HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-7, Page 4II-Thuremlay. July 7. 1021. Holiday and Warm Weather WEAR To be comfortable this warm weather one must be dressed in cool clothing. At this store you can get all your require- ments at reasonable prices. See our Palm Beach Suits Outing Trousers in palm beach, flannel and duck. Also Negligee Shirts Summer Suspenders Belts. Hosiery Cooltex Underwear Straw Hats, etc. W. V. 9ridharn .Ient for norsolino Mt), Phone 57 Goderich 1 Clearing -the Lo Cottonade Pants, size 34-44. regular $3.00 $1 98 Cottonade Overalls, regular $300 SI 93 This is a splendid good line and will give entire satisfaction Khaki Overall 4 and Pants, with belt, loops and cuffs. reg. $2.50 ;1.98 -A few Moleskin and light Cottonade 34 to 44, to clear at Youths' Overalls in blue stripe and to clear Buggy Dusters, regular 2 00, $2.25 Pants, sizes $L29 plain black, $1.19 $1 69 CHAS. W.LTON Ph ne. Goderts:11 Rural 76r:I . LANES, Oat. THE SIGNAL tursuAsstbs. I &n(4' of Mr. Alex. Mowbray. Thureday. July T. I lien ltuuth. Mrs. Jobu Ryon and Slew Mr. Prod Rtes left on Slieiday fur I A. MyKenzie were in tattlitug and Mos Guelph. where he Is titling a eourse In{ 'touch fell Liao e hole Rini had goiw ; agriculture.I 'listen the tweouti time when Mr. Ito:e- a:ill Frank McLean left for l'orontol May ...Anse to the rescue mad got her on Saturday to rake a short course at out of danger. the 10%4.1'01y. M1a 1.111(e atel.ean is here from lawk • viidoilig her brut her. Mr. Thomas MeIR.ou. Mr. and Mrt.. Harry Renew are up from Toyota') fur holidays. • $h)ol elosied on Thursday and the children are Dion anxImialy waiting for rhe fall opening. Sir. Frunklin Thompson was here *Wel' Sunday visiting (its mother. Evelyn 11 01 Wenn Tienupeon. of loin - don, a re Iwye epen•ling holidays wait tlieir g re lier, llro. Win. Theleals • 1.1411e SleKenzle was in Tortilla(' leer week mitt brought up a new ear. Mr. Freneh, of the Sterling Hiink visitiel lib' home "at tirenzevillt• last week. Pathnsiater FlIllott 1,1 putting n eetnetit walk from Milli street clown )tr. Rodgers:oleo nest:lento. thr0t1 Inv:Mess. Me. alea. Henry. of Flesherton. OODEILICE. ONT. EAST WA WA NOSH. The Late Mn. 1Pertertioit-An old and respeered remittent of East Wawa - nosh passed away on Frithry, .June 2 -Rh. when Mary litevensou. widow of Ilo' late Peter Porterfield, died at ((lel home of her Vou.in-Law. Ernest Geakies.1 in Itelgrave. nt the age of i4evetitt... eight yeor, The late Mrs. Porterfield was Lawn lu Westminster townsh(p. and eante to FastWawanoeli a bride Ofty-eight year) ago. nodding i•ontinu- ously lu the towirehip all her married life. She is survived by a family of seveu Children: James. of Tudor. Alta.: Willhn. Ca*ary ; tleorge. of Itrandon: Alex.. on the homenead; Mrs. J. 1.. tleddiss, of Waterloo; Mrw. JaIlles Ferguson, of Ilayeelit and Mrs. Ereeet Geddes. of I te Lea ve. tier eldest son. Peter, pi -select -used her sixteen years ago. :Mee. porterdeld was 1111 old and honored seemlier of 11411 Kieve church, fielgmre. She wits a vlsited friontis here Sunday la.t. ittitIIy. motherly woman, tenderly 'NO. 1)14011er. of the Royal Hank, is -toyed by her family and highly eeteelned by all who knew her. The funeral took piece on Sunday 'free- men'. the services lowing conidnetei, hy. Rev. Mr. Joliet. The pallbearers *ere Chas, rampbelt, Robert Henry. Wm. Viiiemi. i4 home for his Mindere. Mia."" Daiey Ryan. Ethel ('s'e. .3 ea tulle Stotitero Pearl II .Kent". ' Edits Pentland owl Laura Pentiantl tome for the 'school vacation. Ntrs. Pentland