HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-7, Page 7,TEZ 16IGNAL .• GODI&XICM ONT. See Our Select Stock of i Ladies' Whitewear in the Latest Effects 1 - Ladies' Collars slid uiany other lines of wo men's and children's wear. NoveltGoods !+ very extensive line. It would be worth your while to call and inspect them. i i Miss S. Noble Seath Side Square -- Gederich McEwen's Specials Flannelettes at reduced priced. tilueurg at reduced prices. Rockfast Drill at reduced prices. * Gingham at reduced prices. A niee assortment for Winslow Curtains. from 23e and rep All-w•cwl Merge, navy blue, double width. -it $L75 parr rarti, I aderwear, to clear, at prices worth ichile. A great uumber of arti,-ie+ In Groceries at reduced pr!ves. J. J. McEWEN Tax Square Pbone M '`t'irrouto Urv. KO'y, a native of 13u11ett iowh•' (lr 1.1 the alwllcal 4,slllt•gP. flip awi a reafdeitt fur_ slime tlnue ot R tlq•th. in 1111N/ liteand 3Ir.. aSPI); ... � ftp ksk Ernest Cowd Cowdry, an employee of Wallin g• STOMACH TROUBLE g went to Loul«fatty, else+ Mr. SI iii { �0�� Illwl in 1lNiK, Mrs, Srlty n luwl in I ((( IS A DELIGHT the• t(outh until July of lief mere,. ton Skinner, of Usborne, ,net with a serious accident one day recently. tie$65 DUE TO THIN BLOOD. rioter, likes. TLI►BI. Stewart. ret who...•, id.tewheshe . tuoTh to hythews t. tt Ia•i• I 0Pe� is thet remedy home she ptosed away. 144,vov.d wen- �- known sunburnt, u d.nighter of the bite lir. and MI., - Joh„ Brown. of Myth. `• � s. eczema p pNGIIAaf. tingsane foodl On Wednesday, Juste 29th, at the home�skin omBa-JOc tiwr; -afr. and lint. Glopolh'r Ii aftenranls trlp'to various of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. McDonald, their � 0 eldest daughter, Mabel Elizabeth, became When we do t11e job, we the bride of Walter Vanwyck, un of Mr. At the Lutheran church, Zurich. on I It Usually Disappears when-thC June 22nd. Miss McClinchey, daughter and Mrs. J. W. Vanwyick, of Orangeville. give you the right kind -the The ceremony was performed by Rev, Dr. I is Made Rich Petrie. Th: young c)uple will reside In - kirxl thee Rives mien plea+u re and evmfort. Wingham. and• Ctrs. U. J. McClinchev, of Stanley.Blood D% Thomas O'Hagan, Of TurOrto. 19 (National Crop rmpr°vrtnent Service.) 11 ! visiting his niece, %fr9. T. McG'ynn, in . "The isolation of country life is COUNTY AND DISTRICT. I� wtngham. becoming largely a w)th. Any man The a at took place cess 11 I a. li who has an autwuobile, and ever Pasadena. California, of Mise Edith I y E cf Mr. and Mrs. Colina Schtibe. of Adelaide HaT a former W:ngham young live farm famAN has one, will not Ideria Tbomar ('arh6er. for many years a may' to J. W. Dillard, a well-known Para• I ever feel lonely ,t he can any day business min. The wedding took r•shlent of Hensui.. Ss going to Iioudon „tact at the home of the hride'e parents, I to the year travelas many miles as' I•, live wilt a daughter there. r. and Mrs s Theodore Hall. his machine wAl make both winter W. H. Hooke), a forwer re.ident of George Cruickshanks, or., fell off a stack I and summer. Morris gown ship. dietI rvently at To- roan(, ht him ditty-olxth year. He fwd of hay and had his collarbone fractured. I "Every community h entitled to lived In Toronto the La -t twenty year,. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogg have been gamble roads at all times," says Mr. alrl. IMvld Lew, nn old n+adeut of bereaved by the death of their little a g• Rider, president Canadian Steel daughter, Freda Aileen, aged seven years, j HeuNall, diel on WiNlurwlay of last after an operation for tonsilitis. a Wire Vo. "The road which is most week after an lllnpw of .lttx month.. Her husband plwdw•ea,e•II iter less than I The wedding of Miss Frances Beemer satysfacwry is undoubtedly built of a year. rein reed concrete and one of its I Beam e, of Wi daughter of Mr. and W. J H rest features Is that Bremer, of Wingham, to J. W'. K. Van g regardless of Dr. Iiillott and I►c �t'w. ('0 1x•11 p Norman took pace at "Toronto on lune the