HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-7, Page 5•••
Campbell's Drug Store
Nod Cooling Drinks
For Tired Aching Feet
Wampole's Gra pe Salts 50c
Endo Fruit Salts ...$1.00
Khovah Health Salts. . 20c
Lyman's Health Salts 20c
_ .
For Drinks '
Penslar Tr -viol -En sy F.Tet
Powder :Vie
Na Dru Co. Emit Powder..2.5c
Mile Jay Foot Powder " 351.
Blue Jay root Soap 3.1.•
in Jay Eowt Comfort 33,
To make tired feet feel fresh
Thermos Bottles and Kits
Keeps Cool 48 hones
Lime Juice Montserrat 65c .
Grape Juice, Welch's 35c
Grape Juice, Welch's 78c-
pints $2 50 up
Quart. $4.00 up
Kits • . $5 00 up
- Drug Stott
"The Pendia? Store"
Phose 90 : •...• The Square
Gated it.
- the Amberola has a clearer,
poser tone than ordinary "talking machines"-
-a genuine Diamond Pols* Reprodshosr and unbreakable
A etherol Records are -exclusive features of the Amberiala-
- the Atnherola is remarkably low in price --
-easy payments make it possible for every home to bare
an Amberola-
Today --come to our store and hear this "Mamihriserrenr
or • Murree MIND."
For Offence AinInni
For a, overtop* )item -0 against a
slinpispoileided rrt,GM. W. Holdalls%
town. was eithJtelscorl }Motet -de,' IDS
Judge 1111.1tenti to an ttliletenninate
term -not legs thou six months nor
more float' eighteen months-tn the
4 Int., li, ItefOrtrla tory.
le 'huger of ,DrownIng.
Miss battle! Doolittle. formerly of
town. was one of it number of bathers
at Sunnyside beach, Toronto. who we're
In lighter of drowning tis the result of
a violent rainstorm one day last week.
The rush of water from a storm sewer
*looped a big hole In the mind at a
pullit about twettry-dve feet from the
whore. Two girls ereppod into this
liole and others went to their amidst -
ince. Hint ell had to be carried out by
W. C. T. U. Meeging.
The twenty-fourth annual eonventbm
of the Ilurun l'ounly Woman's
Christian Temperanee Cnion will be
held in the Evaregelical .1111rch. Zurich.
on July .14th angl 13th. etrimarieing at
1.30 o'clot on July Mrs. Pugs-
ley. of Toronto. vicepresident of the
l'rovIniial W. C. T. 1.. will be -the
oanventhre 'meeker. A epleielid-stro-
gnuu will be given on the evening of
the Ittli. Ery,. 14 welerane to at -
ten.' tlw nes-Mons of this (\invention.
utosnebile Amide*.
.t seelomg ambient took plaee near
Blyth Wednesday afternoon when
Mr. Harry Muir of town sveg &lying
big linty -Dort car from heret., Wil114.11-
,..tein with a couple of pessrugers. The
ear, It Is 'will, was trarefling ut ubout
thirty miles an hour when it struck
a turn In me road and turned collh
pletely Over. Tlie utiettfloidir wore
thrown out of the var. but fortunately
they e....aped-unliiIiirt-- l'he 411r
caught tire and woe soon -41 4..unaplete
Two ('leer Gsderieb Girls.
The Clinton News-Recoord sars
arr situated. i Huron And Perth are
.1 4n one district • With Judge
Itarr011, of Stratford. and Judge*
'mon dud Lewis. of Goderieh, a* the
beach to Judgt. Eaeh year' aeaten-
da r o lis courts In the di:drier will be
arra and a Judge aasigued to (well.
As realignment somewhat similar is
bellifl Made In connection W:t11 police
magistrates. Magistrate 4. A. Reid, of
Goderteh, has been given temporary
jurisdiction in tlo• county of Berh.,...
Rare Bookmaker Fined.
Police Magistrate Reid herd court at
Ripley on Tuesday, in the case of one
Keith, of Windsor. charged with book-
making in connection with the Ripley '
races last month. Keith was not present I
at the races, the bookmakers operating
under his name. Provincial Detective
Greer. of Toronto. assisted Provincial
Officer Pellow in the case. and Crown
Attorney Seager, of Goderich, prosecuted.
