HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-30, Page 8a'- Theraday, June No. len NOTEPAPER SALE • 'Boxed Note Paper awl En- veolopos at 1St'. !9e and 25e per boa. 11h•so are all reduced prices sued ore extra good values. Higher grade Nate Paper and Envelopes, boxed. 35e. Ale and up. Tennis Ball, 4.tyerk FlagRah 1 and`75e eaek ' Mott lew.u'e l'i.•nie Seta, sweet 25e. Fib's. Nettie Plate,. sod Lily 1 iiukiuy; Cops. i fsesesifteektesesesPeeell a i Upholstering Shop ! FURNITURE REPAIRED and VARNISHED tl�m awayw�old Furni- ture �illy FURNITURE REPAIRED VARNISHED trou t throw ruuz old Furni- ture till you see;• CLIFF ANDERSON CLIFF ANDERSON Sw. NrLrau'iBlock soisesieWliesnievalitaloWwwwasmeo S Province of British Columbia Twentytyear 6 per cent. Gold Bonds rl Due June 15, 1941 Price 95.52 Yield 6 40 per cent. r 1 t E.H. HILL & CO. tesmehmtesestesesevesesevosesevnesesosow i • wool IJLS1101' WILLIAMS' f,'1Sl?. Confirmation Services at St. Geurce'N Tuesday Evening. Ili.. Lordship flee Di•hup of 11unw ' adulinistered the rite of venni-motion ' to forty -revers eaislidales In Fit. Ik.rraseo cli18:11 on Tuesday evening or this week. I In his atklrels the IJislrop took for i his text Act.. 11. part of the 26th verse : "Anel the disciples were called (thrirti:ins first In Antioch." -Antioch. the (s•11tn• of "minim and the (creek language, a political ,eutm, was aka the .,•etre of the first foreign mission of unr .•hunch," $.1 111 the Bishop. "We hero delay are the product of that foreign in . siou In .tntioeli." The mime Christian was a ukekiiswe find glen in derision: tlw di.eiples of that day never callel'theiuwlves l'lirietians. What is necoosary to ns who retain it? Christianity is not mere leaching, adt a wen• lsiognrphy, nor cresol. nor do•lrine, lint rrthe r the essence eon- "' slats In allegiance ivy ttllrist. No olive Minion trunk's of Its founder as living today. How different with us who be- lieve in the everaivIng Christ, for If Christ wen• nut living the Itilile would tw u, more help to us thou English 1 hishwy. The word Christ is not a surname lint a title. in Hebrew, (freek and Eng - bah. -Anointed Ola!" Messiah. Christ. meaning all our. The privatise of a Messiah w•:I* one gulden thpu.I rue - 1 ntng'all through the Bible. t'ropbets. lrgie,ita. kings Were all arwdrstsl to tlwir ottiee-the prophet to mrewl its• lnttll we,onling 10 phis light, eai.h Pointing to the gesso Proplwt who was to (Nene; the high priest to bring to mien torgivenewo atoll to offer sacrifit's finding their- fulfillment in The great nigh Priest to erne'; the king pistol- ing to the One who would rule by love. The one wool (lhrist means prophet; Wert ropb ",- priest sod king. eammariafng the whole (;o opel. The word contains e sIrmmotks to Ohriatiaus; they are latrist's ppre.ientatrpw 1n tie world. "f am the llghf .t file- woriw'_"Yt are the light of tie lrttrkt"-dart you,' light to shine"--iiiotf to he ti Clieiat In his own pla.e. Weare t0 he ex- aatlrlel: mei will learn of Christ by what they learn of its; each iso im- mense nop/nsibility. (hill ham'eln.sen to work rhnnrgh' us. err remember the first funetkin is to exhibit Christ in nor life. We are to do the work, to tnnintwfn Ms eattw-, first in off Mea country, ellen thronebout