weather, these road* can be kept lint;p furmert, a partnership In the.29th. practil+• of medicine. Dr. Connell 14 a The happy couple i,;h reside at open with the snow plough and the lawktwrw boy who recently gradlisted Winnipeg. ! dreaded January thaw or spring breakup will lose their terrors. '`t'irrouto take the contract of decorating K 1.1 the alwllcal 4,slllt•gP. "15a town and village ought to Hamilton Street ---- Ernest Cowd Cowdry, an employee of Wallin g• STOMACH TROUBLE CO j Ita.e a o-opentlre arrangement with IS A DELIGHT Estlsites cheerful given cheerfully n ton Skinner, of Usborne, ,net with a serious accident one day recently. tie$65 DUE TO THIN BLOOD. the farmers to keep the roads open days In the Bela" Poor Plumbing GLASS I eat nding a horse wren it stumbled and year. anow- bon bound V a relic of the haat." IS AN ABOMINATION en It's a tell and roiled over Cowdry, fair i shoulyl suffer f..r -your lgnor- pats without digging the holes, and tiwr; -afr. and lint. Glopolh'r Ii aftenranls trlp'to various Mirrors, etc. he thigh. breaking his left leg at the thigh• ant•'• the bottom of the post automatically When we do t11e job, we -- - —Question Doo At the Lutheran church, Zurich. on I It Usually Disappears when-thC June 22nd. Miss McClinchey, daughter __ • IndestrucQ1e give you the right kind -the any kind of Glass is Made Rich Ibis kirxl thee Rives mien plea+u re and evmfort. J• CUTHBERTSON and• Ctrs. U. J. McClinchev, of Stanley.Blood harm would be wise to .replace his took place at the Jame. street Methodist parsonage, Exeter, on June 29. After the wedding trip Mr. and Mrs Mr. Earnest Clark, Officer, 338 King St., Kingston, was united in marriage to Warren Schilbe. Red. Fe eeeC� Kastle will settle on the groom's farm in Ont-, writes: cf Mr. and Mrs. Colina Schtibe. of • Half _ .Trice Ustxlrne. . Mea. John Gill, former ,d.is"on Hay townsh p. I j a resident of Exeter, died June 24th at Windsor, in her from nervousness and sleep - Wade attending a el Col picnic in I Thin blood n one of the retest com-1 Tuckerarm h :(fess Hazel Crntworth met � ' seventy -eighth year. The remains were lessness. I believe my condi- with an accident, resultlnq in the break•'! mon causes of stomach trouble. It A T brought here for interment. tion was brought about by ing of her right arm and the spraining of affects the digestion very quickly: The The Salvation Army is establishing its work in Exeter. overwork. I had frequent her left arm. With some n er young I glands that furnish the digestive Awdi are ladies she was sitting on a rail when it diminished in their activity. the stomach "� - Percy Westaway, wife and three chi(• call on ; broke, letting the girls fall. i I musc!es are weakened arld there is a loss - dren have arrived from Shanghai. China, ROBIFERT TAIT 1 nerve force, In this state of health A pretty June w..ldiug t.N,k place on nothing wall rnore quickly restore .the where Mr. Westaway has been connected muscles. I had indigestion, \tetlltt•wltly. June .91, of the Meme or ppetite, digestion and normal nutrition �h3Ir. with the printing department of the Methodist church. a�f t%Id Reliable" 10i slid �f:, ,trthnr Routtwlge. Tat Y -than good, rich, red blood. ( t� Hats, bought to sell at $6.00 Premier Martin, of Saskatchewan, who tired. I commenced a treat- Ment of Dr. Chase's Nerve er-nlirh, i,rt•ir life l•. Misom I ►nw1N• hu• Dr Williams' Pink Pille act directly reduced t0 $1.i5 has been visiting hit parents, Rev. Dr. Martin and Mrs. Martin, at London. Food, and seven boxes of this •In V. ria Knox. being Untitel lu mar• on the blood, making it rich and red, and Bought to sell at $5.00 called on friends here last week. A full stock of I.ight Fix- I'Sxic•' I., It.,bert. Mi-Clure. The erre-'this enriched blood atreng liens weak 14I,tTII. tures, Electrical Household ""'n` w,l, iN•rformed by Rev. W. D. nerves, stimulates tired murles and lAau°nal Cr1•D imprcvement 6ervtea) Blyth atetnt,.11•M gave all affection- Uteri els, etc., always on hand. al.lucah. awakens to normal,activity the klands "Two of the pireatest enemies to ate tendo!f to their pwstor of five years, itev. R. J. 314-CorTuick, and his wife, Estimates The home of Mr. and UM Oliver, that supply the digestive fluids Tbis it Harris, 16th concesstan of Grey townshi 1 by an improves appetite. and soon i+ D. ever [arm are bugs and weeds, but y g prior to their leaving for their new charge, •Hywtt art-.. 