HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-7-7, Page 3POINTS AGAINST RADIALS.
R. R. Robertson, Before Sutherland
l'otnmisidan, Arraigns the Hydro
Hallway Scheme.
�► PI AU DI.Lt. rtOh',
\ ' 1,
Best of all Fly Killers 10e
per Packet at all Grocers and General Storm
I Fumed Table. new
speck $25.00
I Ice -box, will give
good service 7.50
I Parlor Suite, re-
finished and re-
covered 30.00
I Hall Rack, solid
oak 18.00
1 Lawn Mower.... 4.00
1 Clothes Wringer 2.50
I Kitchen Table .. 2.25
Soup and Dinner
Plates, 2 for.... .25
Every day is bargain day at
Harold Blackstone's
Furniture Exchange
(From The Fernier' Sun.)
.lalntaluhlg tlutt a more entirely
bop•law. ease Could not well he found
to support the Hydro'n expected
revenues, that the guarantee by the
Ilutrrl) cloveruweut of forty -eve to
fifty wllllone of boo.In with which to
build mallets would ea•rluusiy tefeet
Ile credit mud firoine al pusliktu of the
Prnilnee, that toy HydrreEloetrk•
Power I'umwission possesses most
extraordinary powers, inconsistent
With our hk•as of British welt -govern -
mein. turd Whish permit It to be u
dictator of un unexampled kind and
rltut it Las taken fluids under tlw Act
trout nue trust source to spend them
in aln)tle•r, Mr. 1t. M. hteda•rt,tn per
.curet u severe arrnlguunvit of Hydm-
radial plols,sals before the SutIterlaud
ltoyal I'otow loa.k.u.
Were Revere Arraignment.
lir. Hubert.«.n, in the opinion of
those who have been follow Ing the
evidence for it long time, pesented
a powerful lural .onvinchag sero.m of
argunwnni. He oR^rel thirty-three
ti nilinga, whish he at-kwl tie• 1'omtub-
4ulwr, to ut.lke ulnen Ilie evidence. In
sneaking to each of these. •tw nude
frequent refetenet- to the -t.ts. reports.
exhibits, testimony, rte., to support bls
.tatenlento atnl to prove his a•...nious.
Iu the course of hie. remarks he auai-
czed the powers vested In the Ilydro-
i'owwlssfuu In a most crit!. at way
and revealed how that body-- had hi'
tone. nn aHaire ry and autocratic
lawn! which ela)esct defied the tM,veru-
went and went on spending money for
ratline 4nt7+'ae'- Pyen after the (:or-
rrttuwnt 111 July last had issurel a
stnteuhent saying that all expenditures
would ;ease.
He also dwelt 11111,11 the dangers of
the meet unusual authority by which
the Fly -dm 4 omtnlwion can pool tlw
funds coming into Its bends and reread
Irmo funds raised for one• purpose on
undertaking,. different from those for
4. •
NINE out of ten people can
figure out on a piece of
paper how much money they a
would have had, had they saved
a dollar a week for the last five
years. One out of the ten can
show in his bankbook the
amount he has saved in the last
five years. Which one of the •
ten are you
Goderich Branch -A. J. MacKay. Manager
Call and see a demonstration of the best Washing
Machine on the market. We are agents.
Lighten the drudgery of housekeep iii with one of
these easy•running machines, which save tiller and preserve
health and good tempe
ZDlt$O>tt ♦
are the standard. up-to=da electric 1.
Aliso all kinds of
for house, store, office or worksh
Estimates made and cont
wiring and other electrical work.
We have them.
is taken for electric
Obi Colborne Hotel Corner Phone 261 Hamilton St.
-School of Commerce
Clinton and Goderich, Ont:
Owing to change in G. T. R. time -table, it will
be necessary for us to re -open our GODERiCH
BRANCH. Students preferring to attend there
may make arrangements to do so.
We give you a THOROUGH and PRACTICAL
Commercial Stenographic
Secretarial Civil Service
• or Teachers' Course
end will arrange for students wishing
This is theOq ly school In this IMO Het in which EVERY
mnntlwr of the STAFF ie a.NORMAT.-TRA1NFfl TEACH.