A tine of $200 was imposed. with costs of
Rev. D. A. McRae Rething.
Rev. D. A. McRae, partsh pnest of St.
Peter's. Godench. is retiring after a pas.'
torate of over sixteen years in Godench.
and will be succeeded by Rev. P 1. Grum,
now of Aylmer. Ont. Father McRae
' g.•3,tis gel.... . hare. terlgtic iit elliki
M.A. The young (oak mighty part
: rtairei Inormaine; Alma.
!Jody. FAIR!, Ntelltar. Miss Eton -owe
; Nichol!. Mi.. Nloor:ooli -.•111.1 11., -
tor 'William Ilakiwiu. 'Amon Williuw,
j and Homer Harkins. .-Mb. s May' Am-
berg. 311,gege.SViuiIjrot Arid 1:11111y
bort., Master Leolairol Bryant. Katie
tliorvey. ionol Millnuipo 5111
. -
ter 1.10 oysl I la tie in. NI is Helen rl,
3.11s41 Teresa Itoyle. Miss Nellie Lan-
gan. Atriter Robert flirt/tie. Micas
Mary M,orrl, Wady. l'ooper,
Muster thorge Haley. 31.1.ster Wilton
nus. lia.h.r II.•wtit.
orhy :4.3 ger. a nol 'feta Roberts.
The violin. lbw% by Mt. Ruth 1Mho-
11114. it 1141 Mildred 1.10.e. .0,141 1 Ip. vecal
nunihers of Miss Lois 111111104 aud
Miss Irene M. 1 ton oh tie. Wen. 111041
p11.14,114 and refloated griot .-reollt 4111
i.oa .... 1 lall their !ember. Mr.
Hunter of 1.olaloll eNaltilliell MIs
Hurley's prepared for t'onser-
i a tory o•Xliallitilitholos.. 11 1141 the results
will he published titer.
PubUe School Board.
At th.• regolor weedier of the
•eliosol trustee 14,14 r41 held. 4111 Monday
ratio. the resignation of Aliss Bole as
klte 114 her %as ii,eepted. and
has been nearly forty years in the priest- nw appeoljeo, of Nliis 11. Hilliard. of
hood, and. while he has earped a rest and .
iVato•rlao. for the volo toed position was
his retirement from active work was not ....lig 1:1.4 at unexpected. there will be much regret in I.,Hwi.10 ‘1,411,
Goderich, not among his own people only.
The rootili of The n•rent physical ex -
but among the community in general. at
rinewition ef. the plieiig oft. the t WI. 1111,1
his departure from town, where he 4 ,
• 41•1:414 77714777141111••••41,111.11 :11141 1,414111 011
universally and sincerely esteemed. !ielt 4 , .
Sunday he will officiate at St. Pet:er
pcobably for the last time.
Death of Fortner Goderieh examined' mid deferts were
At Central '....-nood 193. children were
The sad news hasbeen received hor the fl.frtli:redl..fti.,...,if,..ii.INci'ssri•ng.1724,......t.,1.1.-r
death of Mrs, Weldon Batwick,
forrnerly Miss Helen Little ol GederiCh: 16: ear orsosise. 12: defeetivi• 10114111Which occurred in the Clara Barton hos- 25: abnormal tonsils la -
V!:1., at Impenal, California, 'et July' 4th
u0,1, .11.11Paren•-e. _ -defective
deceased was in her twenty•filthr tr•Sell. 11441: abnormality. 15:
year. She was a daughter of Mr. Joseph,: enlarwt1 glarrig, skin disease. ft:
Little. C. P. R. engineer, and Mrs. Little. sot -tit -ciliated!, 11..f.,t. 2: malnutrition,
who left Goderich five years ago and have,17;:p1ot. imno.rr)v:m1.1...111.....4:sl
".1..torig school :t"o2 children were
she dlea. Mr. Litt e lelt Toronto on 4ZIIIILI 11, and 41ef•4111, irPry 1611101 as
Saturday and was duv t amve at Los follow,. . betel -We vision. :to: defeet-
' Angeles today. Besraethe parents, otiti-471::4.a.-...
sister. Nirs. Murch. of town. survives.
