HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-6-30, Page 5ra
1 Campbell's Drug reSto
" P.nslar Store"
Mose SO ---
Campbell's Drug Store
Bathing Caps Toilet Soaps
Large variety of t
latest styles 4.r
Kodaks L Brownies
Keep a Kodak story
of the children -a
A Kodak for' every good
Browiies $2.00 apo
A good assortment including
Jergeast Coltate's
Woodbury's Baby's Own
Infant's Delight Sewards'
and many others
Developing and
Films left before 4 p.m.
ready next day
Kodaks $9.00 up Enlarging
We consider it a pleasure to shout goods
- The Square
1 Fumed Table, new
special $25.00
1 Ice -box. will give
service -
airlOr Suite. to -
finished and re-
covered 30.00
1 Hall Rack, solid
oak 18.00
I Lawn Mower.... 4.00
1 Clothes Wringer 2.50
1 Kitchen Table .. 2.25
Soup and Dinner
Plates. 2 for. . .. .25
Every day is bargain day at
Harold Blackstone's
Furniture .Exchange
[stick Anis you go ties get your
Developing sail hinting nose b)
= Week of July 4 to duly 9
Malay sed Tuaeedsy. Jury 4.5.
Matinee Monday at 3.00 p. m.
' to the mireh.pnn•oking fare
`The Husband Hunter"
Two -reel Munshlne ,('ometly
'Wednesday and Thursday, Jody 61.
in a mire fire winner
`Hold Your Horses"
IMatltnes Wednesday at 8.00 P. m.
1 Friday and Saturday, July W.
,lilattase Saturday at 3.00 p. m.
• "The Fire Cat'. --
eoupied with
A Tweereal Llghtoslsa Nam*
Chan tots Cosiest Placa i Tows
rafissee—Me sliayr Wane -
ds ala+ ` y.
re ,1.*i
t)aneing at "The Pier."
1):Inuin :1! "The 1•:.r" will t.. in -
1 kizuratirl uasL 1GJl4ij altht. awl will
1s• ..catkin •►t on Monday. Tie...Lly and
Thursday iia stat, each week 'Int Iu2 the
*wseal: A flr+t•.•IJs% orchestra will hes
1 Irl att.-whams•. tire a tlrha11l•r•nwlat on
the 111.4 logo .1 Tia• signal this week.
Te Reopen tieh.ol in Gsderkh.
The magagertlent of the Clinton School
of Commerce announce that the Goierich
branch is to be reopened, the change in the
G.T.R. time -table making it inconvenient
for Goderich pupils to attend the Clinton
school. This will afford an ex. client
opportunity to- young people in the town
and vicinity to obtain a business educa-
tion. For particulars we the adver'ise-
ment in this issue or •write Miss B. F.
Ward, Principal. Clinton.
Premier Brury's Visit.
The Colborne Fur•Wrr.; ('hub has re• -
..•feel wont from Hon. E. C. Drury
that les will not be able to make his
•.ontemplatcd visit to the ('lab until
about the end of July. It lute been
d•.•idwt therefore. to postpone the
club's annual pktde. whk•h was to it
lilt next ww'k. and Ile date will he
1111n,llnrrl Later when the Premier Is
:Idle to tie a date for itis visit. it is
Isi..IbI. that .Hon T. A. ('rerar. the
leader of the Progre•.•Ivo party at
lnttaw,,, will aere,mpany Mr. Drury on
11.1 ,moaslon,
R. N. Merritt to Kitehener.
Mr. R. N. Merritt: B. A.. formerly
mathematical master in Goderich Collegi-
ate institute, and for some years nrincipal
of Owen Sound Collegiate Institute. has
been appointed to the principalship of
Kitchener Collegiate. at a salary of 63.900.
This is a considerable: increese over the
salary he was receiving at Owen Sound.
The Kitchener Collegiate institute is an
eleven -master school. and the board was
looking fora man capable of effecting a
thorough re -organization of the school.
That Mr. Merritt was selected is a tribute
to his ability. Mrs. Merritt was formerly
Mia Ethel A fheaon of Goderich. .
Devlin -Y ou j'
The manage or Miro MibetYoung;
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Young.
of ,,Colborne township, to Mr. Daniel
Devlin, of Stratford. took place at St.
Peter's church, Goderich, on Wednesday,
June 22nd, Rev. Father Chisholm. cousin
of the bride, officiating. The bride. who,
was given away by her father. was be-
o-comingly attired in navy taffeta and a
large picture hat. She was attended by
Mrs. Alvin Whaling, sister of the groom.
the groomsman being Mr. Alvin Whaling.
A reception was given to the immediate
relatives at the home of the bride's par.
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Devlin left on a trip
to New York and on their return will
reside at Stratford.
Goderieh Violinist Wine Praise.
