manager. • Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at N per tringle cord. delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anions St.) Phone Si. Crape's Real Estate SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT Immediate Possession Also FURNISHED HOUSE on Victoria Street Bends bought and sold. J. W. CRA1GIE Insuranew and Reel Estate, WONG'S CAFE 0,EN 6 A.M. TILL 1 A.M. DINNER A LA CARTE 30, Chan.. of ,Send ever y Day 0441.411.1.111 IbelltairK0 AT ALL 101104111111111 Caw awes • specialty Pa and ad lite.* pear, made by die hot chefs CaMM= Tras.mt Preempt 3trvas. WONG'S CAFE tgkaa.Tlle. tr*SPaa*/uGt a.OTeL PMOME gar 111,04.17141 1T6W DR. S.'GMT BURGESS Chiropractic Specialist. Acute and Chromic Diseases. Office, prss-Model Theatre. Come and see what Chiropractic win do fox YOU Consultation Fres. Phone 359. Hours -10-12, 2-5, 7.8, and by appointment. 6 m. David Mdlwain Agent for International Harvester Co. of Canada. A11 kinds of Farm Machinery In the Old Stand Hamilton Street. Goderich. Old Home Week/in Godericlj August /, 8, 9, 10. 11, -1921 Next week the Reception Committee will in- augurate a canvassof the town toe list the co- operation of householders in provi% accommo- dation for the visitors expected for Old Home Week. In addition to the hotels and yegular boarding -places, it will be necessary to/have ac- commodation available in private hoes, and it is ' hoped the canvassers will receive ,Prompt and ready assistance in gathering the necessary in- formation. H. C. DUNLOP, Chairman Rece,' ion Committee. Acquire the Habit you know persons who, notwithatancring Yon. .alariss, haw mere substantial savings than It is $5 lel genies the saving habit. Persistently deposit yaw savings account every week for firs years, and with interest at 3% compounded nded anniamaaly, *sur balance will total 51,401.74. UNION BANK e F CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Wooflcombe, Man ger • 1^a) 1 4, y +. nrCt - %It ' tyl siv • GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1921 AUCTION BADS. A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD PURPHTURE AND OTHER ARTICLES MR ARTHUR ROOTH will sell bypublc auction. at his residence, Min- able et,e,0, on SATURDAY- JULY Ilib. commencing et 2 o'clock rherp • Five -piece parlor suit., I halt rack 1 Edison phonograph and 25 accord., 1 record cabinet 1 ex- tension laid'.1 centre tables, 6 ella• nd chairs. 2 rocking chain, 2 white enamel bed, and Inni gs. 2 bureaus. 2 wash- stand* 1 drew! , 2 toilet sets, 2 bathtubs, 1 - board. I wringer, 1 meat-grinder,4 table cover*, 1 (Juebec heater and pipes, 1 3-bur.er coal sal stove aad oven,! lamps. ,w sealers, deities. crockery sod glassware. cutlery. pictures, carpet, fins• hums and other articles. The furniture is all in good shape and wdl be sold uitbout reserve. Teals.- Cash ARTs4UR ROOTH, T GUNORY• Proprietor. Auctioneer.' ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF GOODS. CHATTELS AND EFFECTS. Mr. Frank H. Wood, N tmeof the c*thelate Richard Fntaey. sale all publ.csuet,o1. at thelate residence uddreated.Sa.[ford, Colborne lo.1.h,p, OP SATURDAY,JULY iOtA, Iy3L ---_-. g°mmetciag at 2 °clock p. nit-- •-. - oarw.-- a covered boggyea smelly new; 1 Neer, .N N Nagle wink barons. 1 set light baron,1 Wheelbarrow. 1 cutter, heavy sinal wagon, boa and hayrack, democrat wag in, 1 piano boa cotter. 