1.t1lNll/n. Farewell given and con- tracts taken for ,shown was the scene o. a prett} wedding, June i the effect of these blood -enriching pills is 1[ you have a y properly constructed sddres m were read ami nptwrhet Electric Wiring and Fitting. 122nd when their daughter. Ina Lillian, I evident throughout the whole system. was in to Lewis Archie!you fence, you can burn out the weeds made. stood a uumher of handrme Rifts were prn,w•ntet1l aw tones,. of the a -teem Dr. cbase'o Nerve rood, so ,seta a bon. 1 united marnage you find that what you eat does not along the fence linea without damage of the ptvple among whom Mr. still s for $2.7111, all dital.re, or ledssaae•a Kreig, of Preston. The officiating clergy- I distress you, aria that pttu are tri nrou and rid yourself of both pests. Mrs. afA'ormit•k have tatl.lred. The Rates k Ca, U&. Toresta men were Rev. R.A. Lundy and Rev. E F.: instead of writable and fi+ties. I( you M ROBINS new °"dt►r to iter. A. C. Ttlfiln. who (lit" )tart tvrw'In.le•d it s114+•44111 d Chandler. After the honeymoon trip Mr.. appetite is fickle• if you have any of the Besides your fence is grounded wher- pntTor• ate of four years at Watford, air. , and Mrs. Kreig will make their home at dlstressin ins and s m toms of indi• ever a steel oat is used and don er ROBT TAITI D p ` j iP�eston• � �estion you should at once take Dr- to your live stock from lightning L • alai(.• Kev J. AIN•,)` aid Johns wood- Williams'illiams' Pink Pills and profit by the :greatly reduced." ears Mr. R. S. better condition in which to -y H t ; - mnu, of IA -11 -It •stetro'. were rrcuruhlR "� Ur blood - Hider, president, Canadian Steel ! Went SL Next Postoffice 4tiltH fl+un ,1 garden party m Von. hese IIs are sold b all dealers in I , Y}111N'e t niece hoar IN•1•eme�auomnnage- f„ Y I �Vfro Company. Phones: Stere 82, Rea. 193 tlaedicine. or you can get them by able end iu hirnhog a /+,rper tb "The use of steel fence posts lois them out. Mr. Atslry we. tc mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for aglrinst ill.• f.•iweual ta1rN! oRwlth t 50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine.1-111.14 became so general during recent `- XiNoll shak-mic up. but air. W.xulman Co., Brockville, Ont. years that there Is no longer any had hl. arm broken at the w•rhlL Question but what they are the solu- SEAFt►RTH. FAST WAW AN -08H. Alon of the fence post problem. DECORATING The Hydro ,tervite to being extended -' The death tarn place th ire Me. while the wooden fence poet skis( Man:, on June ood, of tethe John Rob- tanu.•re on the Huron Hold w•P•art of las taany friends, 1t is usually not Waforth null on the Mill road south of ert"coCallum, widow of the late two fans I � N i) ertBNrn. at tate age lit eighty-two. pears, Y -economy because the labor In town. 1'.det have been plm"I and Ilrtleased was a former revidelrr of Making that post and the compare- Decoratln Materials I wire+ strung, to which the service Fla., N•awurwrsh, the family moron to, u,.py short ifte of the poet, makes .7 'HIn's . all N. att1N•Iwd. alttl9tt V lel l 11 1 `It/ 1. Wall Paper, Paints, lit. I .tun.,un.,•;n.alt i,, made of the so- � 1t much cheaper to buy a steel poet gttx••nl.•ur of alive Ella J. t', (•Meaney, of the proper s}se for the work re - We sell you the materials, or danghter of oar. and airs. Hugh M. Father -•'Did cru t --Il your r••ar•her;giufred of it. • Good Plumbing take the contract of decorating K Ch.