'! 34: alai:own
iitsia"They ov,-4Pitierig."Ihe opening of largett
irat.4s., pi:
(Itrhireael:: laaii:usergemt.dc
mt.,.roonwt: resot to
ee-front'. The former . P. It- enge. I'(''404 .1i
ibine ng pavilion. where music te fur- r.., IflwhiI,I wit
niqbed hy Miss Gene Conlon and her cane.. .if la ilia el lc kel
been living at Toronto She had been e
, married two years. her home being at Los. 25.
1 Angeles, Her mother was with her when .tt
thie yeafg clams n) the Clinton school 1
of Cotunwroe : 'The firer enol •44.11nd
Wares were taken by Miss Isabella
Ye:Nevin Ornoderich -with tel per cent.
and Illoss Rita Woollcomile of, floolerieli
with 91 per glint. The standant re-
quired in the eommerehtl world is be-
coming higher each year. The page
'I.:ancient required by the sehool Is 73
per gent.. honor rtatularri. Sr, per cent.
etsterieffes who take thie- renew- w14h
honors show capacity for real hard
With tbe Lawn Besviers,
in the weeliy Wednesday afternoon
tournament at rhe twirling green this
week Messrs. l'hapinatt. lityues land
Probasco- woo the first prise and
- Ailinoiros.- 11 T: Dlwards. A. J. (oldthorpe and Reg. Sharman the ,secondThe local club was mons -cute.' by
one rink at tile Clinton tourniornent on
Dominion limy. The tiederich usro
Were Dot 5010115 the pr:zeswinners.
The club Is holding a rink tourna-
ment next week. to e,o111111('ilice Woslueg-
day morning at 9 o'el.wk. A number
of rinks from outside clubs are ex.
tieuted to take part' ,
Judicial Diteriets.
eceotslailee WO* *11--Wet---FAL-Nse
tun., olistriet judivial groups
nre heing arranged in this I'rovInee,
the county }mho-. being given juris-
diction over the districts in which they
One Dollar
by bringing your K. & S.
Coupons to me.
rredeern all K. & S.
Coupons for One Dollar.
A large shipment of
just received.
Opera House Block
Kingston St. : Goderich
ENGLISH CHINA Royal Doulton,
Aynsley, Minton, Olde Willow
Wm. \ Lim: en ..11,..11e.1 bird. This is a
1780 design.
Wedgwood and Olde Abbey
Our China is choice and select. Just
the thing for a dainty gift.
East Street Phone 198
When in need of a Taxi phone198
Mr. Leo Chisholm was home from
therrolt for IMmtMon Day, returning
on Monday.
tftratford Res : Mra W. E. Lat-
imer and daughters, illsoseto Vera (4.
and Ida M., are /eating this afternoon
for an ertended vhdt with brother*
and niaterw In Stephen. Minn , and
Snakeroot% Peak
Rev. S. J. Alli, a former pastor of
'Victoria street Methodist church, God..
rich, has been superarmuated and has
gone to Toronto to reside. Several mem-
bers of tibi:X4plizide in the city. Mr.
ABM is health.
Miss Edna Jones has returned to Tor-
onto after a two weeks' holiday visit here
with her mother and sister.
Rev. Wm. Patterson. D.D., Presbyterian
minister of Sarnia, is spending his vacation
at Menesetung Park hotel.
Mr grid Mrs. Walter flawtheitie and
&tighter Imris spent the week -end
with fritonols at Moaforth.
Miss Loulap Mow And Mr. Ilarokl
Moist motored iip from 'hinds. on a
visit to Mr and Mrs Jos. C. Oriffin.
Mr. Ales. Stirling. who has spent sev.
evil months with Mrs. Stirling. Cambria
road, returtwd to Wannipeg on Saturday.
.1• r
• ! •
You are n01
E expo Mown -
frog when
you use Dr.
Onse's Oint-
ment tor &ley and Min Irvine
none. It rellerer at °nee and gradu-
ally heals the skin. Maniple box Dr.