1 Msrly.new `askatchewen robe. 2 feed boxes, 1 angle Wilkinson plow, 2 galvanised urea tubs, 6 pails, 4 feed barrels. I roil fence wire, 2 section iron harrows, a *umber 04 garden task, 1 round walnut dining Coble. 1 7 -piece boitcloth parlor suite. ads..' board, hanging n lamp, $ stand lamps, a quantity Wchine crockery, glassware sad cstlery; ptcr urea, curtains bleed, car- pets and oilcloths, t bedroom (u,tas, 2 separate beds. walnut stand, dresser. bureau, mattresses, sprays, lather ticks, 2 washstands, 2 toilet gets, !Ocher». 2 tables. 1 kitchen stove and pipes, I• Quebec heater with oven. 1 kitcbea cup- bOboakord. alleoOueu.ngt ty ,ben . n ( �' minor. la, • quantity PI Wood; and numnauother articles. Teas. -Cash. PROUDPOOT, KILLORAN & HOLMES, Sobciton for Adminestrator. T Dated 11th July. I t1.1NDRY. Auctioneer. WA11'rlw. GENERAL SERVANT Vi NI ED AT ONCR•—Apply to MRS. W. L. PORTON. MALE HELP WANTEDYOUNG men wanted to learn vulcian Jag; tarp Have proposition; am while meting.nt5IAND*R SON'S. 266.4 Richmond n WANTED.—BY JULY 27th. A MAID for general housework. No waihin or Waning - Apply MRS E. V. LESSLIE. N street, or at bank of Meastreid. W ANTED. --QUALIFIED PROTEST. AN r teacher foe S. S. No. 4 Goderich tmlltnsaip. Daus 1. commence Ealsaimbar Atmel!. antler Aper.ence sol eipeced 15pa►preetaa6r4iipp.cat,na.pa6.rmsfk ee R ORR. •Treastua. R R. No. Gtde1 a: h. Phone r. d. tl TEACHER WANTED FOR S.S. NO. 9- Colborne Township• second-class professional preferred. Good salery paid for experienced teacher Apply to HORACE HORTON, Gode- rich R. R. No. 3. Colborne.Mun,upal Telephaae It& tl ARTICLES FOR SALE CREAMERY EQUIPMENT F O R SALE. The Dungannon Creamery having been burned out last fall, and it having been decided not to re- build. the following articles and goods which formed part of the equipment are for sale: One Ford auto truck. One light Ford truck. One til,. p engine and 16.1 p- boiler. One rotary pump One round wooden vat lcapacny about C. Able.) One round wooden vat (capacuy about 10 bbiW, One quare tank (capacity .brat 20 bblsl One we saw. Office building. 10,12, frame. Ten 26;a1, )jacketed cram cans. Ten el and 10 gas galvamaed cream cans. A quantity of scrap iron. About 10,000 lett of inch lumber and scantling. Prospective ipurcbasers apply to A. DISH ER. or T. H. ANDERSON. Dungannon. LIOR SALE. --A NUMBER OF PURE- (' registered Polled Angus Aberd,•en hulk, ht for service. Apply to J.R.VARCOE. R. R. No. S. Goderch. �t l PUBLIC *OTIC[. PILLINGBYLAOF 1NT FOR NSTIPON�It0 2eASS UP p. LLING ALLOWANCE FOR ROAD. TAa114by ct that the municipal Council of the Corporation in the Township of Ashfield wd1 take into cona,deraton the passing. and of ap- nh day of IAuguust, 1921 the htoobe „ of one o'clock d on In the dterroon. .t the Township Hall, a bylaw for stoppir.g up and relbng the original allowance for toad between lots number, 6 and 6, Lake Range. north of the Town Plot, in the said Township of Ashaeld, and the council will et that t.me and place Meer in pe.son,,or by hes counsel, lienor or agent, any pereon who claims that his sod will 1,judicia 11 y affected by the bylaw and who applies to he hard. Dated this 30th day of June. A. D. I r21. C. E. McDONAGH. Clerk, Township of Ashbeed. et DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. (.ate Hare Surgeea, New York Ophthalmic end Aural Hospital assistant at Morw,Aeld's Eye Hospital and (;olden Square Throat H1.- Oital London, Eng. O Waterloo St. S.. Stratford. Telephone 967. At Redford Hotel, Goderkh, from Wednes- day, July 20th. at 7.21 p. m.. to Thursday. the 21st, at 1 p. m. ■UfilC IANOS TUNED.