Ell as well ray a 4'.SMMf)Rt'IAi. (IRAI)t'k'PIl
ItINIiCfF}:1'I',�:e: 1.light by 11i.155 SliSTEM of MT -
111)1.1► MEDt.1c, has twits' leen awarded by the NEW
1'(►RK OFFICE ref the Iteenringtcm Typewriter Co.
FI11'ft $l'F!l'IAT, CERTIFII'ATE:4 have been awarded
by' 1111' E1►JY'ATTO JAT, DEPARTMENT of tit, Under-
wood Typ'writer
There te a well paid place waiting in the imelms% worts
fnrpm 1f you will flu yonru.df for it. Think it orer.
• Fall term opens Sept. 6, 1921
For further Iuformaton Phone 141N, Clinton. or write
R. A., M. Accts., Com. Sp.elalht,
Prinelpal VIeo-PrMr tesla
Amazing Success Achieved by Celebrated Medicine
Not Only Phenomenal, but Unprecedented -Over
20,000,000 Bottles Sold in Six Years --Foreign
Countries Clamor for It.
Thursday. July 7, 1!121.-3
Never before, perhaps, in the history of the drug
trade has the demand for a proprietary medicine ever
approached the wonderful record that is now being made,
by Tanlac, the celebrated medicine which has been accomp-
lishing such remarkable results throughput this country and Canada,
As a matter of fact, the marvellous succes.s achieved by this medicine is
not only phenomenal, but unprecrc'ented.
The first bottle of Tanlac to reach the
public was sold just a little over OR years
ago. its success was immediate and
people everywhere were quick to recoog-
raze it as a medicine of extraordinary
merit. Since that time there have been
sold throughout the United States and
Canada something over twenty million
(20'000 0001 bottles, establishing a record
which has probably never leen equalled
in the history of the drug trade in America.
Fame Is International.
The instant and phenomenal success
which Tanlac won when it was first Intro-
duced has been extended to practically
every large city, small town, village and
hamlet in North America. Its fame has
become international in its scope and
England, Japan, Mrz1co. Cuba, Hawaii,
Alaska. Porro Rico and many European
countner are clamoring for it.
From coast lo coast and from the
Great Lakes. Tanlac is known and hon-
ored. Millions have taken it with the
most gratifying and astonishing results
and have pronounced it the greatest
med,cine of all tame.
Tens of thousand- of men and women
of all ages, in all walks of life, afflicted with
stomach, liver and kidney disord
some of :hem of long standing, as well as
thousands of weak, thin, nervous men
and women apparently on the verge of
collapse. have t -staked that they have
been fully restored to their no►mal weight,
health and strength by Its use.
Restored to Health.
Still others who seemed fairly we. yet
who suffered with indigestion, heada hes,
shortness' of breath, dizzy spells. , r, '
gassy stomachs, casted tongues, foult
of breath, constipation, bad .omplexi
los of apoetite• sleeplessness at night and
of terribly dejected. depressed feelings„
state that they have been entirely relieved
of these distressing symptoms and re-
stored to health and happiness by the use
of Tanlac.
these trust funds were raised.
He questioner! tlw propriety (.1 ism -
terrine such with' 4tuwen. on guy body
of trustees. lan•tbit layl, when that
Moly leas sit h.lg.l about fly lrgls-
latice authority that there was no ap-
peal from its methods and rulings.
Ignore Changed Conditions.
Speaking broadly, Mr. Hobert .on
held that since the Hydro -radial
.hems had leen tlr't ,)1a,Ive.I etch
1111011 by elector's, touditlous had
411in•ly changed. Then loth the
Grand Trunk doll the Canadian North-
ern and their 'ubsi.farie'.. were pri-
v:at'e1y owned. They 'weere financially
not In a innitiun to glee the servlw
people were asking. At 111411 time tlw
radial interurban .{-stew had town
brought 1.r.unl iu tgrp)sitio1 to these
psi ted tele off owl line..
Mtaiaicigmliti.•. were induced to give
what he clnbued w'as very meagre sup-
pnrt,to the by-laws on thi. rround anti
oh tlle statements made by retirement -
afire. of the 'Hydro 11111 of the Hydro -i
actt6l A..scr Yatton. VliT•h the Hy(T-m !