t!w world. "tin ye ono ft unlike disrlples of all the world" The wont Christian is a summons to lihcli endeavor. "1 hope Shia wont means all this to yot1. and n'memlwr this final word : ('print give's the power if we only make use of i1 " ('Ol'NTl' TI MMPF.K%N('E CONVENTION. Annual (:alherine for Fluron ('ntrnfy tut Clinton Last Week. Theeisuual as,uvaswtlun t-tlse3lunw Comity ^11mlienne Assm•Iation was held in Ontario street s•hun•h. on Wednesday, ]tine 22 .1 large neon. her of delegates were.preswnt form isP points of the ..stnty alai eineeeofel meetings were held. The afterntou was ttLkpa up with the hearing of reports. 'efc., and wd- dr,-,.sea by Itev. I)r. IsIdgeon of To- -mono. Rev. tMr. Peters of Relltreve set Iter. Mr. ('lysdale of Foniwieh .1 banquet was: serval by the local W. C. T. It. in the le"ture mom et (i o .bwk, which was followed try after-dinner .get5•hes. In the evening itev. Ur. Pidgeon. who ds pnsldpnt of the I'mrin•tal Suetal Morrie.. Council, again 1Lwrke. his suhj-••t being "The City Meat M rket and Grocery Co. SATURE AY SPECIALS Roast lei 20c Pot Roasts 18c Stewing Beef .....15c orned Beef - _.:......... 12c VERY SPECIAL 4 lbs. good Black Tea ..............31.(80 'Phone 368 R. GRAF, Proprietor. C . Kingston Scum COME IN AND SEE how we have prepared ourselves to ensuve you foot comfort this summer. We've Mocked tip big on WHITE SHOES,. which everybody should (most people/do) wear at thi, Season of the year, for different reasons: They are lighter and cooler, consequently More comfortable than leather, easily. cleaned, and 'decidedly cheaper STYLISH AND DRESSY ? Why, yes, of course. We h(hfght them in the new - .est designs in Shoedom, heatttiful Ties, Pumps and Oxfords, in leather or t r soles, with a variety of heels, for. the ladies. var us shapes and styles for Hen. boys ant girls, evendott forgetting elfin "King bY•' FLEET FOOT Running toes for every member of the family, for all occas s,'proper at any function. BOWLERS, ATTENTION 1 A special heavy -soled white shoe, which is just the thing. for your favorite pastime, has just arrived. Get a pair new And get into the game for a good long season- SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE W. Rs,: Srt*a•wAN r F TICS SIGNAL !ORTIJREO BY TERRIBI.( ECZEMA as !mod Three Yarn thil She Tiled - fuer-A-'nw'r DAME PETE?. LAMARR( Pointe St. Pierre, P. Q. •'I think it my duty to tell you how much your medicine bas done for me. 1 ss/eyed for three yes wig terrible Jrcama I eoasulted several doctors aad they did not do me any good. Thea, I aced one boa of •Sooalr Soli sad two boxes of 'Freiswii.cs' sad my hands are sow clear. The pain is goae and there has been ao return. I think it is a marvellous euro because no other medicine did • sae say good aad I tried all the remedies I .ver heard ft. unbent basalt until 1 used kala blade •as 1rs�irsa' ruin a lives' tlssillt t I6 .1` and removed the osese ofthe disease, !ad 'Soetba-Sal,*' oompleted the Demo TETER L JIARRE (Ads):. title. a box, a for let .110, trial arse 2:,e. At all dealers or asst postpaid by Fruite.fives Limited, Mania, Ont. New ('itlreemltili." His sok eloquent awl '111.piring. Aim* of the diw•n.