•..ucy, to Ro1N•rt F. llat•Konzie, Pon that T lelpwvi You w th your Fn•nch' "'Phe steet post when properly `, Hamilton Street )-our home, store or office, of air.. lNonald AIa Kenxie: tlx mar- /'�t•r•ise•, Tomnv't" I y galvanized Inside s sods, is heavfl IS A DELIGHT Estlsites cheerful given cheerfully n nage to take place Jnl� 20th In the I Fgmondvllb• 1'twtbyterlau chunb. T..wuly-••Te++." glad out with an extra heavy coat of Father -"Atoll what dfd'*be tiny !" rWtless sine below the ground line. Poor Plumbing GLASS i CLINT(v\. Totuwy-"se. -said sh haie• wouldn't; •••)•here is another economy and keep me in t.Nlny, co: If di/ln't teem that is that you can drive the steel IS AN ABOMINATION Window Glass, Plate Glass Gordon Nall. won of the publisher of fair i shoulyl suffer f..r -your lgnor- pats without digging the holes, and tiwr; -afr. and lint. Glopolh'r Ii aftenranls trlp'to various Mirrors, etc. TLP News-I(e+vnl, suet with a Imintul ant•'• the bottom of the post automatically When we do t11e job, we We eau supply your wants in a.+Ment while ricHnA ■ moton•yele one day r�+•ntly. His \ovllarboone' was --- spreads, the a wedge-shaped an - give you the right kind -the any kind of Glass broken and he receiv same severe old oho, to hold the post firmly in place. '.The man who wishes to sell bin I kirxl thee Rives mien plea+u re and evmfort. J• CUTHBERTSON I'rn 1kf�re t!rhh, who Ttia n teachim- harm would be wise to .replace his took place at the Jame. street Methodist parsonage, Exeter, on June 29. After the wedding trip Mr. and Mrs Mr. Earnest Clark, Officer, 338 King St., Kingston, ret (lett+ Hay. ,}s (erne on r vae•atlon � old ramshackle fence with a woven FRED. HUNT "THC PLVMBEit" , Hamilton Street Phone ICiumning Heatingg� vestroughing Metal York New Summer 1 t011 • Milan, organdy and mohair, with trimmings from the plain corded and moire ribbon to the beauty of flowers and mounts. Miss M! R. Machin Kington street, Ooderich North aide West st. Phone 354 I and to necompalllied by 1114 Dtdde. tom- *tire fabric on steel posts. it will enbance its value several thousand early alis- Wiunifre l Jackwln of (love C• dollars and give It a look of thrift wethling of Flla Tternicoxf-Ideet which is worth good money." daughter of Air, and elm H. waxior. to William John Wou-1wr. of rel*th. ' hook pial+` In lit. Paul's elmirelI rillp stilted pe for .Rifle Ite Th/• IY'neRe We performed .111 h}• it.•c. R. F. rvlloPg• ana m a tiwr; -afr. and lint. Glopolh'r Ii aftenranls trlp'to various •® ;T\ \ POWER on a motor j(Rtltrts In 1"nitell State" and on - , �' 4 Hats ,the their return will reside in Illyth. EXZTIL The wedding of Miss Tela Sanders, 1 Could Not Slee p ZING ° FARM � second daughter Mr. and Mrs. W. D. I Bonders, of Stephen. to Rufus Kesrle. of Usborne, � Police WASTES A T took place at the Jame. street Methodist parsonage, Exeter, on June 29. After the wedding trip Mr. and Mrs Mr. Earnest Clark, Officer, 338 King St., Kingston, Kastle will settle on the groom's farm in Ont-, writes: • Half _ .Trice Ustxlrne. . Mea. John Gill, former "For three ears I Buffered l y r a resident of Exeter, died June 24th at Windsor, in her from nervousness and sleep - seventy -eighth year. The remains were lessness. I believe my condi- (Nati°nal Crop Improvement Service.) , A T brought here for interment. tion was brought about by "The demand for gasoline is grow - The Salvation Army is establishing its work in Exeter. overwork. I had frequent Ing day by day and economists are 1 1 M. ROBINS Percy Westaway, wife and three chi(• headaches, neuralgic pains and twitching always prophesying that ane world's � 1 Inadequate," dren have arrived from Shanghai. China, of nerves and supply will soon become i where Mr. Westaway has been connected muscles. I had indigestion, says Mr. C. H. Chilton, editor of the I riennin! Oklnanla Paaa>.a with the printing department of the Methodist church. was short of breath and easily County Agent and Farm *Bureau. ' t� Hats, bought to sell at $6.00 Premier Martin, of Saskatchewan, who tired. I commenced a treat- Ment of Dr. Chase's Nerve "Science has already taught tis, 1 however, that almost every growing reduced t0 $1.i5 has