Mies Edna Me}llrlanw. of town, took
part In n recital Riven in St. Peter's
Hall. London. on Monday night. before
a large atdletwe. The Fire Press, re-
eeporting the 'event, swam :
"Mies Fwlna McFarlane charmed
her audience by her wondet'fnI execu-
tion Ib the violin nusn ere. Mie Mc-
Farlane.. who fa but fifteen yearn of
age, graduated with honor' port I es.ft-
ly and made her Anda appearance in
prhile hist evening."
Miss Edna M.('aug ey. 0f Clinton,
ae'ompankd Miss McFarlane and elan
gave name pin 110 nimt►teru 4n a manner
that was highly appreciated,
' eE • iyr't_
- �t-ralliaar.�A
"'"'”– m EAL OODZV08,• Orr...,. -
great ninny friends.ting Jr4,way iu Geklerikh has made a I were Immshiately taken to t.,•• fee!.' COUNTY FATHERS AT PLAY.
acid ' she will tw' trowel. :11141 the...tent. ••rl•,•t,slI
. l -
taboos" not only at tile Collegiate in- shies the lioness two big motor tru•k- 1
Istituto but in *Kiel eircdetl, @he 1 were tared in haullag the waeous to
spending the holiday,' at Iwr Dome at the grounds, taking a. Hume u. .ix BIR Tii•w alt-Ilaltkid WiN•n the Couto)
Seafurth• wagons at a time. At the ground. the; 1• •il Held. Its .% aI Piroir—
Giri Paws Cirrus. ettpftauw; were mood to ere1111R the i Pieter' Parader Wardens Present,
Including 1'hol.. E. Hass, Who W'a.
Warden In 18711.
tsd p Ih1ng es wgtloafro
A 'siert eighteen years of ago was tlLigwirt Ooalteat. tion8,avy tr u'tirla•kathe• teat,►
picked an we Agrl(•ulttn•Id I'ark on were all eroded ; then i,rcakfast was
Saturday evening by our of the Pro- Nerved and thew came the parnaL;,
%molal defective% travelling with the Al eleve4 *o'clock tlw big 101•,4 t par-
ctttus. Th.' girl hail hw•eime aivlttatut• 1114' took puree. First in the pus's. .
el with the man In charge of the Ilona 1 siun eaaue the gallant knight• Nal So 1 1 rl I ear. ago ,11111 the
of the circuit and had tre'sa 'aywed 1 ladles mounted nn hurrrw: town :I}smt Iluruli t ill lily ,cnhle it had , l t
rrsem b�Isltf s e'( ...
�1ft11 t t' 1e•ci 1 SI waw fianol and t•bla:alr waR.a,; with lhl'e" 1 port's ovaipl••1 oil Fliel:•y tart when
' bails ut tunldr: nine elephant,: fot17, "vet It:!-0Ihir,ls er the• pr••soit council.
tena•u and was taken to 7'"c t'Jd1dn•11'N camels drawing a wagon : (1'11.1 West . man.. .•v -n chaser, •`-• IA'erdri, . 1
Shelter, where she rwaaitxrI eve"'luTM men and women : Japanese: c'Idn0.e, seven • x•War lea.. :1181 loony trivial,
day, chi Monday the girl was went si..;i t,eople of many uattonaliti"s: ,1181' «tour a jolly day of rer.atiou a,
bark to her lanes. idle gave her meow Iasi of s'! Came the hhe -team (al1Ip8', .1ces••11.- 1,i, 111,- ground. al 1tuy1i.1,1
OS Haut ant said she was a farmer's with the thrlllfi gIu«le. Ir' w:a ill ever;% ..•n.••.a 54 111 iuu dal
dapghter 85141 lhel a adaort ili'taua•. Two pr.rfortlatNws 04Y4''even a1 Ilk' of the old h"." yr dill' l' '-"IH :11,41 pl•1
out of Nkruttonl.
gr/111141:. attrrmr,n and et ening It q,•nuail• of Hu• hi.ao't'• county ot-
The Godarleh ('iautastltaa. wa« A tripoli* Mhos• -two Audi. sod ; ifur0,� •
centre pl8tfnrm�tN1 It w'a• 1.•w11'b•r-; Thr oto, .vnu,,% 8,11141. hl the fuis,
Tar program fur ale , rnlmer Chan' fait to attempt ter kw•p truck ..f the leant of vii.* �anutie. or anguli* ii*
unique In (i.ki.ri•h, July L2 -2M, has whole performan(w. There we:•. -eV- early ever,. riseped•,, 111141 in no ,ease
I'w•u lssuwl and show's an array ,•f .rnl group« of acr•ol.ats, who did very. I tn,re .o than In 11,.'. $ee js'I m••n vela,
very superior talent. Some of rhe elrvrr stunt+. T'hr pPrflrui'ulg .•';t1 l
fr�•urtt(res are meutiumr1 In other col- NAN r$1:
hl tis• lu•• K,:1r,Yl Iht. ••nal. it
dmiai'of Tow s�igu:ll this week. and It were wonderfully d; and
the see, worth .11,4 !h'• p ola; arn;xurhr „''
1:.ahlf, that uu Nle whale• lino talent planar. also wen- R'Nwl: and there veer•. _i _,. n,• of a long lite of wurlhy
441,1. y.ia- '11111 .Ytr•I that of any Pira? -I a nnmlwr of high.•kss8 asr•iul tea- .iia•.. The old •••,Iii' '',•,pole. a
1 tures. Tie bbt tent was oulc alsntt uhlyu•• lits itlin, in tis- pre.lactwu of
lues ('la Mogul' in Galrrich' h.lf Aller at rlieh perf0tvran r, lin the p,t,wiu• ut n„ n in all walk.