-,lon wn, np7eq social service work and all rhe .pok- ers intnshsed new i.1eas in regard to the plates for inch Work throughout rite sanity. ihlriug the evening tie mired quartette of the chnn•h n•n- siend n seleetirm tool Mr. T.. Weir -ung a s,114). it was cene.kiers l s stns• ee•stid crmve•Jytion.. Following are the nMr* rs f.,r the ensuing year : FTon.-Pre.klent. A. J. Irwin. Wing- It.•tm. President... A. Ins -in, Clinton. Vice-presidents. (i. M. Elliott, (.ole- rieb' Itev. ('apt. Edwards.. tieaforth: IT ft" 3Tt(fw . Kitewm` 3Tn. 3tc=h I ;sin-, Brim/sell.; Mrs. A. T. Cooper. 1'ltnton; \in. N. Fitton. Exeter. See rot a rm. W. 11. 11' i I 1 s. W ingltein. Tea+neer. A. M IO.lertson. (Mole - Holt Field Secretary. .1. T. Griper, Clin- ton. ItepresenhttiII*,. North l rtnl, S. Ih• heat : Centre Huron, J._ \('owan ; South Huron. 1'. Horsey. MILK OP MAGNESIA AS A 11ot/TH WASH. -The makers of Milk of Magiesia have found that their product. heretofore recommended only as a laxative. is highly efficient in overcoming acidity of the mouth and stomach. Ise it every night as a mouth wash and all appear- ances of acid will soon disappear. We sell Phillips' and Wampole's Milk of Magnesia. E. R. Wigle, druggist, Gode- rich. INJt'N( TION DISSOLVED. Mottos le Prevent Peeking of Bylaw Is INsmissed. The applicati(at at Osgoode Hall oe Thursday last, on behalf of Mr. R. J. Acheson, for an injunction restraining the town courted of Goderich from giving third reading to the National Shipbuilding Co bylaw. was dismissed, with costs. by Mr. Justice Kelly. The interim injunc- tion was dissolved and final judgment in the matter was postponed for one week. Justice Kelly declared that the motion at this stage was premature. If after the bylaw had been given its third reading, and a valuation had been made, the council then proceeded to go ahead with the issuing on bonds on a less valu- ation than $120,000 as called for in the bylaw. then it would be time for an in- junction. He was not ready ro believe that either the council or the valuators would take a dishonest course, and in the meantime the council should not be inter- fered with in carrying out the duties laid npon it ander the bylaw. Remember St. George's church garden party on Thursday next, July 7th, in the rectory grounds from 4 p. m. Admissic n 15c. Tea a la carte. There will be fancy work and candy tables. ice cream, fish• pond and a program in the evening. NT. PETER'S SCHOOL FMtlowing are to maths of the pro- moting exatuln,Nion' at St. Peter's whoa', C.ok'vt'b. Ntnnw ill order off merit : Prom Jr. fl. le fir. it,'. Honors -Wille Tobin. Norman Ryan. Marr Tobin, Margaret Rivers,: 1•aswd - - Who el tatnffonI. Asters Itarold'r, 1CIIIsM f;erumette, htxhell Lyme Freon Sr. 111. to .Jr. iI'. hones-- •1A,rtwe howler Iti s'iisl Mari" c;rar.'lle, ilellne Plante, Rite nt.'• Farther Farr, .lanes O'Neill. Dents itrennan. George Farr, .lobs Vt'hltty. From Jr. (11. to Ar. 1T1. llon,rs--nowt,. Tobin. Tann Welnw. Passed-M.rtlna Hnf.ey, Termer Webb, Me rein fanners, Madeline Jeffrey, Mary Teytm. 