—APPLY TOC. V. HENRY, Movie Stettin. north dila of •(t SPECIAL MUSIC AT BAYFIELD Saturday Night July 16 'Kekoa's Glee Club, and Orchestra FON 3AtA OR RENT. GOLDEN GATE A# F'F AE('T1(1X.%TE F.tKEK'ELL t o R. B. P.. No, Ilia .. LIESIDENCE F iR StLE.—APPLY ilk to MR3.C, W.1. yrR, Nelson Street It I -.melt lust Thursday ol each monthJin Forret• Catholies and Protestants 1)ndte in Tri- M' Hall. Visiting S0 Knights welcome. RICK HOUSE FOR SALE OK ,TO 1 J• tticNEvJN, butes to Mei. Father McKee. VP RENT. ce Ne lute street Thoroughly + R — H. H. MEN F J Ij eFistrar. W P NL Peter', elute•h wax tilled to the PRIDHAMerma for els nary. Apply to F • 111111111111a..—. dllortt �inudar morning by the large It— --- assomiblage of 'aspic who had tome to [LOUSES—HOUSES. Use Blackstone', homemade ice cream 11441 farewell to tlwir l -local pH*tor. it for all occasions. It makes a delightful, Rev. D.\ Mcltne. who after seventtw delicious les11ert. Phone 'L IU. r,nr. of fuitIthll service to his ')40471!n m. m. by Ia• I.. tit o. *. u4 he n stare, m tee ryte til re r n- e n of w ul 41 r fe 0 lieRiesinneas How is Your Saply of Office Stationery ? The Signal can give you prompt and satisfactory service. Let us have your next order. THE SIGNAL PRL\TING ('0., LIMITED, Publishers. An kinds for lake • Isere ,essona'de prite4 For the months of July and August, t no large of le,rderieli is about to linen the lurnrhed rooms uu ground rl..cr. 112•,(0 per Father Mclta444 is held in high este' ote. No more sneezing summer colds ! Hay Ike[ uNy by his Catholic psiple. but Apply w fever yields to Ras Ptah always, just as tis' whole' ttirmluuuity without d P I. RYAN. rheumatism, neuritis. sciatica. etc.. will t•o tinction of .1'4441. Reel Estate and Insure.,! T. R. C.'s. Sold locally' by H. C. Dunlop. Au address from rite people of 04 Phone 60. el Peter's pariah was rend by judge B. Doyle. and .me from the i'rote•sta people was read by Mr. M. G. l'umer° K.C. In each ease the address w ne.•outpwuied by a pnrse, Mr. Jol Kelly making the• presentation for t ('atilertt people anal Mr. A. 1). McLel for the Protestants. The first addre*s was as follows : I ho, r Father McHae,— W'e have learned with rere alt en regret of your defermfla'tion to is your Jalstol9Te here. and retire rry 19tr.a•hlal wurl•. After the very many ,years you ,ha wr *Ithfull7 derutel to the tlis•hn of your enr01 alai onerous ;latae. ye have well earms1 the repose you a now about to take. Wt. who hate been w) forttlnatP a to !nave .horst in the blessing.. of you labors eau Notify to your zeal and u signs-. ,ietenti,tl to duty *t all flume tt'.• would be most tingrnteful elf w ilk] not continue to remember you 1 nor bumble petition* to the Thyme who rew0nl, the least not dun for 111s wake. 111141 we feel that we w not ler forgotten by you. who fiat* ha our spirit tal welfare `o long In you lattllfnl keeldi j. Ire eina•otly prey that Almight (ler' mnv, slate*. anal prolong your It Anil give you health and happiness and eu;tble you to be of nsoistan,e t 0111,1) R'e beg of you to nevoid the at conit'anying. purse. ns au. additi011* slight token of our regard. what you do should la inilu,•11e,d by stn lwlwlf of the cOnRrgntb.n. teni1,Praturr. A Ja•rmometer will Rice Judge H. L. Hoyle. you accurate Information alai enable John Kelly. you to regulate your -.1114,., *mooting- vii aa, . hen the 1'r0tea*nt ly. These tine irt.rrumemts are te•.r141 I lo, wain ar rather :M nod corrected. Ti.TO the Ret FI'eheter's Cit i'. 