The Ind s of Ahmw•k ('hepter, I. (! matulremPnt «tatwl that this w -a• Is•t ' fur nu halter 11what 4511'1 tuf i11,e
i1. };., has taken in Lund ties sale of pl.•llllar to Goelerlrh, the slack twin,' world you ea -1 your lot you Bill tins)
,Pontes tkke•�s. The prices are $2.:1) the wen of Ilurnu ...aiming toretniet
pin. "a wear ax for adults 81141 *1.49. , total ertdttinns having t wh. rtvn aur .•}f'e r
In Mllm bowies at other place•. The I position. of 'tiler and honor.
fuehaliug war tax. for children. Thos• , Isl.r Fri.hlc :1t Ira; field w,1.
Who wish to p`M Ie drrnnre•tw1 with tht..hnw• vrm-
ma e•sure of teat,. «boidd ts•rk.r t.! th..•e, Rather-
pun'ha+• the cue tIeket. as the at.' vel a. ire 0f a e'lasM Mit •rl H•g'th•o :, .id•-Ialid arr:,r 'if' tri•'
(••IMIA rite• 1111. year likely to be larger natally as oelatwr with the 1•ire11., and ; pus?' :11.1 pre,, ,;• ,ilii --tor. of mini-
there was little or no ennlldniut .i ane HemI arra ifs of rhe t"9nty. 'rhe'
mina -
'Ilion want I. Juiiging' rum the Tierlrtlo51 improper fea:tnres in w,nn..tion with i weather wa. i'tes.1. til.• a safe sere all
Riven the ('lu,tttanyr at other points. i the outfit. Ko«... 1
hwnor,.L :leaf. the' •eltalde•s now.
'rhe e'tr•u" train left at i i.l light for; than ,Im1110 The C,..1'hldir. •h.
Ilia Wilton.
"Malt •1. s,. rare a• a do) in .Ina.'
Then, it e•1er. 1v,mt l.1•1Fr•1 Illy
.ao 1e wet rl
a•1• e' t
sail I11Nienheleth a wagon on the trip I ten open Paz„. of wild animal carved , reallsstlot' or t154 rrutlif,:r'. •
„ ii* a 1, w
turned uy,.r , ' cbltft llMlefllwillte of
Goes le Jail by Iihesaelf.
Il.for Police Maa'Istro* Reid on
Saturday Jo191,.tru.trong of Blyth a..
pear..l om a charge of drieing a niotor
ear wlifl.• 15,108h'ntel. ,11141. nn pleadhlg
guilty. was Was, $2% and- emus and
w•tteueel to Jail for seven tiny,:. Arm-
urong_ wits. tonna on the side, ' f flie-
r.../.i near itivtlh with the Hep t n off
Quad Wishes Fellow Them
Mine EN'. Bole.. who has ars signed
her position as teaeher of the kinder-
II'arten Mas! in V44Nf oils at'hent, was
presented on Friday by her prpibt with
• very handsome rime and a buneh of
,sI r podtien in the pt*Me N1t1oo1 at
Guelph. She has a haat of friend! in
(doderkis who so worry that IAse Is
leaving town ma who will wimp her
every success 1n her new field of Tabor.
Another tweeter who is leaving
federleh ld Mous Jean Govenlack. who
has resigned her positon on the Oil•
lsglate %inttnte stag and after the
holidays ar111 eowtlnu ! her wtudie• In
art at Pideago. Mtn Oov.nhwit dor•
I asked to firing full Isi.kef.. and the%
w ere Lroaxhr more than foil of the
PEILSONAL MENTION. • IN,ir.••t whld' that -kill .old gos.l
l to .tl' .'�.IIIII protlins•
i A lana 11-' or .port, Was '•herded out
\Iles Mat Carrell iw visit ln; tta-•44r 1 With ala• IIs.,! of, 1••,.NI 1nunor. all 'Id. ,
ionto this week, _ _________..+1uz ilii .-LI.wou w44.k--HNtt-ar
-irit, of
o0�r ee/tur..t,'- lip 'ln,ram•rr.oi'• of the
1118 ear, 11w wimisilehl •mssllwi, uhN'i. Mr. 1). M. Atrken.lot Jae m:sq.•'. 1= 1411111 11, of Huron- In the liw•hull
1t. .i'le.