WAS helping to Manner , Plat the Iln-
tariu Government would guarantee the
bonds anel,the mnntetpllitle..would not
1.e en1Ie11 ;mon to Ray out monks+
HP gnoti.I Sir Adam Heck himself
!• wwying tint if 111.. (:rand Trunk
were acquired by the people it would
ire folly'to !mild limps to pnraiiel 11.
Nevertheless, with all the important
charts... that had e,.we 411s.t'f. neither
Sir Adam nor taw I'omwlsslen. of
which he 1s the eh:dr:wtn. e'n.ed In
effort. to carryon{ .norther highly ex-
penshe, and. .lit ,hitt opinion. totally
anwarr titt•tl'progrn'thme of public ex-
Serious EReet lit" Province.
he result for Ontario would be,
if 1 e scheme were allowed to pro-
reed. hat the ..relit of the '1'ovvltn'..
would .e•rtnntly impaired. that the
public is mild be embarking on a
duplication pollee the tend of w•hleh
no one could foreseesiuu.maeh es the
fifty million resew' aakal w'n. only an
Initial ontl.ty: bine large seventies
wo1114 Is• taken away from Pxfaing
publicly -owned railmayn, 1Iwr40t in-
creasing their air
and that the
w011`hl dare to put -
aefi•oahle (mine .net o
the deficits which exp•
my henry deficits:
.of._ this -I'r)rilitw
it tumidly eon -
lase. to Meet
(ower' railway
anti engineering witne, es'rtated wouki
be Ievitable. !i
Mir. Itolrertw, asked that he Royal
I'of/mission eulnl(nW the Inc that
in any ease leglslntknl be I to
amend PIMting legl,rtatk.n. am that
whatever putill.. m ney Is .qwp for
better rnilt'Ay fatuities *Wulff An
for the eleyfriticntion of the lines n
owneol 111141 ApPlIl efl by the ptd.11'•.
claracteriml same features of Hydro
operation and administration am re.
workable awl tnntra1 ' 10 our ideas of
JULY 22-28
gtn'e'rIInN•ut. nod •:lid mtinici salit
that had gold.' 11rto 111.' pl.,n.sitkn w'
Iwlplr,.. ($•fore tIle at rbitrery hex
'Which could not Is• smel. wl►k•b w•
above appal, 441111 11liic) ."(creches
lowers to the deft -mood of tern
municiptlhies wide), he named.
Unfair to Rural Places.
Ir. Robertson :also M
figures AIN' evidence that sever
municipaliti•s were linfairly ass.ww
for the tont of eoustnu•tlon : th
rural places were IN 11111 rap N111411111
ole .01 all proportion 1, any l.Plwll
they could expect to reelve : and th
the W1101t6 ten(erM•c of the Hydro can
gramme. If ,i*rrle' out, wouki be
rouse greater centralization of xxtpu
111111 Anal industrial wealth.
.Leone of thew. features The fit
lames to treat more in detail" In sites
s.. sent !"sues. but for the Iletwfit
It. Madero 1t has -anima rized the flit/
lt,gs as offered by Lr. Roberts()
They :are
: ..
IMleslve .1rp u.ents.
1. That the ('I -mitts In whish p
posed railways are to be hunt nn• a
ready ;terra) 1k'iM1 roe,. which ma
Rlth moderate c•u.L b• ulnae to meet
all needs.
2. In view of .4lItrnlization pf
Ix)tnletion that lins alrendy- decelo.xd
in this. .11.1ri.t. awl of the advantage
h rtulj.,r'. .J1' 1 heap power. for wide!'
the ['roviuee has provided inlmel
•Inn.. the Provincial crept .should not
be pledge' ho neentuate this Iwutral-
3. Finandal ntte•P�.. of the vennlre
Is not as.nnrl---in fact. annual deficits
alight be sepses' in view of noon?.
of roads In 1'. S. In rprwnt year..
4. that of tonatrnc4lon of this. pro-
poser] system i. exc4,ellvely high cont-
emned with similar mads, noel 1. pro-
;. Proein.als rest 4Pfore the flnt•'-
ernment Incomplete • in numemns at-
rientinls. lith as to conntnution and
a. Impnrtnnt -alt.rationv In and
Addition to plans of the 11. E. 1'. r'om-
misskon a(1 ,til.mlttes1 to the Royal
t'onindso n were made by witnesses
called on behalf of the Hy.1
niltifehN4' iTil ini'.Tre large ennui of
money` not nuthorlleel by the electors
of munition tides eonrereil.