returned home from I Al Ve. Adam itollerteon. War (iodate: eek, .tori.11 hospiril last,t'k, anti .314)114 l'osides. Interment Wee alio. Iiiirlel Killough. who 1" ini the melte In Itrandon eemetery. The late .;,.w .4.14.411orlcii ilai.pinfil. is reported to he Peter Portertield Writ 'clerk of the 4114.1nis Hue :old IA «xr-' home Minn. towirstilp of Ewa WIIWROOsh, a pos1- 1 The garden party tin the Methodiet non wittelt his stra. Alex.. luta held einirell groundineisweek wae it tuc- *Ow* his faalier's deans. He wos also • (4444. Proeeed. will net over *100. a storekeeper and postmaster at ;Site. sleo. Alen -rains of Ettektiow. Marnoch for a great timelier of year* pent n week with Mr. anti Mr*. 11. J. fie HINI his wife were among the old- eet settlers of Wawanosh and were Ceawforil at Thowdrop Inn. I - atosinnt Mr.. .3.11. MeNabh_ rind few, htghly esteemed by all. - ily are ownding it week at Dewilroo ST. HELF.NS. : Ian. set the -Amer of Lake flitron. ' Mrs John McNabb end Helen. of WISDNEsPAY, July 6 Sestforth. :ire • ri...ItItut Mrs, J. 11, „Me. Nnia• at the lake. Our school teachers. Miss Dorothy I Mr. Fred limes and Mies Tiehhorne Douglas and Miss Mary Laurnin, have been re engaged (or another year. Mire been engagrel for another year Miss Mary Radcliff is leaving for her . n» tetteher4 in our patine 4)4441. home at Rapid City. Sask., on Wednes- The Prer"livterione will bold* orten day, after spending several months with party Jill,- 20111. Persienlare later. • Mr. Wm. Elliert had the miafortune her relatives here. to lo,e 3 Valitillite Wit. it fell Into a Mrs. T. Laavison and her son. !qr. T. woe nal, all.t dead before it could be Davison. motored from Guelph last week .• ' loose_ _ oo _ , and spent the hohday with Mrs. Joseph s The cowl road.: gang here n stone- Smith and other relatives. 'Tusher working in Wm. Mole's oft. Islas Margaret Miller and Pins Ma- y • miss Lowe. of Lomion. is rieiting McQui;in returned on Saturday from the 1 her 1*Fth'r, Mr---f-fter.1-Trittirgbri,----,- -- "Soo," where both the young ladies have Mi.. Katie Fowler. tit Toronto, is been teaching. They well spend their n toafl roof. here riAitivit het mouser. mos Do holidys Missaunder athePaC1arrke, Luckno v, is Fowler. The grain (Tons lh thir section are home for the vacation. Mitis Winnifred ‘Voocis. of Drayton, and Miss Clara Woods. of Guelph, are home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Webster, Elwel. Dorene. Zelda and Mrs. W. G. McCrostie and Marie moored to Guelph last Wednes- day. Mr. Webster attended the stork well and the pro-pos. r,,r so set hirrest are very promlaing. wheat la being cut this. stook. The elorer It sit and hityinz is In *wing. The apple eros will likely 'he how. A eiesi rain is mu •11 neseled. While Mr. Harry Fowler. flth Mr. ees.4.)0 of Wesit Wevranoeh. had Me Sale at Guelph. 'Miss Mary Durnin left on Monday for team hitelied to the hayeake last 1 iy they ran awa. throwing him oft a motor trip with Mr. and Mrs. Sandy oet1 be received a severe shisiojr.op. McDonald, of Windsor. Miss L)sonin will visit at Windsor and Detroit. ' Teo row was tompletely destroyed. .elina. Agar. a former resident ht Wear Wewenosh. was elected to the leaskntellewan Legialature in the re- TUESDAY, July 5. eeni elsotions na a Grain Growers* cans' &date io sonetituency of Reeks- Mr. and Mrs. Will Dalton and children, io"`ol of Detroit, are visSung Mrs. Daltonli loon HD friend,' here are ileased - elm moving upwardparents. Mr. and . Thomas Garvey. Former Dungannon Girt DetrwisedL.o. ,r(,,Mviaa Mary Garvey is