TOMO aft and the cur turned over on; In town on a rhexes months' Plait. and.f•s.rbal1 iii .he• there acre u,a113
but he on85 Ii4I without `•. a , ,1 r. J. D. H1n•Ide;v, of Seaford'. wits exlx 111'1e- ,.f .g.•.1 Tewin play mitt tier
sTrut h.' Armstrong-t.ppmre.l to be In town yesterday
truer T.w.lrigllal dlvid.wl leers Ault .huwlel tlwt the
INN- a duct sort. ntNl when he wool a calla ' t.iaJ.,rity ore 111, !soy. had WitlWln doubt
•,alteuerd lir asked the favor of going fitmr.l 'p:onnu.lady in n berme uluI,
10 the Jail '111,.. t pollee ,wort and 1 , Sir. r'hillp ('army, who has been- nr' n .t nl. u, c.•ari 1 1,•k. The .iiia, a}
giving 1,lsu*'If tap for custody. Ther Auw'on ver fur enure time. artier•.l twine
IN' .e J .•f the 51U,.of-w'ar. w`herv• Ris l
request wens gMntwl. ural Armin emu., la.Y week ou n holilla} trip. lou''rai•!iip and .hlyiur 1Niatr•r. were
went off to ('841, Griffin with tilt.' MIs« Et1re1 Salon, ad 1h.• Weston I In "1.1''''''' \inch of. lhe ,•reedit_ ut
the Tse .`rev -
cwmmfttin •� .if th.•w•
himself t0 th f'llg . thn. e
!steppesR � Indeh' , wiped ta'na.•hing staff. ha nr- i T• urs esu=
of the jailer Mr the period of tow ,cellwi Rt her bo .' herr for the hull- 1+ iN+ el ,l r iia• To the• IIn1113 rxu••I1.•uf
sentence 1 days. 1 dw•l.ion ,'n1 Le..l1 Jndgnu=nt .li.pl8}el
At the Herber. 11
ill, . lu .:nu, < 1,v the• nn-
I lane ver Harold Hickey and daughter, , ;44 , en T,,,1 nrre•i • t i •, 1'IlI *•
The steaMer'Va artieranloaded a cargo; of Denver„ Colorado,, are visiting the A1ir
May appealed, to au and kept nor
of 176,000 bushels of wheat and 53.00' former's portents, Mr. and Mrs Robert ,rlNc•to ror-
buahelsofoats at the Elevator on Friday I Clark,' in •(i0I humor. Ilrw ft.,t•
hail kieke•r t..,k`, the•anepia for the
IaeL She cleared light for Fort William Mr., Pe'aree\ and two chid• n.n, of tr'...1 :Ar.l k114.•k,"% 11
the tame day.This steamer made a pre, kt,lb•of th.
colorable,. afk•f11, are visitor, at elite •Ti.Tl• mn•r aunt,. ,g frnturv• of for
record in unloading, taking only fourteen i 1 ones of Sirs. tea's pi* rent.. 51 r. pnogr.uu w -..i a ,,.r•, a rats', Ill -Iri'i
hour and forty-five s arty fi t minutes to discharge'
tlisi ilr.. It. H. Roicell of the c recent. l s,.a-,,,, „f owt,,,p,•., w h partners took
het cargo, In the Rale tone 117 ear) i Misssie Hume ha? resigned her • nail. Thi- a.a• woo Mr.. 11,51 Mr
were loaded at the elevator, which is also i }sp,.ltion n.,kiaelergart.n'te nehtr in the ' It 5I Elliott '..f 4't:idle•\, Mr.. J. M.
very Quick work.. ( laddie sc•heal at 4.Iellib. She will re- Got.,i1Ls-k ofM••h p illo,old Mr. )(lop
nit steamer Midland Ki arrived on main at her home herr f4.r rile prewar. of 161). 11181 \Ir.. MIoGn•gor and Mr.
01Twhscy with a cargo of wheat and oats
Miss Margaret ..f Tilt -k, t ,l,itl,. the 1)11114
of which tis 000 bushels of oats and 103.- ts ret Murphy.ti:nlcilr••r of
000 bushels of wheat were for the elevator Non, Mr. Jaen..• atnrpl�. or A'nn- n'''`It ii ,h.• tint, +•r•und anti tided
II -
and 55,000 bushels of wheat for the eo,uver, has arrived in tow to spend Prez••. in the oilier u:uuel.
Western Canada Flour Mills. She cleared
light for Fort William on Wednesday.
The yacht Grenville was in the harbor
On Wednesday with supplies for the tight?