'tarry Acenell. Irma 11. to Jr. 111. endues-4,ot tte Myers. Carrie O iu wind Helen Page, Rene Jeffrey. Clsrenee footman, Lawrence fieremette, )nary McKoy. Harp !'hales, 1Mddy QODZRICH. ONT. . THE COLBORNE STORE -'1 SILK HOSE. We have selected a number of lines of Silk Hose which ran in price as high as $1.75 and reduced them to 98c a pair. Every pair are firsts with no flaws. They come in white, grey, black, dark brown, at 98c a pair. RIBBED -TOP, HOLEPROOF HOSIERY in pure silk, in colors white, black, camel, navy and grey, at $1.95 a pair, in sizes from 81 :, to 101::. O. S. HOSIERY, in white and black, in hole - proof, in sizes up to 101 ••, at $1.95 a pair. They have ribbed tops. GINGHAMS, 27 inches wide, in plain and checks, at 39c a yard. ROCKFAST SHIRTING in many patterns, at 35c a yard. PLAIN VOILES in white, light blue, maize, black and mauve, at 65c a yard. DRESSES. Organdy Dresses are very fash- ionable. We have them in mauve, pink, blue and maize, from $12.00 each up. They are the sea- son's latest creations. VOILE DRESSES in dark and light colors in all sizes. The range is very complete and the sizes are all here. They have been greatly ad- mired and we would like to have everyone see this iarge assortment. They run from $7.00 up. a MIDDY BLOUSES in plain white or with colored collar and cuffs, in either balkan or regu- lation style. From $1.50 up. VOILE BLOUSES in every size, at $2.98 each. This is a large range and comprises many styles, at $2.98 each. HOUSE DRESSES in light and dark pat- terns in ginghams and prints. From $1.98 up. BUNGALOW APRONS in light colors at and dark colors at $1.00. J. H. COLBOR THE HOUSE OF 1- EL!ABILITY ler. Telly Plante, Harry Itoeuell. NOTES.- - - ,. 1',,. Fens L to Form 1i. rr Irmo Kennedy. FI.,renee .tulrew..l Barron,ItItty Fithian! Jeffrey. Dilly Webb. Telly Lyuu. Eleanor mr Whitty, Dorothy Carney. From Primary to Form 1. Earl Mem. Thrmas 1\ilyta110n. Thomsen Dean. Augustine Page. F;.Iwiti Mero, Harry Habib. Joseph H,e•kett, Walter iannan. Veroniea Ryan. Tenet ('hislmlm, Lillian Kennedy. The erosion. on Hamilton street has been removed, Int there are otters on the steed every day. tart a suit made by I'ridham -tile T,silvr,-anal you will ite no syds.,m. Round the cover North street. OLD HOME WEEK - NOTiI S. The nerrption ",rmmlttee (Mr. 11. t'. Ihtrelay chairman) w•b4•h 1111been planning M provide lw,anl and lodging for all wlio 'Mit the town during the (►ll Hone Week. Intends to make a seatemati,• eanvass of the token to tees -main what Im,1..mtnslationwill INP available in private homer.. jn•additlon to that wh1441 will be provided by hor.l' and t.sirding-hou.ea. The (on - viewers will ct,mmenes) this wotk next week. and the hearty tvteap'ration of cisizwis Modred In 1116+ very important pan of the 010 Home Week under - At (',ide0. (thin, Ia•t satin -48y Pr. .1. It. Whitely's noire Maxim. W. took s.,d,nd tomer Iu one of rite Mew,. Time ';114,i. Pune *:alai. Tld. town 1,11 'il mete this (Thurs. day 1 evening. instead of on Friday. owing to the hdirlay. The 4. T. it train was iter two )son•s late lest night. Them was an n''i'l.n1 to a freight rear Kirrhetter and the Toronto train had to make a deuetr Thg regular meeting of the Goderich Women's institute will be held at the home of Mia M. E:\Salkeld, Bayfield road. Thursday. July 701- Conveyances will be at the corner d Montreal street and the Square at 2.15 to take the mem- bers out. 