7. ('o.t of eonstretetion has not
heed properly ar fnlrly , di.tributel
Among the several •mllnielpn111ies in-
ft: Fxtrpt to few , squint eaAes
rnrnl nnulieipaliriec x•111 derive no
nticnntag( from prnpm''d line's that
will in any w'ay enmpnrr ,with the
financial resit awl hnnlen they n.snme.
Ruth -r pn.tmhle reititt will be to Two -
mote development of urban cjwolnts tit
lie expense of rural.
9. That revenuer to be derived will
meet ._the i•u•L_of-.oppratiun, flit
AN and interest: that estimates of
even 1s nA slihnlltt.d to tlw (hnw'rn-
}"l a unren•onaMy high.
111\ estates of revenue Inehele
•nisstlnDl: .nm• that wY)llil. If these
linen are n nett. iIP rereled by
ndbin Nntio -1, t:, T. R. end the To-
mer() civic. mission.
11. ''}Brett es miter. of revenue n.
set'mlttell'to Government are Ivele,Rv
what would be required to meet the
Inst of op.ratlou. with taxes and LH,
12. Estimntell reve'ntte, even If at-
tained. leaves In Pont*. ease. a deficit
after providing for cost of operaltkr.
tract•. and Interest: on the el -stens n.
e whole the surplus It ton smelt for
w, t!•ty.
13. r-t'mitts. of veyenne as .nb-
'`mlttal to the' Royal 1 (ommi.-ion •ire
bnse.l utx)u imlx'rfwrt and eerrontetms
iuforrnedon. on ill,fonndeil torsi ex-
trflt•agant e..urn.'tlnn. will regent to
the business 10 lx' l.Pellral.
14. F:.ilmltl•. ref e,.t of operation
ns,g4.nbtnIttell to Governnle•nt ,ire'
greatly below any rose that Is likely
m tie realised 111 arcual operation.
15. Estimate's of the lost of op. re -
don are far below these on compar-
able read.. In ('antdn And 1'nfted
Mites, and cone.) be rnnlired without
reduction In wages of oxen much below
prevailing rate..
10. if mails u0' hint further large
'MM., w111 be regnlrel from time to
tine for Improvements, adrlltIona l
Bo.rllit{P., este., en Hort errollt of i'mr-
dnee will he further dapple Involrett
17. Thr only way anticipate) ,44L
fit•ite can he me de good' kr from tare -
Mon. Henry tax burdens on people
Dow make further impoeltbn unJn(1tl-
Is. F:.timatel revenues am1 ex-
penseeM of operation submlttel to the
wtlllk•Fy lith,. are Ix,t now to he relied
upon; It 'trunk! 1n• unfair to 11.1111 the
electors committed to the emte rprise on
tla•Ir origlmal vote.
111. Propose' .y'tew wo,lld tlpyatr
Irrgely 111 touliwritiow with Natiunn1
road. alai troukl, therefore, add to the
e...roous 'load already earriel 111
au11ual 41..tielt..
211. Ages -uncut hue tion wi/nietpltll-
tks. 111111 Hydro -Kies -Irk Power I'om-
nlh.slom I. arbitrary In character: it
4111•(1 not pn)11.1•Iy sa(e•gminl mlllillt-,
Ialltic-s: '
21. l'rovinee Int. ailrea.ly itworreti
heavy ohllgatlulw for Hydro enter -
{wises, and that • the Rlutrlultw• now
aMkwl of $4:1.01111,1KN1 to u1.i11.IMMo,1Mk1 will
duly represent the nucleus .1 a new
22. That elle Hy(Ir-tle tri• Power
4'anlmis.Iun haw lawn grautIrl extra-
ordinary 1MIw.•r. fel 11i ext Plat 1 ilflt I1 '
is 111.1.• to chilli if hulas 111ey I1'lw4.1,
In trust for the municipalities fu.•j1141ot'
iu •. it. .t.teniauil it ass t•ts 14 atm,.
latrine from If. stains II. a rnvin-
e1:11 1'nwtuls.iu111 acting fur 111141 on la•
hAlf of the Province ds a wb11e."