The steamer Valcartier is due today
(Thursday) at the. elevator.
herAs Aeroplane Visitor. 1VIn, Alfred lNnera of waikervllle. with ra'er, 81.1 toady Treasurer 1a,..,
4)n Thursday of la •f wives n la ever datrghtera, the Miseee lllfarguerrite and . e{t,.,,. addresses proved not the leant
arroplaa. •Ien,nnahrl Ina SeM on 1he1 Audrey Mien, tent a wee._ recently with I of the arrraetion. of 'tire /hay and
farm of Mr. Janes Tuna[. Loyal, Th. Mr. and Vin. 5. E. Hick. Elgin avenue, ;she�1 1 that it some of the rex-1Vnnl,•rt+
pilot was Mr. "pert" Highstorw, of hating come up bystesrrter Greyhound. ..,,,,.t l,.rwl them+••lay. toN, 0141 for the
Sault Ste. 'Marie, and as his -I -awnless Mrs. Thomas Lang, Miss McDougall, more '.,trr•uu,u. sr i... they had not
had goer out o1 a cun11•'don he bad to Mra. Kiellyind Mr. Jack Kielty motored 1,4 Ill 11 h of the vigor of youth in
up from Toronto on Sundav on a visit to - 1114.114411 a iatiry,
Mr. and Mrs Joseph Kidd. They r : It Was t tlti,, dace that the only
turned•on Tuesday accompanied by Mrs) sign. Of, .epi •n. -anent were displaywl.
idd. , for OM' n\\Va ,'n jet•. i.t..l in claiming
At the resent final examination. at that he 1191 11,'1 the• ge..I fortune of
tow Itoysl 111-51)81 4.,,,a,.....,.. Tolv9lto. in presiding •.weer -\(hr i,.'st-h.ok1sig alai
a elass of 140 grndisate- Mr. Atria A. bra 1,114..1 hunch of\nlen that ever sit
4':ameron, of Lhtknuw•. took the high- at OMrelined t„h1e, Bat this was the
remained his flight. ,Mr. High.tonw, est latantling. The plain?. man was Dr.' only Isom of dirr.'YV14r ; all egreri
win is eunl luyed in Government work. Mnlisi s aesisrtant here east year. that the - patio wa. 'a� delightful r•
. sae' thrnatgh fmm '1\m,rtt0 std wawunion idel uhd .honitl\ by all mw111w
fie at ib.• ":414'." 'her' his hoar ja,I lir. D. Mie1)r,nald. 4'011 11t7 (hurt raj 15,utiuuel alai It. ,,,,,inial avnrr•tuv
that mine day- and his friend, there clerk, arNl 'I r.. Marlk'iw141 left thl. wtiatld he ls•keel forward., to as u1N.
morning for Montr•w11: velaenw they or the bright rycpts of'the\acme.
wall fur Great Britain. Mr, MacDon- Below i. given it lid of moat of the
aid will he away for two month. and (•hitt eyelet., w'tlt tit,. n;.niHr'•
Mr.. Maeltotlald will remain for * Baseball nartFh-.4111 i c•I,ow'nVJy W.
bower cf.it with her daughter. Mrs. J. ?IlN,tton and N. AV; Tlo'trarthn.-,
Xrw4on-Itrnds. Rion. 1t;tnt
At the meeting of the water and Mr. Fronk Allen ant daughter. Mrs. W. J. SINoton.. , 1 N. W. 'Crgwnrtha 1,
Light co wed..eon on Thursday last a Grosse, of Little Sugmieo. Wiseonedit. A. 1.: Krwitt..:.1 Ray l'nttersam..1
ietter -from the Provincial Hydrfeelat•- were here last week visiting Mr. It. Irwin 1Tor ).9 1. !toughly 1
tri• lower ('ommission was at - • A •• ' Kylie ,_... •( . . -Lit i•o..r..,. t -
got�1le_utL . alrsnct:-=
ffi{P-'1TiM'P t7it1terlcb: would lie a ladened street. an other relatives. Mr. Allen W. };Iden a 1). mom) 1 li
4..0 per horsepower from Jnnaary 1st- wn. born in Goderl •h. but left here J. McNabb 1 .1. Moffatt 0
111.'1; taw .rlwdule of rates to eon• fifty-two years ago. He had n very It. 51, Elliott .'.0.1. furter 0
sinners would remain the mine. The, intereesting time loo Irp'old haunt. W. it. Elliott , . ,0 A. H, Se•b 0
advance In the rate Is. of course. nut1 and boyhood friends.
- _
twtINtact0re to the dub
al commhwn: 4 S
and it wa,u left with the chairman to I It,itterir. for IsAh sides--gturgron'
Interview' the Provincial ('ommtsnion Bo Nos gager and Welton. i'n.pire--%V. Lane.