been visiting hit parents, Rev. Dr. Martin and Mrs. Martin, at London. Food, and seven boxes of this plant contains alcohol which can be Bought to sell at $5.00 called on friends here last week. medicine cured me of all lay distilled at a IvVy low price per gal - ion, IA Is 14I,tTII. symptoms. I am now feeling and which many respects reduced to $3.00 Blyth atetnt,.11•M gave all affection- one hundred per cent. better superior In power to gasoline, "There is enough waste on ivory Bought to sell at $4.00 ate tendo!f to their pwstor of five years, itev. R. J. 314-CorTuick, and his wife, than I Was, and have to th k , DrChases Nerve FOOd foe farm 'furnish Its heat, and reduced t0 $Z.TS prior to their leaving for their new charge, •Hywtt art-.. 1.t1lNll/n. Farewell . the p(� health I am now en- •"— . all power. The machinery Is all avail - able, and It is time that. we oho Costs and floes yewseleetias sddres m were read ami nptwrhet Joyfnp" cove this matter the most careful consideration. The principal dIB while theylast, made. stood a uumher of handrme Rifts were prn,w•ntet1l aw tones,. of the a -teem Dr. cbase'o Nerve rood, so ,seta a bon. eulty of this plan will be to accumu- of the ptvple among whom Mr. still s for $2.7111, all dital.re, or ledssaae•a lase enough farm refuse to maks the Mrs. afA'ormit•k have tatl.lred. The Rates k Ca, U&. Toresta project profitable. Therefore It M ROBINS new °"dt►r to iter. A. C. Ttlfiln. who (lit" )tart tvrw'In.le•d it s114+•44111 d would be nso to me the outst ews- by some tarmeo' a a ion pntTor• ate of four years at Watford, air. , w l which will first P.nf nllr\ge all fafm- ire farm - I Tffiln Is a native of Volhorne towrwhip. s are to aapDlf a proportionate share I The Itlethop, of Nunn vialtod Trinity In order that there may he eufpleleat open Eveeings c'hner•h, Blyth, on Juaw 27M said con- material to make the plaai/ aft♦ 1 firmest a elate of nlnetern eandMetoa tesaful," 1 The death occurred on Jane Mth of 7. -. -X 121 'rlulrNllxy, July 7, 1921. T Time -for Straw_ Hats Keep abreast of the season' and make yourself a present of a cool, light straw hat. This is June and straw hat time. 11 'Ale have a stock of Sum- mer Headwear that will please Also other cornfor t a 61 a summer wear- ables for men and boys. PRICES TO SVIT THE TIMES McLEAN \ROS. Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers 1 HE SQUARE GODERICH S 0 _- _$ipgiiiii-w-4hused h CoW waster well as with warm. is as harm- leltls tis re water itself. Try, e" way of vviollem next -Monday. • At Night -3wk the clothes in the •• to rich Rinse tuda. Morning -Rinne them in either warm or cold water-that'a*a! They're ready for talc lisle-cleewssldfresh. • • LVV►a 111tDl11it 9 - -- - 1-1111,11 I1t3D, Touuwro 1 It meal Allow a trash\, onaclt\e- soak the cl•tbee.►.er- Niaht to t►e ueutl Rant, war The clee- las ltd. i....w a«oerr Mt or dot. 1\ the sWaing operate the oueblue I—} dew mla- et• tied the clotbea We perfectly Cknot— evea the Boom treed t s! •tea. Bring Your Films to us for De- veloping, Printing and Enlarging 1 � r Prompt Servi", Reasonable Pries Satisfaction Guaranteed r - He C. DUNLOP,' Pim.-4e __ ------_-_ _-- -- Phone No. 1. The Rexall Drug Store — Goderich " 1 1 Studebaker and Gray—ket-- - M OT'O R CARS Let us give you a demonstration with these cars before you decide on your spring purchase. — Our new Battery Charging Outfit is working fine and we are now in a position to handle any Y - number of Batteries. - PREST-O-LITE STORAGE BATTERIES are good Batteries. This is proven by, the fact that four-fifths of the Automobile Companies in Can- ada are using them as standard equipment. We have them here ready for delivery. Non -Glare Lenses from $2.76—$4.00 a pair. USED CARS FOR SALE 1 Gray -Dort Special, good as new, 1920. ` 1 Studebaker, 4-c linder, 5 -passenger, thor- oughly overhauled and repainted. 1 Ford Touring, in good running order.' 1 Ford Delivery Truck, in first-class shape. ' "- Case Tractors and Machinery. EAST STREET GARAOE T. F. HOLLAND