'tum -V um ('ones. J. H Lauder is doing a big businesa in Willard's ice cream bricks and ,ones. The very latest ideas in concentrated coolth, Phone 19. VF.W .STEAMSHIP LiNE. Montreal•iletroit F' eeleht Sertlee Or- ganized. Ttetr,it, June 27. -Asia ounement was male Isere tn.dsy of tie omen - int ion of a new freight stenmsllip 11ne whi.•h will make It p,osible for Detroit mauufnrtur'rs to ship their overseas pr. -hurts direct from here to Alontrenl be water, trenssh/1ROng ollrctly Into •••,aa veseeis at 'leeks at the entrance to the Lachine Canal. The tweets to top t,sel are former (;r i,t TLtke,e scowls which went to ,silt water cloning rite war end several or with•h will now toe rnturnfi to the lakes for the new e,rmlenr These bonus have capacity of from 1.500 M 1.7(51 tones and drew a maximum of 14 fivet. of water when loaded. None are "more tion Wellnnl Cann' size. it is proposed to dispateb the first host from Detroit on July 11. giving a teld's, envie. at the stnrt. Four drays are alknv.d on eaeh trip one way, with n clay in port. Other boots wlft be added A. neeledl. Freight rates will be 20 per emit tela than now (lierged by railway lines, wtth is dtwrnnt of fl per .eirt. for prc•plyment. TitP new line will 1.e known as the Detroit and Montreal Line. Why pay more for a phonograph When you can get a real "Stewart" from $13 to iib. and a hero - OM cabinet machine for 1132 t Ask cream a dptt Tort "inn at Agent forackG tit ice tteam par Records. & co. During the months of July and August there will be a shortened form of even- song in St. George's church at 7 p. m, .tt the ttoptlst ehnneh. Montreal vtn.•t. next Nt1rstay .lrt-kea us used at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. liil.k• whim' 11) a m It. Y. P. 1'. 8 p. tn. Wed- nesday evenlag player serrke at 8 .1 large number of Mesons attended divine sert1,.' at st. George's church ou snootily ni ,it. ug. The rector, Her. S. s. Hardy. preached a axalg,,itagtir. lug sermon, taking a4 NO telt nark 4-: TO-srd 11. At Knox church divine worship SSW- conducted ui lconducted next Sunday, motnig evening. The Sacrament of the I.otd's Supper will be dispensed to members in the morning. in the evening Mr. H. Dickson. executive secretary of the Hoyt' Work Board of ()ntano, will occupy the pulpit. North street Methodist debar •Ji see. View Sunday. July :4-11 a. a/ sad 7 p: m., publk worship cuudu ted t7 the pastor. 10 as m.. a-huw. Moil'. l'lub. The Club topic ail to : -I• there sa.ii a thing M (oral good - new ? " and will he leer vel hi Mr ;id Beal far tlr- snn,- -algnt prayer - •1 "u Thor -lay Thum., Yrnrmi. The meetings are disasters mer mouths. The is sen -Mss will 1d. hr nigher lwr•after. i This is the Ice Cream that took Goderich by storm last year. To meet the demand we have doubled our order for this season, BRICKS 24 different flavors to choose hom. YUM-YUM CONES Call early for Cines and Bricks, as the,supply is limited. insist upon a Yum -Yum Cone or an Orange C Brick. Always something new. The F:pwurthi true .,f N',r' h 414.-1 hw Metlid, •lion' had a very prone able inning urVTn.