borne from De- . Me s. hag piet 'been reeelvtel the" Miss Annie Sullivan, of Detroit, is hcme for the holidays. Mr. T. J. Lannan is home after spend- ino a couple of weeks' vacation at Detroit. Mimes Rose O'Reilly, Marie Sullivan and Genevieve O'Connor are home for "The Scotch Store STORE HOURS1 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. SATURDAYS 10 P.M. Special Values in Summer Merchandise Women's Sleeveless Vests 39c each Special quality lisle thread sleeve - leas vests, neatly lace finished. special 39c each Children's 3/4 Hon, *Pedal 60c bildres71,1/4. hose With cuffs, very with the children. in white. and brown, all sizes. 60c pi* 1..._ . , . THE EXPRESS 0? SCOTLAND, , / ' baled Thaw welt Ere= to buns the Hoir gareeereent 1ffiat sod third elase carrier with larva; on. enhis sepdgesent. The bar es/ Wet ht ION and wee esperially iw. sit for the Hem Twit el StedanfiNetal lobo 1=liaaillne hese cnieliser es_jingnet 11. ... The war liras is thee= ist sit Oansdine Atlantis dimmisteog ate: 1P1111 lia latwolga, 71 test asi 4 Peso v*1St, sseles•-e'S --s• ONTARIO FERTILIZERS Reduce Crop Costs FIRST CHOICE OF ONTARIO FARPERS itemi Ontario Fertilizers Lirnavd West Toronto ,Ont. :meth of Mise Eolith Sands. daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Itieherd Rondo former reattlents of lemerinnon. who mewl to Manitoba elm,. years MVP. Ml" IlinlA bald :I Iri.driaill a+ telephone. otwrttor at Portage In Prairie. Man.. findit op- , • vacation. after teaching in thed respective ;ways rilie mill 11 friend. Mr. Sharp. 1111.1 schools. gone to I /elt t. a neighliering reeort, and sm:se i Irma Moss of St. Joseph's hos- ,' ill battling ‘. 11" l'" *An; .7 WI, London. is visaing at the home of 1. e ii were 41,row 111•41. *Fortner :news sister, Mrs. 1. C. Dalton, in i ttttt esteem. who remember Miss - I, A few from Kingshridge took in the Ssiela as a -Mee girl. -will' learn of the ' pia' at Diesel) on Friday. There was sail fatality with newt' regret....' - also* good crowd at Lakeview, Kintail, F I re -1 1 !,- 'Indio!! wom. L 4onPl 1 . at - hr.] Iy. Juno 2% about 2 o'cloek. and it .°ft, *mon Day. • was learned that the 11011,4* of Mr. and • Mr.,. DAri.1 Errinzt(m. a s.14.441 dlotanee E BE N EZER. tve4 of far. village. was .ot hie. Mr. TUESDAY, July 5. ' and Mr's. Errington were lying :down Balgess--bespite the hot weather there, ,:motoseo wore lonneeetety ditteared. , gt o tett bed in Dino The 11011 7.1. Illtdi day was a good turnout at Ebenezer on Sun- er. of Hamilton. 'rioted his mother here; Mr Sydney Gibson and dough- ' resrittg Wfilin flie Iodise enintlit tire And Ti' -r.' w, 'tistirstieo of $1,.710 last Sunday Miss Haul Finnigan, of Iffesseted teem the Water. -A 4141) in r sorooto, is visiting under the parental Sits I ty eats:11 picnic .4 as held at Port root Miss Luella Johnston, of Strat- Attie' 'it Dominion' leis. end A targe fed Normal, is home for holidays and is a success in her profesSion Examtn-i, , se. front the vIllae rwont over to w ready to teach. We wish her every • e. eit,ni pi dkerMl a rki. time her sno114(1112441rts were ohliged in etions are over and schdol s closed and 10,1 the , Tile 411e" 1 the kiddies are happy.....