In the matter. - Mallard•l tuts I l ootisill tnatrh-sides .hoi.en- liy W.
ttoht ■Ieed-
An •to•onnt from the Provincial °k...,..._
4'ommlwion for firmer,. due tntm ties
town wa. preaent4rl, and the engineer
was in,truo•terl to Infnnn tie_('ommis-
slon that the amount due would to
twhn•ed when funds rhvuId be area -
The engineer reported'tlaat 11 would
Boat approximately *106 ypnn install
wafer sersiee for Mr. WemleyllieLewn's
hones on Bridge street. aril it was
deckled that the service. should he In-
stalled upon 3tr. Mel.naan's agreeing to
pay an anneal sum of et least ten per
cent. on the chat of lostallatlon for a
term of five yearn.
On the unmet of Mr. R. Anatol it
was decidM to have a water nervier
buttoned at the ,smell perk at the ear -
ter of Bruce and St. Vincent tame..
The engine a was instructed to call
for tendons for the painting of the
standpipe. and it war also deckled to
have the electric light standard. and
hydrostat oh the Square repainted.
The secretary wen instrw'ted to ob-
tain prices on • two or three cars of
lump coat.
Several appllrattmus for water and
electric light ,er•v11ea were passed.
B eat Cirri' tar Years.
the .ummer Wilt her uncle :1kr1 awlt,, ',ConroyClerkHolman actw1 Is, clerk
Sir. and Mr.•. Jamas I.. hd:l• lvan, of '0• .port. 1111.1 iutreahn•..l the
diRrn•ut"rrr191:. At tlu' evN«diwGNru(
Mr. J. It. Kel,I eepararturr•o1 tt14 t:.wen' elle Kane- the jritkniek• r. ac,•r1• is -
water and lightbt department. 11:18 taken ..,mlJed :nil brh•f, nddr•w,', earn•
ill yesterday with an struck of (Ip , - 11eu11}_ the- a.uar4..as„tt.ri►rwsrrrt
Isl-tnlietti. -tett g triun w• r.'. t fit �tTt q•.,r.Ien, euro of the a'5rvna141". rr•
his home on LiRhth[N1 aP tracer- I Mr. .lohu Laporte and • Mr. W. H.
descend to terra firma to get his ttar-
inR.. chs of tJw neighbor. 'tell el In
to the Fact Strut w$ rage for a ear to
he sent out Hr bring Mr. High+tone in-
to (:.Nlerich for 1se•w•sary repair. and
a supply of X69o119e. Afterward. Mr.
1t•w. William. took Trim 0111 again to
where his 'plan' wits laid up. and he
were anxiously awaiting his arrival.
He left Galexkh In a southerly .knw-
tion, intending to go around the end
of lake Huron rather than to cross it.
Water and light 'Coasdasi.e,
Ing Piles. Ito
snrglost oper-
ation required.
Dr, News's Olntaens will rMibva ys% at owe
and agord twang Wasat Mc. • Lox • all
dealers, or Jsdaanaon. Bates a Oo., Lsaiesd„
Toronto. gamala BR e you easloa this
piper sad gessMa en
gessoes se. stay to pay psaayw
The John Robineon circus which ex-
hi1rItM at Agrirultural Park ooq� Sat-
urday last was the Lrgedt and' bail!
cirrus that 1M shown in town In
many years. The circus arrived 1n
town jest beton dawn, tummy over
the (Lund Trunk in two se•tlons, mono
tiering about thirty mire, from Strat-
ford, where It exhibited the Hay he
fore. Thera was a egged -of people af-.
the G. T. R. height yards to watch
the circus wagon, and aslaaalw being
salaaded. The wagons aid estimate
, „ e r,
Greeting Cards for
every, occasion
Religious Mottoes
Birthday Cards and Bodckts
Wedding Congratulations
Wedding Anniversaries
Birth Amssuneeenente
Congratulation Carat
f a Cards of Sympathy
Tlsttydt You Cards
Spiendld aawottment of • local
View Cards t
Smith's Art Store
twat et. Phone 195
711,"•T�'"+R'�f.4.'o'.'?F•'tN tir•U'f+e qi Mr' .¢F t+7.`u'niP^vW T'j•'.t4A°'1'>!'!'+u"� tk d1At*r4r ITP�`1±1+r'
Elston anal W. ('elutes.
Elston Coates
It. Ni. Elliott ii. Sturgeon
Iturhanan It. Sturgeon
Rey 1 tolls
- 3thehell
Fraser -
Douglas s
Erwin ,
M.Xa 11 t
Day bison
Portion - R'. It. Elliott
Klettp Nese.
Result -Elston 2, Coates 1,
Itef. ree, W. Irene. Timekeeper, R.
J. Miller. -
711R•of-wear--.idea. chosen by 4. Tip -
ling and A. H.
TIM ing Neeb
:McNabb Coates
Elston tt Moffatt.