•.hav ev.nirig weter rite envie... /of the *literary dopase went. Mier sourly wad to •turge- Ile. Ernest/ 1'rit'hnrl spire a stew/ talk .m rho Epistles. and Mr.. Hut'•hin- .eusi contribulv.I n11 effective remotion. - A very; wprial feature. however, wa• an attdr.un by Mr JH encs, M Itehel l nn tete sft.J`e•t of the An•hlve,. of Canada. Thome present sere ;riven a wonderful � luajght luta the flan/slice of ('ariadiaa hbtorr tint was inks.' s revelation, former Gnl•rlr•h troy, which took peep OD Monday evening at Walkerville. where"' he had been living the• lest wren mets.. Mr. Wliegn was haken iTt on Sunday last, but was gime to be MA At the sirnrt solicitation .,f the nmm�l the lotrnew, aryl Iw diel ehrly la etene Mr Mitrle•11 prtnri o,l to give Moodily night 'with herflly any warn. another :Mdse in 111.. fall. Iraq that xuyMlbtR s'•ri,nnd ens to iw npprehsssleel. He wn. horn in WV -alk. erten forty-three Mari ago end IlrwtY in ('ofl.orne township beton• moving tutu trrwn, where he lived until hi'. rem uumil to WwlkervIlle, where he wall employed a, a nlghfwaPJlnan Hp was a member of the Ancient (order of Foresters and was n,t nntrries` Farr l'otler' rind one sister survive: (borne. of W'mlkervlll•: Albert. of Snitfnrd : Byron and William. ane! Mrs. .iohn Oke, of town. A funeral service was towboats] Tuesday evens - Mg by Itev. H..4 fihahntn et the home of mr. George Wilson at Welkerrille. ami on Wednesday the holy was brought td (lokerk'h, arwmrpu,h,l by Mr. earl Mee, George Wlhsm. The fi, entl takes place this (Thnrschtyl afternoon from the residence of 11r. Byron n'llaon, Wolfe street. to the Colborne cemetery, Rer. J. F. Reycraft comb -ding the sorrier.. FiEW LT$O\ -The death of Jennie Elizabeth M,•Mnrehie, wife of Mr. George J. Ferguson. Dunlop)" 1i111. ('oMgrte township. removed a lemma who was greatly ()stemma'. both In Aohflehl, wltem she ,.pent her girl- hood, ani hi Colborne. where she load lived shoe her marriage. She ens learn In Ashfield. a daughter of Mr. Alex- McMnrehh'. vital ten years ago wen msrrtesl to her new beret' vel hus- band. She had Stern NI sine last December moll paeevl irony on !Motley Inst. tearing, hooklets her hushnn,l. four conrltr e4111dren. Shp Is sort -feed also joy three brother. .Hngh end Arob . of tshiieiO, and Tlaykh 1n the West -rand three doter.. the Kisses Mary. ("lire and .tnnle. 1411 at the home In Ashfield She was n member of Knox ehnndo. and the funeral RPrvkws on Tuesday were eronhw•tewl by her pastor' Rev. 1t C. MeilernsI./s who was omelette, br iter .1 N Hantlp, minister of her olid Homs ehnmh In Avhfehl. The poll- bearen. were Skewsrt Finlayson, 1541 Dam Flnlaysnn, Ttain Stewart pial Rol M.eflro laor 1t.Adta many wnrrowIng friend. item Crtlhorte trimmed') end (;„derl.t,. s Norge nnmtwer were present fruit, M,k6pll So pay the hitt tribute Use Blackstone's homemade ice cream for all occasiema it makes a delightful, delicious dessert. Phone 240. OBITUARY. 1t *rrTT.-The home of Mr. Arthur Hrw,tti. Newgate start, has been los• r•nc,.41 by tow death orf him wife. Dor- othy lientery.' Rolfe, wlin model away on Tue'hty of this week in her thirty- fifth pular, after an illueos extending over the ptdt pot. itesidrs 11e hus- band. four clrillmn, two toys and two girls. are left t'ereavel. Mr.. Rooth' WAN h.nm In England and enmp to (;oderk-h with her Mohan.] twelve mems ago. The funeral takes plate fh1 (Tlntrahty1 ofternrnn to Malt - land cemetery, the "worries... tieing con - (holed by Rev. S. H. Healy, rector of St. (;e,rg•'s chnn•h. The p.libearers HTV IM,.asno. Iatwm, Welsh, Booth awl Jane. P11FILAN.