Chase's Ointment tree it you mention this
paper and send 2c. stamp lor postage. enc. a
1402 ; all dealer, or Edtaausoll, Batel & Co,
Limited. Torpn, _
• I
Week of July 11 to July16
Monday and Tuesday, stay 1142.
Matinee Monday at 3.00 p. m.
An exceptionally fine program con -
storing of
"Just Out of College"
Training l'i.ture.
l'onie 5141 1114' woorlol's champion
in oto thou.
In addition to this
S. Two -reel 4 'heist le comedy.
The Theatre will remain
closed Wednesday and
Thursday during the re-
mainder of the hot spell.
Friday and Saturday, July 13-111.
Matinee Saturday at 3 00 p m.
"Darling Mine"
The *tory of a gtrl who made every-
one glad.
Align two -reel Select Comm'''.
gye olisca‘.. 23: ear
lefeeilve uasal 1.reething.
rouglig. 73: anemic ale
fertive teeth. : en-
: 111st:use. 5:
lers. 7: goitre.
1114414 istly de-
fricelutleil be -
ontiestra., and with • resteurtint in A triadwr of•nriTters of repair. and
(41)01(011 0041
,iest redecorating were referred to (Nall
lo earriedout during vacation.
51.4 1Nr11-iturs -The 1"lm''' make,' a 111......• nielvele the repairing of the fiir-
strong emelt' to amusemnt-seekers. :mos, -57 4'..m(1painting and
Right alongside is the booing be:telt.' revise um the
5041 sal Milling. boating met promeniel- repairing of feeCe. boiler 141141 eleetric
lug. as well as *lancing. nth Ineltel:st gong at Vieterii /44
to evealnk'S program. • The I•ier-. Westbrook•s offer to lower two
1, open for dancing three itorlirs a week oi•Mile. iii_rentrel school for $24s.1 was
__„•.1 M•omlity. Tuesday and Tliiirsday. aco.epteol.
Res. A. ('. Tiffin Now at 111)th. 1. .
Rev. A. C. Tiffin, well kroan in town VIrTORLI. S('HOOL PROMOTIONS.
and distnct, bring a sOn of the late John
Tiffin of this tcwn. has moved from Wat- I
ford to Blyth in the Method.-: itinerary. 1 The following are the peened iong
The following newspaper de-to:itch from , %Odell will take plaee In Vittoria
Watford refert to hi. remo% a, from that i •whool In ll••pteruher, afe_glren
place . of merit. .
The Methodist people of the Watford' Jr. IV.- to 1;r: IV.
and Zion congregations gathered in full Margaret Dedillit. Meldrum Cutt.
force at the parsonage last evening to :iemeg 11'.4.n, Winoif red Shepherd.
honor Rev. A. C. and Mrs. 15ffin, who have, Norinr Dunlop, Iklight Motch. Paul -
just completed a four-year pastoral term • 11
here and are leaving this. week for Blyth PIlunfalvy. Edith Fred
•iess.. Jessie Shot.... Wieland "fere,
A very complimentary address was rwe-
T.M1 4:ray. Elsie Winter, James An-
sented,laccompanielby a beaut•ful club- t it clirystine MeKenzle. Helen John -
bag. Complimentary speeches were the'
with qt on. Leslie Evans. Slott Prswtor,
order of the evening. each joining wit
t Ethel 3,1411.mgh. Marguerite Siorovil,
the other in saying kind and getterous
Curry. Della Randall.
things about Mr. and Mrs. Tiffin. who
have been exceedingly popular here. Both
the recipients replied feelingly, expressing I , Sr. 111.iteiso Jr.2.15.
. •
thanks and regrets at leaving their many, 51 iry Gonne ('ortithol.I. Eva
friends. A delightful evening was spent
and refreshments in plenty added to the' (frai,rni,imifirl:lic!.;"../.Trilii•PoSiti.eltiittinfel,‘",tiahmiP:
Sociability of the occasion Stewart Ryan. Edith 'Ward, NIerrill
Be Careful with the Water. Rakt.r. 311,11'60 Hell. flay:on
,,'r Id 31.-Ewson.
Tbe water and Lg.,' eommIsslon.