- wish to, epee of the •elen1P° -wits neerle mirrol extend our thanks to the young people of by :i rowidne netillent• whish. how' Nile who came over to Ebenezer on 4"."' ir" "c"rt'l l'Y the timely asstst' day night last and entertained us with a splendid program ....Those who tried' 1 WRITE FOR , BOOKLET ANO PRICES " Largest Canadian Atlantic Ship ahe !gewgaws mono is to aggreenosee at Quo - TV. P. Lai= antsbioagnietel Raw *. ION Tier: • & gabssi whiter when woe woe thet nrtaetre oissu. whisk aro hunt Ingenii et the Ails IIMIHRI :1114:8Z at be ssn* this serees es 'ogle In the Alin reeds there. is Um "imam /he lbw 4 grow mos. nnilaath4g0ii% alter the rill=64:; a MID ewe the entrance examinations from here are Miss Monet Rutledge at Goderich, Miss Lula Bruce, MOS Myrtle Finnigan, Master Harvey Finnigan and Master Arthur Johnston at Dungannon. We hog they may all pass with honors Friday evening, Jul). 15th. the congreg- ation ol Ebenezer will hold a lawn social on the lawn of Edward Johnson. lot 21. concession 2. West WAV/I11105b..-=,-_ Women's Black Silk Hose 89c This is a special value in women's black silk hose. every pair perfect, nice Atter quality, 89c pair Women's Silk Bloomers $2.95 A'omen's good quality natural pon- gee silk bloomers, tailor made, special value $2.95 pair Infants' Socks 30c to 75c pair Infants' and children's fancy socks, in white with colored tops and in brown and black, sizes up to 84, from 39c pr. . Women's White Skirts from $2.25 Special showing of women's white wash skirts, season's newest styles, in pique and repp, sizes 24 to 32, from 2.25 D. MILLAR & SO GODERICH wish to announce that MISS I. L. FITZGERALD GRADUATE NURSE General Hospital, Ottawa, Canada, and Graduate Corset Hygienist. Nemo Hygienic Fashion Institute, New York will be in their Corset Department JULY 18 It will be her pleasure to help you select the corset that will do the most or your health and style Let her advise with you. There will be no charge for her services. • Bathing Suits from 75c to $9.00 We are showing a large range of bathing suits for men, women and children, in all the season's most fovored colorings in cotton, cotton and wool and all pure wool, all sizes in stock, from 75c to $9.00 Lower Prices in Knitting Yarns Now I. the time to do your kuitting while sitting on the verandah or some Other secluded place. Monarch Floss, 1 rt. balls 2Sc each Monarch Down, 2 oz. ball . ...... 35c ball Monarch Butterfly, 2 es. ball .65c Bee Hi Scotch Fingering 2, 3 and 4 ply at . 30c per skein -,-----114-Scokli-,-Ciore, the store-fite like best Phone 56 AS WIELD. Dr. Arnold Cowan. of Toronto, is visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gowan. Mr. anti Mrs. I'Vesley RoIrl ha ve re- turntel from their wedding trip in Western eotimia and have settled 011 their hum at iswlialeh. Mr. (ha. Milln•gor Is home trom Perry Soundfar the 'whose raeation. 34ns Raymond L. White. of Chimgo. Is visiting her mother. Mrs- K. F. Mac- Lennan. Mime Violet MacLennan and her bleoher Jack are away on a visit to Toronto. A siteceeeful Dominion Dnv eelehrn• don wet held at laikeview Park. Kin - tail, under the nietplees of the Farmers' Club^ of the vicinity. ANNIVERSARYSERviCES.-The annivers- ary services of Ashfield Presbyterian church were held on Sunday last, and in spite of the excessive heat were well attended. The preacher of the day was Rev. W. R. McIntoeh. of London. who gave two able lemons, the evening ad- dress especially being heard with great interest and apprecistion. Excellent music was given by the choir. On Mon- day evening Mr. McIntosh gave • lecture on "Other Folks," a plea for international good (eeling. Cit iT)Elt ;OH eartaisNISH P. A Joist neesting of the 011.1)Iliarr 01 lar's Scotch(\ore're The Leading Mall and Phone Order SW. HoritWoman's: Club will be held at al Ladies' Aid and the try the benne of Mee. Jelin Blair on Thurs- day. Jely 14th. at 2.30 p.m. honnie--Mtllar.