1'., minr*utt001 pet feet. ( St. i�ete•r'. (9tnr•h. Ha fine In a handy place and refer to t regularly theme warm shays. fit'!' (:aMrlch, OWL' FARM Ft 1R SALE.—IN COLI3ORNE ' Why a' townabp, eoRoum,on >t a insisting of 1S pay more for a phonograph acres of land, in good state 0e conical nn ser when you can get a real '•Stewart" aer1.01 bush,hiesaere.olorchard. mc».I) w0der from 115 to 5, a beau - Moat. Preston 111.1-u0.s barn 70 tart by w lett.. tiful cabinet machine for 1.52 weth staele.ttle stabAngand litter -carrier. Neu I i52' tamest silo. gulf. by tit It. Good dn',tubed. hen. egg •for a. demonstration at Blackstone's -.owns and pg pens. Tw.• never-la,hog sena, ; ice cream parlors. Agent for Gennett Gtrod niee.r nom t.r m house. Th a r u rl p De is Y rt tRecon to edamd • splMdd l.ratwn. be rig only S., � L males 11'0mGoderak, 2,, amleetto $I (,aw station, ' NM close to church e06 school. Apply toGEO t ------- 1. BEAN, R. R. No. 6, Goderich. Mural Phone tet an Insert Powder Gpn.—The lint. U lw kine t will:.-11L_t 61 ribtl ie {*meet OUSE FOR ' SALE.—APPLY TO heti etrpet'lrlly' to get it into the 11 B. C. MUNNINGS, ?Pekoe Street t 1 ere,kw ' and inaetwtatl'le plaeea, Is Dining,' the awe o1 a -.,Daly insect IARM FOR SALE. 'LOT 25. CON I J'ottder *510)1. We have• Jns CESSION 1, Gaderrch towmbtp, consnlen`` t ro.l gr ] a a/ uses of charts clay loam. with spring creek new -tyle•. \Ye hu ter also u IgIe, grade sad u e web. Barn 'Oen), with cement stables, of imie et P0w•der.—E, IRs %lee, drw- bay bWWWa+++n n. 10.27: drove -hags. mail; small hen- gist. (iealerIch. saes sicomfortable orchard. Itt�tuate tedtage.oonee m and from 1 -- r designated Provincial county rad, seven m,lss.I from Goderich, sad n convenient to school and i SPECIAL OPTICAL OFFER, chug ch. Apply to B H. LINDSAY. R. R. No, :, Code. rich. Pbiooe door I 11 I . ---- ; High-grade gold-filled spectacles and eyeglasses with best quality flat spherical lenses, for only 53 50 Eyes examined free by our specialist, Mr. Hughson. with twenty-five years' practical experience, • and formerly optical expert for Ker,t's ' Jewellery Store, Toronto. We save you money on all lines of optical goods. Three days only, Thursday, Friday and Satur- Tenden*ddrmssd,othe undersigned will be rr day'• July 28, .!11 and 30. Come early. ce,vad by the Waterworks and Electric Light SMITHS ART STORE. 2t Commas= IIP tit Tows .J Goderich l,* the scrap,, and painting of the waterworks stand ape. Aa to be reaped end given two coats I PIMA. to tare 1.tislacraon a the Common,,n n I Take the Advise of a Thermometer. • Pent 0o be aaphed by the co,,,,.....,,,,„ but ; —Wild you ear. what you kcl(r 51141 contractor to form* all other material and equipment. Tenders to be received up to 11 o clock p m. on SATURDAY. July tech. 1421. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac. cepted. L.L KNOX, W. T. MURNEY, Secret r y Chairman. TENDERS WANTED. TENDERS ria Painting Waterwof ks Standpipe Advertise ha Ire Rion/ R Karl• their) at n1l .price•s.—E, R. Wigle. i ,7t'lee•annoonit rnt I of .your reties.