Jaer Clansonee Wolk•-r. Mabel
pails attention 1!"nesis,slty of
;el 1,4414•11carl clerk.gtrkt adherence to thregnatherfr •
. 11I. to -Sr. 111.
tlw use of town water. The (animist -
or I ht TorilA Id 4):Ir:11'; I.N;Nni•'.11t.r it; ;:aY-
lion has had inspectors out this Week
checking up the mintier in whleh
*4.1ra Illaulow. Verlin Armstrong.
water -takers are complying .wItli the I
Velma Brownlee. Itohoort Black.
regulations; and ser..ra I takerg have'
been notified that they molt cease Kean 1.
"fraply 15.
jar ylphi.0-40.1"TrIpiamiLref tar] la ut lotnugA. eutuu. aunix___Itatiriar„_Sr. 1 1 1. tzzowi.....Ir.
mission lay* atregs Is- that in case of n !laze! - Rare -Wk. Hobert •IfeIna emit!.
fire alarm all writer ,4•1. 30s wrist be NI:orlon 55'i/ -.un. BIlly Mack. 1V1llo
innuediately shut ooR. 11 I4'. Edna Mo•Vittle. Nla %hie Oluillem
These rules ore mad- for the pre. ger, Carlton Worsen. Kenneth 51e-
teetion of the 814 1e community. aml Viola Gibson, Joan Melaonio,
oltizens, in tifeir Own interest as well Myrtle .1ohnstion., john Sjiroirle. Wolter
ss for the general good. should see Mimi:tun. Geraldine 31c1,wan.. Toni
that they are etrictly observed. The !turfman. Helen !gin& Willie. Gerelek
powerhouse reeords show that over . and Ernest Barker, absent 'Blemish
700.000 gallons of water are being
pumped dally -an enormoing quantity
for a town the Sir,. of GodeHeh-49d
even at this residents in -,orde parte :of
the town are getting only An uncertain
!tees Itite the theatre and INN* the
drop In tmeepeninors.
Doers open for Evening Peden.-
- apes at 74S p.nt.
* 5.
Swann -Hamlin.
A weshling which will interest many
po oploo in this section herk piers. et
Kin...tribute on 1A'eolnesdar. June 15th.
at the home of the bride's parents',
Mr. and MN P. F. Hamlintheir
daughter. Donsilda Janet. becoming the
brills. of Mr. Hinton' F. Swann.
. .
Jr. III. to Sr. 111.
Elsa r Sieguran. Myrtle Deli. Percy
Armetroug: 10111 rch. 1 nk
llowra. Helen Drennan. Oromond
Hoek ins. Euiers•on la ire
Room 3.
, Sr. 11. to Jr. 111.
Gres. Murray. Josephine Barwick.
thirrison, 1te1es1ll Mneftenzie.
Donald Murison. Willie Pelt ridge,
Iteginaid Neweernhe, Stewart Knight.
Deming. Precious', itogd Milton, A111111
White. 14tewart Carter. Herbert Mile -
11. A- sou trc. R•v• Fr"'"' Erflytt VPalters. Fred Dram,
Swann. of Vaneonver, 11. formerly w,,t,th. miirm,y. wink,
Methodist pastor at thilineaville. The Inn,,,,sh.
bride, who was Oren away by her
father. looked very winoiome In her Room A.
miry tailored tretrillng *nit, emelt Mee SrIt tn Jr. 111.
V i.ol.st Clark. Ethel I'ook. Irene
mohair hat.. 1494 ear -gage of OPhella
!In. -Is c lot steno Ma rt lila
roses. The serecnony wag eonductos!
11111r Pb.mson, Albert Raker.
Rev. .1. (lorry: pastor of Kincardine
Florenee Mnefkmattl.- -HIM* JRMeo.
Mid. II. to ITT.
linthleen Luke. Margaret Proctor.
.1rthue lbergarth. Jim Selke1.1, liIn
Wilson. Denson sanders. Morrison
Mirelfiry: , • •
tiefletlIst ehurrh. and during the
signing of the register Misti Mary An-
dor.on wing "Until." After n dainty
buffet luneheon Mr. and Mrs. Swann
left to upend their honeymoon on the
Kawartha Lakes. where they have
taken a (teatime. Mr. Swann has harm
rippointeol to the Chinn mlaskon fleld
and he and his bride will gall for
(111115 In the fall.