-n gate and pretty wedding took place at high 110.02 on Thurolay, June =rd. when Edna. telt:ester o( -Mrs !Sillily Miller and the late Geo. Mfflar of Goderich townahlp. woe united in marriage to Mr. William 1)obble of Kitchener. Ont.. the Rev. Mr. Slultin of Payneld Iting the °Mei:ding clergyman. The bride was given in marriage by her brother. Mr. Edward Millar, and looked elinrming in her white Allk crepe gown. and cnrrying 44 large bouquet of sweetheart .rostrii and fern. Atter the Wetift 1 nit 1 ti nvheon Mr. and Mrs. nobble 14.ft ott the three o'clock train from Clinton for Toronto and Niagara Cells. The bride donned for tmreeting a milt of miry blue trig -. ft* and nave bine mohair hat to matels On their return Mr and Mrs. 1444(1(1(0 will reside In Kitehener. SHF.PPARDTON Presentation to Miss linortget- Srery'hody was at the lake on Domin- ion (my. when a Sunday whore and plenie woe held aril Oro. gram fvf sport* was carried out. A feature of the progrem was 11 pnotent- Fitton to :141se A. 'M Knechtell. who toot hems teacher In the ftheppardtoe public erlrowl and been aetlre in chnreh Work, and echo is leering to take change of her horse school. Oho Tots Made the recipient of an address of approlation and good Wielie. and an ivory dresser met, as a farewell token from her pupils and the eommunity, CHURCH NOTES. At the Baptist church. Montreal street, services will be held as usual next Sunday, at II a. m. and 7 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 8 p.m Wednesday evening, e p. m.. prayer -meet ing service. There were few people in attendance at the different churches last Sunday evening on account of the excessive heat. At Knox church those who chd attend the evening service adjourned to the lecture - room, where the atmosphere was more comfortable. At the communimesarvice on Sunday morning there was a large attendance, over 400 taking communion. North 'street Methodist serrima Dein tenelay as follows' : 10 as m.. elmosee anti Men's Sunday Club. flub 'topic - "Why do an many fail In the perform - lime of dirty 1" introiinced by Mr. George Gould. 11 a. m. stet 7 p. m.. public wonablp. The Inns( Orenge Lodge of Ooderteh and reilting breth- ren will *newt the morning eerilee In a body. The pastor's morning theme will tes "Orangefsm. Ire 4140:thoda and Mission." Preening 'service of orange]. lam and *mg. 14errima bright and brief. Slimmer visitor,' medially reel- eome.1. Randay school to 3 p m. Ep- worth !Amine plente on church and • r'44. = A, . -1r 4,0,4 Personage lawn on, Tooeley evening. l'eayer service on thureday everting. Su:rimer eehool beadles Monday, the Plth. T� GODERICH Wheat. Per bnely 4)8(4, per 4*11,4*.-. aortal. Pet bneh 711 TIMM V. 11119. 7. 1.40 trl 5 Loa .40 10 . 00 Pero. per hue,' 1.16 to 1.44 Buckwheat, per buehi. .e0 to .70 Flour, fatally. per ow en flow, plague, per o wt . 1110 (0 110 118.00 to W1 OD to 40.00 01.00 in 20(30 throw, iocee. per two mon to 12.01 Dairy Thithe,. pear lb .60 to .00 enamor) Rat tet, per lb ,to .40 ECM ergot. per doe . .. 27. to .111 Prestos'. per bueb.., .. .40 10 ,111, Cattle. butehere* aholae,per cwt. 7.00 to kr* Gatti*, butchers' uweellnm, per awl. 6.00(0 tie Rae, wslaht, per cwt. . 12.76 to 1/1.re Wider per lb te -as abeepeklea .26 to .Drt Braa.torton " Short.% per too HAY. Per ton Virtue alone outbuilds the ppereida: her monuments shell last wham I47Pes fall. -Young. If a n ignorarrt lims may learn. but If he k fume 100 much there lo no hopw for him. Don't 'mete time trying to imprimis people with 1110 Aurportoneo ot root own importunes:,