Cntrie R. "M. Elliott
Opotton tl Kldpp
Mern'r • Trema rtha
Imports. 1y, - -Rallis
Erwin 1)olg
Reynolds Farrier
Dr. (lark /tiovrnles'k
Pardon i Ttrntglae
Won by Neth In two straight!.
Referees -Petty and lame.
Standing helm' Jump -11. Stnt•Rtes,
Xe1Non Govenlo'k. R. M. Elliott, end
A. E. Erwin to oMer named.
Hop. atop •nd jump--feturgenn,
(iorenl0ck, F.Illntt, F,rwln and Purim'.
in order named.
Fat roan's rams (over 200 Mel -
Reynolds. (`nates, McY.tM, Impute, In
order lamed.
WarhRl'w rues -W. R. Elliott, 3. M.
(:orenliwk, B. C. Petty, in order
named. Hayti, (LIwt.Mn. Currie and
Campbell left at the poet.
Needle race as Mem 4w'fore..
Mich praise is due the boss et Itsy
p e
Thursday, June 30, 102t-4
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
These dresses are very smart and made of the
better quality materials of muslin, organdy, com-
bination of organdy and muslin. Priced very
special for this week $8.95
Just received a new shipment of waists made
up of the following high-class quality goods' of
tricolette, georgette, silk, voiles, etc., to dear
at .........$5.95
Have you seen the latest in sleeveless smocks?
They are 'priced as low as 49c and 79c
All -wool monkey blouses in the popular
shades of rose, orange, mauve and Belgian blue,
for special selling • $2.95
We are clearing out all hose, front 29c to $1.39
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
Headquarters and Factory : 456 Queen St. W., Toronto
11.1.1, %%Int to11111,1 an excellent battery
for Paull si,k in Un• Ic, n•1v,ll watch
and t.N.k :1 l.r.•toiuWill lea 11 ill 11e 10.'i
1.111 and ooh• r g9111••• ,Ind 151 .•1,•1) 11uy
,li.l e, Much 1.. wake the 11.1y a slaves.
55,..aiant( ..alud•• 1111. .,..•,1,14 of
tin• picnic w 111,91 ••xutnluµ, tt, iik-
:i1NI e,ugnU 11141: n110, 1. the l:i1.ii•, fele
the ,.x,v•11e•t,t pn.+i•iou mealv for the
iu181' w:111 in the •{de•Inlll thin;,-- !owl
the_ w •, .•-
1 e all ,11141 for 1 h l
it 11 1•
' and ,•.-. e{- mit. red
. w manner in the h th r
h ant t ui.0 ,
into the prograta. l'imttk.i 8r' .111.-
1ur•Ilse to the '•x-N'anittli• •.1 the comity
for their attenda114,• 11.1 interest in
the event ---of- the tiny% eq.-eitity to
that. wolatk•rful vcien111. \Ir. 'rhe.. E.
I114ys, of Mrhillop, who ',s'igiGyl NN•
\Varvte '- chair forty -hyo yvslr. apo
anti who yet. in sats• ..f hi•
Inn 1141.4.4 a keep. talilNta y.uthhll 1n-
14 r. --t i, everything pertaining to the
p)litiaal. 0151104.4sl1 and ...wilt' life of
the people. Ills elle•;', as well a.
r. W.I. full of tires :11NI
of 'mn•h ylnulger mew
the, mimes of the ex -
1,t. ale mnuicslality
and the year of !Ave:
MekMop- 1sift
ten W41 nosh-- I1�17.
4 Niton-- 17114.
I114,w' of the edit
11•W't'il ion wortl'y
I'oikrwitur are
R'urvlenr pre..•
••4,91 n l)nw ut•.1
'I"Mn. E Ilay•.
t. T. ('elrrie•. E.
ih,eld (':,ni••lon.
1. sr, Gov"tll,s-k, 51.1'.1', Slclxlyol.-.
W. It. Elliott. Stephen-- Vito.
.1 X. L„�ptwll_ 1< Wawrlaa,b-19111._
Gro. C. 1't'113. 11.0.5111-- l t r20. •
Inter 1'. Dug, HoniiWar-
den. -- - —
A number from Goderich went down to
Zurich on Tuesday- evening to see the
game between Zurich and Stratford.
Stratford got five runs in the hist two
inntags, while Zurich had none. Ohlert.
Zurich's importedpiteher, was then taken
Out of the box and Clarence Hoffman did
the twirling for the rest of the game and
did not allow Stratford another run. On
the other haral, the Zurich hatters began
to hod the hall. and the game ended 0-5
in favor of Zunch. Lavelle pitched the
entre game for Stratford. The home
team got two homeruns in one innings.
the ball going into the field to the right of
the grounds, which is divided from the
playing field by a barbed• wire fence over
which the fielder has to climb. A batter
could cucaut the bases two or three times
while the fielder is climbing the fence and
hunting for the ball on the other side.