Miss Nora Hurley's Popila,r
The following paragraph from The
Sande Ohnerver wig be read with In-
terest by Mole* Nora Ifoirley's friends
in her home town :
The mipills of Miss Nor% E. Hurley,
L. L. ('. M.. gave an IrtterentIng recital
In Columbus !loll, on June 24th. beg
fore a large and appreviative nostienee
The pmgrnm wits very Wall arranged
and protect altogether enjoyable. Moot
of the performers were 'ruling children
who played their numbers with dile
mord for technique and that mown -
Room 7.
Sr. 1 to Jr, IT.
Margaret Mao k. 1.1Iy Bates. Jessie
MeKay. Willie 1 toirker. Edam Knight.
Evelyn fill 1111 Hon. l'eNrl Gni-rick. Hazel
Voting. Ifa trey Meld. rnoti, Donlon
Allen. Joe Brindle)... Willie Wilson.
51arloon Currie. Robert We•oton.
Room 11.
Sr I. to Jr. II.
George Doing Sow. John Dona Site.
Ruby itrliotlev. Allone Marlon& Witte
floggarth. (Body+ Shore. Edna !tooth,
Ian MacKay. Hervey Johnston. Edith
tornfleld. Valuer Mabel
Edward,.. Meth --iroffireit: wedge
Chant, Dorothy Thompson, Ida Bald -
ralturathly, July 7, 1921.-4
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
Big Specials in Hosiery
----- -
A large assortment of cotton hose, which we are selling
at the greatly reduced price of 29c pr. or 2 prs. for 43(-
Lisle hose at 45c pr. or 2 prs. for 75c
Pure silk hose, lisle tops and feet, at
• $1.39 pr. or 2 prs. for $2.63
A Sunburst of
Lovely Summertime Frocks
of fine plain and printed Swiss organdy. Cool,
hghtsome, dainty frocks in the richest colorings
imaginable at popular prices
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
Headquarters and Factory : 456 Queen St. W., Toronto
I have taken over theGrocery business of
Faust and Wurm and will conduct it on. the
cash system, ensuring customers the-beist
possible 'values.
A full line of Groceries will be carried.
Your patronage will be appreciated.
win, Thurlonv Melionakl, Iva Young.
Rumen Bishop.
Ktndergarteto PrInniry
Dorothy /14-11. Hilda Cadourin. Gor-
don Cualobertoson. Marion 1 higgitt,
Mona Harrison. .1114'k 'toward. Mil 17
Jardine. !mete 1(14ton. Jean Kyle,
Raymond Lawrenno. Knloy Lira s, Mar-
jorie Litwin-. Mildred 'MacKay, Billy
Maeliny. Douglas Margaret
Milton. Ruth Alitriwy. Lewis Murray.
Huth Patton. Syls la Milken!. Audrey
Wieland" Robert Wilson.
Klosterman -to to Kleoloorgart..n Primary.
Violet Cook. Mildred Fraser. Mande
Kee, Phyllis 1.awrwe
ci. .1eysto NIntlow.
stn. Chester .Nlaclionahl. Inmelda NB,
Ntrintioi. Wininfred 51tirray. K.'ith
Sounders, Edith Sturdy. Betty
-Thot s. VI -Wars Thfaille.oll, Ralph
Purit, Flour 11, ('rediton 1.
This (Thursday) evening Crediton
for the -.Malcomican• gold Medal fo to
-contested for in the tournament games
be held here Old Home Week.
Stratford wilt be here on the Glorious
Twelfth. This game will be started at
6.15 p.. m. sharp.
Wirigham.Teeswater. Zurich and Purity
Flour of Goderich are thy teams to take
part in the tournament at Blyth on July
20th. •
There was more "pep- in the Purity
Flour team tonight than there has been
at any game this season. Keep it up.
boys. There is no telling what may hap-
pen in this old -hail game.
Messrs. Joe Lindsay and Wm. Ramsay
of the Purity Flour team are vending
the week -end at Toronto.- They will
return on Monday.