--.1 familiar figure has been removed by the Math of Mr. Indus Phelan. wM h nrrtlrre] on Wednesday. Jane 22n1. MG Phelan wits. born In (mean's county. Ireland, In 1844, nal eleven years later camp to ('nna,h, with hits ;Mnents. They re - doled for ten years at Whitby, remov- ing ranee to the townehtp of II noes - mash. In this entity, sold Mr. Phelan ufterwarls twrame n redolent of (boles rich. He 1s survived by his vette. three sons wnl one daughter : John. of Col. boxwood; .tamers. Fronk nnol Mary, of l'reaetntre: also by A sister. Miss Vora i'lNian, of Detroit. and two brothers: John. of Buffalo nn1 TMs, of (it. Ailgi,Mlne. The funeral service was hell wt St. Peter's church on Saturday morning. Rev. Fattier Chlsl,olm e►Idl- Mande . T1w pa llles rers were (;Po. Deform. ibis Jeffrey. ,Tohn McDonald. ll,trtek Finn, TAW. Path and Wm. Moody The fetelheat ewe in the itommn (5artw.hle eters, tit'(`eAMfrl.. W11.911 ON Sodden Howl unexpe•tel wax flip denth of Harry Wilson, a • of re•gs,•t to one who. was helot in the highest t -.teem In the old home r•0121- muihlty. Thy fnneral pnsws.lnn was one of the larg.rt tiro in this woction Its many jriyijt 'YTie remalo, were Inid at rest in the Colborne eene•tpry.s Mts•h wymparhy h felt for the be. reared Wieland and the ittlbtherkrs thiMren. nr41II-ANAN:-The linae.it of 3lr,. .lamer• Ituchanan, from_a stoke of itarnTyals trtl tie 12th Inst.. we. "the (splins• of general rgret: which deep - mod Into alnrere sorrow when It 1.• - tame known on Wednesday of last week that she had Loses! nw•,ty. Mrs. Itn.hnnan. whose molder' tame wast ('nonirin• 11n,•ibmx141. w,I, born fifty- eight years ago In Trine Vdwaot 1-- Iwtsi. nn0 while an Infant rame with her potent.. tis Itnrtiel.l. in this county. She lived there Instil her marrtnge, thirty-eight yens ago. to Mr. .lam.. 11. nan, of (;.clench. sines whine fltae she had nodded in this town - Roo woo 11 mpmlwr of Knox church, also of the Wor'sen's Instihite and of Rebekah Lodge, awl had n wide ()trete of friends among whom sive was highly esteems'. She leaves, Mollies. her .1)11mltn nl. new daughter. Mrs. H. ft. Mtowp of 4 otaion, and two ann. : Walter .1 , of the (;olerich Planing Mills, and harry F.. ncrrntntant of the loo) branch of the t'nion Rank. Sev- eral brothels and sisters sins surcirp: lion. of Boy -field: Allan, of town: Wil- liam. of Huntsville: Forrest and Tnm.es, of Slwannron. Saiok.: Mrs. A. 0. Reid, of Sarnia. and Mrs. W. 4'. John- ston. of town. Th" funeral took plats on FrhIny hist M Maitland cemetery. Iter. it C. M•Dermid being the oflklat- Ing cdo•rtyman Tho rnskpt was borne by Messrs. H. 4'. i)nnbgt. Janes 1/m1 - ton. 4'. A. Nslrn and 11. Harrison, Thep parent from nntelde points in- cluded Mr and Mrs. A. (3. Reid and ('has. Reid. of Sarnia : Thin. %teT)on- nld. of Bayfield; Forrest •MaeT)onsod. of Shaun,' von. Sack.: William 5.,r'flrin- Aid. of ihtnNoplr Ont.: Miss Agnes afore/1y. of Trenton, Mich ; Moo. D. Barlett. of Detroit : Mrs. Reale, of Poet Huron: Mrs. Jotter., Walter A. Buchanan, !t(Ir. Emilie Bnehmnan. ('it,'. t1•nlstrnng. of Tnromo: Will end Genes+ MaeRlty and Wm. Mori -Wm. of Walkerton. it's the man's own push that generally fiefs him a pull,