Zurich, however. had the best of their
opponents in batting, whihr Stratford
*ere smarter in fielding.
- Tournament Gaines.
Here is how the teams will line up' at
Agriclittural Park on July First :
Clinton vs. Purity Flour at 1 l a: m.
CteditiM vs• Zurich at 3 p: m.
The winners of the mining and after-
noon.games\will play. of/ immediately
following. \ -
I:old Medfltl for Hest Batter.
The following Utter has been received
by Secretary" Bark; of the Purity Flour
Oseball club from ht Sidney Malco mson
o' Nen Westminster, , C formerly, of
Mr. m. Barlow.
Lary Goderict413aaei(all Club,
CtoderIt: h.
My dear r. Barlow, -As 1 an; taking in
the Oki } e Week in Godench m
August, and would like to do soinelhing
to further the goat work you are doing in
the baseball line, 1 would like to donatT a
gold medal, say for the best batting
average of your team either for the -wawa
or for the days of the tournament at the
Old Home Week. I am just making this
as a suggestiop, for you may give the
medal in any *ay that you think would
be for the best.
1 take a keen interest in the game and
am Iookin' forward to being with you in
Jtugust fora iew days.
Wishing you every success and hoping
to see you later, 1 am,
Sincerely yours,
Mr. Makomson is one of Oodetich's
bat-knnown c)Id Boys., and in years gone
by Mas one of the mainstays of the base•
ball team, holding down the position of
backstop. The management and players
of the present team desire to thank Mr.
Malaomson for his• kind donation, and
assure him there will be keen competition
by the players to become the pomace of
ilk trophy. 1t has been decided to award
the medal to the best batter on the Purity
Flour team in the games to be played in
the tournament during Old, Horne Week.
If a tie should occur in the number of
hits obtained, total bases will count. Mr.
Makutsraon, who will be in Godetith that
week, will be asked to present the medal
to the winner.
" V nu Had Itc4ter Walvis Out 1"
A despatch from Palmerston states :
It was made known this morning that the •
North Wellington- fiasebaH Asen'tiation •
executive demand the sworn evidence• of
all -ablated clubs win have not the play-
ers' cfrtificates in the hand. of Secretary
Horning of this town on or before June'
.10, 1'9'21, as to wny the rules and regal -
awns were not being strietty carried out.
fhe seiretary today advised that he load- I
reason to believe that some clubs had
sent in names 'd players in the registration
lists -who could not possiblyst;n a certificate
in the N. W. B. A. and were playing these
men, holding back the certificates until
the last minute ; such cases will be
handled and the- clubsat fault will be
strictly disciplined. Other teams reported
to have pros in their ranks will also be
Some of the clubs are reported to
have been using London players in their 1 -
league games contrary to rules, but the
names of these players are being withheld
waiting the explanations pf their actions.
and if the explanation is not satisfactory
these men will no doubt he suspended:
Who will wear the gold medal ?
Teeswater defeated Wingbam. at the
former town on Monday by the score of
6to 5. Wingham had not been defeated
1 be4orethis season,
When IDe Goderich team play at
Zurich they always inset on ,[round rules.
owing 10 fences and .other tabs* ru:lions in
' the outfieli. Two homeruns were made
in the game by Zurich against Stratford
on Tuesday, which on a fair field would
probably have been good for only two
bases. These two runs raved Zurich from
defeat. •
The reason why the Stratford baseball
team..wh,ch had been 'advertised to take
part in -the -tournament here tomorrow.
will not be here. is that the Stratford
team is managed by fhe Board of Coin-.
merce of that city and at the last moment
the Board ordered the team to remain ala
home that day.
()wing to Stratfor 8 not being able to
play in Goderich on- July First. Clinton
has agreed to strengthen up their team
and take Stratford's place in the -tourna-
ment, and a good gain,' may be looked for
on the 'morning of Dominion Day. -
How They Stand in District No, 1.
Won. Lost.
Zurich. Il • 1
Purity Flour -- . 5 3
CredStrattford. -.;--,774-77.17,724-..-:141ton i 2' 4
Clinton. .... .. 0
Ikey and izzy were separating atter as •
evening together when Ikey said, "Au
"Vat's dat ?" asked hey.
:"Oat's 'good -by' in French." -
"Vell." said Izzy, "Carbolic acid. '
"Vat's dat ?" asked Ikey.
'Dot's 'good-bye' in any language." .
No one can do as much for you as you
can do for yourself.
The faster the pace, the sooner a man
reaches the end of his rope. -
A lazy man is no worse than a dead
- one, but he takes up more room.
}_s _
One Dollar
by- bridging your K. & S.
Coupons to me.
1 redeem all K. & S.
Coupons for One Dollar.
A large shipment of
K. ei S. TIRES
just received. i
Opera House Bleck
Kingston St . Goderiell