Clinton met with another defeat on
their own lot last Thursday. Score 13-4.
Stratford doing the trick,
How They Stand In District No. IL
• Won. Lost.,
Purity Flour . .
7 1
3 .3
0 7
played a League game on the local dim
mond. The Purities: were in good form '
and with Cooper pitching Wen with the WENIGHA3134 1101 ----
score of 1 I-1. Crediten scored their only WEATHER STBRy.
Mt after two men wee, ..
Purity Flour. '
SUMAlt.14BA.RY.E2., 11. E..
I. O. try eggs 00 the Wilms
• Fire to House.
ing)tam. .1111y ft -PO
•Refiected Renins froni Wind. .Set
Lindsay, 2b
W. Bisset. c
4 ' -0:- .1111wark,.tiriTOWWILI.41itaile
1_4_1 1 4: House,. arid ra
CfjoZiasArm):',1331fb • -4 ' 1 1 .elaimpion hunt
2 1 Today at noon
Sturgeon, rf
Murney, cf
R. Bisset. lb
McLeod. ss...........
4 • 2 I 0
4 1 I 0
4 1 2 0
am. •••••• •
WA- 44 Si S.
Beaver ,,, 5 e , 0 0. 0
- 0 0
4 0 2
E. Fahner. i
Watson- 0 1
4 1 I . 0
K. Fahner .
Anderson 3 0
.. ..... .. 3
3 (cv .0 d
0 OWIr....treardIn seteral . places rhos
4 0 0 1
earth bas crnekoil Opell whth the heel'.
33 1 5 3 portill from sunstroke. man atel boost
0 0
They are here In
- . _ _ Alrhpligh 1.0 fatalities 1407-,' been re-
n re stiff. ring.
Creel on • ' 000 0000 0 j.... I `thowing nCtirity.
Writ Flour , 0 5 2 0
Scor by innings.-
0 3 0 z-1 1
legione, tievoirrIng the plants.
. Pronto leigg are the only things;
U pire-J. 13. Reynolds,Crlinton.
lams may
the Whd.
butanes.% men
int en the ebb -
lin'. to Wive Hie
ory .sof the 41e7es011.
he 'het urometer regis-
tered 11(1 114 4444. 11.447. it Was In the
shall... All4 loon' on a .roaf of a
1 • of Fa 1 ward mtreof OW114441 for
Mrs. 14 onions and at the *mew Dow
in n window of the house next
Whitre the reflected beflUP, ton -
traits] on ths• Simmons roof. fine
rookout It was extIngotcheil before.
great 11:1 Wage Was done.'
The enter in the Nfalfland Riser has
levehle 4414 norm by, the PetsIstenl n.'.
11011 of the sun that large numbers of
fi,h 1111 ve flied null are 11418 liOnting
At Crediton on Tuef hIrs MacPbee Colborne township
sday AgiChdefeated widow.of the late. Thomas MacPbee. an.
t team of that hurg by the score of 20 nounces the engagement of her only
o 3: 'daughter, Minerva E., to Dr A. E.
A hurry•up call was sounded en Monday Hamby, of Hamilton. only son of Mr. 1.
for a team to go up to Lochalsh that Barnby of Lucknow the marriage to take
day for an exhibition game of baseball. place quietly the middle of July.
After skirmishing around for some rime a
team was got together and made the trip
The game was played on a field not any
too smooth and the Lochalsh trim, being
accustomed to the bumps, fielded better
than the visitors and won out by the score
of 7 to 4. The players from Goderich
speak in glowing terms of the hospitality
of the players and people of Lochalsh. A
luncheon was served on the green aher
the game and the boys from here say they
would be willing at any time to pay the
penalty over again tor soother outing
mach as that one.
Yes. Alfred. both parties should
remember they are married for isomer
as well as better.
'Mn. am 1 the ide•wentlant of a
monkey ')" asked a little boy.
"I don't know." replied the smother.
"I never kne any of your farher'w
Tlw fohcr. %Ike was listening, went
out ro the anal shed and kicked the eat
through the tool
maw is a •ssad, tune for Purity Flour
players to take batting lessons for the roc e Tee sue Had elohnivii for Rfeults.