- rtAiRtriat, Uoelerieh. mem from: stir 1014torate• of St. Peter's *'hams, rtstentIy mall?. w�a1�'eY4•t•ivetl 1 with rsenie. (:Ill apurpr1t(- Bird et. trenle regret by ninny of your Protest- ant fetl44w•t'itlsen,, who hail knownyiel during the lotto tenure of your office exn10.41 nod WIN, now ele•.are t0 offer you .rime slight token of the esteem and a frei-f lobate regard 1p . which you nre held 11* tlwm. •l'hls impels.. which Is entirely .4iwiota ne,n44, exhibited itself in the' bola• that you "would Ire w-Illin l'g. to tic- rpl'- t from tilthea srn1all tribute whleh Will lays lie prl'seiltel t.r yon find it may 11e -re lie rfute/I tint if gimlet• of the time of your remot•nl from our midst find ooh heel) so short this tri- bute 41•01414f not 1N..mns11r•ll by 'rhe 14 mount that filet' leoW ask you ro ae- ,•,pt, hat IT ora mnpy tilnenflrenter. 1tntl. n few of ries.... cif ,root friends of n tlilt,r•11t rellg)ouv faith, were. ap- pnmrhod upon Nle .uhJ,et, and it wa. a n111tt.•r of .spore/, gllier:i tion fo find that with 44bsdnte unanimity 41ey exlrress,rl tlwlr ph•nsun• that they had been phren the 4'I'IRortunity. in lib, mna11 way. or -showing their npprela- fa0n of your khany dfspla*Itfon, your nobility of t•hi,rnrte•r. your never -Jell htR r+xtnr*r mitt rnr tr'nft-, ui8 ii Meir re to be of rid anti as.i'tnl)4' 1)414 only to mh,r.e who 'name• 111reily within the sphere 111 Yollr intlneneA, Nit nlso to fh'..e vi -hp find no 'M11ledln to tvdti No11• -lap with you except '.4Ueh_us was al- for/14,11 ly ebidnat w•Ith 41a• amine-.' Iffy .4 w hick you *re the n• l alt I"'..essn•. \tl,11e .fncerelr regretting roar r•- tirernentynud 4)411.1.lnerit re11aavn1 frni 110 we 440.1 tint run ares entitle) to a well -earn..' I.'.t. The ditties of your Dish 14,011 Ion. 1111)3 anti coniwclPutk'tlslp• performed: have. no ik411bt. ellenIdel upon 71,11 much of personal snl•rldre: whf,li 7011 hate nydonbteelly lrinke_4.E most-T•Ijerrfiilly bs•.mnse iron r•ali- "THE PIER" GODERICH THREE NIGHTS A WEEK fon . j\Tuesday, Thursday 1 Coolest Dance Hall and Best Music in the Country ----- • Open Both Sides t the Cool Breezes from L kuron COME AND SEL 'OR YOURSELF Lf Gasoline Launches Make Regular Trips from 'The Pier' The Pavilion GODERICH r Overlooking Lake Huron Dancing every night (except Sunday), with a first-class orchestra in attendance. The coolest, pleasantest, most convenient Dancing Pavilion in the district. Restaur- ant in connection. Every care taken for the comfort and pleasure of those attending. You will meet your friends at the Payr. Goderich Amusement Co., Ltd ' pr,.s the earuc.) dc.ire that your future yearn may be passed in undis- turbed calm and pieu,wnt recollections of the days that are a4119.. `ttgnevl 111/ 11114:11f of the donor,, M. G. l'ana'rou. K. C. A. D. McLeod. Father Melba-. who war taken eom- pk•tely by snrprlae, replied feelingly to lad 11 addresses. iie thanked the pro - pie. ('atIndic and late-4'atlwlw•, for Nair Rifts anal for their kI»dnerar, and *sliest them. nue all a11. to atrept his kindest ova role. him humble thank,., for the many *eta of Jzllwlnea., courtesy and good-wi)i whish *1114* been )(lawn Iriui by the -people of (:.alerfch. He bugged tint t:..i In Him mercy would always guide alai direct them at all time,,. -The great apostle Sit. John. the la•lovwI disciple of our Lord. when he had grown old was always exhort- ing his people to pgly for iia, and to pray for ole' 111441fiber. 1 oak you 10 ray for or one another. What greater If int) t v R ) r0 u t• to 011e give noon** ! Galt Fern fir pray for me. 1 am weak and frail. 1 lewd your pray. -r!, and 1 yrun)lmt:1u return 1 will nit forget you, one au41 all. 11. my prayers. Liberal Leaders to Visit Huron. At a meeting held at ('llnton last Ffklay night. 