.2:1. Ilalesinllde that the tivanei111
credit of the Province s1M.11111 Ile pbeel
so largely in the hands of a,licitly, that
discs /Hit r•tirewtat. aural is tna entirely
re•vlraIsible to the wrote lna,1)Ie 4.1 111..
1' robes. -
24. In view of the fart that the
Hy.in,I!,,. trio 1'ower ('0nuuiwion is
interested for other than the mimic'.
l:alit1... ;vitas -nits' .In the ionis..,I
rn1ht'ays. Jia the sale ttf ele•trie power,
It is umleslrebi.. that It shoal! 1M•
pbeel in rhe t'tlnirewal yusltitln el
bath louver and esker of lower re-
yuirwl for 'imposts' retie:lye, •
26: Thar tIN•liTiti,} w•trk' Power
t'tuumissltta Las, utttwerrei,.ntaf tirense
In handling of pnbllc `ntottey hntnnawa
) it; sal that 'It is perInItteil to em -
p v all Its fund,' proc1414m1 for A
ala fle ptrpn.e for other 1N11pnw.s.
al nal or the In•m•fit of o1 her per.urn
tlwu_. -owner,.-.,( tin- ftmth. It 1e
lira •1e, htss'iuu regart to tilt.
il:ltllr• at 111e+se sins -1111 privileges, thflt
1111• 11,111vi .•. of the Ilyvlro-Ele.trb
.loll .Isomil In. extesuleil
• field.. .of 1.Ia•rit1101.
Ig' atilt tie• 41ev.rlop-
re ma different that
IR tT,au from .von -
"To -night
-on the 4.401"
les Power Conn
creel fo .dutlr.•I' me
ly 2/1. Itailrua1
as mend of power
It, 110 good is expea'p
in Jibbing then'.
27. No • general
demand , from;
wumMlpetitre.- for e1 stnlethw. In 1
nitons' ,
alit es
by. 1 11N+ were not A
m:ajuritc of 11Alilkvl eke +r. In favor
III oI of the by-1aaw'., and std luent on
.Ius•ial ad - ndroacttve gl.kltton.
tat Fnrheriu,n•. the initietiig a i
is Ing energy h1 tl number of nut icltall-
ts ides tame on the Hydro ('onlm ion
at drill the flet o Itndi'l Pubo,, dither
than from wit n the mIulihilallit1.
to L" t. In V 10 . the pr..ssnre Moult
hl` 10 bear on ttttt 1-eouwtll. 10 sub-
mit by-law. .old of representation
HI publicly made as to. uncial wimmpyte,
It is nowise for the 'ro!•Iww to fur-
ther involve itself by tnruntee.
:44. No guarantee s 111141 In any
11- event be given except a er an Ilale-
;WtNleuf ..tear( -..Ion of n rnrnt tsy
ele•t+11s with full Informer .n before
m- them and a proper nllpr..•hltknt of
1 their prinulry liability. .
110. Legislation relnt'loig to Mier.
Y' ntistn electric marls ahoithl 1 MI
altered A(1 to A..nr' eo-opeation lass•
twer•n any wish railways end ott rl
puhlielcsrwnel railways. 1111,1 M rllm
11;1 N. 1o1n1A•tltinn /11141 'Iitplhill IOW
at. P'r.rlaon to any event should
P. made for an appeal, frori Hlydro-
Ekrtric 1'nw•er 4'ontuds'.1on to the
T.ie,t.'Ii.utt-tiowernor-het'ouncil.. or to
the Ontario Ha11w-ay and Ilion •ipal
444atrd, h1 n•.I,r•t to trti4l•• and rate.
rind A5's.1114.1rt male' against lullul-
"I'i32. •nlitle+. MAMor`transportntion I. Is•1'linl-
hag .11.41 n eenrywtltor it inipnirs the
chili,., . cif Multi -fat .neer.s u( the
.. Thi.. T'rrtrin.tnt pities} of good
highway. 1. procidhn; inf•rense•d
facilities and trungwlrtntion 1111.1141e -
ft) Aer1e the ned• of the people.
For the Quick' Service
- that .brings repeat orders
LET me get him on Long Distance, and I'll soon settle
this"- says the shrewd business man, as an emergency
arises. His personality, with the persuasive tones that
helped him build up his business in the old days, is still the
greatest force at his command, and it never fails to bring
the needed results.
Long Distance permits him to retain that personal contact and lenience
with men in distant places, on which his success was bunt. "If one of
our travellers tails to secure an important order, he gets me on Long
Distance before the interview is over, and 1 nearly always land it."
The power of Long Distance as a business -getter is only beginning
to be appreciated. "Use the 'Bell' to Sell".
and see how economically it produces results.
Many of your Long Distance calls can take
advantage of the Statism -to -Station rate. Ask
our Local Manager to explain how, or ask for
our Booklet. "A Few Ways to Speed Up
Every Boll
is a Long
Red Hot July Days
Hard on the Baby.
' July -the month of oppressive hest,
red hot dais mei sweltering nights -is
extremely hard • on the little ores
Diarrhoea, dysentery, colic and
cholera infantum carry- 'off thous-
ands of precious little ' lives every
summer. The mother must be constantly
On her guard to prevent .these troubles or
if-thev come on suddenly to fight tfiem.
No other medicine is of such aid to
mothers during the hot summer as it
Baba's Own Tablets. They regulate the
bowels and stomach. and an occasional
dose given Ip the well child will prevent
summer complaint, or if the troub'e hoes
come on suddenly will banish it. The
. Tablets are sold by Medicine dealers or
by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr.
Williams Med cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Said to be "the funniest man since
BTM Nye." Mr. Cope will convulse his
Chautauqua audience with his humorous
address,• Pamily Remedies." Cole spoke
to more soldiers than any other speaker
oda the continent. The boys nicknamed
lin "Kin the Sloes Cope."
F -R -E -E
1000 watches absolutely free. Owing to the enor:nous goo.
can d our previous puzzle advertisement, which gases
for us hundreds of new clients, wbo, being so pl with
their free watch, that they are now our permanent custo-
mers, we have decided to further advertise and gain reco-
gnition in 1000 new homes, by giving away another 1000
valuable watches, to those who are lever enough to ELI
in the missing letters in the following phrase.
T -ES- W--CH-S A-E F -L -Y NT. ED
By oorrectiy filling In the missing letters, you can obtain absolutely fres s watch,
tbst will equal for tine any solid gold watch made, which is sufficiently proven by
the large number of testimonials that we have received. Solve this puzzle coree&
tly and comply with our simple condition of which we will write when we inform
von if your reply is correct, write dearly, your name and compiste address, so
Ilial w'• rr•n. without ddey inform you of your success.
ore ••
al►Ig CO DEPT 147 r•qt? tsn`ypg * stilet/
Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away
1'fa seise flew ora Dow Almy, Dsw Mlayldaead, 11.
✓ a Pop. aroaaA th.m and s.nd t. u. t. b. mad. tat.
The Famous "VELVETEX" Rugs
a...atb1.-Wil wear a Y r.4 .--prlw rwoaaa/a
We ha.o hundreds of r'soomn,enedatfeoa tram sats
fled aoatom.ra Ask Air VtLv5Tax" Press use.
we pray =pram both wears on large
way ea sense ora o ordsra ons
aatabtleh.d tem ►MM arta
BUFFALO JriDaily.,)laslot to_Nrri 15tIs-CLEVKILARIp
len I11 -77.1e • 5:00 P. Id. i farrow Lew Corium's �-~ 5100 r.t1L
Arrow C' _aa a'.* :1 T:as A. Y. f thraacAPA Then {Ler
* Hasson t T.50 A. IL
M'..*,wtioos .t CMr l..d for Cedar Point. Pot-l.-B.pp.QToledo. Detroit end otbw pdnb. ���y.�d
ticket.kk.t * between
M .a nal fd ort ticket. r.eveland ' C a 11..1.100. for 11.. Tour .t Oar
ataar' 14.4...-
120 Dao Itou.d Tr,p, ,rate 1 den *.tarn tem,t, roe ,. c ad 1Yl ince .MalD....
F. centaMad demolptIve booklet tree.
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