111141 representing !moth North alai South !boron. arrangements were made fora 1-iheral rally to he held at sea forth in August alai to he aeklewra•el by the iederal leader. Hon. Mackenzie. King. )4.•nforth wan sel- etesl a. TIM` plate 4of meeting, which. If the weather he favorable, will he held is the open nlr. The exact date will ie named Inter by Mr, King : it will likely lw lowarebt the end of Angus,. Mr. 8. 14tpohlte, M. 1'.. the eloquent leader of thwart. Liberals, may atvom- Imny Mr. King. Tte local Orangemen attended North Street Methodist church in a body to Sunday morning and were treated to a f.rtent eulogy of their society by the pastor, Rev. H. D. Moyer. 'The local lodge, No 182, took part in the Bayfield celebration on the 12th. doat Series for ()Id Home Week. In ,',rune•tlou with 11a 41141 Hum! \'l., I definite arrangements have thaw been made for it boat tterrk-• (rots 11e4r,it 7'he sae tner Great nil will leave Detroit at 11.16) a, m., Monday. .tugttst hrh, for Gerleri.lI. The fare fnuu 11etrAt will ha $3..-.0 for the round trip and $2.111 Dae way, alai from Port Hans. 4r'tiO toured tHp and $1.:0 one war. Fur the worn trip the sre•gmer ()want' will leave Gvd,•ri,.b tit 700 a. m. Friday. August 12th. arrir- Ing at Lh•troit at :too p. m. The Grey- hound will have aboard her uw•u regu- lar on•he.,tra for dancing cu route, and on the moonlight. The R111111a1 garden party of `;t. Peter's cluu'ch W 111 Iso• field on Tn.'.- d*y. Jnty _'41. at Harbor Park. Mr. Lane, treasurer for the Dominion Day celebration would like all who won prizes not do so at onceAll 2billscfor nthe them to cele- bration also should be presented at once. GUNDKY'8 SALE REGiSTEIR. SATURDAY, July I6-Auct,cm sale of household urnrture and other artaks by Arthur Rooth at his residence. Neil/ate street, at •)io'clock sharp. SATURDAY. July, 20-_Admineorators sok 4r Rood., chattels and effects. properly of the Tate Richard Fnt3leyy at his late restdence, Saltford( Colborne township, at 2 o'clock p. m. CIIAPMAN.-In Goderich. on Monday- June 27. to Mr. and Mn L. C. Chapman, a son (Theo- dore William). .4 DIED. MALDONALD.. InA.hbeld,on Wednesday, Jaly Ia. Jane Mee Donald, aged 66 year,. M1,7zA ' tirrr,ggrvulltethat • on Thur.d, July 7, Annie Scheans• widow of the late William Uhler:in Mr 441.1 yeas. CARNEY.-In Ashfield, on Sunday. JulyIa Catherine Senn. 11. beloved wile of Daniel Carney- in her 6 .:h year. WILSON. -In Goderich. on vunday. July 10,. Thomas Wilton. in hie 62nd year. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, • Page ervant Wanted -Mrs. W. L. Horton ale Hrlp Wanted- Anderson's, London1 aid Wen/ed.-Mrs E. V Lenfie 1 idsummer Excursion -White Star Line IS ide,,ch Summer School . 1 esdence fur Sale -Mrs. C. W. Doty..... . 1 uction Sale -Arthur Rooth.. 1 drain' or. Sale -Frank H. Wood .. 1 recut Op'ical (tiler -Smith'. Art Store .. .. 1 Wong'.Cale 2 ouse for Salem to Rent -F. J. Pridham1 tint you were eignged In the perform- M rine.. 0f fhe newt ('x1111,.1 a lit! weed FC rat)dntle. tint r ! 1*ip1we1 again omni f1 lirthey e'lwntwis w' t a th4.r1i1. 1 iA n 'Wt. ett 111(' you. mar w'e not hope, s hat a telnpord ry fAhetc.•)1, etl44.•ting to :NT you rre)11ently with n.. .41141 ex- H GOING DOWN SHINGLES This is the last notch (5 x) xxxxx C. B. Shingles at $ 1.25 per bunch Gel them while they last Goderich Planing Mills LIMITED Kos. 47 P. O. B.: 18 yR